Abstract class confusion

I am writing a J2ME application, and I want to write a Record management system (RMS) that I can use in other J2ME programs. I have a Record class that RMS classes need to know about. The idea is that the Record class is abstract, and the implementation is defined by a subclass - depending on what the application needs to store. Any Record must provide the following:
1) A constructor which takes a single byte[] parameter, which is the data read in from the RecordStore by the RMS. The implementation depends on what information is stored in this type of Record - it might be a String, series of ints, etc...
2) A method getStorageFormat() which returns a btye[] representing the data to be stored in the RecordStore. Again, this is dependent on the application.
I think that I have to use an abstract class here, so I have written an abstract class called Record - here's what it looks like:
public abstract class Record {
     public Record(byte[] bytes) { }; //Should this be an empty constructor?
     public abstract byte[] getStorageFormat();
}My problem is that I can't define a subclass of Record that works! Here's an example:
public class MyRecord extends Record {
       String data1, data2, data3; //Some data that is stored in this record
       public MyRecord(byte[] bytes) {
              String data = new String(bytes);
              // do some processing to extract the data...
       public byte[] getStorageFormat() {
              String sep = ","; //A seperator
              String tmp = data1 + sep + data2 + sep + data3; //put all the data together with
              return tmp.getBytes();
}}I get an error in Eclipse with the MyRecord constructor that says:" The implicit super constructor Record() is undefined. Must explicity invoke another constructor". I tried super() but I get the same error. Can anyone please tell me what I am doing wrong? It seems to me that I am misunderstanding something about how abstract classes work.

Because you defined a ctor that takes args, the implicit one that takes no args--super()--is no longer implicitly supplied. You have to either put a no-arg ctor into the parent class, or call the one that you already have.
public Record(byte[] bytes) { }; //Should this be an empty constructor?
public abstract byte[] getStorageFormat();
}No. You don't want a ctor that takes args and does nothing. If you're taking that arg, then you should use it to initialize the state of the object.
Here are the rules for constructors--"ctors" because I'm lazy. Also, because I'm lazy, "super(...)" and "this(...)" mean any super or this call, regardless of how many args it takes, including those that take no args.
1) Every class has at least one ctor.
1.1) If you do not define an explicit constructor for your class, the compiler provides a implicit constructor that takes no args and simply calls super().
1.2) If you do define one or more explicit constructors, regardless of whether they take args, then the compiler no longer provides the implicit no-arg ctor. In this case, you must explicitly define a
public MyClass() {...}
if you want one.
1.3) Constructors are not inherited.
2) The first statement in the body of any ctor is either a call to a superclass ctor
or a call to another ctor of this class
2.1) If you do not explicitly put a call to super(...) or this(...) as the first statement in a ctor that you define, then the compiler implicitly inserts a call to super's no-arg ctor
as the first call. The implicitly called ctor is always super's no-arg ctor, regardless of whether the currently running ctor takes args.
2.2) There is always exactly one call to either super(...) or this(...) in each constructor, and it is always the first call. You can't put in more than one, and if you put one in, the compiler's implicitly provided one is removed.

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    Hi, Don't worry I am teach you
    Abstract class and Interface
    An abstract class can have instance methods that implement a default behavior. An Interface can only declare constants and instance methods, but cannot implement default behavior and all methods are implicitly abstract. An interface has all public members and no implementation. An abstract class is a class which may have the usual flavors of class members (private, protected, etc.), but has some abstract methods.
    Edited by SASIKUMARA
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    jwenting wrote:
    with experience and the insight it brings, you will know which to use when.
    Without it, it can't be explained.
    More often than not there's no X OR Y anyway.It's fortunate that there are posters here who possess the insight and experience necessary to explain this. The principal differences between an abstract class and an interface are,
    1. An abstract class can carry implementation, whereas an interface cannot.
    2. An abstract class is singly inherited, wheras an interface is multiply inherited.
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    Thanks fro the reply , but still im confused ,
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    try {
    poster =
    } catch (ModelException me) {
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    public abstract byte[] getMoviePoster(String movieKey)It's an abstract method, which means that any concrete class that extends ModelObjectLoader must implement the method. If you really need to know (you might not), then call getInstance() and output the result of getClass().getName() on that object. That will tell you its type, and then you can go look at the source.

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    Yes. You are - pretty much.
    The abstract class, as such, can never be instantiated. BUT a class derived from the superclass IS an instance of the superclass.
    Silly example:
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       public Animal() {
       public abstract int getNumberOfLegs();
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       public Cat() {
       public int getNumberOfLegs() {
          return legCount;
       public void maim(int legsToRemove) {
          legCount -= legsToRemove;
          if(legCount < 0 ) legCount = 0;
       private int legCount = 4;
    }A Cat is a specific type of animal, so we can find out how many legs it has (usually 4). Note again that a cat IS an animal, so Cat IS an instance of Animal.
    Java even provides a special operator to test this:
    Cat cat = new Cat();
    System.out.println("A cat is a cat: " + (cat instanceof Cat));
    System.out.println("A cat is an animal: " + (cat instanceof Animal));The term used to describe the "Guarantee" that a subclass of an abstract class (or an implementation of an interface) is usually and technically a "contract", but I prefer to think of it as a "Promise" since you can break the promise by messing with the bytecode - at which point the JVM will spot the lie and complain !

