About HTMLB inputField value check....

I have one htmlb inputField in a bsp page.
this inputfield refer to numc(3) data element with fiexed value.
I wanna check input value automatically using fiexed value as domain....
How can I set this option?
How can I implement this function?
Regards etnaya.

I would recommend you check into the doValidate feature of the inputField and check the examples under SBSPEXT_HTMLB in transaction SE80

Similar Messages


    Hello All,
    We are using HTMLB:INPUTFIELD to display dates in our BSP. In some cases it is required to display the date n display mode, for that we have set the attribute Disabled.
    However in this case we get a background couloyr as blue as well as a box (which is in change mode as well). We do not want the box as well as the color to be displayed in case th field is in display mode.
    We observed that there is an attribute called as style available, however even this didnt work.
    Request for your help.

    Dear Davendra,
    You can achieve this requirement. You can set a flag or you can use the disabled flag itself.
    If the flag is set as disabled u can color the inputfield. Or else no need to call the coloring option.
    Have a look on the following code snippet,
      if val EQ '1'.
       lv_disable = 'TRUE'.
       lv_disable = 'FALSE'. 
    <htmlb:label id   = "l1"
                       text = "Label Text"
                       for  = "inp1" />
          <htmlb:inputField id        = "inp1"
                            value     = "Test"
                            width     = "280"
                            maxlength = "50"
                            type      = "STRING"
                            disabled  = "<%= lv_disable%>"/>
    <%IF lv_disable EQ 'TRUE'. %>           
          <s cript language="JavaScript">
          </s cript>     
    Here for eg i check with val is 1. you check your criteria.
    Hope this will Helpful.
    AnitaVihi Arasi B

  • Htmlb:inputField always uses encode="TRUE"

    I have a inputField using data binding. The model field contains "&#268;eská republika", and this code
    <htmlb:inputField id="InpSupl" value="//model/edit_wa.supplier" encode="FALSE"/>
    Renders to
    <input class="sapEdfTxtEnbl" size="60" maxlength="60" name="cont_INVEST_invest_edit_wa.supplier" id="cont_INVEST_InpSupl" value="&amp;#268;eská republika">
    How can I prevent this HTML-encoding?
    Version 6.40 SP 12.

