Adding a Service to CAF Tile

I've followed the steps in the docs and even looked at the StockData example provided but cannot seem to get it working. I get the following error:
Before resolve: http://localhost:4502/content/mosaic/catalogs/Historian/tiles/SnapshotTile/SnapshotTile.sw f
Before resolve: http://localhost:4502/content/mosaic/catalogs/Historian/services/HistorianService/theHisto rianService.gxml
Created url: http://localhost:4502/content/mosaic/catalogs/Historian/interfaces/HistorianInterfaceLibra ry/HistorianInterfaceLibrary.swf
Before resolve: http://localhost:4502/content/mosaic/catalogs/Historian/tiles/SnapshotTile/SnapshotTile.sw f
Before resolve: http://localhost:4502/content/mosaic/catalogs/Historian/tiles/SnapshotTile/SnapshotTile.sw f
[SWF] /content/mosaic/catalogs/Historian/interfaces/HistorianInterfaceLibrary/HistorianInterfac eLibrary.swf - 2,497 bytes after decompression
Failure in Loader: Error: Error #2036: Load Never Completed. URL: http://localhost:4502/Historian/interfaces/HistorianInterfaceLibrary/HistorianInterfaceLib rary.swf
Failure in Loader: Error: Error #2036: Load Never Completed. URL: http://localhost:4502/Historian/interfaces/HistorianInterfaceLibrary/HistorianInterfaceLib rary.swf
Below is the code as well as the configuration files:
          import mx.collections.IList;
          public interface IHistorianService
                    function getSnapshots(userid:String):IList;
          import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
          import mx.collections.IList;
          [Expose(catalog="Historian", library="HistorianInterfaceLibrary", scope="singleton")]
          public class HistorianService implements IHistorianService
                    public function HistorianService()
                    public function getSnapshots(userid:String):IList{
                              var test:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
                              return test;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<!-- Copyright 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved. The original
version of this material may be obtained from Adobe Systems Incorporated. -->
<app:Application xmlns:app="" xmlns:catalog="" xmlns:ct="" xmlns:tile="" xmlns:view="" label="EMS Historian" name="Historian">
    <!-- Specifies a default panel or view to use when a user adds a new panel or
    view to the composite application (if permitted). Specify a default directly,
    or reference one from a composite application catalog. Referenced default
    panels and views override the composite application defaults. Note: You can
    specify only one panel and view in the app:Defaults section, but you can
    specify any number of catalog:CatalogReference children. -->
            <view:Panel allowContentDelete="true" height="100%" label="Default Panel" tileChrome="full" width="100%">
                <view:Layout name="HorizontalLayout" numColumns="2"/>
    <!-- Provide a global context containing values for use across entire
        <ct:Data key="myApplicationContext" type="string" value="default value" />
    <!-- A named context is useful for partition of a set of context values
    to a subsection of the application.
        <ct:Context name="basictypes">
            <ct:Data key="aSimpleString" type="string" value="sample string"/>
            <ct:Data key="aBoolean" type="boolean" value="true"/>
            <ct:Data key="anInteger" type="number" value="2011"/>
            <ct:Data key="aDate" type="date" value="2011-11-01T19:00:00-05:00"/>
            <ct:Data key="aNull" type="null" />
    <!-- Specifies the runtime content for a composite application. The order of
    the elements affects the appearance in the application user interface. You
    can specify only one app:Shell or app:ShellReference element as a child of
    app:Application. -->
    <app:Shell label="Sample Shell" name="SampleShell"><!-- ShellStyle -->
        <!-- Specifies a reference to a composite application catalog. Catalogs
        contain composite application assets. The name attribute creates a
        shorthand reference to the catalog, which is stored on the Experience
        Server. -->
        <catalog:CatalogReference name="${catalog}" uri="${catalog}"/>
        <!-- Specifies a container to display views in the application user
        interface. The order of elements affects the appearance of the user
        interface. You can include only one view:ViewManager element as a child
        of the app:Shell element. The default skin for the view:ViewManager
        element provides a set of tab buttons to switch between views in the
        application, as well as an Add button, and an option menu. -->
        <view:ViewManager height="100%" width="100%">
            <view:View name="Research"
                                          height="100%" width="100%"
                <view:Panel allowContentDelete="false"
                                              height="100%" width="100%"
                                              styleName="PanelInShellStyle" ><!-- FullPanelTileStyle -->
                 <view:Layout name="HorizontalLayout"/> 
                    <tile:TileReference catalog="${catalog}"
                                  name="ResearchTile" optional="false" width="100%" height="100%" /><!-- TileStyle -->
            <view:View label="Snapshots" height="100%" width="100%">
                      <view:Panel allowContentDelete="false"
                                              height="100%" width="100%"
                                              styleName="PanelInShellStyle" >
                 <view:Layout name="HorizontalLayout"/> 
                 <tile:TileReference catalog="${catalog}"
                        name="SnapshotTile" optional="false" width="100%" height="100%">
                                  <tile:Property name="historianService">
                                            <tile:ServiceReference catalog="${catalog}" library="HistorianService" name="theHistorianService"></tile:ServiceReference>
            <view:View label="Views" height="100%" width="100%">
                      <view:Panel allowContentDelete="false"
                                              height="100%" width="100%"
                                              styleName="PanelInShellStyle" >
                 <view:Layout name="HorizontalLayout"/> 
                 <tile:TileReference catalog="${catalog}"
                        name="ViewsTile" optional="false" width="100%" height="100%"/>
            <view:View label="Reports" height="100%" width="100%">
                      <view:Panel allowContentDelete="false"
                                              height="100%" width="100%"
                                              styleName="PanelInShellStyle" >
                 <view:Layout name="HorizontalLayout"/> 
