ActiveX reports using MS Access

I am using LV 5.1.1 on a Win 9x platform. I am trying to use LV's Active X
technologies to pull reports from MS Access. I am approaching this from two
The first, the target machine will have a typical Win 9x installation
scenario, a LV run-time engine installed, a LV application to gather/process
and send data via SQL installed, and an *.exe application generated from
MS-Access installed. The MS-Access *.exe is designed to contain the data
generated by labview and generate reports.
The second, is the same as the first except that instead of the MS-Access
*.exe being installed a full version of Access 97 or higher will be
installed and work with an *.mdb file to contain data and generate reports.
I have b
een following the Word and Excel ActiveX examples on the NI EPD and
am running into the following problem. I am trying to call a specific MS
Access report and this seems to require to first call Access, then call the
reports part of Access, and then call the specific report. I am having
difficulty with the last two steps because they seem to deviate from the
Word and Excel approach. Does anyone have any ideas?
Also does anyone have experience with the first scenario described above and
know which *.ocx and support files that must be installed with the MS-Access
*.exe to allow for Active X communication with a LV-based application?
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Hi Prashant,
Report server performance is affected by a combination of factors that include hardware, number of concurrent users accessing reports, the amount of data in a report, and output format. We can check Execution Log in ReportServer database to learn more information
about report render. In Reporting Services, the total time to generate a reporting server report (RDL) can be divided into 3 elements: TimeDataRetrieval, TimeProcessing and TimeRendering. You can refer to the following blog to Analyzing and Optimizing Reports:
There is a similar issue, you can refer to it.
Alisa Tang
Alisa Tang
TechNet Community Support

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    Hi Roger,
    Based on my understanding, you publish a report on the report server. When you access reports with internal application, the report doesn’t display, right?
    In your scenario, since you mentioned you have published the report to report server, please go to report manager, check if you can see the published report and open the report properly. If the published report is displayed on report manager, it should not
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    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu

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    This seems odbc driver issue ,Plz check the follwoing links for the solution
    Please Mark it as answer if this reply helps you in resolving the issue,It will help other users facing similar problem

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    Hi Dhamayanthi,
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    Murtaza Ghodawala,
    [email protected]
    Mobile: +96597180549

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    There is no one DLL. You have to do the correct deployment using supported methods; e.g.; MSM files for version 10 RDC. The MSM files can be found on the downloads page:
    Also, make sure you are on a supported OS:
    The above mentions .NET, but same will apply to RDC based apps.

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    1:30 Seconds ARRRGHHH!!!! I want my popcorn NOW! Isn't there anything faster than a microwave!

    I didn't want to use access to output the report,  I basically only was going to use access to create the report form then use labview to populate and print the form.
    I should also mention that I do have the report generation toolkit,  can that be used to create reports that look like an existing ms access report?
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    1:30 Seconds ARRRGHHH!!!! I want my popcorn NOW! Isn't there anything faster than a microwave!

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    I concur with Don. Just a bit of help - a sample VBA app is here;
    But as Don mentioned, you will have to downgrade to CR XI r2 (or lower) to implement the above solution.

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    Good morning,
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    Basically, you are going to have to communicate with Access via ActiveX and tell it to print the report for you. If you don't know the Access object model a good approach is to find an example on how to programatically run a report in some easy to read text language like VB. While you will not want to follow the exact program structure too closely, it will at least tell you what properties and methods you will need to use.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

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    CA Forum: .NET
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    Solution suggested worked for me. 
    On my test server Crystal was trying to use the c:\temp directory to write the temporary images, my report always ran ok on the test server.  On the live server CRW was running under with the ASPNET account and / or my own user account. 
    I ran FileMon and filtered on the aspnet_wp.exe process across both servers and ran the application up to the point of generating the issue.  The FileMon output from the test server showed no issues we as the output from FileMon off the live server showed an access denied message.
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    The excel file has also been uploaded to the machine housing the reporting server (i.e to C:\MyFolder location)

