Our vidyalaya was provided a windows 7 CD for 10 computers without product key. We have used it for several computers. When I reinstalled windows 7 on one of the computer it is not being activated automatically whereas it was earlier activated when I reinstalled
it 2 years back on this computer. Please suggest what to do

I would like to confirm how did you activate the system, via MAK key, KMS key or other key?
Do you get any error message?
As I know, if you reinstall Windows you might have to activate Windows again. You may try to activate your Windows by other ways.
Activate Windows on this computer:
Meanwhile, you can post to Windows 7 Genuine Advantage forum as Kamin of Ressik said to get more insights.
Hope it helps.
Blair Deng
Blair Deng
TechNet Community Support

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    Note that you don't have a Mac Pro as stated. Your profile says you have a MacBook Pro. Please clarify as they are entirely different computers. If nothing below works for you, then make a Genius Appointment and take it in for service.
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    OK, I have got my problem sorted.
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    So I hunted a bit harder with Google and eventually found a site that gave me a serial number. The use of that unlocked the Professional features of my version, and I'm up and running again.
    Thanks for your contributions guys, you've both helped. I agree with sinious's critism of moccamaximum, and wouldn't normally go to sites of dubious provenance for help. But after being exhausted by my efforts to get help from Adobe - who to be fair nearly got there in the end - I went hunting and found something that solved my problem. After all, Adobe themselves are publishing activation-free serial numbers.
    I've given the serial number I got from Adobe, it may help others who experience activation problems in the future.
    But I'll follow sinious's advice and not give out the serial number or details of the website I got it from. It wasn't very hard to find.

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    Welcome to Nokia Discussions!
    Steps on how to activate Nokia Music for Windows Phone is located on this page at
    If the problem still persists, I suggest you to contact Nokia Support in your country.

  • Activation problem of Illustrator CS2

    Hi, i'm from IT of Brandt Italia S.p.A., we have 4 licence of Adobe Illustrator CS2 installed and actually utilized by users.
    1 pc was broken last week, the hard disk failed and i cannot recover any data.
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    I'm trying to activate Illustrator CS2 by internet, but don't work.
    I have tryed to activate by phone, also don't work.
    i have see on you site that this version is nomore supported, also the activation is not possible.
    But different years ago i have buyed this version of software, is my rigtht to install and use it, i cannot spend money to buy a new version of the software because i cannot activate it legally.
    surfing to your site, i see this page: but i cannot download Illustrator CS2 version.
    How i can resolve the activation problem? i cannot install another version, i have 4 users that have to work to same files with the same software version, i have no money to spend to upgrade, i don't care if the software version is old, works well fo me, i don't need any new feature.
    thanks for your help
    Mario Ghidelli from italy

    thanks for reply, but in the page you link, i select Italian language version: c=it
    and i have an error "Error processing your request, We're sorry, we encountered an error processing your request"

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        This is very strange sadw8! Let's explore options to resolve these issues! Please delete the WiFi connection at work and then set a fresh connection to that WiFi network For the Backup Assistant issue, please do an initial Backup Assistant setup as per the steps at this link and keep us posted.
    AntonioC_VZW Follow us on Twitter at

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    I dont want to reinstall again anyone have an idea??

    there is no need to do an activation for vista since it is pre activated in the factory itself better make recovery media from lenovo care and reinstall vista if u dont want to remove ur documents and apps go for express install in rescue and recover environment
    Cheers and regards,
    • » νιנαソѕαяα∂нι ѕαмανє∂αм ™ « •
    ●๋•کáŕádhí'ک díáŕý ツ
    I am a volunteer here. I don't work for Lenovo

  • This active component (Active X) cannot be installed, executed or displayed

    resourceBundle=java.util.PropertyResourceBundle@6ada73d0, locale=en,
    key=SAPUR_AX_ALT, string=Due to browser or system restrictions, this active
    component (Active X) cannot be installed, executed or displayed
    When executing a Adobe Interactive [web Dynpro for Java application on IE6.0 and Adobe 7.0.9, I am getting the following info in the log "resourceBundle=java.util.PropertyResourceBundle@6ada73d0, locale=en, key=SAPUR_AX_ALT, string=Due to browser or system restrictions, this active component (Active X) cannot be installed, executed or displayed".  Instead of PDF form I am getting a blank page [with no errors in the log], can you please help me out.
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  • Problem trying to install XP via Boot Camp, computer almost died