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    class circle extends Shape{
    circle(double radius, double radius1) {
         super(radius, radius);
    double area() {
    return (3.14*x1*x1);

    the answer from the test class in above case will be
    0!Yes, because 3.14 * 0 * 0 is 0.
    but if i change the x3 above to x1, it would work, You honestly don't see why? It's staring you right in the face. What does area() use? How does that field get set?
    reason i decided to use x3 is so that ppl dont get
    confuse! Here's what's confusing:
    * field names x1, x2, x3. What do those mean? They sound like 3 x coordinates.
    * two fields that are used by certain subclasses, but not others, and a third field that's used only by the subclasses that don't use the first two.
    * that third field meaning "the single value that applies to what both of the other two fields mean" instead of just setting both fields to the same value.
    * having any of those fields in there at all in the first place when they're not used by the abstract class and not used consistently by subclasses.
    but shouldnt it work because i have done the
    same thing i did to x1 and x2??

  • Abstract Classes & Interface Classes

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    My studies are progressing and just 1 period ago we started doing Object-Orinted Programming in Java and I must say I'm quite fond of it. It's become quite clear that OOP is an important aspect of Programming and just can't be missed. We've learned about Inheritance, Polymorfism, Mutators, Inspectors, Uses-Relationships and everything else however now I've come to the point where I got a problem:
    Up until now we have been using normal classes to work with in which you could create objects and in your main program create objects from that class however. We've just learned about Abstract and Interface classes. As far as I'm concerned I'm quite confused with both of them.
    If I am not mistaken (please correct me if I'm wrong) Abstract classes are classes from which you cannot create an object but is only used to make a subclass inherit everything from this superclass.
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    Thanks a whole bunch

    Funny enough that already solved the question !
    Thank you so much for the quick reply ^^

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    Possible source of confusion: you can declare a variable of type abstract class and assign it an object of a derived class that fully implements the abstract class. For instance:
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         public static void SomeMethod(){}
         public abstract void greeting();
    class AnotherClass extends SomeClass
         public void greeting()
    public class DemoAbstractClasses
         public static void main(String args[])
              SomeClass A = new AnotherClass(); // A's type is an abstract class
              A.greeting();  //polymorphism

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    I'm very confused about the abstract class Calendar,
    I ever thought that an abstract class can't
    instantiate objects. But this class do. thanks to the
    method Calendar.getInstance(); this is my headache.
    How is it possible?It returns an instance of a class that EXTENDS Calendar. Unless you are in Thailand it returns a GregorianCalendar.

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    I am little bit confuse regarding the benefits of the
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    regard. I just want to know when and what situation
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    method.Sorry if I sound weary of this question, but it is asked about 3-4 times a week. Rather than have us go through this tired exercise again, please search the forum for previous threads on this subject. You'll find about a gazillion. In fact, it's often a good idea to search the forum before asking a question as very often it has been asked and answered before.

  • Documentation formats for interfaces, classes, abstract classes

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    interfaces = [italics, not bold]
    classes = [not italics, bold]
    abstract classes = [italics, bold]
    I am most unsure of abstract classes?
    That is important to me, so please help me get this straight. thanks.

    Everybody knows that interfaces are blue, classes are red, and abstract classes use jumpy text.
    (that was a joke by the way)
    To my mind, using bold for abstract classes would be misleading. Just on an intuitive level, bold seems more concrete. But that's just me. I think the best thing to do is just to decorate the names with "<<interface>>" or "<<abstract>>" so there's no confusion.

  • Difference between abstract class and interface

    Hi everyone,
    CAn anyone explain why the following happen????
    Abstract class can have a constructor, Interface cannot.
    Abstract class can have static methods, Interface cannot.

    What are the advantages of defining constant
    variables in Interfaces?Not many.
    Effective Java - Joshua Bloch, Chapter 4, Item #17: Use interfaces only to define types.
    The constant interface pattern is a poor use of interfaces. That a class uses some constants internally is an implementation detail. Implementing a constant interface causes this implementation detail to leak into the class's exported API. It is of no consequence to the users of a class that the class implements a constant interface. In fact, it may even confuse them. Worse, it represents a commitment: if in a future release the class is modified so that it no longer needs to use the constants, it still must implement the interface to ensure binary compatibility. If a nonfinal class implements a constant interface, all of its subclasses will have their namespaces polluted by the constants in the interface.
    In summary, interfaces should only be used to define types. They should not be used to export constants.

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