Accessing the same stateful session bean from multiple clients in a clustered environment

I am trying to access the same stateful session bean from multiple
          clients. I also want this bean to have failover support so we want to
          deploy it in a cluster. The following description is how we have tried
          to solve this problem, but it does not seem to be working. Any
          insight would be greatly appreciated!
          I have set up a cluster of three servers. I deployed a stateful
          session bean with in memory replication across the cluster. A client
          obtains a reference to an instance of one of these beans to handle a
          request. Subsequent requests will have to use the same bean and could
          come from various clients. So after using the bean the first client
          stores the handle to the bean (actually the replica aware stub) to be
          used by other clients to be able to obtain the bean. When another
          client retrieves the handle gets the replica aware stub and makes a
          call to the bean the request seems to unpredictably go to any of the
          three servers rather than the primary server hosting that bean. If the
          call goes to the primary server everything seems to work fine the
          session data is available and it gets backed up on the secondary
          server. If it happens to go to the secondary server a bean that has
          the correct session data services the request but gives the error
          <Failed to update the secondary copy of a stateful session bean from
          home:ejb20-statefulSession-TraderHome>. Then any subsequent requests
          to the primary server will not reflect changes made on the secondary
          and vice versa. If the request happens to go to the third server that
          is not hosting an instance of that bean then the client receives an
          error that the bean was not available. From my understanding I thought
          the replica aware stub would know which server is the primary host for
          that bean and send the request there.
          Thanks in advance,

          If 'allow-concurrent-call' does exactly what you need, then you don't have a problem,
          do you?
          Except of course if you switch ejb containers. Oh well.
          "FBenvadi" <[email protected]> wrote:
          >I've got the same problem.
          >I understand from you that concurrent access to a stateful session bean
          >not allowed but there is a
          >token is weblogic-ejb-jar.xml that is called 'allow-concurrent-call'
          >does exactly what I need.
          >What you mean 'you'll get a surprise when you go to production' ?
          >I need to understand becouse I can still change the design.
          >Thanks Francesco
          >[email protected]
          >"Mike Reiche" <[email protected]> wrote in message
          >news:[email protected]...
          >> Get the fix immediately from BEA and test it. It would be a shame to
          >> December only to get a fix - that doesn't work.
          >> As for stateful session bean use - just remember that concurrent access
          >a stateful
          >> session bean is not allowed. Things will work fine until you go to
          >> and encounter some real load - then you will get a surprise.
          >> Mike
          >> [email protected] (Justin Meyer) wrote:
          >> >I just heard back from WebLogic Tech Support and they have confirmed
          >> >that this is a bug. Here is their reply:
          >> >
          >> >There is some problem in failover of stateful session beans when its
          >> >run from a java client.However, it is fixed now.
          >> >
          >> >The fix will be in SP2 which will be out by december.
          >> >
          >> >
          >> >Mike,
          >> >Thanks for your reply. I do infact believe we are correctly using
          >> >stateful session bean however it may have been misleading from my
          >> >description of the problem. We are not accessing the bean
          >> >concurrently from 2 different clients. The second client will only
          >> >come into play if the first client fails. In this case we want to
          >> >able to reacquire the handle to our stateful session bean and call
          >> >from the secondary client.
          >> >
          >> >
          >> >Justin
          >> >
          >> >"Mike Reiche" <[email protected]> wrote in message
          >news:<[email protected]>...
          >> >> You should be using an entity bean, not a stateful session bean
          >> >this application.
          >> >>
          >> >> A stateful session bean is intended to be keep state (stateful)
          >> >the duration
          >> >> of a client's session (session).
          >> >>
          >> >> It is not meant to be shared by different clients - in fact, if
          >> >attempt to
          >> >> access the same stateful session bean concurrently - it will throw
          >> >an exception.
          >> >>
          >> >> We did your little trick (storing/retrieving handle) with a stateful
          >> >session bean
          >> >> on WLS 5.1 - and it did work properly - not as you describe. Our
          >> >were not
          >> >> replicated as yours are.
          >> >>
          >> >> Mike
          >> >>
          >> >> [email protected] (Justin Meyer) wrote:
          >> >> >I am trying to access the same stateful session bean from multiple
          >> >> >clients. I also want this bean to have failover support so we want
          >> >to
          >> >> >deploy it in a cluster. The following description is how we have
          >> >> >to solve this problem, but it does not seem to be working. Any
          >> >> >insight would be greatly appreciated!
          >> >> >
          >> >> >I have set up a cluster of three servers. I deployed a stateful
          >> >> >session bean with in memory replication across the cluster. A client
          >> >> >obtains a reference to an instance of one of these beans to handle
          >> >a
          >> >> >request. Subsequent requests will have to use the same bean and
          >> >> >come from various clients. So after using the bean the first client
          >> >> >stores the handle to the bean (actually the replica aware stub)
          >> >be
          >> >> >used by other clients to be able to obtain the bean. When another
          >> >> >client retrieves the handle gets the replica aware stub and makes
          >> >a
          >> >> >call to the bean the request seems to unpredictably go to any of
          >> >> >three servers rather than the primary server hosting that bean.
          >> >the
          >> >> >call goes to the primary server everything seems to work fine the
          >> >> >session data is available and it gets backed up on the secondary
          >> >> >server. If it happens to go to the secondary server a bean that
          >> >> >the correct session data services the request but gives the error
          >> >> ><Failed to update the secondary copy of a stateful session bean
          >> >> >home:ejb20-statefulSession-TraderHome>. Then any subsequent requests
          >> >> >to the primary server will not reflect changes made on the secondary
          >> >> >and vice versa. If the request happens to go to the third server
          >> >> >is not hosting an instance of that bean then the client receives
          >> >> >error that the bean was not available. From my understanding I
          >> >> >the replica aware stub would know which server is the primary host
          >> >for
          >> >> >that bean and send the request there.
          >> >> >
          >> >> >Thanks in advance,
          >> >> >Justin

