Accessing graphics object?

I was wondering, is the only place the graphics object relevent inside the paintComponent method?
I'm asking because I have a method that draws a custom progress bar. I have another method that draws that progress bar filling up over a arbitrary period of time. I want to use Thread.sleep() to provide a delay between redraws.
Now I have the first method inside the paintComponent() method of a JPanel. Thats fine, works great! Now I didn't want to put the redraw method inside the paintComponent because the Thread delay will manifest itself in the painting of the component. So I thought I could solve this by making the second method a public one and using the getGraphics() method of the JPanel call the method once the object is instantiated. However this gives me a NullPointerException as soon as the method calls on the graphics object. Any ideas where I'm going wrong? Thanks!
Method inside extended JPanel object
public void testRun(Graphics g)
        // Cast to Graphics2D
        Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
        while(percentComplete < 100)
            try {
            } catch (java.lang.InterruptedException ie) {
                System.err.println("We got a problem");
            percentComplete += 1;+
+        }+
+        percentComplete+ = 1;
        drawProgressBar(g2,percentComplete); // contains a repaint() method call to object
    }This inside the method of another object
private void setupContentPanel()
        cpb = new CustomProgressBar();
        mainWindow.add(pb, BorderLayout.CENTER);
        cpb.testRun( pb.getGraphics() );

No, don't use update(...), that's not at all what the method is for. Also, avoid getGraphics() like the plague.
What you need to do is increment an instance field using a Swing Timer, and invoke repaint(). The paintComponent override should use the current value of the instance field for appropriate painting. Example:import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
import javax.swing.*;
public class PseudoProgressBar {
   int progress = 0;
   JPanel panel= new JPanel() {
         protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            g.fillRect(0, h/2-10, (w * progress)/100, 20);
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
         public void run() {
            new PseudoProgressBar().makeUI();
   public void makeUI() {
      JFrame frame = new JFrame();
      frame.setSize(400, 100);
      new Timer(100, new ActionListener() {
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            progress %= 100;

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                     JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)ev.getSource();
                    Color colorType = (Color)cb.getSelectedItem();
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           public DrawingBoard() {
                  Font font = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, fontSize);
                  message = "";
           public void setMessage(String m) {
                message = m;
           public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
                  Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g;
                  g2.drawString(message, 50, 50);
           public void settingFont(String font) {
                //not sure how to implement this?                          //Jcombobox should pass an item to this
                                   //it should match against all known fonts in system then set that font to the graphics
          private void settingFontSize(Graphics g, int f) {
                         //same probelm with above..              
          public void setBackgroundColor(Color c) {
               repaint(); // still not sure if this done corretly.
          public void setFontColor(Color c) {
                    //not sure how to do this part aswell.
                   //i know a method " g.setColor(c)" exist but i need to use a graphics object - and to do that i need to pass it in (then it will cause some confusion in the main class (previous code)
           My problems have been highlighted in the comments of code above.
    Any help will be much appreciated thanks!!!

    It is the completely correct code
    I hope that's what you need
    Just put DrawingBoard into JFrame and run
    Good luck!
    public class DrawingBoard extends JPanel implements ActionListener{
         private String message = "message";
         private Font font = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 10);
         private Color color = Color.RED;
         private Color bg = Color.WHITE;
         private int size = 10;
         public DrawingBoard(){
              JComboBox cbFont = new JComboBox(GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAvailableFontFamilyNames());
              JComboBox cbSize = new JComboBox(new Integer[]{new Integer(14), new Integer(13)});
              JComboBox cbColor = new JComboBox(new Color[]{Color.BLUE, Color.RED, Color.GREEN});
              JComboBox cbBG = new JComboBox(new Color[]{Color.BLUE, Color.RED, Color.GREEN});
         public void setMessage(String m){
              message = m;
         protected void paintComponent(Graphics g){
              Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
              g2.setColor(bg);//set background color
              g2.fillRect(0,0, getWidth(), getHeight());          
              g2.setColor(color);//set text color
              FontRenderContext frc = g2.getFontRenderContext();
              TextLayout tl = new TextLayout(message,font,frc);//set font and message
              AffineTransform at = new AffineTransform();
                        getWidth()/2 + tl.getBounds().getHeight()/2);//set text at center of panel
         public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){
              JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)e.getSource();
              if (e.getActionCommand().equals("font")){
                   font = new Font(cb.getSelectedItem().toString(), Font.PLAIN, size);
              }else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("size")){
                   size = ((Integer)cb.getSelectedItem()).intValue();
              }else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("color")){
                   color = (Color)cb.getSelectedItem();
              }else if (e.getActionCommand().equals("bg")){
                   bg = (Color)cb.getSelectedItem();