                 <tile:TileReference catalog="${catalog}"
                        name="ReportsTile" optional="false" width="100%" height="100%"/>
            <view:View label="Admin" height="100%" width="100%">
                      <view:Panel allowContentDelete="false"
                                              height="100%" width="100%"
                                              styleName="PanelInShellStyle" >
                 <view:Layout name="HorizontalLayout"/> 
                 <tile:TileReference catalog="${catalog}"
                        name="AdminTile" optional="false" width="100%" height="100%"/>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<catalog:Catalog xmlns:catalog="" xmlns:ct="" xmlns:tile="" xmlns:view="" label="EMS Historian" name="Historian">
    <!-- Identifying description for this catalog. -->
        <ct:Description>All content for the EMS Historian</ct:Description>
    <!-- Specifies a list of tiles (tile:TileClass elements) contained within
    this catalog.  -->
            <!--  Remove the commenting from this tile:TileClass element to
            include a reference to a tile in this catalog. Within a tile:TileClass
            element, a tile:Content child element specifies tile content using the
            following attributes:
                uri: A reference, either to absolute or relative, to the content's
                location on a server.
                contentType: The MIME type for the tile's content. For Flex tiles,
                specify "application/x-shockwave-flash", and for HTML tiles
                specify "text/html".
                loadAs: For Flex tiles, if this value is "module", at run time the
                tile loads as a Flex module. If the value is "default" or omitted,
                at runtime the Flex tile loads as a SWF application. 
                IMPORTANT: You must compile module tiles using one of the Flex SDKs
                included in the Adobe Experience Services Tooling for Flash Builder
                installation. Flex modules are similar to Flash Runtime Shared
                Libraries (RSLs) in that they separate code from an application
                into separately loaded SWFs. For more information on modular
                applications, see "Modular applications overview" in the Flex
                Developer's Guide.
            label="Sample Tile"
            width="600" height="400"
                <ct:Description>sample description</ct:Description>
                loadAs="default" />
                    <tile:TileClass fitContent="true" height="100%" label="ResearchTile" loadPolicy="auto" name="ResearchTile" width="100%">
                              <tile:Content contentType="application/x-shockwave-flash" loadAs="default" uri="${catalogURL}/tiles/ResearchTile/ResearchTile.swf"/>
                    <tile:TileClass fitContent="true" height="300" label="ViewsTile" loadPolicy="auto" name="ViewsTile" width="600">
                              <tile:Content contentType="application/x-shockwave-flash" loadAs="default" uri="${catalogURL}/tiles/ViewsTile/ViewsTile.swf"/>
                    <tile:TileClass fitContent="true" height="300" label="SnapshotTile" loadPolicy="auto" name="SnapshotTile" width="600">
                      <tile:Interface interfaceName="" library="HistorianInterfaceLibrary"/>
                      <tile:Property name="historianService" type=""/>
                              <tile:Content contentType="application/x-shockwave-flash" loadAs="default" uri="${catalogURL}/tiles/SnapshotTile/SnapshotTile.swf"/>
                    <tile:TileClass fitContent="true" height="300" label="ReportsTile" loadPolicy="auto" name="ReportsTile" width="600">
                              <tile:Content contentType="application/x-shockwave-flash" loadAs="default" uri="${catalogURL}/tiles/ReportsTile/ReportsTile.swf"/>
                    <tile:TileClass fitContent="true" height="300" label="cafe.historian.tiles.admin.AdminTile" loadPolicy="auto" name="AdminTile" width="600">
                              <tile:Content contentType="application/x-shockwave-flash" loadAs="default" uri="${catalogURL}/tiles/AdminTile/AdminTile.swf"/>
    <!-- Specifies a list of interface libraries (tile:InterfaceLibrary elements)
    contained within this catalog -->
        <!--  Remove the commenting from this tile:InterfaceLibrary element to
        include a reference to an interface library in this catalog. Within a
        tile:InterfaceLibrary element, a tile:InterfaceList child element
        specifies a list of interfaces (tile:Interface elements) to include
        in the catalog. For each tile:Interface element, specify the interface
        class using the following attribute:
            interfaceName: A fully-qualified package and class reference to class
            that defines a service interface.
        <tile:InterfaceLibrary name="SampleInterfaceLibrary">
                <tile:Interface interfaceName=""/>                
               <tile:InterfaceLibrary name="HistorianInterfaceLibrary">
                <tile:Interface interfaceName=""/>
    <!-- Specifies a list of service libraries (tile:ServiceLibrary elements)
    contained within this catalog. -->
          <!--  Remove the commenting from this tile:ServiceLibrary element to
          include a reference to a service library in this catalog. Within a
          tile:ServiceLibrary element, a tile:ServiceClassList child element
          specifies a list of service classes (tile:SeviceClass elements) to
          include in the catalog. For each tile:ServiceClass element, specify a
          service using the following attributes of the tile:Content child
              uri: A reference, either to absolute or relative, to the content's
              location on a server.
              contentType: The MIME type for the tile's content. For service
              libraries specify "application/xml".
          <tile:ServiceLibrary name="SampleService">
                <tile:ServiceClass name="SampleService">
                    uri="${catalogURL}/services/SampleService/SampleService-com-adobe-adep-samples-services-s ampleservice-impl.gxml"
                    <tile:ServiceLibrary name="HistorianService">
                <tile:ServiceClass className="" name="theHistorianService" scope="singleton">
                          <tile:Interface interfaceName="" library="HistorianInterfaceLibrary"/>
                <tile:Content contentType="application/xml" uri="${catalogURL}/services/HistorianService/theHistorianService.gxml"/>
                      <tile:ServiceClass name="HistorianService">
                    <tile:Content contentType="application/xml" uri="${catalogURL}/services/HistorianService/HistorianService-cafe-historian-services-imp l.gxml"/>
    <!-- Specifies a list of style sheets (view:StylesheetClass elements) contained
    within this catalog -->