    Hi Aaakar,
    From the error message, please try to change the setting of Credential type for the data source on report manager as follows:
    Go to the Data Sources properties page.
    For the Connect Using option, select Credentials stored securely in the report server.
    In User Name and Password, type credentials that can be used to access the database. If you are using SQL Server as the data source, the user name must be valid for both logging on to the server and for accessing the database that contains the data for
    the report.
    If the user name and password are credentials for a Windows account, select Use as Windows Credentials.
    If you want the report server to pass the credentials of the user accessing the report to the server hosting the external data source, click Windows Integrated Security. In this case, the user is not prompted to type a user name or password.
    For more details about Configure Data Source Properties, please see:
    Hope this helps.
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

  • Create statspack report using sql*developer

    While connecting with PERFSTAT user I can not create statspack report using SQL*Developer:
    Error starting at line 1 in command:
    Error report:
    Unable to open file: "?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt.sql"
    Actually, my problem or question is that how can PERFSTAT user can generate statspack reports from a Client side. What is the other way a non-dba can see the snapshots histroy and generate report (by using perfstat user ) while joing tables or using views?
    Thanks a lot.
    Best Regards

    for awr reports @?/rdbms/admin/awrrpt (you need EE+Diagnostic Pack) there is a solution.
    Grant execute dbms_workload_repository to <user>;
    Grant select_catalog_role to <user>;
    get all SNAP_IDs
    SELECT   TO_CHAR(s.startup_time,'YYYY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS') INSTART_FMT,
             di.instance_name INST_NAME,
             di.db_name DB_NAME,
             s.snap_id SNAP_ID,
             TO_CHAR(s.end_interval_time,'YYYY.MM.DD HH24:MI:SS') SNAPDAT,
             s.snap_level LVL
    FROM    dba_hist_snapshot s,
             dba_hist_database_instance di
    WHERE   di.dbid = s.dbid
             AND di.instance_number = s.instance_number
             AND Di.Startup_Time = S.Startup_Time
    ORDER BY snap_id desc;
    Select * From Table(Sys.Dbms_Workload_Repository.Awr_Report_Html(DBID, 1, BEGIN_SNAP_ID, END_SNAP_ID));
    For statspack i don't know a solutuion. I think the best idea is, create a job to make the statspack report on the server side and access it via external tables or mail them forward to you.
    Best regards

  • Creating a crystal report using excel

    I have an excel spreadsheet that I would like to access to create a crystal reports.  But it seems that I have to first save it as an access or other database file.  But this information changes frequently so I it would be more efficient to access the excel file directly.  I tried using the crystal wizard addin in excel, but then when I run the report I get the error message "Server has not yet been opened".  Any other ideas on how to create report of excel data directly?

    Hello Guys ,
    I have something similar problem ,but not exactly.
    our requirement is We are scheduling one crystal report to generate excel and sent to FTP location.This Excel file (in FTP) should be the input of new Crystal Report using ODBC (RDO) connection.
    I am able to create the ODBC connection,but that ODBC connection is not showing me the selected excel sheet in the Crystal Report ODBC Connection.I tried with Remote as well as local drive Excel also.
    I tried on different machine (thought ,it could be Driver specific),but all machines does have same issue.
    Is there any settings or driver upgrades require for CR XI R2 /2008 in order to use ODBC (RDO) for EXCEL FILES.I didnt find any comments /resolution in Google too.
    My steps -
    1) Create a sample Excel file - only few records
    2) Created a System ODBC connection pointing this excel file say "TEST1"
    3) Opened A Blank Crystal Report
    4) Create a New connection
    5) Select ODBC RDO
    6) Create new connection and selected the newly created SYSTEM DSN "TEST1"
    7) check the selected excel is displayed in ODBC RDO connection??
    If it is a Crystal Report issue or ODBC Driver issue ,please let me know if anyone have came across similar issues.
    thanks in advance.

