Added custom screen in PO using BADI ME_GUI_PO_CUST and ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST

Hi All,
I have added custom screen with two z fields at item level using BADI ME_GUI_PO_CUST and ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST i can see my screen in tcodes ME21N , ME22N , ME23N but I am not able to save data.
and also screen is coming in change mode even in ME23N .

I have added two xfields at item level.
This is the code i have added in zimplementation ZME_GUI_PO_CUST .
IN Zimplementation ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST I have added code only in method FIELDSELECTION_ITEM . after doing this I can see only screens in ME21N, ME22N, ME23N but when enter data in zfields and trying to save it is giving me message no data has changed.
DATA: ls_subscriber LIKE LINE OF re_subscribers.
we want to add a customer subscreen on the item detail tab
  CHECK im_application = 'PO'.
  CHECK im_element     = 'ITEM'.
each line in re_subscribers generates a subscreen. We add one subscreen in this example
  CLEAR re_subscribers[].
the name is a unique identifier for the subscreen and defined in this class definition
  ls_subscriber-name = subscreen1.
the dynpro number to use
  ls_subscriber-dynpro = '0001'.
the program where the dynpro can be found
  ls_subscriber-program = 'SAPLYMEPOBADIEX'.
each subscreen needs his own DDIC-Structure
  ls_subscriber-struct_name = 'MEPO_BADI_STRUCT'.
a label can be defined
  ls_subscriber-label = text-001.
the position within the tabstrib can be defined
  ls_subscriber-position = 4.
the height of the screen can be defined here. Currently we suport two screen sizes:
value <= 7 a sevel line subscreen
value > 7  a 16 line subscreen
  ls_subscriber-height = 7.
  APPEND ls_subscriber TO re_subscribers.
  DATA: l_item       TYPE REF TO if_purchase_order_item_mm,
        ls_mepoitem  TYPE mepoitem,
        ls_customer  TYPE mepo_badi_exampl.
system asks to transport data from the business logic into the view
  CASE im_name.
    WHEN subscreen1.
is it an item? im_model can be header or item.
      mmpur_dynamic_cast l_item im_model.
      CHECK NOT l_item IS INITIAL.
transport standard fields
      ls_mepoitem = l_item->get_data( ).
transport customer fields
          im_ebeln = ls_mepoitem-ebeln
          im_ebelp = ls_mepoitem-ebelp
          ex_data  = ls_customer.
store info for later use
      MOVE-CORRESPONDING ls_mepoitem TO dynp_data_pbo.
      MOVE ls_customer-badi_bsgru TO dynp_data_pbo-badi_bsgru.
      MOVE ls_customer-badi_afnam TO dynp_data_pbo-badi_afnam.
  CASE im_name.
    WHEN subscreen1.
          im_dynp_data = dynp_data_pbo.
  CASE im_name.
    WHEN subscreen1.
          ex_dynp_data = dynp_data_pai.
      IF dynp_data_pai NE dynp_data_pbo.
something has changed therefor we have to notify the framework
to transport data to the model
        re_changed = mmpur_yes.
DATA: l_item       TYPE REF TO if_purchase_order_item_mm,
        ls_mepoitem  TYPE mepoitem,
        ls_customer  TYPE mepo_badi_exampl.
data have to be transported to business logic
  CASE im_name.
    WHEN subscreen1.
is it an item? im_model can be header or item.
      mmpur_dynamic_cast l_item im_model.
      CHECK NOT l_item IS INITIAL.
      ls_mepoitem = l_item->get_data( ).
standard fields changed?
     IF dynp_data_pbo-matkl NE dynp_data_pai-matkl OR
        dynp_data_pbo-plifz NE dynp_data_pai-plifz OR
        dynp_data_pbo-webaz NE dynp_data_pai-webaz.
update standard fields
       ls_mepoitem-matkl = dynp_data_pai-matkl.
       ls_mepoitem-plifz = dynp_data_pai-plifz.
       ls_mepoitem-webaz = dynp_data_pai-webaz.
        CALL METHOD l_item->set_data( ls_mepoitem ).
            im_ebeln = ls_mepoitem-ebeln
            im_ebelp = ls_mepoitem-ebelp
            ex_data  = ls_customer.
        ls_customer-badi_bsgru = dynp_data_pai-badi_bsgru.
        ls_customer-badi_afnam = dynp_data_pai-badi_afnam.
            im_data = ls_customer.
DATA: l_persistent TYPE mmpur_bool.
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs> LIKE LINE OF ch_fieldselection.
l_persistent = im_item->is_persistent( ).
*IF l_persistent EQ mmpur_yes.
                     metafield = MMMFD_YYMAN_NUM."fd_cust_01.
IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
<fs>-fieldstatus = '*'. " Display <-- this one was as per the sample code given.
<fs>-fieldstatus = '+'. " Input <-- this i added to make the field mandatory.
                     metafield = MMMFD_YYMAN_DES."fd_cust_01.
IF sy-subrc IS INITIAL.
<fs>-fieldstatus = '*'. " Display <-- this one was as per the sample code given.
<fs>-fieldstatus = '+'. " Input <-- this i added to make the field mandatory.