    Hmm, I don't understand all this.
    Look here, this is my complete output (sorry about that) of your example.
    And you can see, the ampersand is encoded, but I want the letter È (a upper sized C with a ^ on top).
    Why does it work at your place?
    <html><head><title> </title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=iso-8859-1" ><meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no"><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="/sap/public/bsp/sap/htmlb/events.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="/sap/public/bsp/sap/htmlb/event_dictionary.js"></script><link id="urstyle" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/sap/public/bc/ur/Design2002/themes/sap_tradeshow/ur/ur_ie6.css"><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/sap/public/bc/ur/Design2002/themes/sap_tradeshow/ur/ur_pop_ie6.css"><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">var popup_emptydoc="/sap/public/bsp/sap/htmlb/domainRelaxOff.htm";var HTMLB_SECTION508 = false;</script><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">var sapUrDomainRelaxing = {NONE:"NONE",MINIMAL:"MINIMAL",MAXIMAL:"MAXIMAL"};ur_system={doc:window.document ,mimepath:"/sap/public/bc/ur/Design2002/themes/sap_tradeshow/common/",stylepath:"/sap/public/bc/ur/Design2002/themes/sap_tradeshow/ur/",emptyhoverurl:"/sap/public/bc/ur/Design2002/themes/sap_tradeshow/common/emptyhover.html",is508:false,direction:"ltr",domainrelaxing:sapUrDomainRelaxing.NONE,browser_abbrev:"ie6",dateformat:1,firstdayofweek:0}</script><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="/sap/public/bc/ur/Design2002/js/sapUrMapi_ie6.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="/sap/public/bc/ur/Design2002/js/popup_ie6.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="/sap/public/bc/ur/Design2002/js/languages/urMessageBundle_de.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="/sap/public/bsp/sap/htmlb/misc.js"></script></head><body class="urBdyStd" scroll="AUTO" style="margin-left:2;margin-right:2;margin-top:2;margin-bottom:2">
          <input disabled type="hidden" id="htmlb_first_form_id" name="htmlb_first_form_id" value="htmlb_form_1"><form id="htmlb_form_1" name="htmlb_form_1" method="POST" autocomplete="off"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbScrollX"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbScrollY"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbevt_ty"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbdoc_id" value=""><input type="hidden" name="htmlbevt_frm" id="htmlbevt_frm" value="htmlb_form_1"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbevt_oid"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbevt_id"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbevt_cnt"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbevt_par1"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbevt_par2"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbevt_par3"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbevt_par4"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbevt_par5"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbevt_par6"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbevt_par7"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbevt_par8"><input type="hidden" name="htmlbevt_par9"><input type="hidden" name="onInputProcessing" value="htmlb"><input type="hidden" name="htmlb_form_1_complete" id="htmlb_form_1_complete" code="OK"><input type="hidden" name="sap-htmlb-design" id="sap-htmlb-design" value="">
              <span id="InpSupl-r" class="urEdf2Whl"><input type="Text" class="urEdf2TxtEnbl" autocomplete="off" id="InpSupl" ct="InputField" name="InpSupl" st="" value="&amp;#268;eská republika" onblur="sapUrMapi_InputField_Blur('InpSupl',event)" onkeydown="sapUrMapi_InputField_keydown('InpSupl',event)" onkeyup="sapUrMapi_InputField_KeyUp('InpSupl',event)" onfocus="sapUrMapi_InputField_focus('InpSupl',event)"></span>
    <script language="JavaScript">
    function sapArrErase(){if(typeof(sapUrMapi_PcTabSeq_Registry)=='undefined') return;sapUrMapi_PcTabSeq_Registry1=sapUrMapi_PcTabSeq_Registry;sapUrMapi_PcTabSeq_Registry=new Array();for(var p in sapUrMapi_PcTabSeq_Registry1){if(document.getElementById(p)!=null)sapUrMapi_PcTabSeq_Registry[p]=true;}}function sapOnResize(){sapArrErase();;}window.onresize=sapOnResize;window.attachEvent ('onload', sapOnResize);
    </script><script language="JavaScript">sapUrMapi_initLinkStatus();</script><noscript><iframe style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:150%" src="?sap-bsp-exception=NO_JS"></iframe></noscript><script language="JavaScript">if(document.cookie==null||document.cookie.indexOf("sap-contextid")<0){location.assign("?sap-bsp-exception=NO_CK");}</script></body></html>
    In my opinion the inputField always does a encode="TRUE" and I don't have a chance to set it to FALSE.

  • Htmlb - inputField color

    Does anyone know, how to change the default white background color of the inputField in htmlb?

    I could do it only with java script.
    <script language="JavaScript">
           function set_textcolor(name, col)
            document.getElementById(name).style.color = col; "textcolor
             document.getElementById(name).style.backgroundColor = col;
    if you want to change the field static you can do that in following way:
    <htmlb:inputField id       = "IN_SCAN_NR"
                      value    = "xxx" />
    <script language="JavaScript">
    for dynamic change I did following:
    Table it_fields contains IDs of fields I wanted ot set to red color (filled by an check routine).
      lv_script type string,
      lv_string type string.
    loop at it_fields into lv_string.
        into lv_script.
      into lv_script.
    <%= lv_script %>     *** put scripting to html coding
    I hope that helps,
    sincerely yours .

  • Checkbox item: How to get all values checked?

    See http://htmldb.oracle.com/pls/otn/f?p=24317:46
    The report query is simply
    'One' one,
    'Two' two,
    'Three' three,
    'Four' four
    from dualThe checkbox item is a named static LOV with STATIC2:ONE,TWO,THREE,FOUR and a Source value of ONE:TWO:THREE:FOUR so that all boxes appear checked when the page is first rendered.
    All the 4 columns have a column condition like
    instr(':'||:P46_COLS||':',':ONE:') > 0to ensure that column is rendered only if the corresponding checkbox is checked.
    The report has Dynamic column headings with the following PL/SQL function body
    return 'ONE:TWO:THREE:FOUR';To my (pleasant) surprise, this works very nicely. When column TWO is conditionally not rendered, its corresponding column heading is also skipped with no effort on my part. Nice.
    Instead of "hard-coding" that string ONE:TWO:THREE:FOUR in the 2 places I mentioned above (checkbox item source and report heading), is there a way to access the "all values checked" version of that LOV item so that it will dynamically pick up the latest LOV changes? The way I have done it currently, if I change the named LOV, I need to also change those 2 places where I have hardcoded the values.
    Any ideas? Thanks

    I thought about that but the LOV has dozens of values, each with a verbose display value and a return value of the column name (upto 30 characters) and the display values are still being "worked on" by the users.
    So, the "all columns" string would be a big, unweildy string that would be hard to edit.
    It is much easier to edit, resequence and generally work with a Shared Component LOV defined as a Static LOV because you get that nice page (4000:4111) where you can read everything nicely formatted instead of a STATIC2:<big long string>!
    Can I have my cake and eat it too?!

