Adding another image gallery

I have added an image gallery to my site and would like to add another one..
except when i copy the code the 2nd image gallery doesnt work..
Thanks for your help.

Note also that since javax.swing.Icon is an interface, you can simply create an Icon implementation that can draw two (or more) images. You could pass in two ImageIcons into your own class. Example code (untested):
public class MultiIcon implements Icon {
   private Icon bottom;
   private Icon top;
   public MultiIcon(Icon bottom, Icon top) {
      this.bottom = bottom; = top;
   public int getIconWidth() {
      return Math.max(top.getIconWidth(), bottom.getIconWidth());
   public int getIconHeight() {
      return Math.max(top.getIconHeight(), bottom.getIconHeight());
   public void paintIcon(Component c, Graphics g, int x, int y) {
      bottom.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);
      top.paintIcon(c, g, x, y);

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  • Image gallery issue

    If a mod could delete my other post as I am quite far on from that and now having different issues.  Thanks.
    I am really stuck.  I will try my best to explain things clearly.  I am making an image gallery and I got the code from this gallery here.
    I made some changes to make it how I wanted it, nothing drastic though.  So now I have a nice gallery.
    Explaining what I am trying to do will better help explain things.  I am creating a modelling agency website.  The gallery I created above will display an individual image of every model in the agency (which it does).  Now when one of the model images is clicked, I then need it to load another image gallery which contains the complete set of images for that model, plus some of their information etc. 
    The way I am approaching it at the moment is to create an individual image gallery for every model in its own fla file.  If say the first model is clicked (image 1) it will load the corresponding swf (1.swf).  I am not sure how good it is loading an swf into what I already have, but couldnt think of another way.  So now I have a seperate image gallery just to test things out, and I need to load it into my original image gallery.
    So, I will show the code for the first gallery (which displays the individual images of each model).  The important methods are p_click (which hides the first gallery and loads the external swf), and on_pic_loaded (which displays the external swf). 
    I hope you understand what I am attempting, as I dont know if I have explained it right as my brain is going dead! (although I am liking the challenge).
    import org.papervision3d.scenes.*;
    import org.papervision3d.cameras.*;
    import org.papervision3d.objects.*;
    import org.papervision3d.materials.*;
    import caurina.transitions.*;
    import flash.display.Loader;
    var container_x:Number = stage.stageWidth * 0.5;
    var container_y:Number = stage.stageHeight * 0.5 + 160;
    var container:Sprite = new Sprite();
    container.x = container_x;
    container.y = container_y;
    var scene:Scene3D = new MovieScene3D(container);
    var cam:Camera3D = new Camera3D();
    cam.zoom = 6;
    tn_url_target.visible = false;
    tn_title.text = "";
    tn_desc.text = "";
    tn_url.text = "";
    loading_info.text = "";
    url_button.visible = false;
    var no_of_ring:Number = 1;
    var angle:Number = 0;
    var p_dict:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
    var pa:Array = new Array();
    var filename_list = new Array();
    var url_list = new Array();
    var url_target_list:Array = new Array();
    var title_list = new Array();
    var description_list = new Array();
    var folder:String = "photos/thumbs/";
    var i:Number;
    var total:Number;
    var flashmo_xml:XML = new XML();
    var pic_loader:Loader = new Loader();
    var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
    var xml_loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
    xml_loader.load(new URLRequest("thumbnail_list_5.xml"));
    xml_loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, create_thumbnail);
    function create_thumbnail(e:Event):void
        flashmo_xml = XML(;
        total = flashmo_xml.thumbnail.length();
        var angle_per:Number = Math.PI * 2 * no_of_ring / total;
        for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
            filename_list.push( flashmo_xml.thumbnail[i][email protected]() );
            url_list.push( flashmo_xml.thumbnail[i][email protected]() );
            url_target_list.push( flashmo_xml.thumbnail[i][email protected]() );
            title_list.push( flashmo_xml.thumbnail[i][email protected]() );
            description_list.push( flashmo_xml.thumbnail[i][email protected]() );
            var bfm:BitmapFileMaterial = new BitmapFileMaterial(
