About *_query.jsp

we know that we can make Table1View1_query.jsp to find record in database using jdev903.
But I want to set a default value to some field in the "Table1View1 Query Definition".
field2_name: 3
How to change that jsp file "Table1View1_query.jsp" ?
I want to add some link (URL://) of every row in "Table1View1 Query Results",
so I can make different update action to every row using my "url" such as "action1.jsp"
field1_name field2_name field3_name
url1 url2 name11 name21 name31
url1 url2 name12 name22 name32
url1 url2 name13 name23 name33
How to change that jsp file "Table1View1_query.jsp"
my jsp file is :
<%@ page language="java" errorPage="errorpage.jsp" contentType="text/html;charset=GBK" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/webapp/DataTags.tld" prefix="jbo" %>
<LINK REL=STYLESHEET TYPE="text/css" HREF="bc4j.css">
<TITLE>Query Form</TITLE>
<jbo:ApplicationModule id="Mypackage1Module" definition="Project1.Mypackage1Module" releasemode="Stateful" />
<jbo:DataSource id="ds" appid="Mypackage1Module" viewobject="Table1View1" rangesize="3" itermode="LastPagePartial"/>
<jbo:DataHandler appid="Mypackage1Module" />
<h3>Table1View1 Query Definition</h3>
<jbo:DataQuery datasource="ds" />
<jbo:OnEvent list="Search, firstSet, nextSet, previousSet, lastSet, gotoSet" >
<h3>Table1View1 Query Results</h3>
<table border="0">
<td ALIGN="right"><jbo:DataScroller datasource="ds" /></td>
<td><jbo:DataTable datasource="ds" /></td>
<jbo:ReleasePageResources />

You can put the hidden field in it's own seperate HTML form and then have the button submit this form.
<form name=hiddenForm action=>
<input type=hidden name=hiddenField value=>
<button type=button onClick='doSubmitHiddenForm();' >
function doSubmitHiddenForm() { document.hiddenForm.submit(); }

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    I recommend that you palce this code in a JavaBean class and use this JavaBean via the useBean tag. It simplifies the page becuase you dont have all this code in your UI. you can then use the api provided in the oracle.jbo package to create\modify any view object in your application.

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    Sincerely, jmling

    I dunno - that statement seems misleading, if not just plain wrong.
    JSP text files can be potentially grouped together - ie you use the include directive to include one JSP file inside another. Basically its just a "paste this file inside the first one before translating into a servlet".
    But anything apart from <%@ include %> directives are not bundled together at this phase.
    This is the way I see it happening (simplified)
    - Process <%@include%> directives to get one large .jsp file
    - The jsp file itself is translated into a servlet .java file
    - The .java file is compiled into a class file
    - The class file is run, and it generates HTML which is sent to the client
    As part of this generation it may invoke other JSP pages through jsp:include / jsp:forward commands.
    These are treated seperately - is you translate/compile each requested JSP page seperately.
    All that the JSP page produces at the end of the day is an HTML file to send to the client.
    If there is an image on the page, the generated HTML includes a tag for the image, but the JSP doesn't send the image itself (just like a static web page can contain an image)
    In summary, the phrase in your quote "the files that make up the application are all translated together..." is misleading. The translation only applies to the particular jsp file requested, and any that it includes with the include directive.