        <!--  Remove the commenting from this view:StylesheetClass element to
        include a style sheet reference in this catalog. Include a separate
        view:StylesheetClass element for each style sheet you include in the
        catalog. Within each view:StylesheetClass element, specify the style sheet
        content using the following attributes of the view:Content child element:
            uri: A reference, either to absolute or relative, to the content's
            location on a server.
            contentType: The MIME type for the style sheet content. For Flex
            tiles, specify "application/x-shockwave-flash", and for HTML tiles
            specify "text/css".
        <view:StylesheetClass name="CafeMosaicTheme">
                <ct:Description>An alternative way to navigate using a ComboBox.</ct:Description>
            <view:Content contentType="application/x-shockwave-flash" uri="${catalogURL}/stylesheets/CafeMosaicTheme/CafeMosaicTheme.swf"/>
    <!-- Specifies a list of panels (view:PanelClass elements) contained within
    this catalog -->
        <!--  Remove the commenting from this view:PanelClass element to include
        a reference to a panel in this catalog. Include a separate view:PanelClass
        element for each panel you include in the catalog. Within a view:PanelClass
        element, a view:Content child element specifies information for a panel
        using a view:Panel child element. For each view:Panel child element,
        specify the panel information using the following attributes:
            name: A unique name for the panel used to reference it from within the
            label: Descriptive text that displays as the panel title in the user
            interface of the composite application.
            tileChrome: Sets the default user interface for the panel. Values may
            be "none", "title" or "full". If the value is "full", then there is
            chrome on the panel which displays the title (label) and allows the
            panel to be moved, potentially deleted (if permitted), and resized.
            If the value is "title", the chrome is the same as for "full" without
            the ability to resize. If the value is "none", then there is no
            chrome on the panel, which means no title (label), and no user
            interface for for manipulating the panel.
            allowContentDelete: Specifies whether users can delete this panel at
            run time when the "chrome" attribute is set to "full" or "title".
            Values may be "true" or "false".
        Each view:Panel element may contain one or more tile:TileReference child
        elements that specify tiles to display within the panel at run time. You
        can override default tile attribute values here to customize the tile's
        appearance when referenced within this panel:
            catalog: Reference to the catalog that contains the tile.
            name: The name of the tile specified in the catalog.
            label: (override) The label of the tile.
            chrome: (override) Sets the user interface for the tile. Values may
            be "none", "title" or "full". If the value is "full", then there is
            chrome on the tile, which displays the title (label) of panels
            contained within the tile, and the tile allows for the panel to be
            moved, potentially deleted (if permitted), and resized. If the value
            is "title", the chrome is the same as for "full" without the ability
            to resize. If the value is "none", then there is no chrome on the
            tile, which means no panel title (label), and no user interface for
            for manipulating the panel.
            fitContent: (override) Specifies whether tile content should be
            automatically resize to fit the container. Values may be "true" or
        <view:PanelClass name="SamplePanel">
                <ct:Description />
                <view:Panel name="SamplePanel" label="Sample Panel"
                    tileChrome="true" allowContentDelete="true" width="100%" height="100%">
                    <view:Layout name="HorizontalLayout" />
                        catalog="${catalog}" name="SampleTile" label="Sample Tile" width="100%" height="50%"
                        chrome="full" fitContent="true"/>
    <!-- Specifies a list of views contained within this catalog -->
        <!--  Remove the commenting from this view:ViewClass element to include a
        reference to a view in this catalog.
        Include a separate view:ViewClass element for each view you include in the
        catalog. Within a view:ViewClass element, a view:Content child element
        specifies information for a panel using a view:View child element. For
        each view:View child element, specify the panel information using the
        following attributes:
            name: A unique name for the view used to reference it from within
            the catalog.
            label: Descriptive text that displays as the panel title in the
            user interface of the composite application.
        Each view:View element may contain one or more view:PanelReference child
        elements that specify panels to display within the view at run time. You
        can override default panel attribute values here to customize the panel's
        appearance when referenced within this view:
            catalog: Reference to the catalog that contains the panel.
            name: The name of the panel specified in the catalog.
        <view:ViewClass label="Sample View" name="SampleView">
                <ct:Description>Sample View</ct:Description>
                <view:View name="SampleView" width="100%" height="100%"
                    label="Sample View">
                    <catalog:CatalogReference name="Default"
                        uri="Default" />
                    <view:PanelReference catalog="Default" name="SamplePanel" />
SnapshotTile.mxml (snippet)
private var watcher:ChangeWatcher;
[Consume(catalog="Historian", library="HistorianInterfaceLibrary")]
public var historianService:IHistorianService;
protected function _preinitializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
          this.addEventListener( AnnotationParseEvent.COMPLETE, _annotationParseEventCompleteHandler );
          watcher =, "historianService", onGotService, false, true);
          protected function onGotService(e:PropertyChangeEvent):void
                    var test:ArrayCollection = historianService.getSnapshots("jonphill") as ArrayCollection;
                    trace("Using service, item 1: " + test.getItemAt(0));
                    trace("Using service, item 2: " + test.getItemAt(1));
I've also attached two screenshots showing the project structure in FB and CRX.
Any help here would be great as I'm pulling my hair out at this point!