                folder + flashmo_xml.thumbnail[i][email protected]());
            bfm.oneSide = false;
            bfm.smooth = true;
            var p:Plane = new Plane(bfm, 100, 100, 2, 2);
            var p_container:Sprite = p.container;
   = "flashmo_" + i;
            p_dict[p_container] = p;
            p_container.buttonMode = true;
            p_container.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, p_rollover );
            p_container.addEventListener( MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, p_rollout );
            p_container.addEventListener( MouseEvent.CLICK, p_click );
            p.rotationY = - (i * angle_per) * (180/Math.PI) + 90;
            p.x = Math.cos(i * angle_per) * 300;
            p.z = Math.sin(i * angle_per) * 300;
            p.y = Math.floor( i / 22 ) * 5;
    function startLoad()
        var mLoader:Loader = new Loader();
        var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("/subgallery/1.swf");
    function p_rollover(me:MouseEvent)
        var sp:Sprite = as Sprite;
        Tweener.addTween( sp, {alpha: 0.5, time: 0.5, transition:"easeOutExpo"} );
    function p_rollout(me:MouseEvent)
        var sp:Sprite = as Sprite;
        Tweener.addTween( sp, {alpha: 1, time: 0.4, transition:"easeInExpo"} );
    function p_click(me:MouseEvent)
        var sp:Sprite = as Sprite;
        var s_no:Number = parseInt(,10));
        var mRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("subgallery/1.swf");
        mLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, on_pic_loaded);
        Tweener.addTween( container, { y: 1200, time: 0.6, transition:"easeInExpo" } );
    function goto_URL(me:MouseEvent)
        navigateToURL(new URLRequest(tn_url.text), tn_url_target.text);
    function on_open(e:Event):void
        loading_info.text = "Loading... 0%";
    function on_progress(e:ProgressEvent):void
        var percent:Number = Math.round(e.bytesLoaded / e.bytesTotal * 100);
        loading_info.text = "Loading... " + percent + "%";
    function on_pic_loaded(e:Event):void
        //addChildAt(mLoader, 1);
        mLoader.x = Math.round(stage.stageWidth - mLoader.width) * 0.5;
        mLoader.y = Math.round(stage.stageHeight - mLoader.height) * 0.5;
        //mLoader.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, remove_pic);
        Tweener.addTween( mLoader, { alpha: 1, time: 0.8, transition:"easeInExpo" } );
        removeEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, render);
    function remove_pic(e:Event):void
        Tweener.addTween( pic_loader, { alpha: 0, time: 1, onComplete:function() { removeChild(this); } } );
        Tweener.addTween( container, { y: container_y, time: 1, delay: 1, transition:"easeOutExpo"} );
        addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, render);
        tn_title.text = "";
        tn_desc.text = "";
        tn_url.text = "";
        url_button.visible = false;
    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, render);
    function render(e:Event):void
        var distance_x:Number = (stage.mouseX - 400) * 0.0001;
        angle += distance_x;
        cam.x = - Math.cos(angle) * 150;
        cam.z = Math.sin(angle) * 150;
    Current issues as the moment is firstly, I dont know if this is the best way to achieve what I want.  Maybe there is a better option someone could tell me about, but you have to remember that each image displayed here will have multiple images to go with it.
    In terms of what I am attempting above, I currently get
    Error #2044: Unhandled ioError:. text=Error #2032: Stream Error. URL: file:///C|/Users/Nick/Desktop/gallery/gallery.xml
        at _1_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
    I assume its a url error so I changed all urls in both fla's to contain the whole url path.  Didnt seem to work though unless I missed something.
    Any advise on absolutely anything will be so appreciated.
    Many thanks

    Sorry about that.  If you can check my history, I normally always thank people who have helped, and I was intending to go back on the last few to sort them out.  Just got my first job so it has been rather hectic and been stressing out to much.  Also, I do things slightly different to other people.  If I receive a correct answer (which I normally do thank), I tend not to actually reply but to thank instead, mainly because if I reply I am pushing unanswered questions further down the list and eventually out of view.  I will go back and sort out the thanks I owe.
    In terms of asking the mods, other forums I visit are normally moderated by the community, so I assumed that someone like yourself might be the moderator.
    I tottally understand what you are saying, and as I say, I am normally on top of this.  Will go back now and sort out the thanks.
    Sorry for the delay.

