A way to transform a template chart/map into an editable template?

I've been curious about this for a while now, so I was hoping that perhaps some of you knowledgeable people in here could shed some light on this for me.
I often use Adobe Illustrator to create charts, maps and diagrams that contains texts for my employer. Basically, he tutors in business development on the highest level, and I provide him with graphics, powerpoint presentations, animations, and a lot of other stuff for his seminars.
Now, sometimes we use our charts and maps without content (ie. no text, arrows, etc.) so that he can let the companies fill out the values themselves during their exercises in the training course.
However, my (or should I say, OUR) problem has always been to figure out a way for me to 1) create a template in Illustrator, and 2) convert the template into an editable chart, or map, to fill out with text, arrows, etc.
I've just finished a small test, though, and it looks fairly alright.
What I did was to create the template map in Illustrator, save it as a PDF file, and then open the PDF file in Adobe Acrobat Pro and insert Form Fields in the empty boxes (the boxes in the map has to be empty, as the companies has to fill out these boxes with values that correspond to their own agenda (read: business)).
After filling out the boxes with Form Fields, I saved it, and re-opened it to try and enter some default texts, and it seemed to work quite well.
What I am wondering, however, is if there is a much more effective way to create a graphic template chart/map that can be edited by others easily and effectively.
Perhaps anyone in here knows of a viable solution?

function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
...they'd need Acrobat Pro in ordre to fill out the form fields and save the document on their own hard drive...
No they wouldn't.
1. Create the artwork in Illustrator or whatever.
2. Save as PDF.
3. Open in Acrobat Pro. Add the desired form fields.
4. Enable the file for Reader Extensions.
The file can now be opened in the freely-distributed Adobe Reader. The fields can be edited, and the file can be saved with the edits, printed, etc. by the end-user, using nothing but Reader.
Your description of your task is too vague. Why don't you show an example of exactly what you want to do? For example, you talk about graphs being updated by the end-user's data input. That's not going to happen with a basic PDF form. You can do the steps described above, but editing the PDF fields is not going to cause the graph artwork to update according to the new values.
Basically, your too-general description suggests you want an easy and quick way to build what amounts to (practically speaking) a standalone interactive application, without entailing a lengthy learning process. Truth is, Adobe graphic apps aren't really going to provide that without a significant learning curve in Flash or scripting or some combination of programs. PDF forms features can be used for some very basic interactivity, but not like you describe, without getting into the minutia of embedding Flash SWFs in the PDF, etc.
If you understand Flash, it is an option. Flash is not just for deployment on the web. You can create standalone runtime apps with Flash. But again, learning how to build and script an interactive graph in Flash is not a trivial matter. And while Flash is certainaly geared toward real-time interactivity, it's not out-of-the-box geared toward responding to and writing to database records. (It can be made to do that, but again there's a significant learning curve.)
Illustrator's XML-based Variables feature is pretty much useless outside of the native Illustrator application. (Frankly, I find it pretty much useless even within the program.)
The fact is, although Adobe apps are just now beginning to add a few "me too" features to make them more useful for changing-data driven graphics, they are way late to the game. It's really not a clean and simple process. And in typical Adobe fashion, the intention seems to be toward convoluted dependency upon several Adobe apps and technologies; Adobe apps don't really provide the straight-out-of-the-box, rapid-development, minimal-fuss data-driven solutions that business users need.
Of course, the most obvious platform for what you have so-far described would simply be Excel. No, it doesn't export standalone runtime applications, but it's so ubiquitous among business users, it's a safe bet your end-users can work with it. Regarding data-driven maps, you might look at Microsoft MapPoint.
Depending somewhat upon the nature of the graphs, maps, etc. that you're talking about (which you do not describe to any suitable degree), I'd consider building a solution in FileMaker Pro. FMP is an easy-to-use and very versatile relational database program. It provides basic graph types (that can nonetheless be used to display not-so-basic data analysis). It can export directly to PDF. It can be bound as a standalone runtime application (graphing excluded). It can deployed via the web with its own built-in Instant Web Publishing engine. The main advantage is that it is actually a database. So entering and saving data for multiple end users or multiple what-if scenarios, integrating values from any number of related data tables, live calculations, and/or logic, is standard fare--each data change can be a separate record in the database.
For example: I have a FMP database containing some 23,000 or so records. Several of the Layouts (views) of those records have live curve graphs that illustrate things like sales trends over time. The graphs are entirely live. As you flip through the records, the graphs display the curves for the current record. If the data in the fields is changed, the graphs update in real time. That solution can be viewed and worked with in a web browser from anywhere.
But for good advice, you need to provide a good description of what exactly you need to do.