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    I just recently purchased a 24" 2.8Ghz intel iMac 500GB harddrive with OS X 10.5.2. I plugged everything together yesterday morning and the computer was going fine, just liek a dream. On a side note I was genuinely impressed with the ease of setting up and how quick, intuitive and reliable the mac and OS X Leopard was.
    This is a bit long but I think I need to go into detail what happened in order for any of you to fully understand what happened to my mac.
    Later in the afternoon I decided to install Win XP via Boot Camp. I knew that XP SP2 or later and VISTA was recommended but I decided to use my XP Home Edition "2002 version" install disc instead.
    I opened up the Boot Camp Assistant, partitioned 15GB of the 500GB harddrive, inserted WinXP install disc and the computer restarted with everything going to plan thus far. I was going through the install process as normal but I came to a window asking which partition to use to install XP ("c" or "d") or if I wanted to create another partition. I also had my iPod still connected to the computer and I think the installation recognised that harddrive too (all 12GB of space left on my iPod). I wasn't sure what to do so I decided to quit the install process by pressing the relevent keys ("press F3 to quit" etc). Upon automatically restarting the computer I first came to a white screen for about1 or so minutes and then a black screen came up with white text asking me to "press any key to 'something' the CD" (can't remember what the rest of the text was), but the keyboard was unresponsive. I turned the computer off and unplugged it as according to the instruction manual that came with the mac, waited the suggested 5-6 seconds, turned it back on but I came across the same screens. I couldn't eject the XP install disc either. I restarted the computer again, held down the eject button whilst restarting, the disc thankfully ejected but I then came across the same black screen but with no text, just a white flashing underscore cursor. I decided to remove my iPod and restart the computer again. AGAIN I came across the same white screen, then black screen with the flashing white underscore cursor and unresponsive keyboard. I decided to insert the OS X install disc 1 (I don't remember if I inserted it whilst at the black screen or if I restarted the computer and THEN inserted the OS X install disc). The disc loaded slowly but I eventually went through the install process (choosing your language) and then came across a window asking me "Where would you like to install OS X?" but I couldn't install it anywhere. I opened "disk utility" or some program with the word "disk" in it, had no idea what I was doing, somehow created a new volume (though I thought I was actually erasing the XP partition I set up earlier) but in MS-DOS FAT Format or something. I then was able to choose a place (or volume) to install OS X but I had to change the format of the untitled volume from FAT to something along the lines of "Mac OS X journaled (enabled)" (whatever that means). There were other format options available but I just chose the top one on the list (Mac OS X journaled (enabled)). I then made a full install of OS X 10.5.2 and late last night downloaded the latest pdate for Leopard (10.5.4) along with other updates. The computer is working fine now thankfully andeverything seems to be back to normal.
    I just want to know what actually happened. What did happen to my computer? Did I somehow wipe the harddrive? Why didn't the computer reboot to HDD when I ejected the WinXP install disc? Which format is the HDD formatted to? What does "Mac OS X journaled (enabled)" mean? Also how come my HDD is 500GB whereas when I checked Boot Camp Asistant a second time (but not installing Win XP again) My HDD is 460GB with 440GB of available space? Is there still another partition I am unable to see? Is there an extra 40GB of data floating around the harddrive that I'm unaware of? What are the factory settings for my computer? I really hope I haven't formatted the disk and installed the OS to settings that weren't like how the computer was originally set BEFORE I regrettably tried to install WinXP via Boot Camp.
    If anyone could respond or give me some sort of advice, explanation or help I would very much appreciate your assistance.

    According to wiki "the documentation from Apple states that Windows XP Service Pack 2 or Windows Vista is requisite for a Boot Camp installation, and it also mentions that trying to install an unsupported operating system could prevent the computer from booting even into Mac OS X". Sure that was from wiki, but it does seem to support and somewhat validate the problem I had with installing an earlier edition of XP.
    Thanks for the info on the Filesystem info. My problem is that installing OS X on a mac is just a little bit more technical than installing Windows on a PC as there are a few more things to consider. Plus I'm not familiar with any of the utility programs as well. It's a **** miracle I managed to somehow create a volume to install OS X on when I thought I was erasing the partition I created for WinXP.
    But I'm still not sure about the missing 40GB from my 500GB HDD. Upon coming to the desktop straight after OS X was fully re-installed I noticed that the HDD only had 460GB and that 440GB of it available space. So the full installation of OS X was 20GB, but where has the other 40GB gone? I swear I saw that I had much more available space on my harddrive (BEFORE I tried to partition my HDD under Boot Camp Assistant and stuffing up the computer). Is the missing 40GB from the ORIGINAL FACTORY INSTALL of OS X INCLUDING all my iTunes music and other files I uploaded to the computer earlier? It would make sense but there's no way, as far as I know, of checking this. Any ideas?

  • Can you help me with FontExplorer font activation problems?

