ABAP functions for BI Queries

Hi Experts,
We are trying to obtain a csv file from the data result of a query in a report. Like the option: rsrt, query visualization HTML, export to csv.
Is there any abap function we can use to achieve it ? Our SAP BI version is 3.X, so it's better if this function is used in 7.0 version too.
Thanks in advance.

Use ADP or RSCRM_BAPI tcode.
Analysis Process Designer (APD): Part - 1
Re: Running Quaries automatically and saving them in as a Excel file in Server
Re: Data transfer to external systems
Re: Loading from a Custom R/3 Table
Re: How can I schedule my Bex report to execute in background
Re: How can I insert the RSCRM_BAPI into Process chain?

Similar Messages

  • ABAP Functions for creating vendor

    I would like to create a program for creating vendor automatically by uploading a text file, where the text file contain the vendor information.
    Can I ask are there any ABAP function for creating vendor? I have searched a function BAPI_VENDOR_CREATE, but I don't know how to use it.
    Can anyone give me some ideas?
    Many thanks

    BAPI_VENDOR_CREATE is a online BAPI which calls the XK01 screen internally. There wont be any import or export parameters for this BAPI. If you have to upload from a text file, you can try with either of the options
    1) Use the standard program RFBIKR00 to upload the vendor from the flat file. check the documentation of the report for details
    2) Create a BDC recording on XK01 and upload the vendor from the flat file

  • ABAP Function for renaming of a planning level?

    Hi all,
    i wanna know if does exist an ABAP Function for renaming of a planning level or parameter group.
    Someone can help me please?
    Thanx a lot,

    <Font Face="Tahoma" Color="Blue">
    I don't think any such Function Module exists. Nonetheless I can give you a good hint.
    All the details of all planning objects (Planning Areas, Planning Levels, Planning Functions. Parameter Groups etc) are stored in UP* Tables. Just go to T-code SE11 and search for tables with name UP*.
    Once you know the tables, you can write your own customized ABAP code.
    PS: I can recommend above method to just read the details of Planning Objects. I don't think you should be ambitious to change planning object names by attempting to change system table contents. Hope you are getting me.

  • Standard ABAP functions for creating events?

    I'm a little bit confused which ABAP functions to use for creating academic events with schedules (e.g. lecture takes places each Friday at 4 pm), rooms and instructors attached.
    Data transfer documentation SAP team recently released ("SLCM Data Transfer" archive, "Intro" document, page 18) suggests <b>HRIQ_CREATE_EVENT</b> as a solution. However, after experimenting for a while, I noticed a note attached to this function that "DO NOT USE ANYMORE, USE <b>HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE</b>".
    So which one is the correct/recommended one? Also, if possible, I would prefer an RFC-enabled one.