  • Photo gallery able to reorganise into subcategories + adding new images via in-browser editing

    I'm looking for a photo gallery which has the ability to reorganise the images displayed based on subcategories or tags. For example I want to add a gallery which contains photos of a clients projects. The client wants site visitors to be able to shuffle the gallery to view only for example "stone walls" or "timber decking". A tagging system would be handy rather than having to load the photos into each subcategory.
    The other consideration is that my client needs to be able to add new images with tags using the in-browser via Business Catalyst. So far I have only succeeded in replacing existing images rather than adding new images.
    Is there such a widget for Muse or are there anyother widgets for wordp-ress or other which could be embedded to tdo the job.
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi Jimmy
    If I am not wrong, basically you want to provide users an option to select category of images which they want to show up on page.
    From Muse we cannot tag or categorize them , also photogallery module in BC does not provides this option, but there is a workaround with web apps.
    You can create a web app and then web app items as images and then categorize them. On page insert the web app with categories drop down, so when users will select the category those web app items would be displayed on page. Additionally you can add custom fields in web app to search using keyword.
    With editing , clients can login to BC admin and then using photogallery module or web app module ( if used ) to edit the images, add new ones. IBE cannot be used to add new ones but to replace existing ones.
    Helpful Links :

  • Adding "loading" movieclip to dynamic image gallery?

    Hello again,
    I've completed my XML-driven image gallery, however upon live testing I'd realized I made a rookie mistake and not put some kind of placeholder "loading" movie clip loop while the thumbnails—and subsequent full-size images—are being loaded. The images will randomly appear when loaded and I would like to be able to insert a placeholder movie clip while they load, and swap them up with the thumbnails/images after it has been loaded. The placeholder movie clip is in my library (loadingLoop), but I'm having problems getting it to work correctly.
    Below is the original function that processes the XML and adds the thumbnail images; this is where I'm trying to insert the placeholder movie clip per XML child node (every attempt I've made just keeps throwing more errors, so I've omitted my attempts to avoid confusion), and I've attached the XML file for testing. And insight or help would be appreciated.
    //Locate the external XML file and trigger xmlLoaded when complete
    xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("data/artGallery.xml"));
    xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, xmlLoaded);
    //Load the XML and process the image locations
    function xmlLoaded(event:Event):void {
        xml = XML(;
        //parse the nodes in the XML file
        xmlList = xml.children();
        //count the number of nodes in the XML file via XMLList
        //loop to load all of the thumbnails, based on the number of nodes in XMLList
        //"i" = every child node in the XML file
        for (var i:int = 0; i < xmlList.length(); i++) {
            //Add loadingLoop movie clip per node and wait for thumnail to load before swapping out with imageLoader thumbnail images <-- help!!
            //for every node, create a new instance to be put on stage
            imageLoader = new Loader();
            //load each thumbnail from its location per XML node's "thumb" attribute
            imageLoader.load(new URLRequest(xmlList[i].attribute("thumb")));
            //position of thumbnail instances per XML node (horizontally across stage)
            imageLoader.x = i * 110 + 10;//thumbs are 100 x 100 so, +10 to the width, plus +10 from left edge
            //imageLoader.y = 10;
            //for each node in XML list, name the instance with the path to the location of the full size image
   = xmlList[i].attribute("source");
            //for each node in the XML list, add a drop shadow
            imageLoader.filters = [thumbDShadow];
            //add thumbnails to stage
            dropTween = new Tween(imageLoader, "y", Bounce.easeOut, -100, 10, 1, true);
            //set up thumbnails to wait for a click to execute showPicture
            imageLoader.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showPicture);
            //set up thumbnails to scale when rolled over
            imageLoader.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, sizeUP);

