Add line types  in invoice

when i press type lov in invoice line appear
i want to add another type like custom - bank charges .... and so on
how can i add these types.

You cannot. INVOICE DISTRIBUTION TYPE lookup code is System Access Level, so you cannot modify it.

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  • AP: Invoice Imports/ Miscellaneous Invoice Line types

    Hi All,
    I had two issues while I was importing my invoices in AP through AP Invoices Open interface:
    1. Freight Charges
    2. Some Unit Royality Charges.
    Both of these things are not included in my PO, so I needed to create additonal invoice distribution lines with in the same invoice and also had to assign a GL account while creating the invoices. The other Item type lines get the GL account code from PO while matching is done during AP Open Import process.
    The Freight charges problem is resolved. The solution for that is as follows for your reference.
    Functional Steps:
    1. With Accounts Payables Manager responsibility , go to
    2. Select Invoice from drop down list box.
    3. In invoice region Ceck the Automatically Create Freight Distribution Option.
    4. Supply default Freight Account for Freight Distributions.
    Technical Steps:
    1. Create an additional Invoice distributions line for freight in AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE table which should not have the PO level information.
    2. Set AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE.Prorate_across_flag = 'Y'
    3. AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE.line_type_lookup_code = 'FREIGHT'
    4. Set AP_INVOICE_LINES_INTERFACE.LINE_GROUP_Number as same in both the ITEM and Freight Invoice distribtuion line which are interrelated.
    The above resolves the Freight issue and you can reproduce it in your environment.
    However, I have another amount from my supplier which is called "Royality Charge" on every item which are also not present in my PO. My supplier sends these charges with Invoice lines the same way Freight charges are sent. I am thinking of creating additional Invoice lines marked as "Miscellaneous" Invoice Lines type for this charge. The problem I am facing with Miscellaneous Lines is that I cannot find a place where I can setup the Account code for such Invoice distribution lines, like I got for Freight Type Distribution lines as described above in Functional steps. Can anyone guide me in this regard or can give me an alternative workaround to handle my Unit Royality Charges?
    Faisal .
    [email protected]

    Apologies for the late response, have only just spotted the question.
    You will need to register "line-item job-level chains of approval" under payables transaction type before you can select it from the picklist:
    Setup\Action Types\"Use Existing Action Type" button, then select action type and continue.
    Hope this helps (if you haven't already resolved yourself)

  • DI: Add Serialnumbers to AR Invoice Lines

    We are having a difficult time adding serialized items to AR invoices through the DI. It doesn't seem to be happy doing this no matter what we try. Probably a rookie mistake but I have tried several different ways of doing this with no luck. We get a 5002 error when trying to add the invoice if the serialized items are included on it. Works fine with just the non-serialized.
    Here is the current iteration of the code. The DB lookups work fine and return the desired values. The exact same serialized items can manually be added to an invoice without any issues. If anyone can offer some advice I would  greatly appreciate it.
    Dim EINV As SAPbobsCOM.Documents
    Dim SerialNumber As SAPbobsCOM.SerialNumbers
    Set EINV = Company.GetBusinessObject(oInvoices)
    'EINV setup and non-serialized items added
    'No problems until we try adding serialized items
    'All values return properly and can be added manually to an invoice.
    'Fails with a 5002 when EINV.Add is invoked after serialized items are added.
    'EINV.Add works fine with serialized code disabled.
    If SerialRS.RecordCount > 0 Then
       Do While SerialRS.EOF = False
        STech = SerialRS.Fields("TechNumber").Value
        SItemID = SerialRS.Fields("ItemID").Value
        SSerial = SerialRS.Fields("Serial").Value
        If STech = TechNo Then
          EINV.Lines.SetCurrentLine (EINV.Lines.Count - 1)
          EINV.Lines.ItemCode = RTrim(SItemID)
          EINV.Lines.Quantity = 1
          EINV.Lines.TaxCode = "ZERO"
          EINV.Lines.WarehouseCode = TechNo
          Set SerialNumber = EINV.Lines.SerialNumbers
          SerialNumber.SetCurrentLine (SerialNumber.Count - 1)
          Set RecSet3 = Company.GetBusinessObject(BoRecordset)
          RecSet3.DoQuery ("select top 1 sysserial from osri where intrserial = '" & SSerial & "'")
                                                                                    If RecSet3.RecordCount > 0 Then
              SerialNumber.InternalSerialNumber = SSerial
              SerialNumber.SystemSerialNumber = RecSet3.Fields("sysserial").Value
           End If
          End If
    End if
    Addresult = EINV.Add
    If (Addresult <> 0) Then
      Call Company.GetLastError(nErr, errMsg)
      If (0 <> nErr) Then
         MsgBox ("Found error:" + Str(nErr) + "," + errMsg)
      End If
    End If

    This is evidently an issue with adding non-serialized items to an invoice before adding serialized items through the DI. It looks like the DI was trying to add the serialnumbers to the non-serialized doclines despite our best efforts to add them to the appropriate items. Once we changed the order of our code and added the serialized items first it worked just fine.
    On a related note, if you add individual lines to an invoice for the same item (multiple lines of single quantity for the same item instead of a single line with a quantity > 1) the DI will only add serialnumbers to the first docline occurence of the item in question.

