ABAP Function for renaming of a planning level?

Hi all,
i wanna know if does exist an ABAP Function for renaming of a planning level or parameter group.
Someone can help me please?
Thanx a lot,

<Font Face="Tahoma" Color="Blue">
I don't think any such Function Module exists. Nonetheless I can give you a good hint.
All the details of all planning objects (Planning Areas, Planning Levels, Planning Functions. Parameter Groups etc) are stored in UP* Tables. Just go to T-code SE11 and search for tables with name UP*.
Once you know the tables, you can write your own customized ABAP code.
PS: I can recommend above method to just read the details of Planning Objects. I don't think you should be ambitious to change planning object names by attempting to change system table contents. Hope you are getting me.

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    I would appreciate your help implementing this scenario: a user has access to certain versions and should be a able to copy data between 2 of those versions.
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      -> 0TCAIPROV EQ <real time infocube>
      -> 0TCAVALID CP *
      -> 0VERSION EQ 001, 002 and 003
    Then, users should be able to copy data between versions.
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      -> Replacement Type: USERVALUE User-defined values
      -> Restriction of Values Required by User: enabled
      -> Input Allowed by User: enabled
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    Again, thank you very much in advance for your support.

    If you restrict the VERSION with variable ZVERSNEW for target version then the function should work. But if you get any error related to reading reference data for the source version then you can create a new variable of type exit and populate it with the values selected by the user in two variables ZVERSOLD and ZVERSNEW using the two APIs :
    API_SEMBPS_VARIABLE_GETDETAIL  - to get the current value of the two Variables
    API_SEMBPS_VARIABLE_SET - to set the Variable Values for the Exit type variable

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    Can I ask are there any ABAP function for creating vendor? I have searched a function BAPI_VENDOR_CREATE, but I don't know how to use it.
    Can anyone give me some ideas?
    Many thanks

    BAPI_VENDOR_CREATE is a online BAPI which calls the XK01 screen internally. There wont be any import or export parameters for this BAPI. If you have to upload from a text file, you can try with either of the options
    1) Use the standard program RFBIKR00 to upload the vendor from the flat file. check the documentation of the report for details
    2) Create a BDC recording on XK01 and upload the vendor from the flat file

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    Lest you thought nobody has looked at your post, here I am, with a negative answer though. I do not think there is a lifecycle functionality for startup/shutdown class at ear level in oc4j. There are startup/shutdown classes that are called after OC4J initializes or before OC4J terminates, which is not what you are looking for either.

  • Standard ABAP functions for creating events?

    I'm a little bit confused which ABAP functions to use for creating academic events with schedules (e.g. lecture takes places each Friday at 4 pm), rooms and instructors attached.
    Data transfer documentation SAP team recently released ("SLCM Data Transfer" archive, "Intro" document, page 18) suggests <b>HRIQ_CREATE_EVENT</b> as a solution. However, after experimenting for a while, I noticed a note attached to this function that "DO NOT USE ANYMORE, USE <b>HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE</b>".
    So which one is the correct/recommended one? Also, if possible, I would prefer an RFC-enabled one.