    Somehow I had a feeling this wouldn't be a copy-and-paste job for the full-size images. Sorry to be a bother. This is the showPicture function that is fired off when the thumbnail image is clicked (from our previous example). Two errors are thrown:
    When the thumnail is clicked:
    "Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
        at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
        at MethodInfo-51()"
    But the full-size image loads nonetheless. The second loading loop (loadingLoop2) is not removed. Below is the showPicture function:
    //Load the full-size images and place onto the stage
    function showPicture(event:MouseEvent):void {
        //add new movie clip container
        var mc2:MovieClip = new MovieClip();
        //clear the fullLoader—this is to help clear any full-size images that may already be on the stage (they have two options, click a new thumbnail, or close the current full-size image
        //re-create the fullLoader, if there was one cleared
        fullLoader = new Loader();
        //load each full size image from its location per XML node's "source" deliniated by mc.ldr's "source" attribute
        fullLoader.load(new URLRequest(;
        //add the loder to the container
        //create new instance of second loading loop
        mc2.fsloop = new loadingLoop2();
        //add the second loading loop to the container
        //for each container, add a drop shadow
        mc2.filters = [fullDShadow];
        //set the container's position center on stage, making it the size of the loading loop until the full-size images are loaded
        mc2.x = (stage.stageWidth - mc2.fsloop.width) * 0.5;
        mc2.y = (stage.stageHeight - mc2.fsloop.height) * 0.5;
        //place container on stage
        //fade in each container
        fadeTween = new Tween(mc2, "alpha", None.easeNone, 0, 1, 0.5, true);
        //check to see if the image has been loaded completely—this is to make sure the image's attributes can be used to re-center on stage and remove fsloop
        fullLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, removeLoop2);
        //set field to multiline so that the <br> HTML tags can be used
        imageTextField.multiline = true;
        //add text frame for description
        imageTextField.x = 10;
        imageTextField.y = 125;
        //for each full-size image, load the description text from the XML child nodes
        for (var j:int = 0; j < xmlList.length(); j++) {
            //check to make sure that the correct full-size image matches the text node when clicked
            if (xmlList[j].attribute("source") == {
                //add each child node as a separate line in the same text field; added HTML tags for CSS application
                imageTextField.htmlText = "<p><span class = 'projectName'>" + xmlList[j].child("projectName") + "</span><br>"
                + "<span class = 'toolsUsed'>" + xmlList[j].child("toolsUsed") + "</span><br><br>"
                + xmlList[j].child("projText") + "<br>"
                + "<span class = 'liveURL'>" + xmlList[j].child("liveURL") + "</span></p>";
        function removeLoop2(event:Event):void {
            //re-position the container to center on stage to accomodating the full sized image
            mc2.x = (stage.stageWidth - fullLoader.width) * 0.5;
            mc2.y = (stage.stageHeight - fullLoader.height) * 0.5;
            //Add the text field
            //hide instructional text, already on stage
            galleryInfo_mc.alpha = 0;
            //remove the full-sized loading loop
        //set up full-size images to "self close" by clicking on it
        mc2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clearStage);
    The second error gets thrown when the container is clicked and the function clearStage is executed, which does not remove the container:
    "TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter child must be non-null.
        at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
        at artGallery_v1_5_fla::MainTimeline/clearStage()"
    This is the clearStage function:
    //Allow full-size image to "self close" by clikcing on it and removing the text description
    function clearStage(event:MouseEvent):void {
        //clear the fullLoader
        //remove the container;
       //remove the text field
        //show the instructional text that is on-stage
        galleryInfo_mc.alpha = 1;

  • Simple disjointed image gallery

    I originally created this simple one page gallery in GoLive. What's the best way to duplicate it in Dreamweaver (CS5)? Issues: on clicking thumbs, images with different dimensions load to placeholder without distorting, thumbs become gray when "visited".