  • UDO type Document, Add lines

    Hi All,
    I have a problem with a User Defined Object of type Document/Document Lines.
    I have a custom form for the UDO. I can add new Documents with one or more Document Lines. These are stored in the database as expected, both Father table and Child table is updated. I can also update existing entries through the UDO, but I can NOT add new Document Lines to an existing Document.
    I can add the lines in the matrix of the form, but they are not written to the Child table when I press Update. There is no error messages or anything, the new lines are just not written.
    Any suggestions?
    Best regards
    Jesper Carstensen

    When you add a line to the matrix did you increase the size of the datasource as well?
    A sample of code to add line:
    dbMOR1.InsertRecord dbMOR1.Size
    dbMOR1.Offset = dbMOR1.Size - 1
    m_oMatrix.AddRow 1
    (dbMOR1 is the satasource of the child table that is bound to the matrix columns).


    제품 : FIN_AP
    작성날짜 : 2003-05-12
    AP Period Closing 시 발생하는 data 문제를 아래 방법으로 해결한다.
    Problem Description
    Oracle Applications 11i
    Ap Period closing 을 할 수 없고 다음과 같은 Error가 발생한다.
    "Total debits are not equal to total credits in base currency for
    the invoice"
    원인을 살펴보면 Invoice의 tax line type이 'ipi'로 저장되었음을 알 수 있다.
    Solution Description
    1. Unaccounting script를 수행한다.
    2. 다음 문장을 수행한다.
    - 1. select LINE_TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE
    where INVOICE_ID = (enter the invoice id whose type is ipi)
    WHERE INVOICE_ID = <from above>
    3. 다시 Accounting 처리하고 Period Close 한다.
    Reference Documents
    Note 178291.1

  • Add Shipping Type in AR Invoice in Crystal Report

    Dear Experts,
    I'm designing the layout by Crystal Report. I want to add Shipping Type in AR Invoice. I used the ready format provided in version 8.8. However, there is no Shipping Type in the given format. So, I pulled in the OSHP table and link TrnspCode to OINV's TrnspCode.
    This form works only if I select a shipping type from the drop-down menu in the AR Invoice. If I leave the shipping type empty, this form will generate a blank data.
    Where did I go wrong?

    A question: why do you need leave the shipping type empty?



    if possible create debit memos and add the freight lines for that customer

  • Add line to type ref to data field - type table

    HI All,
    I have field that is defined as type ref to data ,and the type of it is table with data inside of it lr_data.
    I have the also the table type of lr_data and I want to add additional line to the type ref to data field.
    How can i do that ?
    For example
    TYPES: BEGIN OF bank_list,
             country_key type string,
             bank_key    type string ,
             bank_name   type string,
             bank_city  type string    ,
           END OF bank_list.
    data lt_bank type table of bank_list.
    data lr_data data  ref to data.
    Now lr_datae is  type lt_bank " in _Runtine
    and contain 4 entries .
    I get the lr_data with 4 entries and I want to add new entry to the table.
    How can I do that?
    Edited by: Joy Stpr on Feb 8, 2012 10:05 PM

