Add condition to train

can I add condition to "next "button in the train component ? if yes how can I do that

i want to create employee
creation consist of 3 steps
first one contains personal information like the first name, last name, ........
second one contains company information after the user finish entering the values he must click next here i have some conditions to be checked before going to the third step if these conditions return true then page 3 will appear else error message will appear
my conditions include checking for fields in database
I hope it is clear now

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    For example,
    PR00    100.00 USD/MT
    ZDIS       10.00 USD/MT
    ZDIS         8.00  USD/MT (Not allow to enter or add condition type)
    Edited by:
    Edited by: Kitta on Jan 29, 2008 3:17 PM

    Create A routine function for same .
    I am given here the code also
    Write the following codes given below in include file.
    *&  Include           ZXVVAU05
    Written for restriction in VA02 for Condition type duplication
    DATA:   END   OF tXKOMV.
    data : tab_name(40) type c ,
           ld_len type i , ld_len1 type i .
    field-symbols : <tab> type  any.
    tab_name = '(SAPMV45A)XKOMV[]'.
    assign (tab_name) to <tab>.
    txkomv[] = <tab>.
    describe table txkomv lines ld_len .
    sort txkomv by kposn KSCHL .
    delete adjacent duplicates from txkomv comparing kposn KSCHL .
    describe table txkomv lines ld_len1 .
    if ld_len1 ne ld_len .
      refresh txkomv .
      message e002(zmm) with ' Please remove duplicate condition in item price' .
    endif .
    4. Save and activate.
    This has to be done thru Abap person ,Hope this will solve the problem of yours as it has mine.
    Manu Kapoor

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    Train stops can only be removed from the train model before the first view renders, which means during task flow initialization. To a later point you cannot remove but hide stops. The train model is created upon task flow initialization too and any train stop that is not part of the model virtually doesn't exist. In your case I think creating a custom train model from ground up and using this with the train is the way to go. The default task flow metadata based implementation doesn't seem to do what you need it for. Alternatively, if you can predict the maximum number of train stops, you can design them at design time and then remove those you don't need at runtime using a HashMap reference in the train stop configuration and check the HashMap values upon initialization.
    Here's a write up on trains I did in the past:
    More documents you find on ADF Code Corner (just search for train)

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    MDD1     Advance for MDD0
    MDD2     Adv.frm prev.per.for MDD0
    MDD3     Advance MDD2 paid back
    MDD5     Arrears w. balance recov.
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    Replace LTD with the correct element name.
    <?when: LTD > 233 ?>233<?end when?>
    <?otherwise:?><?LTD?><?end otherwise?>
    <?end choose?>

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    I've also discovered that this anomality happens only when the code is within a try-catch block.
    I've reproduced the phenomenon with this little example class.
    Try to comment and uncomment the only condition within the loop and to do the same for the exception. If you use the java 5 you should see similar results (haven't try with other JVM)
    public class Test {
        public Test() {}
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            Test t = new Test();
         * With try-catch :
         *    with condition           ms = 2641  (faster)
         *    without condition        ms = 3047 
         * Without try-catch :
         *    with condition           ms = 2625 
         *    without condition        ms = 2515  (faster)
        public void execute() {
            try {
                int c = 0;
                long t1 = System.currentTimeMillis();
                for (int i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) {
                    if (c == 0) {
                System.out.println(" ms = " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t1) + "  " + c);
            } catch (Exception e) {

    The other day I 've added a condition within a loop
    and I expected the code to go slower but it actually
    went faster ! The try block has absolutely nothing to do with method speed (unless of course you throw exceptions.)
    Excluding that you ran one test with a condition where it was faster and one where it was slower.
    And what exactly else was running on your computer when you did this? A virus checker? Scheduled tasks? Editor? IDE? Database? Services (like network stacks?) All of those take time from the cpu. And if even one of them did anything at all when your test was running then it will change the results.

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    Contact your reseller. They can get you licensing for the Training Module of Connect. Once that is purchased and applied, the Training tab will appear in your Connect account.

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    You can use the skip property of the train stop. You can have an EL expression for it, some thing like this #{pageFlowScope.isContinueEnabled}.
    Once all the mandatory fields are entered, you can set the isContinueEnabled flag and refresh the train button bar.
    For more info refer this:
    Also, you can try navigating to different train stops programmatically.
    Check: 082.      How-to programmatically navigate ADF train models

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    Best regards, thanks in advance,

    Below is an example of SQL2 query based on your scenario. you can modify and use it
    SELECT * FROM [nt:base] AS s WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE([/content/geometrixx/en]) and (CONTAINS(s.[cq:tags], 'mynspace:mytag') or CONTAINS(s.[cq:tags], 'mynspace:mytagss1'))
    where root node path  and tags value you can change as per your need. Below is java formation
    StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder();
    query.append("SELECT * FROM [nt:base] AS s WHERE ISDESCENDANTNODE([")
    .append(pathToYourPageArea)   //for example /content/geometrixx/en
    .append("]) AND (CONTAINS(s.[cq:tags],'mynspace:mytag') or CONTAINS(s.[cq:tags],'mynspace:mytagss1'))");
    Query compiledQuery = queryManager.createQuery(query.toString(), Query.JCR_SQL2);
    where 'mynspace:mytag' and 'mynspace:mytagss1' is an example and you can change it with variables
    I hope it will help you to proceed. Let me know if you need more information.