    Hi Janek,
    We've created a custom RFC enabled function module to wrap the SAP function module HRIQ_CREATE_EVENT in.  We are on a 4.7 system.  Here is our code.  Hope it helps.
    FUNCTION zcep_event_create .
    *"*"Local interface:
    *"  TABLES
      DATA: is_schedule TYPE bapisched,
            schedule TYPE bapisched OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            capacity LIKE hri1024,
            wa_capacity LIKE hri1024 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            location LIKE bapilocdat-locid OCCURS 0,
            new_event_package LIKE p1000 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            objid  LIKE hrrootob OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            parent LIKE hrhctobjc OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            eventid TYPE hrobjid,
            event_id_out LIKE bapievdat-eveid,
            lt_1739 TYPE TABLE OF p1739,
            ls_1739 TYPE p1739,
            ls_error_record TYPE bapiret2,
            ls_nnnn TYPE wplog,
            open_resources_exits TYPE xfeld.
      DATA:  it_1035 TYPE piq_p1035_t,
             it_pt_1035t TYPE piq_hrt1035_t,
             it_daysoff TYPE piq_pt1035_t,
             it_daysfree TYPE piq_pt1035_t,
             ls_daysfree TYPE pt1035,
             ls_1035t TYPE hrt1035.
      DATA: it_bapiresou TYPE TABLE OF bapiresou,
            is_bapiresou TYPE bapiresou,
            resources TYPE bapiresou OCCURS 0.
      DATA: it_pa0002 TYPE TABLE OF pa0002,
            is_pa0002 TYPE pa0002,
            it_hrp1000 TYPE TABLE OF hrp1000,
            is_hrp1000 TYPE hrp1000,
            im_begda LIKE sy-datum,
            im_endda LIKE sy-datum,
            sobid LIKE hrp1001-sobid,
            event_counted_dates TYPE dayct,
            event_counted_hours TYPE hrsct,
            ndays TYPE p1035-ndays,
            nhours TYPE p1035-nhours.
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <ls_1035t> LIKE LINE OF it_pt_1035t.
      CLEAR gt_error_record[].
      SORT event BY short.
      SORT meeting_pattern BY eventname.
    *************************  Get Calender Date  *************************
      SELECT SINGLE begda endda FROM hrt1750 INTO (im_begda,im_endda)
              WHERE peryr = acad_year
                AND perid = acad_session
                AND timelimit = '0100'.
    ***************************  Create Event  ****************************
      LOOP AT event.
        CLEAR resources.
        LOOP AT meeting_pattern WHERE eventname = event-short.
    *********************  Create Schedule for Event  *********************
              plvar                = '01'
              istat                = '1'
              event_begda          = event-begda
              event_endda          = event-endda
              monday               = meeting_pattern-monday
              tuesday              = meeting_pattern-tuesday
              wednesday            = meeting_pattern-wednesday
              thursday             = meeting_pattern-thursday
              friday               = meeting_pattern-friday
              saturday             = meeting_pattern-saturday
              sunday               = meeting_pattern-sunday
              event_beguz          = meeting_pattern-start_time
              event_enduz          = meeting_pattern-end_time
              frequency            = '1'
              event_location       = meeting_pattern-location
              pt_1035              = it_1035
              pt_1035t             = it_pt_1035t
              pt_daysoff           = it_daysoff
              pt_daysfree          = it_daysfree
              no_date_number       = 1
              frequency_is_initial = 2
              OTHERS               = 3.
          LOOP AT it_daysfree INTO ls_daysfree.
                iv_date             = ls_daysfree-evdat
                ev_dayoff           = lv_dayoff
                otype_not_supported = 0
                OTHERS              = 0.
            IF lv_dayoff = space.
              MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_daysfree TO ls_1035t.
              APPEND ls_1035t TO it_pt_1035t.
    * no double entries
          SORT it_pt_1035t.
          DESCRIBE TABLE it_pt_1035t LINES event_counted_dates.
          CLEAR event_counted_hours.
          LOOP AT it_pt_1035t INTO ls_1035t.
            nhours = ( ls_1035t-enduz - ls_1035t-beguz ) / 3600.
            event_counted_hours = event_counted_hours + nhours.
            ADD 1 TO ndays.
          LOOP AT it_pt_1035t ASSIGNING <ls_1035t>.
            MOVE-CORRESPONDING <ls_1035t> TO schedule.
            APPEND schedule.
          IF NOT meeting_pattern-room IS INITIAL.
            SELECT SINGLE short stext FROM hrp1000
                     INTO (is_hrp1000-short,is_hrp1000-stext)
                    WHERE plvar = '01'
                      AND istat = '1'
                      AND otype = 'G'
                      AND objid = meeting_pattern-room
                      AND begda LE sy-datum
                      AND endda GE sy-datum.
            SELECT SINGLE sobid FROM hrp1001 INTO sobid
