Adding day/hour/minute/second to a date value

How does one add a day/hour/minute/second to a date value?

SQL> select to_char(sysdate, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') to_day,
  2         to_char(sysdate+1, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') add_day,
  3         to_char(sysdate + 1/24, 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') add_hour,
  4         to_char(sysdate + 1/(24*60), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') add_minute,
  5         to_char(sysdate + 1/(24*60*60), 'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') add_second
  6  from dual
  7  /
TO_DAY              ADD_DAY             ADD_HOUR            ADD_MINUTE          ADD_SECOND
10/10/2006 11:54:23 11/10/2006 11:54:23 10/10/2006 12:54:23 10/10/2006 11:55:23 10/10/2006 11:54:24

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    Apple buried the transfer purchases option, but it's still there. To transfer purchases from your iOS device in iTunes:
    Select the device toward the top-middle of iTunes (underneath the status area/progress bar/Apple logo).
    Go to the File menu.
    Select Devices
    Click on Transfer Purchases from [DeviceName]...

  • Calcuate Hours: Minutes:Seconds between two dates excluding Weekends

    Hello All,
    @StartDate = '2014-06-21 13:37:30:037'
    @EndDate = GetDate()
    I want to find out Hours:Minutes:Seconds between the above dates EXCLUDING WEEKENDS.
    Please help.

    Give this a try:
    DECLARE @StartDate DATETIME = '2014-06-21 13:37:30:037'
    DECLARE @Base INT = 86400 -- ie Seconds in a days
    ;WITH cteCalculation AS (
    SELECT ((
    (DATEDIFF(dd, @StartDate, @EndDate) + 1)
    -(DATEDIFF(wk, @StartDate, @EndDate) * 2)
    -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @StartDate) = 'Sunday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
    -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @EndDate) = 'Saturday' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)
    ) * @Base)
    -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @StartDate) NOT IN ('Saturday', 'Sunday') THEN DATEPART(hh, @StartDate) * 3600 + DATEPART(mi, @StartDate) * 60 + DATEPART(ss, @StartDate) ELSE 0 END)
    -(CASE WHEN DATENAME(dw, @EndDate) NOT IN ('Saturday', 'Sunday') THEN @Base - (DATEPART(hh, @EndDate) * 3600 + DATEPART(mi, @EndDate) * 60 + DATEPART(ss, @EndDate)) ELSE 0 END)
    AS DiffInSec
    SELECT @StartDate
    ,CAST(DiffInSec / 3600 AS VARCHAR(10)) + ':' +
    RIGHT('0' + CAST((DiffInSec % 3600) / 60 AS VARCHAR(2)), 2) + ':' +
    RIGHT('0' + CAST((DiffInSec % 3600 % 60) AS VARCHAR(2)), 2)
    FROM cteCalculation
    Feel free to modify to suit your needs!
    Hope this helps.

  • Convert seconds to Days, hours, Minutes, Seconds in Reporting Services

    Hi Guys,
    Im currently reporting of an analysis services cube, however I have value which is in seconds and would like to report on this in reporting services as day:HH:MM:SS.
    Has anyone got any experience reporting in this format?

    Hi Dave,
    We can use custom code to convert seconds to HH:MM:SS
    Public Function Calculate(ByVal TotalSeconds as Integer) as String
    Dim Hours, Minutes, Seconds As Integer
    Dim Hour, Minute, Second As String
    Hours = floor(TotalSeconds/ 3600)
    IF Hours<10
       Hour="0" & Hours.ToString
    End IF
    Seconds = TotalSeconds Mod 3600
    Minutes =floor( Seconds / 60)
    IF Minutes<10
       Minute="0" & Minutes.ToString
    End IF
    Seconds = Seconds Mod 60
    IF Seconds<10
       Second="0" & Seconds.ToString
    End IF
    Return Hour & ":" & Minute & ":" & Second
    End Function
    Then we can use the expression to conver it.
    The report looks like below:
    If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
    Charlie Liao
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    Charlie Liao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Convert Format Day, Hour, Minute, Seconds in Hours

    Hi all,
    I have one report generate by VoIP application like this:
    Total of hour has showed in Day (4). hour (20): Minute (26): seconds (06) summarize 4.20:26:06
    I need convert this format only how like 116 (hours) 26 (twenty six) Minutes 06 (Six) seconds. summarize 116:26:06
    How I can make this?
    Douglas Filipe

    I'm marking the reply as answer as there has been no update for a couple of days.
    If you come back to find it doesn't work for you, please reply to us and unmark the answer.
    George Zhao
    Forum Support
    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click "[email protected]"

  • Date difference in Days,hours minutes and seconds.

