Adding more columns to ME51N for all users.

I want to add 2 extra columns to the standard Purchase Requisition ME51n, a column for single price per item and net price per item, where and how do I do it.
Thank you.

Try with whther the specified fields are there in the SPRO-MM-Purchasing-Purchse Requisitions-DEfine screen layout at document level,
?If not consult u r ABAPEr,I think u cld do it with Smart Form
Hope its clear to u
Thanks adn regards,

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  • Adding a domain user to the admin role within the local user management breaks all metro apps for all users!!

    I have posted this in another large thread under the "Windows 8 General" group but have not had any appropriate feedback from MS.
    After hours of testing and working with other users I have managed to isolate a simple situation that breaks all metro ui applications within Windows 8 for all users on the machine. Here are my exact steps and notes.
    Before continuing if you are running Avast then your solution may be to turn of the behaviour shield functionality as this also breaks metro apps. This is NOT the problem we are having!
    I have performed 3 cleans installs after isolating the problem and am able to reproduce the issue every time using the same steps on two different machines. 
    First thing to say is that for us it has nothing to do with simply joining the domain, domain/group policies nor does it appear to have anything to do with the software we installed, the problem here is much more simple but the result is pretty terrible.
    Here are my exact steps of what I did to reproduce our problem:
    Complete format of HDD in preperation for a clean install
    Clean install performed
    Set up the machine initially with a local account
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    Open control panel from the desktop, click on System, change the system to join the domain, click reboot
    Log into the system using my domain account
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    I click add and then add my domain account - also giving it administrator access
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    Test metro - ALL BROKEN
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    So as soon as I add my domain account to the local user accounts and set it as admin it breaks all metro apps for all users. This is on a totally clean install with nothing at all installed other than the OS.
    Annoyingly if I go back and change the domain account to a standard user or if I totally remove the domain account from the local account management system the problem does not go away for either user. basically it is now permanently broken. The only fix I
    could fathom was a full re install and not giving the domain user admin access to the local  machine.
    Screen one - this is the local user accounts window AFTER joining the domain and logging in with my domain account (All metro apps working at this point)
    Screen 2: User accounts AFTER joining the domain and AFTER adding domain account to local user management (METRO BROKEN)
    I have isolated my machine from all group policies so nothing like that is affecting me. Users I have spoken to in different companies have policies that automatically add users to the local user management. This means that metro apps break as
    soon as they join the domain which leads them to wrongly think it is group policies causing the error. Once they isolate themselves from this they can reproduce following my steps.

    Hi Juke,
    Thank you for the response and apologies for the delay in getting back to you. My machine was running a long task so I couldn't try your suggested solution.
    I had already tried running the registry merge suggested at the top of the thread to no avail. I had not tried deleting the OLE key totally so I did that and the problem still exists. I will post all the errors I see in event viewer below. For
    your info, since posting my initial comment I have sent out my steps to 7 different people and we can all reproduce the problem. This comes to 10 different machines (3 of them mine then the other guys) in 3 different businesses / domains. We see the same errors
    in event viewer.
    Under "Windows Logs" --> "Application" : I get two separate error events the first reads "Activation of app winstore_cw5n1h2txyewy!Windows.Store failed with error: The app didn't start. See the Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational log for additional
    information." The second arrives in the log about 15 seconds after the first and reads "App winstore_cw5n1h2txyewy!Windows.Store did not launch within its allotted time."
    Under "Windows Logs" --> "System" : I get one error that reads "The server Windows.Store did not register with DCOM within the required timeout."
    Under "Applications And Services Logs" --> "Microsoft" -->  "Windows" --> "Apps" --> "Microsoft-Windows-TWinUI/Operational" : I get one error that reads "Activation of the app winstore_cw5n1h2txyewy!Windows.Store for the
    Windows.Launch contract failed with error: The app didn't start."
    If you require any further information just let me know and I will provide as much as I can.

  • Adding printers to Terminal Server 2008 for all users

    Hi!  I'm trying to add a printer to a terminal server for all users that log in.  I've been reading around and this seems like a working solution:
    Rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /ga /c\\localcomputername /n\\servername\printername
    So I ran this with the proper parameters.  Nothing shows up in Devices and Printers with the name I specified.  I rebooted the server, still nothing.  I re-run the command above and it tells me there's already a printer defined with that name. 
    I look at Devices and Printers and the name I specified still isn't there.  Why doesn't the above command work like it's supposed to?

    Thanks, yes, that was the first command I tried (without the /c).  All subsequent attempts tell me the printer already exists yet it definitely does not show up under Devices and Printers.  I ran the above logged in as Administrator with an elevated
    command prompt.  The printer can't be seen from this login or a 'normal' user login.

  • I am trying to get Menu Editor 1.2.7 to work globally for all users. I have added the .xpi to the extensions folder and it is not being installed auto-magically.