                    WHERE otype = 'G'
                      AND plvar = '01'
                      AND istat = '1'
                      AND relat = '020'
                      AND rsign = 'A'
                      AND sclas = 'R'
                      AND objid = meeting_pattern-room
                      AND begda LE im_endda
                      AND endda GE im_begda.
            IF sy-subrc = 0.
              is_bapiresou-retid = sobid(8).
            LOOP AT it_pt_1035t ASSIGNING <ls_1035t>.
              is_bapiresou-resht = is_hrp1000-short.
              is_bapiresou-resxt = is_hrp1000-stext.
              is_bapiresou-resbg = <ls_1035t>-evdat.
              is_bapiresou-resed = <ls_1035t>-evdat.
              is_bapiresou-beguz = meeting_pattern-start_time.
              is_bapiresou-enduz = meeting_pattern-end_time.
              is_bapiresou-resid = meeting_pattern-room.
              is_bapiresou-restp = 'G'.
              APPEND is_bapiresou TO resources.
    * Instructor
          IF NOT meeting_pattern-instructor IS INITIAL.
            SELECT SINGLE nachn vorna FROM pa0002
                     INTO (is_pa0002-nachn, is_pa0002-vorna)
                    WHERE pernr = meeting_pattern-instructor
                      AND begda LE im_endda
                      AND endda GE im_begda.
    **************************  Meeting Pattern  **************************
            SELECT SINGLE objid INTO is_bapiresou-retid FROM hrp1000
                    WHERE plvar = '01'
                      AND langu = 'E'
                      AND otype = 'R'
                      AND mc_short = 'INST-CM'
                      AND begda LE im_endda
                      AND endda GE im_begda.
            LOOP AT it_pt_1035t ASSIGNING <ls_1035t>.
              is_bapiresou-resht = is_pa0002-nachn.
              CONCATENATE is_pa0002-vorna is_pa0002-nachn
                     INTO is_bapiresou-resxt
                SEPARATED BY space.
              is_bapiresou-resbg = <ls_1035t>-evdat.
              is_bapiresou-resed = <ls_1035t>-evdat.
              is_bapiresou-beguz = meeting_pattern-start_time.
              is_bapiresou-enduz = meeting_pattern-end_time.
              is_bapiresou-resid = meeting_pattern-instructor.
              is_bapiresou-restp = 'P'.
              APPEND is_bapiresou TO resources.
        wa_capacity-kapz1 = event-mincapty.
        wa_capacity-kapz2 = event-optcapty.
        wa_capacity-kapz3 = event-maxcapty.
        capacity = wa_capacity.
            planversion     = '01'
            event_id_in     = '00000000'
            event_short     = event-short
            event_stext     = event-stext
            status          = '1'
            begin_date      = event-begda
            end_date        = event-endda
            language        = sy-langu
            eventtype       = event-betype
            capacity        = capacity
            location        = meeting_pattern-location
            check_resources = ' '       "'X'
            vtask           = 'B'
            event_id_out    = event_id_out
            schedule        = schedule
            resources       = resources
            return          = return.
        IF sy-subrc NE 0.
          return-type = 'E'.
          return-message = 'Error during save'.
          APPEND return.
        LOOP AT return WHERE id = 'HRPIQ000'
                         AND number = '846'.
          return-type = 'E'.
          return-message = 'Resources already in use'.
          APPEND return.
    **********************  Create Session offering  **********************
        MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_nnnn TO ls_1739.
        ls_1739-mandt = sy-mandt.
        ls_1739-plvar = '01'.
        ls_1739-otype = 'E'.
        ls_1739-objid = event_id_out.
        ls_1739-istat = '1'.
        ls_1739-begda = event-begda.
        ls_1739-endda = event-endda.
        ls_1739-aedtm = sy-datum.
        ls_1739-uname = sy-uname.
        ls_1739-infty = '1739'.
        ls_1739-peryr = acad_year.
        ls_1739-perid = acad_session.
        APPEND ls_1739 TO lt_1739.
        PERFORM create_infotype USING lt_1739
                             CHANGING ls_error_record .
        APPEND ls_error_record TO return.
        READ TABLE return  WITH KEY type = 'E'.
        IF sy-subrc <> 0 AND vtask = 'V'.
              vtask          = 'D'
              commit_flg     = 'X'
              corr_exit      = 1
              internal_error = 2
              OTHERS         = 3.
          IF sy-subrc NE 0.
            return-message = 'Error during save'.
            APPEND return.
    *********************  Create Relationship(E-SE)  *********************
        parent-objid = event_id_out.
        parent-otype = 'E'.
        APPEND parent.
        PERFORM create_relation TABLES parent
                                 USING 'B512'
                              CHANGING ls_error_record.
      IF vtask = 'V' AND ls_error_record IS INITIAL.
        PERFORM update_database CHANGING ls_error_record.
        APPEND ls_error_record TO return.
      DELETE return WHERE type IS INITIAL.

