Activate design manager (sandbox) solution using power shell - SP2013

Hi All,
I have a  design manager (sandbox) solution and deployed in site collection. I am trying to upload the new version using power shell.
Uninstall-SPUserSolution , Remove-SPUserSolution, Add-SPUserSolution and finally doing Install-SPUserSolution on that time i am getting the following error " Install-SPUserSolution : This file may not be moved, deleted,
renamed, or otherwise edited." kindly help me for this issue.

Can you please provide more details on your solution package? Did you use SharePoint Design Manager to create design package? If that is the case then if you read the following article it reads and 
"In SharePoint 2013 you cannot uninstall an imported design package, and you should never attempt to deactivate a design package through the solution gallery." 
I think if you read the article it might be helpful.

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    $pubWeb = [Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb]::GetPublishingWeb($web)
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    Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.SummaryLink("My group")
    #$groupLink.IsGroupHeader = $true $summaryLinkFieldValue.SummaryLinks.Add($groupLink)

    Hi Shabeaut,
    Could you tell us why do you want to add a link web part to the master page for all pages?
    I tested that Summary Links web part (and other types of web parts) added in the master page under Quick Launch couldn't be edited when I edit the pages inherited from v4.master page, it looks by design.
    Have you tried using the Quick Launch to add the link instead if you want to show links in all pages.
    Daniel Yang
    TechNet Community Support

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    The Hidden property is set within the solution, so you would need access to the source code in order to set it.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

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    ok, i have found  the same :
     here its : hope this will help someone.
    function wait4timer($solutionName)
    $solutionName ="TestingWSP.wsp"
    $solution = Get-SPSolution | where-object {$_.Name -eq $solutionName}
    if ($solution -ne $null)
    Write-Host "Waiting to finish soultion timer job" -ForegroundColor Green
    while ($solution.JobExists -eq $true )
    Write-Host "Please wait...Either a Retraction/Deployment is happening" -ForegroundColor DarkYellow
    sleep 5
    Write-Host "Finished the solution timer job" -ForegroundColor Green
    # Get the WebApplicationURL
    $MyWebApplicationUrl = "http://srvr:21778/";
    # Get the Solution Name
    $MywspName = "TestingWSP.wsp"
    # Get the Path of the Solution
    $MywspFullPath = "D:\myWorkspace\TestingWSP.wsp"
    # Try to get the Installed Solutions on the Farm.
    $MyInstalledSolution = Get-SPSolution | Where-Object Name -eq $MywspName
    # Verify whether the Solution is installed on the Target Web Application
    if($MyInstalledSolution -ne $null)
    if($MyInstalledSolution.DeployedWebApplications.Count -gt 0)
    # Solution is installed in atleast one WebApplication. Hence, uninstall from all the web applications.
    # We need to unInstall from all the WebApplicaiton. If not, it will throw error while Removing the solution
    Uninstall-SPSolution $MywspName -AllWebApplications:$true -confirm:$false
    # Wait till the Timer jobs to Complete
    Write-Host "Remove the Solution from the Farm" -ForegroundColor Green
    # Remove the Solution from the Farm
    Remove-SPSolution $MywspName -Confirm:$false
    sleep 5
    # Solution not deployed on any of the Web Application. Go ahead and Remove the Solution from the Farm
    Remove-SPSolution $MywspName -Confirm:$false
    sleep 3
    # Add Solution to the Farm
    Add-SPSolution -LiteralPath "$MywspFullPath"
    # Install Solution to the WebApplication
    #Install-SPSolution -Identity <SolutionName> -WebApplication <URLName> [-GACDeployment] [-CASPolicies]
    install-spsolution -Identity $MywspName -WebApplication $MyWebApplicationUrl -GACDeployment #-FullTrustBinDeployment:$true -GACDeployment:$false -Force:$true
    # Let the Timer Jobs get finishes
    Write-Host "Successfully Deployed to the WebApplication" -ForegroundColor Green
    Write-Host "Exception Occuerd on DeployWSP : " $Error[0].Exception.Message -ForegroundColor Red
    ref :

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    start it from powershell will not help you resolve the issue.
    Try below articles:
    troubleshoot this issue:

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    2) Edit the page
    3) Edit the  mydoclib1 view web part
    4) go to the peroperties
    5) Check the Server Render checkbox
    is there   anyway i can do this using power shell.