    I would like to have Menu Editor installed for all users. I attempted to put the .xpi file in c:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\extensions with the expectation that the user would be prompted to install.

    You need to rename the XPI file to the (GU)ID of the extension as listed in the file install.rdf or just install the extension in a profile and copy the file or folder from that profile to the extensions folder.

  • Is there an easy way to add a desktop shortcut for all users?

    Looking for an easy way to add a shortcut to an app for all users.

    William is correct. There are global system settings, and then there are personal user settings. Adding a shortcut to the desktop, or more commonly the Dock is a personal setting.
    Unless its in some kind of mass deployment scenario where you can create a pre programed image for large amounts of computers which has it already has your app shortcut setup, its easier to just do it one user at a time.

  • Security settings for all users

    I recently developed a document that requires digital signatures and have been testing it. The only downside is that when a user opens the document, Adobe prompts for the installation of new security settings, and it installs it for that user only. I need to add a registry key to the new security settings, but it is only available to be added to the current user hive. Does anyone know how to install the new settings for all users?
    Here is the registry key I need to add.
    [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\9.0\Security\cPubSec]
    Im using Adobe Reader 9.3 and Win XP.
    Any help would be terrific!

    There are really two separate issues. First, is Adobe pushing updates to the Acrobat Address Book (i.e. adding certificates as trust anchors) and the second issue is how you can push your own update to disable the creation of self-signed digital IDs. Although the two issues share an underlying mechanism, they are separate and you cannot leverage one for the other.
    First issue first. Adobe has entered into partnership with certain Certificate Authorities and has created a mechanism to add their certificates to the Acrobat Address Book (aka Manage Trusted Identities) using http to send a copy of the Security Settings file that contains only digital IDs. There are two ways to trigger the download process. One is to go into the Preferences, select Trust Manager, and click the Update Now button in the Automatic Updates group box. The other method is to load the DigSig plug-in (beginning with Acrobat 9, plug-ins no longer load a launch in order to speed up the launch process). As I'm sure you have deduced, opening a file with a signature field cause the DigSig plug-in to load which in turn triggers the automatic download. The reason we have limited the automatic download to DigSig being loaded is because the vast majority of people viewing PDFs are not using the digital signature functionality (much to my personal chagrin because the more people use digital signatures, the better my job security ) and we didn't want to bother them with an update they would never need. People already complain that there are too many updates, and we are trying to limit the irritability factor. To close the loop on this function, once the download process has been triggered the Acrobat check two more things before it does the update, 1) has it been a month since I checked and, 2) if it has been a month is there a new file to download. This way we are not pestering people with unneeded updates, or if they do need the update, at least not too often. And finally, Address Book management has to be on a per user basis. A certificate that you may elect to trust could be a certificate that the next person want to specifically keep untrusted. The Windows Certificate Store, Mac Keychain and Firefox Certificate Manager all work on a per user basis.
    That brings us to what you would like to do. The good news is you can use the Export Security Settings featrue to create a distributable file that will set the preference. The real question is how will you distribute the file, but before we get to that, here is how to create the file.
    With Acrobat closed, set the registry setting you noted in the message above
    Launch Acrobat
    Select the Advanced > Security > Export Security Settings menu item
    Click the Deselect All button on the Export Security Settings dialog
    Select the Signing Preferences Settings checkbox
    Click the OK button on the Export Security Settings dialog
    Select Signature Creation Settings and note "Allow creation of self-signed Digital IDs" is set to No
    Click the Export button on the toolbar
    Follow the on screen dialogs. You don't have to encrypt the file, but you must sign it with a certifying signature
    At this point you have the file available for distribution. You could e-mail it to your intended recipients with import instructions, or you could post if for download, or you could set the Preference the to automatically push the file from a server. To check this feature out select the Edit > Preferences menu item and then select Security from the Categories list box. You would need to select the Load security settings from a server checkbox and then set up the URL. As an aside, you can also export these settings by selecting the Automatic Update Settings checkbox on the Export Security Settings dialog noted in the bullet points above. You have a chicken and egg problem in that you have to get the users to first manually import the file in order to set up the automatic import. That I can't help you with, you're just going to have to decide what works best for you.
    Good luck,

  • Changing Default Portlets on My Pages for All Users

    I want to add the Collaboration My Projects Portlet on the default My Pages that comes out of box during a portal install.
    I did trying going to Default Profiles - Edit Profile Layout - went to the My Pages as the default profile and added My Projects.
    Then finished up.
    However, when logging in as a user (via Active Directory which was previously synced) - nothing had changes.
    Suggestions how to add My Projects on a My Page for all users?

