Add one column of string to columns of integer

Hi there,
Could someone help please. 
I would like to add one column of strings to a few columns of integer. 
                                                       --------- Added elements ------ 
20C=           100     101    102           20C=100     20C=101    20C=102
15C=           200     201    202          15C=200     15C=201    15C=202
10C=           300     301    302          10C=300     10C=301    10C=302
Thanks for help. 

Hoverman wrote:
I had a look at the tutorial link you sent. They are not particularly relevant to my question. 
Why do you think I am posting a question? I have already spent a few hours searching forum and looking at examples. It would be more helpful to have a relevant example or a solution.
Thanks for your time.  
What is your problem here? RavensFan gave you information quite relevant to your task, but you had not (and still have not) answered his questions, so he could not (nor anyone else) tell where in your task you are having trouble. Do you know how for loops work, with respect to outputs? Your questions imply that you need to spend some real time learning LabVIEW, not just "having a look at the tutorials."
Hmm, it looks like you had a similar problem with your last question, and you still have not indicated that you understood how to solve it.
To err is human, but to really foul it up requires a computer.
The optimist believes we are in the best of all possible worlds - the pessimist fears this is true.
Profanity is the one language all programmers know best.
An expert is someone who has made all the possible mistakes.
To learn something about LabVIEW at no extra cost, work the online LabVIEW tutorial(s):
LabVIEW Unit 1 - Getting Started
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    I just want it to go 44,45,46,47,48...without me having to have to type it in.

    Type the first value in the first cell and the second value in the second cell, Select both cells, grab the Fill handle in the lower right corner (Numbers v2) and pull it down to extend the series as far as you want.

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    i have 3 column start_date(date),end_date( date),duration (varchar2)
    i am trying to add start_time and duration like this
    end_date := to_char(start_time) + duration;
    but its showing value_error
    how to add one date column and charecter column.

    you need something that does:
    end_date (DATE) := start_date (DATE) + <number of
    days> (NUMBER)Not necessarily, because if the duration is just a string representation of a number then it will be implicitly converted to a number and not cause an error
    SQL> ed
    Wrote file afiedt.buf
      1  with t as (select to_date('01/07/2007','DD/MM/YYYY') as start_dt, '3' as duration_days from dual)
      2  -- END OF TEST DATA
      3  select start_dt + duration_days
      4* from t
    SQL> /