  • Creating multiple partner function for a sale order @ header level

    Hi All,
    I have a requirement where in i have to create more than one partner funtion for a sale order @ header level. But the system did not allow this sort of scenario and i got the error,
    Partner function ZZ can only occur  1 times in procedure TA (Sales Document Header)
    the function module that was giving this error was SD_PCHECK_PARVW_COUNT_OK
    here the function module checks if a partner function already exists if so it throws that error. This also updates the VBPA table where partner function is one of the key fields.
    Our issue is that we have to allow the system to enable posting 2 or more partner function for the same sale order. It was also verified that the unique key was unchecked during configuration.
    is there any other way of over coming this issue as we are updating the standard table. Is it possible??
    Thanks a lot in advance for your reply....

    I believe this is a configuration setting, based upon the details of your post.  Typically, a sales order can have multiple partner functions, but usually the partner type is not duplicated at a single level (header or one item).  For example, it would not be logical to have multiple ship-to partners at the header level...these would be unique at the item level, if required.
    Speak to your SD functional specialist about the configuration controls for partners, if you must have more than one partner with parvw = ZZ, for the entire order (header level).
    Edited by: DaveL on Aug 23, 2011 3:00 PM

  • ABAP functions for BI Queries

    Hi Experts,
    We are trying to obtain a csv file from the data result of a query in a report. Like the option: rsrt, query visualization HTML, export to csv.
    Is there any abap function we can use to achieve it ? Our SAP BI version is 3.X, so it's better if this function is used in 7.0 version too.
    Thanks in advance.

    Use ADP or RSCRM_BAPI tcode.
    Analysis Process Designer (APD): Part - 1
    Re: Running Quaries automatically and saving them in as a Excel file in Server
    Re: Data transfer to external systems
    Re: Loading from a Custom R/3 Table
    Re: How can I schedule my Bex report to execute in background
    Re: How can I insert the RSCRM_BAPI into Process chain?

  • Standard ABAP functions for assign resources?

    Hi all.
    I would like to share this with you all.
    After loosing three days looking for any kind of standard FM to assign resources (rooms or instructors) to an event (E), I request your help.
    Any of you have found or used those functions in SAP?
    Thanks in advance for your support.

    Hello Roberto:
      the FM we're using is HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE, not very creative , but we found nothing more appropriate, and we found it very flexible to work with events (unluckily flexible is a synonym of complex and hard work).
    Let's move into when and how we used it:
    regular courses are still created using SAPgui
    we needed something more agile to use when a room or resource was needed for unusual activities (meetings for example), and no instructors were needed. We went into a web app. The user will indicate date(s), start and end time and resource. We developed a FM+webservice which "receives" the data inserted by the user and ends executing HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE. (precondition: we have a generic module created with its correpsonding event type needed to execute HRIQ_EVENT_CREATE)
    a previous step to the event creation (on a separate FM+webservice) will check for conflicts in the proposed resource reservation, where the user will see a report of conflicts and make necessary changes before submitting the reservation.
    Would you like to see our codes? Part of it is in Spanish which'll help you read the code

  • Feature Request: Functions for Renaming and Deleting LrDevelopPresets

    As it stands, there is no way to delete an LrDevelopPreset programmatically - short of deleting the develop preset lrtemplate file, but even then the effect doesn't take place until after restarting Lightroom.
    Likewise, there is no good way to rename an LrDevelopPreset.
    Rename and delete functions would be very helpful to plugins that work with lrdevelopresets.

    Can you please post the archived project so that I can test in the latest internal builds and take the necessary actions?

  • ABAP Function for opening Adobe Reader directly

    Hello Guys,
    new issue
    I am not very familiar with ABAP, is anybody able to tell me, which function do I have to use to start Adobe Reader after the user entered a couple of data within a SAPGUI menu?!
    At the moment I am using the Print Preview, but there I am not allowed to edit textboxes etc.
    Thanks a lot in advance

    call the <generatd function module name>
    pass the fillable propety of the docparams to 'X'.
    Do refer the e-learning session. and there are numerous threads on this issue in this forum.
    Thanks and Regards.

  • ABAP Function for Material Unit of measure check

    Hi Gurus,
    i need to find a FM, a sequence of FM or anything else that return the same list (in internal tables whould be great!) like when i try to change the UM on a material but there are some open items  and i got "DISPLAY ERRORS".
    i need this because using BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA i got only the message "The base unit of measure cannot be changed; choose "Display errors".