Similar Messages

  • Custom screen not displaying using BADI ME_GUI_PO_CUST

    Hello Experts,
    I was working on BAD ME_GUI_PO_CUST to add custom subscreen on header
    I have created a subscreen ZNRD_SAPMEGUI_PO with number 9999.
    I have created implementation of ME_GUI_PO_CUST as ZME_GUI_PO_CUST.
    I have added screen details to the follows
    Scr No = 1102
    Subscreen area = TABSTRIPCONTROL2SUB
    Program called = ZNRD_SAPMEGUI_PO
    Scr no = 9999.
    Now to the method SUBSCRIBE to the implemented BADI ZME_GUI_PO_CUST
    I have wriiten the following codes.
    method if_ex_me_gui_po_cust~subscribe.
    data: ls_subscriber like line of re_subscribers.
    if sy-tcode eq ' ME21N' or sy-tcode eq 'ME22N' or sy-tcode eq 'ME23N'.
    check im_application = 'PO'.
    check im_element = 'HEADER'.
    * CLEAR re_subscribers[].
    ls_subscriber-name = 'ZNRD_SAPMEGUI_PO'.
    ls_subscriber-dynpro = '9999'.
    ls_subscriber-program = 'SAPLMEGUI'.
    *ls_subscriber-struct_name = 'MEPO_SUBSCRIBERS'.
    ls_subscriber-label = 'Customer Data'.
    ls_subscriber-position = 10.
    ls_subscriber-height = 7.
    append ls_subscriber to re_subscribers.
    BADI is active
    Now when irun ME21N i dont see the additional custom tab on header coming up.
    Please guide will be appreciated.

    I have been through the documentation friends still I am unable to go ahead thats the I am seeking your help.
    Please guide.
    Shailaja could you please explain why do i need to use the user-exit  MM06E005 when I am using the BADI.
    Ranjith N


