Accessing two seperate databases

Hi, new to discoverer, can a workbook access to seperate oracle databases? If so, how?

In Administrator, you can change the database parameter to reference tables in a foreign database's schemas.
Alternatively, you can use a custom folder (useful if you want to join local and remote data before presenting it to the user, for example) - just say SELECT * FROM table@remote_DB.

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    if you mean Oracle to sqlserver then you would have to put hand in pocket and buy ODBC connectivity for this...
    If it is just a one off maybe export your data and import into Oracle table and do your one off comparision.

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    Ahhh...OK then. So that's Contacts only, I am going to assume. From two separate sources. Challenging. Here is the list of compatible desktop PIMs...since Respond is not in there, I see no native method. However, all is not lost...I can see a few possibilities.
    The RIM DTM software can import contacts from a CSV or ASCII file...see this KB and this KB. You'd have to somehow use Respond to export to the format that DTM can indeed read. However, I'm concerned about how this would result on your BB...I'm thinking that you'd have, on your BB, your Contact list and everything would be intermingled with no real way to tell them apart.
    Another method might be to export from Respond and then import those into Outlook, assigning categories in Outlook that will synchronize to the BB.
    Speaking of which, it sounds as if Respond may already be integrated into Outlook? If so, then enabling those contacts to sync to your BB may be as simple as ensuring that all of your Contacts are in the main Contact folder (in Outlook), divided by Category settings so that you can tell them apart (and apply a filter on the BB).
    Or -- Outlook sub-folders can synchronize to the BB...placing all of your Respond contacts into a folder that is sub to the main Contact Folder could also achieve what you seek. See this KB for that method.
    As you can see, there are several methods to achieve what you desire. Not knowing Respond is what makes it hard to be precise with a recommendation. But, if it were me, I'd probably go with the last one -- a sub-folder (to Contacts) in Outlook that I then configure to synchronize with my BB.
    Hope that helps!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
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    Message was edited by:

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    for different functions (it's in integration thing). I don't
    think I can
    combine the databases because two different programs are set
    up and using
    them separately. Is there a way to do this without PHP
    getting as confused
    as it's getting? Obviously I'm no MySQL and PHP expert.....
    Mad Dog

    David Powers wrote:
    > Mad Dog wrote:
    >> That's the problem, both of these are programs that
    >> set up their own MySQL databases and make the
    connections (Wordpress
    >> and EasyPHPCalendar), so it's not so easy to control
    >> connections. Each works fine, but if I call the
    calendar from within
    >> Wordpress, it doesn't know to switch to another
    connection and gets
    >> all confused.
    > It sounds as though one or both of those applications
    has been badly
    > set up (although not necessarily by you - it's more
    likely the way it
    > has been designed).
    > Most programs, including Dreamweaver, use the original
    MySQL extension
    > within PHP to connect to MySQL. Specifying which
    connection to use is
    > optional with the original MySQL extension; if no
    connection is
    > specified, PHP uses whichever was opened last. To use
    two separate
    > connections, the correct connection must be specified.
    > does this automatically. You need to look at the PHP
    code in
    > WordPress and EasyPHPCalender to see if either of them
    specifies the
    > connection. The easy way to tell is by looking at any
    line containing
    > mysql_query(). If it contains two arguments, the
    connection is being
    > properly specified. If it contains just one, that's the
    > that's causing the problem.
    I think I've got it. There might be other tweaks needed, but
    I moved the
    EasyPHPCalendar table into the same database as the Wordpress
    table. With
    luck (I'll know tomorrow when I mess with it) that should cut
    the confusion

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    If you are using "database" in the Oracle sense, rather than in the sense that other databases use the term (i.e. a SQL Server "database" is analogous to an Oracle schema), you would need a database link.
    In database 1
      CONNECT TO username
      IDENTIFIED BY password
      USING tns_aliasThen
    SELECT tab1.field1, tab2.fieldN
      FROM table1 tab1 LEFT OUTER JOIN table2@dblink_name tab2 ON (tab1.field1 = tab2.field1)Justin

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    Currently as we all know that APEX Application resides in database and is connected to the schema of that database.
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    1. If you do the joining of two or more tables in DB1 then all data is pulled over to DB1 and then the join is executed: so more data over the databaselink and more work for DB1. Better keep the joining stuff where the data resides and just pull exactly that data over that you need.
    2. Don't know about your different block sizes. Seems a nice question for one of the other forums (DBA or SQL).
    3. I mean create synonyms on DB1 for reports VIEWS in DB2.
    Hope all is clear!

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    G4   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

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    <add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDb)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\mydb.mdf;Initial Catalog=mydb;User=MyUser;Password=MyPassword;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"
    The problem occurrs every time when second app tries to fetch data from database. So, app which connects first can fetch data normally, but the other one gets "Login for
    MyUser failed" exception every time.
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    add name="DefaultConnection" connectionString="Data Source=(LocalDb)\v11.0;AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|\mydb.mdf;Initial Catalog=mydb;User=MyUser;Password=MyPassword;" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient"
    Hello Mladen,
    You are using a User Instance
    of SQL Server and when the first app start this user instance with the MDF in exclusive Access; no other can use this MDF = Single User mode.
    Better attach the database file as a regular database, then you can use several connections to access the database.
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

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    He can still use your Apple ID for iTunes content, no issues. He just gets a separate ID for everything else.