  • Add one more column

                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_NAME, org.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER, org.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_TYPE, org.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    nvl(appr.ASSIGNED_DATE, org.ASSIGNED_DATE) as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVAL_DATE, '-') as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.STATE, org.STATE) as STATE,
                                    org.SEQ as numberoftimesmodified,
                    nvl(appr.PROCESS, org.PROCESS) as PROCESS,
           -- appr.request_comment,
                    from (
                        select a.seq,
                        b.usr_display_name as APPROVER_NAME,
                        b.usr_login as APPROVER,
                        'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        '-' as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                        '-' as STATE,
                        a.seq as numberoftimesmodified,
                '-' as PROCESS
                            SELECT 1 as seq, USR_UDF_MANAGER_LOGIN as GID, '' as approver_name, 'user' as approver_type FROM DEVT_OIM.USR WHERE USR_LOGIN =:BENEFICIARY_GID AND :APPLICATION = 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                            select rownum as seq, regexp_substr(:APPROVERPAYLOAD,'[^,]+', 1, level) as gid, '' as approver_name, 'user' as approver_type from dual
                            where :APPLICATION != 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                            connect by regexp_substr(:APPROVERPAYLOAD, '[^,]+', 1, level) is not null
                        ) a
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.usr b on a.gid = b.usr_login
                    ) org
                    left join(
                        select b.numberoftimesmodified as seq, rownum as seq2, a.*
                            LEAD(a.ASSIGNEES) OVER(ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) as prev_gid,
                            LEAD(a.pushbacksequence) OVER(ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) as prev_pushbacksequence,
                            a.ASSIGNEES as current_gid,
                            nvl(retrieveGidName(a.ASSIGNEES), '-') as APPROVER_NAME,
                            (DEVT_OIM.TOKNEW(REPLACE(a.ASSIGNEES, ',', ':'))) as APPROVER,
                            'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                            TO_CHAR(a.assigneddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                            case when a.state = 'WITHDRAWN' then TO_CHAR(a.updateddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') else TO_CHAR(d.updateddate,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') end as APPROVAL_DATE,
                            case when a.state = 'EXPIRED' then 'Expired' when a.approvalduration is null then 'Pending' when  a.outcome = 'REJECT' then 'Rejected' else 'Approved' end as PROCESS,
                            d.state as process2,
                            case when d.substate = 'REASSIGNED' then 'Reassigned' when d.state = 'INFO_REQUESTED' then 'Request Info' when a.state = 'EXPIRED' then 'Expired'
                                when  a.outcome = 'REJECT' then 'Rejected' when d.substate = 'INFO_SUBMITTED' then 'Submitted' when a.state = 'WITHDRAWN' then 'Withdrawn' when e.state is null then 'Pending' else 'Approved' end as state,
                            e.ASSIGNEES, d.substate
                            from DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY a
                            left join DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY d on d.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY and d.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified+1)
                            left join DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY e on e.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY and e.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified-1) and e.ASSIGNEES = a.ASSIGNEES
                            where a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY and a.state is not null
                            order by a.numberoftimesmodified
                        ) a
                        inner join (select rownum as numberoftimesmodified, pushbacksequence from (select distinct pushbacksequence from DEVT_SOAINFRA.WFTASKHISTORY a where a.IDENTIFICATIONKEY = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY order by pushbacksequence)) b
                        on b.pushbacksequence = a.pushbacksequence
                        where a.prev_gid != a.current_gid or prev_gid is null
                        order by a.numberoftimesmodified
                    ) appr on org.seq = appr.seq
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_NAME, org.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER, org.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVER_TYPE, org.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    nvl(appr.ASSIGNED_DATE, '-') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.APPROVAL_DATE, '-') as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    nvl(appr.STATE, '-') as STATE,
                                       999 as numberoftimesmodified,
                    nvl(appr.PROCESS, '-') as PROCESS,
                    999 as seq2
                        select 999 as seq, '-' as APPROVER, ugp_name as APPROVER_NAME, 'group' as approver_type
                        from DEVT_OIM.UGP ugp
                        where  ugp_name in (
                        SELECT a.it_processor_group FROM ec_admin.ENTITLEMENT a
                            inner join ec_admin.application b on a.application_id = b.application_id
                            WHERE b.extra_field_2 = :APPLICATION
                            and a.module_name = :MODULE
                            and a.site_name = :SITE
                            and a.entitlement_name = DEVT_OIM.TOKNEW(:RESPONSIBILITY)
                            and b.auto_provisioning = 'FALSE')
                    ) org
                    left join(
                    select nvl(grp.APPROVER_NAME, usr.APPROVER_NAME) as APPROVER_NAME,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVER, usr.APPROVER) as APPROVER,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVER_TYPE, usr.APPROVER_TYPE) as APPROVER_TYPE,
                    TO_CHAR((select min(OSI_create) from DEVT_OIM.OSI where request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY),'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as ASSIGNED_DATE,
                    nvl(grp.APPROVAL_DATE, usr.APPROVAL_DATE) as APPROVAL_DATE,
                    'ASSIGNED' as STATE,
                    999 as numberoftimesmodified,
                    case when nvl(grp.APPROVAL_DATE, usr.APPROVAL_DATE) = '-' then 'Pending' else usr.ost_status end as PROCESS
                        select b.usr_display_name as APPROVER_NAME, b.usr_login as APPROVER,  'User' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        TO_CHAR(a.OSI_create,'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') as APPROVAL_DATE, 'key' as tbl_key,
                        (select ost_status from DEVT_OIM.UPA_RESOURCE where UPA_RESOURCE_key in (
                                  select max(UPA_RESOURCE_key)
                                  from DEVT_OIM.UPA_RESOURCE a
                                  inner join DEVT_OIM.oiu b on a.oiu_key = b.oiu_key
                                  where b.request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY )) as ost_status
                        from (
                          select osi_assigned_to_usr_key, OSI_create
                          from DEVT_OIM.OSI
                          where request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY and osi_assigned_to_usr_key != 1
                          order by OSI_create desc
                        ) a
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.usr b on a.osi_assigned_to_usr_key = b.usr_key
                        where rownum between 0 and 1
                    ) usr
                    left join
                        select ugp.ugp_name as APPROVER_NAME, '-' as APPROVER, 'Group' as APPROVER_TYPE,
                        '-' as APPROVAL_DATE, 'key' as tbl_key
                        FROM DEVT_OIM.OTI itp
                        inner join DEVT_OIM.UGP ugp on ugp.ugp_key = itp.osi_assigned_to_ugp_key
                        where itp.request_key = :IDENTIFICATIONKEY
                        and :REQUEST_STATUS != 'Request Completed'
                    ) grp
                    on usr.tbl_key = grp.tbl_key
                    order by numberoftimesmodified
                    ) appr on 1=1
                order by numberoftimesmodified, seq2
                   Above is the script and i need to add one more column for the script column name request_comment from the table request_comments, anyone help me in doing so.