    Dear All,
    I am implementing a customer subscreen in the PO header. I have created the screen, implemented both Badi's int following way.
    Somehow, the customer data is not getting saved. It is not being passed into the Badi's, am not sur what I have missed because I have implemeted it exactly like the example implementation, only the example is for item and I am using a PO Header subscreen. This is what I have done, please suggest.
    First in ME_GUI_PO_CUST
    Methods :-
    METHOD if_ex_me_gui_po_cust~subscribe .
      ls_subscriber-name = subscreen1.
      ls_subscriber-dynpro = lc_dynpro.
      ls_subscriber-program =  lc_repid.
      ls_subscriber-struct_name = lc_struc.
      ls_subscriber-label = text-001.
      ls_subscriber-position = 10.
      ls_subscriber-height = 7.
      APPEND ls_subscriber TO re_subscribers.
    METHOD if_ex_me_gui_po_cust~map_dynpro_fields .
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <mapping> LIKE LINE OF ch_mapping.
      LOOP AT ch_mapping ASSIGNING <mapping>.
        CASE <mapping>-fieldname.
          WHEN 'ZZDEPT'.
            <mapping>-metafield = mmmfd_cust_01.
    METHOD if_ex_me_gui_po_cust~transport_from_model .
      DATA: l_header       TYPE REF TO if_purchase_order_mm,
            ls_mepoheader  TYPE mepoheader,
            ls_customer  TYPE ci_ekkodb.
      CASE im_name.
        WHEN subscreen1.
          mmpur_dynamic_cast l_header im_model.
          CHECK NOT l_header IS INITIAL.
          ls_mepoheader = l_header->get_data( ).
          MOVE ls_mepoheader-zzdept TO dynp_data_pbo-zzdept.
          MOVE gs_data-zzdept TO dynp_data_pbo-zzdept.
        WHEN OTHERS.
    METHOD if_ex_me_gui_po_cust~transport_to_dynp .
      CASE im_name.
        WHEN subscreen1.
              im_dynp_data = dynp_data_pbo.
        WHEN OTHERS.
    METHOD if_ex_me_gui_po_cust~transport_from_dynp .
      CASE im_name.
        WHEN subscreen1.
              ex_dynp_data = dynp_data_pai.
          IF dynp_data_pai NE dynp_data_pbo.
            re_changed = mmpur_yes.
        WHEN OTHERS.
    METHOD if_ex_me_gui_po_cust~transport_to_model .
      DATA: lv_header       TYPE REF TO if_purchase_order_mm,
            lw_ekkodb       TYPE mepoheader.
      CASE im_name.
        WHEN subscreen1.
          mmpur_dynamic_cast lv_header im_model.
          CHECK NOT lv_header IS INITIAL.
          lw_ekkodb = lv_header->get_data( ).
          IF dynp_data_pbo-zzdept NE dynp_data_pai-zzdept.
            MOVE dynp_data_pai-zzdept TO lw_ekkodb-zzdept.
            gs_data-zzdept = lw_ekkodb-zzdept.
          lv_header->set_data( lw_ekkodb ).
    Set the field status in method IF_EX_ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST~FIELDSELECTION_HEADER
    METHOD if_ex_me_process_po_cust~open .
      DATA: ls_mepoheader TYPE mepoheader.
      CHECK im_trtyp EQ 'V' OR im_trtyp EQ 'A'.
      ls_mepoheader = im_header->get_data( ).
      SELECT SINGLE zzdept FROM ekko INTO gs_data_old-zzdept
                          WHERE ebeln = ls_mepoheader-zzdept.
      gs_data = gs_data_old.
    METHOD if_ex_me_process_po_cust~post .
      DATA: ls_mepoheader  TYPE mepoheader.
      ls_mepoheader = im_header->get_data( ).
      ls_mepoheader-zzdept = gs_data-zzdept.
    Can somebody please suggest what is going wrong ? All the methods are being called but the field ZZDEPT is not being transferred into the BADI structures and hence is not saved/changed or displayed.
    Appreciate your help.
    Thanks in advance.
    Edited by: SAP ABAPer on Jan 25, 2010 4:55 PM

    Tried very hard to improve the formatting of the post, but it doesn't seem to work for me !!

  • Unable to add custom tab in ME21N using BADI ME_GUI_PO_CUST

    Dear All,
    I need one extra tab in Item Details of ME21N.
    This extra tab should have two fields of my own.
    I have put the coding in the SUBSCRIBE method of the implementation of the BADI ME_GUI_PO_POST as follows:
    data: ls_subscriber like line of re_subscribers.
    we want to add a customer subscreen on the item detail tab
      check im_application = 'PO'.
      check im_element     = 'ITEM'.
    each line in re_subscribers generates a subscreen. We add one subscreen in this example
      clear re_subscribers[].
    the name is a unique identifier for the subscreen and defined in this class definition
      ls_subscriber-name = 'Event Details'.
    the dynpro number to use
      ls_subscriber-dynpro = '0001'.
    the program where the dynpro can be found
      ls_subscriber-program = 'SAPLMEPOBADIEX'.
    each subscreen needs his own DDIC-Structure
      ls_subscriber-struct_name = 'ZSM_PO_STRUC'.
    a label can be defined
      ls_subscriber-label = 'Event ID'.
    the position within the tabstrib can be defined
      ls_subscriber-position = 5.
    the height of the screen can be defined here. Currently we suport two screen sizes:
    value <= 7 a sevel line subscreen
    value > 7  a 16 line subscreen
      ls_subscriber-height = 7.
      append ls_subscriber to re_subscribers.
    I put breakpoints in the implementation of the method, and it is going into it, yet the extra tab is not getting displayed on the screen.
    Please give your suggestions on this.

    Hi Prosengit,
    I am not aure about u r BADI,
    BUt last week i have custom tab in the PO header data using this enahncement 'MM06E005'.
    IN thi senhancement u have thrre screen exits.In this enhancement
    SAPMM06E        0111 CUSTSCR1 SAPLXM06        0111 Subscreen: PO item
    u can add subscreen and u can add u r own fields here .
    and u can write u r code in 'EXIT_SAPMM06E_006'.
    if u want to change the title of the program.
    Go to program SAPLXM06 then go to text element give text symbol no as '111' and u can change the title of u r tab.
    I hope this solves u r problem.

