Adding noise

I am searching for a plugin or a method using only aperture to add noise to photos. I know that several solutions exist for removing noise, however I have not found any that add noise. I find it adds character to black and white photos. I realize I could increase the ISO on the camera, however the pictures have already been taken.
Thanks in advance,

Try Silver Efex Pro..... an amazing plugin for Aperture and Photoshop (same license) It give you the ability to pick a film type and the inbuilt U Point technology is unique.
I think their Color Efex Pro has 'add grain' features as well.
But you will not find a simpler more effective B&W conversion plugin than Silver Efex Pro.
Hope this helps.....

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    Thanks for your reply!
    RAW files at higher ISO's (2500-3200) open in Photoshop and zoomed in at 100% look fine, with minimal noise. After saving in PS as a JPEG and opening in the Windows 8 Photo app or Windows Photo Viewer, they appear with terrible noise. In Faststone they do not have this noise. The only adjustments to size I do on my images are cropping to either 4x6 or 11x14 proportions depending on the photo. When I realized lowering the resolution was helping tremendously with my situation, I sized down to 150dpi and 72dpi, depending on the image, with resembling.
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    Hmmm, are you making a phone tap?
    I really don't know anything about telephone line specifications and what are the thresholds between noise and signal, but I do know about the DAQ board! Yes, I would say differential is the best configuration for you to use. This is almost a must to help reject the common-mode noise already on the phone line. It will also produce a lot less noise onto the phone line as opposed to referenced single ended mode. I doubt you'll put much noise on the phone line. You could probe the line with a scope with and without your "project" connected to see how it affects it.
    Sounds like fun!
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

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    Attachments: ‏59 KB

    Hey Jan,
    Thanks for the reply. I am currently using the Adaptive Filter Toolkit in order to obtain those VIs. The VIs which are in use are the LMS Adaptive Filter ones. 
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    Thanks for your help.
    Attachments: ‏62 KB

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    OK, so, sorry to go over this again but if you
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    2. Export this small section as, say, ProRes
    3. Re-import the ProRes clip you just made
    4. Use this prores clip to replace the weirdo effected clip on your timeline (trimming off the few seconds either end which were there just so you got your whole clip frame to frame)
    5. Export the whole thing again
    The clips before and after the replaced clip are still pixelating?
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    Yes, I experienced this problem with 4x6 prints.  I was unable to resolve the issue regardless of what settings I used.  I didn't try to print, as the preview did not look right, and gave up.  Ended up using PMB program that came with my camera to print on 4x6 prints.  I have Adobe configured as it's external editor and simply save the edited photo from PSE6 and it shows up in PMB.  Go back to PMB, find it and print it without issue.  Sad, but true.  It's a good thing I got PSE6 with my printer, as I would not have been happy spending money on it.  I've seen beta freeware that works better in the basic stuff, but none really as good as Adobe's photo edit results (good algorthyms/filters).  I would like to see just a "Photography" version without all the graphic artists crap.  Remember "Elements" is basically a try before you buy the full version.  If they made it too good, you would not want to get rid of it and upgrade to hopefully the "better" fully sized program LOL.  The photo editing quality was already good before Adobe aquired the program, and since, they have repackaged them in "upgraded" GUI's.  If you ditch the GUI of Adobe, and use the editing like myself with PMB, it works okay.  What you will find is that because it's photography, software created for use is disfunctional in one way or another for every program and you have to purchase several, if not many, programs to achieve good results; uiltizing aspects of each of these programs that the other can not or will not do properly.  It's all marketing and yes it's a scam to make as much money off a person's hobby to take and make quality photos, and print/publish, and business is good... greed is good
    (Wall Street)
    Message was edited by: CJ Cob

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    Lightroom 4 had none of these problems.

    Try with Auto Mask turned off? This looks to me like a grainy unevenness not in the action of the brush, but in its coverage. You'll need to paint some more onto the existing mask, to fill in these "holes".
    Logically speaking, if one wants to (for example) smoothen skin - as the name of your brush preset suggests - one will NOT want to have the brush react to variations of tone and colour in the image: but, to smoothly, glide over those regardless. That needs Auto Mask off.
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    regards, RP

  • Is my Mac Pro the cause of high pitch monitor noise?