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    DFMServiceRemote service = (DFMServiceRemote) session.getAttribute("DFMService");
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         service = (DFMServiceRemote) new InitialContext().lookup("DFMService");
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    }Using different browser, I end up with different HttpSession but a single SFSB. The only workaround I found is to create the context with environment variables or properties. It then returns different SFSBs for different HttpSession. The workaround code is as below:
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    env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, "oc4jadmin");
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    service = (DFMServiceRemote) new InitialContext(env).lookup("DFMService");My question is the following. How can I get a different instance of an SFSB every time I execute context.lookup without specifying properties.
    Thanks in advance for any help,
    Matthieu Siggen

    I just did something similar in another project using JBoss instead of oc4j and didn't have any problem. I expect I missed a configuration file in oc4j or there is a conflict somewhere.

  • Initialize a stateful session bean from another

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        public AdminSession getAdminSession() throws UnknownException, WarningException {
            if (isAdmin()) {
                AdminSession adminSession;
                try {
                    final Context context = IToolsUtil.getInitialContext();
                    adminSession = (AdminSession)context.lookup("AdminSession");
                    System.out.println("Successfully created the adminsession bean");
                } catch (NamingException ne) {
                    throw new UnknownException (new CatalogHelper("ITOOLS_100019", new Object[]{"Admin", ne.getMessage()}));
                System.out.println("adminsession will be returned");
                return adminSession;
            } else {
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            System.out.println("local created.");
            return dsl;
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        public void initialize(DefaultSession ds) throws WarningException, UnknownException {
            this.ds = ds.getDefaultSessionLocal();
            this.rfl = ReadFieldList.getInstance();
   = new FinderMethods();
        }The client code where it gets the adminSession and initializes is
       public static AdminSession getAdminSession(DefaultSession ds) throws ViewException {
            AdminSession as;
            try {
                as = ds.getAdminSession();
                System.out.println("got admin session");
            } catch (WarningException we) {
                throw new ViewException(we.getCatalogHelper());
            } catch (UnknownException ue) {
                throw new ViewException(ue.getCatalogHelper());
            } catch (OracleRemoteException ore) {
                throw new ViewException(new CatalogHelper("ITOOLS_050003", ore.getMessage()));
            // Initialize Admin Session
            try {
                System.out.println("before getting it.");
                System.out.println("adminsession is initialized");
            } catch (WarningException we) {
                as = null;
                throw new ViewException(we.getCatalogHelper());
            } catch (UnknownException ue) {
                as = null;
                throw new ViewException(ue.getCatalogHelper());
            } catch (OracleRemoteException ore) {
                as = null;
                throw new ViewException(new CatalogHelper("ITOOLS_050003", ore.getMessage()));
            System.out.println("got admin session");
            return as;
        }Apart from this I am using OC4J tool test my application.
    When I am calling initialize method of the AdminSession I am getting the following error.
    06/10/24 12:26:08 Entered
    06/10/24 12:26:08 got default session
    06/10/24 12:26:08 Successfully created the adminsession bean
    06/10/24 12:26:08 adminsession will be returned
    06/10/24 12:26:08 got admin session
    06/10/24 12:26:08 before getting it.
    2006-10-24 12:26:08.156 WARNING J2EE RMI-00009 Exception returned by remote server: {0}
    06/10/24 12:26:08 com.itools.vs.view.exception.ViewException
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.itools.vs.view.util.ViewUtil.getAdminSession(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.itools.vs.view.backing.Admin.CreateUser.submit_action(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.sun.faces.el.MethodBindingImpl.invoke(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.sun.faces.application.ActionListenerImpl.processAction(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxActionComponent.broadcast(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxViewRoot.processEvents(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxViewRoot.broadcastEvents(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.AjaxViewRoot.processApplication(
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    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.sun.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(
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    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at org.ajax4jsf.framework.ajax.xmlfilter.BaseXMLFilter.doXmlFilter(
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    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke(
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal(
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    06/10/24 12:26:08      at
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    06/10/24 12:26:08      at$
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    06/10/24 12:26:08      at$
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$
    06/10/24 12:26:08      at
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    Exception is "Error marshalling objects, Not Serializable: DefaultSession_RemoteProxy_6nein01; nested exception is: DefaultSession_RemoteProxy_6nein01".