    This was my 1st try before coming here and found the function, but it retrieves informations from memory and the memory area is not filled when i use the BAPI.
    Anyway i solved otherwise.

  • ASAP :: Variables used in planning Level

    Dear All ,
    I m using variable for each characteristics in Planning Level. This level further is used for Web Interface. Would like to know if in this case if i use Planning variable's in Level  ,, will it  affect in performance ????????????
    Anup Singh

    It will not effect in Performance much. It is advisable to use variables only. (There are so many other advantages using variables). It is not advicable to fix the values for characteristics  in planning level until and unless u are confident that the value will not change. For eg: Fisc Yr Varnt , u can fix as K4 etc.

  • Execution of a planning function for a row selection of a hierarchy node

    Hi all!
    Has anyone accomplished to make a configuration, where a planning function would have been executed for a hierarchy node selection and this selection would have been made by a row selection in an analysis item? I can filter the characteristic in a lowest level by selecting rows in analysis item, but if I would select a hierarchy node, the value for the characteristic is empty. I have set the selection state by binding the item_characteristic of analysis item to filter of the other characteristics.
    I tried first to reach this functionality by filtering the characteristic with variables in planning modeller filter and determining the values of the variables during runtime by the selection of the analysis item row selection. But I can not implement it as the display hierachy and the hierarchy node selection in the analysis item  are variables and modeller does not allow selection of a hierarchy node and hierarchy by variables - even thoug it let's you do it (I receive error message saying "field hienmflag with value 5 is not correct").
    Greatful for any working solutions tips you have made up!

    Thanks for the explanation. I come from BPS background and there are few changes when it comes to planning functions in IP.  In BPS, the planning function is a bit loosely tied to Planning Package in a sense that a planning function can use any planning package under the planning level to which it belongs.  Same is the case in IP (technically), but in BPS the planning package contains all the characteristics and key figures of the planning level and hence the function can execute correctly.  What I see in IP is that planning function is very loosely tied to Filter.  It can use any filter under the aggregation level even though they differ in the characteristics and key figures.  I have tried a PF with different filters and it executes with everyone of them!  This doesnu2019t sound right!  Am I missing something here?
    Also, you can only execute a IP planning function if it is included in a planning sequence.  An extra step!  The modeling is so intuitive in BPS that IP is a bit repulsive.

  • BI IP --- Planning function for File Upload

    Hai All,
    In BI IP , When I am trying to load the data (text file) by using Planning function for File Upload. I am getting an error message When I am clicking on Update .
    Error Message : Inconsistent input parameter (parameter: <unknown>, value <unknown>).
    In Text file I am using Tab Separation for each value
    Anyone help me out.

    Hi Bhima
    Try one of these; it should work:
    1. If you are on SP 14 you would need to upgrade to SP 15. It would work fine
    2. If not, then -
         a] apply note 1070655 - Termination msg CL_RSPLFR_CONTROLLER =>GET_READ_WRITE_PROVIDS
         b] Apply Correction Instruction 566059 [i.e: in Object - CL_RSPLFR_CONTROLLER GET_READ_WRITE_PROVIDS,
    delete the block: l_r_alvl = cl_rspls_alvl=>factory( i_aggrlevel = p_infoprov ).
    and insert block - l_r_alvl = cl_rspls_alvl=>factory( i_aggrlevel = i_infoprov ).

  • Getting an error while activating a planning area "Enter values for planning horizon From and planning horizon To for the storage time profile level"

    Dear S&OP community,
    I am getting following error while creating a planning ares in a newly installed sandbox. "Enter values for planning horizon From and planning horizon To for the storage time profile level".
    This what I did...
    1) Created new attributes and master data objects and activated them successfully.
    2) Time profile created and activated successfully
    3) Trying to create planing area by assigning  time profile in step 2 and assigned master data from step1..Unable to save the data and system returns 
    this error - "Enter values for planning horizon From and planning horizon To for the storage time profile level"
    My understanding is time profile needs to be active  but doesn't have to have values...
    Any help is appreciated.

    Here are my time profile settings
    Level       Name          Display Horizon - Past  Display Horizon - Future
    1             Monthly     -6                                       11         
    2             Quarterly     -2                                       3
    3             Yearly        -1                                       2
    Time profile is active and but time profile data is not loaded

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