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  • Is there a way to create Timecard Templates from backend?

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    Is there a way to create Timecard Templates from backend? I tried to create one with the following steps, but did not work. Throws a HXC_HXT_DEP_VAL_ORAERR
    The Oracle error is: &ERROR
    1. Create TIMECARD_TEMPLATE scope BB using hxc_timestore_deposit.create_bb
    2. Create Template_Name Attribute on the above BB
    3. Create DAY BB
    4. Create DETAIL BB for DAY BB
    5. Create Attribute BB for Hours Worked element on the DETAIL BB above
    6. Call hxc_timestore_deposit.execute_deposit_process(p_validate => FALSE
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_messages => l_tbl_messages
    ,p_mode => 'SAVE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    --p_retrieval_process   => 'BEE Retrieval Process'
    , p_template => hxc_timecard.c_yes
    ,p_timecard_id => l_new_timecard_id
    ,p_timecard_ovn => l_new_timecard_ovn
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Application Release is 12.0.4, those notes do not help. Here is the complete script.
    l_tbl_timecard_info hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info;
    l_tbl_attributes_info hxc_self_service_time_deposit.app_attributes_info;
    l_tbl_messages hxc_self_service_time_deposit.message_table;
    --l_token_table                  hxc_deposit_wrapper_utilities.t_simple_table;
    l_blocks hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info;
    l_attributes hxc_self_service_time_deposit.app_attributes_info;
    l_tc_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_day_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_detail_bb_id hxc_time_building_blocks.time_building_block_id%TYPE;
    l_existing_tc_id hxc_timecard_summary.timecard_id%TYPE:= NULL;
    l_deposit_process hxc_deposit_processes.NAME%TYPE:= 'OTL Deposit Process';
    l_count_building_block PLS_INTEGER;
    l_message fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;
    l_approval_style_id NUMBER;
    l_new_timecard_id NUMBER;
    l_tc_days_counter NUMBER;
    l_new_timecard_ovn NUMBER;
    l_resp_id NUMBER := 50597; -- Responsibility US Employee Services
    l_application_id NUMBER := 809; -- Application HXC
    l_user_id NUMBER := 118189; -- FLORESR
    -- 1. Set Apps Context
    fnd_global.apps_initialize (l_user_id, l_resp_id, l_application_id);
    -- 2. Get Approval Style ID
    l_approval_style_id := TO_NUMBER(hxc_preference_evaluation.resource_preferences(411669,'TS_PER_APPROVAL_STYLE',1,SYSDATE));
    dbms_output.put_line('l_approval_style_id = '||l_approval_style_id);
    -- 3. Create TIMECARD_TEMPLATE BB similar to the logic in hxc_timestore_deposit.create_timecard_bb passing the scope as TIMECARD_TEMPLATE instead of TIMECARD
    -- We are starting with a new timecard so clear the global tables
    -- hxc_self_service_time_deposit.initialize_globals;
    -- Also clear the local PL/SQL table
    -- hxc_timestore_deposit_util.clear_building_block_table(p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info);
    l_count_building_block := l_tbl_timecard_info.LAST;
    -- PROCEDURE clear_building_block_table (
    -- p_app_blocks IN OUT NOCOPY hxc_block_table_type
    -- 'generate' a TBB ID
    IF (l_count_building_block IS NULL)
    l_tc_bb_id := -2;
    -- never start at -1 because that has a special meaning in the deposit
    l_tc_bb_id := - (l_count_building_block) - 2;
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Timecard');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_timecard_bb (p_start_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/26 00:00:00')
    ,p_stop_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/10/09 23:59:59')
    ,p_resource_id => 411669
    ,p_resource_type => hxc_timecard.c_person_resource
    ,p_approval_style_id => l_approval_style_id
    ,p_comment_text => 'Come on start working'
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_bb (p_time_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_type => hxc_timecard.c_range_type
    -- p_measure => DEFAULTS TO NULL
    ,p_unit_of_measure => NULL
    ,p_start_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/12 00:00:00')
    ,p_stop_time => fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('2011/09/25 23:59:59')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => NULL