    Success! Up and running and easy to maintain. Easier than I imagined -- no javascript coding necessary with the Behaviors panel.
    Here's the process I used for those who might be interested:
    Preparation: button state images. I used Photoshop to create each button image -- for example, "button01.jpg" and "button01_click.jpg".
    Make a placeholder image: "placeholder.jpg".
    Prep all gallery images to be the right size. (in this case I made max width/height no greater than 500px).
    Now to Dreamweaver: use Insert Placeholder to place image. By default, Swap Image uses the placeholder dimensions and distorts swapped images to fit if they don't match. As Murray suggested, I went to code view and deleted the placeholder width and height values so I could use images of various sizes.
    Insert button image into page (e.g., drag from library).
    Making sure button image is selected on the page. In the Properties panel, give each button an ID.
    Select a button on the page. In the "Behaviors" panel, select Swap Image.
    In the Swap Image panel, with the button ID selected, browse to select the image to show when the button is "visited" (for ex., "button01_click.jpg").
    While still in the Swap Image panel, select "placeholder" and browse for the image to swap when the button is selected.
    Uncheck "Restore images onMouseOut". Otherwise, the image will disappear when the mouse moves away from the button.
    In Behaviors, where it shows "onMouseOver", change it to "onMouseDown" from pulldown (click the little menu arrow next to it).
    For text captions, I created a new div tag for the caption area and added another behavior for each button: "Set Text of Container". (I also added a new css rule in my style sheet called "#caption").
    Thanks again, Murray. You really helped me.

  • Slideshow image resizing when adding new images

    I am creating a series of slideshows on multiple pages. I created one slide show using the "basic" slideshow and resized it to the dimensions and settings I wanted. I have many pictures all of different proportion, therefore, I selected the "fill frame proportionally" so they would all fit the dimension I set. I wanted to use this first slideshow as a template for all of the rest. I added images to this first slideshow with no problems. All of my different sized images scaled or cropped to fit within the dimension I set. The problem comes in when I do two things: 1) When I add other images of different dimensions to this same slideshow gallery, they come smaller that the intended dimensions I set previous. I check the setting and it is still on "fill frame proportionally" similar to the first batch of pictures. 2) The second issue is when copy this slideshow as a template to other pages. When I try to replace or add to the slideshow gallery, the images come in cropped or smaller rather than filling the frame. Again, the settings are still the same from my very first slideshow that worked just as i intended.
    I could resize all the images to all the same dimensions using another program like photoshop, but that is another step that is very tedious and it would seem that it should be something built into Muse.
    Is there a way around this?. Am I doing something wrong? Or is this just one of those glitches that happens with Muse? I appreciate any help that I can get.

    Hi, I got it to work like this:
    Using background colours in Photoshop so that all sizes are the same in pixels. Then manually adjusting thumbnails by double-clicking on them so that a red square appears.
    Op 26 dec. 2014, om 00:50 heeft MediaGraphics <[email protected]> het volgende geschreven:
    slideshow image resizing when adding new images
    created by MediaGraphics <> in Adobe Muse Bugs - View the full discussion <>
    Hi there Elsemiekagain,
    I had to fiddle around with my slide show to get it to work. That is, it worked at first, then went funky, and I had to fiddle. So much fiddling that I can't possibly know what actually made it start to work again.
    And to some degree, this is the way that I find Muse to be in general. That it requires finessing to get it to work as expected. This adds a good deal of time to every development project, though I am getting better at this with practice and experience.
    Most of it is not even things that could be easily put in words as instructions, as many are nanced. But in fairness, this version of Muse is a complete code re-write this year. So we do need to cut Adobe some slack, and give the team time to iron things out.
    If the reply above answers your question, please take a moment to mark this answer as correct by visiting: and clicking ‘Correct’ below the answer
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  • Image gallery code won't work