    Hi Janek,
    We've created a custom RFC enabled function module to wrap the SAP function module HRIQ_CREATE_EVENT in.  We are on a 4.7 system.  Here is our code.  Hope it helps.
    FUNCTION zcep_event_create .
    *"*"Local interface:
    *"  TABLES
      DATA: is_schedule TYPE bapisched,
            schedule TYPE bapisched OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            capacity LIKE hri1024,
            wa_capacity LIKE hri1024 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            location LIKE bapilocdat-locid OCCURS 0,
            new_event_package LIKE p1000 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            objid  LIKE hrrootob OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            parent LIKE hrhctobjc OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            eventid TYPE hrobjid,
            event_id_out LIKE bapievdat-eveid,
            lt_1739 TYPE TABLE OF p1739,
            ls_1739 TYPE p1739,
            ls_error_record TYPE bapiret2,
            ls_nnnn TYPE wplog,
            open_resources_exits TYPE xfeld.
      DATA:  it_1035 TYPE piq_p1035_t,
             it_pt_1035t TYPE piq_hrt1035_t,
             it_daysoff TYPE piq_pt1035_t,
             it_daysfree TYPE piq_pt1035_t,
             ls_daysfree TYPE pt1035,
             ls_1035t TYPE hrt1035.
      DATA: it_bapiresou TYPE TABLE OF bapiresou,
            is_bapiresou TYPE bapiresou,
            resources TYPE bapiresou OCCURS 0.
      DATA: it_pa0002 TYPE TABLE OF pa0002,
            is_pa0002 TYPE pa0002,
            it_hrp1000 TYPE TABLE OF hrp1000,
            is_hrp1000 TYPE hrp1000,
            im_begda LIKE sy-datum,
            im_endda LIKE sy-datum,
            sobid LIKE hrp1001-sobid,
            event_counted_dates TYPE dayct,
            event_counted_hours TYPE hrsct,
            ndays TYPE p1035-ndays,
            nhours TYPE p1035-nhours.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_1035t> LIKE LINE OF it_pt_1035t.
      CLEAR gt_error_record[].
      SORT event BY short.
      SORT meeting_pattern BY eventname.
    *************************  Get Calender Date  *************************
      SELECT SINGLE begda endda FROM hrt1750 INTO (im_begda,im_endda)
              WHERE peryr = acad_year
                AND perid = acad_session
                AND timelimit = '0100'.
    ***************************  Create Event  ****************************
      LOOP AT event.
        CLEAR resources.
        LOOP AT meeting_pattern WHERE eventname = event-short.
    *********************  Create Schedule for Event  *********************
              plvar                = '01'
              istat                = '1'
              event_begda          = event-begda
              event_endda          = event-endda
              monday               = meeting_pattern-monday
              tuesday              = meeting_pattern-tuesday
              wednesday            = meeting_pattern-wednesday
              thursday             = meeting_pattern-thursday
              friday               = meeting_pattern-friday
              saturday             = meeting_pattern-saturday
              sunday               = meeting_pattern-sunday
              event_beguz          = meeting_pattern-start_time
              event_enduz          = meeting_pattern-end_time
              frequency            = '1'
              event_location       = meeting_pattern-location
              pt_1035              = it_1035
              pt_1035t             = it_pt_1035t
              pt_daysoff           = it_daysoff
              pt_daysfree          = it_daysfree
              no_date_number       = 1
              frequency_is_initial = 2
              OTHERS               = 3.
          LOOP AT it_daysfree INTO ls_daysfree.
                iv_date             = ls_daysfree-evdat
                ev_dayoff           = lv_dayoff
                otype_not_supported = 0
                OTHERS              = 0.
            IF lv_dayoff = space.
              MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_daysfree TO ls_1035t.
              APPEND ls_1035t TO it_pt_1035t.
    * no double entries
          SORT it_pt_1035t.
          DESCRIBE TABLE it_pt_1035t LINES event_counted_dates.
          CLEAR event_counted_hours.
          LOOP AT it_pt_1035t INTO ls_1035t.
            nhours = ( ls_1035t-enduz - ls_1035t-beguz ) / 3600.
            event_counted_hours = event_counted_hours + nhours.
            ADD 1 TO ndays.
          LOOP AT it_pt_1035t ASSIGNING <ls_1035t>.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_1035t> TO schedule.
            APPEND schedule.
          IF NOT meeting_pattern-room IS INITIAL.
            SELECT SINGLE short stext FROM hrp1000
                     INTO (is_hrp1000-short,is_hrp1000-stext)
                    WHERE plvar = '01'
                      AND istat = '1'
                      AND otype = 'G'
                      AND objid = meeting_pattern-room
                      AND begda LE sy-datum
                      AND endda GE sy-datum.
            SELECT SINGLE sobid FROM hrp1001 INTO sobid