    Hi All,
    I have two date Suppose one is getdate() and other one is gatedate() +1 .I have to show the difference, currently I used a datediff in the stored proc which just shows the difference of the days :( but i need to show the difference in days:hours:minutes:seconds if possible.
    its a countdown with the current date. Like the two fields are sale_start_date and sale_end_date. Hope i am clear.
    Please let me know ASAP thanks in advance.Can anyone help me?all help is great help.
    Say the difference of
    12/6/2007 7:00:00 AM, 12/8/2007 8:00:00 AM  as 2 days 1:00:00)

    One of the problems of using DATEDIFF when dealing with either seconds or milliseconds is that this function will result in execution errors if the start and end dates span then entire domain of possible dates.  Below is an alternative that seems to work over the entire date domain.  A couple of things to note:
    1. This select converts the days and seconds of each date into BIGINT datatypes to avoid the overflow error
    2. This select uses a CROSS APPLY operator; in this case I chose CROSS APPLY to suggest the possibility of converting this select into an inline table function.
    I suspect that if you dig around this forum and the net that you will find a better routine, but here is yet another alternative:
    declare @test table
    ( startDate datetime, endDate datetime)
    insert into @test values
    ('6/1/9', getdate()),
    ('6/9/9 15:15', '6/10/9 19:25:27.122'),
    ('6/9/9 15:15', '6/10/9 13:25:27.122'),
    ('6/9/9', '6/10/9 00:00:01'),
    ('1/1/1760', '12/31/2999')
    from @test
    cross apply
    ( select
        cast((endSecond - startSecond) / 86400 as integer) as [Days],
        cast(((endSecond - startSecond) % 86400) / 3600 as tinyint) as [Hours],
        cast(((endSecond - startSecond) % 3600) / 60 as tinyint) as [Minutes],
        cast((endSecond - startSecond) % 60 as tinyint) as [Seconds]
      ( select
          86400 * cast(convert(integer, convert(binary(4),
                        left(convert(binary(8), startDate),4))) as bigint)
            + cast(convert(integer, convert(binary(4),
                right(convert(binary(8), startDate),4)))/300 as bigint)
          as startSecond,
          86400 * cast(convert(integer, convert(binary(4),
                        left(convert(binary(8), endDate),4))) as bigint)
            + cast(convert(integer, convert(binary(4),
                right(convert(binary(8), endDate),4)))/300 as bigint)
          as endSecond
      ) q
    ) p
    /* -------- Sample Output: --------
    startDate               endDate                 Days        Hours Minutes Seconds
    2009-06-01 00:00:00.000 2009-06-22 08:28:36.670 21          8     28      36
    2009-06-09 15:15:00.000 2009-06-10 19:25:27.123 1           4     10      27
    2009-06-09 15:15:00.000 2009-06-10 13:25:27.123 0           22    10      27
    2009-06-09 00:00:00.000 2009-06-10 00:00:01.000 1           0     0       1
    1760-01-01 00:00:00.000 2999-12-31 00:00:00.000 452900      0     0       0
    (5 row(s) affected)
    I based the routine more-or-less on Thilla's reply.
    Kent Waldrop

  • Convert :-  Minutes to Days:Hours:Minutes

    Hi Friends ,
    I want to convert the time value from MINUTE to  HH : MM : SS  
    I mean in input i have to pass  200 Minutes and in Output i want to get the no of hr and minutes in the format  03 : 20  ( HH:MM) . I have used the FM "CONVERSION_EXIT_SDURA_OUTPUT" for this .
    This works fine for  time input values upto 5 digits  like  ( 20000 minutes) =  333:20 (HH:MM) ,
    when the input value is more than 5 digits , ex - 200000 this FM does not work .
    Is there any FM where i can get the conversion from MINUTE to HH :MM:SS  or from Minutes to DAYS :HPURS:MINUTES .
    I have searched SDN , but i dint get the exact FM which i want ,
    If any body has any idea on the same please guide me on the same .

