Accessing form elements within a Spry region.

Since nested Spry regions isn't yet support, can someone tell
me how to access and modify form elements within a existing region?
For example, I have a region that displays a form based on
data I defined in a javascript array. On of the form elements is a
select with some options. I want to added and remove options to
this select depending on the number of objects in the data array.
The select is not defined when I try to access it after spry
has finished rendering the form, eg
document.forms[0].selOrder1.options.length = 0;
How are Spry regions attached to the browser's DOM? Does Spry
create it's own DOM subordinate to the main DOM?
Is it possible to make changes to a Spry region without using

Actually, there are a couple of ways to get access to the DOM
underneath a region container. If you have a region, you can put an
ID attribute on the region container node, or if you are using a
region observer, the data passed into the observer has a regionNode
property. So if you want access to the region DOM anytime the
region is re-generated, do something like this:
function myRegionObserver(notificationType, notifier, data)
// We only want to do something after the region is
// for all other notifications, do nothing.
if (notificationType != "onPostUpdate")
// If your region container element has an ID on it, just
// getElementByID. This is useful in the case where your
// is only ever registered with one region.
var rgnElement1 = document.getElementById("headerRegion");
// Or you can simply use the regionNode property of the data
// that is passed in. This is useful if you've registered
the same
// observer on multiple regions. The regionNode property
// contain the region container node for the region that is
// being updated.
var rgnElement2 = data.regionNode;
<div id="headerRegion" spry:region="ds1">
--== Kin ==--

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    How do I move them so that they can be positioned differently? The look I am going for is one where the thumb image is positioned to the left while the other items are stacked alongside it so that the end effect for the master region would look like this:
    I greatly appreciate the help! Thanks!

    This is the complete page
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="" xmlns:spry="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
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    cal4.setColumnType("Thumb", "html");
    cal4.setColumnType("Picture", "html");
    cal4.setColumnType("When", "date");
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        Spry.Effect.DoFade(targetElement, {duration: duration, from: from, to: to, toggle: toggle});
    function closeAd() {
    function MM_effectBlind(targetElement, duration, from, to, toggle)
        Spry.Effect.DoBlind(targetElement, {duration: duration, from: from, to: to, toggle: toggle});
    function MM_effectSlide(targetElement, duration, from, to, toggle)
        Spry.Effect.DoSlide(targetElement, {duration: duration, from: from, to: to, toggle: toggle});
    function MM_effectGrowShrink(targetElement, duration, from, to, toggle, referHeight, growFromCenter)
        Spry.Effect.DoGrow(targetElement, {duration: duration, from: from, to: to, toggle: toggle, referHeight: referHeight, growCenter: growFromCenter});
    <link href="SpryAssets/SpryMenuBarHorizontal.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
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        <div id="adBanners">
            <div id="halfBanner"><a href="#" onClick="document.getElementById('adRollover').style.visibility='visible';"><img src="images/banner_half_1.jpg" alt="Half Banner" width="237" height="90" /></a></div>
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            <div class="clearFloats"></div>
        <div id="mainHeader">
            <div id="homepageLink"><a href="index.html"><img src="images/spacer.gif" width="400" height="100" /></a></div>
            <ul id="MenuBar1" class="MenuBarHorizontal">
                <li><a href="feature.html">FEATURES</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">FASHION</a></li>
                <li><a href="calendar.html" class="on">CALENDAR</a></li>
                <li><a href="#">VIDEO</a></li>
                <li><a href="blog.html">BLOG</a></li>
        <div class="MasterDetail">
          <div class="DetailContainer" id="event" spry:detailregion="cal4">
            <div class="DetailPicture">{Picture}</div>
            <div class="DetailColumn DetailTitle">{What}</div>
            <div class="DetailColumn"><div class="DetailLabel">WHEN:</div> {When}
            <div class="DetailColumn"><div class="DetailLabel">WHERE:</div> {Where}
            <div class="DetailColumn">{Details}</div>
          <div id="calHeader"><p><img src="images/calendar_hdr.gif" width="492" height="100" /></p></div>
          <div spry:region="cal4" class="MasterContainer" onclick="MM_effectAppearFade(this, 1000, 0, 100, false); MM_effectBlind('event', 1000, '0%', '100%', false);">
            <div class="MasterColumn" spry:repeat="cal4" spry:setrow="cal4" spry:hover="MasterColumnHover" spry:select="MasterColumnSelected"><div class="MasterColumnPicture">{Thumb}</div>
              <div class="MasterColumnTitle">{What}</div>
              <div class="MasterColumnText"><div class="DetailLabel">WHEN:</div> {When}</div>
              <div class="MasterColumnText"><div class="DetailLabel">WHERE:</div> {Where}</div>
              <div style="clear:both"></div>
          <br style="clear:both" />
    <div id="footer">
        <div class="text">Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. &copy; 2008 Adobe All rights reserved. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached, or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Adobe is a trademark owned by Adobe.</div>
    <div id="adRollover" style="visibility: hidden;">
    <script language="javascript">
        if (AC_FL_RunContent == 0) {
            alert("This page requires AC_RunActiveContent.js.");
        } else {
                'codebase', ',0,0,0',
                'width', '536',
                'height', '479',
                'src', 'watch_ad',
                'quality', 'high',
                'pluginspage', '',
                'align', 'middle',
                'play', 'true',
                'loop', 'true',
                'scale', 'showall',
                'wmode', 'transparent',
                'devicefont', 'false',
                'id', 'watch_ad',
                'bgcolor', '#ffffff',
                'name', 'watch_ad',
                'menu', 'true',
                'allowFullScreen', 'false',
                'movie', 'watch_ad',
                'salign', ''
                ); //end AC code
        <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0" width="536" height="479" id="watch_ad" align="middle">
        <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
        <param name="allowFullScreen" value="false" />
        <param name="movie" value="watch_ad.swf" /><param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="bgcolor" value="#ffffff" />
        <param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed src="watch_ad.swf" quality="high" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="536" height="479" name="watch_ad" align="middle" allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" allowFullScreen="false" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="" />
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  • Accessing form elements