    I am encountering a faint but persistent high pitch noise through my Yamaha HS-50M monitors when my Edirol FA-66 interface is plugged into my computer via firewire ca ble.
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    Monitor buzzing noise NEED HELP!
    Help fixing signal hum/mouse coming out of monitors?
    Electric shocks and Noise in a home studio
    KVR :: View topic - Interference question. Computer and external audio interface
    Just to be clear, my problem is similar but not identical to the problems listed in the threads above. Mouse movement or computer activity doesn't effect the monitor noise I'm hearing at all, it is merely a constant sustained high frequency tone that's emitted from my monitors when my FA-66 interface is plugged into my MacPro via firewire cable. My speakers are silent (aside from their own self noise) so long as my FA-66 isn't connected directly to my computer. Even when my FA-66 is powered on via its AC adaptor but not connected to my computer via firewire cable there is no added noise in my monitors. It's just when I make the firewire connection between my interface and my computer that the high pitch noise appears in my monitors.
    I used to run my Edirol off of my older MacBook and never had this issue. I just recently upgraded to a new MacPro and am encountering this issue for the first time.
    Since the noise is eliminated when I disconnect the firewire cable from my interface, I believe the sound is being caused by interference from my computer, which is then transmitted through my firewire cable into my interface.
    My setup is this:
    Grounded Wall Outlet > Furman Power Conditioner > MacPro Desktop Machine > Edirol FA-66 > Monitors
    I am using TRS-XLR Mogami Speaker cables to connect my interface to my monitors and am using Mogami cables throughout my system.
    All of my audio gear is being powered through my Furman power conditioner: my computer, my FA-66 interface via its AC adaptor (not firewire bus powered), my speaker monitors, and all my other audio equipment.
    I don't believe I'm picking up interference from any of my other cables and wiring and this doesn't seem like a grounding issue. Like I mentioned, the noise is gone when I disconnect the firewire cable from my FA-66 interface.
    I do have some other hardware in my setup (my computer screen monitor, a USB hub, AC power supplies and cords to power external hard drives, a lamp) that are receiving power from a separate surge protector strip plugged directly into a different wall outlet than the one my Furman conditioner is plugged into. I don't believe any of these other devices are the cause of the interference noise because when I unplug all these items from their respective wall outlet, I still hear the exact same noise when my FA-66 is plugged into my computer via firewire cable.
    All signs seem to point to my firewire cable and/or my computer.
    Originally I started with a different firewire cable and swapped it out for a newer and higher quality, gold-plated firewire cable meant to cut down on interference. This cable swap did help reduce some of the noise my monitors were picking up, but did not eliminate it entirely.
    I then invested in some ferrite core clamps and placed those around each end of my firewire cable (one right by my computer's firewire port & one right by my FA-66's firewire port). This helped a little more but did not eliminate the high pitched sound entirely, just made it even quieter. The hole diameter of the ferrite core clamps is slightly larger than the diameter of my firewire cable, however, and I'm going to order more clamps with a smaller hole diameter that will ensure a snugger fit around my firewire cable. Do you think this may help things more?
    I also lifted the grounding pin in my Edirol, tied a copper grounding wire around it and connected the other end to my MacPro's metal case with alligator clamps in an effort to better ground the two suspect pieces in the chain. This seemed to have little to no effect beyond what the ferrite cores were able to clean up. (I got this idea from the GS thread contained in the first link above.) I don't know much about hardware electronics but thought I would try this out just to see if it would help. The fact that it didn't help, to me, seems to reaffirm that the system is grounded properly, because if it weren't I would have possibly noticed an improvement by making a grounded connection between my interface and computer. Please correct me if I'm wrong about this.
    I even tried plugging my Furman power conditioner into an entirely different wall outlet, but this didn't change things at all. I do have one more unused wall outlet I can try but don't think this will make much of a difference because I'm 99.99% sure this isn't a grounding problem and that the sockets I'm using are properly grounded. My Furman isn't registering anything abnormal and seems to be functioning properly.
    As of right now I've been able to make significant improvement to the noise problem and have eliminated it by 90%. The high pitch noise through my monitors is virtually eliminated but I still notice a faint bit of added noise when interface is powered on and connected to my computer via firewire versus when the firewire cable is disconnected.
    Could my MacPro be outputting some kind of interference which is being picked up by my firewire cable and transmitted to interface and monitors? I've read that sometimes a computer's power supply unit can output a large amount of EMI or dirty electrical interference. It seems surprising to me that Mac's professional desktop machine would cause a fundamental issue like this though, especially since it is designed for being able to work in a professional audio recording setup.
    Any other ideas people can provide as to what may be causing my added interference and how to treat it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance for your help!