    Your remote client passes a DefaultSession to AdminSession.initialize(..). This DefaultSession has to be a remote type. In your client, how does it get DefaultSession?
    Did your client look up DefaultSession, and have it return a (sessionContext.getBusinessObject(DefaultSession.class))? If so, it should work.

  • Creating multiple stateful session beans from a java client. (EJB 3.0)

    I'm having difficulties with the following:
    To access the ShoppingCartBean, I have to put the following annotation in my standalone java client:
    private static ShoppingCartRemote shoppingCartBean;
    The static must be there, thus only one ShoppingCartBean will exist within my java client. But as the ShoppingCartBean is a stateful session bean, I want to be able to get different beans of the same type.
    What is the correct way to do this in EJB 3.0?

    Great question. Because Home interfaces have been removed for the EJB 3.0 simplified
    API, stateful session bean creation happens as a side-effect of injection. However, the
    same is true of EJB 3.0 business interface lookups. The easiest way to create additional
    stateful session beans is to lookup the same dependency that was declared via your
    @EJB annotation.
    // Assuming the declaring class is
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
    ShoppingCartRemote scr1 = (ShoppingCartRemote)
    Note that the name relative to java:comp/env is the default associated with your
    @EJB annotation since the name() attribute wasn't used. Alternatively, you
    could have used :
    @EJB(name="scb") private static ShoppingCartRemote shoppingCartBean;
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext();
    ShoppingCartRemote scr1 = (ShoppingCartRemote) ic.lookup("java:comp/env/scb");
    Yet another alternative is to declare the @EJB at the class-level. This just defines
    the dependency without any injection, which is fine if you want to create a bunch of
    them via lookup anyway.
    @EJB(name="scb", beanInterface=ShoppingCartRemote.class)
    public class .... {                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

  • What are the advantages stateful session beans takes over than HttpSession

    We can use HttpSession to maintain the conversational state with the client.
    Then why we need to go for stateful session beans to maintain conversational state with the client.
    What are advantages we can have while using stateful session beans ratherthan HttpSession????.
    Dhinesh kumar R

    I think we can use the magic word in the software development "seperation of concerns" ;-)
    HttpSession is in the Servlet/JSP tier and is mainly used in the presentation logic tier (UI, page flows, navigation etc..)
    where the stateful session bean's concern is to maintain a conversational state in a business logic tier.
    Through this seperation its possible, that the business tier's state is undependant from the HttpSession and you dont create a hardlink that could cause problems later. Imagine having a desktop client accessing your business logic etc. not every client needs to be a web client ;-)
    I hope that the answer helps you understanding the topic :-)

