Add logo to Demantra Worksheet FORM (not the collaborator workbench)

My customer intends to roll out data capture using a worksheet to their dealerships throughout the globe and their corporate systems all have their logo attached.
Whilst I except that this is an unusual request – is their any way in which I can add the logo customisation to the worksheet ‘skin’ . Apparently the worksheet is supplied as a released java applet. Can this simple customisation be demo'd? how would I do it?
I know I can add their logo to the collaborator workbench.

b4a87821-1d61-4e99-b1d2-fd349363121a wrote:
Please update your forum profile with a real handle instead of "b4a87821-1d61-4e99-b1d2-fd349363121a"
I have two problems
Please create separate threads for unrelated problems.
1. I tried to add a logo to my app.
but the logo isn't appear and there is an image like - the image not found.
my steps :
I insert the logo to shared components -> image (with gif suffix)
then shared components -> definitions -> logo
I chose image and I wrote <img src="#WORKSPACE_IMAGE/logo.gif" >
The substitution string is WORKSPACE_IMAGES, and the correct way to utilise an image logo is to select Image as the Logo Type, and enter #WORKSPACE_IMAGES#logo.gif (no "/") as the Logo.
2. when I use "form with report" if I don't allow to show all the details in the table (report) when I try to edit each row (in the form there is more details from the same table in database but don't show in the report) all the tabs in empty and it isn't show the detail for edit.
I notice that if there is the same shown filed in the report and in the form there isn't append.
Unfortunately that makes no sense whatsoever, and has nothing to do with adding logos to an application. Please repost as a separate thread with a clearer description: reproducing the problem with an example on is the most effective way to get help.

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    please see note 416340 and the
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    The two lines that you have commented out with "apparently this is not the solution" would, in fact, be the solution if you use the right casing so that the variables match the lines with the errors - capital F in singleFamily and capital U in

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    No this is not possible within Formscentral. You could export a PDF without a submit button (an option when saving your form as PDF) and then in Acrobat add a submit button to your form and have it automatically sent to the email of your choice. This kind of workflow falls outside the scope of Formscentral.

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    As you have probably searched the forum, you saw that you can get the sapscript result as OTF.
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    And then you convert OTF to PDF as usually.
    So, where is the question?

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    could any one please suggest  how to so this?
    With Regards,

    Hi Thanesh,
    There are two possibilities either create a 'Z' one or go through standard one. I prefer you to try the standard one.
    Have a look on this link.
    [Add logo in PE51;
    Hope this will solve your problem.

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    I run a modest video transfer/editing business.
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    Your call, buddy. But since you asked: This isn't an advertisement for you or your facility any more than a Ford car commercial carries credits for the production house, gaffing truck rental house, ad agency's writers or the media buying subcontractors. Place your self-promotional information tastefully, say, at the end, after a suitable length of black. Place your information o the label of the cassette or design it into the printing on the DVD.
    Visit some funeral homes and notice their promotional activities associated with their business operations.

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    Thank you very much.

    I don't see the problem... Are the files being digitally signed? If not then there's no difference at all between submitting the form data and using it to populate a local copy of the file and submitting the entire file.
    It's technically impossible to extract a page from a PDF viewed in Reader.
    Another alternative: Split the file in two parts and put a link on the last page of the first file to the second part, which will contain only the page with the form fields. You can add a link and some text to the page saying that it is a continuation of the first document.

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    Its possible?
    Kindly suggest.
    Thanks in advance

    I think the only option would be to hide the pages.
    pageName(or subForm).presence = "hidden";
    and then after the email routine finishes show the pages again.
    pageName.presence = "visible";
    If you had all the pages you want hidden in one subform then it would just be one line of code.

Maybe you are looking for

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