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    Yeah.. here's an example of custom painting on a JPanel with a box. I used a mouse as it was easier for me to setup than a nice button panel on the side.
    Anyways... it should make it pretty clear how to get everything setup, just add a button panel on the side. and use it to move the box instead of the mouse.
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.event.MouseInputAdapter;
    public class MoveBoxAroundExample extends JFrame
         private final static int SQUARE_EDGE_LENGTH = 40;
         private JPanel panel;
         private int xPos;
         private int yPos;
         public MoveBoxAroundExample()
              xPos = 250;
              yPos = 250;
         private JPanel getPanel()
              if(panel == null)
                   panel = new JPanel()
                        public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
                             g.fillRect(xPos-(SQUARE_EDGE_LENGTH/2), yPos-(SQUARE_EDGE_LENGTH/2), SQUARE_EDGE_LENGTH, SQUARE_EDGE_LENGTH);
                   MouseInputAdapter mia = new MouseInputAdapter()
                        public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)
                            xPos = e.getX();
                            yPos = e.getY();
                        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
                            xPos = e.getX();
                            yPos = e.getY();
              return panel;
         public static void main(String args[])
              new MoveBoxAroundExample();

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    <%User user = request.getUser();
    Company company = user.getCompany();
    request.setAttribute("comp", company); %>
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    <%User user = request.getUser();
    Company company = user.getCompany();
    request.setAttribute("comp", company); %>
    how do I do this with useBean ?You can access a JavaBean Object property of another JavaBean inside the JSP with the use of EL (Expression Language)
    So if you are using JSP 2.0 or higher try this:
    <jsp:useBean id="user" class="your.package.User" scope="request"/>
    ${}I tested the above and it works.
    Note that you need to set the Company object in the User object before trying to access it inside the JSP.
    You can also set it in the JSP if you want, (before trying to access it), but its cleaner to do it in a Servlet.
    Both User and Company must follow JavaBeans notation.
    So in the above case the User object is something like this:
    package your.package;
    public class User{
       private Customer customer;
       public User(){}
       public Customer getCustomer(){
          return customer;
       public void setCustomer(Customer customer){
         this.customer = customer;
    }And your Customer JavaBean is something like this:
    package your.package;
    public class Customer{
       private int id;
       public Customer(){}
       public int getId(){
       public void setId(int id){ = id;

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    Graphic g1 = (Graphic)map.create(x,y,width,height);
    Graphic g2 = (Graphic)map.create(x,y,width1,height1);
    Graphic g3 = (Graphic)map.create(x,y,width2,height2);
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    public int print (Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int idx) throws PrinterException {
    // Printable's method implementation
    if (curPageFormat != pf) {
    curPageFormat = pf;
    pages = repaginate (pf);
    if (idx >= 3)) {
    return Printable.NO_SUCH_PAGE;
    g = (Graphics) arrayList.get(idx);
    return Printable.PAGE_EXISTS;
    This is not working... what is wrong. can anybody suggest..
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    The easy way to do this is create a copy using Windows Explorer.
    Open the project and go to File > Rename.
    Then you have your 2013 ready made project.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

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    Hi ITMAGE,
    Thanks for your sharing and support for this forum .
    It should be helpful to other people who are facing this issue .
    Best Regards,
    Elton JI
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    hello Jose,
    i am not sure what you mean by "circular graphic object type".
    there's nothing in the standard cr 2008 build that has this that i've ever found that creates a circle other than inserting a box and changing the rounding on the corners. if you're using a 3rd party product or add-on you'll need to contact whoever built it.

