Added YOUTUBE functionality

I love youtube on the apple tv but here are a few things i want to see in a software update.
1. Support for viewing your subscriptions on the apple tv.
2. Support for a USB or Bluetooth keyboard. (really wouldnt' be a big issue if i had my subscriptions though)
3. Linking your favorites from the youtube website with the favorites in the apple tv menu.
Plllllease Apple if you see this, give me my wish.

Any ideas or feature requests for the tv should be sent here
The members of this forum are private users who spare some of their time to share information about the tv and hopefully help solve problems where they occur. We have no knowledge about future products or improvements and are unable to influence or recommend improvements to Apple.

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    What is the application release?
    I added one function to a menu.
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    Hi Anwar,
    Please check the parner function-account group and partner determination  procedure-account groups are assigned properly or not from
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    Dear Jogeswara,
    I have after reading a few threads, understood this small code and changed to my specification
    To convert UTC Start time from TSEGE
        I_TZONE = CET
        e_datlo = date
        e_timlo = time
    To convert UTC Start End from TSEGE
        i_timestamp = TSEGE-EVEN_TSTTO
        i_tzone = CET
        e_datlo = date
        e_timlo = time
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    Thanks again!

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    --Our server can't run PHP
    --The search capabilities need only be rather basic-- a keyword search with a results page that uses the same design template as the rest of the site.  It would be nice, but not mandatory, to have a search filter and/or a drop down menu to enable selectively searching only certain parts of the site, or only product/part number search vs. general search, etc. (but again, not mandatory).
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    Some of the ones I've found so far that looked the most promising include:  Zoom Search Engine (, Site Search Pro (, and FX Site Search which is a DW Extension I found in the exchange ( (that one looks possibly technically challenging or requiring more ASP skill, though)
    Forgive me if there is a better area to post this, if so let me know.

    For a static site, your options are:
    Google ~
    Freefind ~
    Zoom from Wrensoft ~
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    I am getting error :
    Element with same name exist.The following nodes can not be added to the order.
    (no namespace):/ControlData/Functions/MyNewFunction
    (no namespace):/ControlData/Functions/MyNewFunction/componentKey

    Hi Harman,
    You might need to be more specific before I can help you. What have you done, and which step you run into the error? I supopse you have created a new "function" Order Component, and created the required Control Data nodes in Data Dictionary (what have you added?), right? So, when you go into the Order Template tab of the new Order Component (which would be empty since it was newly created), and you try to "select from Dictionary" the corresponding ControlData for the function (e.g. /ControlData/Functions/MyNewFunction), that such an error occurs?
    Have you assigned a process for this Order Component? Studio does not allow adding control data to it unless a process is assigned.
    Btw, you should define a namespace for your Order Components (and other orchestration entities). The OSM server uses namespace to locate these entities among cartridges.
    Daniel Ho
    Product Management -- OSM

  • Adding new function & menu to apps

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    I will give you a brief explanation, but you will find more details in the document Oracle Applcations System Administrators Guide, whcih can be found on MetaLink.
    Functions are used to associate a form or procedure with a menu item. The seeded forms and self service functions all have functions pre-defined. If you create new forms or self service procedures, you will want to create a new function to associate your versions to.
    Once you have defined a function, you need to associate the function to a menu. If the function can be accessed directly from the menu, you need to have a menu prompt which the user can use.
    Then you associate your menu (with its functions) to responsibility. You can control which menu items you want the user to access by adding 'menu or function exclusions' to the responsibility. In this way, you can have one menu, but with different variations used in different responsibilities.
    There are manyu variations on this theme, but I hope this basic explanation points you int he right direction.

  • Adding setTimeout function to CS3 ?

    Dear Forum
    I am migrating a project from Flash 8 to CS3. I am keeping it
    in actionscript 2. The complier says there's no setTimeout
    function. I have added the following line to the class
    wich in flash 8 has worked fine for me:
    intrinsic function setTimeout():Number;
    Is there something else that needs to be done to make this
    hack work in the CS3 envirnoment?

    so adding the intrinsic line to the file doesn't
    do it anymore? I remember that the _global version always worked
    but I'd rather not have to dig through all my files to rewrite that
    setTimeout function... I had a feeling 3 years ago that this might
    come back and haunt me...
    or is there another file that needs to be modified so the
    compiler doesn't complain?

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    As ZoomIn/ ZoomOut is an implicit functionality of Gantt.Is there any way to do this?

    You can add a custom menu with zoom-in/zoom-out menu-items to Gantt's menubar. In the action listener of the new menu-item, you can update the scale attribute of the major/minor dvt:timeAxis to the new zoom level, and ppr gantt.
    This approach will not work in the older versions, but should work in the latest production release out on the OTN.

  • Adding YouTube upcoming events to iCal

    When I go to add an "Upcoming event" to "iCal" from YouTube, it will add the event to iCal, but the link to the YouTube video will be part of the event title.
    Is this a bug, and/or is there a workaround so that the link to the YouTube video gets added to the url property of the iCal event so that I can simply click on the url to bring up the video.

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  • Youtube functionality

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    have the same type of functionality that YouTube has; The ability
    to jump ahead of the download point, drop the cached portion and
    start at the new point if the user tries to scrub past the buffered
    portion. Is this type of functionality possible without the use of
    a media server, or can it be done on any server?

    There was a way to do this profiled a few years back without
    a streaming media server by just requesting a future portion of the
    flv from a php script.
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    metadata into the flvs for seekable bytepositions, so that only
    'seekable' timepoints were requested from the flash client - I
    think these were at video keyframe points. I'm not sure if this
    type of thing is possible with the newer h264 encoded videos etc, I
    can't recall anything mentioned about that.

  • Problem in adding Search function in HeadMast.

    Hello All,
    I am working on EP6 SP2 and wanted to know how can I add the Search function (which is on Toolbar and appears below the HeadMast in Portal), to be included as a prt of HeadMast.
    Please refer to this link:
    Under <b>General -> Customer Branding and Style Editor</b> topic, kindly refer to the 1st snapshot shown.
    It shows Search within the MastHead Area.
    I tried doing this by manually adding the code of Search into MastHead using MastHead.par file (in Eclipse 2.1) but it gives me an error saying " <i>No security zone - access is denied:</i> ". I really cannot make out the differnce where I am exactly goind wrong.
    Can anyone please help me sort this.
    Awaiting Reply.
    Thanks and Warm Regards,

    Hi Senthil,
    Firstly thank you for your input.
    I have checked the Portalapp.xml file and found a Security tag. Its like:
    <property name="SecurityZone" value=""/></b>
    Is it OK??
    Senthil, I have another question too?
    I am new into Portal development programming, so am trying differnet options:
    Another experimet I was just checking was:
    1> I imported the existing Headmast.par & ToolArea.par file.
    2> Integrated both the methods together into HeadMast.par file.
    <i>The Help, Personlize& LogOut options that we see on right side of MastHead is into a table.
    I want to insert the ToolArea below it (within the HeadMast), such that the search option appears below it.</i>
    3> Integrated the Portalapp.xml file, added Property tags from Search Portalapp.xml file into HeadMast Portalapp.xml file.
    4> To test whether its possible to add anything below the Help, Personalize & LogOut table, I have successfully added a text to check the results. I need to replace this text with the Search textbox & button.
    Can it be possible this way...?
    Am I exploring different options.
    Have I missed anything in the above steps??
    Please help.
    Awaiting Reply.
    Thanks and Warm Regards,

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