Add-VMHardDiskDrive anomaly

I am building a PowerShell script to build out a SQL cluster comprised of VMs.  I have a 2012 R2 Hyper-V cluster with shared FC.  Everything is working fine on it.  But I ran into a strange occurrence with the Add-VMHardDiskDrive cmdlet. 
It appears that it only works 'cleanly' on the node that owns the cluster name.  Here is a screen shot.
The first time I issued the command, the cluster name was owned by a different node in the Hyper-V cluster.  The second time I issued the command, the cluster name was owned by the same node on which I was executing the command.  That's the only
The other interesting thing about this is that even though I am receiving the warning and error, the VHDX file is properly added to the VM.  So before I changed the ownership of the cluster group, I removed the VHDX file from the VM so that it would
start at the same place on the VM.
I am running this from a Windows 8.1 VM that has all the latest patches and RSAT tools.  The 2012 R2 cluster nodes are all up to date on published patches.  The VMs are all 2012 R2 VMs.
Is this expected behavior?
.:|:.:|:. tim

Environments are set up for remote management (with quite a few more commands than the default winrm qc in order to enable a variety of remote management capabilities).  I have tried executing remote commands for nearly everything I do locally,
and other than some strangeness in Microsoft's utilities (such as the need to refresh after every remote command in Server Manager to see the effects of the remote command just executed), I have not run into anything that I cannot do remotely.
winrm qc is the default on any Windows Server 2012 R2 installation.  If you execute this command on any Windows Server 2012 R2 system you will get a message back stating that the system is already configured for remote management.  Therefore, if
you have something specific beyond the default, please let me know.
You might want to take this to the engineers responsible for this to see if they can replicate it.  If so, they could either fix it or state that this is expected behavior (though it still seems abnormal in my eyes).
.:|:.:|:. tim

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    Hi everyone, sorry if the title is a bit problematic.
    New to Powershell here, I'm trying to create a script that will let me Browse for a .vhd file, and then let me select a Virtual Machine to attach it to using SCSI attachment.
    So far I managed to attach and detach the VHD files using add-vmharddiskdrive, but using read-host I have to manually enter the address of the .vhd file every time, as well as using read-host to input the VM name.
    Is there any way to browse for the file, select it, and then run the add-vmharddiskdrive command?
    So far the script I have is this:
    $VHDLocation = Read-Host Enter VHD Location
    $VMName = Read-Host Enter VM Name
    Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VMName -Path $VHDLocation -ControllerType SCSI
    Basically I want to shorten the time it takes to manually type the vhd location and the VM name. Any way to do that?
    Sorry for long post, thanks everyone in advance, have a nice day :)