  • Internal Order value check upon CM request entry

    We would like to receive an error message when the amount input in the sales order exceeds the available value of the assigned Internal Order (in the account assignment tab).  Is this possible?
    Currently, this happens only when we do the billing, where an FI document is generated.
    Pls advise any user exit if any..

    Hi Kailash ,
    What kind of value check are you talking about... Are you concerned wether budget is exceeding limit or not...
    For doing that.. you can use SAP standard functionality using tolerance limit for avialibility control...
    Check the SAP IBM Guide -> Internal Order -> Order Master Data -> Budgetary Control..
    Kindly revert back for any further clarifications

  • HTMLb InputField ValueHelpContext

    Does anybody know how to use the ValueHelpContext (com.sapportals.htmlb.valuehelp.ValueHelpContext) related to an HTMLb InputField? I cannot find any documentation.
    I like to develop an InputField for a material number with some kind of popup value help where a user can search a material by name.
    Thanks in advance!
    Best regards,

    Hi, have you done it?

  • Value check in Default.LGF

    Hi BPC People,
    I'm a newby in BPC, so I have a lot of questions....but first one:-)
    I want to calculate variable costs like "Rabat" or "Provision" and this should be progessive increase.
    I tried the following, but e.g. if the GRINCOME-Value is "150" then the second REC-Statement overwites the first account-result(15) with zero.
    So, I need something that do nothing if the result of the value check is zero.
    I think is a very common process, so I'm hopful that you guys can help me.
    Thank you,

    Hi Kranthi,
    I paste in default.lgf:
    *IS > 99
    *IS > 999
    *ENDWHEN // Value
    But I still get the following message (Complete version):
         Application     :     PLANNING
         Status          :     Failed
         Submitted Count     :     1
         Accepted Count     :     1
         Rejected Count     :     0
              - Error Message -
    Error running default logic (Unknown Dimension Name in Keyword: "%VALUE%:)
              - Rejected record list -
    Error converting records: The root element is missing.
    I don't know, what's going wrong.
    What's about the "Unknown Dimension Name"? Any ideas?

  • How to fire an onblur event for htmlb:inputfield ?

    Hi All,
    I have a problem in creating in ONBLUR..for input field.
    What i want is when i give input to the input it goes to DB and retriving some data  and visible to next Dropdown.
    For this if i give input to input field and press any key then it will goes to db and getting data.
    I am stricking over here .
    Please guide me for this.

    so what you need is a javscript function to get triggered onblur event and it should generate server event.
    check out the following code sample.
    <htmlb:inputField id         = "test"
                            alignment  = "LEFT"
                            size       = "10"
                            type       = "STRING" />
          <bsp:htmlbEvent id      = "myid"
                          onClick = "myonclick"
                          name    = "ValueChanged" />
            <script for="test" event=onblur type="text/javascript">

  • How to handle htmlb:inputField submitOnEnter

    Hi Friends,
    Iam using submitOnEnter = "true" in <htmlb:inputField> so that when I press enter in that input field some action should take place.
    But Iam not sure how to handle that event.
    When I use this it is giving page error.
    Can anyone help me out how to handle this...

    if you set submitOnEnter = "true" for an inputfield, pressing enter key when the cursor is in that inputfield would trigger server event.
    in the oninputprocessing you can capture the event.
    also please be aware that submitonenter doesnt work in some SPs as per this thread
    htmlb:submitOnEnter at inputField
    to capture the value of the inputfield in oninputprocessing you can write the following code
    ATA: data TYPE REF TO cl_htmlb_inputfield.
    data ?= cl_htmlb_manager=>get_data( request      = runtime->server->request
                                         name         = 'inputField'
                                         id           = 'IP1'
    <variable> = data->value .
    endif .