    Thanks all for all of your valuable inputs .
    IBy using FM : MONI_TIME_CONVERT  , i am able to get  HH:MM:SS  format data by giving input as seconds .
    But the issues i have is , i have  data as input in seconds which is noear to a 10 digit number like
    200000000 seconds , which does not work  for this FM .
    I have input data in MINUTES which is near to 10 digit , exmp -  239879798 minutes . So i want to convert this no to ( DAYS : HOURS : MINUTES : SECONDS )
    Other FMs that has been given by you guys i have checked but i am not able to get exactly what i want .
    Anyway thanks again .

  • How to show number of days:hours:min:second

    Hi !
    Need your help on this one:
    I have to calculate the number of (  Days;Hours:Minute:Second  ) that a ticket have been opened
    But I have a problem to display the format that I want:  DD:HH:MM:SS
    EX:the ticket have been opened 2011-05-03 11:00:00
    first I create a formula to show number of second to show how long the ticket have been opened since the currentDate in seconds
    Formula Name is:
    {@number of seconds OpeningTime}
    Crystal Syntax:
    DateTimeVar dt1:= {@DTOpenDate};
    DateTimeVar dt2:= {@CurrentDateTime};
    If dt2 >= dt1 Then
    NumberVar ds:= (Date(dt2) - Date(dt1))*86400; 
    NumberVar hs:= (Hour(dt2) - Hour(dt1))*3600; 
    NumberVar ms:= (Minute(dt2) - Minute(dt1))*60;
    Numbervar ss:= Second(dt2) - Second(dt1);
    NumberVar ts:= dshsms+ss)
    NumberVar ds:= (Date(dt2) - Date(dt1))*86400;
    NumberVar hs:= (Hour(dt2) - Hour(dt1))*3600;
    NumberVar ms:= (minute(dt2) - Minute(dt1))*60;
    NumberVar ss:= Second(dt2) - Second(dt1);
    NumberVar ts:= dshsms+ss)
    then I create another formula to display the format that I want:Ex:if the ticket have been opened for about 25hh:00mm:00ss
    i want to show 01:01:00:00
    Formula name: {@DTConversionOpeningTime}
    I use Crystal Syntax:
    StringVar Days1;
    StringVar Hours1;
    StringVar Minutes1;
    StringVar Seconds1;
    NumberVar Duration:=0;
    Duration:= {@number of seconds OpeningTime};
    If Duration < 0 Then
      "Cannot have a time less than zero"
    //Display format
      (if length(Hours1) < 2 then '0')+ Days1 + ":" +
      ["0",""][length(Hours1)]+ Hours1 + ":" +
      ["0",""][length(Minutes1)] + Minutes1 + ":" +
      ["0",""][length(Seconds1)] + Seconds1;
    Thanks for your help

    Find a solution, see thread:
    Re: Converting a calculated field into format of dd:hh:mm:ss answered by Jason Long

  • Displaying the hour, minute, seconds.....

