Adding bitmap/graphic/movieclip to textfield

Using just the basic textfield I know that I can add an image to it using the <img src=' '> tag. Which links to an image that is not part of my published swf.
Is there a way to specify the source as a bitmap, graphic, or movieclip instance that is set to export for actionscript?

Ah. It doesn't seem to work for an exported Bitmap, but it does for an exported Sprite or MovieClip. Set the library item to export as myPicture and then use:
myTextField.htmlText=" <img src='myPicture' />"
Oddly it seems to need a space or some other character in there or else it won't work...hmmmm

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    I'm creating a lot of MovieClip in for cicle, and i want to add at every  MovieClip a textField.
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    for (var i:int = 0; i < 100; i++)
    var giorno:MovieClip;
    giorno = new MovieClip(); * 0xFFFFFF);*(boxWidth+boxMargin),  0, boxWidth, boxWidth);
    var nameGiorno:String = "giorno" + String(i); = nameGiorno;
    giorno.alpha = 0.6;
    var numGiorno:TextField = new TextField();
    numGiorno.text = String(i);
    but the textfield is only in the first movieclip.
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    yes, but i'dont find the error. under i post the code entirely
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.Sprite;
        import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
        import flash.text.TextField;
        public class Main extends Sprite
            private const boxCount:int = 10;
            private const boxCount_ok:int = 365;
            private const boxWidth:int = 300;
            private const boxMargin:int = 0;
            private const startPoint:int = 50;
            private const boxesWidth:int = boxCount * (boxWidth + boxMargin);
            private const endPoint:int = boxesWidth + startPoint;
            private const zeroPoint:int = stage.stageWidth / 2 + startPoint;
            private var container:MovieClip;
            private var targetX:Number;
            private var speed:Number = 0;
            public function Main():void
                    if (stage) init();
                    else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
            private function init(e:Event = null):void
                    removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);
                    container = new MovieClip();
                    container.x = 150;
                    container.y = 0;
                    for (var i:int = 0; i < boxCount_ok; i++)
                            var giorno:MovieClip;
                            giorno = new MovieClip();
                   * 0xFFFFFF);
                  *(boxWidth+boxMargin), 0, boxWidth, boxWidth);
                            var ok:String = "giorno" + String(i);
                   = ok;
                            giorno.alpha = 0.6;
                            var numGiorno:TextField = new TextField();
                            numGiorno.text = String(i);
                            giorno.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, illumina);
                            giorno.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, spegni);
                            giorno.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, tracciaNome);
                            function tracciaNome(e:MouseEvent):void{
                                //Per tracciare il nome del MovieClip corrente sul quale si applica l' evento
                                //bisogna usare il nome della variabile evento della funziona (e:MouseEvent)
                                //e applicare la funzione currentTarget
                            function illumina(e:MouseEvent):void{
                                Tweener.addTween(e.currentTarget, {alpha:1, time:1});
                            function spegni(e:MouseEvent):void{
                                Tweener.addTween(e.currentTarget, {alpha:0.6, time:0.5});
                    addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, enterFrameHandler);
                    stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mouseMoveHandler);
            private function mouseMoveHandler(e:MouseEvent):void
                    var distanceFromCenter:int = stage.mouseX - zeroPoint;
                    speed = distanceFromCenter * -0.05; // Bring number into a good range, and invert it.
            private function enterFrameHandler(e:Event):void
                    container.x += speed;
    Thank a lot!

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    I wouldn't say you're screwed, you just have some work ahead of you to find out what are actually the buttons in that thing.  If you look at the file on stage you'll see a large turquoise shape (an invisible button) that when you select it shows it has an instance name of "menu"... I still couldn't figure out what it has to do with those animated tabs, but it may lead to further discoveries.
    There's a lot of stuff woven into that file, and with the frame by frame animation, it's hard to isolate just about anything.  Based on what I see in the library as far as object naming goes, and your not knowing what's where, I'd conclude that this is an "acquired" design that has been decompiled into the fla you are trying to figure out.  While I haven't any experience with decompiled files, it wouldn't surprise me if there is an increased level of complexity as a result of how the decompiler rebuilt the file.

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    PDF @ 100%
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    Goggle and Wikipedia are your friends.  I have researched all of those exact terms and there is tons of information available.  You can also access the online version of my book at:
    John G. Blair Studio

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    Alex Harui
    Flex SDK Developer
    Adobe Systems Inc.

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    You can use any good graphics package to resize a bitmap. For instance, Paint Shop Pro (PSP) does a pretty good job. You may download a trial version of PSP from
    You can also save the bitmap as a WMF in PSP if you wish to resize the graphic within Lookout. Use the Animator object for resizing it at runtime.
    Hope this helps.

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    imageBitmapData3 = new Lander(63, 53);
    _player = new Bitmap(imageBitmapData3);
    _player.x = 145;
    _player.y = 90;
    -Instead of showing up at 145, 90 It just shows up at the movieclip, _gamelevel, 0,0.
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    your code looks fine to me - you could try adding a breakpoint after _player.y = 90 and see if the bitmap is in the right place when the breakpoint is reached, if it is, there must be some code elsewhere that is subsequently changing x/y to zero?

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    I have an movieclip on stage, and its' instance name is called "mc_mask". In my actionscript, I will create a bitmap that will be added to stage with addChild(). How do I add the bitmap behide the mc_mask?
    Thank you for your time!

    Hi, thanks for both of your replies.
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    my question:
    is it possible to paste a graphic ( source whatever:MS word, pdf, Photoshop...) into that textfield ?
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    text graphic
    and so on.....
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    graphic [+][-]
    any ideas ?

    Unfortunately you cannot combine types .... a text field holds text and an image field holds an image. You cannot mix and match.

