Is there a trial version of Adobe Acrobat Standard Version for Mac?
Is there an Adobe Acrobat Standard Version for Mac?  I cannot find one in the Adobe site.

Thanks for the info.
Robbin Dawson

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    Not sure if you can just upgrade as you have to cross platform too. Best to ask Adobe CHAT. You might need to refund and start again.

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    Hi jdnels37,
    Here are the tech specs required for different versions of Lightroom.
    You can try with Lightroom 5, though it is not tested & approved with 10.6.8, if that doesnt work, go for lightroom 4.
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    Take a look here:
    If that doesn't help, I'd suggest you take up the question in Microsoft's own forums or with Microsoft support.

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    As PowerPoint it a Microsoft product, you may find that you get better answers to your question on their PowerPoint forums.
    Best of luck.

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    Dear sig,
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    Hi there
    Please check with your credit card issuer to see why payment is not being approved.  When this is resolved you should be able to place a new order.

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    This forum is for troubleshooting Apple Software Update for Windows, a software package for Windows designed to update Apple products that run on Windows, and not related to Microsoft Office or your question in any way. I suggest you post Office related questions on Microsoft's own forums for their Mac products.

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    hebbie70 wrote:
    I  just have to ask, why does acrobat not have this functionality that the pc version does?
    I use acrobat professional all of the time-I am a designer. I use it along with all of the other big players, like Photoshop, indesign, etc.
    There is a need for this amongst the mac world.
    Im just sick right now. How do I tell the client this cannot be done AT ALL on a mac, when it would be so easy on a pc, and everything you'd need is already bundled in a nice little package. (acrobat pro and extended for PC)
    Adobe, you just sent us back about 5 years.
    So, any other ideas of how I can get this to work? Another application?
    Well, like other Companies rather than than creating one master code That just needs to change for differences in the look and Feel.
    Because The Mac Market is not as Large as PC, they don't put as many features in the Mac Version.  That's the way its always been. They think we will put up with shortcomings. And and the sad fact is we do. Just to have any Software. Office2011 comes about as close to Parity as any software out there. It now has Outlook and uses the same Macro Engine as the PC version. However, it still has features missing that in the PC version. And some of the Macro commands that work on PC won't work on Mac (ActiveX Controls for one).
    Its just the cards we are dealt. Until the Mac Market becomes equal Parity with The PC Market Then we will have the power to have decent software.

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    Hi Fiona ,
    Please refer to the following link.
    Please check if this helps ,feel free to write us back.We'll be glad to assist you further.
    Sukrit Dhingra

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    Hi senier.a,
    I looked at your account and saw that your subscription to Acrobat Standard was canceled. I'm sorry that it wasn't clear that Standard is available only on Windows.
    You are welcome to download a free 30-day trial of Acrobat Pro, which is available both on Windows and Mac OS. For more information, see

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