    Please Help, I can't figure this stuff out!
    I've just built my second website and the code for clickable thumbnails for my image gallery doesn't work in Safari, unless I refresh the page. For some reason, a mouseover on a thumbnails fails to call the large image url. I tried adding an auto refresh to the code, but curiously that did not solve the problem.
    Any ideas why this won't work in this Browser, but runs fine in IE and Firefox?
    Thanks for any advice.
    Here is the code:
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <meta name="generator" content="Adobe GoLive 6">
    <title>Welcome to Kimerlee Curyl - p h o t o g r a p h y - horses, pets, el faro, headshots, weddings</title>
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <link href="../../web-content/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type+text/css">
    <script language="javascript">
    function openLinks(){
    var linksURL = "about.cfm";
    var linksWindow =, 'linksWin', 'menubar=no,toolbar=no,width=1024,height=768,resizable=yes,location=no,scrollba rs=yes,screenX=10,screenY=1,left=10,top=1');
    <csscriptdict import>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="GeneratedItems/CSScriptLib.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript"><!--
    CSAct[/CMP/ 'bfc75fbb127'] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/CMP/ 'first_image',/URL/ 'folder/images/farofinal/f15.jpg');
    CSAct[/CMP/ 'bfc75fc8128'] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/CMP/ 'first_image',/URL/ 'folder/images/faro2005/f14.jpg');
    CSAct[/CMP/ 'bfc75fd2129'] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/CMP/ 'first_image',/URL/ 'folder/images/farofinal/f13.jpg');
    CSAct[/CMP/ 'bfc75fdd130'] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/CMP/ 'first_image',/URL/ 'folder/images/farofinal/f11.jpg');
    CSAct[/CMP/ 'bfc75fe8131'] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/CMP/ 'first_image',/URL/ 'folder/images/farofinal/f9.jpg');
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    CSAct[/CMP/ 'bfc76008134'] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/CMP/ 'first_image',/URL/ 'folder/images/farofinal/f5.jpg');
    CSAct[/CMP/ 'bfc76014135'] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/CMP/ 'first_image',/URL/ 'folder/images/farofinal/f4.jpg');
    CSAct[/CMP/ 'bfc7601e136'] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/CMP/ 'first_image',/URL/ 'folder/images/farofinal/f3.jpg');
    CSAct[/CMP/ 'bfc76027137'] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/CMP/ 'first_image',/URL/ 'folder/images/farofinal/f2.jpg');
    CSAct[/CMP/ 'bfc76031138'] = new Array(CSSetImageURL,/CMP/ 'first_image',/URL/ 'folder/images/faro2005/faro1.jpg');
    var preloadFlag = false;
    function preloadImages() {
    if (document.images) {
    pre_photographyB = newImage('folder/dec_buttons/photographyB.gif');
    pre_KimB = newImage('folder/dec_buttons/KimB.gif');
    pre_docBb = newImage('folder/dec_buttons/docBb.gif');
    pre_weddingsB = newImage('folder/dec_buttons/weddingsB.gif');
    pre_editorialB = newImage('folder/dec_buttons/editorialB.gif');
    pre_petsB = newImage('folder/dec_buttons/petsB.gif');
    pre_headshotsB = newImage('folder/dec_buttons/headshotsB.gif');
    pre_horsesB = newImage('folder/dec_buttons/horsesB.gif');
    pre_bioB = newImage('folder/dec_buttons/bioB.gif');
    pre_ppB = newImage('folder/dec_buttons/ppB.gif');
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    preloadFlag = true;
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    Someone else told me to put backticks around the session variable and it solved the problem, so
    $q = "SELECT * FROM `{$_SESSION['find']}` WHERE id = $id";

  • How can I create a high res image gallery, need to have print res photos for a pressroom section.

    How can I create a high res image gallery, need to have print res photos for a pressroom section.

    If you want Muse to "pass through" your images and not adjust, compress, crop etc - you need to place your images in the lightbox EXACTLY at the right size, pre-cropped and prepped in Photoshop.
    So if your light box is 800x600 the image you're dropping into that must be 800x600 exactly with no effects, rotation etc added to the lightbox frame. This stop Muse fiddling with your images, if they are perfect when inserted and you're not asking Muse to crop, expand, add effects etc. If it's perfect when inserted, Muse SHOULD also leave the resolution alone too, but I have not tried that one, but in theory, it should work.