  • Get InputField value

    Hi all,
    How can get InputField value in abstract portal component?
    Please, help me!
    thanks in advance

    Hi Stefano,
    Are you asking to get the value of an HTMLB input field in a javascript function before you submit the form?  (for example to do client side validation).  If so, here is a sample piece of code.
    Hope this helps,
    ********************JAVASCRIPT FUNCTION ************
    function searchSubmit(type)
    var funcName = jsFormID+"_getHtmlbElementId";
    func = window[funcName];
    //get the query text string
    var searchTextID = eval(jsSearchID);
    var searchText = searchTextID.getValue();
    //assign the values to a hidden form and submit the form to the search jsp
    document.forms['submitSearch'].query.value = searchText;
    <hbj:form id=search_form method="post" action="<%=searchURL%>" target="_blank">
    <% String formID = PageContext.getParamIdForComponent(search_form);
    <SCRIPT> var jsFormID = "<%=formID%>"; </SCRIPT>
    % String searchID = PageContext.getParamIdForComponent(searchText); %>
    <SCRIPT> var jsSearchID = '<%=searchID%>'; </SCRIPT>
      tooltip="Click here to submit search"
    ..........place hidden form here if you are submitting form for another website or page outside of this portal component, if not you can access HTMLB field from Java class you are using and place back into a bean....

  • Javascript in the htmlb:inputField

    Here is the brief description of the problem:
      I have a table view in which i display the htmlb:inputField which are created in the iterator. I need to capture the ENTER Key event and set the focus to the next field in the next row.
    I have seen examples of the normal input field but couldnn't somehow  figure out a way to do it  in the htmlb:inputField. Here is the sample code which i tried to play around with (for normal input fields.)..
    <i>function enter(nextfield) {
    if(window.event && window.event.keyCode == 13) {
      return false; }
      return true; }
    Field 1: <input type="text" name="field1"
    onkeypress="return enter(document.demo.field2)"><br>
    Field 2: <input type="text" name="field2" onkeypress="return enter(document.demo.field1)"><br></i>
    <b>How do i use this code in the iterator for my htmlb:inputField ? i did try the following attributes
    1) submitOnEnter
    2) onValueHelp
    3) doValidate
    but none on them could help me..
    Any help would be appriciated.

    Hi Alwyn,
    Works fine when i place it indivisually on the BSP.
    I have not been able to figure out a way to do it in the iterator..</b>
    <i><%@page language="abap" %>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb" %>
    <%@extension name="bsp" prefix="bsp" %>
    <script language = "javascript">
    function func(nextfield)
    if(window.event && window.event.keyCode == 13) {
      return false; }
      return true;
    <htmlb:content design="design2003" >
      <htmlb:page title="detail " >
          <bsp:findAndReplace find    = "<input"
                              replace = "<input onKeyPress=func(authorfname2);" >
            <htmlb:inputField id      = "authorfname1"
                              tooltip = "tooltip1"
                              value   = "<%= authorfname %>" />
          <bsp:findAndReplace find    = "<input"
                              replace = "<input onKeyPress=func(authorfname3);" >
            <htmlb:inputField id      = "authorfname2"
                              tooltip = "tooltip1"
                              value   = "<%= authorfname %>" />
          <bsp:findAndReplace find    = "<input"
                              replace = "<input onKeyPress=func(authorfname1);" >
            <htmlb:inputField id      = "authorfname3"
                              tooltip = "tooltip1"
                              value   = "<%= authorfname %>" />
    <b>in the iterator i am trying to do like this</b>
    <i>      MOVE: p_row_index TO l_rindx,
                p_column_index TO l_cindx.
          CONCATENATE 'INPUT_' l_cindx '_' l_rindx
                         INTO l_id.
          CONDENSE l_id NO-GAPS.
          IF gv_mode = 'P'.
            CREATE OBJECT l_input.
            l_input->width       = '100%'.
            l_input->style       = 'celldesign:GROUP_LEVEL3'.
            l_input->id          = l_id.
            l_input->cellvalue   = 'X'.
            l_input->maxlength   = 11.
            l_input->value       = l_string.
            p_isreadonly         = 'X'.
            p_style              = 'celldesign:GROUP_LEVEL3'.
    start test for the enter key
            DATA: l_script TYPE string.
            CONCATENATE ' "<input onKeyPress=func('  l_id ')"' INTO l_script.
            CREATE OBJECT l_find_repl.
            l_find_repl->find     = '<input'.
            l_find_repl->replace  = l_script.
            p_replacement_bee     = l_find_repl.
    end test for the enter key
            p_replacement_bee    = l_input.</i>
    <b>and on the main page i have my same function but doesn't do anything..</b>
    <i><script language = "javascript">
    function func(nextfield)
    if(window.event && window.event.keyCode == 13) {
    alert ('hello');
      return false; }
      return true;
    Any suggestions will be appriciated.
    Thanks in advance

  • Htmlb inputField type date: Failure

    I am using a htmlb inpuField with type date.
    Most of time it works fine.
    However, sometimes it opens the calendar and closes imediately. After that, it does not open calendar anymore. It is necessary to submit in order to make it works normaly again.
    Any ideas?