  • Can we use Badi BBP_SOURCING_BADI and BBP_DETERMINE_LOGSYS at the same time

    Hi everyone,
    We need you help. We are working in SRM 7 and ECC 6 EhP 4. We have a doubt. Can we use badis BBP_SOURCING_BADI and BBP_DETERMINE_LOGSYS at the same time in a classic scenario?
    We want to create the contract in ECC, and then we want to return the SC in SoCo in order to create the PO with the SC and the contract.
    We activate both, but the SC is not returned in SoCo.

    Hi Ivan
    You can use both badi to change srm standard behavior.
    but one shopping cart item and it can have only one follow on document either Contract or Purchase order.
    i presumed that you want to use same sc for two purposes to create both SC and PO but it is not possible.
    for example
    shopping cart item has follow on document created  as a contract But you need to create a another shopping cart to create a Purchase order  w.r.t that contract .
    Once follow on documents are created sourcing flag will be removed .- rule
    BBP_SOURCING_BADI - you can write your custom logic and make way to cockpit .
    BBP_DETERMINE_LOGSYS - Determine your logical system.

  • Customer screen using BADI :  ME_GUI_PO_CUST

    I am implementing BADI : ME_GUI_PO_CUST to create custom screen at item level.
    Pls tell me the steps to be followed to get custom screen using BADI

    Hi Vinay,
    go to transaction SE18, then enter your BADI.The in menu go to Goto -> Sample Code -> Display. You will see example of implementation of this BADI. All these examples are very well commented. Basically you will have to create your own function group with your new screen and call this screen from methods of BADI.

  • Add new screen in ME23N with BADI ME_GUI_PO_CUST

    Hi folks, I have used the BADI ME_GUI_PO_CUST to add a custom tab in transaction ME23N.
    So good, sor far, I know how to used BADI and it works very well. I had to subscribe my own subscreen in the method subscribe of the interface, but something is boring me and I don't know if it's possible.
    Let's say I want to display my new tab according to the purchasing document type. Right now, my custom tab is always display. There is no method to unsubscribe a screen in the interface. What I could do is to used the get parameter id 'BES' in the subscribe method to get the current purchasing document display, then from there I could decide if I subscribe or not my own screen. The thing with the subscribe method is that it's only called once, when you enter in the transaction, if you stay in the transaction and select another purchasing document, this method will not be called.

    Hi Alexandre,
    First get the current Purchase Order Number using parameter ID 'BES' in the PBO of the custom subscreen.
    Then based on validation checks set SCREEN-INVISIBLE = 1 and SCREEN-ACTIVE = 0 and MODIFY SCREEN for all the screen fields.
    This will hide all the fields and eventually the tab may also disappear. This works for Screen Exits (i.e., if all the fields of a tab are made to disppear then the tab also disapears if is the tab is defined using Screen Exit). But I have never tried it out in a BADI.
    Try this, it might work.
    Hope it helps.

  • Navigate from portal custom screen - how to use OBN?

    We need to navigate to an SRM document in display/change mode when the document number is clicked in the portal on a custom screen/custom webdynpro.
    I am trying the following OBN navigation methods, but it is not working yet: 
    call method lo_portal_manager->navigate_to_object (lo_portal_manger is an object of type if_wd_portal_integration)
    call method lo_navigation_service->launch_target (lo_navigation_service is an object of type  /sapsrm/if_ch_wd_navi_serv)
    Any thought or ideas on how I can do this?

    "i have a brand new 24" iMac G5 "
    No such computer. You have an Intel iMac. Intels & G5 are 2 different models.
    You will need to repost over in the Intel-based iMac Forums How to identify your iMac Getting information about your computer

  • BBP_CUF_BADI adding customer screen

    this, i hope is a very quick answer.
    the documentation says that i should add my template to the existing internet service for my new screen to be displayed.
    firstly, do i have to modify the SAP service and template within, to include the call to my custom screen
    secondly, do i have to publish my service as usual

    1) No. Not applicable.
    Since SAP has already provided BBPCUF Service, which will take care of the subscreen you created in the SAP provided sub-screen area.
    2) Yes need to publish the Service once. Execute W3_PUBLISH_SERVICES Report for this service, once everthing is ready.</b></u>
    Hope this will help.
    Let me know incase you face any problems.
    Please reward suitable points, incase it suits your requirements.
    - Atul