  • Image gallery From an XML file...

    Will flash reconize an XML file that is parameter based (Call
    Functions) into a database to create a type of listing service to
    show homes for sale?
    My client is wanting a basic image gallery for now that will
    later become a a fullfledged interactive document later down the
    road for showing options in the homes they build. First, they have
    Spec homes that they want to showcase (simply put these are homes
    they already built and are sitting on the property that are move in
    Step 1:
    The end user would visit an HTML (CFM) document where they
    would choose there search criteria.
    Step 2:
    then another page would show with an exterior photo of the
    home, and a breif description where the user would select the home
    they want to view more infomation.
    Step 3:
    This then would load the image viewer which is the flash
    file, that would call to the XML file to load the parameters to
    which home model to show.
    The home will have a unique home model name in which the
    photos are labeled accordingly the same way...
    Exterior = ModelHomeName.jpg
    Image 1 = ModelHomeName_1.jpg
    Image 2 = ModelHomeName_2.jpg
    Image 3 = ModelHomeName_3.jpg
    Image 4 = ModelHomeName_4.jpg
    Image 5 = ModelHomeName_5.jpg
    Is there a certain way flash has to read the XML file with
    parameters to translate it? Or what is the quickest possible way?

    Any luck anyone?

  • Problem with image gallery

    Hi to all.
    With ios 5.01 I have a little problem with image gallery. As you can see I have only 1 image, but there is always this **** message "download 0 of 46) (sorry, but I'm Italian )
    I've removed my icloud account from settings, but there is nothing to do, this message don't goes away. What I can do? Thanks in advance

    Just adding a gallery I want to do the same slideshow WoodWing's, but in InDesign, if anyone knows of?
    Thank you
    Link video slideshow WoodWing's:
    The first slideshow shown

  • Need help with Image Gallery tutorial.

    Hi all,
    No response from Apex Listener Forum...moved here....
    Apex Listener -
    Apex             -
    When running Image Gallery application as per tutorial, page just show a blank screen with no image upload button.
    Am using Firefox 22.0 and Chrome 28.0.1500.72.
    Firebug does not display any script error.
    Had recreated tutorial on with same result as above.
    Workspace: HANAMIKE
    Username: [email protected]
    Password: yesla
    Using username= resteasy_admin, Password=resteasy_admin to run on
    Had modified tutorial JS below :
    var workspace_path_prefix = 'resteasy';     =>  var workspace_path_prefix = 'hanamike';
    Another odd problem was when trying out the RESTFUL service as per tutorial when clicking the 'TEST' button, encountered error 404.
    Problem due to extra workspace name in URL as below:
    Had to manually modify it to:
    Notice that the Listener version on is:
    Thanks in advance.
    Message was edited by: Zack.L

    Hi Zack,
    Thanks for providing the login credentials to your workspace.  I took a look at your RESTful Service and associated application, and noticed that there was something missing - the "Upload Image" button! So it looks like the 'Create the Gallery Application' section is missing a step to create a HTML region, with region template "Button Region without Title", and with its region source set to the following:
    <a class="button" id="upload-btn">Upload Image</a>
    You'll see in the JS that there's a reference to #upload-btn, but no such object existed on your page.  I created a copy of your app, which includes this new HTML region, and you'll see that I've uploaded an image as a demo.  I've contacted the APEX Listener team re the missing instruction, so that will hopefully be rectified in the next release.  Apologies for the confusion, but hopefully you're back on track now.  As for the behaviour you've noticed with the URL generated by the 'Test' utility, thanks for bringing this to our attention.  I'll do some further investigation there, and log a bug if required.

  • How to add a Image on Another Image in Photoshop?

    I am totally New to Photoshop I want to add Some Image on Another Image.How to do this?
    I am using Photoshop first time...