    Hi fellow experts!
    Once again I call upon you for help. I'm strugglng with the formatting of dates...specifically the hour, minute, seconds between two dates.
    Sample data:
    create table test (script_name varchar2(50),run_start date,run_end date, job_id number, parent_job_id number);
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('IMPORTMTM','09-FEB-10','09-FEB-10','2409671','2409645');
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('INT_EOD_VALUATIONS','09-FEB-10','09-FEB-10','2409673','2409645');
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('ACC_EOD_FXACCOUNTING','09-FEB-10','09-FEB-10','2409677','2409645');
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('GLO_EOD_FXUPDATE ','09-FEB-10','09-FEB-10','2409679','2409645');
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('MX_PREACCOUNTING_BACKUP_RP','09-FEB-10','09-FEB-10','2409683','2409645');
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('DM_PREACCOUNTING_BACKUP_RP','09-FEB-10','09-FEB-10','2409684','2409645');
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('IMP_FIXING','09-FEB-10','09-FEB-10','2409688','2409645');
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('GLO_EOD_FIXINGIRD','09-FEB-10','09-FEB-10','2409690','2409645');
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('WAIT_5_MINS','09-FEB-10','09-FEB-10','2409692','2409645');
    The output of the time should look like the results from the query below:
    select floor((run_end-run_start)*24) as Hrs ,floor(((run_end-run_start)*1440 - floor((run_end-run_start)*24)*60)) as Mins,
    ceil(((run_end-run_start)*86400 - floor((run_end-run_start)*1440)*60)) as Secs
    from (
    select to_date('10-oct-2003 15:02:23','DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:Mi:SS') as run_start,
    to_date('10-oct-2003 16:20:20','DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:Mi:SS') as run_end
    from dual);
    H M S
    1 17 57
    My current sql is:
    select script_name,
    floor((run_end-run_start)*24) as Hrs ,floor(((run_end-run_start)*1440 - floor((run_end-run_start)*24)*60)) as Mins,
    ceil(((run_end-run_start)*86400 - floor((run_end-run_start)*1440)*60)) as Secs
    from (
    select lpad(' ',5*level,' ')||name script_name
    ,to_date(run_start,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') run_start, to_date(run_end,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss') run_end,
    sys_connect_by_path(to_date(run_start,'dd-mon-yyyy hh24:mi:ss'),'/') root_start
    from jcs_jobs
    connect by prior job_id = parent_job_id
    start with PARENT_JOB_ID IS NULL and job_id = 2409645
    I need a slight tweak somewhere, but can't quite get there!
    Oracle version is 9i
    Many thanks for your help in advance.

    Devski Peters wrote:
    ......sorry, I didn't make myself clear.....Sorry, this message made things even less clear.
    Like Bhushan, I don't see any relationship between the data you posted:
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('IMPORTMTM','09-feb-2010 20:00:02','09-feb-2010 20:00:44','2409671','2409645');
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('INT_EOD_VALUATIONS','09-feb-2010 20:00:44','09-feb-2010 20:01:03','2409673','2409645');
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('ACC_EOD_FXACCOUNTING','09-feb-2010 20:01:05','09-feb-2010 20:01:24','2409677','2409645');
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('GLO_EOD_FXUPDATE ','09-feb-2010 20:01:24','09-feb-2010 20:01:43','2409679','2409645');
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('MX_PREACCOUNTING_BACKUP_RP','09-feb-2010 20:01:45','09-feb-2010 20:01:49','2409683','2409645');
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('DM_PREACCOUNTING_BACKUP_RP','09-feb-2010 20:01:45','09-feb-2010 20:01:49','2409684','2409645');
    insert into test (script_name,run_start,run_end,job_id,parent_job_id) values ('IMP_FIXING','09-feb-2010 20:01:51','09-feb-2010 20:02:15','2409688','2409645');and the results you want:
    NORMAL_DAY     09-feb-2010 18:05:00     10-feb-2010 04:22:45     20'681'879.88
    Step 1 of NORMAL_DAY     09-feb-2010 18:05:00     09-feb-2010 18:05:24     575.88
    Step 2 of NORMAL_DAY     09-feb-2010 18:05:24     09-feb-2010 18:05:46     527.88
    EOD_FX_RATE_UPLOAD     09-feb-2010 18:05:24     09-feb-2010 18:05:46     527.88
    Step 1 of EOD_FX_RATE_UPLOAD     09-feb-2010 18:05:24     09-feb-2010 18:05:30     143.88
    FX_FTPS_GET_EOD     09-feb-2010 18:05:26     09-feb-2010 18:05:30     95.88
    Step 2 of EOD_FX_RATE_UPLOAD     09-feb-2010 18:05:30     09-feb-2010 18:05:45     359.88
    FXSPOTS     09-feb-2010 18:05:31     09-feb-2010 18:05:45     335.88
    Step 3 of EOD_FX_RATE_UPLOAD     09-feb-2010 18:05:45     09-feb-2010 18:05:46     23.88
    SEND_MAIL_FXSPOTS     09-feb-2010 18:05:45     09-feb-2010 18:05:46     23.88
    Step 3 of NORMAL_DAY     09-feb-2010 18:05:46     09-feb-2010 18:06:10     1'535.88
    CALENDAR_UPLOAD     09-feb-2010 18:05:47     09-feb-2010 18:06:10     1'511.88
    Step 1 of CALENDAR_UPLOAD     09-feb-2010 18:05:47     09-feb-2010 18:05:53     143.88
    CALENDAR     09-feb-2010 18:05:47     09-feb-2010 18:05:53     143.88
    Step 2 of CALENDAR_UPLOAD     09-feb-2010 18:05:53     09-feb-2010 18:06:00     1'127.88
    MDS_STOP     09-feb-2010 18:05:53     09-feb-2010 18:06:00     1'127.88
    Step 3 of CALENDAR_UPLOAD     09-feb-2010 18:06:00     09-feb-2010 18:06:03     71.88
    MDS_HOLIDAY     09-feb-2010 18:06:00     09-feb-2010 18:06:03     71.88
    Step 4 of CALENDAR_UPLOAD     09-feb-2010 18:06:03     09-feb-2010 18:06:10     167.88Do you really want that data to produce that output?
    If the results are not from that data, then post a consistent set of data and results.
    When you have poted some sample data and the results you want from that data , explain how you get those results. Pick a couple of rows of output, and explain how you got every column in the results from the data. Be specific.
    The table has a 'pig ear' job_id can have the same parent_job_id.....What is a "pig ear" relationship? (I like the name.)
    The connect by allows me display the results with indentation, so the results will look like:The results look completely unformatted on my browser.
    When you post any formatted text on this site, type these 6 characters:
    (small letters only, inside curly brackets) before and after each formatted section.
    So for example,the first line shows a time of 20'681'879.88, which works out to 10:18 hours approx. Explain the relationship between 20'681'879.88 and "10:18 hours". (Do you mean 10 hours plus 18 minutes?)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  • About year(), month(), date(), hour(), minute(), second() in Oracle