    -- Timecard Template does not have a parent -- May need to check on this parameter
    ,p_parent_is_new => NULL
    ,p_scope => hxc_timecard.c_template_scope -- Template Scope
    -- p_object_version_number => DEFAULTS TO 1
    -- p_approval_status=> p_approval_status
    ,p_resource_id => 411669
    ,p_resource_type => 'PERSON'
    ,p_approval_style_id => l_approval_style_id
    -- p_date_from => DEFAULTS TO SYSDATE
    -- p_date_to => DEFAULTS TO hr_general.end_of_time
    ,p_comment_text => 'Template Trials'
    -- p_parent_building_block_ovn => DEFAULTS TO NULL
    -- new => DEFAULTS TO 'Y'
    -- changed => DEFAULTS TO 'N'
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    dbms_output.put_line('After creating Timecard l_tc_bb_id = '||l_tc_bb_id);
    -- 4. Create PRIVATE TEMPLATES Attribute Category and Template Name passed from UI
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Template_Name Attribute');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Template_Name'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'Trial Template from Code'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Template_Type Attribute');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Template_Type'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'PRIVATE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    -- Below will be in a loop later
    -- 5. Create the DAY BB
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating DAY BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_day_bb(p_day => fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2011/09/26')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_tc_bb_id -- returned by create_timecard_bb
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DAY BB l_day_bb_id = '||l_day_bb_id);
    -- 6. Create DETAIL BB for first shift, lunch and second shift
    dbms_output.put_line('Create DETAIL BB for first shift, lunch and second shift');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 06:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 64869');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'64869' -- 01 Hours Worked
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Detail BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:00:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 65172');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'65172' -- 02 Unpaid Lunch
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Detail BB');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_detail_bb(p_type => 'RANGE'
    -- ,p_measure => NULL -- Pass Null as its a template
    ,p_start_time => to_date('2011/09/26 11:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_stop_time => to_date('2011/09/26 14:30:00','YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS')
    ,p_parent_building_block_id => l_day_bb_id
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_time_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    dbms_output.put_line('After Creating DETAIL BB l_detail_bb_id = '||l_detail_bb_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('Creating Attribute 64869');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.create_attribute(p_building_block_id => l_detail_bb_id
    ,p_attribute_name => 'Dummy Element Context'
    ,p_attribute_value => 'ELEMENT - '||'64869' -- 01 Hours Worked
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    -- 7. Deposit the Template
    dbms_output.put_line('Deposit the Template ');
    hxc_timestore_deposit.execute_deposit_process(p_validate => FALSE
    ,p_app_blocks => l_tbl_timecard_info
    ,p_app_attributes => l_tbl_attributes_info
    ,p_messages => l_tbl_messages
    ,p_mode => 'SAVE'
    ,p_deposit_process => l_deposit_process
    -- ,p_retrieval_process => 'BEE Retrieval Process'
    , p_template => 'Y'
    ,p_timecard_id => l_new_timecard_id
    ,p_timecard_ovn => l_new_timecard_ovn
    dbms_output.put_line('l_new_timecard_id = '||l_new_timecard_id);
    IF (l_tbl_messages.COUNT <> 0) THEN
    i := l_tbl_messages.FIRST;
    EXIT WHEN (NOT l_tbl_messages.EXISTS (i));
    l_message := fnd_message.get_string (appin => l_tbl_messages (i).application_short_name,
    namein => l_tbl_messages (i).message_name);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_tbl_messages (i).message_name);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (l_message);
    i := l_tbl_messages.NEXT (i);
    END IF;

  • What is the best way to apply a template to the rebranded partner site?

