Access denied when Runtime.getRuntime().exec

I have an applet that opens a JFrame.
In the JFrame I have a JButton, when I click the button I want a browser to open with a specific website.
This doesn't work.
When I look in the cmd-prompt it says:
" access denied ( C:\Program execute)"
What have I done wrong? Do I have to change the security settings? Where do I that?
class KnappListener implements ActionListener {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
frame2 = new JFrame(e.getActionCommand());
frame2.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {System.exit(0);}});
String website = new String("");
try {
Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:\\Program Files\\Internet Explorer\\IEXPLORE.exe"+website);
catch (IOException io) {}

it doesn't matter which class your program extends. if your program is an applet (running in a browser) it is not permitted to use Runtime.getRuntime().exec(). If your program is an application, it is allowed to do so.
I think there is a way for applets to get the permission through a policy, but I don't know how to do this.

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    I am working on a web application which launches a exe file on subitting the form. I am using Apache Tomcat 4.0.6 to run the web application. Initially Tomcat was not made a windows service on my machine and when I launch an exe it is launching without any problems. I used the following command to launch the exe file:
    Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("C:\\Program Files\\Mercury Interactive\\WinRunner\\arch\\wrun.exe" + strWROptions);
    The above command launches WinRunner on the local machine.
    without using tomcat if I just compile and run a test program with this command, the exe is launching perfectly. But, Once I made tomcat a windows service on my machine the exe is not launching.
    Also, a process is being created in the windows task bar named wrun.exe once I submit the form but WinRunner is not lauching on the desktop.
    Can any one please help and suggest me.

    The version of Java I am using is 1.4.2. Even without
    using the string array as you mentioned, the exe
    (wrun.exe) is launched on my desktop if I don't run
    Tomcat as a windows service. But the problem arises on
    making it a service :-(
    That is strange because going by the documentation what you have been using should never work. I can't test it though, I'm not on MSWindows at the moment..
    Now, when I use this string array convention, I am
    getting an error saying "The tool could not launch..
    some error occured".
    That's not a Java error message, it must come from WinRunner. This means that you have succesfully started WinRunner (great!) but something else is wrong; maybe the parameters you pass to it are incorrect.
    How would you run it on the command line? Like this?wrun -t "D:\L5_QE\L5A\Initial" -create_text_report on -runThat line executes the wrun program and passes it five parameters, not three. The first parameter is "-t", the second "D:\L5_QE\L5A\Initial", the third "-create_text_report", the fourth "on", and the fifth "-run". The array of strings that corresponds to that line isString[] command = {"C:\\Program Files\\Mercury Interactive\\WinRunner\\arch\\wrun.exe",
                    "-t", "D:\\L5_QE\\L5A\\Initial",
                    "-create_text_report", "on",

  • Runtime.getRuntime().exec launching 2 FireFox instances, when 1 expected

    I'm using the following piece of code to launch default browser of my system
    process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("rundll32"   +  " " + "url.dll,FileProtocolHandler" +  " " + "");It works absolutely fine when I've IE6/IE7 as my system default browsers. But when I set Firefox as default browser, at times this command launches 2 instances of Firefox with same url.
    I tried executing the above command from command line and I didn't face any issues with Firefox as default browser. Only when I'm calling from Java code using "exec" command, I'm facing this issue...
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Vinayak,
    It seems to be running fine on my machine. with FireFox Version and JDK 1.5.