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    When adding a new program or browsing the packages in eclipse i get an "error accessing shared objects-area".
    I can edit, save and run existing ABAP reports, however.
    There was a similar problem here, regarding database procedure proxies but the solution doesn't apply to my problem, i guess. The solution was about creating the shared memory area CL_RIS_SHM_AREA. I can't access the memory area and start the constructor, as it doesn't show up on the monitor.
    ADT 2.28
    Eclipse 4.3
    Netweaver 7.31 SP4 -> is this really compatible with ADT 2.28?
    Thanks in advance for helpful hints,

    HI Julian,
    if the area doesn't show up in the monitor, please try to start the constructor in transaction SHMM on your own by selecting the icon 'Start Constructor' as shown in the screenshot.
    Choose CL_RIS_SHM_AREA as area, select 'Default Instance' and 'Dialog' as execution mode. Then press 'Create'. Either this works or the system will tell you the issue with the instance creation (e.g. insufficient shared objects memory - see the other solution description).
    Best regards, Sebastian

  • Best way to draw thousands of graphic objects on the screen

    Hello everybody, I'm wanting to develop a game where at times thousands of graphic objects are displayed on-screen. What better way to do this in terms of performance and speed?
    I have some options below. Do not know if the best way is included in these options.
    1 - Each graphical object is displayed on a MovieClip or Sprite.
    2 - There is a Bitmap that represents the game screen. All graphical objects that are displayed on screen have your images stored in BitmapData. Then the Bitmap that represents the game screen copies for themselves the BitmapData of graphical objects to be screened, using for this bitmapData.copyPixels (...) or BitmapData.draw  (...). The Bitmap that represents the screen is added to the stage via addChild (...).
    3 - The graphical objects that are displayed on screen will have their images drawn directly on stage or in a MovieClip/Sprite added to this stage by addChild (...). These objects are drawn using the methods of the Graphics class, as beginBitmapFill and beginFill.
    Recalling that the best way probably is not one of these 3 above.
    I really need this information to proceed with the creation of my game.
    Please do not be bothered with my English because I'm using Google translator.
    Thank you in advance any help.

    Thanks for the information kglad. =)
    Yes, my game will have many objects similar in appearance.
    Some other objects will use the same image stored, just in time to render these objects is that some effects (such as changing the colors) will be applied in different ways. But the picture for them all is the same.
    Using the second option, ie, BitmapDatas, which of these two methods would be more efficient? copyPixels or draw?
    Thank you in advance any help. =D

  • Image in a Graphics object

    Hi, I'm dealing with the Batik API for working with svg images, but I need to do some wmf imager representation too.
    This API offers a class which is able to read WMF files, giving a "WMFRecordStore", that you can use to initialize a "WMFPainter".
    Anyway, this WMFPainter class has a "paint" method which I hoped that I could use to print the wmf info in the screen but... I don't know if it can be done.
    You must pass a Graphics object to the "paint" method.
    If I want to add an image to a JLabel, as I'd do with an ImageIcon, do I have to get the current JLabel Graphics object? Will the image keep displayed when repainting? Is this a correct way of doing this?
    thanks a lot

    if you have to paint special things on a component, you have to subclass the component and override the paint (or paintComponent) method. You don't want to be getting the graphics object from a component and draw on it, it's not going to work properly.