    My partner site got severely jacked up when I was brand new to BC.
    Since then I've overwritten it in Muse while attempting to "try' it as well.
    Apparently does some "cleaning" meaning the template files I once had access to in the templates folder got deleted. bleh.
    Is there a quick way to apply another template I own to that site such as publishing a trial site and re-pointing dns or anything that direct and smart; or is the only way to do it a manual, one by one by one of files, modules, content holders and so on?

    Hey there,
    If you want to access those partner site templates, layouts and everything else, here are some FTP details you can use:
    host: maxdesigncompany.businesscatalyst.com
    username: maxdesigncompany.businesscatalyst.com/[email protected]
    password: password
    Feel free to log in through FTP and download the whole site. All the modules should work since the module IDs on your site will match those on this site.

  • Is there a way to rename a template without breaking existing pages using the 'old' template?

    Hi guys,
    I am using CQ 5.4. and I want to refactor existing code of a project. Part of that involves renaming existing templates. Renaming one locally, I saw that existing pages break because they can't 'find' the old template. is there a way to rename a template without breaking those pages?

    I'm not aware of any GUI tool that does this in Leopard. you can change the names of the share points by hand by editing the appropriate plists located in /private/var/db/dslocal/nodes/Default/config/SharePoints/ but that's a pretty horrible way to do it and is the opposite of user friendly. don't know any other way though.

  • Way to build generic template

    We're in the process of evaluating XML Publisher to see if it will suit our needs for pulling all our legacy reports together. We have a lot of reports that have extremely simple formatting requirements. Most of them are just in the form of:
    select foo as "Foo", bar as "Bar", baz as "Baz"
    from a, b, c
    where ....;
    The only thing that really changes, output-wise, is the number of columns and the name of the columns. Is there a way to build a template that would be able to handle ALL of these queries with a standard look, so we don't have to build one for every single one?

    Hi Stephen
    Certainly can, two approaches one more restrictive than the other.
    1. You can build a template that will render any XML data into a tabular or form layout ie it does not matter what the XML tags are. In the template you ignore them and just layout whatever you have in the XML. Its going to be fixed output and users are not going to be able to change the layout v easily.
    2. If all your extractions generate XML with exactly the same tags then you can build one template for all of them. Advantage over 1 is that its going to be easier to change the layouts if needed.
    Regards, Tim

  • Best efficiently  way to transform a large rows ResultSet to Vector

    Best efficiently way to transform a large rows ResultSet to a 2-dimensional ArrayList or Vector in a minute ?
    If you can help me solve this problem , I 'll give you my duke .

    Why don't you use info objects? For example your table is having col1(number),col2(text/varchar),col3(text/varchar), create an info object like this,
    class MytableInfo implements java.io.Serializable {
    private int col1;
    private String col2;
    private String col3;
    public MytableInfo(int col1,String col2,String col3) {
    public int getCol1() {
    return col1;
    //Getter for other two properties too.
    and in your ResultSet class,
    Vector v = new Vector();
    while(rs.next()) v.add(new MytableInfo(rs.getInt(1),rs.getString(2),rs.getString(3));
    return v;
    So, it will be easier for retrieving the values later and it is a clean way of doing it.