    What kind of sound card are you using exactly? It seems like you're sound card is picking up EMI or RFI from your computer when it's plugged into a wall outlet. Are you using a power conditioner in your setup to help clean up your power supply?
    Try googling EMI & RFI, there are many online resources which detail how to troubleshoot and deal with these problems.
    I finally solved my problem by upgrading to a higher quality audio interface (Focusrite Pro 40). This was able to cut out the high frequency RFI signal being output from my MacPro computer. I get the feeling many of Mac's higher end computers tend to output dirty electrical signals which is why so many people have this similar problem.
    Try cleaning up your power supply, then maybe use different, higher quality sound cards or interfaces with your setup to see if the issue gets solved. The problem most likely lies with your computer and if you can get a high quality interface that can cut out the noise, that may be your only solution. It worked for me.
    Good luck!

  • PCI-6110 transient synchronous input noise

    I am trying to acquire transient voltage signals with a PCI-6110 board, sampling at 5MHz. When I examine one channel of an input signal (from an optical sensor, with its own internal op amps) using the sensor's BNC cable to high-impedance input of an oscilloscope, the ~200mV signal is clean. When I plug the same signal cable into a BNC-2110 BNC I/O connector block, which feeds the PCI-6110 DAQ card, the resulting signal has added noise in the form of small transient ringing which remains steady and synchronous with the input signal. The total signal duration is of order 10 microseconds. It is somewhat coarsely sampled, but my problem is with the added ringing noise. The BNC cable comes directly from the sensor, is about 2' long, and cannot be shortened. The digitized samples are synchronous with transient signal, since the sensor stimulus is being driven by trigger output from the PCI-6110.
    I welcome any suggestions on possible causes or solutions to this noise problem. I hope not to have to build or obtain some custom high-speed buffer input amplifiers.

    This probably belongs in a hardware forum, for example:
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • I have a Mic connected and i hear a lot of noise, Help?

    I Bought a Shure PG58 and i have a Macbook Pro with logic pro X on it. I don't have an audio Interface. I Connected my Mic into the mac's microphone input, using an adapter from a 1/4 inch male cable into a male 3.5mm cable. I have clicked on the monitoring button inside logic pro and i can hear a lot of noise. I have tried adding Noise gates and compressors but no success. I've been told maybe it's because the mac's sound card isn't good. I have Singed some songs but the noise is annoying and the detail of my voice can't be heard. Help, what should i do and what should i buy?
    The Mic is dynamic, is there any difference i buy a Condenser?

    Your mic is dynamic (=unpowered) and has two "problems": the plug it has is not suitable for Mic In-connectors on Macs or PC's, and even if it would make good contact(s), its' signal would be too weak to properly register. You need a preamp. For a condensor the same and more applies: it needs a preamp and 48 volts of socalled phantom power. There are "loose" preamps, but in reality what you should look for is a (24 bits) audio interface.

  • Turbulent / Fractal Noise - evolution limit?

    I came across what seems to be a limit in the number of evolutions I can use in both Turbulent and Fractal Noise. I was following a recipe for simulating dirt on old film stock - you create a solid layer add one of the noise FXs then change the contrast up to 350 and brightness down to -90 or so, use the Silhouette Luma transfer mode and hey presto instant dirt!
    The clip I am "dirtying" is 1 minute, 8 seconds and 23 frames long. So a quick calculation for 25fps (I'm using PAL footage) and I get 1723 frames! My logic was that since the dirt needs to jump around on each frame if I set the number of evolutions to 1723 I'd get very jumpy dirt, which is what I want - dirt jumps randomly frame to frame and not move across or appear in exactly the same spot on different frames.
    It works but only for the first few seconds and then, with both Turbulent and Fractal Noise it stops evolving! Is there a limit here? I can't see anything in the manual and nothing turned up when I Googled or searched through the forums.
    I'm running AE CS4 9.0.2 under Windows XP sp3 with 4GB RAM with the 3gig switch on.
    My work around was to use several keyframes throughout the clip every 2 seconds with keyframes for evolution set to 0 then 50, then 0 again and 50 again then back to 0 again...etc. This worked a treat. But am I missing something obvious about how these useful and versatile FX work?
    The recipie for the old footage BTW was here:
    I made my own vignette, a custom flattened curve to reduce contrast. I added an adjustment layer for brightness with a wiggle, another with a wiggled blur as well scaling up the footage 105%, added noise and used a slight jumpy wiggle on the position. Then I threw on the dirt and slowed down the footage to 16fps. But the scratches didn't work for me and it looks convincing without.