  • Extremely difficult to debug, about EJB, JSP

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       private CDAdder cdadder = null;
       public void jspInit() {
          try {
             InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
             Object objRef = ic.lookup("CDAdderBean");
            CDAdderHome home = (CDAdderHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objRef, CDAdderHome.class);
             cdadder = home.create();
          } catch (RemoteException ex) {
                System.out.println("Remote Exception:"+ ex.getMessage());
          } catch (CreateException ex) {
                System.out.println("Create Exception:"+ ex.getMessage());
          } catch (NamingException ex) {
                System.out.println("Unable to lookup home: " + ex.getMessage());
       public void jspDestroy() {   
             cdadder = null;
    HttpSession httpsession=request.getSession();
    httpsession.setAttribute("cdadder",cdadder); //i want to add this object to the session so that i could retrieve it and use its methods in other JSP pages.
    <form method="post" action="addtrack.jsp">
    <input type=text name="TitleOfTrack">
    <input type=text name="DurationOfTrack">
    <input type="submit">
    CDAdder cdadder=(CDAdder)request.getSession().getAttribute("cdadder");// get back the object in the session
    String TitleOfTrack=request.getParameter("TitleOfTrack");
    String DurationOfTrack=request.getParameter("TitleOfTrack");
    cdadder.addTrack(new Track(TitleOfTrack,DurationOfTrack) ); //add the Track object into the arraylist using the addTrack(Track track) method in the CDAdderBean
    response.sendRedirect(addcd.jsp); //redirect back to the addcd.jsp page
    public class CDAdderBean implements SessionBean {
         // data item to hold a reference to a passed Session context     private SessionContext ctx;
         private ArrayList tracks=new ArrayList();   << This arraylist holds the Track objects
         public void addTrack(Track track) throws RemoteException{
              tracks.add(track); //one method for adding tracks to the arraylist
         public void removeTrack(int index) throws RemoteException{
              tracks.remove(index); //another method for removing a track from the arraylist
         public ArrayList getListOfTracksAL() throws RemoteException{
    return tracks;
    ...............................Each time the user enters the required fields(title,duration) to add a track, these parameters will be passed to the addtrack.jsp, and the addtrack.jsp will retrieve the cdadder object from the session and use its addTrack method to add the track to the arraylist. And when it finishes, it will redirect back to the addcd.jsp. I got some other codes in the addcd.jsp(I did not show it as it will look very messy), anyway, the codes includes a call to the getListOfTracksAL() method which will return an arraylist of Track objects.
    my problem is that, EVERY TIME i started the sun application server, and go to the addcd.jsp, then the FIRST TIME I entered all the required fields and click submit button . I expected the parameters would be passed to the addtrack.jsp and it would add the track to the arraylist for me and then returned to addcd.jsp and the addcd.jsp would display the track that I just tried to add.
    but it didn't.
    I am sure that it DID add the track to the arraylist because i tried to print the size of the arraylist after the addTrack method was invoked.
    the most strange thing was that the addcd.jsp would display the tracks correctly after the FIRST TIME of adding a track.
    Please take a look at this link if you have time:
    choose the role as "Admin"
    Add new music recording
    note: processor.jsp in this web server is the addtrack.jsp I was referring to.
    Many thanks to you all.

    i tried to add some println statements and noticed that:
    the first time i tried to add a track, the addTrack method was really invoked and the size of the arraylist became 1
    but when it returns to the addcd.jsp page the arraylist became empty
    but the most strange thing was that, it worked correctly AFTER the first time.
    thank you very much for your advice.

  • Need advice about proper JSP usage

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    One solution i can think of is each jsp calls the server code seperately. The other solution is that main jsp calls a server code which passes html code for all jsps in a Map. Then the main jsp distributes the html code to respective jsps.
    i am looking for an elegant and best performance solution.

    I would have separate JSP pages for the main page and each frame. Keep the parts separate, that makes it easy to make changes or swap out one part for others later if needed.

  • Quick question about url/jsp mapping

    Could anyone clarify whether the following mapping in the web.xml file is possible?
    I want to access the file webapps\examples\gate\login.jsp by going to the page instead of
    Currently I can map it fine to,
    which is an existing folder, but when I try and get it above the examples folder, it gives me the 404 error.

    Using only work/login.jsp will cause an error, and the tomcat server to crash, if I use the pattern
    <url-pattern>/work/login.jsp</url-pattern>, I just map the URL instead of
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  • About applet ,jsp ,!!!who can tell me  ????