    I couldn't get the Select-fromgridview to work sadly, but after snooping around on several different forums I managed to copy-paste some codes and after some work and trial and error I got the script to work perfectly, except for one problem. When the box
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    I'd go through the script myself but like I said I'm very new to this and honestly most of this could be Chinese for all I know.
    Again thanks in advance!
    set-executionpolicy unrestricted
    ############## The script for browsing #############
    Function Get-FileName($initialDirectory)
     [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("") |
     $OpenFileDialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
     $OpenFileDialog.initialDirectory = $initialDirectory
     $OpenFileDialog.filter = "All files (*.*)| *.*"
     $OpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() | Out-Null
    } #end function Get-FileName
    ############## Sets the VHD location parameter to the selected file from above, and input VM Name  #############
    $VHDLocation = Get-FileName -initialDirectory "c:\fso"
    ############## Select a VM ######
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Windows.Forms")
    [void] [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName("System.Drawing") 
    $objForm = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form 
    $objForm.Text = "Select a Computer"
    $objForm.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(300,200) 
    $objForm.StartPosition = "CenterScreen"
    # Got rid of the block of code related to KeyPreview and KeyDown events.
    $OKButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $OKButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,120)
    $OKButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $OKButton.Text = "OK"
    # Got rid of the Click event for the OK button, and instead just assigned its DialogResult property to OK.
    $OKButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK
    # Setting the form's AcceptButton property causes it to automatically intercept the Enter keystroke and
    # treat it as clicking the OK button (without having to write your own KeyDown events).
    $objForm.AcceptButton = $OKButton
    $CancelButton = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button
    $CancelButton.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(150,120)
    $CancelButton.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(75,23)
    $CancelButton.Text = "Cancel"
    # Got rid of the Click event for the Cancel button, and instead just assigned its DialogResult property to Cancel.
    $CancelButton.DialogResult = [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::Cancel
    # Setting the form's CancelButton property causes it to automatically intercept the Escape keystroke and
    # treat it as clicking the OK button (without having to write your own KeyDown events).
    $objForm.CancelButton = $CancelButton
    $objLabel = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Label
    $objLabel.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,20) 
    $objLabel.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(280,20) 
    $objLabel.Text = "Please select a computer:"
    $objListBox = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.ListBox 
    $objListBox.Location = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(10,40) 
    $objListBox.Size = New-Object System.Drawing.Size(260,20) 
    $objListBox.Height = 80
    Get-VM | Format-List name | Out-File -filepath c:\VMNames.txt
    ${C:\VMNames.txt} = ${C:\VMNames.txt} | select -skip 2
    function Remove-Topline ( [string[]]$path, [int]$skip=2 ) {
      if ( -not (Test-Path $path -PathType Leaf) ) {
        throw "invalid filename"
      ls $path |
        % { iex "`${$($_.fullname)} = `${$($_.fullname)} | select -skip $skip" }
    (Get-Content C:\VMNames.txt) | 
    Foreach-Object {$_ -replace "Name :", ""} | 
    Set-Content C:\VMNames.txt
    Get-Content C:\VMNames.txt | ForEach-Object {[void] $objListBox.Items.Add($_)}
    $objForm.Topmost = $True
    # Now, instead of having events in the form assign a value to a variable outside of their scope, the code that calls the dialog
    # instead checks to see if the user pressed OK and selected something from the box, then grabs that value.
    $result = $objForm.ShowDialog()
    if ($result -eq [System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult]::OK -and $objListBox.SelectedIndex -ge 0)
        $selection = $objListBox.SelectedItem
        # Do something with $selection
    $VMName = $selection.Trim()
    ############## Dismounts the VHD if it's mounted on host, and then mounts it on VHD #############
    Dismount-VHD $VHDLocation
    Add-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VMName -Path $VHDLocation -ControllerType SCSI
    ############## Detaches the VHD from VM and returns it to the host #############
    Add-Type -AssemblyName Microsoft.VisualBasic
    [Microsoft.VisualBasic.Interaction]::MsgBox('Press Ok when you are ready to detach the VHD', 'MsgBoxSetForeground,Information', 'Confirm')
    Remove-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $VMname -ControllerType SCSI -ControllerNumber 0 -ControllerLocation 0
    Mount-VHD $VHDLocation 

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    PS C:\Users\Administrator> add-vmhardDiskDrive -VMName 2012r2 -ControllerType SCSI -ControllerNumber 0 -ControllerLocation 0
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    Thanks - Dan 

    All done
    The script I used for the removal and then re-adding of the physical disk is as follows:
    I then automated it with task scheduler to trigger at 6pm everyday (30 minutes after rotation time)
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    ADD-VMHardDiskDrive : 'Testing' failed to add device 'Virtual Hard Disk'. (Virtual machine ID ADC7CF7D-2EC5-4428-B27C-6EDCF29F5922)
    Failed to open virtual disk 'E:\will\VMTesting\Flash.480x800.vhd'. A problem was encountered opening a virtual hard disk in the chain of differencing
    disks, 'E:\will\VMTesting\Flash.vhd' (referenced by 'E:\will\VMTesting\Flash.480x800.vhd'): 'The system cannot find the file specified.' (0x80070002).
    My PowerShell code:
    $n = "Testing";
    $directory = "E:\will\VMTesting";
    $vhdxPath = "$directory\$n.vhdx";
    $vhdPath = "$directory\Flash.480x800.vhd";
    $vm = Get-VM $n;
    if($vm -ne $null) { Remove-VM $n -Force; }
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    ADD-VMHardDiskDrive -VMName $n -Path $vhdPath;
    Start-VM $n;