    /* Formatted on 2012/06/14 13:19 (Formatter Plus v4.8.8) */
    SELECT X.*, request_comments.request_comment
    SELECT   NVL (appr.approver_name, org.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (appr.approver, org.approver) AS approver,
             NVL (appr.approver_type, org.approver_type) AS approver_type, NVL (appr.assigned_date, org.assigned_date) AS assigned_date,
             NVL (appr.approval_date, '-') AS approval_date, NVL (appr.state, org.state) AS state, org.seq AS numberoftimesmodified,
             NVL (appr.process, org.process) AS process,
                                                        -- appr.request_comment,
        FROM (SELECT a.seq, b.usr_display_name AS approver_name, b.usr_login AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type, '-' AS assigned_date,
                     '-' AS state, a.seq AS numberoftimesmodified, '-' AS process
                FROM (SELECT 1 AS seq, usr_udf_manager_login AS gid, '' AS approver_name, 'user' AS approver_type
                        FROM devt_oim.usr
                       WHERE usr_login = :beneficiary_gid AND :application = 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                      SELECT     ROWNUM AS seq, REGEXP_SUBSTR (:approverpayload, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) AS gid, '' AS approver_name,
                                 'user' AS approver_type
                            FROM DUAL
                           WHERE :application != 'Oracle 11i On demand'
                      CONNECT BY REGEXP_SUBSTR (:approverpayload, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) IS NOT NULL) a
                     INNER JOIN
                     devt_oim.usr b ON a.gid = b.usr_login
                     ) org
             LEFT JOIN
             (SELECT   b.numberoftimesmodified AS seq, ROWNUM AS seq2, a.*
                  FROM (SELECT   LEAD (a.assignees) OVER (ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) AS prev_gid,
                                 LEAD (a.pushbacksequence) OVER (ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) AS prev_pushbacksequence,
                                 a.assignees AS current_gid, NVL (retrievegidname (a.assignees), '-') AS approver_name,
                                 (devt_oim.toknew (REPLACE (a.assignees, ',', ':'))) AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type,
                                 a.pushbacksequence, TO_CHAR (a.assigneddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS assigned_date,
                                   WHEN a.state = 'WITHDRAWN'
                                     THEN TO_CHAR (a.updateddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
                                   ELSE TO_CHAR (d.updateddate, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM')
                                 END AS approval_date,
                                   WHEN a.state = 'EXPIRED'
                                     THEN 'Expired'
                                   WHEN a.approvalduration IS NULL
                                     THEN 'Pending'
                                   WHEN a.outcome = 'REJECT'
                                     THEN 'Rejected'
                                   ELSE 'Approved'
                                 END AS process,
                                 d.state AS process2,
                                   WHEN d.substate = 'REASSIGNED'
                                     THEN 'Reassigned'
                                   WHEN d.state = 'INFO_REQUESTED'
                                     THEN 'Request Info'
                                   WHEN a.state = 'EXPIRED'
                                     THEN 'Expired'
                                   WHEN a.outcome = 'REJECT'
                                     THEN 'Rejected'
                                   WHEN d.substate = 'INFO_SUBMITTED'
                                     THEN 'Submitted'
                                   WHEN a.state = 'WITHDRAWN'
                                     THEN 'Withdrawn'
                                   WHEN e.state IS NULL
                                     THEN 'Pending'
                                   ELSE 'Approved'
                                 END AS state,
                                 e.assignees, d.substate
                            FROM devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory a LEFT JOIN devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory d
                                 ON d.identificationkey = a.identificationkey AND d.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified + 1)
                                 LEFT JOIN devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory e