  • Adding Custom 1 dimension to all Balance Sheet and all PL accounts

    We added the Custom 1 dimension to all Balance Sheet and all PL accounts. Previously we only had a the Custom 1 dimension added to a few PL accounts.
    Now it takes a very long time to consolidate and we are getting warnings in the log files as follows:
    One example:
    The Node cube Scenario = Actual, 1, Year = 2009 2009, Entity = MS_UKD 589, InputValueID = USD 17, contains 110182 records
    We are consolidating a month that does not have any data in the product lines for the accounts where the product lines were added.
    Is this slowness in consolidation to be expected when doing this?
    Is there any rule or best practice to adding the custom 1 dimension to a volume of accounts?

    Essentially, customs are more like sub-accounts than extra dimensions. The warning you got is not new, but this may be the first time you've noticed it. The node is a subcube that must be completely loaded to RAM on the server to do the consolidations. Take your accounts and multiply by custom 1 to see how many additional records are going into the sub cube (2797 x 232 = 648,904). You may want to have your DBA watch the server as you consolidate to see how many resources are being used and if he/she can tweak some settings to help out.
    That being said, my system has 6000 accounts, 2500 custom 1, and 1000 custom 2, but only 600 entities total in 3 hierarchies. Our full consolidation takes an hour, but doing only impacted for the current month takes about 20 minutes.

  • Create new tab in header using badi ME_GUI_PO_CUST for tcode ME21N

    Dear all,
    i have implemented method SUBSCRIBE in ME_GUI_PO_CUST to create new tab in ME21N,
    but the tab is not coming
    following is the code snips, please tell where is the error, or some setting needs to be done
    DATA: ls_subscriber LIKE LINE OF re_subscribers.
    if sy-tcode eq ' ME21N' OR SY-TCODE EQ 'ME22N' OR SY-TCODE EQ 'ME23N'.
      CHECK im_application = 'PO'.
      CHECK im_element     = 'HEADER'.
    CLEAR re_subscribers[].
      ls_subscriber-name = 'Customer-Data'.
      ls_subscriber-dynpro = '0101'.
      ls_subscriber-program = 'SAPLMEGUI'.
      ls_subscriber-struct_name = 'MEPO_SUBSCRIBERS'.
      ls_subscriber-label = 'Customer Data'.
      ls_subscriber-position = 10.
      ls_subscriber-height = 7.
      APPEND ls_subscriber TO re_subscribers.

    Hi...I hv similar requirement.
    I need to show a custom field in the screen for the items.
    I tried using the methods "SUBSCRIBE" and "MAP_DYNPRO_FIELDS" as explained in the sample code.
    Below is my code. I have copied the sample code and changed it lil.
    Method "SUBSCRIBE":
      DATA: ls_subscriber LIKE LINE OF re_subscribers.
    we want to add a customer subscreen on the item detail tab
      CHECK im_application = 'PO'.
      CHECK im_element     = 'ITEM'.
    each line in re_subscribers generates a subscreen. We add one subscreen in this example
      CLEAR re_subscribers[].
    the name is a unique identifier for the subscreen and defined in this class definition
      ls_subscriber-name = subscreen1.
    the dynpro number to use
      ls_subscriber-dynpro = '9000'.
    the program where the dynpro can be found
      ls_subscriber-program = 'SAPLZMMPO1'.
    each subscreen needs his own DDIC-Structure
      ls_subscriber-struct_name = 'ZMM_PO_CUST_SCREEN'.
    a label can be defined
      ls_subscriber-label = text-t01.
    the position within the tabstrib can be defined
      ls_subscriber-position = 13.
    the height of the screen can be defined here. Currently we suport two screen sizes:
    value <= 7 a sevel line subscreen
    value > 7  a 16 line subscreen
      ls_subscriber-height = 7.
      APPEND ls_subscriber TO re_subscribers.
    method "MAP_DYNPRO_FIELDS":
      FIELD-SYMBOLS: <mapping> LIKE LINE OF ch_mapping.
    *- customer fields
      CONSTANTS: mmmfd_cust_01 TYPE mmpur_metafield VALUE 90000000.
      LOOP AT ch_mapping ASSIGNING <mapping>.
        CASE <mapping>-fieldname.
          WHEN 'CLMNO'. <mapping>-metafield = mmmfd_cust_01.
    I created a function group - "ZMMPO1" and created the subscreen 9000 in that. I placed the custom field in that screen. Tha main program of ZMMPO1 is "SAPLZMMPO1".
    I created a structure also - "ZMM_PO_CUST_SCREEN".
    I want to know whether this is sufficient to display the tab on the screen or am I missing something.
    It is mentioned that the implementation of "ME_PROCESS_PO_CUST" is a pre-requisite.
    could you lemme know the process please.