    The code below assumes that the webpart is at index 0:
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    $pageURL = "http://aissp2013/sites/TestSite/Lists/MyList/AllItems.aspx"
    $web = Get-SPWeb $SiteUrl
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    $owner =""
    $member =""
    $Description =""
     $SPWeb.SiteGroups.Add($GroupName, "", "","")
     $SPGroup = $SPWeb.SiteGroups[$GroupName]
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    There are two parts.
    1. Adding a group to the site collection.
    2. assigning permissions to the group.
    The PS script given below first ensures if the group exists or not and then executes the logic. If the group already exists, then it will not add group the site. I would recommed to test it in Dev environment and then use in Prod.
    $site=Get-SPSite $siteCollectionUrl
    $grp=$rootSite.SiteGroups["Group Name"]
    if($grp -eq $null)
    $rootSite.SiteGroups.Add("Group Name",$member, $user, "Group Description")
    $grp=$rootSite.SiteGroups["Group Name"]
    $roleAssigns=New-Object -TypeName Microsoft.SharePoint.SpRoleAssignment -ArgumentList $grp
    Pradip T. ------------- MCTS(SharePoint 2010/Web)|MCPD(Web Development)

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    would you please let me know how can I fetch the same using power shell ?
    Thanks and Regards,
    Dipti Chhatrapati

    I have found the same using following script :
    if ((Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null) { 
    Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" 
    #Define variables 
    $site = Get-SPSite "Site collection URL"
    #Get all subsites for site collection 
    $web = $site.AllWebs
    #Loop through each subsite and write permissions
    foreach ($web in $web) 
    if (($web.permissions -ne $null) -and ($web.hasuniqueroleassignments -eq "True")) 
    Write-Output "****************************************" 
    Write-Output "Displaying site permissions for: $web" 
    $web.permissions | fl member, basepermissions 
    elseif ($web.hasuniqueroleassignments -ne "True") 
    Write-Output "****************************************" 
    Write-Output "Displaying site permissions for: $web" 
    "$web inherits permissions from $site" 
    Write-Host "Finished." 
    Hope it helps others !
    Thanks and Regards,
    Dipti Chhatrapati

  • Remote managment Exchange 2013 SP1 from C# code using Power-Shell.