  • DBMS_SQL.PARSE to access remote objects

    I am using following code in a procedure ...
    where variable vSQL can contain a remote object.
    A DB link (with Fixed User option) exists to access that database.
    The DB link is working. The remote object is accessible outside this procedure.
    When this command is executed, I get ...
    ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch
    ... error.
    Can DBMS_SQL handle remote objects?
    Oracle version is
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Here is the code I am running ...
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE p_sql_valid_or_not_cnt
    -- Purpose: Returns 0 in vvalid if SQL is valid, else returns -1. Returns row count when SQL is valid.
    -- Parameters:
    -- IN : vSQL
    -- OUT : vValid
    -- OUT : vMessage
    -- OUT : vCount
    fdbk INTEGER;
    fdbk := DBMS_SQL.EXECUTE (cur);
    vCount := 0;
    LOOP /* Fetch next row. Exit when done. */
    vCount := vCount + 1;
    vValid := 0;
    vMessage := 'No errors';
    END p_sql_valid_or_not_cnt;
    To run ...
    set serveroutput on
    i number;
    m varchar2(500);
    c number;
    p_sql_valid_or_not_cnt('SELECT * FROM TAB where 1 <> 1',i,m,c);
    This runs fine.
    But when I try to access an object from a remote server using DB link. I get the error ...
    set serveroutput on
    i number;
    m varchar2(500);
    c number;
    p_sql_valid_or_not_cnt('SELECT * FROM REMOTE_SCHEMA.T_REMOTE@REMOTE_SERVER where 1 <> 1',i,m,c);
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-24374: define not done before fetch or execute and fetch
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SYS_SQL", line 1125
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_SQL", line 328
    ORA-06512: at "IMEPAS.P_SQL_VALID_OR_NOT_CNT", line 16
    ORA-06512: at line 6
    I can run the SQL that I am passing as vSQL directly in SQLPLUS ...
    This code in itself works.
    where 1 <> 1;
    The user I am using to logon to my server is also there on REMOTE_SERVER.
    The DB LINK is created by CONNECTED USER option. The user on REMOTE_SERVER has explict select access on the table (not via role) I am accessing.
    Any help would be much appreciated.

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  • How to use a Graphics Object in a JSP?

    Hello, I do not know if this is a good or a silly question. Can anyone tell me if we can use a Graphics object in a JSP. For example to draw a line or other graphics, i am planning to use the JSP. Any help is much appreciated.
    Navin Pathuru.

    Hi Rob or Jennifer, could you pour some light here.
    I have not done a lot of research for this, but what i want to do is below the polygon i would like to display another image object like a chart... is it possible? If so how to do it? Any help is much appreciated.
    here is the code:
    // Create image
    int width=200, height=200;
    BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width,
    height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    // Get drawing context
    Graphics g = image.getGraphics();
    // Fill background
    g.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
    // Create random polygon
    Polygon poly = new Polygon();
    Random random = new Random();
    for (int i=0; i < 5; i++) {
    // Fill polygon
    // Dispose context
    // Send back image
    ServletOutputStream sos = response.getOutputStream();
    JPEGImageEncoder encoder =
    Navin Pathuru

  • Cannot access Graphics - bad class file

    When I try to compile my source I get an error saying...
    .\ cannot access Graphics
    bad class file: .\
    file does not contain class Graphics
    Please remove the files or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory.
    It's on a different computer so that's not exactly it, but it's close enough. Compiler was working fine until the other day when i found out that all the source files were zipped up in, I had to extract so I could open it in emacs, and after I did that it started giving me that error message. There's nothhing wrong with my source, and I didn't move Graphics, it's still in the correct place exactly as it was, and i looked at it, all the right stuff is still inside. I'm quite confused.
    So do I have to reinstall? That would mean a massive download on my 56k and I kinda wanna carry on with my work.

    You should not need to unzip to use the Graphics class or any class that comes with j2sdk. The compiled classes are in jar files that are installed in certain directories when you install the j2sdk.
    You should only need to have a line "import java.awt.Graphics;" near the start of your source code.
    The error most likely occurred when the compiler found a Graphics.class file but inside the file is java.awt.Graphics class, not a plain Graphics class.

Maybe you are looking for

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