    Hello Joy,
    You can check this code snippet to get an idea on how to proceed with your requirement:
    CLASS lcl_add_data DEFINITION.
        CLASS-METHODS add_data CHANGING ch_data TYPE REF TO data
                               EXCEPTIONS err_invalid_type.
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_add_data DEFINITION
    *       CLASS lcl_add_data IMPLEMENTATION
    CLASS lcl_add_data IMPLEMENTATION.
      METHOD add_data.
        DATA: lo_tabdescr   TYPE REF TO cl_abap_tabledescr,
              lo_strucdescr TYPE REF TO cl_abap_structdescr,
              ls_component  TYPE abap_compdescr.
        FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lt_data>      TYPE STANDARD TABLE,
                       <ls_data>      TYPE any,
                       <lv_fieldval>  TYPE any.
        IF ch_data IS BOUND.
    *     Get the runtime type object
          lo_tabdescr  ?= cl_abap_typedescr=>describe_by_data_ref( ch_data ).
    *     Check  if supplied param is table
          IF lo_tabdescr->type_kind NE cl_abap_typedescr=>typekind_table.
            RAISE err_invalid_type.
        ASSIGN ch_data->* TO <lt_data>. "Dereferencing the data reference
    *   Get the line type of table
        lo_strucdescr ?= lo_tabdescr->get_table_line_type( ).
        DO 2 TIMES.
    *     Add initial line to the table
          APPEND INITIAL LINE TO <lt_data> ASSIGNING <ls_data>.
          CLEAR <ls_data>.
    *     Loop on the fields of the structure & populate them
          LOOP AT lo_strucdescr->components INTO ls_component.
            ASSIGN COMPONENT ls_component-name OF STRUCTURE <ls_data> TO <lv_fieldval>.
            CASE ls_component-name.
              WHen 'COUNTRY_KEY'.
                <lv_fieldval> = `My Country`.
              WHEN 'BANK_KEY'.
                <lv_fieldval> = `123`.
              WHEN 'BANK_NAME'.
                <lv_fieldval> = `My Bank`.
              WHEN 'BANK_CITY'.
                <lv_fieldval> = `My City`.
      ENDMETHOD.                    "add_data
    ENDCLASS.                    "lcl_add_data IMPLEMENTATION
    BEGIN OF bank_list,
      country_key TYPE string,
      bank_key    TYPE string,
      bank_name   TYPE string,
      bank_city   TYPE string,
    END OF bank_list.
    DATA: lt_bank TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF bank_list,
          lr_data TYPE REF TO data.
      GET REFERENCE OF lt_bank INTO lr_data. "Get reference
    * Add the data to the data reference
      lcl_add_data=>add_data( CHANGING    ch_data = lr_data
                              EXCEPTIONS  err_invalid_type = 1 ).

  • How to change line type on EAM Purchase Requisitions

    When an EAM Work Order is released, we get Purchase Requisitions with the Line Type as the Purchasing Options default. This can be changed on the req but there is no option to select the req line type on the EAM Work Order page.
    There's a Line Type field on the EAM Work Order page but it's different from the Requisition Line Type.
    Just wondering what are our options to give users the ability to select req line type from EAM Work Order page. We know personalization is an option but we'd need to add a brand new field and even if we do, we are unsure that ReqImport will actually use this new field.
    Workflow extensions could also be a solution and was hoping that someone out there would have some tips and tricks to share.

    I think the only way is to:
    1) read the address data from Matrix 178 and keep the data in your Add-On
    2) delete the original address (activate the menu item (ID = 1293) or send Ctrl-K via Application.SendKeys)
    3) "click" on "Define new"
    4) and enter the data you have read in 1) into the cells of Matrix 178 again...

  • Add Discount % In AR Invoice

    How can i add Discount% in AR Invoice Document.I had set the discount % in Document. But after Adding The discounted amount not correctly updated in The Invoice.How can i set.My code as follows.
    Dim RetCode As Integer
    Dim OInvoice As SAPbobsCOM.Documents
    Dim TPrice As Double = 0
    Dim Disc As Double
    OInvoice = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oInvoices)
    For Each row As DataGridViewRow In dgvitem.Rows
    TPrice = TPrice + ((CType(row.Cells("Price").Value, Double) * CType(row.Cells("Quantity").Value, Double)))
    Disc = (TPrice * CType(txtper.Text, Double) / 100)
    With OInvoice
    .Series = My.Settings.Series
    .CardCode = txtcustcode.Text
    .DocType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDocumentTypes.dDocument_Items
    .DiscountPercent = CType(txtper.Text, Double)
    .UserFields.Fields.Item("U_Mode").Value = "CA"
    With .Lines
    For Each row As DataGridViewRow In dgvitem.Rows
    .ItemCode = row.Cells("PartNo").Value
    .Quantity = CType(row.Cells("Quantity").Value, Double)
    .WarehouseCode = My.Settings.MWhscode
    End With
    .DocTotal = TPrice - Disc
    RetCode = .Add()
    If RetCode <> 0 Then
    Return Nothing
    Return oCompany.GetNewObjectKey()
    End If
    End With
    How can fix the error, Please help

    Try this:
    Dim RetCode As Integer
    Dim OInvoice As SAPbobsCOM.Documents
    Dim TPrice As Double = 0
    OInvoice = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oInvoices)
    With OInvoice
      .Series = My.Settings.Series
      .CardCode = txtcustcode.Text
      .DocType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDocumentTypes.dDocument_Items
      .DiscountPercent = CType(txtper.Text, Double)
      .UserFields.Fields.Item("U_Mode").Value = "CA"
      With .Lines
      For Each row As DataGridViewRow In dgvitem.Rows
      .ItemCode = row.Cells("PartNo").Value
      .Quantity = CType(row.Cells("Quantity").Value, Double)
      .Price = CType(row.Cells("Price").Value, Double)
      .WarehouseCode = My.Settings.MWhscode
      End With
      RetCode = .Add()
      If RetCode <> 0 Then
      Return Nothing
      Return oCompany.GetNewObjectKey()
      End If
    End With

  • Hash tables in combination with data references to the line type.