    i want to access the value in text area in jsp code on submitting the form.
    can anyone give me solution

    For the HTML at
    , adding an id="username" and converting input type="text" to a
    textarea gets the code posted in the first post to set the value of
    the textarea.

  • Creating form element from within a component

    Hi all,
    I am trying to create a form element within a component
    function which is then called from a .cfm page which has the cfform
    tags. I keep getting a context validation error for the form
    element tag. Here is some sample code:
    <cfcomponent name="yourComponent">
    <cffunction name="createTag" returntype="string"
    <cfsavecontent variable="returnContent">
    <cfselect name="thisSelect">
    <option value="0">Value 1</option>
    <cfreturn returnContent>
    And in the .cfm page:
    <cfinvoke component="yourComponent" method="createTag"
    The error occurs in the function and it says the cfselect
    must be within a cfform. I tried the function without the save
    content and just set the output="yes" but the same error occurs.
    Any help appreciated in how to get around this. Just putting
    the code in the .cfm is not an option for this.
    Any help appreciated.

    Originally posted by:
    Thanks for the reply. Yes, that works. So it looks like it
    has to do with the function call.
    After some further investigation, I found out that a regular
    <select> works, it's just the <cfselect> that does not.
    ColdFusion wants it directly within the <cfform> tag.
    Something does not make sense. If the cfsavecontent worked in
    the cfm file, there is no reason for it not to work in a cfc.
    If you want to persue this, the next troubleshooting step is
    to copy the function to your cfm file and see if it works. I
    suspect that you are trying something simple as a proof of concept.

  • SIFR & Spry regions

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    Photo Gallery code - within which there is a h3 tag that draws from
    the xml file.
    The h3 tag doesn't show up when sIFR is used - although there
    are other xml elements in the page which still work ok.
    As I'm not using sIFR on the h3 tag, it's confusing the life
    out of me. Any help much appreciated.
    The page is
    Thanks, Matt.

    include sIFR script above the SpryData.js
    and include the
    <script type="text/javascript">if(typeof sIFR ==
    sIFR.replaceElement("h2", named({sFlashSrc:
    "flash/communist.swf", sColor: "#FFFFFF", sBgColor: "#2F0000"}));
    within your Spry:region so its gets rebuild everytime the
    region updates.
    maby that will help.

  • IE8 Spry Region Throws "Expected ':' "

    Anyone know what might cause IE8 (and as far a I can tell, only IE8 - haven't tested in IE7) to throw a javascript error saying "Expected ':'" within a spry:region / spry:repeat variable?  A la:
    <LI spry:repeat="listsdata">
                      <span onclick="getLists({listsdata::ID})">{listsdata::name}</span>
                      <input type="button" value="-Group" onclick="deleteListGroup({listsdata::ID})" />
    You can see the behavior here:
    I've been using Spry on and off for some time, including a very similar project - with no such issues.