    Hi Will ,
    According to the error message , please try to check the chain of differencing disk via "inspect disk.." .
    # Create our New Differencing Disk
    New-VHD –ParentPath T:\02R2June2012\08R2TemplateJune2012.vhdx –Path T:\lab50\lab50-PSDiffDiskVM\lab50-PSDiffDiskVM.vhdx -Differencing
    For creating a differencing disk please refer to following link:
    Hope this helps
    Best Regards
    Elton Ji
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
    interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time.
    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

  • Add User to Group Behavior

    Hi all
    I found
    this post that explains the same issue I'm having, but the marked answer isn't relevant to my environment. I've built a user creation runbook, using 2012 R2 and this
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    Member '-' was removed from 'Domain\Group' by 'Domain\User' on...
    Member 'DN of Member' was added to 'Domain\Group'...
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    could be some consequences of that that we aren't seeing yet (i.e. application access interruptions, or what if the connection to AD is lost after removing the users but before adding them back in). Although I should say I'm not convinced that the users are
    actually being removed because as you can see above, no member information is recorded on the removal, and all the removals and additions have the same exact time stamp meaning they occurred within 1 second, which seems pretty fast given that some of our groups
    are large.
    Is this the intended behavior of the Add User to Group activity? If so, is there a workaround I can use to avoid this behavior? The next thing I'll try is using PowerShell to add the user to the group, but this option isn't ideal since the runbook will be
    managed by users who are not that familiar with scripting, so I'd like the solution to contain as little as possible.

    the issue of the AD IP 7.0 is reported here
    Try the up-to-date Version 7.2
    Stefan ,

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    Windows 7 O.S. and latest version of FF browser.

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    I want to thank you for your valuable contribution to the "hopeful" resolution of this most recent problem and I sincerely apologize for the delay in responding your suggestion. (During the past few days, we have been entertaining a relative from another country and as a result, I elected not to spend time on the computer). Respectfully, 10pinfvr

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    The method that I use to get as consistent listings is possible is to set both Sort Album and Sort Name metadata elements as shown in this example:
    This is an anomaly since the actual book title starts with 'A' which iTunes will automatically strip and set the result as the sort name.  Explicitly setting the Sort Name to the full title overrides this.
    This is a three-part audiobook (i.e., three files)
    This is how I handle series - so these three files (one audiobook) are the 3rd volume of the "Sherlock Holmes" series.  Using 01, 02, 03 rather than 1, 2, 3 allows for series that run to more than 10 titles.
    Since the Name values start with "The" iTunes strips this off to automatically create a Sort Name.
    Another example of books in a series, where each audiobook is made up of two or more parts
    This is the standard I use for (almost) all multi-part books - set the Name value to <title> - Part <part no.> ... note that as in example (4) iTunes automatically strips "The" to generate the Sort Name
    This is an exemption to the rule illustrated in example (6) - its a 12 novel sequence, each with an individual title (Name field), published as four audiobooks each split into three parts.  The Sort Album values ensure that the audiobooks themselves are ordered correctly; the Sort Name values put the individual novels in the right order.
    I'll freely admit that this isn't simple, and that it took me several rounds of trial-and-error to finalize a scheme that works for me.  Obviously you could achieve very similar results by prefixing Name and Album values with serial numbers - I prefer not to do this for largely cosmetic reasons - I like titles to be "proper" titles, not numbered items.  Turingtest2 has a script on his site that takes a slightly different approach (though fully automated) - I tried this but found some issues with portability across the two iPods that I routinely use for audiobook listening.

  • Can't add Album artwork to certain files.

    Hi, I've come across an anomaly in iTunes. There are certain audio files that cannot, for any reason update album artwork. I update album art work but selecting the file in iTunes then "get info" -> "add album artwork". But on certain files these tabs, as well as lyrics, are greyed out. The audio files are ACC 128bits. The only thing I found in common with the files that won't get album art work or lyrics is that they were encoded with iTunes 4.7. The only fix I can see is reconverting them in another version of iTunes, but this seems like a really dumb fix. Mostly I'm just wondering if there are any other people that have this problem and what fix you came up with, or what would cause a specific version of iTunes to not allow artwork.