    I suggest to watch online tutorial videos. Check Adobe TV for a first start.
    About your question: Open both images in PS, then switch to the one you want to add, press Ctrl+A (selects everything), press Ctrl+C (copy everything in the layer), assuming your image only has one layer, then this is OK. Then switch to the other image and press Ctrl+V to paste. PS will create a new layer and paste the image 1:1.
    Alternatively, open only the target image and place the other image per drag 'n drop in the target image, which will let PS make it a smart object (not 1:1, but can be resized).
    Then do whatever you want with the layer of the added image.

  • Scrolling image gallery problems

    I am creating a scrolling image gallery using thumbnails.  I have 36 thumbnails that are 100 x 100 px.  I cannot figure out the x y coordinates to line up the images correctly.  They are overlapping.  I've put in the first x coordinate at 0 and the first image goes to the left, and that is fine, it is when I click the last image to put in a number, which I thought would be 36 x 100, they do not line up, they over lap.  Does anyone have a clue how to fix this?  I am working on this site for a very pushy client who wants it done NOW...Thanks,

    If you crerate a Sprite or Movieclip 3600 x 100 you can place then one after another on that container then you only have 1 object to place and scroll.

  • How can I place a Lightroom 3 image gallery in a Dreamweaver page?

    I would like to use an image  gallery that I built in Lightroom 3 in a Dreamweaver CS5 website. I  would like the image gallery to operate on my Dreamweaver page, not to  be re-directed to a different page.
    I'm pretty sure this  is possible, but in my search for help in the forums, books, etc., I am  not having much luck. Perhaps I'm using the wrong search words? Help to  direct me would be very much appreciated. Cheryl B.

    You'll need to work in CodeView.
    Copy the relevant code from your image gallery page into your site page.  Adjust paths to images & scripts as necessary.
    Another simpler approach, insert an iframe into your site page. Point the iframe src to your gallery.html page.  Adjust iframe height and width to accommodate the size of your gallery page.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • User-managed image gallery in template-based html site?

    I've created a simple, template-based html/css site for a client and they've asked for a set of sales pages for their vans and cars.  The idea is that there'll be an entry page, which has an itemised list (thumbnail pic, title and a couple of sentences), which then links to individual template-based pages on which the full information is listed.
    So far I've given the client a copy of Macromedia Contribute.  No problems there.  However, it would be great to have a relatively simple image gallery which will display up to, say, 10 pix.
    The problem is that without a complex back-end CMS, I need to find a user-friendly (ie, not technical) gallery system which I can either embed into the template, or set up so it can be easily added to a page.
    Am I being overly optimistic here, or is there an option (ideally free, of course!) which someone can recommend?  My ideal is something that could be accessed and updated through Contribute, but if there's a standalone app which can do it once the page has been created in Contribute, that would be fine.
    Thanks in advance.

    I've created a simple, template-based html/css site for a client and they've asked for a set of sales pages for their vans and cars.  The idea is that there'll be an entry page, which has an itemised list (thumbnail pic, title and a couple of sentences), which then links to individual template-based pages on which the full information is listed.
    So far I've given the client a copy of Macromedia Contribute.  No problems there.  However, it would be great to have a relatively simple image gallery which will display up to, say, 10 pix.
    The problem is that without a complex back-end CMS, I need to find a user-friendly (ie, not technical) gallery system which I can either embed into the template, or set up so it can be easily added to a page.
    Am I being overly optimistic here, or is there an option (ideally free, of course!) which someone can recommend?  My ideal is something that could be accessed and updated through Contribute, but if there's a standalone app which can do it once the page has been created in Contribute, that would be fine.
    Thanks in advance.

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    Revision: 10481 Author:   [email protected] Date:     2009-09-21 18:01:12 -0700 (Mon, 21 Sep 2009) Log Message: Updated unit tests. Modified Paths:     osmf/trunk/framework/MediaFrameworkFlexTest/org/openvideoplayer/layout/TestDefaultLayoutR enderer.