    Well, I'm not sure where you're replicating that.  That's not the lines or error IE8 gives me.  IE8 gives me:
    Message: Expected ':'
    Line: 132
    Message: Expected ':'
    Line: 134
    Message: Expected ':'
    Line: 148
    Message: Expected ':'
    Line: 151
    Message: Expected ':'
    Line: 152
    Message: Expected ':'
    Line: 153
    Message: Expected ':'
    Line: 160
    Message: Expected ':'
    Line: 165
    Message: Expected ':'
    Line: 169
    Which refers to these lines:
    <span onclick="getLists({listsdata::ID})">{listsdata::name}</span>
    <LI spry:repeat="listdata"> {name} <input type="button" value="-List" onclick="deleteList({ID})" />
    <span ondblclick="displayEditItem({itemdata::ID})" id="display{itemdata::ID}" class="showitem">{itemdata::name}
    <input type="button" value="E" onclick="displayEditItem({itemdata::ID})" />
    <input type="button" value="-Item" onclick="deleteItem({itemdata::ID},{ID},{groupid})" />
    <input type="button" value="Save" onclick="editItem({itemdata::ID},{ID},{groupid})" />
    <input type="button" value="+Item" onclick="addItem({ID},{groupid})" />
    <input type="button" value="+List" onclick="addList({listheader::groupid})" />
    Which is an odd subset of variable binding within Spry regions.  Other browsers show no error, IE8 displays no further errors (this is only on the initial loading of the XMLDataSets).          

  • Execute code after Spry region redrawn / added to DOM

    I'm integrating my Spry event data with a YUI calendar.
    Everything is working and event dates are highlighted on the YUI calendar.  There is one last thing I wish to do which is to update the YUI calendar with a Spry Tooltip.  The div regions for the tooltip text are generated dynamically by via a Spry repeating region.  What I am failing to do is attach the tooltips to the YUI calendar after the Spry repeating region has been added to the docuement DOM. So the Spry Tooltip function cannot find the ID of the tooltips.
    I have a dataset observer "onpostload" which seems to fire when the data is loaded but before the document dom has been updated by Spry.  How can I ensure I wait for Spry to update the region and hence DOM with the new data before triggering the tooltip code?

    You got different kind of observers in Spry Data.
    - Dataset observers:
         datasetname.addObserver( observer )
    - Spry Region Observers:
         Spry.Data.Region.addObserver( 'region-id', observer );
    The dataset observers send out notifications when there is a event happening inside the Spry Data Sets. The one you mentioned is part of this (onPostLoad). These are great to monitor your data changes, but in your case. You don't want to use these.
    The Spry region observers respond to events that are happening in side the region. For example onPreUpdate, this event is called when the region is about to generate / insert new markup in to your region. But you also got the onPostUpdate. This is the observer you are looking for, it gets called once the region has re-generated its code / html. It gets fired directly after the new HTML has been inserted.
    Small note about the region observers, these require a id= attribute. This id attribute must be placed on the same element as the spry:region. To learn, and read more about the observers i would like to referrer you to this article:
    Data Set and Region Overview
    Its rather large, but using the browser build in find function you should be able to locate the sections about the observers
    Hopes this helps,

  • How to do the same form element alignments on two different regions

    I have two different regions on the same page as the second one is underneath of the first one. Both the regions have some form elements like text field, select list etc. However the alignment of the elements on these two regions are not the same. In the individual regions, it just aligns the input fields based on the maximum length of the label within the region only, so it creates two different vertical alignments per region. How to have the same alignment for the input elements across the regions?
    (I wish to upload the screenshot of the page but there is no provision in this forum to do so).
    Thanks in advance.