  • Runtime.getRuntime().exec() and

    Hi all.
    I'm trying to run the following code, in an JSP file, inside an Tomcat installation, with Security Manager activated:
    Runtime rt = Runtime.getRuntime();
    Process proc = rt.exec("arp -n -a");But, when I run the JSP, I receive the following error: access denied ( <> execute)I have the following config. file:
    grant {
      permission "/etc/intranet/", "read";
      permission "/home/projetos/Shofar/conf/ShofarParameters.xml", "read";
      permission "arp", "execute";
      permission "*:5432",   "accept,connect";
      permission java.lang.RuntimePermission  "selectorProvider";
      permission java.util.PropertyPermission "dns.server",        "read";
      permission java.util.PropertyPermission "",        "read";
      permission    "*",                 "resolve";
      permission    "*:53",              "accept,connect,resolve";
      permission       "/etc/resolv.conf",  "read";
      permission        "",                                                     "resolve,connect";
      permission java.util.PropertyPermission     "",                                                         "read";
      permission           "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-",   "read";
      permission           "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-", "read";
      permission "insertProvider.SunJSSE";
      permission java.util.logging.LoggingPermission "control";
      permission java.util.PropertyPermission "java.awt.headless", "read";
      permission "/tmp/-",                  "read,write,delete";
      permission "/var/lib/tomcat5/temp",   "read";
      permission "/var/lib/tomcat5/temp/-", "read,write,delete";
      permission "/var/lib/tomcat5/work/-", "read,write,delete";
      permission java.util.PropertyPermission "",    "read,write";
      permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessClassInPackage.sun.util.calendar";
      permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "accessDeclaredMembers";
      permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "suppressAccessChecks";
      permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "";
      permission java.lang.reflect.ReflectPermission "suppressAccessChecks";
    };As seen, I put the permission "/usr/sbin/arp", "execute"; line, but it don't work.
    What I need to put in the file?

    paulcw is right on the money on that one. You can easily create a bat file to perform that operation for you. However if you are feeling a little adventurous you can always use a Process:
    Process process=Runtime.getRuntime().exec(.....);
    int oneChar;
    InputStream inputStream=process.getInputStream();
    File file=new File("test.txt");
    } catch (Exception e){}
    FileOutputStream outputStream=new FileOutputStream(file);
    while ((!=-1){

  • How to execute an application in Solaris using Runtime.getRuntime.exec() ?

    I am currently doing a project which requires the execution of Solaris applications through the use of Java Servlet with this Runtime method - Runtime.getRuntime.exec()
    This means that if the client PC tries to access the servlet in the server PC, an application is supposed to be executed and launched on the server PC itself. Actually, the servlet part is not an issue as the main problem is the executing of applications in different platforms which is a big headache.
    When I tried running this program on a Windows 2000 machine, it works perfectly fine. However, when I tried it on a Solaris machine, nothing happens. And I mean nothing... no errors, no nothing. I really don't know what's wrong.
    Here's the code.
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
         throws ServletException, IOException
         PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              Process process;                                                       Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
              String com= "sh /opt/home/acrobat/";
              String program = request.getParameter("program");
                        process = runtime.exec(com);
              catch (Exception e)
    It works under Windows when com = "c:\winnt\system32\notepad.exe"
    When under Solaris, I have tried everything possible. For example, the launching of the application acrobat.
    com = "/opt/home/acrobat"
    com = "sh /opt/home/acrobat"I have also tried reading in the process and then printing it out. It doesn't work either. It only works when excuting commands like 'ls'
    BufferedReader read = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));Why is it such a breeze to execute prgrams under Windows while there are so many problems under Solaris.
    Can some experts please please PLEASE point out the errors and give me some advice and help to make this program work under Solaris! Please... I really need to do this!!
    My email address - [email protected]
    I appreciate it.
    By the way, I'm coding and compiling in a Windows 2000 machine before ftp'ing the .class file to the Solaris server machine to run.

    it is possible that you are trying to run a program that is going to display a window on an X server, but you have not specified a display. You specifiy a display by setting the DISPLAY environment variable eg.
    setenv DISPLAY
    To check that runtime.exec is working you should try to run a program that does not reqire access to an X Server. Try something like
    cmd = "sh -c 'ls -l > ~/testlist.lst'";
    alternatively try this
    cmd = "sh -c 'export DISPLAY=;xterm '"
    you will also need to permit access to the X server using the xhost + command