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    I really would appreciate any suggestions.  the machine is 15" MBP mid 2010 with 10.8.2.

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    Is it possible to install them without installing RAC? The instances will be one active and the other passive, so the services will be up in one server and down in the other and the switching (shutting down one server and starting up the other) will be manual.
    Two servers will be running Linux and clustered in Linux level.
    Does Oracle offers this solution without installing Clusterware software?
    Thank you

    > The instances will be one active and the other passive, so the services will be up in one server and down in
    the other and the switching (shutting down one server and starting up the other) will be manual
    Missed this part as I was thinking proper cluster and RAC.
    This is neither. Yes, this can be done using two servers and shared storage.
    Is it a good idea? Not really. As this configuration does not provide redundancy at physical database level. You loose that storage.. bye-bye database. Does not matter whether you have a 100 backup servers that can be used.
    Thus the business reasons that you are trying to meet with this config have to be clarified and expectations determined.
    Separate servers using Data Guard will be a far more superior solution in many respects.

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    But I confused between [b]jazn-data.xml and system-jazn-data.xml.
    Which xml do I have to edit for jdbcUrl and jdbcDriver?
    Now I would like to use two different database(such as only sid is different).
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    What should I do?
    When I use DBSystemLoginModule, I edit JdbcUrl in system-jazn-data.xml.
    So can I pass the parameter for sid programmatically?
    And also I tried to run my application with other database with DBSystemLoginModule on Embedded oc4j server.
    I changed few things(jdbcUrl at system-jazn-data.xml,jazn-data.xml in embedded-oc4j-server/config and database connection for BusinessComponents at Project Properties of Model/ViewController.
    But I got some error.
    Did I miss something?
    ----< my error messgae >------
    500 Internal Server Error
    JBO-30003: The application pool (customer.model.datamodel.CMAppModuleLocal) failed to checkout an application module due to the following exception:oracle.jbo.JboException: JBO-29000: Unexpected exception caught: java.lang.NullPointerException, msg=null     at oracle.jbo.common.ampool.ApplicationPoolImpl.doCheckout(     Message was edited by:
    Message was edited by:

    I think I understand now, you are modifing the custom login modules configuration within the system-jazn-data.xml file. This is a bit dangerous! Didn't you register the login module in your orion-application.xml? For example, this is the way I do it:
    <web-module id="customProv-web" path="customProv-web.war" />
    <persistence path="persistence" />
    <!--data-sources path="./data-sources.xml"/-->
    <security-role-mapping name="sr_developer">
    <group name="developers" />
    <security-role-mapping name="sr_manager">
    <group name="managers" />
    <jazn provider="XML">
    <property name="custom.loginmodule.provider" value="true"/>
    <property name="role.mapping.dynamic" value="true"/>
    <property name="" value="true"/>
    <!-- Configuring a Login Module in an Application EAR file. -->
    <file path="application.log" />
    <namespace-resource root="">
    <security-role-mapping name="<jndi-user-role>">
    <group name="administrators" />
    <namespace-resource root="">
    <security-role-mapping name="<jndi-user-role>">
    <group name="administrators" />

  • Two Oracle databases on one AIX Server - Note working, Pls Help

    Dear Friends,
    I have installed Two SAP systems with Two Oracle Databases on one AIX machine, The Installation of both the systems went fine without any errors, and also i have been able to login to both the systems seperately. (that means i cant start both the systems at a time, its one at a time)
    But the problem is of the Oracle Listener, i am not able to start both the systems with single Oracle Listener processes(tnslistener). I tried all the possible scenarios as mentioned in note 98252 but nothing seems to be of any use so far.
    the thing is i can start either one of the SAP Systems, But my objective is to start both the SAP Systems with one listener processes (LISTENER) and one listener port (1527)
    you can say i am also ready to keep two different listeners for TWO seperate Oracle databases, I tried doing so as per one of the sap notes in which you have to keep different names of listener and different numbers for listener port for second ORACLE database. I tried doing exactly mentioned in the note but yet unsuccessful...
    Now i am completely lost as what is to be done since its critical i want you to immediately look into it and suggest me the appropriate solution so that i can set up both of my DEVELOPMENT and QUALITY system running...
    To troubleshoot this if you require anything from my side then please feel free to ask me since our functional consultants have to soon start working on the SAP systems.

    The note you specified talk about 2 database instances not 2 databases... (I was starting to wonder how you deploy 2 databases), you can have multiple database instances on a DB. The note also give you detailed explanation of the configuration of listener.ora
    Now, if this is the case and you have installed 2 instances (not databases) on the same host and configured the listener according to the note, then you should be able to call R3trans -d from both SID's.. if the R3trans fails please post the contents of trans.log here.
    the thing is i can start either one of the SAP Systems, But my objective is to start both the SAP Systems with one listener processes (LISTENER) and one listener port (1527)
    Then, the configuration of your listener.ora file must be incorrect.

Maybe you are looking for