                                 ON e.identificationkey = a.identificationkey
                               AND e.numberoftimesmodified = (a.numberoftimesmodified - 1)
                               AND e.assignees = a.assignees
                           WHERE a.identificationkey = :identificationkey AND a.state IS NOT NULL
                        ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) a
                       INNER JOIN
                       (SELECT ROWNUM AS numberoftimesmodified, pushbacksequence
                          FROM (SELECT DISTINCT pushbacksequence
                                           FROM devt_soainfra.wftaskhistory a
                                          WHERE a.identificationkey = :identificationkey
                                       ORDER BY pushbacksequence)) b ON b.pushbacksequence = a.pushbacksequence
                 WHERE a.prev_gid != a.current_gid OR prev_gid IS NULL
              ORDER BY a.numberoftimesmodified) appr ON org.seq = appr.seq
    SELECT   NVL (appr.approver_name, org.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (appr.approver, org.approver) AS approver,
             NVL (appr.approver_type, org.approver_type) AS approver_type, NVL (appr.assigned_date, '-') AS assigned_date,
             NVL (appr.approval_date, '-') AS approval_date, NVL (appr.state, '-') AS state, 999 AS numberoftimesmodified,
             NVL (appr.process, '-') AS process, 999 AS seq2
        FROM (SELECT 999 AS seq, '-' AS approver, ugp_name AS approver_name, 'group' AS approver_type
                FROM devt_oim.ugp ugp
               WHERE ugp_name IN (
                       SELECT a.it_processor_group
                         FROM ec_admin.entitlement a INNER JOIN ec_admin.application b ON a.application_id = b.application_id
                        WHERE b.extra_field_2 = :application
                          AND a.module_name = :module
                          AND a.site_name = :site
                          AND a.entitlement_name = devt_oim.toknew (:responsibility)
                          AND b.auto_provisioning = 'FALSE')) org
             LEFT JOIN
             (SELECT   NVL (grp.approver_name, usr.approver_name) AS approver_name, NVL (grp.approver, usr.approver) AS approver,
                       NVL (grp.approver_type, usr.approver_type) AS approver_type,
                       TO_CHAR ((SELECT MIN (osi_create)
                                   FROM devt_oim.osi
                                  WHERE request_key = :identificationkey), 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS assigned_date,
                       NVL (grp.approval_date, usr.approval_date) AS approval_date, 'ASSIGNED' AS state, 999 AS numberoftimesmodified,
                         WHEN NVL (grp.approval_date, usr.approval_date) = '-'
                           THEN 'Pending'
                         ELSE usr.ost_status
                       END AS process
                  FROM (SELECT b.usr_display_name AS approver_name, b.usr_login AS approver, 'User' AS approver_type,
                               TO_CHAR (a.osi_create, 'DD-Mon-YYYY HH:MI:SS AM') AS approval_date, 'key' AS tbl_key,
                               (SELECT ost_status
                                  FROM devt_oim.upa_resource
                                 WHERE upa_resource_key IN (SELECT MAX (upa_resource_key)
                                                              FROM devt_oim.upa_resource a INNER JOIN devt_oim.oiu b
                                                                   ON a.oiu_key = b.oiu_key
                                                             WHERE b.request_key = :identificationkey)) AS ost_status
                          FROM (SELECT   osi_assigned_to_usr_key, osi_create
                                    FROM devt_oim.osi
                                   WHERE request_key = :identificationkey AND osi_assigned_to_usr_key != 1
                                ORDER BY osi_create DESC) a
                               INNER JOIN
                               devt_oim.usr b ON a.osi_assigned_to_usr_key = b.usr_key
                         WHERE ROWNUM BETWEEN 0 AND 1) usr
                       LEFT JOIN
                       (SELECT ugp.ugp_name AS approver_name, '-' AS approver, 'Group' AS approver_type, '-' AS approval_date,
                               'key' AS tbl_key
                          FROM devt_oim.oti itp INNER JOIN devt_oim.ugp ugp ON ugp.ugp_key = itp.osi_assigned_to_ugp_key
                         WHERE itp.request_key = :identificationkey AND :request_status != 'Request Completed') grp
                       ON usr.tbl_key = grp.tbl_key
              ORDER BY numberoftimesmodified) appr ON 1 = 1
    ORDER BY numberoftimesmodified, seq2
    ) X, request_comments