    The basic approach is to set the width of the item labels using a CSS embedded style sheet in the page HTML Header:
    <style type="text/css">
    label {
      display: block;
      width: 15em;
    </style>If you want to limit this to items in specific regions, then give these region(s) static region IDs (such as <tt>region-1</tt>) for use as CSS selectors:
    <style type="text/css">
    #region-1 label,
    #region-2 label {
      display: block;
      width: 15em;

  • Spry Regions and Selection of First Element

    I've done a little work with spry regions and am currently struggling with how to interact with the generated content via Javascript.
    Specifically (I'm not using a Spry DataGrid BTW) I'm trying to do something like document.getElementById("st").focus(); on the first anchor in the returned dataset. I haven't put the ID in yet because I'm not sure exactly what to use (maybe @id) but how to capture the first one for the reference in the final .focus() call.
    Anybody done this before?
    <!--- list panel --->
    <div spry:region="dsCompanies" style="clear:both;">
    <div spry:repeat="dsCompanies">
    <div class="card" >
    <p><b><a href="#" onclick="loadcompany('{@id}','contacts');searchpanel.displayPopupDialog(false);return false;">{name}</a></b>
    <br>{city}, {state} {zip}
    </div><!--- end of card --->
    </div> <!--- end of spry region --->
    <p spry:state="loading"> Please Wait...</p>
    </div> <!--- end of panel --->

    You can apply focus to form elements and anchors/links. In this case I am attempting to set the focus to the <a href> tag.. but only the first in the repeating region.
    <a id="foo1" href="#"> This</a>
    <a id="foo2" href="#"> That</a>
    <script type="text/javascript">
      // selects 'that'

  • Help with Spry Rating Widget within a Spry Repeating Region

    My link
    This is a long question, but it seems to me if answered somewhere it could help alot of people in the spry community creating comment boards as it uses three important spry widgets: rating, repeating, and tabbed panels. I am trying to use spry rating widget within a spry repeating region within a spry tabbed panel with xml. I was trying to go with the pulse light script ( but Gramps told me about the spry rating widget. But I have ran into a couple more problems. First, I couldnt find that much information on the forums or online about how to do the php page with the spry rating widget. None of these have any information on how to do it: .html html ml
    And it seems that the official examples are so poor (or I am just ignorant, which def could be a possiblity) it shows
    to set the initial rating value from the server, but uses a static value of 4
    <span id="initialValue_dynamic" class="ratingContainer">
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>      
             <input id="spryrating1_val" type="text" name="spryrating1" value="4" readonly="readonly" />
             <span class="ratingRatedMsg sample">Thanks for your rating!</span>
    var initialValue_dynamic = new Spry.Widget.Rating("initialValue_dynamic", {ratingValueElement:'spryrating1_val'});
    I finally found a site that has the php and mysql setup. l
    But its not perfect. It has the same problem that I ran into with Pulse light, that you had to use php echo within the spry repeating region to set the initial value from the server:
    <span id="spryrating1" class="ratingContainer">
             <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <input type="text" id="ratingValue" name="dynamic_rate" value="<?php echo $row['average']?>"/>
            <script type="text/javascript"
                var rating1 = new Spry.Widget.Rating("spryrating1", {ratingValueElement:'ratingValue', afterRating:'serverValue', saveUrl: 'save.php?id=spryrating1&val=@@ratingValue@@'});
    So instead, I tried with three of my panels ( to get the average rating from xml by using the following queries:
    Returns the blurts in most recent order along with average rating
    SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt,Blurt.`Date`,DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date, ratings.rating_id, Avg(ratings.rating_value) as average_r FROM ratings Left Join Blurt On ratings.rating_id = Blurt.Id_blurt Group By Id_blurt ORDER BY Blurt.`Date` DESC
    Wet Eyed
    Returns the blurts in highest ratings order along with the average rating
    SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt, DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date, ratings.rating_id, Avg(ratings.rating_value) as average_r FROM ratings Left Join Blurt On ratings.rating_id = Blurt.Id_blurt AND ratings.rating_value > 0.1 Group By Id_blurt ORDER BY average_r Desc
    Dry Eyed
    Returns the blurts in lowest rating order along with the average rating
    SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt, DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date, ratings.rating_id, Avg(ratings.rating_value) as average_r FROM ratings Left Join Blurt On ratings.rating_id = Blurt.Id_blurt AND ratings.rating_value > 0.1 Group By Id_blurt ORDER BY average_r
    These all return the correct xml in the correct order.And they return the average rating of each blurt which I can send to my page with xml.
    My first question is that I dont know how to configure the query on my fourth panel Empathized & Advised the same way because it already has a Group By for the Comment Id.
    SELECT `Comment`.id_Blurt, COUNT(*) as frequency, Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt, DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date FROM Blurt, `Comment` WHERE Blurt.Id_blurt = `Comment`.id_Blurt GROUP BY `Comment`.id_Blurt ORDER BY COUNT(*) DESC";
    Not sure if you guys need more information to understand that all, if so just ask.
    So after I get my average value through xml to the first three panels, I set my spry repeating region up like this:
    (Blurt panel)
    <div spry:region="pv1" spry:repeatchildren="pv1">           
               <div class="blurtbox">
                <!--  most recent blurt tab-->
                <h3> "{pv1::Blurt}"</h3>
                <p> Blurted from {pv1::Location} at {pv1::Date}</p>
                <p>Empathize or Advise about {pv1::Name}'s Blurt #<a href="detailblurt.php?blurtid={pv1::Id_blurt}"> {pv1::Id_blurt}</a></a></p>
               <span id="{pv1::Id_blurt}" class="ratingContainer">
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingButton"></span>
                <span class="ratingRatedMsg">Thank You! Your tears have been tallied.</span>
                <input type="text" id="ratingValue" name="dynamic_rate" value="{pv1::average_r}"/>
            <script type="text/javascript">
                // overview of available options and their values:
                var rating1 = new Spry.Widget.Rating("{pv1::Id_blurt}", {ratingValueElement:'ratingValue', afterRating:'serverValue', saveUrl: 'save.php?id={pv1::Id_blurt}&val=@@ratingValue@@'});
    Ok, it registers the right vote in the database with the right blurt id each time. But I am having two problems so far:
    One, even though {pv1::average_r} returns the correct average through xml, it doesn't show the initial rating value for each of the repeating blurts. It seems to show the first one correct, and then just repeat that same value to the other ones that follow. I just dont understand since it can get the correct server value right after you vote (afterRating:'serverValue), that I can't manipulate spryrating.js in some way that I could just replace 'ratingValue' in ratingValueElement:'ratingValue' with something to give me the initial server value.
    Two: Is even more mysterious to me, if you play around with voting on the site, sometimes you are unable to vote on different blurts. Its weird. It seems like that the javascript is completely off just on those blurts. And sometimes its a whole row, sometimes none. But so far its never a problem on the first tabbed panel (Recent), only on the other three. As far as I know, the coding is exactly the same in each tab's repeating region except for the different xml input.
    And, now on the live server, sometimes the pics of tears used to voting dont show up until you click.
    Any help on those three questions (how to query the fourth panel, how to show the initial server value, and the glitches with voting) would be greatly appreciated!! I looked pretty hard on adobe forums and other sites, and didnt see much on how to really use the spry rating widget with php and xml.