    Anyone know how to solve a font activation problem I am having with FontExplorer 4.2? I am on a new mac with new fonts, I am using Maverick with Adobe CS6. With my new mac I bought the latest version of FontExporer Pro X 4.2. This program is having trouble with font activation in all my Adoble suite apps including Indesign. Here is what I am seeing:
    1. The font activates, but the Adobe app does not recognize that it is active. If I go back to Font Explorer and deactivate manually, then re-activate manually. The adobe app might then recognize it. Sometimes it still doesn't. But this does not stay permanently, as soon as I do a restart I have to go through this process again. I see this more often with the User system fonts, but a few times with my regular fonts.
    2. Other times, such as in Indesign, I go to open the file and the file stalls and doesn’t progress while it is trying to activate the fonts.
    3. Another time I have seen after an illustrator file is opened the fonts aren't recognized as being opened and the text goes blank on the page.
    4. In all adobe apps, if I go to use "replace font" on the missing fonts (even though they are turned on) the "replace font" menu only shows the basic system fonts, it won't show me the other fonts turned on.
    I have seen these issues with both formerly created files and fresh new files.
    I have tried the following based on feedback from Font Explorer staff:
    Refresh your Spotlight database
    1. Quit all applications other than FontExplorer X
    2. Choose Tools > Refresh Spotlight Database
    Clean your font caches
    1. Quit all applications other than FontExplorer X 2. Choose Tools > Clean Application Font Caches (check all available checkboxes)
    3. Choose Tools > Clean System Font Caches (requires restart)
    Still after trying this multiple times, the errors continue and even get more random.
    I have also tried this based on their feedback:
    go to FONTEXPLORER X PRO -> PREFERENCES -> ADVANCED and make sure that "Automatically deactivate fonts which have not been activated by the system" is NOT set to never.
    Then click on TOOLS and clean all font caches. Then reboot the system.
    The auto-activation is using a new Apple technology (called Core Text), which unfortunately does not work correctly with some of the Adobe and Quark applications when keeping the fonts permanently activated. We are currently working on an update, and the next version of FontExplorer X Pro will fix this issue.
    This has also not work. Can anyone help me?

    Here is the official work-around for this problem.
    1. Locate "FontExplorer X" in Applications
    2. Right-click on "FontExplorer X" and select "Show Package Contents"
    3. Navigate to /Contents/Helpers/
    4. Double-click "" or right-click and "Open" to launch it manually. This is needed only once, afterwards the plugins will work normally.
    Please make sure you open the version with the "-3" suffix, the other one does not fix the problem.

  • Hi im having huge problems trying to install flash for my mac 10.5 imac, iv gone through the internet and tried all of the solutions, everytime i try to install flash it says cant read the download file, or it just wont install, anybody plz help!

    hi im having huge problems trying to install flash for my mac 10.5 imac, iv gone through the internet and tried all of the solutions, everytime i try to install flash it says cant read the download file, or it just wont install, anybody plz help!
    iv unistalled flash, iv checked plug ins it just wont work,

    It would have been a great help to know precisely what Mac you have, so some of the following may not apply:
    You can check here:  to see which version you should install for your Mac and OS. Note that version 10,1,102,64 is the last version available to PPC Mac users*. The latest version, or later, is for Intel Macs only running Tiger or Leopard, as Adobe no longer support the PPC platform. Version 11.4.402.265 or later is for Snow Leopard onwards.
    (If you are running Mavericks: After years of fighting malware and exploits facilitated through Adobe's Flash Player, the company is taking advantage of Apple's new App Sandbox feature to restrict malicious code from running outside of Safari in OS X Mavericks.)
    * Unhelpfully, if you want the last version for PPC (G4 or G5) Macs, you need to go here:  and scroll down to 'Archived Versions/Older Archives'. Flash Player is the one you download. More information here:
    You should first uninstall any previous version of Flash Player, using the uninstaller from here (make sure you use the correct one!):
    and also that you follow the instructions closely, such as closing ALL applications (including Safari) first before installing. You must also carry out a permission repair after installing anything from Adobe.
    After installing, reboot your Mac and relaunch Safari, then in Safari Preferences/Security enable ‘Allow Plugins’. If you are running 10.6.8 or later:
    When you have installed the latest version of Flash, relaunch Safari and test.
    If you're getting a "blocked plug-in" error, then in System Preferences… ▹ Flash Player ▹ Advanced
    click Check Now. Quit and relaunch your browser.
    You can also try these illustrated instructions from C F McBlob to perform a full "clean install", which will resolve the "Blocked Plug-in" message when trying to update via the GUI updater from Adobe.
    Use the FULL installer for  Flash Player 12 (Mac OS X)
    And the instructons are here: Snow Leopard Clean Install.pdf
    (If you are running a PPC Mac with Flash Player and are having problems with watching videos on FaceBook or other sites, try the following solution which fools the site into thinking that you are running the version 11.5.502.55:)
    Download this to your desktop, unzip it, and replace the current Flash Player plug-in which is in your main/Library/Internet Plug-Ins folder, (not the user Library). Save the old one just in case this one doesn't work.