  • Crystal Report Using ECC Data has Auth error in Infoview

    We've created a Crystal report that successfully accesses ECC data from a function module in our Dev environment when the report is executed from within Crystal Designer.  When we try to execute the same report against the same development ECC system from within InfoView we get the following error:
    ERROR: The Database Logon Information for this report is either incomplete or incorrect. 
    The connection information is the same as it is in designer. We are able to successfully run Crystal Reports over BW data within InfoView. Any ideas about what might be wrong?

    The consumers of the report do have ECC access for order and inventory management so licensing should not be an issue.
    We were able to resolve the issue. The problem was with our version of SAP GUI on the BO Dev server.
    We had to update our u201CServices.dllu201D and our u201CSAPLogonTree.xmlu201D file with an accurate version.  Once that was done, the report executed as expected in InfoView using LDAP.
    Edited by: Douglas Eberle on Jun 13, 2011 6:54 PM

  • How to find out which connection is used for access to Bex query?

    in our BO 4.0 environment we have a lot of different connections to Bex queries.
    There exist more connections to one Bex query.
    For example to Bexquery1  we can access with 2 connections, connection : BX1 (connection specific for one query) and connection DEVcubes(generic connection to all cubes)
    How can I check in Webi report over Bex query which connection is currently used?
    Thanks a lot !

    Hi Rudolf,
    Your requirement can be achieved using QueryBuilder.
    Please refer to following QueryBuilder step-by-step post by Manikandan:
    In bove post, Go to Universe Queries section -> All webi report using one connection
    In case you dont know how to use QueryBuilder, please refer to following post:
    Please let us know if you get any doubt.

  • How Do I Filter a Report Using a Multi Select List Box and Specifying Date Between Begin Date and End Date

    Hope someone can help.  I have tried to find the best way to do this and can't seem to make sense of anything.  I'm using an Access 2013 Database and I have a report that is based on a query.  I've created a Report Criteria Form.  I
    need the user to be able to select multiple items in a list box and also to enter a Begin Date and End Date.  I then need my report to return only the records that meet all selected criteria.  It works fine with a ComboBox and 1 selection but can't
    get it to work with a List Box so they can select multiple items.  Any help is greatly appreciated while I still have hair left. 

    The query should return all records.
    Let's say you have the following controls on your report criteria form:
    txtStart: text box, formatted as a date.
    txtEnd: text box, formatted as a date.
    lbxMulti: multi-select list box.
    cmdOpenReport: command button used to open the report.
    The text boxes are used to filter the date/time field DateField, and the list box to filter the number field SomeField.
    The report to be opened is rptReport.
    The On Click event procedure for the command button could look like this:
    Private Sub cmdOpenReport_Click()
    Dim strWhere As String
    Dim strIn As String
    Dim varItm As Variant
    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
    If Not IsNull(Me.txtStart) Then
    strWhere = strWhere & " AND [DateField]>=#" & Format(Me.txtStart, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#"
    End If
    If Not IsNull(Me.txtEnd) Then
    strWhere = strWhere & " AND [DateField]<=#" & Format(Me.txtEnd, "yyyy-mm-dd") & "#"
    End If
    For Each varItm In Me.lbxMulti.ItemsSelected
    strIn = strIn & "," & Me.lbxMulti.ItemData(varItm)
    Next varItm
    If strIn <> "" Then
    ' Remove initial comma
    strIn = Mid(strIn, 2)
    strWhere = strWhere & " AND [SomeField] In (" & strWhere & ")"
    End If
    If strWhere <> "" Then
    ' Remove initial " AND "
    strWhere = Mid(strWhere, 6)
    End If
    DoCmd.OpenReport ReportName:="rptMyReport", View:=acViewPreview, WhereCondition:=strWhere
    Exit Sub
    If Err = 2501 Then
    ' Report cancelled - ignore
    MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation
    End If
    End Sub
    If SomeField is a text field instead of a number field, change the line
            strIn = strIn & "," & Me.lbxMulti.ItemData(varItm)
            strIn = strIn & "," & Chr(34) & Me.lbxMulti.ItemData(varItm) & Chr(34)
    Regards, Hans Vogelaar (

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