  • Running curl command from a java program using Runtime.getRuntime.exec

    for some reason my curl command does not run when I run it from within my java program and errors out with "https protocol not supported". This same curl command however runs fine from any directory on my red hat linux system.
    To debug the problem, I printed my curl command from the java program before calling Runtime.getRuntime.exec command and then used this o/p to run from the command line and it runs fine.
    I am not using libcurl or anything else, I am running a simple curl command as a command line utility from inside a Java program.
    Any ideas on why this might be happening?

    thanks a lot for your response. The reason why I am using curl is because I need to use certificates and keys to gain access to the internal server. So I use curl "<url> --cert <path to the certificate>" --key "<path to the key>". If you don't mid could you please tell me which version of curl you are using.
    I am using 7.15 in my system.
    Below is the code which errors out.
    public int execCurlCmd(String command)
              String s = null;
              try {
                  // run the Unix "ps -ef" command
                     Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(command);
                     BufferedReader stdInput = new BufferedReader(new
                     BufferedReader stdError = new BufferedReader(new
                     // read the output from the command
                     System.out.println("Here is the standard output of the command:\n");
                     while ((s = stdInput.readLine()) != null) {
                     // read any errors from the attempted command
                     System.out.println("Here is the standard error of the command (if any):\n");
                     while ((s = stdError.readLine()) != null) {
                 catch (IOException e) {
                     System.out.println("exception happened - here's what I know: ");

  • How to use Runtime.getRuntime().exec() in JSP? is it works in JSP or not

    Hi to all,
    i want run a .exe file from JSP file. In java i am able do this, using Runtime.getRuntime().exec().
    but same thing, when i trying with JSP it is not working?
    plz let me is there any other ways to do it..

    It depends, usually (ie in an J2EE container) you're not allowed to access files or the runtime environment, by definition. What do you wan't to achieve with the exe?

  • Runtime.getRuntime().exec() and Garbage Collection

    I am programming a piece of software in both Java and C that has some strict real time requirements. Garbage collection, which pauses all threads in Java, sometimes causes loss of incoming data. In order to get around this, I am thinking to start another process using Runtime.getRuntime().exec("c_program") and using interprocess controls (in a UNIX environment) to retrieve data from the new process.
    My only worry is that the Process created by the above call would be a child process of whatever JVM thread created it, (as far as I understand, the JVM implementation in Unix uses multiple processes) and would also be paused when garbage collection occurs. Does anyone know the implementation of the exec functionality and the JVM well enough to say that this will or will not happen?
    Thanks in advance,

    You're going to create a whole new process? I don't
    know what a "child process" means, but Runtime.exec()
    gets the operating system to produce an entirely new
    process, outside the JVM. However if it produces
    output on stdout or stderr, you're going to have
    threads in your JVM that read that output, otherwise
    that process will hang.
    Why is your idea better than just calling the C
    program via JNI?Thank you both for your replies. My plan was to create a whole new process, yes. In UNIX, a process C is created by another process P using fork() or the exec() family. Process P is then the parent of process C, and process C is the child of Process P. P has an amount of control over C since it can send various signals to pause, kill, etc to C.
    My concern was that the JVM implementation would use these signals to implement the pause of all threads before garbage collecting. If it did, it may also pause the Process that it spawned from the Runtime.exec() call. Pausing my C program in this manner would cause the loss of data I was trying to avoid in the first place.
    My plan for the new process was not to produce anything on stdout or stderr, but to pass data back to the JVM using ipc (interprocess communication) resources of UNIX. I would have to use the JNI to access these resources.
    The whole reason for wanting to do this is to avoid the pause during garbage collection that all Java Threads experience. If I were just to call the C program through the JNI with a normal Java Thread as I think you were suggesting, this Java Thread would still be paused during garbage collection.
    To the second reply about RTSJ, I had heard about this but couldn't find info about it! Thanks for the link. I'm checking it out at the moment. The java runtime must be considerably different for the specifications I see that they guarantee.
    Again, thanks for the replies,

  • Runtime.getRuntime().exec and quoted strings?