  • ADF  add a customize train naviagation

    i try to build my custom train naviigation and use the tutorial in ADF code corner
    but i've a problem that the import to class
    import oracle.adf.controller.TaskFlowTrainStopModel;
    is not found so i can continue ???
    i use Jdeveloper
    Edited by: mohammad.j.b.yaseen on Nov 27, 2011 9:00 AM

    As I said before it's not one class. In the end you end up with +1000 classes.
    You should start thinking about how to do it without the train stop model. Can't you do this using buttons?
    I'm not having a jdev available and can't access youtube from work :(
    Have you checked the docs if your version offers something similar?

  • How to add conditions when uploading contracts

    Hi experts
    I'm trying to upload contracts from a text file using BAPI BBP_PD_CTR_CREATE.
    I'm not able to create conditions with the contracts. Can anyone tell me the mandatory parameters that have to be passed in the BAPI in its it_conditions table.
    This is what I'm doing:
      wa_condition-guid = c_dummy_cnd.       "Dummy guid
      wa_condition-cond_type = l_condtyp.
      wa_condition-COND_PRC_UNIT = '0'.
      wa_condition-COND_RATE = l_condval.
      wa_condition-COND_CURR = l_condcurncy.
      wa_condition-COND_TAB = l_condtab.
      wa_condition-date_from = l_valstart.
      wa_condition-date_to = '99991231'.
      APPEND wa_condition to tbl_condition_ex.
    Points will be rewarded...

    Hi Neelima
    I tried with the code that you had provided but I still couldn't create the discount conditions.
    Here is my code in more detail:
      IF l_condtyp = '01AG'.                                "Header discount
        l_condtab = 'SAP019'.                               "Table for header discount
        wa_condition-p_guid = c_dummy_hdr.                  "Dummy guid of header
        IF l_condplant IS NOT INITIAL .                     "Location dependant item discount
          wa_condition-INVENT_LOC_ID = l_condplant.         "Adding location
          l_condtab = 'SAP068'.                             "Table for location dependant discount
          wa_condition-p_guid = c_dummy_itm.                "Dummy guid of item
          wa_condition-COND_UNIT = l_unit.                  "Unit of item
        ELSE.                                               "Location independant item discount
          l_condtab = 'SAP016'.                             "Location independant discount table
          wa_condition-p_guid = c_dummy_itm.                "Dummy guid of item
          wa_condition-COND_UNIT = l_unit.                  "Unit of item
      wa_condition-guid = c_dummy_cnd.                      "Dummy guid
      wa_condition-cond_type = l_condtyp.       "(01AG)
      wa_condition-COND_RATE = l_condval.    "(15-)
      wa_condition-COND_CURR = l_condcurncy.   "(%)
      wa_condition-COND_TAB = l_condtab.      "(SAP019)
      wa_condition-date_from = sy-datum.          "(also tried vper_start ie. start date of contract)
      wa_condition-date_to = '99991231'.
      wa_condition-time_from = '000000'.
      wa_condition-time_to = '235959'.
      wa_condition-UOM_DENOMINATOR = '1'.
      wa_condition-UOM_NUMERATOR = '1'.
      APPEND wa_condition to tbl_condition_ex.
      CLEAR wa_condition.
    The importing table is still empty after the FM has been executed. There are no messages in the messages table either.
    Please help me out here.
    This is very urgent.

  • How to add condition in the create_rule?

    I need to only replicate the records with pro_id = 372. Because this table contains CLOB column, so I can't use add_subset_rule.
    So I use create_rule method, here is what I did.
    rule_name => 'strmadmin.access_controls_dml',
    condition => ' :dml.get_object_owner() = ''DBUSER'' and ' ||
              ' :dml.get_object_name() = ''ACCESS_CONTROLS'' and ' ||
    ' pro_id = 372 ');
    It is ok, to create this rule, but when I run following
    rule_name => 'strmadmin.access_controls_dml',
    rule_set_name => 'strmadmin.project_specific_rules');
    It shows,
    ORA-25448: rule STRMADMIN.ACCESS_CONTROLS_DML has errors
    ORA-00904: "PRO_ID": invalid identifier
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_RULE_ADM", line 169
    ORA-06512: at line 2
    So I think the condition syntax I specified in the create_rule has problem, anyone know the correct syntax?? thanks a lot!!