  • New screen in ME23N with BADI ME_GUI_PO_CUST

    Hello to all developers,
    I was able to add a new (sub-)screen in the header data ME23N.
    All fields are shown.
    When I switch the mode to "CHANGE", all fields disappear and of course no tab is shown.
    If someone has an idea, please let me know.
    Many thanks in advance.
    H.-J. Schmidt

    Please check if in the PBO module of the custom subscreen you have set SCREEN-INVISIBLE = 1 or SCREEN-ACTIVE = 0.
    Also check if the screen has been properly subscribed in method SUBSCRIBE (i.e., remove all transaction type checks from this method).
    Since the screen and tab is being displayed in ME23N, it should also be displayed in ME21N (or create mode) and in ME22N (or change mode). The only condition under which the tab and screen might not appear is, if any checks based on the T-code or Transaction type is done and SCREEN-INVISIBLE = 1 or SCREEN-ACTIVE = 0 have been set.
    And if you are using OOPS concept in handling the PBO and PAI, then check if the proper values are set using different methods of the class.
    Hope this helps.

  • Adding Custom screen for Create Space functionality in WebCenter Spaces

    I need some information on WebCenter Spaces.
    By default there are couple of parameters such as Space name, description, tag, url, status (Public, Private) etc. is required to create the Space with the Out-of-the-box screen in Spaces. But we have a requirement to create Group Space with some additional parameters too.
    I am finding a solution for that. Can we build a task flow with all the parameters that we need to create the Spaces ? If that is possible, can we use Spaces API to create the space and then deploy that task flow in Spaces ?
    Please let me know if there are any other options.

    Yes you can. Build a Task Flow consuming Spaces API (WebService or REST) and setting custom properties to it.
    Steps that you have to follow is:
    - Use API to create your group Space:
    //create the Space
    GroupSpaceWSMetadata gsMetadata =
    client.createGroupSpace("Databases", "Databases" "A community for people interested in databases", "databases, oracle", "CommunityofInterest");
    //print the Space GUID to provide confirmation of creation
    System.out.println("GUID: " + gsMetadata.getGuid());- You can add programmatically custom attributes:
    //create the custom attribute
    client.setCustomAttribute("Databases", "Vendors", "List of vendors", "java.lang.String", "Oracle, IBM");Code is from WebCenter Spaces API off doc:

  • Adding custom screen to VL02N

    HI ,
    I need to add two custom fields to the tcode VL02N.
    I have found the BADI
    LE_SHP_TAB_CUST_ITEM  whose method ACTIVATE_TAB_PAGE needs to be implemented.
    However, the procedure is not clear to me as to how to bring the custom fields in display by implementing this BADI.
    I am new to BADI....
    Please give any suggestion or steps on how to approach.

    Check the steps:
    2) Create a function group Z_MMX_IBDELIVERY, Add a sub screen 9000 inside it and create screen fields
    3) In method ACTIVATE_TAB_PAGE write the following code
    ef_caption = 'Customer Data'.
    ef_program = 'SAPLZ_MMX_IBDELIVERY'.
    ef_dynpro  = '9000'.
    4) Now Screen is linked, go to VL31N, you will get an addition sub screen tab Customer Data.
    Have u activated all the objects?

  • Adding custom field to Task using EEWB

    Hi there,
    I need to add 2 custom fields to a Task using the EEWB.
    When I look at transaction CRMD_ORDER->Create, I see that the area I need to add to is categorized as a TASK.
    But, following through the EEWB wizard, when asked for the EEW Bus. Object Type, TASK is not available on the dropdown.
    My question is, is a TASK categorized as a BUSINESS_ACTIVITY ?
    I've done a few of these already, for BUSINESS_ACTIVITY and SERVICE_PROCESS, and these were available in the EEB search help - not TASK though.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated .

    Hi Denis,
    thanks for the quick response - I did the EEWB, choosing Business Activity, and then defined it as a Task
    in a later step (Task was available on the later list, so I went with that).
    Thanks again,

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