                    WHERE otype = 'G'
                      AND plvar = '01'
                      AND istat = '1'
                      AND relat = '020'
                      AND rsign = 'A'
                      AND sclas = 'R'
                      AND objid = meeting_pattern-room
                      AND begda LE im_endda
                      AND endda GE im_begda.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              is_bapiresou-retid = sobid(8).
            LOOP AT it_pt_1035t ASSIGNING <ls_1035t>.
              is_bapiresou-resht = is_hrp1000-short.
              is_bapiresou-resxt = is_hrp1000-stext.
              is_bapiresou-resbg = <ls_1035t>-evdat.
              is_bapiresou-resed = <ls_1035t>-evdat.
              is_bapiresou-beguz = meeting_pattern-start_time.
              is_bapiresou-enduz = meeting_pattern-end_time.
              is_bapiresou-resid = meeting_pattern-room.
              is_bapiresou-restp = 'G'.
              APPEND is_bapiresou TO resources.
    * Instructor
          IF NOT meeting_pattern-instructor IS INITIAL.
            SELECT SINGLE nachn vorna FROM pa0002
                     INTO (is_pa0002-nachn, is_pa0002-vorna)
                    WHERE pernr = meeting_pattern-instructor
                      AND begda LE im_endda
                      AND endda GE im_begda.
    **************************  Meeting Pattern  **************************
            SELECT SINGLE objid INTO is_bapiresou-retid FROM hrp1000
                    WHERE plvar = '01'
                      AND langu = 'E'
                      AND otype = 'R'
                      AND mc_short = 'INST-CM'
                      AND begda LE im_endda
                      AND endda GE im_begda.
            LOOP AT it_pt_1035t ASSIGNING <ls_1035t>.
              is_bapiresou-resht = is_pa0002-nachn.
              CONCATENATE is_pa0002-vorna is_pa0002-nachn
                     INTO is_bapiresou-resxt
                SEPARATED BY space.
              is_bapiresou-resbg = <ls_1035t>-evdat.
              is_bapiresou-resed = <ls_1035t>-evdat.
              is_bapiresou-beguz = meeting_pattern-start_time.
              is_bapiresou-enduz = meeting_pattern-end_time.
              is_bapiresou-resid = meeting_pattern-instructor.
              is_bapiresou-restp = 'P'.
              APPEND is_bapiresou TO resources.
        wa_capacity-kapz1 = event-mincapty.
        wa_capacity-kapz2 = event-optcapty.
        wa_capacity-kapz3 = event-maxcapty.
        capacity = wa_capacity.
            planversion     = '01'
            event_id_in     = '00000000'
            event_short     = event-short
            event_stext     = event-stext
            status          = '1'
            begin_date      = event-begda
            end_date        = event-endda
            language        = sy-langu
            eventtype       = event-betype
            capacity        = capacity
            location        = meeting_pattern-location
            check_resources = ' '       "'X'
            vtask           = 'B'
            event_id_out    = event_id_out
            schedule        = schedule
            resources       = resources
            return          = return.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          return-type = 'E'.
          return-message = 'Error during save'.
          APPEND return.
        LOOP AT return WHERE id = 'HRPIQ000'
                         AND number = '846'.
          return-type = 'E'.
          return-message = 'Resources already in use'.
          APPEND return.
    **********************  Create Session offering  **********************
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_nnnn TO ls_1739.
        ls_1739-mandt = sy-mandt.
        ls_1739-plvar = '01'.
        ls_1739-otype = 'E'.
        ls_1739-objid = event_id_out.
        ls_1739-istat = '1'.
        ls_1739-begda = event-begda.
        ls_1739-endda = event-endda.
        ls_1739-aedtm = sy-datum.
        ls_1739-uname = sy-uname.
        ls_1739-infty = '1739'.
        ls_1739-peryr = acad_year.
        ls_1739-perid = acad_session.
        APPEND ls_1739 TO lt_1739.
        PERFORM create_infotype USING lt_1739
                             CHANGING ls_error_record .
        APPEND ls_error_record TO return.
        READ TABLE return  WITH KEY type = 'E'.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0 AND vtask = 'V'.
              vtask          = 'D'
              commit_flg     = 'X'
              corr_exit      = 1
              internal_error = 2
              OTHERS         = 3.
          IF sy-subrc NE 0.
            return-message = 'Error during save'.
            APPEND return.
    *********************  Create Relationship(E-SE)  *********************
        parent-objid = event_id_out.
        parent-otype = 'E'.
        APPEND parent.
        PERFORM create_relation TABLES parent
                                 USING 'B512'
                              CHANGING ls_error_record.
      IF vtask = 'V' AND ls_error_record IS INITIAL.
        PERFORM update_database CHANGING ls_error_record.
        APPEND ls_error_record TO return.
      DELETE return WHERE type IS INITIAL.

