ABS as an universal package manager

I've just had a rather interesting thought. I'm lately entertaining (and discussing) the idea of universal package management, self contained packages etc. As I've recently switched to Arch again, I thought about ABS as a system which actually reduces dependence on a single repository, a single rule-set so to speak and adds a great amount of flexibility. It may very well be the best way of utilizing the one universal packaging format that there currently is: source tarballs.
What if other distros started packaging and maybe even pre-installing ABS, or something similar? Any user of any other distro would only need a tool like yaourt to check up a mirror of all PKGBUILD's available in the whole GNU/Linux universe and initiate an install where the system would just follow the instructions laid down in the PKGBUILD.
Now, considering the flexibility of PKGBUILD's, you don't even need to have them all compile a given program on the user's computer. Instead of fetching a source tarball it could just fetch a binary tarball. The dependencies are still all pretty much the same (and stated and taken care of by the PKGBUILD instructions), the biggest difference is just that instead of compiling the user gets a pre-compiled package and the whole process is done much faster.
Anyway, I wonder what you think and if anyone has discussed this before. I think the PKGBUILD's may very well contain one possible solution to coming up with universal package management system, at least as an add-on to a given distro's base packaging system. And even as an add on, and especially with the ability to install binary and not just source tarballs (much like pacman in fact) may add a great amount of flexibility to a given distro's user that they may currently be missing.
Last edited by libervisco (2008-07-04 02:25:39)

Stythys wrote:what's the point of having different distros if they all start trying to be the same?
There's no point at all there because that's not my point. The idea of universal package management is merely meant to increase compatibility, to provide a way to easily install the same piece of software using the same process on any distro. Imagine the benefits this could have for newbie users once such an option was further developed and polished. You could tell someone how to install a given program and it would work no matter what distro you run. As it is right now you have specific instructions per distro, not to mention that one distro has some software which another just doesn't.
It is not meant to replace the existing package management in these distros, just add a way to easily install software even without it, when it doesn't have what you need or when it's simply simpler for you to do it this way.
Stythys wrote:Anyways I seriously doubt other distros are just gonna start using ABS if asked. If you want pacman/ABS on a different system, just compile it yourself
Well, I agree they wont just adopt it. It would all be gradual. Someone starts compiling it for other distros and distributing it through a web site or where possible through community contributed repositories. If people like what they see they start using it more and more until some distros decide to include it by default. Depending on its success the extreme end result would be for it to be a common feature of *every* GNU/Linux system.
But yes, it does start with someone compiling it.
Stythys wrote:but then why not just use arch
Why aren't all GNU/Linux users the users of Arch?
ABS is by far not the only thing which differentiates Arch from others so it's not like putting ABS on other distros would result in them becoming exactly like Arch. That said, people have different preferences. Not everyone wants nor is knowledgeable enough to go through Arch's install process, for example.

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    I would assume that developers would appreciate this.
    If a set of tools, like the ABS, was included by default, that would indeed make me happy.
    Maintenance of packages for multiple platforms would become quite a lot easier, if not trouble free.
    And so on and so forth.
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    In the end though, my biggest problem is that people ask for a reason to begin work on such a thing. My counter argument of course it: "Why the hell not?!" Arch Linux already provide the perfect foundation, i.e. pacman and ABS. Of course for cross platform compatibility, some work has to be done, but the greatest problem, I believe, is convincing the community that this is a worth while effort.
    Oh well, enough ranting I suppose. I really just wanted to revive this debate, as I personally find it rather important. I don't have all the answers, but I dare you to come up with a problem that I cannot provide a theoretical solution to. To me it all seem so simple, and it's a mystery that this feat has not been achieved many years ago.
    Best regards.
    I'm not so arrogant that I do not appreciate that I may be entirely on the wrong track, but please, if that is indeed the case, do try to enlighten me rather than something uncomfortable.