    how can i pass data from applet to jsp ??????
    i have an applet , and i can have data in this applet
    i want to do like this :when i press a button in the applet,it is to show a new browser(jsp) ,and the data got form the applet
    will be sent to the jsp ( JspDataTest.jsp ).
    applet code like this :(i use it to send data to JspDataTest.jsp)
              urlInfo = new URL("");
              /**show jspDataTest.jsp*/                    
              /**open a connection*/
              HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection)
              connection.setRequestProperty("Content-type", "application/octet-stream");
              Vector data = new Vector() ;
              data.add("3") ;
              ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(connection.getOutputStream());
              out.writeObject(data) ;
              out.flush() ;
    JspDataTest.jsp ,code like this : (i use it to receive data form applet )
              //get data
              ObjectInputStream in=new ObjectInputStream(request.getInputStream());
              Vector vv = (Vector)in.readObject();
         }catch(Exception e){
    but it tell me Error like this :
    java.io.EOFException :          
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$PeekInputStream.readFully(ObjectInputStream.java )
    at java.io.ObjectInputStream$BlockDataInput.readShort(ObjectInputStream.java )
    who can tell me why ????? and tell me how to resolve it ??
    Thanks !!!!!               

    It's not good to send data as serialized data objects to your front end jsp. It'd be better sending data to another servlet/jsp which will process them, probably by saving them in session. After closing the OutputStream, you have to invoke a javascript function in order to make your browser to submit a request to your front end jsp. So you code could be something like:
    // get the JSObject representing the applet's browser window.
    JSObject win = JSObject.getWindow(this);
    // Run JavaScript with eval(). Careful with those nested quotes!
    win.eval("alert('before submit');jspsubmit();");
    Of cource you have to add the jspsumbit() javascript function in the header of your JspDataTest.jsp. It have only to do a submit to itself (or whatever page you like). The jsp which gets this request can get data from the session.

  • Urgent query about submitting jsp

    I have a hidden field on a jsp that I want to submit when a particular button is clicked. I dont want the rest of the form to submit. Is it possible to do this?

    You can put the hidden field in it's own seperate HTML form and then have the button submit this form.
    <form name=hiddenForm action=>
    <input type=hidden name=hiddenField value=>
    <button type=button onClick='doSubmitHiddenForm();' >
    function doSubmitHiddenForm() { document.hiddenForm.submit(); }

  • Question about the jsp:useBean tag

    Hi, I'm a relative newcomer to jsp, but the following piece of javascript code has me very confused:
    <%@ page import="com.jinsoft.bank.web.*" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="account" class="AccountBean" />
    This will result in java.lang.ClassNotFoundException, and it complains that AccountBean cannot be found.
    However, when I fully qualify the class, it works:
    <%@ page import="com.jinsoft.bank.web.*" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="account" class="com.jinsoft.bank.web.AccountBean" />
    Am I doing something wrong?
    Isn't the import tag supposed to help?
    Thanks for any help!

    Hi Kim
    I'm really interested in the particular error that you are generating. I tried this out using Tomcat 3.2.3 and it doesn't seem to be a problem. What application Server are you using?
    Another way to find out if the problem is with the Application Server is to check the .java file that is created out of the jsp page before it is compiled. Individual Application servers have different ways of storing this intermediate .java file but most of them keep it if the compilation does not succeed.
    You may possibly have to file a bug if everything else checks out fine. Another point, are you able to import the same bean into a Servlet and use it there?
    Keep us posted.
    Good Luck!
    Eshwar Rao
    Developer Technical Support
    Sun microsystems inc

  • Where is the Doc about JSP dev's guide & reference

    Hi, I just read the FAQs about the JSP technology and found this link:
    "Oracle JavaServer Pages Developer's Guide and Reference", but when I hit the link, the OTN site tells me that the link doesn't exit eventhough the reference is all over the FAQs.
    Where can I find this document?

    Hi, would you mind providing a link to the FAQ where you found this reference. It is possible this document exists, but so far
    I have only found this document from the Oracle 9iAS suite:
    Let us know if you need more information.

  • Uix:Tree - How to populate in jsp ?

    Hello all,
    I'm having trouble to know how to populate an <uix:tree> in a JSP page. I see the UIX Developer's guide and the SimpleTreeData example and the documentation about uix:jsp is very poor. The data that will be posted in the <uix:tree> was provided by IFS. Then, I populate a DataObjectList with the files name. The point is that I don't know how to make a link between this DataObjectList, populated in a class(*.JAVA) file and the <uix:tree>(*.JSP) file. I wanna know how to use only <uix:jsp> and don't use *.UIX files, only *.JSP and *.JAVA files, ok ?
    Here are some code part :
    This is the JSP file
    <%@ taglib uri="http://xmlns.oracle.com/uix/ui" prefix="uix" %>
    <%@ page import="Hierarquia" %>
    <%@ page import="oracle.cabo.ui.data.DataObjectList" %>
    <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=windows-1252"%>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252">
    Ifs - Publicação de Documentos
    <uix:styleSheet />
    <uix:form name="teste">
    DataObjectList dados = null;
    Hierarquia x = new Hierarquia();
    dados = x.getResultSet();
    <uix:formattedText text="Teste" />
    <uix:tree id="arvore_teste" nodesBinding="????" formName="teste">
    Thanks folks !