  • Duplicating movieclips w/textfields on them & changing the text

    Okay, there is a movie clip in the library. Has three layers.  Each of the layers is also in the library.  Layer 1 has a button symbol, layer 2 a text symbol with instance name 'item_label', layer 3 is color. instance name is 'flbutton'.  To me, it looks like this was created into a symbol itself and given intance name of 'menu_item'.
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    My do you do that in AS3?
    var menu_label:Array = new Array("Introduction", "Templates", "Services", "Clients",
             "Testimonials", "Support", "About Us", "Contact");
    // *** menu label array length must be equal to number of
    // *** total frames inside "menu button bg" Movie Clip in the library.
    var total:Number = menu_label.length;
    var tween_duration:Number = .85;// in seconds
    var radius:Number = 185;
    var angle:Number;
    var i:Number = 0;
    function create_menu():Void
    angle = (i - 2) * Math.PI * 2 / total;
    position_x = Math.cos(angle) * radius;
    position_y = Math.sin(angle) * radius;
    var fm = menu_item_group.menu_item.duplicateMovieClip("menu_item" + i, i);//** menu_item_group is instance name already on the
                                                                                                                      //** stage and is instance of symbol in library that has
                                                                                                                      //**instance name of menu_item
    fm.stop(); + 1);
    fm.over = true;
    fm.item_label = menu_label[i];   //** here is where the text of each newly created MovieClip's text is changed
    fm.item_no = i;
    more code.........
    Can someone tell me how to do this in AS3?  I have learned how to duplicate a movieclip with DisplayObjects, but I have no way of knowing how to get to the text field in order to change it.
    ps. new to Flash. Decent amount of VB programming experience.

    You are correct about the instance names etc... my apologies... I did not save my work and lost what I was doing.  My Dev enviroment is a personal laptop with Flash.  The company has yet to purchase Flash.  My laptop did an auto Windows update.  I lost my testing .fla.
    You were right about the instance name.  It was missing from my previous example.  That has been correct.  I now get no errors, but setting the autoSize property did not work.
    I'm creating two MovieClips.  One is the MovieClip of the actual TextField and the other is of a MovieClip with the TextField on it.
    import flash.display.MovieClip;
    import flash.text.TextField;
    import flash.text.TextFieldAutoSize;
    When I create the MovieClip of the TextField directly:
    var mcTxt:MovieClip=new clsText();   //pardon me, but I just had to use some VB naming conventions to help myself out.
    mcTxt.item_Label.text="Hello Willeeerrrrr";
    When I add the field without changing the text, the text field defaults to "Hello World".  When I attempt a change as in the code above, the text field looks as follows:  Hello Willeee.  If I add a fourth 'e', .text="Hello Willeeeerrrr", it will add it to the text field the next time I test.  The final 'rrrrr's' get truncated.  Wierd.
    Now, when I do the above on the MovieClip with the child text field, the text just disappears.
    var mc:MovieClip=new clsMenuItem();//MovieClip with the embedded/child textfield
    mc.mcMenuItem.item_Label.text="Hello Willred";
    The above code causes the text to display blank.
    I'm close and hope it's just a property setting...ideas?

  • Hyperlink added to graphic

    I was wondering if there was anyway to create a hyperlink to
    a graphic in flash. What I want to be able to do is that I want the
    logo to slide onto my picture and after it slides on I want it to
    become a hyperlink, I'm not really sure how to do this does anyone
    no how?

    Here is the code that I am using, I get an error saying:
    1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before colon.
    here is the code:
    I know I'm doing something wrong, but I'm not sure what, and
    I still can't get the stop action to work, it would work before I
    added the getURL action, it's been awhile since I've used
    actionscript so I'm not really sure what I"m doing wrong. Any help
    would be appreciated.

  • Adding bitmap or gif image in dashboad

    Hi experts,
    I want to add one bitmap image in my xcelsius dashboad?
    How can i do this?
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi guys,
    I got soln by adding image component in my dashboad.
    Sorry for this trouble.

  • The color white in a colored Bitmap graphics in sapscript is not white

    Hello, I have added a colorred logo in a sapscript. The logo is made with paint.
    When i print this logo with se78 or in the sapscript the white in that logo is a little grey.
    also the background colour is a little grey.

    The image you are using in your form in case if you have uploaded from presentation server you have to change the settings of your image as 256-bitmap image then use it in your form .
    I hope this will solve problem your problem.
    Edited by: Syed Abdul Adil on Aug 5, 2008 3:59 PM

  • Cell shading and adding a graphic above/below a paragraph

    Hi all--
    I'm creating a two-column, one-row table for examples. For the left column, I set up shading for 30% light gray. For the paragraph tag in that same column, I'm importing a frame, which contains the word "Example," from the Reference page. To do this, I selected the Advanced tab in the Paragraph Designer, and selected the frame I created on the Reference page from the Frame Below Pgf. drop-down list.
    The frame appears in the table column, but it appears that the background of the word "Example" isn't transparent. So, the shading of the cell is blocked out by the frame from the Reference page. See the attached .gif file.
    Can anyone provide ideas for either making the frame transparent, or adding shading to the frame? Thanks!

    Going back to your original question, I did some testing. On the reference page, select the frame containing the word Example. Then from the drawing tools, set its fill pattern to None; this makes the frame transparent.
    In my testing, I created a graphic frame with fill of None and inserted a text line inside it. This works.
    You can also create a text frame inside the graphic frame and also set the fill pattern of the text frame to None. This also works.
    Apparently, although you can create a text frame on the reference page, FrameMaker does not allow you to name it; hence, you cannot use it in the paragraph designer as a frame above/below. But creating a graphic frame with fill of None DOES work.
    Good luck,

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