    Vivekvp wrote:
    Great...I added a new one, and it dropped it to the bottom of the page, in the middle column.
    Any idea on how to move it to the top left by default?
    VRandom thought, but you might want to try changing the "Mandatory Portlet Priority". I know the portlet isn't mandatory, so it SHOULDN"T work, but I've seen whackier things:)
    Good luck!

  • SCSM - Service Request Area list - modifications not showing for all users

    Hi All
    As you cant edit the Service Request Area list, i've settled on changing the default display names to better reflect the categories we want for our SR's. The changes i've made are visible in SCSM on my computer (where i made the changes from), however if
    i fire up another instance on a different computer - i can only see the defaults. Anyone seen that before? Typically when i make any sort of change to a list item it is visible for all users.
    I'm aware that there is a custom MP out there to allow you to have your own SR Area List, however i was not able to get it to work in our environment (link:
    Any help would be appreciated.

    Have you made sure that the selected language in both consoles (the one you are editing from and the one you are testing in) are the same?
    When editing lists you will only be asked to save changes (be that changing existing values or adding new ones) if they are stored in a sealed MP - which they should be according to best practice.
    If you are not asked which MP to save to then you have already "commited yourself" to a specific MP. You could delete this MP (if there is nothing but the list values in it) or delete them one by one using the console. Then when back to square one the console
    will once more ask you which MP to save changes to.

  • Silent install of SQL Server 2008r2 for ALL users?

    We ship an installer that does a silent install of SQL Server 2008r2 with all the 'right' parameters pre-configured. We use this:
    However, the problem is that if a tech installs it for another user, that user does not have access, since ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN flag only adds the user who installed it -- rather than adding ALL users on the computer. (Or at least all admins.)
    I tried replacing ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN with this:
    but that also failed to work. How can we install for all users, or at least all administrators?
    NOTE: we do NOT know the name of the computer or the users. The installer has to work for any computer setup.
    Similar question has already been asked, but wasn't helpful:
    The documentation does not make it clear what you can pass as allowed SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS parameters. I also am not sure if I would need to change the AGTSVCACCOUNT or SQLSVCACCOUNT?

    I tried one more thing:
    which does not halt installation with an error. 
    However, doing:
    osql -E
    create database test
    in a command prompt from a different admin user on the same machine results in a permissions error... but works if done from a command prompt on the user account from which MSSQLServer was installed.
    So for some reason /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="BUILTIN\Administrators" does not work as expected.
    Anyone have any idea why?
    I checked the output log from the install, and found it had generated and used a configurationFIle to do the install. I looked in that file, and these were the settings, even though I did NOT pass /ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN as a command line option:
    ; Windows account(s) to provision as SQL Server system administrators. 
    ; The default is Windows Authentication. Use "SQL" for Mixed Mode Authentication. 
    ; Provision current user as a Database Engine system administrator for SQL Server 2008 R2 Express. 

  • Saving AVL view settings for all users

    I am working on web dynpro abap application which shows alv results of more reports (you will select report and it will show the alv table result).
    I have to use some standard reports for this, so I copied it to Z report and modify it so this is possible. Problem I have is that is standard report the output have maybe 10 columns, but the table I got from the report has maybe 26. I want to limit shown columns on the ALV with settings of view for alv, but the assignment is only possible for the user.
    Is there any way how to create one view settings and make it initial for all users?
    I know there is a way of modifying the standard view via abap code, but I want to keep the possibility to show all fields if required.
    Thanks for your help very much.

    another problem, I was expecting the newly created variant / layout / settings for view  would be tied to the displayed table (which sounds kind of wired as I wrote it down). 
    But since I am displaying different tables in the same UI element and binding the tables and their structures dynamically the created variant applies to all of the tables (or thats how it seems) so the table which have all fields different then the layout shows nothing.
    Do you have any ideas how to get around it?
    My idea would be to store the layout (but i have no idea how it looks at db level) and identification of the report to some customer table and fill attribute of alv table dynamically according to used report. But thats just my idea, I have no idea if it si possible to do it like this.
    Is there some other way how to accomplish this functionality?
    I have also tried to do it on fieldcatalog level of the alv table, but it seems to show first, let's say, 8 fields if there is 8 fields in the fieldcatalog.
    Any help or ideas please??
    Edited by: Martin Gabris on May 6, 2011 4:11 PM

  • How to set a common page for all users after loging on?

    hi all,
    Now "My Dashboard" is the default page after logon.
    i want to set a default home page for all users. users can see the home page after loging on.
    how to change the default dashboard from "My Dashboard" to "Home page" for all users?