  • Standard ABAP functions for assign resources?

    Hi all.
    I would like to share this with you all.
    After loosing three days looking for any kind of standard FM to assign resources (rooms or instructors) to an event (E), I request your help.
    Any of you have found or used those functions in SAP?
    Thanks in advance for your support.

    Hello Roberto:
      the FM we're using is HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE, not very creative , but we found nothing more appropriate, and we found it very flexible to work with events (unluckily flexible is a synonym of complex and hard work).
    Let's move into when and how we used it:
    regular courses are still created using SAPgui
    we needed something more agile to use when a room or resource was needed for unusual activities (meetings for example), and no instructors were needed. We went into a web app. The user will indicate date(s), start and end time and resource. We developed a FM+webservice which "receives" the data inserted by the user and ends executing HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE. (precondition: we have a generic module created with its correpsonding event type needed to execute HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE)
    a previous step to the event creation (on a separate FM+webservice) will check for conflicts in the proposed resource reservation, where the user will see a report of conflicts and make necessary changes before submitting the reservation.
    Would you like to see our codes? Part of it is in Spanish which'll help you read the code

  • ABAP Function for opening Adobe Reader directly

    Hello Guys,
    new issue
    I am not very familiar with ABAP, is anybody able to tell me, which function do I have to use to start Adobe Reader after the user entered a couple of data within a SAPGUI menu?!
    At the moment I am using the Print Preview, but there I am not allowed to edit textboxes etc.
    Thanks a lot in advance

    call the <generatd function module name>
    pass the fillable propety of the docparams to 'X'.
    Do refer the e-learning session. and there are numerous threads on this issue in this forum.
    Thanks and Regards.

  • ABAP Function for Material Unit of measure check

    Hi Gurus,
    i need to find a FM, a sequence of FM or anything else that return the same list (in internal tables whould be great!) like when i try to change the UM on a material but there are some open items  and i got "DISPLAY ERRORS".
    i need this because using BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA i got only the message "The base unit of measure cannot be changed; choose "Display errors".

    This was my 1st try before coming here and found the function, but it retrieves informations from memory and the memory area is not filled when i use the BAPI.
    Anyway i solved otherwise.

  • BI Analyzer - "Allow Refresh Function for Individual Queries"

    I am working on Analyzer, can someone let me know how to enable the following option, I have tried it and it is not allowing me to enable it.
    Thangaraj Subbiah

    By using T-code RS_FRONTEND_INIT you can enable the option.
    1)Enter T-Code RS_FRONTEND_INIT
    2) Maintained Parameter value 'X' for ANA_SINGLEDPREFRESH
    Note: IF you don't have authorization,do changes in dev and transport to prd.

  • Issue in creating web service for a ABAP Function Module

    now i'm learning how to create web service for a ABAP Function Module. I used the following steps.
    1. select the Function Module, named "zws_test".
    2. in the context menu, select "create->proxy object". so we enter into wizard.
    3. in the wizard, press the radio button "Service Provider".
    4. in the next page, press the radio button "Existing ABAP Objects(Inside Out)".
    5. In the next page, Enter the "zws_test_prvider" as Service Definition and select "Function Module" as Endpoint Type.
    6. in the next page, enter "zws_test" as Function Module and mark the "Mapping der Namen" button
    7. in the next page,select "PRF_DT_IF_SEC_LOW" as Profile and mark "Deploy Service".
    8. Save in the local package.
    9. then it will pop up a window with title "WSDL Source". i selected "URL/HTTP Destination" and press "OK".
    10.in the next page, i enter the URL as "http://hostname:portnumber/", and press "OK".
    11. then it will pop up a window with title "Display logs". A record with error message "HTTP error(return code 404, message "Not found")" appears.
    12. i press "ok" and a service provider with name "zws_test_prvider" appears in my local package.
    13. i use "zws_test_prvider"'s URL to create a service consumer "ZCO_WS_TEST_CONSUMER" and logic portal "LP1".
    14. But when i test my service consumer "ZCO_WS_TEST_CONSUMER", it will throw an exception "cx_ai_system_fault" with errortext "SOAP:14 Unexpected element -el=definitions ns=http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/".
    15. I use t-code SM59 to test connection  and get the following info.
          Status HTTP Response     200
          Status Text                      OK
          Duration Test Call             328 ms.
    who can give me the reasons about item 11 and 14, and explain me how to create service provider and service consumer for a Function Module.
    Thanks in advance

