
about:config defaults to Yahoo as the default search engine, SCREW YAHOO, I want GOOGLE as the default everything. Why can I not modify it to Google instead of Yahoo?

Its weird no one suggested the [https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/searchreset/ Search Reset Tool] to reset only the search prefs.
"This add-on is very simple: on installation, it backs up and then resets your search preferences and home page to their default values, and then uninstalls itself. This affects the search bar, URL bar searches, and the home page."

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    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; SLCC2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)

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    Can you try Aurora - download it from http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/channel/
    And let us know how it works.

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    Need a help relating New Tab on Mozilla.
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    (1) about:config reset:
    - Type about:config into the address bar and press Enter.
    - To bypass the warning, press the big button labeled "I'll be careful, I promise!".
    - In the search box, paste browser.newtab.url
    - In the search results, right-click browser.newtab.url and choose Reset.
    (2) Custom Add On reset:
    - Install Custom New Tab. = https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/custom-new-tab/
    - Open the Add-ons Manager (Ctrl+Shift+A; Mac: Command+Shift+A), then the Extensions category.
    - Next to Custom New Tab, click the Options button.
    - Set whatever page you want to open in each new tab (about:newtab is the default; about:home is the default home page), and make sure "Place focus in URL bar" is not checked.

    ''philipp [[#answer-669209|said]]''
    ok, as a follow up i'd recommend disabling half of the addons & restarting the browser - if the problem continues disable the other half & continue until you've narrowed it down to the culprit...
    Hi Philipp,
    I read the link you copied on the first post and also tried your recommendation above. None seem to work. Even if I disable all add-ons, the problem still persists.
    One other info, this problem seem to appear after I installed several program yesterday. These programs apparently installed other programs that set my homepage and main search engine to a particular website. But I installed all of these programs already. Would that be a cause of the problem?

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    In about:config, the values I changed to for the preference name browser.gesture.swipe.left was Browser:PrevTab and for browser.gesture.swipe.right was Browser:NextTab.
    I have the latest synaptics touch pad on my laptop and it supports three touch swipe on windows pcs and on firefox. The about:config setting seem to be specific for MACs and so does not responds to windows changes.

    I suggest you try the steps in this thread for test:
    Disable Suggested Sites does not work.
    Vincent Wang
    TechNet Community Support

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    What, then, can I do to be rid of those update prompts? (Note that I am hoping that at some point in a not too distant future, Mozilla will offer, for each new version, a WUS and an I'M THE MAN variant, where the latter allows the user to steer the vehicle, as it were... if this never materializes, then at some point (when I deem Firefox 28.0 to be too unstable to use any longer), I will ditch Firefox in favor of an alternative that retains a semblance of the male's hobby-garage look (as oppose to HER slick, everything-hidden, kitchen-cabinet look!).
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    The Link I gave you above won't tweak Firefox but rather give you a brief overview on what's new in Firefox 29.
    The link below will show you how to customize Firefox 29 to look like previous versions of Firefox before 29.
    I also mentioned you can toggle some prefs in about:config to disable automatic updating
    You can set these prefs in about:config to disable automatic updating:<br>
    app.update.auto - false<br>
    app.update.enabled - false<br>
    app.update.silent - false<br>

  • How do I display more icons on the New-Tab page? I tried about:config

    The New-Tab page I see doesn't match what FF shows in help. I changed rows and columns and nothing changed.

    With the latest Firefox update, the number of tiles is now determined on screen size - if you zoom out or expand the window you can have more tiles appear.
    If you want to set a fixed number of tiles, you can do so with the following extension:
    * https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/new-tab-tools/
    You can also see '''jscher2000''''s Chosen Solution here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/1025414
    It requires the [https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/stylish/ Stylish] add-on but will automatically shrink the tiles on the page and will limit the tiles based on what you entered for your rows and columns in the '''about:config''' page:
    * https://userstyles.org/styles/106326/shrink-new-tab-thumbnails

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    I understand why this is not recommended when one has Firefox issues and has to make a new profile. This is not the issue here.
    I have the old profile (actually the entire Documents and Settings/<username> folder) backed up, but do not have a setup whereby I can run Firefox using this old profile.
    How do I do this?
    PS the computer I'm posting this from is neither the old nor the new computer in question, so the "educated guesses" section is meaningless.