  • What is the best way to make google earth style maps using Creative cloud

    I work in News.  I am trying to come up with the best way to create a google style map for our news stories.  I want to create a map that I can highlight certain counties and pinpoint certain spots on the map.  For example cities and landmarks.  So far we have been using our weather graphics system to accomplish making maps, or we have used google earth to make maps too.  From what I understand there would be a lot of leg work in the process of making a project that has a map database with any possible info I would need to make a map.  I need to be able to output the graphic in a Quicktime movie format, or at least a JPEG.  This would help us put the map on air for broadcasts.  Any suggestions, thoughts, advice on where to begin?  Am I wasting time?  Should I stick to google maps/earth?
    -Newsie WBBJ

    Don't leave it as an LOP file. FM will overwrite the contents every time. You may still have a ".backup.fm" version of this that will have your original table.
    Also, the approach mentioned should be the very last step when publishing the book, not something that you're continuously updating.

  • Embed an interactive google map into a PDF

    Hi there,
    I'm currently working on a client project where many different store locations need to use the same layout, but with a large map. In order to save costs for the client, the aim is that each store will edit the template to their own store. So I'm wanting to embed google maps into the pdf (which I've done via InDesign), where the store can simply drag the map and zoom in on their individual location (pins are not needed) and then print out their document. I've been able to make an interactive map using the html code google maps gives you in InDesign, and works fine in Adobe Content Viewer - but not in Adobe Acrobat, where it ends up as a static image. This happens regardless of wether I save it as an interactive PDF, or SWF file.
    Is there anyway to embed a dynamic, working google map into an interactive PDF document?
    (notes: I am working on iOS. The file will have to work on both Windows and Macintosh, but I understand that it may only work when the file is opened in Acrobat)

    giselabell wrote:
    (notes: I am working on iOS. The file will have to work on both Windows and Macintosh, but I understand that it may only work when the file is opened in Acrobat)
    How do you use InDesign on iOS ?

  • Get the mapping values from one message mapping into another message mappin

    Hi All,
    I created two graphical message mappings. In first message mapping i created one user defined function and set one global container parameter and I need to use this parameter in my second message mapping user defined function. But the global container parameters can be used in different user defined functions in same message mapping. So is there any way to use the values which are set in one message mapping into another message mapping. If yes, please help me how to get?

    Hi Koteswara rao,
      As you said global container parameters from first message mapping are not accessible from second message mapping program.
    i haven't faced situation like this.but, if you have some unmapped field in target message in first message mapping,you can put global variables data in that unmapped field.
    anyway the output of first message mapping would be input for 2nd messages mapping,so you can access global data(unmapped field filled with global data in 1st MM) from 2nd mapping program..

  • When I copy and paste from an online chart, some cells that had dashes or hyphens in them in the online chart paste into Numbers cells as dates, e.g., 12-13 pastes as Dec. 13, 2012.

    When I copy and paste from an online chart, some cells that had dashes or hyphens in them in the online chart paste into Numbers cells as dates, e.g., 12-13 pastes as Dec. 13, 2012.  I have tried changing the cell formats for that column from "automatic" to "text", but that doesn't fix it.  Is there a way to copy/paste this information without changing the original characters?

    If you know how many rows/columns you are planning to paste, then make the table that big BEFORE you paste.  In addition select all cells in the table by selecting any cell, then type the key combination <COMMAND>+a (for select all.
    Then use the cells inspector to make the cells formatted as text:
    I hope this helps

  • IB Error: Unable to read symbols from "UIKit" (not yet mapped into memory)

    I created a simple view program for iPhone, using IB to add a button and a label, once the button is clicked, the label text is changed.
    I am able to compile it fine, and ran it. The program/view showed up. But when I clicked on the button, the console showed this message:
    This GDB was configured as "i386-apple-darwin".warning: Unable to read symbols for "/System/Library/Frameworks/UIKit.framework/UIKit" (file not found).
    warning: Unable to read symbols from "UIKit" (not yet mapped into memory).
    I checked UIKit info, it's physically (full path) at:
    /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/SDKs/iPhoneOS2.0.sdk/System/Lib rary/Frameworks/UIKit.framework
    The relative path to SKD is:
    I'm running the latest SDK beta 8, OS X 10.5.4 latest update.
    Anyone had this bizarre problem? I was able to run all Apple samples fine.
    Please help!