  • DC Activation Problem in CBS

    I am facing DC Activation problems in CBS.
    - We have two DC utils and config. The config DC uses utils DC and everything is working fine locally
    - Today we are migrating these local projects in NWDI.
    - I created new DCs in NWDI and copied the SRC folder. Did all required steps for migration, built locally and it works fine.
    - I then checked in utils and activated the same in NWDI, its working fine.
    - I then defined the dependency from the active workspace and everything is still fine.
    - Now I checkin the src of config DC and build the same. Here the problem arises. The Build Fails
    - Checked SDN and can see lot of people facing this problem but there is no solution.
    Any pointers to solve this problem will be helpful
    Here is the problematic area in log:
         [wdgen] [Info]    Generating packages/com/arteriatech/ppc/uivisibilityws/model/
         [wdgen] WARNING: Metadata of component UIVisibilityComp is not valid! ComponentUsage "//WebDynpro/Component:com.arteriatech.ppc.uivisibility.comp.UIVisibilityComp/ComponentUsage:HandleExceptionCompInst", Role "UsedComponent": A minimum of 1 object(s) is required
         [wdgen] [Error]   com.arteriatech.ppc.uivisibility.comp.UIVisibilityComp --> Component UIVisibilityComp: Has invalid component usage 'HandleExceptionCompInst'
         [wdgen] [Error]   com.arteriatech.ppc.uivisibility.comp.UIVisibilityComp --> Component UIVisibilityComp [HandleExceptionCompInst]: Component usage has no used component
         [wdgen] [Error]   com.arteriatech.ppc.uivisibility.comp.UIVisibilityComp --> Component UIVisibilityComp [ValidationCompInst]: Component usage has no used component
         [wdgen] [Info]    Catching throwable null
         [wdgen] [Info]

    Problem Solved.
    I removed the utils DC from my client. Also deleted the folder from the workspace. After this I created the project from the Dev Config perspective again. I was surprised to see there is no component in my utils DC and thats why the problem was there.
    I again copied all the src folder in the workspace and refreshed the DC. Now it locked all the source in the activity. I checked it in and repeated the above excercise. This time all the source code was there.
    I deleted the dependency in the config dc and created again from active workspace(although now I realize it was not required) and checkedin and activated.
    Hurray!!! It got activated.

  • HT3983 i have a sound problem when i install windows 7 32 bit on my imac

    i have a sound problem when i install windows 7 32 bit on my imac

    Did you download and install the Windows Support software? First step in Bootcamp Assistant is to download the support software. Then did you install the support software from within Windows?
    Read the Bootcamp Install instructions.

  • WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON? Activation problem 194:100

    What the ihell is going on?
    I have been burdened with activation issues for weeks - see my previous thread. I have had no response here from Adobe about how to fix it. Please don't say this is a 'user to user' forum. It isn't a 'U2U' forum when Adobe state this is the first place we should look!
    Now, no CC program will run owing to something called 'Activation problem 194:100'.
    Yes, I have logged out. Yes, I have rebooted. Yes, I have deactivated 'more than 2 machines'. Why should I have to repeatedly click to 'deactivate 2 previous activations' when there has NEVER been more than one activation?
    Adobe not only make me look a laughing stock in the classroom but this constant issue that has been going on for weeks now subliminally tells students Adobe software is useless!
    When will I be able to use CC again? I am paying for it remember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hello Rajshree,
    Welcome to Adobe Forum.
    CC has only EVER been activated on ONE PC.
    If you look at you'll see (like many other users) I have to constantly sign in and reactivate. It is probably this that is causing the multiple activations.
    However, to reiterate, CC is only running on ONE computer. It has not at any time been activated on more than the same PC. One activation - one PC.
    So, the suggestion of waiting a few hours (if the prog won't activate / run) is less than adequate. Like everyone else, I pay to have it running 24 hours a day - every day.

  • Hi, dear friends,   I have a big problem:   Since I installed OS 10.9.3 MAV (Maverick), I am unable to use Adobe CS6. Each opening Photoshop attempt, the system tells me an error of type 6 or 16.   Thank you for your help, Guys,   Marius SANNA

    Hi, dear friends,
    I have a big problem:
    Since I installed OS 10.9.3 MAV (Maverick), I am unable to use Adobe CS6. Each opening Photoshop attempt, the system tells me an error of type 6 or 16.
    Thank you for your help, Guys,
    Marius SANNA

    Which version of Photoshop do you have? The current version is 13.0.6.

Maybe you are looking for

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