    Trilby wrote:
    You beat me to that XKCD comic.  It's good for a chuckle, but hopefully that doesn't make anyone think that's all it's good for.  That comic captures the primary (and perhaps only) reason I'd never have any hope in such a cause.
    Just look at attempts an universal language.  You'd be hard pressed to find a handful of people in your day to day interactions who ever really learned esperanto, for example (I think I know one, but I haven't seen him in years).  Now we can set standards, though.  The arch linux forums have selected English as our default language - and in a sense we force speakers of other languages to use English ... in a sense, but not in another sense.  There are various arch linux online communities in other languages, where some other language is the default.  So one community can set a standard and try to enforce it, but that can't stop another community from springing up and using something different.
    So if we say Arch linux's package format is the one package format to rule them all, fine.  But then we have to convince others.  Even if we convinced a lot of debian and red hat people, for example, we'd probably have to compromise a bit and we'd end up with an arch-pm-deb package.  I'm sure some debian and redhat developers would fork their project or start new distros that continued to use .deb/.rpm, and some archers would conclude that this compromise was just a failure and they'd go on using pkg.tar.gz.  And then we have the exact situation of the XKCD comic.
    Sure, the world would be much simpler if one person could make an arbitrary decision based on their own preference and have everyone else in the world follow it.  But that's not our world - and I'm glad it's not.
    I'm usually not much for compromises (more on that on another occasion), but in this case I'm all for it, as long as it's sensible compromises. I have no illusions that the Arch way is the perfect way, and in any case, certain changes would need to be make to make it work.
    I would suggest that some may misunderstand my intentions. I see no reason my the average Debian, OpenSuse, Mint, *buntu, Fedora, Gentoo (etc.) user should experience any change. A Debian user would still use apt-get install package, or whatever graphical front end he or she desires, as with most other distributions, possibly excluding Gentoo and such.
    My interests are limited to the back end system end the tools that are provided by default, like something similar to ABS.
    Last edited by zacariaz (2013-08-17 15:09:31)

  • Suggestion for new package management scheme

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    beniro wrote:
    I haven't really seen a single post in this thread that is without some merit, or at least an attempt at input.
    The great thing about not being a larger distro is that the situation isn't as pressurized.  Still, though, we (meaning the community AND developers) still obviously want Arch to be the best it can be and that's what this thread is about.
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    Anyway, I think a great job is being done and this thread is simply a positive indication of the vitality of the community.  I think most of us fully recognize the resources of our developers and are simply wanting to find a way for them to bring us the best possible product.  Arch rules!
    I agree. I think what we should do is just take this time that we have while Arch is still young and not as well known among the Linux community, and try to make it great, relieving the pressures that we'd get a lot of later (not to say that we wouldn't get any, just less, hopefully).
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    We get one main server, whose "job" would be to create and store packages, and users could download from that server to install, etc. Now, whenever someone on the package management team finds an updated version of a package, they could log in to a special area of the site meant specifically for those developers. Then, using the special program on the website/server, they could link to the .tar or .bz2 that contains the source and submit it, along with the file's information that would be included with the package when you install it (file name, version, etc.) into the web-based form. Then, they click submit, and the server processes that file after downloading it, runs a makepkg-type thing on it, and stores the produced package in a "Fresh" repository. Then, the developer can download the file and opt to test it. If they're sure that it's okay, then they can replace the new file over the old one.
    Just an idea, tell me what you think... :?

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    How about porting http://www.packagekit.org/index.html to archlinux.

    Phrodo_00 wrote:yes I was thinking about you and the couple of packagekit topics that have appeared... and not thinking as seroius intentions from arch, but from, you know, some guy, you seemed pretty decided in that post, looks like I was wrong then... anyway, now that I know you aren't really interested and I'm starting vacation at university (and starting to work in a job if I can find one) I might aswell start taking a look at libalpm (why is it called like that?) and packagekit and see if I come out with something.
    From http://www.archlinux.org/pacman/ :
    As of version 3.0, pacman has been lib-ified, with a backend library named 'libalpm' (Arch Linux Package Management). Speed in some cases has been improved, and this should allow us in the future to speed development of alternative front ends.
    EDIT: however, some other guy nicknamed tradiaz said he was going to do it, not a lot about him has been heard though.
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    (look for alpm and the date of today)
    But it looks far from complete if the table on the faq is uptodate:

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    I tried to add and use OpenCV library in my Visual Studio javascript  windows application project,   but I still get the same error.
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    PM> Install-Package OpenCV
    Installing 'OpenCV 2.4.8'.
    Successfully installed 'OpenCV 2.4.8'.
    Adding 'OpenCV 2.4.8' to BlankSharedApp1.Windows.
    Uninstalling 'OpenCV 2.4.8'.
    Successfully uninstalled 'OpenCV 2.4.8'.
    Install failed. Rolling back...
    Install-Package : Could not install package 'OpenCV 2.4.8'. You are trying to install this package into a project that targets 'Windows,Version=v8.1', but the 
    package does not contain any assembly references or content files that are compatible with that framework. For more information, contact the package author.
    At line:1 char:1
    + Install-Package OpenCV
    + ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [Install-Package], InvalidOperationException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NuGetCmdletUnhandledException,NuGet.PowerShell.Commands.InstallPackageCommand
    Thanks for answers.

