Accordion trigger to be arbitrary size and location

It woud be really nice if the trigger and content area could be disconnected and not necessary of the same size.  Thanks!

Thanks, I figured it out :o)

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    You could try trashing the hidden file inside the folder that stores some of its positioning and size settings.
    To show your hidden files.
    Launch ( Terminal ) -> Paste in the following ( defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean true ; killall Finder ) -> Press Return.
    Open the ( Offending Folder ) -> Delete ( .DS_Store ) -> Restart -> Move folder how you want to to stay -> Restart -> Did it stay?
    To reverse your hidden files back to hidden.
    Launch ( Terminal ) -> Paste in the following ( defaults write AppleShowAllFiles -boolean false ; killall Finder ) -> Press Return.
    Supporting Articles
    Hope that helps,

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    Find the preference file for the app in question (probably in <your home folder>/Library/Preferences folder), quit the app, rename the file (append "old") to the end, and start the app again.
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    Not sure if you are a Pro. I'm not and usually have not much new images every month.  I always was fine with the default settings.
    I don't work with Bridge and open one RAW after another in ACR, or maybe 20+ in a row when doing panorama ;-)
    But Bridge has to do a lot of work on the fly when it generates the previews for all new RAW in a folder, like: "read the image from HDD", "process it by ACR, "write Bridge previews and metadata to HDD", "write to ACR cache " - not necessarily in this order.
    And it seems it does this and some additional steps always (not only when first time reading RAW), because it f.e. needs to check if there are already processing information in ACR database or XMP file for a RAW or if they have been created in "meantime". Means ACR settings could have be changed after Bridge did a first time generation of the cache data, maybe because the RAW was openene directly via PS or by another app.
    this process is fairly processor-dependent, especially now that ACR uses more sophisticated processing in version 6, and, depending on ACR defaults, this can be significantly slower than in previous versions.
    And Bridges eats huge amount of memory as well - seems it holds a lot of information in memory before flushing it to disk.
    After reading this post of yours I made a test with my 12k RAW the other day. I tried to let Bridge create previews for all of them in one step, but it ended up complaining that there is not enough memory after ~ half an hour.
    Bridge appears to generate previews unnecessarily sometimes, because every image is already cached.
    See above. Bridge/ACR checks for updated processing information in XMP or ACR database and metadata updates. If it find some it might need to rebuild its cached image.
    Why would I need to reset the cache with a new monitor profile? Surely this is not applied to cache JPEGs?
    You are right, sorry I mixed things up here :-(  I meant ACR camera profiles. Aside that I changed monitor profile a lot over the last weeks doing some tests, and after that Bridge often refused to start until the cache was purged…
    Your suggestion of a larger cluster size is very interesting, and I may try this when I have some spare time.
    All my disks meant for storing large files (images, music, scratch, temp-file) are formated with a larger cluster size. It speeds things up a bit.
    Supposedly Lightroom's catalogue system is superior, but I am yet to be convinced that putting all my XMP data in one basket is a good idea.
    Of course LR shares ACR's cache. I don't know much about LR, but I believe XMP are not only kept in one basket here, right? They are written to the images and in case of RAW to XMP files. Otherwise there wouldn't be an interoperability between LR and Bridge. Similar to Bridge LR stores previews in it own "cache" which is as well a folder and file based "database". Check "preferences".
    But as said I use another DAM, in which’s database all data needed for searching is kept, but I also write all metadata (IPTC,XMP) to the images, even for RAW files. By this I don't need a large ACR cache and also don't have XMP files around, which I hate. When saying database, I mean a real database, not a collection of files which are kept on disk. ;-)
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    "I now reposition and resize every time I open my documents, which is often."
    Yeah, you said it... Which means that 100 times a day I curse Adobe for not including such a basic, fundamental capability.
    It's hard to believe that they do any testing by real users at all... How could they have missed this? And why haven't they immediately fixed it in a point update?

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    thanks in advance

    1. You could create your own subclass of Dialog/JDialog with your defaults set automatically
    2. You could create a DialogFactory that creates Dialogs (pretty much the same as 1)

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    There's no built in way of doing what you want. You might give Default Folder X a try.  I've not used it so don't know if it will do what you want.  You may have to write an Applescript to do what you want.

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    It's hard to say since it's not quite clear what you're doing but:
    1) if these objects are not necessarily components, that's fine, but you're not trying to add them to the basic GUI framework, are you? If you want to do something like this, then probably the best thing is to have a particular component that knows how to handle these objects, and then have a clean separation between components and non-components at that level. So this component would maintain and display a collection of those non-component objects, but no other component would be expected to know anything about them, and the non-component objects wouldn't know about any components at all.
    2) it might be helpful to give all the non-component objects a method that looks like this:
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  • Remembering the size and location of a frame

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    First I thought that I simply could store the settings in a file on close, and on startup restore those values.
    But then what if the user maximizes the frame? The those settings would either be the same as when started or the maximum size, so theres no way to remember the latest size in Frame.NORMAL state.
    So I was wondering how you guys solve this? Is there a listener I could use to catch some window rezise event with?
    Best regards

    There are a couple listeners you could use on your JFrame:
    1. ComponentListener's componentResized event will be invoked after the JFrame's size is changed.
    You could examine the state to see if it's NORMAL (not iconified or maximized) and store the latest
    normalized size, to be saved at application shutdown.
    2. WindowStateListener: this is called after the state changes, and I've noticed that calling the JFrame's
    getWidth and getHeight methods here sometimes returns the new dimension, sometimes the old!
    Option 1 seems an all-around better choice.
    Also, if you're saving state in a file -- check out java.util.prefs -- it rocks and it's easier than file i/o!