    Tried to set default dashboard for all the users.
    1. Created a session init block
    2. Used data source as select '/shared/SH Test/_portal/Test1' from dual
    3. Assigned this value to PORTALPATH session variable
    4. In Presentation services > Administration > My account > Default dashboard should be set to 'default'. Then only the dashboard specified in init block will be displayed otherwise My account will override the init block.
    5. Save the changes made to rpd.
    5. Logout and relogin to see if it is working fine. it is working perfectly fine.
    For details please refer the GSC replication document. But it is for all the users.
    if customer would like to have user/group based home page.
    1. They may need to have 2 separate tables.
    i. Group_path_tab with 2 columns. Group_id, portal_path
    Have group wise portal path for all the groups
    ii. User-group map table
    Group_id, Group_name, user_id
    User should be part of some group.
    2. Then in the init block write the sql should be something like this
    select A.portal_path from Group_path_tab A, User_group_map B
    where B.user_id = :USER
    and B.Group_id = A.Group_id
    SO based on USER session variable, it will try to identify the group and then the portal_path.
    Finally assign this value to PORTALPATH session variable.

  • How to set an adapted project dashboard view as initial for all users?

    Hi all.
    We have the cProjects project dashboard active and have defined (via settings, save as) a custom view with the columns relevant in this particular installation. 
    I can however only save this view with assignment "user" meaning that it only applies to the user logged on when creating it. 
    We are however looking to have a common global customized view that all users should begin with. 
    Compare the R/3 functionality with layout management in reports where you can define whether the layout should be
    user specific or not
    My question is therefore if it should be possible to save global views in the above example and if not how to achieve what we are looking for.
    I assume one option could be to see if one can use BADI DPR_EVE_DASHBOARD but it seems this should be possible to handle within the application given that the field "Assignment" is there when you save the view.  At the moment only with the value "user" available though ...
    Regards / Anders

    Hej Anders
    You can save a default view for all users under administration mode:

  • Audio output device same for all users Yosemite

    I use more then one account on my recent Macbook Pro.  For the first account I like to have the audio output set to the speakers but for the other account I want the audio output set to the headphones. 
    With Mavericks the Macbook remembered the last audio settings for each user account.
    With Yosemite any changes to the audio settings (input, output,system sound, etc.) on one account affects the audio setting on other the user account. 
    I tried various audio settings to see if it affected them all.  It seems to.
    I tried seeing if it happened only when the users accounts were logged in or it was different on boot etc.  It seems to always change the settings for all users no matter what. 
    I tried resetting the PRAM but that did not solve it.
    I tried a 3rd party program called AudiSwitcher from the App store to see if this could help but no luck.
    I searched here and more widely to see if anyone else was reporting this and found one other person who seemed to mention the same problem and they concluded "I did some tests and came to the conclusion that the system now does not remember settings for each user, and applies the current setting of audio output for all accounts."
    Curious to know:
         a) Does this affect other people?  If not, I'll look for conflicting apps on my computer.
         b) Is this intended behavior or should I look for a way to report it as a bug?
         c) And most importantly if there is a way around it? 

    I'm also have the same problem. I tested it on fresh Yosemite installation without any additional software. Your mentioned my conclusion about tests.

  • Unable to change keyboard layout for all users on Windows Server 2012 R2

    I have a requirement where I need to support national keyboard layout for Danish for all users on that machine. When I ran the powershell with script Set-WinUserLanguageList
    -LanguageList da-DK it only sets the Danish keyboard layout to the specific logged in user.However the for other users its same English(US) keyboard which is not expected.
    Please help me how to set the Danish keyboard for all users on the machine. Its Urgent!Thanks

    Hi Mike,
    Thanks for reply.
    But I need to configure everything using powershell script. Is it possible to use powershell script to setting group policy/ adding logon script ?
    These are pretty basic administration tasks and almost always quicker to accomplish with the GUI. Why do you want to use a PowerShell script?
    EDIT: Here's some information on the topic however:
    Don't retire TechNet! -
    (Don't give up yet - 13,225+ strong and growing)

  • How can I set the default home page in Firefox 4 for all users that login to a PC on a Win 7 PC?

    I work at a community college in upstate NY.
    We use Firefox as the default browser at our institution and we have always set the default homepage to be our homepage for all users that login to the PC. We had a procedure to to that that worked with Windows XP and FF 3 or earlier
    We would do the following:
    1. go to: c:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Mozilla\FireFox\Profiles\<profile_name>\prefs.js
    2. Add the line: user_pref (“browser.startup.homepage”,””);
    3. Copy the Folder
    C:\Documents & Settings\Administrator\Application Data\Mozilla
    C:\Documents & Settings\Default User\Application Data\Mozilla
    4. Restart the computer
    We're going to Win 7 and Firefox 4 and things seem to be different in terms of files and file structure. Does anyone know how to accomplish this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Making customisation from the default profile is generally considered poor practice and quite often doesn't work out as planned. (If you're interested in some more information on this, [ see here] see here)
    This article should help you with developing and deploying your customised Firefox 4 installation (without touching the Windows 7 default user profile):

Maybe you are looking for