There's not an actual space in the error, it just looks that way when I pasted the text into the post.
For some additional information, I've tried going through the tutorial here ( and here ( f13dcd01304cbb1ac4-8000.html), however, neither one goes through the full steps of adding the Service to the axml and cxml files which is where I'm probably having trouble.
I've also looked at the StockMosaicService sample included with ADEP and tried mimicking it but with no luck. I had expected the ADEP tooling in Flash Builder to handle all this for me but it doesn't appear to be working properly now.

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    We appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us. I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble while traveling. We definitely want to make sure you have all available options. Normally when traveling internationally we reccommend setting up international services prior to leaving. When you added the services did you do so online or with a rep? It would be best to contact our global department in order to troubleshoot any and all issues with services while international
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    DIRECTORY_SERVERS= (smtest02:389:636)
    getting following error during adding net service names ... is this a setup issue ?
    error writing ServiceAlias to: LDAPDataStore [svr: smtest02:389:636, type: OID, ctxt: cn=OracleContext,, home: /app/oracle/product/101202] original exception message: TNS-04409: Directory service error caused by: TNS-04406: Invalid parameter caused by: original stack trace: TNS-04409: Directory service error caused by: TNS-04406: Invalid parameter caused by: TNS-04406: Invalid parameter caused by: at Source) at Source) at<init>(Unknown Source) at Source) at Source) at Source) at at at at at at at at at at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.PageHandler.handleRequest( at at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.myDoGet( at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMServlet.doGet( at at oracle.cabo.servlet.UIXServlet.doPost(Unknown Source) at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service( at com.evermind.server.http.ResourceFilterChain.doFilter( at oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.EMRedirectFilter.doFilter( at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter( at oracle.sysman.db.adm.inst.HandleRepDownFilter.doFilter( at com.evermind.server.http.EvermindFilterChain.doFilter( at at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.invoke( at com.evermind.server.http.ServletRequestDispatcher.forwardInternal( at com.evermind.server.http.HttpRequestHandler.processRequest( at at at com.evermind.util.ReleasableResourcePooledExecutor$ at