    The answer is mentioned in a few other posts, but I thought I'd repeat it here, so that it's easier to find this solution in the future.
    I got the same problem trying to build an iPhone-Simulator application using another build process -- in this case, Boost Build. When I tried to run the program, it gave me the same nonsensical dynamic-library error.
    The problem is that the application you built for the iPhone Simulator is NOT a real application, even though it looks like one. You need to run it from within Xcode.
    In my case, I got around the problem by building the GLPaint sample using Xcode, copying over the executable it generated with the one I generated via Boost Build, then running GLPaint (actually my program now) from within Xcode. Then it worked.
    So far, it seems that Macintosh and iPhone are very unfriendly platforms to someone that's trying to port an existing project. Any attempt to do something, without completely buying into the Apple way of doing everything, leads to a torrent of cryptic undocumented errors. Even an old Unix guru like me can't keep up.

  • Embed Google Maps into Swing Application

    I am trying to build a swing application and i need to embed Google map into it.Is there any way to do this? Which component do i use?
    I guess i am having some difficulty with this because the Swing component needs to support the complex javascript that Gmaps uses.
    Please suggest some solution or API.

    look on google's site. they have some java component.

  • Message mapping currently being edited by user

    Hi Friends,
    I want to edit a message mapping but I facing the information that mapping is currently edited by user
    This is my user itself.
    I close my all XI sessions and login then also I face the same error.
    I also tried through XI home page -> Administration
    But here also I face issue   You are not authorized to view the requested resource.
    Kindly provide me any way by which I can able to unlock this object and do my task.
    Narendra Goyal

    You have to unlock that object.
    Go to XI Home page--> Administration --> Lock overviews
    & unlock your object.
    If you are not authorised for this, then ask your Basis admin to do so.

  • Inserting Google Map into a web page

    I am having severe difficulty in trying to insert a Google Map into my website at http://www.peterdewitscafe.co.uk.
    I have got a API key, then generated code to copy/paste as appropriate. After several attempts I can only get an error message saying:
    "The Google Maps API key used on this web site was registered for a different web site. You can generate a new key for this website at http://www.google.com/apis/maps/".
    When asked by Google to enter my URL I enter http://home.btconnect.com/peterdewitscafe/, as I understand that the key/code is specific to the server (my server is ftp.btconnect.com).
    My site is built with freeway. I'm wondering if there is a problem arising from the fact that I built an earlier site with the same URL in iWeb. But the freeway one is uploaded now and surely overwrites the old one doesn't it?
    Does anyone have any advice? - or is there no way around this problem.
    Any help will be very welcome.
    Regards toymaker1
    iMac Mac OS X (10.4.8)

    Have you actually tried this to see what it does?
    In Muse when you import the oam file the entire project within the file is extracted and placed within the folder structure of the Muse project and using an iFrame the Edge Animate animation is included into the html of the Muse project.
    Dreamweaver, Indesign and whatever other Adobe software that can import Edge Animate projects can't take the html and individual assetts like css and js and just use them. Instead you have to export the Edge Animate project into an oam file which is basically a zip file with folder structure and some instructions that tell where everything is and how they are linked together.  
    Indesign, Muse, Dreamweaver then takes this file and exports out the oam folder into the current folder structure of the current opened project and brings in the assetts.  In Muse it uses an iFrame to bring in the Edge Animate files, I don't know about Dreamweaver or Indesign.
    So you see, the oam is being used but when you upload the finished project it is not the oam that is uploaded but the actual html, css and js contained within.  Dreamweaver just needs the context of everything and it can only get that from the OAM file, it is only a container.
    If you wanted to take the Edge Animate assetts and put them together manually inside of dreamweaver you can do that but the OAM import is just faster because dreamweaver does it all for you. 
    All I can say is this is Adobe's way of doing things.

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