  • Error in looking up a session bean from simple client

    I have the following problem: (*+{color:#008000}Urgent problem my project depends on this problem to solve please help{color}+*)
    I completed the "Create a Simple EJB Session Bean" example from cue cards tutorials from jdeveloper 11 g final release, and run the "HelloWorldSession" and waiting for server to finish its initialization.
    Session bean code:
    import javax.ejb.*;
    +@Stateless(name = "HelloWorldSession", mappedName = "SessionEJB-SessionEJB")+
    +public class HelloWorldSessionBean implements HelloWorldSession {+
    +public HelloWorldSessionBean() {+
    < <em>public String sayHello(String name) {+
    return "Hello " name;+
    HelloWorldSessionClient code:
    +public class HelloWorldSessionClient {+
    < <em>public static void main(String[] args) {+
    +try {+
    final Context context = getInitialContext();
    HelloWorldSession helloWorldSession =
    +} catch (Exception ex) {+
    < <em>+
    < <em>private static Context getInitialContext() throws NamingException {+
    Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
    +// WebLogic Server 10.x connection details+
    env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://");
    return new InitialContext(env);
    Then on HelloWorldSessionClient right click then run I got the following errors:
    *{color:#ff0000}"C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_06\bin\javaw.exe" -client -classpath "C:\Documents and Settings\Mohamed_Taman.HEADQ\Desktop\SessionEJB\Project1\classes;C:\Oracle_Middleware_11g\modules\javax.ejb_3.0.1.jar;C:\Oracle_Middleware_11g\wlserver_10.3\server\lib\weblogic.jar" -DproxySet=false{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000}Exception in thread "main" java.lang.AssertionError: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.RemoteBusinessIntfGenerator.generateRemoteInterface({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.RemoteBusinessIntfProxy.readObject({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method){color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at weblogic.rjvm.MsgAbbrevInputStream.readObject({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at weblogic.rmi.internal.ObjectIO.readObject({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at weblogic.rjvm.ResponseImpl.unmarshalReturn({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at weblogic.rmi.cluster.ClusterableRemoteRef.invoke({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at weblogic.jndi.internal.ServerNamingNode_1030_WLStub.lookup(Unknown Source){color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at weblogic.jndi.internal.WLContextImpl.lookup({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at weblogic.jndi.internal.WLContextImpl.lookup({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at javax.naming.InitialContext.lookup({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000}Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at weblogic.ejb.container.deployer.RemoteBizIntfClassLoader.getClassBytes({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at weblogic.ejb.container.deployer.RemoteBizIntfClassLoader.loadClass({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} at weblogic.ejb.container.internal.RemoteBusinessIntfGenerator.generateRemoteInterface({color}*
    *{color:#ff0000} ... 26 more{color}*
    *{color:#ff0000}Process exited with exit code 1.{color}*

    The problem is beacause weblogic doesn't allow blank spaces in the CLASS PATH, so try that in your path doesn't exit blank spaces like these:
    C:\Documents and Settings

  • Stateful Session Bean accesed by two JSPs.

    Hi there,
    We are having quite an issue; we have an application that stores session
    state in an stateful session bean. And we have noticed some parts of the
    application create a situation where is possible that two frames -and so two
    jsp- access the session bean at the same time. And, of course, it´s going to
    be the same instance of the session bean..... what will be the behaviour in
    this case?. Will the requests be serialized, an exception will be thrown or
    the EJB will be destroyed?. Not very sure of what would happen. I suppose
    there could be some problems with this-. I would appreciate any help.
    Many thanks. Best regards.