    Sorry if I am describing something wrong, but it is first time I am using Microsoft development forum.
    I am trying to built library that will manage Exchange remotely using  C# code (VS 2012) and Power-Shell ver.4.0. My workstation and the actual Exchange server physically placed in different domains. In order to test functionalities I am using
    user that is member of all administrating and management groups in the appropriative domain. Remote Power-Shell is enabled on Exchange.
    In order to connect to the Service I am using that part of code :
    internal static bool RedirectionUrlValidationCallback(string redirectionUrl)
    bool result = false;
    var redirectionUri = new Uri(redirectionUrl);
    if (redirectionUri.Scheme.Equals("https"))
    result = true;
    return result;
    internal static ExchangeService ConnectToService(ExchangeVersion version,
    string userName,
    string emailAddress,
    string password,
    string domainName,
    ref Uri autodiscoverUrl)
    ExchangeService service;
    service = new ExchangeService(version);
    service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(userName, password, domainName);
    if (autodiscoverUrl.IsNull())
    var ads = new AutodiscoverService();
    // Enable tracing.
    ads.TraceEnabled = true;
    // Set the credentials.
    ads.Credentials = service.Credentials;
    // Prevent the AutodiscoverService from looking in the local Active Directory
    // for the Exchange Web Services Services SCP.
    ads.EnableScpLookup = false;
    // Specify a redirection URL validation
    //callback that returns true for valid URLs.
    ads.RedirectionUrlValidationCallback = RedirectionUrlValidationCallback;
    // Get the Exchange Web Services URL for the user’s mailbox.
    var response = ads.GetUserSettings(emailAddress, UserSettingName.InternalEwsUrl);
    // Extract the Exchange Web Services URL from the response.
    autodiscoverUrl = new Uri(response.Settings[UserSettingName.InternalEwsUrl].ToString());
    // Update Service Url
    service.Url = autodiscoverUrl;
    service.Url = autodiscoverUrl;
    catch (FormatException fe) // The user principal name(email) is in a bad format. UPN format is needed.
    return null;
    catch (AutodiscoverLocalException ale)
    return null;
    catch (Exception e)
    return null;
    return service;
    Then I am trying to reach existing mailbox of that user, using this part of code :
    var runSpace = getRunspace();
    var pwShell = PowerShell.Create();
    pwShell.Runspace = runSpace;
    var command = new PSCommand();
    command.AddParameter("Identity", userPrincipalName);
    command.AddParameter("RecipientTypeDetails", recipientType);
    pwShell.Commands = command;
    var result = pwShell.Invoke();
    if (result.IsNotNull() && result.Any())
    // TODO : fill appropriative DTO and return it.
    // TODO : send back appropriative error.
    catch (Exception e)
    // TODO : log the exception and send back appropriative error.
    private Runspace getRunspace()
    var runSpaceConfig = RunspaceConfiguration.Create();
    var runSpace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(runSpaceConfig);
    PSSnapInException snapEx;
    var psInfo = runSpaceConfig.AddPSSnapIn("Microsoft.Exchange.Management.PowerShell.E2010", out snapEx);
    return runSpace;
    private void closeRunSpace(Runspace runSpace)
    With this part I had problem. I received exception that appropriative Snap-in is not installed on my computer. I had no installation disk of Exchange in order to install Management Tool (as I understand this is the way to add needed part) so I changed run
    space activation to that part of code :
    private Runspace getRunspace()
    var newCredentials = (PSCredential)null;
    var connectionInfo = new WSManConnectionInfo(new Uri("http://exchange.domainname.local/powershell?serializationLevel=Full"),
    connectionInfo.AuthenticationMechanism = AuthenticationMechanism.Kerberos;
    var runSpace = RunspaceFactory.CreateRunspace(connectionInfo);
    return runSpace;
    Now I am receiving exception :
    "Connecting to remote server exchange.domainname.local failed with the following error message :
    Access is denied. For more information, see the about_Remote_Troubleshooting Help topic."
    Please help me to understand what I am doing wrong.
    Thank you.

    In Exchange 2010 you should be using Remote Powershell not local powershell and the snap-in.  Here is a sample that may help you:

  • IIS Issue:when trying to download code from AWS S3 and deploy in IIS server using Power Shell script while Windows startup Default Application pool is not started.

    I am trying to launch Amazon EC2 windows server 2008 R2 instance using AWS Auto Scaling feature. I have used cusmized AMI in Autoscaling Launch configuration to launch an instance.I have placed Power Shell script in AMI. 
    The responsibility of script is to download code from AWS S3 and deploy in IIS server while windows startup first time.
    When i check status, IIS is started succesfully. But default Application pool is not started.
    To resolve this issue i have written one scheduled script. It helps to start the application pool if any application pool is in stopped state.
    After this Application pool is started but i am not able to communicate with IIS server through browser.  
    Please help any one to resolve this issue.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Vchreddy,
    For the IIS issue, we recommend you can post in IIS forum for more effective support:
    Thanks for your understanding.

  • Using power shell function and SQL Table

    I have a table holding file path of over 1 million documents. so like column one is documentID and column two is full file path.
    Now, I want to get the file size of each of the documents. I have a function in power shell that gets the size of a file given file path.
    My problem, is I do not know how to use that function and the table to get the size of each of the files(documents).
    Help Much Appreciated!!

    I am not clear with your questions sir. Do you mean the category this question belongs too? If so, may be some body could help redirect the question to the appropriate place.
    So what category does this belong too CM12 or Powershell?