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    Is there any way to change this so that one's own machine will remember the window prefs?  I mean, we're not opening on the server itself, so in my mind it should not retain the last open position, right?
    I know I could set my default folder to Home, then go to customers from the sidebar, but that almost defeats the purpose of the default folder.
    thanks in advance!!

    Hey Macdaddy,
    This happens all the time with our server at work. The server window never opens in the same place twice, and it can be annoying.
    There are third-party window management tools out there, but what I did was use a macro program called Keyboard Maestro (since I already owned it).
    Among the many things Keyboard Maestro can do is manipulate a window. I created a macro that moves it to a specific point (in my case, the upper left corner of the screen) and then resizes it to a specific width and height in pixels. I then assigned the macro a keyboard shortcut.
    Now, when I mount the server, I can use the keyboard shortcut and the window is right where I want it.
    There are other programs that just move windows, and I tried a couple. But Keyboard Maestro is more elegant in my opinion, and it does a whole lot more if you choose to go that route.
    Hope this helps.

  • AppleScript That Saves Finder Window Size and Location

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    tell application "Finder"
    make new Finder window to disk "Hard Drive"
    set toolbar visible of Finder window 1 to false
    set current view of Finder window 1 to icon view
    clean up Finder window 1 by name
    set position of Finder window 1 to {30, 55}
    set bounds of Finder window 1 to {30, 55, 400, 625}
    make new Finder window to folder " Files" of disk "Hard Drive"
    set current view of Finder window 1 to icon view
    set toolbar visible of Finder window 1 to false
    clean up Finder window 1 by name
    set position of Finder window 1 to {410, 55}
    set bounds of Finder window 1 to {410, 55, 975, 455}
    close Finder window 1
    close Finder window 1
    end tell
    How do I make it so the Finder will remember the location and position?

    Here is a script that I use daily.
    The code used to force the Finder to "remember" the window position seems a bit tricky. If I remember well I found it on MacScripter.
    As far as the Finder is not corrected, we must use this kind of trickery.
    my commun(choose folder)
    on open (sel)
    my commun(sel's item 1)
    end open
    (* set bounds to {10, 50, 800, 600} *)
    on commun(F)
    set F to F as Unicode text
    tell application "Finder"
    if class of item F is document file then set F to (container of item F) as Unicode text
    if ((class of item F) is folder) then my set_bounds(F, {10, 50, 800, 600}, false)
    end tell
    end commun
    on set_bounds(F, b, toolbar)
    local ao, i, lesFichiers, fichier
    tell application "Finder" to tell folder F
    set lesFichiers to every file
    repeat with fichier in lesFichiers
    my saveImageWithItselfAsIcon(fichier as alias)
    end repeat
    tell container window
    set ao to class is Finder window
    set current view to icon view
    set properties of its icon view options to ¬
    {arrangement:arranged by name, icon size:128}
    set bounds to b
    set toolbar visible to toolbar
    set toolbar visible to not toolbar
    set toolbar visible to toolbar
    if not ao then close
    end tell -- to container window
    repeat with i in (get folders)
    my set_bounds((i as alias), b, toolbar)
    end repeat
    end tell -- to folder F then to Finder
    end set_bounds
    on saveImageWithItselfAsIcon(F)
    tell application "Image Events"
    tell (open F)
    save with icon -- save iconimagefile with itself as icon
    end try
    end tell
    end try
    end tell
    end saveImageWithItselfAsIcon
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE mardi 13 mars 2007 20:51:14)

  • Opening Numbers and getting the same page size and location each time

    Can someone help me with something which is pretty basic, please?
    When I open a Numbers spreadsheet which I use frequently, each time it opens as a tiny box and always has to be resized and repositioned onscreen before I can start work.
    I figure there must be something I can do to have it open in the same screen position and the same size each time, but what?

    Hi Norman,
    Your tags show OS X Mavericks 10.9. The latest version of Mavericks is 10.9.2
    Are using Numbers 3.0 ? The lates version of Numbers is 3.1 and it does save the zoom.
    Maybe this will help, but it does not work in Numbers 3.0
    Numbers > Preferences > General > Default Zoom > 100% (or whatever % you want).
    And Save your document before closing to retain the zoom and position.
    The Numbers *window* size can not (yet) be saved, but the zoom and the position within a sheet can be saved in Numbers 3.1

  • Journaling file size and location

    I turned on journaling today and between that and techtool I have lost 20 GB of HD space.
    If I turn it off, will I regain the space used for journaling?

    James Mol wrote:
    I turned on journaling today and between that and techtool I have lost 20 GB of HD space.
    If I turn it off, will I regain the space used for journaling?
    Not much. But if you're using the Directory Protection feature, it will eat up lots of disk space, and if you're also running Time Machine, it will eat up even more space on your TM volume. Take a look at this thread:

  • Making the frame same size and same location as the field.

    In my report, some frames only contain one field. To save space, I need to make those frames same size (same width, same height), and same location as the field. It means the size and location of those frames should exactly match their fields.
    But, for those frames which only consist of one field, when I use the mouse to adjust their sizes and location to match their fields, Object Navigator will show that their fields moved outside of them. Is there anyway to solve this problem?

    Hello 1011308
    Hi in your case check out the lock object option into report builder.
    After Putting filed into parent fame , if u off the lock option , then field can go outside.
    just check onces.
    Harsh shah

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