  • Want to add one new column in Report form

    Hi all,
    I have searched in forum but not able to find the answer.
    I want to add one new column in form 12KST1C. I have added one column PR commitment in left and saved the form, it is showing in form but when i am running the report again then pr commitment column which i have added in form is not coming in report.
    How to activate this form or column?
    Help doing so...

    If you are copying the 12KST1C to Z12KST1C and executing the s_alr_8701333 report, you will not see the new column added to Z12KST1C
    With the new Form Z12KST1C, create a new Report Z12KST1C and assign a new TCODE. Also you have to select all rows and column of form Z12KST1C
    Select the form Z12KST1C
    Extras--Drildown display --Select Rows and columns
    Select the all colhmns by F9
    Hope this helps.
    Edited by: psconsultant on May 20, 2011 8:42 AM

  • How to add one column into the t.code: cat2

    I am userexits
    here i want to add one column into the t.code: cat2 at particular location, and that added field have to display the data what i am selcting in that transaction.
    how to do this...

        Go through the documentations of above Enhancements to solve ur problem. I am not able to understand ur exact requirement. that is y i gave some more Enhancements.

  • How to add one column in existing search help.

    Hi Folks,
    My quesion is
    How to add one column in existing search help and also Now search help on that field is not an explicit search help. It should be implement using check table.

    If you want to add a field in Elementary search help, get the search help name for the and go to change mode and add the field in it.
    If you want to add a field in collective search help, go to included search helps tab and a new search help name and add the fields to it.
    I think this should help you to certain extent.
    Edited by: Kranthi on Jan 14, 2010 11:15 AM

  • How to add one column to the standard t.code : CAT2.

    How to add one column to the standard t.code : CAT2.

    Hi Chinna
    see the  enhancements by using SMOD <b>CATS0007</b> , or <b>CATS0012</b> and create a project using CMOD and you can implement your requirement.
    Hope This Info Helps YOU.
    <i>Reward Points If It Helps YOU.</i>

  • Add one column to the screen exits

    Hi All
        I am doing Screen Exits,
    here i have to add one column to the screen
    and it have to retrive the data from the specified fields
    anyone plz give me the solution.

    which screen exit?

  • Add one Column of Equipment Number in AR01 TCode

    We want to add one Column of Equipment Number in AR01 report output...
    Please let me know, how can we do it???

    That's right dear..
    But in OAVI, following tables used..
    ANLAV...................Asset Reporting: ANLA Fields Plus Cost Center...
    ANLAV_ADDR     .......Address Data for Asset on the Report Date
    ANLB......................Depreciation terms
    ANLCV...................Asset Reporting: ANLC Fields Plus Various Totals
    ANLP......................Asset Periodic Values
    ANLU......................Asset Master Record: User Fields
    ANLV......................Insurance data
    ANLZ......................Time-Dependent Asset Allocations
    And Equipment Number is not showing in above tables...then how can we do it...
    Can we add another Table in OAVI for Equipment Number and which one is suitable for this...
    please guide...

  • What is in the column, empty string, null or ....?

    I am using Oracle 11.2, have one table tb_class as following:
    TB_CLASS (id number(3), nm varchar2(32), seqNum number(3));
    1, ,212
    2,'as', 12
    3, 'qq', 12
    select * from TB_CLASS where id=1 and nm=null; row selected
    select nvl(nm) from TB_CLASS where id=1; ...1 row selected
    Any one know what is in column nm for row id=1? I thought it is empty string, but why it returns no row in the first query?

    1) In Oracle there is no difference between NULL and the empty string.
    2) NULL is never equal to anything (including another NULL). NULL is never unequal to anything (including another NULL). You need to use the IS NULL and/ or IS NOT NULL operators in order to look for NULL values
    SELECT *
      FROM tb_class
    WHERE nm IS NULLor
    SELECT *
      FROM tb_class
    WHERE nm IS NOT NULLOf course, it is also possible that you are stating that the NM column contains one or more spaces or that it contains one or more non-printable characters rather than a NULL. That's why you were asked what dump(nm) returns

  • How can I add new values only to a column of a spreadsheet?