    Resolved this issue by logging in as super user.

  • Consuming WS-RM enabled service in CAF

    Hi All,
    When i imported  a WS-RM enabled service in a CAF project i can see in the design time that the operation is still showing that WS-RM is still not enabled. Is it possible to consume a WS-RM enabled service into CAF? If yes, Please suggest some way to do.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Hi Rohit,
    You cannot configure reliable messaging for Web services you have imported in your composite application. You can only find out which of the operation of the external service support reliable messaging in the Operations tab of the external service editor.
    To check whether any of the operations of the service you have imported supports idempotency or reliable messaging, open the Operations tab page and check the Idempotency and WS-RM columns in the Existing Operations table.

  • Access Enterprise Service as CAF External Service

    Hi All,
    Has anybody used Enterprise Service as CAF External service (in CE 7.1.1) and got the proper result after doing the external service config.? If any body used it please share the External service config part. Because I am getting stuck here. In CE7.1.1 the external service config is not same like previous version as I think.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi Chandan,
    For Ehp1 you can take a look at:
    [Configuring Consumer Applications|]
    [Configuring Individual Web Service Clients|]
    [Configuring Groups of Web Service Clients|]
    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards,

  • Expose the Entity Service in CAF as Web Service

    How can I expose the created Entity Services in CAF (for example xPerson) as a Web Service, for be used in other applications?

    These will actually get saved in your internal SAP database. This is nothing but a MaxDB database which will be installed along with your CE. All your business objects will be saved in this in the server.
    Srinivasan Subbiah

  • Adding web services to C# application

    having on mind that I use SQL Server 2008 R2, could somebody help me to perform adding WEB Services as described bellow:
    ReportServer2005: Namespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices.ReportService2005 URL:
    http://servername/ReportServerName/ReportService2005.asmx?wsdl Declaration: ReportingService2005 rs = new ReportingService2005();
    ReportExecution2005: Namespace: Microsoft.SqlServer.ReportingServices.ReportExecutionService URL:
    http://servername/ReportServerName/ReportExecution2005.asmx?wsdl Declaration: ReportExecutionService rsExec = new ReportExecutionService();
    I guess that "servername" and "ReportServerName" are those from my local Report Server (i.e., MyLocalComputerName and MyLocalReportServerName).
    Purpose of this is to programmatically
    perform export of SSRS report to PDF, based on parameter's array.

    help me to perform adding WEB Services as described bellow:
    It depends a Little bit on the used Visual Studio Version. Basically do a right-mouse click on "References" and select
    The next steps are a Little bit hidden & confusing: In the next Dialog click on "Advanced..", then add "Web reference" and here you can enter the URL for SSRS SOAP, click on the green arrow and the WSDL data will be retrieved &
    shown in the Dialog:
    Olaf Helper
    [ Blog] [ Xing] [ MVP]

  • Modify journalentry when adding a service A/R Invoice

    We are facing the following problem. When we add a service A/R Invoice (by di), the following journalentry is created:
    Debit: Debtor account
    Credit: Tax and revenue account
    This is ok but we also want to add the following lines:
    Debit: Costprice account
    Credit: Stock account
    I don't know how to change the invoice so that this two lines will be added automaticly. So I tried to modify the created journal entry after i added the Invoice.
    I can get the journalentry (journalEntry.GetByKey) but i'm not able to add lines. I got the error
    "This entry already exists in the following tables (ODBC -2035)"
    Can anyone help me with this. I know how to add a jounalentry seperatly but i would like to see it linked to the Invoice.

    Hi Erik,
    i think you can't add lines when your JournalEntry was added.
    i create always a 2nd one:
    i did it always so that i used one of the Reference Fields and/or
    an UDF to link the 2nd created Journal Entry to the document.
    than you know that they belong together.
    lg David

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