    Hrm. EJB spec is quite clear on what will happen (RemoteException thrown) if
    the second client attempts to use Stateful Session bean which is already in
    use (and the bean will not be destroyed - container will simply throw an
    exception after failing to acquire a lock on the bean instance without waiting
    (allow-concurrent-calls option in WebLogic allows client call to wait to acquire
    lock - this was probably added as a convinience feature for applications which
    use frames)).
    So, normally your application has to ensure that no 2 clients are able to use
    the same stateful session bean concurrently, or use allow-concurrent-calls option,
    which will do that for you, but the application will become non portable.
    PS: Thanks. Maine Coon cats are the best. Ours is a 22-pound giant ;-)
    Pinklon Thomas <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi Dimitri,
    Thnaks a lot for the help:one thing that I do not know if it´s an issue is
    that calls come from different JSPs; the strategy I have seen in another Web
    application servers is trying to activate the EJB in the middle of another
    transaction... In this situation, the container cannot activate the EJB,
    roolback the transaction and destroys the EJB.... Would Weblogic feature
    avoid this?. I will investigate on my part....
    Many many thnaks. Nice cats.
    "Dimitri Rakitine" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    In 6.1 you can set allow-concurrent-calls to true in this situation:
    The allow-concurrent-calls specifies whether a stateful session bean
    instance will allow concurrent method calls. The value of this
    element may be either "True" or "False". The default value is
    "False". When a stateful session bean instance is currently in a
    method call and another (concurrent) method call arrives on the
    server, the EJB specification requires that the server throw a
    RemoteException. By default, allow-concurrent-calls is false, and the
    EJB container will follow the EJB specification. When this value is
    set to true, the EJB container will block the concurrent method call
    and allow it to proceed when the previous call has completed.
    Used in: stateful-session-descriptor
    Pinklon Thomas <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi there,
    We are having quite an issue; we have an application that stores
    state in an stateful session bean. And we have noticed some parts of the
    application create a situation where is possible that two frames -and sotwo
    jsp- access the session bean at the same time. And, of course, it´sgoing to
    be the same instance of the session bean..... what will be the behaviourin
    this case?. Will the requests be serialized, an exception will be thrownor
    the EJB will be destroyed?. Not very sure of what would happen. Isuppose
    there could be some problems with this-. I would appreciate any help.
    Many thanks. Best regards.--

  • Deploy multiple instances of the same stateless session EJB

    I have a stateless session bean.
    The methods on the bean operate against DB tables.
    Q: Can I deploy multiple instances of the same stateless session bean, but specify a different JNDI/datasource name in the deployment descriptor?
    The method calls are all enclosed within a single invocation, just that I need to hit different databases (all with the same schema), and Id like to be able to lookup the EJB via a different JNDI name, and have the exact same functionality, just against different deployed datasources.
    Does the spec allow/support this?
    If not, any suggestions as to how to achieve this sort of functionality?
    Im using JBoss 3.2.1 on Solaris, so Im not sure whether or not this is a JBoss "issue" or a limitation of the EJB Spec (or me being just plain wrong and trying to do something the "wrong way")

    I have a stateless session bean.
    The methods on the bean operate against DB tables.
    Q: Can I deploy multiple instances of the same
    stateless session bean, but specify a different
    JNDI/datasource name in the deployment descriptor?
    The method calls are all enclosed within a single
    invocation, just that I need to hit different
    databases (all with the same schema), and Id like to
    be able to lookup the EJB via a different JNDI name,
    and have the exact same functionality, just against
    different deployed datasources.
    Does the spec allow/support this?
    If not, any suggestions as to how to achieve this sort
    of functionality?
    Im using JBoss 3.2.1 on Solaris, so Im not sure
    whether or not this is a JBoss "issue" or a limitation
    of the EJB Spec (or me being just plain wrong and
    trying to do something the "wrong way")
    NickI haven't done it but judging from the deployment descriptors yes.
    For example if I have two bounded datasources java:/Database1 and java:/Database2
    Lets say I have a session bean called MySession, then in your ejb-jar.xml you would have (notice that the desc, display, and ejb-name are the only differences)
    But now in the jboss.xml, we will have the following elements. What you may notice is that are bound to different remote and local jndi names. But the resource bindings are very different. The res-ref-name stays the same, but the jndi-name are different. I think this will work for you.
    <ejb-name>MySessionAlpha</ejb-name> <jndi-name>ejb/com/mycorp/MySessionAlphaRemoteHome</jndi-name> <local-jndi-name>ejb/com/mycorp/MySessionAlphaLocalHome</local-jndi-name>
    <ejb-name>MySessionBeta</ejb-name> <jndi-name>ejb/com/mycorp/MySessionBetaRemoteHome</jndi-name> <local-jndi-name>ejb/com/mycorp/MySessionBetaLocalHome</local-jndi-name>

  • Reentrant call to a stateful session bean

    I have a problem that seems to be a very common problem but I
    steel didn't find any solution for it.
    We have a jsp page that call to stateful session been, the
    problem occur when I click twice on any link/button then I get
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Illegal attempt to make a reentrant call to a stateful
    session bean from home:....
    I have tried to set the <allow-concurrent-calls> to true but it doesn't help,
    I am getting this exception no matter the value of this tag.
    I am using WL61 sp2 (the last version) , Does anybody find a solution for that,
    I don't want to use javascript in order to work around this problem.