    I have three "while loops" that are executed in parallel, two generate values and the third while loop write the values in a spreadsheet.
    The run time of each while loop is different, to synchronize the three while loops I use a "Wait Until Next ms Multiple", but sometimes the same value is kept twice.
    I think that a solution would be to add a "Write To Spreadsheet File" in the blocks that generate values, adding a new value in the wished column in each cycle, but I do not know like doing this.
    I could keep the values in two arrays and add them in a same spreadsheet in different rows or columns, but I need save values in spreadsheet in each loop and not all values at the end of cycle.
    German Garrigos.

    I think your three loops solution is probably better than putting different kinds of functions into one loop. Keeping data acquisition/generation separate from file i/o is usually better because the OS can interfere with timing on the file operations.
    If you pass the data to the file loop via queues, place the data into shift registers, and only write to the file when you have equal amounts of data from each generator you should be able to keep things synchronized. You can write larger or smaller amounts as necessary to keep pace with the generators. If one of the generators gets way ahead of the other, you have to decide how to deal with that issue.
    Writing to the second column of a three column spreadsheet can be tricky. It involves keeping pointers to the portions written and not written, reading the entire file into memory and overwriting the cells where new data goes and rewriting the entire file. This can get very slow for large files. If the file and data structures are simple enough it might be feasible to read only a portion of the file and overwrite it with new data, but that approach has lots of risks to the data.
    Wait until next ms multiple is only reliable if the wait interval is sufficiently longer than the execution time (including random OS delays) of each loop. Look at the synchronization functions such as notifiers to synchronize your loops.
    If you still have problems, post a simplified version of your program and someone will probably be able to suggest solutions.

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    Hi everone,
    I was wondering if it's possible to display a column conditionally, based on a values in another column of the same report.
    Can you use the column substitution strings or does the condition strictly require SQL, PL/SQL
    or page item values?
    kind regards,

    I dont think we can add a condition to display the column in a report based on the other column of the same report,
    Just add a (CASE WHEN <your condition satisfies> THEN column ELSE null END) in your report source for the column you want to display conditionally.

  • Dynamic columns: how can i add an adjacent column to each dynamic column?

    i would like to extend the dynamic columns example coming with XML Publisher MSWord plugin.
    the example produces a table like:
    TestScore 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100
    Theology 20 37 50 12 122
    English 0 55 30 92 52
    Mathematics 30 45 50 102 22
    i would like to have an output like this:
    TestScore 0-20 21-40 41-60 61-80 81-100
    Theology     20 2,8% 37 5,1% 50 7,0% 12 1,7% 122 17,0%
    English     0 0,0% 55 7,6% 30 4,2% 92 12,8% 52 7,2%
    Mathematics 30 4,2% 45 6,3% 50 7,0% 102 14,2% 22 3,1%
    For each "original" value column i need an adjacent additional column with percentages
    one big header cell for the value- and adjacent percentage-column together.
    (the percentages can either be calculated in the template or they could be
    part of the XML. e.g. <PercOfStudents>2</PercOfStudents> as an additional child
    of the <TestScore> group.
    is this possible?
    how could i add an adjacent column to each dynamic column?
    any suggestions, tips or hints?

    Hi Peter
    Sorry, I was going to take a look at this this morning but got caught up in meetings. Glad you managed to work it out. I have a proposal for you, how about letting me post your solution to hte BIP blog? I can write it up and just use your examples ... full credit to you of course :o)
    Regards, Tim

  • How to compare array of String with column of a table

    i have a array of string(say array is of length 1000). I want to
    compare those string in array with one table column
            - whether that table column has a string
                            if yes
                                            do nothing.
                            if no
                                            then insert that string into table.
            - whether table has obsolete row i.e, the one present in table and
    not in array
                            then delete that row.
    How do i go about this, because i see, it is not feasible to loop
    through array and search table to find new string OR loop through each
    row from table to find some obsolete row
    How can i accomplish this task more feasibly(without running query for
    each string, for comparission)? Is there any way to find this kind of
    problem. I would have been easy if i had to compare two tables(with
    UNION and INTERSECT), but it is not the case.

    I'm not sure, whether I understand your problem correctly. Only two comments:
    - if both arrays are sorted, all can be done running exactly once simultaneously through both arrays.
    - if the column is marked as UNIQUE, all column strings will be different. I.e. you cannot insert the same string a second time.
    Regards  Thomas

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