    Follow the blurb here:
    Alternate old film:

  • Speedy 33 background noise

    We are finishing a project with the Speedy-33. The analog outputs are connected to a small amplifier for headphone listening. When connecting headphones directly to the Speedy-33 output or to the headphone amplifier, a background noise is heard : it sound like a tone. As you can imagine the amplifier jsut make it more audible. But the tone is present even without the amplifier ... so it is clearly from the speedy-33 output.
    The speedy-33 is running in standalone mode ... as the USB connection tends to make a huge amount of noise.
    We tried to listen to the Speedy-33 in "full bypass" (the labview patch is the mere connection of the input to the output) ... in that case only, their is no noise. As soon as we put any processing (exemple: we tested a single biquad between the outs and the ins) ... we get the famous background tone.
    Any information about Speedy-33 background noise ... caused by the DSP or any other component on the board? Any advice?
    Many thanks,

    Thanks to all !
    The main trouble is that when connecting directly the inputs to the outputs, the noise is not there. When a process is added between the input and the output (like a simple biquad as mentioned by PaGauthier), the board is generating a "sine" background noise.
    In our application, the speedy is running in standalone mode using a DC power supply. The power suply was changed twice to make sure that it was not a noise coming from it (we used an analog regulated one, and a switching one with the same results)
    The inputs are feeded with simple electret preamp using transistors or opamps (we have two preamps because we were thinking that is was radio frequencies interferences). The bandwidth of the preamp is quite large but the capsule itself is limited to 20kHz... and once again, when there is no process between the inputs dans the outputs, no background noise is added.
    I have a simple question : Is there an aliasing filter onboard for each input ? If yes, I hope that designers did not simply added those filters at the nyquist frequency... In most cases, 80 to 90 % of the nyquist frequency is better... This could explain a 400Hz of aliasing : but couldn't explain that the added noise is a simple sine.
    PaGautier and I will test the board next week to make it clear about aliasing filters.
    Thank you for your help.

  • Removing Wind Noise from Audio in FCP

    Is there a way to remove/filter wind noise from audio for use in FCP?

    I'm not sure if you're if your sarcasm is targeted at me or Apple but just to clarify:
    By rolling off the bottom end prior to using a Noise Print style NR technique you'll get a far better end result than just asking something like SoundSoap to decipher everything.
    Wind noise is dynamic. NR tools like SoundSoap and other basic noise tools do not adequately address it. Since much of the problem with wind is in the very low frequency range simply rolling that stuff off cleans up the signal significantly and sometimes is all you need. Adding noise print style NR after the LF has been eliminated will produce a much better result.
    Another technique for changing the perceived amount of interference from a dynamic source like wind is to copy a chunk of relatively clean ambient tone and pasting it over areas where there is noise but no dialogue. This step will obviously not help of a strong wind gust happens over the voice but it does improve the overall perceived quality of the recording. I usually don't offer this suggestion right off the bat because it's more of a surgical procedure which takes a bit of skill. What most people are looking to do is just clicking on the "remove noise" button.

  • Adding side case fan did the trick

    Well after having my new P6N Platinum rig running stable with the replacement board for a week now I've been watching the temps pretty close and just wasn't comfortable with the CPU temp around 38C and the Core temps around 52C (stock CPU). So tonight I redid the AS5 and it still didn't improve any ...  ... so then I dug around in the spare parts drawer and came up with a Antec 90mm 2800 rpm fan and metal guard. After an hour with the drill and 3 1/2" hole saw I had a side intake fan blowing partially on the Zalman and partially behind it. Now I have some added noise to deal with but my temps are running a nice 32C CPU + 45C average on the Cores with a 25% overclock at 3.33 Ghz.
    The case is under a desk too so not the best setup for air flow but I can live with this for sure.

    Quote from: NovJoe on 25-May-07, 17:35:42
    It's been quite sometime since a member post his/her rig up.
    Anticipating the pictures next week.
    Well I got the SilneX 92mm fan installed in place of the noisy Antec and must say I'm throughly pleased at the results. Very quite to my liking.

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