    Attempting to execute a command containing a quoted string. Being very new to Java I'm guessing I'm not doing it right. Below are two code bits the first one works the second doesn't. So the question is "How do I use quoted strings in a command with .exec?"
    // this one works
    try {               
    p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ls -l");
    catch(Throwable e) {                                  
    // this one fails
    try {               
    p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("ls -l \"\"");
    catch(Throwable e) {                                  

    I don't know if it is too late for the answer, but I think I know what the problem is.
    You are using exec(String) method, and passed String parameter is parsed using StringTokenizer class. This means that when you use quotes as in "file1 file2", StringTokenizer parses this as "file1 and then file2" so it is not understandable command.
    To solve the problem, do not use exec(String) method, use exec(String[])
    Using this you can send separate command and separate parameters as in following example:
    If you want to send (in Unix)
    grep "SHOW lotid" text.txt
    (using exec("grep \"SHOW lotid\" text.txt") would not work)
    Do the following
    exec(new String[]{"grep", "SHOW lotid", "text.txt"});
    This avoids parsing problem when quotes are used.

  • SWT window disappear while running Runtime.getRuntime().exec()

    I have create a SWT application. I am executing the folloiwng code from my SWT application.
    Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(param);
    BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream()));
    String line = null;
    while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
    During execution of the above code when click on other icon of the window task bar and click back on SWT window Icon, The windows open but it does not show annything until the code execution finish. any help would be apprecited.

    This isn't an SWT forum. In the future, please post such questions on a forum specifically for SWT issues.
    But to answer your question, there's a 99.9% chance this is because you're launching the process on SWT's UI thread. Similar to performing long-running tasks on Swing's EDT, this is a no-no. The SWT UI won't be able to repaint itself until after your process has finished. To remedy this, launch your process in a separate Thread.

  • Wierdness w/ Runtime().getRuntime().exec between 8.1.6 and 8.1.7

    A Java SP that executes OS commands runs fine in 8.1.6, but doesn't run in
    8.1.7 when a window is generated as a result of the call. The Java class
    public class SimpleRunner extends Object {
    //just run the daggone command, don't worry about any errors, feedback,
    public static void run(String cmd) throws IOException {
    The call spec follows:
    NAME '';
    When deployed to v8.1.6 by a user with JAVASYSPRIV, the following call from
    SQL*Plus runs and displays a window:
    When deployed to v8.1.7, the same call causes notepad.exe to be added to the NT
    Task Manager Processes tab, but the notepad window doesn't actually open up.
    FWIW, the above code is a simple example - myactual utility captures the
    output streams of OS commands, very much along the lines of sample code that
    I've seen on Metalink - this also works fine in 8.1.6, but never returns in
    Granted, running Notepad is of limited utility (though it demos very well :-),
    but other useful OS commands that spawna window (such as kicking of an Oracle
    Report, which pops up a small status window) do not run now in 8.1.7. Running
    a completely non-visual process seemsto work fine, however.
    Any help much appreciated!

    Well, just for anyone who might be facing such an issue in the future...
    I am running the databse on NT and it turns out that my NT service didn't have the 'Allow Service to Interact with Desktop' checkbox selected, so that's why OS commands that generated windows weren't showing up. Checking that checkbox and stopping/restarting the service solved the problem.