    Ok, the first query on the Recent tab doesnt work for me because it wont show unless its already voted, and since these are supposed to be new blurts, that kind of breaks the whole site:
    "SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt,Blurt.`Date`,DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date, ratings.rating_id, Avg(ratings.rating_value) as average_r FROM ratings Left Join Blurt On ratings.rating_id = Blurt.Id_blurt Group By Id_blurt ORDER BY Blurt.`Date` DESC";
    So I replaced it with what I originally had.
    "SELECT Blurt.Id_blurt, Blurt.Name, Blurt.Location, Blurt.Blurt,Blurt.`Date`,DATE_FORMAT(Blurt.`Date`, '%l:%i %p on %M %D, %Y') as Date FROM Blurt ORDER BY Blurt.`Date` DESC";
    But this doesn't provide me with the initial average rating:(

  • Spry tool tip does not work in template or child pages within an editable region. Why not?

    Ok. so I am getting pretty frustrated. I take the time to learn how to use CSS and to create a template page for a Contractor Site ( The idea is to create a page that I can use for different classes of Contractors...right?
    Then I get all happy about being able to insert ToolTip onto pages to help the user. Great!
    LIfe to turn to Sorrow after nearly five hours of searching for a "eeking" answer.
    So what good does it do to have an Editable region to update if we cannot have the flexibility to insert a tool tip on child pages?  Ok so the fast solution is to what... Have a question mark image, insert another apDiv, name it toolTip_Not and provide it with a show=hide behavior?
    This really sucks not being able to find a solution within a reasonable amount of time.