    Hi Fačko,
    Normally, we won't get any errors if we create a new project. Since you get this error when using OpenCV library and it is a third-party product, I think you need to ask in
    OpenCV forum for better response.
    Thank you for your understanding!
    Best regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    Whenever I open the system settings and then go to "package management" EVERY TIME the screen shows up and inmediatly closes and I get a KDE crash handler window.
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    Any more info you need just ask I will be around.

    There'sa forum for kdemod here - you might get a quicker/better answer there.

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    it did not fix anything.  I also installed all the extension updates, no help either.  The file mention below is where it should be and I can open it.  Tried running in administrator mode, again no help.  All three versions of power shell
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    The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\types.ps1xml(2977) : Error in type "System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity": Exception: The getter method should be public, non void, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
    The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\types.ps1xml(2984) : Error in type "System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity": Exception: The getter method should be public, non void, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
    The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\types.ps1xml(2991) : Error in type "System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity": Exception: The getter method should be public, non void, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
    The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\types.ps1xml(2998) : Error in type "System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity": Exception: The getter method should be public, non void, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
    The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\types.ps1xml(3005) : Error in type "System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity": Exception: The getter method should be public, non void, static, and have one parameter of type PSObject.
    The term 'Get-ExecutionPolicy' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
    John J. Hughes II
    Ran Get-ExecutionPolicy from PowerShell (x86) it returns Restricted
    Also looking around... I have on add-in installed or running
    Also tried uninstalling nugget and reinstalling
    I noticed on the NuGet website it calls for PowerShell 2.0. It seems I have PowerShell 3.0, could that be a problem? Can I install PowerShell 2.0/3.0 side by side, is there an update to NuGet?

    Found the following link in stack overflow, added the suggested items to the VS exe config file and it works now without error.
    Added the following to the devenv.exe.config file in the runtime section
    <assemblyIdentity name="System.Management.Automation" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
    <publisherPolicy apply="no" />
    <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Utility" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
    <publisherPolicy apply="no" />
    <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.PowerShell.ConsoleHost" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
    <publisherPolicy apply="no" />
    <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Management" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
    <publisherPolicy apply="no" />
    <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.PowerShell.Security" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
    <publisherPolicy apply="no" />
    <assemblyIdentity name="Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Diagnostics" publicKeyToken="31bf3856ad364e35" />
    <publisherPolicy apply="no" />
    John J. Hughes II

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    I am using CE server where I want to deploy EAR file by using JSPM. I run this program in Drive:\usr\sap\CE1\J00\j2ee\JSPM\go.bat
    I have also put the EAR file into the inbox folder Drive:\usr\sap\CE1\SYS\EPS\in but still It does not show me any file to proceed further for deployment.
    Does any one has idea?

    The Java Support Package Manager is not able to deploy a single .ear file.
    If the *.EAR file is placed inside an SCA (Software Component Archive) then JSPM is able to deploy it.
    You have to create a .SCA from an .EAR file
    SAP note 1223957 contains an attachment (nwpacktool.zip) which can be used to create a .SCA file from the .EAR file.

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    Can any body tel me how to apply all support package sumultanesoly by using support Package Manager EBP/CRM option in SPAM.
    I could not able to select all pactche at a time.It selecting one patch at a time only
    G Sasikanth Reddy

    I solved my self by selecting highest level of patch so that its dependencies can also add to the queue.
    Sasikanth Reddy

  • Support Package Manager for EBPCRM

    In CRM/EBP SAP systems there is used special 'Support Package Manager for EBPCRM' to implement Support Packages instead of standard transactions like SPAM/SAINT.
    I'm trying to implement more then one Support Package into the system however this is probably not possible. It seems that it is not possible to create import queue with more then one Support Package? Importing SPs one by one is very time consuming task. SO that's why I'm wondering about this special tool.
    Do you have similar functionality?