    Never mind - I successfully brute-forced it in about half an hour. Renamed the profile folders and copied everything, emptied the cache, deleted the password store in all the accounts but mine, and fired up Firefox.
    Works great.

  • Why do I have two title bars - one with the title of the page I'm looking at and another with the new orange drop down menu? Plus I can't get FF4 to save my tabs, even when I go to about:config, why is that?

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    Start Firefox in [[Safe Mode]] to check if one of the add-ons is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Tools > Add-ons > Themes).
    * Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    * [[Troubleshooting extensions and themes]]

  • Is turning off iFrames via about:config browser.frames.enabled;false broken in Firefox 23?

    I noticed that Firefox with version 23 removed option to turn OFF JavaScriipt from Tools > Options > Content menu
    Recent events when allegedly FBI used JavaScript in iframe to exploit bug in Firefox with intentions to uncover identity of users of TOR network encouraged me to play with security settings a bit.
    More about how FBI exploited Firefox bug to execute malitious JavaScript on users computers: https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-announce/2013-August/000089.html More biased articles can be found in popular media articles. Just google "TOR exploit FBI"
    I noticed that turning iFrames OFF in about:config > browser.frames.enabled;false seems to not be working as expected. Iframes are still shown and JavaScript in them is executed. Doesnt work even after resterting Firefox.
    I used this pages to test iFrames:
    After I turned browser.frames.enabled OFF and restarted I noticed that iFrames are still shown on all 3 pages and JavaScript in them would be executed.
    By blocking IFRAMES with NoScript blocking turned ON (you have to turn forbidding IFRAMES on manually in options http://i.imgur.com/7jctoTW.png) I managed to block IFRAMES on google and w3school pages.
    !!!Text in iframe "Test page in iframe" on quirksmode test page was still shown even after I have frames turned OFF in about:config and I block all scripts and frames and iframes with NoScript.
    If I open same page (http://www.quirksmode.org/iframetest.html) with Opera with iFrames blocked in Preferences, iFrame is not shown at all, browser doesnt even render empty square; but JavaScript in it is executed, if you dont disable JavaScript in Preferences > Advanced.
    I didnt test Chrome at all.
    Possible things that can cause bug:
    •I am using NoScript 2.6.7, I turned it off and on but it is possible that it is overriding Firefox settings in about:config. when you serach about:config for "frames" there are many settings mentioning frames from NoScript and AdBlockPlus.
    •AdBlock Plus 2.3.2? Same reason as NoScript.
    •Fot the first time I noticed Shield in the address bar with "Firefox has blocked content that isnt secure" bubble. http://i.imgur.com/K4FL65n.png. I dont know how long this feature is implemented or what exactly it does, here are some details: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/how-does-content-isnt-secure-affect-my-safety?as=u&utm_source=inproduct
    P.S. Just small remark. If that is true: "Finally, Firefox 23 removes the option to disable JavaScript from the Options pane — and if you had JavaScript turned off, it has been turned back on." There should be some warning when Firefox is updated that JS was turned ON. I think that for me FF updated silently without any messages. OR maybe I blatantly closed some windows, i dont remember well.

    The documentation I find on browser.frames.enabled is very vague, but I can't see that it does anything currently. Is this a feature you used successfully in an earlier version?
    The Mixed [Active] Content Blocker was turned on by default in Firefox 23. That would explain the shield icon. Not sure whether implementing that might have changed how iframes are handled.