    I have tried thank you. is still not working.
    The error message is "Making this change would require code that is locked by a template translator"
        Re: Spry tool tip does not work in template or child pages within an editable region. Why not?
        created by altruistic gramps in Spry Framework for Ajax - View the full discussion
    If you have a look at the following simple document with a tooltipTooltip trigger goes here.
    Tooltip content goes here.
    you will notice that a couple of lines have been placed in the HEAD section of the document. When using DW templates, the HEAD section is usually not editable, hence the error mesaage. By default, your template should have an editable region in it just before the closing tag. It looks like this: <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="head" > <! TemplateEndEditable --> Dreamweaver should be able to find that editable region and insert the
    <script> tag there automatically. Because you don't have an editable region like that in the <head>, open the master template, and paste the code above just before the closing </head>
    tag. Gramps
    Edited to remove personal data

  • Accessing parent window form elements from a JSP file

    Actually I have a JSP page . It calls a popup function to load another JSP file on the event Onclick of a label. In the JSP file loaded on the popup window, I need to access the form elements of the parent.
    Eg: the Parent has a Textarea named "ta_1" in the form "appl_1".
    Now i cannot access this element in the child JSP page using,
    The window.opener is not defined for this HTML page cos the HTML page was generated as an output of the JSP file.
    Please give a JSP code snippet which accesses the parent form element..

    Actually I have a JSP page . It calls a popup function to load another JSP file on the event Onclick of a label. In the JSP file loaded on the popup window, I need to access the form elements of the parent.
    Eg: the Parent has a Textarea named "ta_1" in the form "appl_1".
    Now i cannot access this element in the child JSP page using,
    The window.opener is not defined for this HTML page cos the HTML page was generated as an output of the JSP file.
    Please give a JSP code snippet which accesses the parent form element..

  • Spry Elements vs Regular Form Elements

    What is the difference between using Spry Validation form elements as opposed to just using regular form elements?
    Which do you prefer and why?

    What is the difference between using Spry Validation form elements as opposed to just using regular form elements?
    Regular form elements are passive elements that wait for information to be entered to subsequently be processed by another mechanism.
    SpryValidation form elements are the same as above except that they have an active validation module attached. There are standard validation rules that can be used (like e-mail address) or you can supply custom validations.
    Because Spry is a JavaScript library, the Spry widgets will only work with JavaScript enabled. The advantage of JavaScript is that it is processed by the browser (client side) and that, in our case, validation is instantaneous. When JS is turned off or the browser is not JS capable, there is no validation. This means that if you require serious validation, you must, in addition/in lieu of, have server side validation.
    Which do you prefer and why?
    I use both client side (Spry) and server side (PHP) validation, the latter to make sure that if Spry fails there is always the safe and trusted method of validation.
    Why Spry? Spry widgets allow for a better user experience.
    I hope this helps.

  • Creating F01 form element on a page with different regions

    I have a HTMLDB page wherein there are about 5 different regions each having details for different modes of payment. For Ex: if mode of payments are cash, credit card and purchase order, I have 3 regions for these 3 modes each taking details like amount, credit card no.,expiry date etc...User can select more than 1 payment type.
    In order to know the different types selected by user, I want to create a form element with name F01 as page Item and use this as an array. For ex:if cash is chosen then F01(1)='cash',if Purchase order is chosen then F01(3)='po' etc....This I can inturn use in my pl/sql code to get the payment types chosen by looping thru the array of HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01 element.
    Can somebody tell me if this is a fesible solution for what I am looking at or is there any other better solution.

    I have a HTMLDB page wherein there are about 5 different regions each having details for different modes of payment. For Ex: if mode of payments are cash, credit card and purchase order, I have 3 regions for these 3 modes each taking details like amount, credit card no.,expiry date etc...User can select more than 1 payment type.
    In order to know the different types selected by user, I want to create a form element with name F01 as page Item and use this as an array. For ex:if cash is chosen then F01(1)='cash',if Purchase order is chosen then F01(3)='po' etc....This I can inturn use in my pl/sql code to get the payment types chosen by looping thru the array of HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F01 element.
    Can somebody tell me if this is a fesible solution for what I am looking at or is there any other better solution.

  • How to use Spry.Utils.extractParamsFromForm to get value of a form element

    Can we use Spry.Utils.extractParamsFromForm to get value of a
    form element ?
    I tried this
    var cid =
    Here the form name is adForm and category is an select item.
    This gives me error
    elements.join is not a function
    Any idea on this guys.

    Can we use Spry.Utils.extractParamsFromForm to get value of a
    form element ?
    I tried this
    var cid =
    Here the form name is adForm and category is an select item.
    This gives me error
    elements.join is not a function
    Any idea on this guys.

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  • BI upgrade and RSA7 queue

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