    Carlos -
    I believe that the best way to do this is to use scriptable variables, eg:
      <uix:tree id="arvore_teste">
          // Assuming "dados" contains your tree data
      </uix:tree>See the "Scriptable Variables" section in the "UIX JSP Tag Libraries" chapter of the UIX Developer's Guide for more info...

  • Jsp:include static svg does not work

    I am running tomcat4- and I have a jsp file that outputs svg content like so:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="US-ASCII"?>
    <%@ page contentType="image/svg+xml"%>
    This works fine- the problem is that up until now I have included other svg widgets like this:
    <g id="radio_off" >
                   <%@ include file="../graphics/radioButton.svg" %>
    which also works just fine. Now, I have to change this to pass in a dynamic directory containing the image (there will be various directories with same file name- I determine at runtime which directory to use)- so I have to use a jsp:include instead.
    When I do this:
    <g id="radio_off" >
    <jsp:include page="graphics/radioButton.svg" flush="true"/>
    When it is run I just get:
    g id="radio_off" >
    Just blank inside the <g> . If I change radioButton.svg to radioButton.jsp and say:
    g id="radio_off" >
    <jsp:include page="graphics/radioButton.jsp" flush="true"/>
    Then I get what I expect with
    g id="radio_off" >
    <svg width="15" height="15">
    ....and so on
    I thought jsp:include would include the static content of a file (like html or svg), but apparently only the OUTPUT of that file.....
    Is this correct- I cannot get my svg content to be included in the svg by using jsp:include or am I missing something?
    I think it will be strange that I have to rename all my svg files jsp to get them included...Anu ideas???

    You are right- I reread your post more closely and saw that you are suggesting to basically just map all my static files (like the .svg) into .jsp extensions- which is basically what I was asking was true- that for svg, xml, htm, any static content to be included as in the <%@include directive but using the action <jsp:include it needs to either be changed to the extension .jsp or, as you suggested, mapped in the web.xml to .jsp. I have remapped my svg to .jsp so as to preserve their .svg extensions- (of course now the first user is hit by about 20 jsp:init's on that page!!- but is then cached as in all jsp's).
    I guess kinda makes since since the include action gets the actual response from the page (which is blank image)- but as jsp it is the actual code....Well needed confirmation- and that's what I got along with the reminder to use the mapping in web.xml.
    So thanks alot- even put extra duke in for you !!

  • How can I display some OrdImages using a Applet in html or Jsp?

    I want to use a applet to display some images retrieved from intermedia OrdImage Object.
    Now ,I know that a applet can display some image objects or some images with their own filepaths. But we can get ordimag objects from Oracle database.And we can image data or image properties by ordimage java mathod. It is in html/Jsp environment. So how can I transform from ordimage to applet?? I appreciate someone who can help me!

    Do you mean applet or Servlet?
    An Applet is java code that is downloaded over the web and runs in a web browser environment. Is this what you are doing?
    I suspect you are really talking about servlet/JSP environments, and the ability to include images from the database in a web page.
    In either case (applet or servlet), you want to be able to access images via a URL. For a Servlet/JSP/web page, this URL will be specified in a HTML <IMG> tag with a key as a parameter to the image you wish to view. Images are not in-line downloaded in a web page. They are access after the HTML is loaded, and are accessed with URLs, sometimes relative URLs rather than fully specified URLs.
    To deliver images to the web from the database using the PL/SQL gateway and iAS, where the procedures are generated by a wizard, see:
    You can create a simple servlet (JSPs can not deliver binary data) that delivers database images using java classes. See:
    for a sample.

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