  • Runtime.getRuntime().exec hangs and doesn't print the output

    I have written the following code to execute the command "psexec ipaddress -u userid -p password -l -c execute.exe >> c:/25_showoutpout.txt" and print the output in 25_showoutpout.txt file.
    public class ExecTest{
         public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException{
         String args1 = "psexec ipaddress -u userid -p password -l -c execute.exe >> c:/25_showoutpout.txt";
         Process p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec(args1);
    int i = p.waitFor();
         System.out.println("Done.with time "+i);
         }catch(Exception e){
              System.out.println("The error is "+e);
    But this program hangs and creates a blank 25_showoutpout.txt file.In the process list I can see the process running, but it doesn't redirect the output in the txt file.When i run the command from the command line it runs fine.Please help me.
    Thanks in advance

    I have written the following program to get the output.But still the required output is not coming in the console file.Only the messages that gets printed in the parent console that is coming in the file.But the expected output is to get the messages from the child window which gets executed while the .exe runs.
    public class RuntimeExecTest{
    public static void main(String args[]){
    String s = null;
    String result= null;
    int count =0;
              // read the output from the command
    String cmd = "cmd.exe /c D:/installer/ ipaddress -u userid -p password -l -c excute.exe >> C:/RuntimeExec_25.txt";
         Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
         InputStream is = p.getInputStream();
         // Get the std in to the process.
         OutputStream os = p.getOutputStream();
         // Get the std err from the process.
         InputStream es = p.getErrorStream();
         // Create readers for those streams.
         BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(is));
         BufferedReader errReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(es));
         String line;               
         // Read STDOUT into a buffer.
         // If no STDOUT check STDERR.
         while((line = errReader.readLine()) != null){
              // Do something with data here if you wish.
         System.out.println( line );
         while((line = reader.readLine()) != null){
              // Do something with data here if you wish.
         System.out.println( line );
    catch( Exception ex )

  • Runtime.getRuntime().exec() error message "cannot execute"

    I'm trying to start another program written in c++ with the commands:
    it works with other programs written in java, and also with ordinary unixcommands like "ls" etc. but when I try to start the c++-one I get the message: cannot execute.
    I can start the program directly from the terminal window, so it's ok.
    does anybody have any idea of what I'm doing wrong?
    ( my friend claims that it has to have a name ending with .exe, is that true?)
    grateful for advice!

    My first guess would be that the program is not on the path and Java cannot find the executable, ls on the other hand is on the path..
    I'm assuming that you are running on a unix system as you are using ls, so in this case your program does not need to end in exe, this is a windows thing. If your C++ program compiled on windows it would end in exe, but this is not the case on unix systems.
    I would suggest you try either giving the exec method ./nameofmyprogram assuming java is working in the directory your compiled c++ program. The other is to give the exact location.

  • Opening a new browser using Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); under windows

    Can Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); open a URL in to a new browser in wondows OS or ...can we force it to any specific browser insted on OS's default browser...
    It does open a new bowser under MAC but not under windows..
    cmd = "'rundll32 url.dll,FileProtocolHandler"+URL (windows)

    public class WindowsProcess
         public static void main(String[] args)
              throws Exception
              String[] cmd = new String[3];
              cmd[0] = "cmd.exe";
              cmd[1] = "/C";
              cmd[2] = "start";
              Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( cmd );
              process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec( cmd );
    }When you run the above code you should get two open dos windows.
    Now just just enter some html filename and hit enter in each window. IE should start up separately in each window.
    Thats also what should happen if you specify the html file as the fourth parameter. A new process should be created and two separate windows should open with a browser in each.

  • Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd) not working

    I have created binary scrip to parse file from one format to another format and the file parser is available on Linux path and working fine when calling from command prompt but while calling this program from jsf or any any java form bean it adds some special charaters with program and throws IOException as belows
    calling command
    String[]     cmd={"delimiter",inputFile.toString(),outputFile.toString()};
    Process     p=Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd);
    it gives following error. delimiter@! : not found
    while calling this from jaav main application working fine.
    any suggestion would be appriciated.

    I printed out whatever values are being passed and it is printing the right values on console and in log file and I also tried this command in stand alone application program an working fine. but when I call it from jsf form bean it adds ^@ at the end of first parameter and says ;
    IOException : delimiter^@ : not found
    i actually created the same copy as delimiter^@ and put it in same path directory with 777 mode.
    and now its working fine. but I did not know the reason why it change the name of first argument.

Maybe you are looking for