Add personal folders to inbox

Add personal folders to inbox file emails receivd

You cannot create folders in the Mail app on the iPhone. The only way you can create a folder is to create the folder on your server, either when in IMAP or Exchange protocol. The creation of folders in a POP3 account does not sync to the phone.

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    Apologies if its a newby question but any help would be appreciated.
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    Not exactly what you are asking for, but you might want to enable Send from Favorites to Inbox:
    ·         Log into the CMC as an Administrator
    ·         Select Personal Folders from the home page or the drop down menu.
    ·         Right Click on the top level "Personal Folders" folder and select Properties.
    ·         Select User Security from the left hand navigation menu.
    ·         Click on Everyone and then the  Assign Security button.
    ·         Select the Advanced tab and click on the Add/Remove Rights link.
    ·         Grant "Copy objects to another folder".
    ·         Grant "Copy objects that the user owns to another folder".
    ·         Click on OK or Apply to commit the changes.
    ZU leo

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    What do I have to do to get these folders and their subfolders back again.

    I had the same problem, and believe I found the solution. I was transferring a profile from one computer running Win XP to a new computer running Win 7.
    I could see the file folders evident, as you did, using Windows Explorer to look in the profile folder, but they were not showing in the left hand pane of Thunderbird when it was running as they did in the XP machine.
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    When it restarts, my old folder structure appeared as it did on the earlier machine, and all the files were intact.

  • HT201774 How can. I add other folders to mt email account in my iPhone, can't see how to do this with iOS latest version

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    That's not a supported function of the calendar on iOS. I believe it is because iOS syncs directly with the Exchange Server using Active Sync.  I could be wrong, but I don't believe ActiveSync supports this feature (thus, it's not actually a missing feature in iOS, it's a missing feature in ActiveSync, which is a Microsoft product).
    BB uses an intermediary service and does not sync directly between the device and the Exchange server.

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    To the right of Mailboxes tap edit. Tap new mailbox. Name the new mailbox. Tap save.

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    If your Personal Folders are not on the Exchange server (they're often on a personal drive), then no

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    What does "it still pointed to an AppData directory for the user on the OLD computer" mean? Is that a pop-up window with error message?
    That means when you start Outlook, Outlook throws an error message saying it can't find the AppData directory to store the OST files in, because it is using the Windows login name from Computer 1 (where
    the registry profile was exported), rather than the Windows login name on Computer 2 where the profile was imported into the registry. 
    Does the new computer also install Outlook 2010 on Windows 7?
    Both running Outlook 2010 and Windows 7.
    Did you use the default profile name “outlook” or a custom profile name? If you go to Control Panel > Mail > Show Profiles, can you see the profile in the list?
    Different profile names.  I need to run multiple profiles on the same computer, and wanted to import a new one, rather than creating it from scratch.
    In addition, to move Outlook information to another computer, we can also use the method described in the following article:
    This procedure involves creating a profile from scratch, or using an existing profile.  I need to add a profile that is running on another computer.
    Please feel free to post back and provide more information, we will follow up this qustion as soon as possible.
    Best Regards,
    Steve Fan
    Forum Support
    Thanks, Steve.  By the way, all my formatting is gone when I saved this response, so I apologize that iI have to use underlining for my answers.  Frustrating.

  • Syncronizing Outlook personal folders in my BB

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    The above article may help in some way.

  • Deleted folder and icon will work only on Personal folders

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    Do you mean the 'X' button that can be used to delete a message or folder?
    This button only work for custom folders you created, and it cannot be used to delete Outlook default folders, such as Inbox, Sent Items, Junk Email, etc.
    If we have misunderstood something, please provide more detailed information on this issue so that we can resolve the issue more efficiently.
    Steve Fan
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    Spoke with Express lane, and issue was escalated.  Kudos to the support guys that handled this one (Brian and Yi).  Went through everything in detail and took all the crash dumps off the iphones and ipads to send to engineering.
    After backing up the contacts, the recommendation was to delete all contacts in  iCloud.  Doing that caused my iCloud to crash (in the browser), so more crash dumps were sent to apple.
    Eventually got all contacts deleted, then did a resync.  Looks like IOS devices are coming back to life and syncing again.
    Also, Outlook iCloud connector has just been updated to ver 1.0.1 so i installed that on their recommendation.
    BOTTOM LINE workaround:
    1. Backup contacts
    2. Delete contacts in iCloud
    3. Delete accounts on IOS devices
    4. Recreate accounts on IOS devices.
    Hoping a real root cause can be found and real fix implemented.  This has caused me to doubt the stability of iCloud, so i will procees with caution.

  • Can I set up personal folders in Mail?

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    Thanks in advance.

    Popey wrote:
    How do I do the rule? I cant seem to find it...ignorance is no bliss, I know
    This should help. Thanks for the .
    Automatically processing email

  • What happens to personal folders and address book from old email when I change to new email

    I got a new email address. I am going to quit using the old one, which was was with Comcast When I cancel Comcast service, how can I make sure that I do not lose my personal folders and address book. Also, if I can keep the personal folders, which contain emails with the old Comcast email address, will I be able to read them?
    Thank you.

    The address book is unaffected.
    Comcast is as I recall a pop mail provider. If your using IMAP this is useless to you, so speak up.
    If you right click the Comcast account in the folder pane and select settings. Under server setting for the account change the settings to not check for mail. Click the advanced settings and change the check this server to off as well. Doing this stops Thunderbird driving you mad with unable to connect messages for the defunct account.
    Go to the outgoing server (SMTP) and delete the Comcast SMTP server. This will prevent you from accidentally replying to old mail and getting an error as the Comcast account is no longer.

  • How to add favorite folders to "Save As.." dialog screen

    Hi all,
    To the Windows Explorer shell it is possible to add favorite folders to the "Save as..." dialog screen (done so by dragging shortcuts to an open "Save as..." screen). [ see screendump for what I am referring to ]
    Now one would suppose the same is possible for the "Save As..." screen from within Adobe Acrobat Pro.
    Unfortunately, it is not: no possibility to add favorite locations there....
    This isn't productive at all, since my docs are on a separate disc in non-standard folders. Each time I wish to save PDF-scanned documents to the harddisk, I need to click my way through too much folders...
    Anyone know a way (registry edit perhaps?) that enables me to add favorites to the Adobe "Save As..." screen?
    (I really need it there, instead of e.g. creating shortcuts on my Desktop...)
    Thanks for your help!

    Ok, here are three solutions I tested, all seem to work in my copy of vista.
    The easiest: grab the 'places bar editor' from here:
    Moderate: use TweakUI, the windows XP utility.  You need to jump through some hoops to get it to run in Vista, but it seems to work fine.  Follow the instructions by n8barber a few posts down:
    Hardest: edit the registry.  I added the string using a single \ in the path, but somehow when i exported it I show a double \.  I guess you will have to fiddle with this.
    "Place4"="h:\\Project Files"

  • Please add the ability to add multiple folders to the assets folder in order to better organize large numbers of files.

    Please add the ability to add multiple folders to the assets folder in order to better organize large numbers of files.

    Hello KDLadage
    Thank you for your recommendation. I understand the challenges of managing large numbers of files on the My Files page. I also understand the need to preserve project files.
    Perhaps a compromise would be to create an Archive tab under My Files. Previous versions and retired project files could then be automatically moved into this holding area when a new version is published, thus preserving the files in a separate area that is still accessible to the author.
    I will submit this suggestion to our product management team to consider as a future enhancement.

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