    have you seen this weblog

  • Crystal Reports for VS2010 using a custom SAP ABAP function module data source

    I recently worked with Crystal Reports 2011 and was able to connect and retrieve data from our R/3 system via an ABAP function module. While researching other features, I found this version that can be installed into Visual Studio 2010. The parameters are not very user friendly in Crystal Reports so I was hoping to create a custom dialog to collect my report parameters.
    Does anyone know if I were to install Crystal Reports for Visual Studio 2010, would I be able to design a front-end selection screen in a Visual Basic form and then pass the input to through the Crystal Reports connection to my ABAP function module to retrieve the data filtered on the back-end by the selection screen parameters and return the results to be reported in the Crystal Reports output?
    I am using Visual Studio 2010 Professional Visual Basic with the .NET Framework 4.0 on 32-bit Windows 7. I was able to connect to our R/3 system in Crystal Reports 2011, so if I were to install Crystal Reports for VS2010, would there be a similar way of connecting to SAP?
    Any assistance or direction would be greatly appreciated.

    Hello Bryan
    I don't know for sure, but I doubt this will work in CRVS2010. Only hope is that the utility available for download in this KBA will point you in the right direction.
    - Ludek
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  • ABAP function module for Customer Specific Status

    I am looking for a standard ABAP function module that will return the customer specific status for a person. 
    Please let me know if any exists.

    Customer specific status for a person .
    Could you pleasee give more details...for what purpose  you are trying to get the status of a person. so that it will be easy for everyone to search

  • Abap function module for material standard price.

    Dear Team,
    Can anyone tell me the abap function module for getting material  standard price respective of date and material code as input.
    I have observe table MBEW, where we will get standard price of a material for last change date. Not getting any table where price is coming out wrt of Date for a same material.
    Thx in advance

    FM MSR1_MD_MATPRICE_GETLIST  should help.u.

  • Creating iView for BI queries and system

    Dear All
    I need your help in dealing with three challenges that i'm currently facing while trying to integrate BW into Portal.
    Challenge 1:</b>
    I am trying to create an iView for BI queries but it is giving the following exception
    Portal Runtime Error
    An exception occurred while processing a request for :
    iView : N/A
    Component Name : N/A
    Could not find portal application com.sap.ip.bi.base.application.
    Exception id: 04:32_26/06/07_0010_18800950
    See the details for the exception ID in the log file
    Can anyone help me in understanding what is it and how to resolve it?
    Not able to infer anything from logfile.
    System i created for connecting BW is OK for the connector test but fails for ITS and Web AS.
    <b>Challenge 2:</b>
    Is it necessary to for a system to pass all the tests (Web AS, ITS and Connector)?
    Systems that i create almost never pass Web As and ITS test
    SAP Web AS Connection
      Test Details:
    The test consists of the following steps:
    1. Check the validity of the system ID in the system object
    2. Check whether the system can be retrieved
    3. Check whether a SAP system is defined in the system object
    4. Validate the following parameters: WAS protocol; WAS host name
    5. Check HTTP/S connectivity to the defined backend application
    1. The system ID is valid
    2. Retrieval of the system was successful
    3. The system object represents an SAP system
    4. The following parameters are valid: Web AS Protocol (http) Web AS Host Name (eimreymdd0.eimskip.net:8001)
    5. HTTP/S connection failed
    ITS Connection
      Test Details:
    The test consists of the following steps:
    1. Check the validity of the system ID in the system object
    2. Check whether the system can be retrieved
    3. Check whether the system object has a valid system alias
    4. Check whether a SAP system is defined in the system object
    5. Validate the following parameters: ITS protocol; ITS host name
    6. Check the validity of any user mapping in the system object
    7. Check HTTP/S connectivity to the defined backend application
    1. The system ID is valid
    2. Retrieval of the system was successful
    3. Retrieval of the default alias was successful
    4. The system object represents an SAP system
    5. Some of the following parameters are invalid: ITS Protocol () ITS Host Name ()
    <b>Challenge 3:</b>
    Out of the two versions (SAP BW 2.x/3.x and SAP NetWeaver BI)available in the portal to create Bex iView which one do we have to use?
    I'm working on EP 7 and BW 7.