  • Changing a line in text using power shell

    I have the lines above, i just need to get a few numbers out of the line.
    out put preferably will be like 
    any help will be greatly appreciated 

    this is working good, the only problem is it doesnt contain the rest of the data, i need the rest as well
    HDR235220140203081815000000000 X00510               000006600 X00520    
              000010000 X00530               000007100 END235220140203081815000000056X
    i need this to look like
    00510               00000660000520
    What I have noticed is that you are not a technician and do not know data or PowerShell at all.  I recommend that you obtain the help of a consultant if this is of any importance. Your questions seem to be missing the point of how data works and how
    to manipulate it.
    Remember that initially you wanted all of the file broken at the 'X' character.  Now it appears you just want it broken by altering the HDR and END bits.  You need to rethink what you are doing and ask a consistent question. We can thrash back
    and forth and not get anywhere because it is very difficult to understand what you are trying to do.
    When dealing with porting of data between two tools it is important to both understand how the data is generated and how it is to be consumed,  Once we have a clear idea of this it is usually fairly easy to create a conversion tool.  By thrashing
    back and forth this process can be made to be very difficult.
    this is a very unusual file and thats why i need help with that, I am working with data bases mostly and very new with power shell and trying to learn, i am trying to make it as understandable as possible, and i appreciate all the help that i can get, but i
    really don't need to read any insult here and you dont have to help me, 

  • Set the column order in document library using power shell

    hi all,
     am looking for a power shell script which set the column order in the document  library, when i try to upload a  document.
     ie; i am  uploading a  doc to the doc lib. which has the below columns:
     columnA -   [choice field  - mandatory ]
     columnB -   [lookup field  - mandatory ]
     columnC -   [single line of text  - optional ]
     columnD -   [choice field  - optional ]
     columnE -   [choice field  - mandatory ]
    now when  the end user uploads a   document in my doc lib, i would like to see the mandatory columns takes up the top order and then optional fields.
    so, is there any script, through which i can set the mandatory columns which will be coming in top and the optional fields as next order

    This is sample PowerShell code to reorder fields in a content type of a list.
    $web = Get-SPWeb http://aissp2013/sites/TestSite
    $list = $web.Lists["MyList"]
    $contentType = $list.ContentTypes | where {$_.Name –eq "MyTestCT"}
    $ctArray = "Title","ColumnA","ColumnB","ColumnD","ColumnC"
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    Autocomplete Lookup Field

  • How to excute a power shell script to remote machine using power shell script folder path and script name

    Let say, I have 3 parameters.
    1. Script FolderPath (Remote path for e.g \\RD101\ScriptSharedFolder     Here RD101 is one server)
    2. Script Name(StopAllService.ps1)
    3. Server Name (RD45)
    I want to execute a powershell scritp in my local machine(Test1)  and in that script I want to pass the above three parameters.Now I want to excute the StopAllService.ps1 script into RD45 server. But the script is available in RD101 machine.
    So What I want to here How can we do this ? I have script name and script folder path and target execution server name.
    Pls giude me or give me the script.
    A Path Finder..
    If a post answers your question, please click &quot;Mark As Answer&quot; on that post and &quot;Mark as Helpful&quot;
    Best Online Journal

    You got 2 solutions for your problem:
    1- If you have permission to run scripts in the remote computer without specifying your credential,
    then, the first reply solve your problem.
    2- If you have permission to run scripts in the remote computer
    having to specify your credential, l then,
    my solution solves your problem.
    If the remote computer requires signed scripts only, you need signed script. Period. Or are you trying to break remote computer security?
    If you need signed script, there's no psdrive that'll circumvent such requirement.
    The problem is that the execution policy is set to "RemoteSigned". Using the URL explicitly tags that script as being from a remote source, and the policy blocks it.  The PSDrive provides a local reference for the script.  It does not
    sign the script but the local drive reference may prevent it from being blocked for being from a remote source. I'll test that later.
    Script signing is not and should never be considered a security measure. It is easily circumvented by running the script using powershell.exe, and using the -ExecutionPolicy parameter to override whatever the local execution policy setting is. 
    [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

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