Access session parameters

How do I access session parameters set using wwsto_api_session api in plsql procedure later in a JSP?
I donot want to use jdbc becuase of response time issues and security.

is it something that you want to debug at runtime and find out those values?
Please, follow this link->
Also look at this. This might be of more use. it explains extracting such portal parameters:
-kunal kotak
Edited by: kunal kotak on Jan 12, 2009 12:16 PM

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    You are not suppose to do this - your Model layer should never depend on a specific view layer.
    The right way of doing this is explained here:

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    Hi Shay,
    Reviewing ADFContex methods it seems that this object shouldn't be accessible from BC. Example:
    public static ADFContext initADFContext(java.lang.Object context,
                                            java.lang.Object session,
                                            java.lang.Object request,
                                            java.lang.Object response)
        Initializes the ADFContext for the environment of the specified context.
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            session - the HttpSession or PortletSession of the current execution environment. OPTIONAL.
            request - the HttpServletRequest or PortletRequest of the current execution environment. OPTIONAL.
            response - the HttpServletResponse or PortletResponse of the current execution environment. OPTIONAL.
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    From windows server
    Locale en_US
    EmailAddress1 xxxxxxx
    uniquename WASE
    title Sr Systems Analyst
    FullName Amy Smith
    telephone +1-616-xxx-xxxx
    Machine xx.xx.xx.xx
    Accessibility false
    displayname Amy Smith
    Phone +1-616-xxx-xxxx
    Language en
    lastname Smith
    description Holland, MI, USA-Mailcode: ATS A4
    firstname Amy
    email xxxxxxx
    IllumLoginName WASE
    Title Sr Systems Analyst
    IllumLoginRoles ...
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    Locale en_US
    Machine xx.xx.xx.xx
    Language en
    IllumLoginName WASE
    IllumLoginRoles ...
    --Amy Smith

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    Steve's IllumLoginRoles
    'XMII Administrators'
    'XMII Developers'
    'XMII Managers'
    'XMII Operators'
    'XMII Plant 3019'
    'XMII Users'
    My IllumnLoginRoles   (Extras marked with *)
    'XMII Administrators'
    'XMII Developers'
    'XMII Managers'
    'XMII Operators'
    'XMII Plant 3019'
    'XMII Users'
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    --Amy Smith

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    String key = "test";
    String value = "This is the value";
    userContextWebImpl.setValue( key, value1 );
    and then retrieve this information through the EJB? Or is it possible to do this by using Statfull JavaBeans? Or can this be done through a nother solution?
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    (ApplicationContextWebImpl is the JavaBean)
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         String myResult = null;
         String myKey = key;
         ApplicationContextWebImpl applicationContextWebImpl = null;
              applicationContextWebImpl = new ApplicationContextWebImpl();
              myResult = (String)applicationContextWebImpl.getValue( key );
         catch ( java.rmi.RemoteException e )
         return myResult;

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    your solution is what I was initially looking for, so thank you.
    Can you also supply a link to the article you refer to?  I can't find it:-)
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    where %3D is the ascii representation of "=" and %26 is the ascii representation of &.
    I found this here : /message/529588#529588 [original link is broken] , but in this thread they say to separate the parameters by a ";", whereas for me it only works when i use %26 (&).
    Message was edited by: Dries Horions

  • Session parameters / initialization parameters

    what are session parameters? What are initialization parameters?
    When we do: alter system set....., does need a restart of the machine? of Oracle instance?

    Initialization parameters are those defined in your pfile or spfile (init.ora).
    Some of these parameters can be redefined at session level:
    To get the parameter values, you can for example, run
    show parameter <parm>
    When we do: alter system set....., does need a restart of the machine? No
    of Oracle instance?Yes if the parameter is static, no if the parameter is dynamic.
    Message was edited by:
    Pierre Forstmann

  • ADF BC how to access session backing bean value in servlet

    Hi everyone,
    How do I access session backing bean value in a servlet?

    Frank, thanks for your reply.
    I'm not sure how I can incorporate this example into my situation. Let me explain more detail about my problem.
    "servlet" in my post here actually means a custom servlet I wrote for rendering an image that is stored in db as ordimage. In this servlet, I get hold of my appmodule by using Configuation.createRootApplicationModule(). By doing so (If I'm not wrong) a new database session/connection is created. What I'm going to achieve is set application context for this new session/connection in db with the data stored in a session backing bean in the view layer.
    I can pass the required data to the servlet thru url parameter, but I don't want to do it this way for the reason that the data may contains sensitive information.
    I hope I have explained myself well.
    Message was edited by:

  • Accessing Session scope attributes in ADF BC

    Is there any groovy script for accessing session scope variables in ADF BC?