    If you are using BI 7 and EP 7, then you have to run either the post installation template from http://<host>:<port>/nwa ( Refer to Note 895736 - Configuration template for BI-JAVA usage type ) or Run program RSPOR_SETUP in BI.
    I would suggest you to run BI configuration template from nwa alias.
    To execute basic steps for automatically configuring the BI Java usage type for integration to the portal, proceed as follows:
    1. Call the template installer by choosing quick link /nwa: <PORTAL_PROTOCOL>://<PORTAL_SERVER>:<PORTAL_PORT>/nwa
    2. Under scenario, select BI Java.
    3. Choose the BIPostInstallProcess template. Under Template, the individual steps that are executed by this template are also provided.
    4. Choose Execute Template.
    5. Adjust the default values under Data Entry. Note the following with respect to the input values:
    ABAP_ADMIN and ABAP_PASSWORD are used for the RFC connection during installation
    BACKEND_HTTP_PORT can be determined using function module RSBB_URL_PREFIX_GET (or using the report)
    BACKEND_SID is the system ID for the BI system
    J2EE HOST and J2EE SID specify the J2EE Engine (AS Java)
    J2EE HTTP PORT is the HTTP port of the J2EE Engine and has the numbering convention 5<J2EE_SYSNUMBER>00 (for example, 51000 for the system number 10)
    P4PORT is the TCP/IP port of the Visual Administrator and can be calculated using <J2EE_HTTP_PORT>+4 (for example, 51004)
    6. Choose Install.
    You should only perform template-based configuration if the system has not been configured.