  • How do I change Default search engine in the address bar, not the search window on the top right or by using about:config, doesn't work. Worked fine until this FF 8.0 update, now defaults to Yahoo 7. About to throw it in and use Chrome.

    When Firefox 8.0 installed it has automatically changed my address bar default search engine to Yahoo7 which is crap. I can not change this back. So when I start FF it opens to my google home page, when I type a subject and search the results are displayed in a Yahoo 7 results page, not google. I am not talking about my default home page or the search bar to the top right. This is still google.
    The settings in about:config do nothing.
    This was fine until FF 8.0.

    Thanks dmcritchie,
    Nice effort but that answers a different question about fixing the add-on Yahoo toolbar.
    Pernich and I want to know; If you type search criteria directly into the address bar and hit enter, how to change that search engine from Yahoo to Google.
    Otherwise I too will go back to using Google Chrome, even though I really like FF8.0
    please help

  • My favicons are not showing up for all my imported bookmarks as well as certain current bookmarks and when I open the about:config it says "browser.chrome.favicons;false". Shouldn't this be true and how to I change it?

    I had to rebuild my computer and when I imported all of my bookmarks they had no favicons. I started getting some of the favicons when I would go to the websight it would reconnect, but now I can't seem to see almost any of them. I did a search on Google and one tech site suggested the about:config file and that the "browser.chrome.favicons;false" should be set to true. But when I toggle it to true and restart Firefox it is once more set to false. I know it doesn't seem like much, but it is really annoying not having those favicons.
    Help me Obi Wan Firefox you are my only hope.

    The browser.chrome.favicons preference should be set to true, as it is not retaining the value when you restart Firefox, see the [[Preferences are not saved]] article for possible causes.

  • I can't change ff start page. i edited options menu. i changed about:config /browser.starter.homepage but ff still opens with start page. i don't want this.

    everytime i start firefox it opens on firefox start page. i don't want this. i want my own home page. i have changed it several times in 'options-general-when firefox starts...' but alas to no avail..it still starts up with the firefox start page. i have also gone to 'about:config' and changed the value of 'browser.startup.homepage' to my homepage. i restarted firefox and it worked...but just the once. the next time i opened firefox it started up once again with the firefox homepage. i have done scans, i have tried to remove the hometab with various anti virus/anti malware programms.. i have sieved through my registry..it doesn't matter what i do.. firefox starts up with it's own homepage which i do not want. please can you help?.. it's driving me nuts. i don't really want to have to reinstall firefox. thanks in advance x ps. firefox also keeps crashing on me :(

    ohhh right!! i have been educating myself as i didn't understand what this user.agent.override.pref meant .. now i get it.. yes i will keep an eye on that when firefox next updates...at the moment everything is running smoothly so i'm going to leave it as it is for now. but at least now i know what it all means.. ahh you learn something new every day :-) thanks everyone x

  • How can I get the default value of a particular preference programatically. I know I can see the default value for some of the preferences in about:config but, I need a programatic way to get the default value.

    <blockquote>Locked by Moderator as a duplicate/re-post.
    Please continue the discussion in this thread: [tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=702631&forumId=1]
    Thanks - c</blockquote>
    == Issue
    I have a problem with my bookmarks, cookies, history or settings
    == Description
    How can I get the default value of a particular preference in FireFox?.
    I know I can see the default value for some of the preferences in about:config but, I need a programatic way to get the default value.
    I see some that there are values for preferences in firefox.cs but I am not certain that these are being used as the default values for preferences. prefs.js in user's profile only has the updated values and not the default values.
    Any help towards acheiving this programtically is greatly appreciated.
    If the default values are stored in a file, kindly let me know the format in which it is stored for me to parse it programatically.
    == User Agent
    Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; SLCC2; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0)

    Dear Friend,
    Here when you have the callableSattement as ?=proc(?), the first ? is an output parameter. So you should register it as out parameter using registeroutparameter.
    Then you can get the value from the outparameter using callablestatement.getXXX().
    Try that way.
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