    I tried it, but there is error, and I looked it 10 times, could not figure out what is the problem..any idea?? thanks.
    rule_name => 'strmadmin.access_controls_dml',
    condition => ' :dml.get_object_owner() = ''DBUSER'' and ' ||
    ' :dml.get_object_name() = ''ACCESS_CONTROLS'' and ' ||
    ' ((:dml.get_command_type()=''INSERT'' and ' ||
    ' :dml.get_value('NEW', '"PRO_ID"')=372) or ' ||
    ' (:dml.get_command_type() = ''UPDATE'' and ' ||
    ' :dml.get_value('NEW', '"PRO_ID"')=372) or ' ||
    ' (:dml.get_command_type() = ''UPDATE'' and ' ||
    ' :dml.get_value('OLD', '"PRO_ID"')=372) or ' ||
    ' (:dml.get_command_type() = ''DELETE'' and ' ||
    ' :dml.get_value('OLD', '"PRO_ID"')=372))'
    ' :dml.get_value('NEW', '"PRO_ID"')=372) or ' ||
    ERROR at line 7:
    ORA-06550: line 7, column 40:
    PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "NEW" when expecting one of the following:
    . ( ) , * @ % & = - + < / > at in is mod not rem
    <an exponent (**)> <> or != or ~= >= <= <> and or like
    between ||

  • Sales order: How to add pricing conditions at item level in BDC of VA01

    Hello Experts,
    Am writing BDC for sales order, in this process I need to add ITEM PRICING CONDITIONS, so, am selecting item and pressing the DOLLAR symbol button and am adding the conditions by pressing PLUS button in loop!! but am getting this erorr- Field KOMV-KMEIN (2) is not an input field!! when I execute it in we19-BACK GROUND only!! if I execute the same CODE IN we19-Fore ground, I dont have any issue!!  I checked this SDN (field status in config), Google, but did not helped me!
    Pls. let  me know is there any other way to add conditions at item level in VA01 in BDC code?
    THank you

    It is happening because the second row of the item level data screen is becoming display only. Please check whether In foreground mode you are pressing an extra enter to give data in the second row of the item level data after giving data in the first row and in BDC recording you have not recorded that 'Enter'.

  • Add dummy Like condition '%%' inorder to use index scan

    I have a table like below , which have data which capture each minute(columnB) transactions
    columnA     CHAR(6),
    columnB     Date,
    columnC     Number(3,0),
    CRT_ID    CHAR(8),
    UPD_ID    CHAR(8),
    CONSTRAINT PK_tableA_colAB PRIMARY KEY (columnA , columnB )
    When I query the table, to get the list of transaction between particular date, it goes for TABLE FULL SCAN.( cost and execution time also high)
    Total no of records in the table(tableA) is 13669094, the below query returns only around 150 to 200 no of records
    select columnA,columnB,columnC,Crt_Id,Crt_ts
    from tableA
    where columnB between TO_DATE('06/28/2013','MM/DD/yyyy') and to_date('06/29/2013','MM/DD/yyyy')
    when i use the query like below it will use the INDEX SCAN (cost and execution time also less)
    select      columnA,columnB,columnC,Crt_Id,Crt_ts
    from         tableA
    where      columnB between TO_DATE('06/28/2013','MM/DD/yyyy') and to_date('06/29/2013','MM/DD/yyyy')
    and           columnA like '%%'
    Please advice is it good to add condition like '%%' inorder to use the index scan. Also kindly let me know if it works in the same way in all environments.

    Hi RP0428,
    Thank you very much for your response.
    1. Are you collecting statistics on the table and indexes?
    2. Post the exact command you use to collect those statistics.
    Recently my DBA had gathered the statistics on 17-Dec-2013 22:01:32(LAST_ANALYSED). I am unaware about what query he ran to gather the statistics.
    After that it executed in 28 seconds itself, before it took several minutes.
    My concerns is only gathering the statistics periodically will improve performance.
    Table is growing with thousands of records daily. Already it have 13669094 records. In order to avoid Full Table Scan
    From my knowledge, I feel creating composite Range-Hash partitioning will helpful in improving the performance.
    3. Post info about the data distribution for the two columns used by the index. This is 'counts and amounts' for each of the two columns and a GROUP BY date showing the skew of the values.
    Plz find the details below

  • How to add new condition record to sales order items

    Hello All,
    I have requirement to add to new condition record to get more discount on the item during sales order processing based on some conditions. In user exit SAVE_DOCUMENT_PREPARE , I am populating an internal with items for which additional discounts are required. So want to add condition record to those items to get additional discount.
    I know that in VOFM routines we can modify the existing condition record value but not sure what is the best place to append new condtion record to conditions table.

    Hi suman,
                   As which conditions you want or whatever logic you want for to write for applying the conditions you need to make changes at two includes and one FM by using Implicit Enhancement
    1) MV45AFZZ
    3) FM name i am not remembering you can debug and find out.

Maybe you are looking for

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