    I think this is a different error from concurrent access (when client's
    attempt to access the same bean concurrently WebLogic throws LockTimedOut error
    (or client blocks if allow-concurrent-calls is true)).
    This error probably means that your code attempetd to reenter bean in the same
    transaction - how do you invoke it and what is the stack trace?
    Haim Cohen <[email protected]> wrote:
    I have a problem that seems to be a very common problem but I
    steel didn't find any solution for it.
    We have a jsp page that call to stateful session been, the
    problem occur when I click twice on any link/button then I get
    java.rmi.RemoteException: Illegal attempt to make a reentrant call to a stateful
    session bean from home:....
    I have tried to set the <allow-concurrent-calls> to true but it doesn't help,
    I am getting this exception no matter the value of this tag.
    I am using WL61 sp2 (the last version) , Does anybody find a solution for that,
    I don't want to use javascript in order to work around this problem.
    Thanks, --

  • Help!!! Stateful session bean clustering

              I posted this message on But there is
              no answer at all. Could anyone give me
              some hints? Thanks a lot. I am a student and this work is part of my course project.
              It is due soon.
              I have a big problem to get stateful session bean in-memory replication run on
              clustering. I have three server instances on three nodes and there is always errors
              from the server instance like this when I run the client to invoke the bean methods:
              <Jan 4, 2002 6:47:31 PM EST> <Error> <EJB> <Failed to update the secondary copy
              of a stateful session bean from home:stateful.ejb.AgentSTF>
              Besides, the load balancing can not work probably too. Below is what I get.
              Statistics for different servers:
              "myserver" processed 160 (12%) of 1311 invocations "ejbperf-3" processed 1151
              (88%) of 1311 invocations
              End Client...
              Load balancing works fine with stateless and entity bean.
              Any comments are greatly appreciated.

    Hi Jenny,
              Please could you open a case to the customer support ([email protected]) There is a Cr
              on this issue CR059046
              Description of the CR
              WLS 6.1SP1 - Accessing Stateful Session Bean from Stateless Session Bean in a
              cluster fails with errors
              <Oct 5, 2001 5:08:25 PM GMT+00:00> <Error> <EJB> <Failed to update the
              secondary copy of a stateful session bean from home:UserState>
              Jenny Liu wrote:
              > I posted this message on But there is
              > no answer at all. Could anyone give me
              > some hints? Thanks a lot. I am a student and this work is part of my course project.
              > It is due soon.
              > =================================================================
              > I have a big problem to get stateful session bean in-memory replication run on
              > clustering. I have three server instances on three nodes and there is always errors
              > from the server instance like this when I run the client to invoke the bean methods:
              > <Jan 4, 2002 6:47:31 PM EST> <Error> <EJB> <Failed to update the secondary copy
              > of a stateful session bean from home:stateful.ejb.AgentSTF>
              > Besides, the load balancing can not work probably too. Below is what I get.
              > Statistics for different servers:
              > "myserver" processed 160 (12%) of 1311 invocations "ejbperf-3" processed 1151
              > (88%) of 1311 invocations
              > End Client...
              > Load balancing works fine with stateless and entity bean.
              > Any comments are greatly appreciated.
              > Jenny
              Stephane Kergozien
              BEA Support

  • Error in updating secondary stateful session bean

              Hi all,
              I have set up a cluster of 2 managed servers with WebLogic 6.1. I have a
              stateful session bean and several stateless session beans. the stateful
              session bean keeps user info and limited cached objects, all are
              serializable. it seems working fine, even after killing any one of the
              servers, as long as one is alive. a java application client creates a
              stateful session bean first, then calls stateless session beans with the
              remote interface of the stateful bean as a method parameter. No problem
              when stateful session bean is created. However, each stateless bean method
              generates the following error message if I turn the debug on (level 64). No
              exception stack traces, and all methods execute successfully.
              <Error> <EJB> <Failed to update the secondary copy of a stateful session
              bean from home:clientsession>
              I wonder what causes the error, and why it tries to update the stateful
              session bean. in all stateless session beans, only read into the stateful
              Thank you,