    Hi Jose,
    Yes I've put all the SPs into '\usr\sap\trans\Eps\in'. But 'Support Package Manager for EBPCRM' asks me for particular one while I'm going to import it. There is no such an functionality to use queue creation.
    BTW: I'm on SAP CRM 4.0 on WIN/MSSQL platform.

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    I want to manage Java JDK & JRE in an Solaris environment using Package Management I'm currently running Solaris 11.1 in a VMWare host. My current latest Java release is JDK1.7.0_07 and JRE1.7.0_07. I want to upgrade to JDK1.7.0_17 & JRE1.7.0_17 using Package Management. I've tried on several occasions to upgrade to latest release of Java but I have not been successful. Each time I try using the Package Management GUI or use command line they appear to be successful but the new release does not show.
    What could I be doing wrong?

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    -- Alan

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    anyhow i have tried ur tips as much i unterstand them (some of the command in cmd prompt and rest in sql plus)
    it notifies an error of missing a datafile that i have corrected and finally the login page appeared in the em. also connection from sql plus is successful.
    now while connecting to oracle through ORACLE DEVELOPER TOOL for .NET, i got this error:
    "An error occured while opening the connection, connection must be open for this operation"
    if i tried to connect through SYS as NORMAL it gave me the error to connect as SYSDBA or SYSOPER that is a valid error, but wat for the connection open error.

  • Slackware user - Arch install process and package management questions

    I currently am using Slackware 12 with updates.  It has become increasingly cumbersome to compile new software given the number of dependencies that also have to be compiled, and have their own dependencies compiled, etc and so on. 
    Other than the fact that the adoption of new packages is somewhat glacial, and that there is no automatic dependency resolution, I really like Slackware.  Its fast, relatively easy to configure, and easy to use.  I'm conversant in commandline-ese.
    I've been led to understand based on the Arch wiki that Arch is very similar to Slackware in its layout, but with bleeding edge packages and dependency resolution, so I would think it would be about perfect.
    However, I also understand that the install is more difficult that Slackware.  How much more so is my question.  Is it impossibly confusing and unhelpful like Debian installation was, or just slightly more difficult than Slackware or FreeBSD (both of which have very smooth installation scripts)
    Also, for packages that have to be compiled from source, are dependancies easy to satisfy from the arch repository, or do dependencies for new software have to be compiled with their dependencies.
    I'd probably just be trashing everything but /home, and doing a clean reinstall.
    Is Arch the right distro for me, or am I better off staying with Slackware?  Like I said, I really like Slackware except for the package management issues.

    I've been led to understand based on the Arch wiki that Arch is very similar to Slackware in its layout, but with bleeding edge packages and dependency resolution, so I would think it would be about perfect.
    You are right about that.
    However, I also understand that the install is more difficult that Slackware.  How much more so is my question.  Is it impossibly confusing and unhelpful like Debian installation was, or just slightly more difficult than Slackware or FreeBSD (both of which have very smooth installation scripts)
    They are quite similar, but Slackware provides more help when doing tasks like - how can I partition my harddisk and so on. But If you're comfortable with Slack's install procedure then installing Arch is much easier, just read the install guide.
    I think Arch is good for you, because currently I have both - Slackware and Arch and both suit me fine for my needs.
    Also remove all *. entries in your /home

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    I am at http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/middleware/content-management/downloads/index-085241.html and downloaded the part 1 and 2 of the Oracle Universal Content Management 11gR1 software. The part 2 looks good but part 1 is corupt (it is only 4mb). I tried this download from different computers and browsers which doesn't help
    Does everyone have the same problem?

    Workflow for document approvals and routing is supplied out of the box without the need for separate software or installs.
    What you can do is described here:
    The more complex integrated processes can use BPEL Manager which does require addditional component and software

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    I would like to know the Details on Oracle UCM (Universal content management)
    Please tell me the different versions and the installation and configuration documents.

    Hi Eduardo:
    I'd would like to know about ORACLE UCM, can you please tell me where can I find a tutorial about this. I've been read the manuals of Oracle page.
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