    I could not reproduce this with the following simple code:
    <%@page language="abap"%>
    <%@extension name="htmlb" prefix="htmlb"%>
    <htmlb:content design="design2003">
      <htmlb:page title = "test ">
           <htmlb:dropdownListBox    id          = "myDBLB">
            <htmlb:listBoxItem      key         = "key_red"   value = "Red"   />
            <htmlb:listBoxItem      key         = "key_green" value = "Green" />
            <htmlb:listBoxItem      key         = "key_blue"  value = "Blue"  />
            <htmlb:listBoxItem      key         = "key_black" value = "Black" />
          <htmlb:inputField      id        = "aabb"
                                 value     = "01.02.2005"
                                 showHelp  = "X"
                                 type      = "date"
    Can you please give me some hint, what you are doing?
    What SP level do you have? (Menu option System -> Status)
    The two problem of yours may have something to do with each other but I am not sure.

  • Need help with htmlb:inputField and Currency format

    Hi all,
    i'm looking in vain for the possibility to prepare a field with currency.
    I have a local field in which an amount is available.
    Unfortunately, the amount is spent but not formatted for currency.
    current layout:  123456.78
    requestet layout: 123.456,78
    How do I get through it?
    Here is my code:
    DATA: ld_betrag         TYPE ZBETR.
    definition: the domain of "ZBETR"  = 'WRTV7'
    LOOP AT.....
      ADD wa-betrag TO ld_betrag.
    The amount will be added in a loop.
    <htmlb:inputField id = "betrag"
                disabled = "TRUE"
                value    = "<%= ld_betrag %>" />
    Output is via a htmlb:inputField
    I have the same definition for a amount field in a htmlb:tableView...
    in this tableView i get the correct layout for my amount. But I haven´t give a special formatting to the tableView...
    Why the BSP works differently at htmlb:inputField and htmlb:tableView
    Thanks 4 help.

    the Domain of ZBETR = WRTV7 (it´s SAP Standard)
    Data Type          CURR      'Currency field, stored as DEC'
    No. Characters       13
    Decimal Places        2
    Output Length        18
    Convers. Routine
    X Sign
    I forgot the attribute 'type'.
    Thank you...now it works!

  • From & To  Selection for htmlb:inputField id         = "DATE"

    Hi Friends,
    Is there any feature like ,to select the dates in the htmlb calendar ? I need to select the from date , to date in the same calendar ,for results in that particular dates. I look for your suggestions in this regard.
    CSM Reddy

    You can refer to this sample code:
    <htmlb:gridLayout columnSize = "2"
                      rowSize    = "2" >
            <htmlb:gridLayoutCell columnIndex = "1"
                                  rowIndex    = "1" >
              <htmlb:label for      = "date_frm"
                           required = "true"
                           text     = "Date From"
                           design   = "EMPHASIZED" />
            <htmlb:gridLayoutCell columnIndex = "2"
                                  rowIndex    = "1" >
              <htmlb:inputField id             = "date_frm"
                                type           = "date"
                                required       = "true"
                                doValidate     = "TRUE"
                                firstDayOfWeek = "2"
                                showHelp       = "true"
                                value          = "<%= date_frm %>" />
            <htmlb:gridLayoutCell columnIndex = "1"
                                  rowIndex    = "2" >
              <htmlb:label for      = "date_to"
                           required = "true"
                           text     = "Date To"
                           design   = "EMPHASIZED" />
            <htmlb:gridLayoutCell columnIndex = "2"
                                  rowIndex    = "2" >
              <htmlb:inputField id             = "date_to"
                                type           = "date"
                                doValidate     = "TRUE"
                                required       = "true"
                                firstDayOfWeek = "2"
                                showHelp       = "true"
                                value          = "<%= date_to %>" />
    Now in OnInput Processing we can have:
    date_frm = request->get_form_field( 'date_frm' ).
    date_to = request->get_form_field( 'date_to' ).
    If you need to fetch records, from a DB table within this interval you can use:
    SELECT <fields> FROM  INTO <itab> WHERE <date in DB table>
    BETWEEN date_frm AND date_to.
    Hope this helps,

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