    This has been fixed in WLS 6.1 SP2.
              jagdip Talla wrote:
              > Hi Fujin,
              > please let me know, if u were able to solve the problem..
              > hi guys,
              > appreciate if you could give me some clues
              > how to solve this problem ?
              > i hv 2 WLS instances in a cluster,
              > when one server instance is shut down, i keep getting these errors ?
              > is it normal ?
              > <Feb 19, 2002 2:57:53 PM SGT> <Error> <EJB> <Failed to update the secondary copy of a stateful session bean from home:ejb/xyzrel1_2/xxxxHome>
              > appreciate if u can let me know, if u could solve it..?
              > thanks n regads
              > jagdip
              Rajesh Mirchandani
              Developer Relations Engineer
              BEA Support

  • Cannot remove stateful session bean when transaction timed out

    The transaction timeout is set to 5 minutes. After several operations on the transactional
    stateful session bean(implements SessionSynchronization), the transaction timed out
    after 5 minutes and I got the IllegalStateException when calling another business
    method. After the transaction rolled back, weblogic.ejb20.locks.LockTimedOutException
    was thrown when attempting to remove the bean. It seems the lock on the bean was
    not released even though the transaction had been rolled back. Does anyone know how
    to remove the bean in this kind of situation?
    Here is the stacktrace:
    ####<Jun 11, 2002 2:39:35 PM PDT> <Notice> <EJB> <> <server25044server>
    <ExecuteThread: '11' for queue: 'default'> <> <23168:7b09681c532dc7e3> <010015> <Error
    marking transaction for rollback: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot mark the
    transaction for rollback. xid=23168:7b09681c532dc7e3, status=Rolled back. [Reason=weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException:
    Transaction timed out after 299 seconds
    since begin=299,seconds left=60,activeThread=Thread[ExecuteThread: '11' for queue:
    'default',5,Thread Group for Queue: 'default'],ServerResourceInfo[weblogic.jdbc.jts.Connection]=(state=ended,assigned=none),SCInfo[server25044+server25044server]=(state=active),properties=({weblogic.jdbc=t3://}),OwnerTransactionManager=ServerTM[ServerCoordinatorDescriptor=(CoordinatorURL=server25044server+,
    java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot mark the transaction for rollback. xid=23168:7b09681c532dc7e3,
    status=Rolled back. [Reason=weblogic.transaction.internal.TimedOutException: Transaction
    timed out after 299 seconds
    since begin=299,seconds left=60,activeThread=Thread[ExecuteThread: '11' for queue:
    'default',5,Thread Group for Queue: 'default'],ServerResourceInfo[weblogic.jdbc.jts.Connection]=(state=ended,assigned=none),SCInfo[server25044+server25044server]=(state=active),properties=({weblogic.jdbc=t3://}),OwnerTransactionManager=ServerTM[ServerCoordinatorDescriptor=(CoordinatorURL=server25044server+,
         at weblogic.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl.throwIllegalStateException(
         at weblogic.transaction.internal.TransactionImpl.setRollbackOnly(
         at weblogic.ejb20.manager.BaseEJBManager.handleSystemException(
         at weblogic.ejb20.manager.BaseEJBManager.setupTxListener(
         at weblogic.ejb20.manager.StatefulSessionManager.preInvoke(
         at weblogic.ejb20.internal.BaseEJBObject.preInvoke(
         at weblogic.ejb20.internal.StatefulEJBObject.preInvoke(
         at mypackage.MyBean_wbr3eg_EOImpl.addRecipients(
    ####<Jun 11, 2002 2:39:37 PM PDT> <Info> <EJB> <> <server25044server>
    <ExecuteThread: '11' for queue: 'default'> <> <> <010049> <EJB Exception in method:
    remove: weblogic.ejb20.locks.LockTimedOutException: The lock request from EJB:AppmailBean
    with primary key:21,775,960,933,010,237 timed-out after waiting 0 ms. The transaction
    or thread requesting the lock was:Thread[ExecuteThread: '11' for queue: 'default',5,Thread
    Group for Queue: 'default'].>
    weblogic.ejb20.locks.LockTimedOutException: The lock request from EJB:AppmailBean
    with primary key:21,775,960,933,010,237 timed-out after waiting 0 ms. The transaction
    or thread requesting the lock was:Thread[ExecuteThread: '11' for queue: 'default',5,Thread
    Group for Queue: 'default'].
         at weblogic.ejb20.locks.ExclusiveLockManager$LockBucket.lock(
         at weblogic.ejb20.locks.ExclusiveLockManager.lock(
         at weblogic.ejb20.manager.StatefulSessionManager.acquireLock(
         at weblogic.ejb20.manager.StatefulSessionManager.acquireLock(
         at weblogic.ejb20.manager.StatefulSessionManager.preInvoke(
         at weblogic.ejb20.manager.StatefulSessionManager.remove(
         at weblogic.ejb20.internal.StatefulEJBObject.remove(
         at mypackage.MyBean_wbr3eg_EOImpl.remove(