  • Error - Creating a Web Dynpro Application Accessing ABAP Functions

    Dear All,
    we are trying to implement a web dynpro application with accessing ABAP functions.
    Previous tasks:
    -     insert the ABAP system into the SLD from the NWDI System (Transaction RZ70; the ABAP system is correctly insert into the SLD => technical systems)
    -     equipped the JCO connections with the web dynpro content manager (ping and test = OK)
    It’s the standard tutorial out of the SDN called “Creating a Web Dynpro Application Accessing ABAP Functions”.
    Some hints:
    -     There are no errors after the implementation and the “rebuild” of the project in the NWDS
    -     The auto deployment works fine to the development runtime system. The application is shown in the Web Dynpro content manager
    -     The In the build log I found these entries:
    System.err] [Invoked from  com.sap.s2x.tools.GUID.getnodeaddress(GUID.java:585)]
    [System.err] java.net.UnknownHostException: FRASAPP562: FRASAPP562
    [System.err]      at java.net.InetAddress.getLocalHost(InetAddress.java:1191)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.s2x.tools.GUID.getnodeaddress(GUID.java:575)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.s2x.tools.GUID.<clinit>(GUID.java:179)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.s2x.tools.S2XGUID.getGUID(S2XGUID.java:19)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.metamodel.core.i18n.LanguageState.createS2XID(LanguageState.java:191)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.metamodel.core.i18n.S2XLanguageUnmarshaller.unmarshal(S2XLanguageUnmarshaller.java:52)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.metamodel.core.i18n.TextPoolProxy.loadLanguageState(TextPoolProxy.java:703)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.metamodel.core.i18n.TextPoolProxy.prepareLanguageForRead(TextPoolProxy.java:646)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.metamodel.core.i18n.TextPoolProxy.isEmpty(TextPoolProxy.java:222)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.checklayer.MDOChecker.check(MDOChecker.java:23)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.checklayer.view.ViewChecker.check(ViewChecker.java:52)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.checklayer.controller.ViewControllerChecker.check(ViewControllerChecker.java:96)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.checklayer.controller.ControllerChecker.check(ControllerChecker.java:119)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.checklayer.controller.ControllerChecker.check(ControllerChecker.java:56)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.checklayer.component.ComponentChecker.check(ComponentChecker.java:181)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.checklayer.component.ComponentChecker.check(ComponentChecker.java:56)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.generation.Generation.check(Generation.java:2039)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.generation.Generation.generatePersistentComponent(Generation.java:1296)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.ide.webdynpro.generation.console.GenerationConsole.generate(GenerationConsole.java:175)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.webdynpro.generation.ant.GenerationAnt.main(GenerationAnt.java:50)
    [System.err]      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    [System.err]      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    [System.err]      at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    [System.err]      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.webdynpro.generation.ant.WDGenAntTask.execute(WDGenAntTask.java:219)
    [System.err]      at org.apache.tools.ant.UnknownElement.execute(UnknownElement.java:275)
    [System.err]      at org.apache.tools.ant.Task.perform(Task.java:364)
    [System.err]      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.execute(Target.java:341)
    [System.err]      at org.apache.tools.ant.Target.performTasks(Target.java:369)
    [System.err]      at org.apache.tools.ant.Project.executeTarget(Project.java:1214)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildplugin.techdev.ant.util.AntRunner.run(AntRunner.java:112)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildplugin.DefaultAntBuildAction.execute(DefaultAntBuildAction.java:61)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildplugin.DefaultPlugin.handleBuildStepSequence(DefaultPlugin.java:213)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildplugin.DefaultPlugin.performBuild(DefaultPlugin.java:190)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildplugin.DefaultPluginV3Delegate$BuildRequestHandler.handle(DefaultPluginV3Delegate.java:66)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildplugin.DefaultPluginV3Delegate.requestV3(DefaultPluginV3Delegate.java:48)
    [System.err]      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    [System.err]      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:39)
    [System.err]      at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:25)
    [System.err]      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:324)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildtool.v2.impl.PluginHandler2.maybeInvoke(PluginHandler2.java:350)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildtool.v2.impl.PluginHandler2.request(PluginHandler2.java:102)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildtool.v2.impl.PluginHandler2.build(PluginHandler2.java:76)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildtool.PluginHandler2Wrapper.execute(PluginHandler2Wrapper.java:58)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.devconf.impl.DCProxy.make(DCProxy.java:1723)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.devconf.impl.DCProxy.make(DCProxy.java:1495)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildcontroller.CBSBuildController.build(CBSBuildController.java:727)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildcontroller.CBSBuildController.execCommand(CBSBuildController.java:503)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildcontroller.CBSBuildController.evalCmdLine(CBSBuildController.java:442)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildcontroller.CBSBuildController.run(CBSBuildController.java:314)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildcontroller.CBSBuildController.exec(CBSBuildController.java:252)
    [System.err]      at com.sap.tc.buildcontroller.CBSBuildController.mainLoop(CBSBuildController.java:207)
    -     I’m able to start the application out of the Web Dynpro content manager with “run” => only the user interface is displayed without any functionality
    -     The “normal” start over the NWDS fails => error text
    “com.sap.tc.webdynpro.services.sal.core.DispatcherException: The requested deployable object 'local/J08_Flugdat_Daventdcflight~xxx.com' and application 'FlightListApp' are not deployed on the server. Please check the used URL for typos.”
    There two different URLs in use.
    Start via NWDS:
    Start via web dynpro content manager:
    For test purposes, we started the BAPI (BAPI_Flight_Getlist) on the ABAP system directly. It works.
    Any ideas about the system behaviours (different URLs and missing functionality)?
    Thanks a lot in advanced!
    Best regards

    The Error has been solved – The implementation of a method was missing....

  • Custom JAVA/ABAP functions in VC

    Hello gurus!
    status: I'm using NW2004s: EP7 SP8 & BI SP9;
    In visual composer I am trying to shuffle/duplicate/replace/add rows in a resulting table view, which gets data from bw query.
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    So, I wonder if it is possible to create a function (for example in JDK or in ABAP), and then use it in visual composer (like one can use BAPI from R3 connection type) to receive-in data from above mentioned table view, to transform it and then to output it (in a new table view)?
    All ideas will be appreciated,
    --- Kaspars

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