    In DB2, I can get the value of year, month, date, hour, minute, second from current timestamp by year(), month(), date(), hour(), minute(), second(). Like below SQL,
    SELECT current timestamp, year(current timestamp), month(current timestamp), date(current timestamp), hour(current timestamp), minute(current timestamp), second(current timestamp) FROM DUAL
    In Oracle, how can I modify above SQL?
    That is, do we have the corresponding function to each one of them in DB2?

    Hi Turloch,
    Thanks for your help.
    Here, I have another question.
    How about the days caculation?
    For example, in DB2, I have a SQL as below,
    ( start_date + no_of_days days - exp_days days) <= CURRENT DATE
    How can I modify above days caculation for Oracle?

  • Save date with precision (Hour, Minutes, seconds ) using V.O.

    Hi all,
    I'm using Jdeveloper 11g.
    I have an Entity object with a column called 'createdOn' of type Date and an entity based View Object with the same type.
    I'm trying to save today's Date with precision (day, month, year, hour, minutes, seconds) Using the view Object, but when I look in the Data Base, always appears the date without time.
    Here is my code in the application Module to save the data, I've tried some things but nothing...
    First I've tried using oracle.jbo.domain.Date, and I've tryed using Calendar as well. Nothing with
    ViewObjectImpl voSample = getSamples1View1();
    //Date creation for View Object
    oracle.jbo.domain.Date today = new Date(Date.getCurrentDate());
    //Calendar today = Calendar.getInstance();
    //loop through the list of samples (TESTGROUPTYPES), and create the objects
    while( it.hasNext())
    Row rowSample = voSample.createRow();
    SequenceImpl sequence = new SequenceImpl("SAMPLES_SEQ", voSample.getApplicationModule());
    rowSample.setAttribute("SampleId", sequence.getSequenceNumber());
    rowSample.setAttribute("CollectionId", stCollectionId);
    rowSample.setAttribute("SampleStatus", "ORDERED");
    rowSample.setAttribute("SampleBackup", "false");
    rowSample.setAttribute("CreatedOn", today);
    Any help will be usefull,
    thanks in advance