    Instead of opening the album under "Get Info" and going into the Artwork tab, try clicking on the square box with a triangle in it located on the bottom left side of the iTunes window. This will display the ablum artwork inside the side bar. Click on the top of the album artwork box where it says "Now Playing" and it will change into "Selected Item". Select a song you're trying to get the album artwork for and see what it says in the box. If it says "Album Artwork Not Modifiable" then you might have a problem with the kind of file the music is. Granted, this shouldn't be any different than going into "Get Info" and trying it there, but at least this way you can tell for sure what the issue is. If the box says "Drag Album Artwork Here" then go ahead and drag the picture there and it should work. Sometimes checking the album artwork box helps you more understand what the issue is. Hope this helps!

  • Can you manually add data to Nike + or do you need to use the Nano?

    Can you manually add data to Nike + or do you need to use the Nano?
    What if you are on a trip and forgot your Ipod. It would be great to be able to add lost data. or even edit the Ipod data on the Nike + website

    Hi Hrbrmstr,
    That will be very cool if you can create an xml file
    that will allow us to add runs and edit runs on the
    Nike+ site! The trick may be getting past the server
    dragon which sends out a warning saying, "Your
    workout data could not be sent to
    because the data could not be accepted by the server"
    when it does not like the data it is sent.
    For example, my runs that did not post had something
    in common: when I read these xml files with TextEdit,
    both have a line that says,
    "<stepCounts><walkBegin>0</walkBegin>". There's also
    a line that tracks steps run. It also said zero. Of
    course, these lines should NOT read zero, because I
    was not starting at zero steps! My guess is that this
    anomaly makes the Nike+ server either reject or
    delete these runs because the step count does not fit
    my other runs.
    Well, I'll leave this stuff to someone who knows more
    than I. Glad you're here.
    For jackt123, the longer is answer to your question
    is that certain things that are not doable now may be
    doable in the future. Stay tuned.
    I just got the dragon today. "Your workout data could not be sent to Nikeplus because iTunes received an unexpected response from the server. Please try again later." Did you ever find out why this happened to you? I went on nikeplus and it did in fact upload my latest run. Now my goals are blank on nikeplus.

  • Anomaly in gparted

    Gparted lists the active devices when opened in arch.
    This is always true in HDD boot of the system which lista all sd, hdd, and raid items.
    However, when booted into raid0 dev md0, gparted does not list md0 as a device but does list the component devices of the raid array.
    The md0 array can be mounted in /mnt with the normal command...mount /dev/md0 /mnt/md...
    The array is assembled from two separate CF to Sata adapters using either two 8GB or two 16GB CF cards.
    Either of the arrays when booted display the same gparted anomaly, showing up in HDD when queried and not being discovered when booted in raid0.
    Other than this strange behavior, the raid arrays perform as expected.
    As outlined above, this occurs in both raid0 arrays.
    Gparted reports that the array is identified as .../dev/md/ such device.  Addressing the array as md0 (not md/0) permits the array to be mounted in /mnt/md when the array is the OS device as described previously
    Thus gparted identifies the array correctly from HDD boots but not from raid0 array boots.
    No further clues.............EDIT:  x86_64 Latest kernel
    Last edited by lilsirecho (2011-07-13 16:09:03)

    Here are the 2 files, the first one from PS CS4, The second from LR3.   I am not accessing the files on a network. and I have saved the files numerous times and re-opened them and always seem to get the same result.  I can open the same file, with LR2 and it looks OK.
    I just in PS CS4 changed the canvas size, to add a couple hundred pixels on either side of the file.  In LR3 I still get a similar result, but the anomaly has moved to the right a bit (about the same amount as the added canvas size).
    Here is the sample.

  • I create a birthday calendar in iCal and then click on it in iphoto at the begining of the calendar project each year.  Some how the birthday did not populate the photo calendar.  Is there a way to add the birthday iCal calendar into the calendar project?

    I created a birthday calendar to use in iphoto for calendar.  When a new calendar project is started each year, I click on it in.  Some how the birthday did not populate the photo calendar this year.  The photo calendar is almost complete.  Is there a way to add the birthday iCal calendar into the calendar project? I would prefer not to start over.