    I'm having an issue with hash tables - in combination with reference variables.
    Consider the following:  (Which is part of a class)  -  it attempts to see if a particular id exists in a table; if not add it; if yes change it.   
               perfid      TYPE zgz_perf_metric_id,
               rtime       TYPE zgz_perf_runtime,
               execount    TYPE zgz_perf_execount,
               last_start  TYPE timestampl,
      DATA:  ls_measurement TYPE REF TO ty_measurement.
      READ TABLE gt_measurements WITH TABLE KEY perfid = i_perfid reference into ls_measurement.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        "Didn't find it.
        create data ls_measurement.
        ls_measurement->perfid = i_perfid.
        insert ls_measurement->* into gt_measurements.
      GET TIME STAMP FIELD ls_measurements-last_start.
      ls_measurement->execount = ls_measurement->execount + 1.
    I get compile errors on the insert statement - either "You cannot use explicit index operations on tables with types HASHED TABLE" or "ANY TABLE".      It is possible that.
    If I don't dereference the type then I get the error  LS_MEASUREMENT cannot be converted to the line type of GT_MEASUREMENTS.
    I'm not looking to solve this with a combination of references and work ares - want a reference solution.   
    Moderator message - Moved to the correct forum
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Apr 22, 2010 4:43 PM

    I think it might work when you change it for
    insert ls_measurement->* into TABLE gt_measurements.
    For hashed table a new line here will be inserted according to given table key.

  • Reg: Maximize the Number of Line Items in Invoice Verification

    Hi Gurus,
                 For a Client who is dealing in Retail business,there is a necessity to maintain a huge number of line items at Invoice Verification level.Standard SAP has some maxium line items for each document type.Where are the control for maximum line items and how to increase that?

    At Billing-Country specific settings you will be able to maintain maximum 3 digit billing item no i.e 999.
    Any other suggestion.

  • To remove line items from invoice which have 0 qty.

    Dear Friends,
    Requirement: To remove line items from invoice which have 0 qty.
    For this I wrote the code in RV60AFZZ. It is very well happening, but when last line item comes it is failing.
    What I have written is " DELETE XVBRP WHERE FKIMG = '0' ." . This code is deleting all the line items with 0 qty except last line item.
    Actually, this exit works line item wise. Once the line item is appended, the code what I have written is working. For the last line item, record is not appended when this exit is triggerred, thats why last record is not deleted.
    The include where all line items are getting appended in XVBRP is LV60AB03. I modified this also. Same code I have written here to delete the records once it is appended. But after doing this the problem is - invoice is not getting created.
    Please help me in doing this so as to delete this last record also. I tried with other logics also, not able to track the last record.
    Please help me to resolve this problem.

    Check user exit RV60AFZC.
    RV_INVOICE_DOCUMENT_ADD is the FM which is called to generate number for the invoice after all the line items have been added to vbrp structure. Add a break-point here and check.
    All the best.

  • Condition type in invoice correction request

    Dear All,
    I am facing an issue with one of the condition type in invoice correction request for which the sign "+" is same in both Debit and Credit lines of the document which resulted wrong effective value.
    Condition value is populated through Condition formula for alternative calculation type (routine)
    Condition Class: Discount or Surcharge

    See the copy control setting
    T.Code : VTAF
    RK To F2 and click an item details and enter item category see the item category proposal and 2nd item categoryproposal details.

  • Is there a way to add line numbers in the margin?

    Is there a way to automatically add line numbers in the margin of a document?

    Hi Brian,
    If you go with Peter's suggestion, there are some details that since I've got a minute here, I'll mention...
    Set your Line Spacing for the document text to "Exactly" before you begin adjusting your table, otherwise you will have registration problems.
    Your Table will have to be a Floating object. Otherwise you won't be able to slide it into the margin. And, speaking of the margin, stay out of the gray area with the numbers if you want to print them. The gray border around your document is the area that the printer driver says is non-printable.
    In the Table Inspector, set Columns to 1 and Rows to 20 or whatever you prefer for your document. Set the number of Header Rows to 0.
    To apply the numbering, use the Fill feature: Type 1 in the first cell, type 2 in the second cell. Select both cells. Grab the Fill Handle in the lower right corner of the selection and drag it down to add a series of numbers to the rest of the column. (Easier than typing.)
    Decide how you want to justify the numbering. The Text Inspector has both vertical and horizontal justification controls for this. Just select the entire table and make the settings.
    Set the cell height to match the text line spacing. You can get close with the table row height, and maybe closer with a minor line spacing adjustment. Don't expect perfection, but you can get pretty close.
    You probably don't want the cell borders to show, so with the entire table selected, go to the Graphic Inspector and set Stroke to None.
    Lastly, cause the table to appear on every page by doing: Format > Advanced > Move Object to Section Master.

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