    If a stateful session throws a RuntimeException (your rollback) the container destroys the instance of the bean and all
    associated state information is lost, as required by the EJB specification.
    If you want to maintain client state it is generally best to use HttpSession objects (if you have a web application)
    for short-lived, client-specific data and JPA entities or other database backed storage for long-lived data.

  • Accessing the same database file using different handles/cursors

    Will there be any problems accessing the same database file using different DB handles in a transactional environment? We have implemented a process which have multiple transient threads coming up and initiating DB opens and read/write operations to the same database file using different handles and cursors?
    Can this potentially create any problems/bottlenecks? Can someone suggest the best way to deal with this scenario?
    Thanks in advance.

    Berkeley DB is well suited to the scenario you describe. You need to ensure that Berkeley DB is configured correctly for transactional access, the best information describing the requirements is in the Reference guide here:
    If there will be multiple threads operating concurrently, then you will need to design your application to detect and deal with deadlock situations.
    Alex Gorrod
    Oracle Berkeley DB

  • Call existing stateful session bean in different servlets

    we are implementing a shopping cart for our online dvd store in netbeans 5.5.1 and ejb 3.0.
    for that we use a stateful session bean, which is created when a user is logging in for connecting the user-entity to the bean.
    after logging in, the list servlet, which displays a list of all available dvds, is shown. after clicking the "add to shopping cart" button, the cart servlet with a list of all added dvds is shown. in this servlet we want to reactivate the existing stateful session bean. is this possible? and when it's possible, how is it possible? ;)
    our sessionbean with initialize() method:
    public class CartBean implements Cart {
        UserEntity user;
        List<DVDEntity> contents;
        public void initialize(UserEntity user){
            System.out.println("Warenkorb erstellt");
            this.user = user;
            contents = new ArrayList<DVDEntity>();
    Edited by: licherpremium on Nov 8, 2007 6:35 AM

    we are implementing a shopping cart for our online dvd store in netbeans 5.5.1 and ejb 3.0.
    for that we use a stateful session bean, which is created when a user is logging in for connecting the user-entity to the bean.
    after logging in, the list servlet, which displays a list of all available dvds, is shown. after clicking the "add to shopping cart" button, the cart servlet with a list of all added dvds is shown. in this servlet we want to reactivate the existing stateful session bean. is this possible? and when it's possible, how is it possible? ;)
    our sessionbean with initialize() method:
    public class CartBean implements Cart {
        UserEntity user;
        List<DVDEntity> contents;
        public void initialize(UserEntity user){
            System.out.println("Warenkorb erstellt");
            this.user = user;
            contents = new ArrayList<DVDEntity>();
    Edited by: licherpremium on Nov 8, 2007 6:35 AM

  • Stateful session bean purpose?

    Currently I am struggling with the purpose of stateful session beans. Any client program should be able to maintain the state itself. Why am I using a session bean for this and loading the server with something that is really not of much value?
    Can anyone give me a good example of when I need a stateful session bean, or at least a good use for one?

    The jsp can certainly save the info in the "session" object. But I can see how this would be easier.
    I have come to believe that stateful session beans just allow you to commonize your web interfaces with your non-web interfaces by abstracting lots of functionality into the EJBs.

Maybe you are looking for

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  • LB configuration - Keep Alive.

    I need to help configure proper load balancing between 2 building modules of Portal server. SetUp: Server A - Portal 1,Access Manager 1 , Directory 1 Server B - Portal 2, Access Manager 2, Directory 2 Logical Architecture. -------- Server A User Requ