    If you first select the calendar on the left, so that its background is highlighted blue/grey, when you make a new events they should be added to that calendar.
    Best wishes
    John M

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    Hi AV55,
    I think you misunderstood banhien's earlier post.  Your wife would need to log into her ePrintCenter/HP Connected account and then add each family member as an authorized sender following the steps banhien posted.
    Please click on the Thumbs Up on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” on the post that solves your issue to help others find the solution.
    I work on behalf of HP

  • Support package / add on import error in DB2 V9.1 / windows 2003 system

    I have installed ERP 6.0 IDES version in Windows 2003 server with DB2 LUW 9.1 / FP5.
    I have selected "Row Compression" and "Deferred Table Creation" during installation.
    Now when I am importing add on BI Content 7.03, I am getting error during Movename tabs phase.
    Error in phase: IMPORT_PROPER
    Reason for error: TP_STEP_FAILURE
    Return code: 0008
    Error message: OCS Package ALL, tp step "6", return code 0008
    The error message in the file D:\usr\sap\trans\log\P090113.IDS is as follows,
    2 ETP301
    3 ETP361 "96" Shadow-Nametabs activated, DDL executed
    2 ETP362 "6" Shadow-Nametab activations failed
    2 ETP360 Begin: Act. of Shadow-Nametabs with DDL ("2009/01/13 02:57:51")
    2 ETP363 End : Act. of Shadow-Nametabs with DDL ("2009/01/13 02:58:07")
    2 ETP301
    1 ETP110 end date and time : "20090113025807"
    1 ETP111 exit code : "8"
    1 ETP199 ######################################
    I have read some notes it may be due to "Row compression" and "Deffered table creation" option in DB2. Please help me in resolving this issue if it is DB2 related.

    Please find the real error message which I found in the same log file. This is a new installation.
    System configuration details:
    ERP 6.0 IDES SR3 + Windows 2003 enterprise server SP2 + DB2 V9.1 / FP5
    BASIS and ABAP support pack level: (700) 13.
    Error message:
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:53:26: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/OSP/T_REPINFO                " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:53:38: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#BTABD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/OSP/T_REPINFO   
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:54:05: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CMP_ASG                " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:54:17: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#POOLD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CMP_ASG   
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    2EETP334 02:54:17: error in DDL, nametab for "/SAPPO/CMP_ASG" not activated
    3 ETP399 IN "IDS#POOLD"
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:54:17: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CSCRN_HDR              " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:54:29: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#POOLD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/CSCRN_HDR 
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    2EETP334 02:54:29: error in DDL, nametab for "/SAPPO/CSCRN_HDR" not activated
    3 ETP399 
    2WETP000 02:54:29: Retcode 1: error in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/F_ASG                  " - repeat
    2EETP345 02:54:41: Retcode 1: SQL-error "-107-SQL0107N  The name "IDS#POOLD COMPRESS YES" is too lo
    2EETP345 ng.  The maximum length is "18".  SQLSTATE=42622" in DDL statement for "/SAPPO/F_ASG     
    2EETP345             "
    2 ETP399  -
    2EETP334 02:54:41: error in DDL, nametab for "/SAPPO/F_ASG" not activated

  • Can not add mp3 to library

    I just downloaded an mp3 song from Marié Digby's free area, and I couldn't for the life of me get it to import or add to my itunes library. I have played the track via VLC and it doesn't seem to have anything wrong with it. I added my entire Downloads folder to try and get it to show up. I wish I had an error I could give, simply iTunes 11 on my MBP running ML 10.8.2.

    I don't have a Recently Added playlist.  However, I discovered that the file I had named Eating Healthy was given the name You Can Enjoy Eating Healthy when it copied to iTunes.  I'm guessing iTunes pulled the full name of the piece from the internet.  Upshot--the mp3 did transfer to iTunes on all 3 tries, but I was looking in my alphabetized list under E, not Y, so I didn't see it there.  Thanks for your help. 

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    How do I add URI web link with custom tooltip like "CLICK HERE TO UPDATE" instead of URI web link in tooltip.

    You've probably found an answer to this by now, but I think this has been addressed in another forum -- The link below suggested using a button and adding the tooltip to the button.
    Sounds like it would work but I haven't actually tried it. 
    Good luck~!

Maybe you are looking for