    Hello John,
    yes, I changed the date mask using
    alter session set NLS_DATE_FORMAT='DD/MM/YYYY-hh24:mi:ss'
    if i execute to_char(<date_column>, 'YY-MON-DD HH:MI:SS') on that column, the result is:
    09-MAY-27 12:00:00
    09-MAY-27 12:00:00
    09-MAY-27 12:00:00
    To launch the queries and see the results I'm using the JDeveloper's SQL WorkSheet.
    I can update the data and time and the time persists in the DB
    08-FEB-26 08:07:56
    so, i think there's something in hte EO, VO or App Module method that I'm doing wrong...
    The Entity Attribute is confirured:
    name: CreatedOn
    Type: Date
    Value type: literal
    Values checked: Persistent, Precision Rule and Queryable
    database column: CREATED_ON, type: DATE
    The View attribute is configured:
    Name: CreatedOn
    Type: Date
    Value type: Literal
    checked: Mapped to Column or SQL, Selected in query, queryable
    query column: Alias: CREATED_ON, Type: DATE

  • I am looking for a timer that shows elapsed time since a particular date and time.  Showing days, hours, minutes etc.

    I would like to download an application for my desktop and maybe even my iphone that will tell me how many days, hours, minutes, etc have elapsed since a particular date.
    For example, my brother just had a baby and I want to put that date and time into the app and then determine how long it has been since that date and time.
    Hopefully this makes sense, because I have not been able to locate anything.
    Thanks in advance,

    This is fantastic.  Thank you.
    Is there any way to have something like this displayed on my desktop showing the time as it ticks away?

  • Is there a data element for time unit (Hour, minute, second) and so forth)

    Thanks for your help.

    Hi Raja,
    I just want to add something in the drop down list
    I hope I can get these values from a domain value range.
    Could you please assist ?

  • DatePicker: clear hours, minutes, seconds?

    I am using one date picker to compute the difference between two dates. In the Interface Builder I have declared the date picker as date only. But the date passed from the date picker to the NSDate field has hours, minutes, second on it. For some reason the hours, minutes, seconds is different from my first date to the 2nd date (shown below). For this calculation I am only interested in whole days and the hours, minutes, and seconds are getting in the way of my calculation. Is there any way to use only whole days, or to set the hours, minutes, seconds to zero before I call timeIntervalSince1970?
    NSDate *xbuydate =;
    NSLog(@"xbuydate : %@", xbuydate);
    buyElapsed = [xbuydate timeIntervalSince1970];
    NSLog result:
    5/26/09 3:49:18 PM AA-tab bar[596] xbuydate : 2000-01-01 17:00:00 -0700
    NSDate *xselldate =;
    NSLog(@"xselldate : %@", xselldate);
    sellElapsed = [xselldate timeIntervalSince1970];
    NSLog result:
    5/26/09 3:49:33 PM AA-tab bar[596] xselldate : 2007-12-31 15:49:22 -0700

    Hi, this is my version: -)
    @implementation NSDate(Utils)
    - (NSDate *)truncateToDay
    NSDate *result;
    if (self == nil) {
    return nil;
    } else {
    unsigned unitFlags = NSYearCalendarUnit | NSMonthCalendarUnit | NSDayCalendarUnit;
    NSDateComponents *comps = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] components:unitFlags fromDate:self];
    result = [[NSCalendar currentCalendar] dateFromComponents:comps];
    return result;
    Works without a problem so far.

  • Localized text for hour, minute, second, week, today, etc.

    You are able to get localized text for the weekday name, e.g. to get your localized name of "monday", use
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
    String name = sdf.format(gregorianCalendar.getTime())for month names, you would use the format String MMMM:
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM");Are there additional localized text available through some API? I'm looking for translations for "next", "previous", "day", "week", "month", "year", "hour", "minute", "second", "now", "today", "OK", "Cancel". (Of course, I could translate these myself and offer a MessageBundle, but if there are already translations down there through the API, why do work twice ;-)

    You are able to get localized text for the weekday name, e.g. to get your localized name of "monday", use
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE");
    String name = sdf.format(gregorianCalendar.getTime())for month names, you would use the format String MMMM:
    SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM");Are there additional localized text available through some API? I'm looking for translations for "next", "previous", "day", "week", "month", "year", "hour", "minute", "second", "now", "today", "OK", "Cancel". (Of course, I could translate these myself and offer a MessageBundle, but if there are already translations down there through the API, why do work twice ;-)

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