    Let me put forward my use case:
    My VO's in my application has a bind variable which is bound to currently logged in user (adf.context.securityContext.userName). Also my application has couple of AM's
    But now i'm adding complexity to my application where i'm implementing super user concept, a super user can login to the application, select a username (say 'user1'), and see the application as if 'user1' is logged in.
    So i'm trying to solve the problem by setting a session attribute for the user ('user1') and make it use in VO's
    Do you guys have any better solution to this problem?

  • Accessing session attribute in output jsp page

    Hi i am not getting any output in jsp page...
    i am getting just heading
    i think some problem with Session attribute..
    if so how to access session been in jsp page
    my code is here
    <%@page contentType="text/html"%>
    <%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    The taglib directive below imports the JSTL library. If you uncomment it,
    you must also add the JSTL library to the project. The Add Library... action
    on Libraries node in Projects view can be used to add the JSTL 1.1 library.
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
    <title>Tauvex Search Output</title>
    Tauvex Search Output
    <c:forEach items="${myDataList}" var="myData">
    This example uses JSTL, uncomment the taglib directive above.
    To test, display the page like this: index.jsp?sayHello=true&name=Murphy
    <c:if test="${param.sayHello}">
    <!-- Let's welcome the user ${} -->
    Hello ${}!
    plz reply soon
    thanks a lot

    this is what i set in servlet
    request.setAttribute("myDataList", myDataList);
    request.getRequestDispatcher("someJspFile.jsp").forward(request, response);
    how can i access that session attribute in jsp

  • Access session bean in ViewObjectImpl

    Hi all,
    Is it possible to access session bean (Managed bean) in ViewObjectImpl class?
    The use case is that I hope to add a whereclause for the VO in a bounded task flow before a specific page fragment using that VO is loaded. Thanks for any advice~~

    Thanks for the reply.
    So the only way to set a VO where clause before a page fragment is loaded is by :
    public boolean refreshRegion(RegionContext regionContext) {
    int refreshFlag = regionContext.getRefreshFlag();
    if ((refreshFlag == 1 && !this.isPostback())) {
    // set the VO where clause here...
    Any declarative way like "invokeaction" in the binding of the page fragment to set the where clause? Thanks a lot~

  • Access session variable inside AM module

    Is there any way to access session variable inside AM module custom function?
    I created one client interface function in AM and want to access one session variable value inside AM custom function.
    Please suggest.

    here i need help to find out right approach,my use case are below
    1.User will login thorough SSO .
    2.Based on used id i need to display user data in table form.
    3.User-id will need to display in right corner of page template ( JSF page with this page template)
    4.user can update/create new table data by pressing update/createinsert button.
    5.Once user press the create new request button,one empty row will popup which have user-id filled automatically (used-id who logged in) and will read only ,so that once user commit the data,DB can update/insert the data with that user-id
    so far i have done point 1,2,4 and 5 like
    1.i created AM preparesession and store the use id.
    2.i have putted whereclause in AM for particular VO and run execute query and able to see particular user data,who logged in.
    4.created servicemethod for createinsert in AM and exposed it ,and set used-is table attribute which i got in AM preparession .Now i am able to see new row with user-id in one column in read only form when
    Is this the right approach ? and now i am not able to do step 3 so how to display same user-id in pagetemplate as this value is available in AM only.

  • Accessing session variables with php

    I am trying to access the  session variable  $_SESSION['MM_Username']  in one of my php pages, but it is somehow showing empty (i.e it does not contain the username that was entered during login).
    I checked and confirmed that my login.php function is properly setting the MM_Username session variable by echoing it  from the login function.
    So why can't I read it from another php file in the same session?  Do I need to do something else before the session variables can
    be properly read from any php file in the same session?  Any help would be appreciated.

    Here is a test code I am using to access the session variable $_SESSION['MM_username']  from  the php page  test.php. But it is not working.
    I get an empty string all the time for $username. Can any one see something wrong with this code?
    <?php require_once('Connections/MyTestingConn.php'); ?>
    <?php session_start(); ?>
    $username = "-1";
    if (isset($_SESSION['MM_username'])) {
      $username = $_SESSION['MM_username'];
      echo $username;
       echo "Eror: can not access session variable";
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

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