Adding query results

I'm new to SQL, reading and learning a lot, but I have the following question:
There is the following query:
select something test1
, something test2
from dual
I would like to add the query results test1 and test2 into another variable like: test3 = test1+test2
How do I accomplish this?
I'm searching throug the SQL reference guide, but >1600 pages takes lots of time to find the needle in the haystack.
Thanx in advance

If you want to do this in SQL you can just do
     something test1,
     something_else test2,
     something + something_else test3
     dual;Or you could do:
          something test1,
          something test2
     );If you want to do this in PL/SQL you can do something like:
set serveroutput on
     ln_Result     NUMBER;
          1 + 10
     dbms_output.put_line('Value of ln_result: '||TO_CHAR(ln_result));

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    Where would I go to get the documentation on this (if it exists)? Thanks!!!

    You can add notes in query result, write click on the particular cell, there you will have option to add notes.

  • SQL Query results to CSV as two worksheets

    I'm trying to take two SQL queries and get the results sent to a CSV file on two worksheets.  Looking online I have not found a solid example of using the Excel ComObject to create a CSV then add a new worksheet to the CSV file.  An added bonus
    would be using AutoFit on the columns so everything is easily visible.
    Code found online got me the following script which does work, however it takes 12 minutes to pipe the SQL queries to Excel.  Switching to a CSV and the script executes in 5 seconds.
    This is another nice to have, I was also looking the best way to look at the results (only 1 column) and depending on the length of the data, insert what Excel would call a Cell thereby shifting cells RIGHT but so far have found no clear examples of how
    to accomplish that.  My guess would be modifying my SQL queries but I've posted a question on StackOverFlow and someone suggested modifying the PowerShell Table created from the SQL dataset.Tables
    $docs = "C:\Scripts\Output.xlsx"
    If (Test-Path $docs){Remove-Item $docs}
    Function Run-Query {
    ## - Create an Excel Application instance:
    $xlsObj = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
    $xlsObj.DisplayAlerts = $false
    $xlsWb = $xlsobj.Workbooks.Add(1)
    ## - Create new Workbook and Sheet (Visible = 1 / 0 not visible)
    $xlsObj.Visible = 0
    $time = 2
    for ($i = 0; $i -lt $queries.Count; $i++){
    $percentage = $i / $time
    $remaining = New-TimeSpan -Seconds ($time - $i)
    $message = "{0:p0} complete" -f $percentage, $remaining
    Write-Progress -Activity "Creating Daily Reboot Spreadsheet" -status $message -PercentComplete ($percentage * 100)
    $query = $queries[$i]
    $sheetname = $sheetnames[$i]
    $xlsSh = $xlsWb.Worksheets.Add([System.Reflection.Missing]::Value, $xlsWb.Worksheets.Item($xlsWb.Worksheets.Count))
    $xlsSh.Name = $sheetname
    ### SQL query results sent to Excel
    $SQLServer = 'ServerName'
    $Database = 'DataBase'
    ## - Connect to SQL Server using non-SMO class 'System.Data':
    $SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
    $SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server = $SQLServer; Database = $Database; Integrated Security = True"
    $SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
    $SqlCmd.CommandText = $query
    $SqlCmd.Connection = $SqlConnection
    ## - Extract and build the SQL data object '$Table2':
    $SqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
    $SqlAdapter.SelectCommand = $SqlCmd
    $DataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
    $Table1 = $DataSet.Tables["Table"]
    ## - Build the Excel column heading:
    [Array] $getColumnNames = $Table1.Columns | SELECT ColumnName
    ## - Build column header:
    [Int] $RowHeader = 1
    foreach ($ColH in $getColumnNames)
    $xlsSh.Cells.item(1, $RowHeader).font.bold = $true
    $xlsSh.Cells.item(1, $RowHeader) = $ColH.ColumnName
    ## - Adding the data start in row 2 column 1:
    [Int] $rowData = 2
    [Int] $colData = 1
    foreach ($rec in $Table1.Rows)
    foreach ($Coln in $getColumnNames)
    ## - Next line convert cell to be text only:
    $xlsSh.Cells.NumberFormat = "@"
    ## - Populating columns:
    $xlsSh.Cells.Item($rowData, $colData) = $rec.$($Coln.ColumnName).ToString()
    $rowData++; $ColData = 1
    ## - Adjusting columns in the Excel sheet:
    $xlsRng = $xlsSH.usedRange
    [void] $xlsRng.EntireColumn.AutoFit()
    }#End For loop.
    #Delete unwanted Sheet1.
    #Set Monday to Active Sheet upon opening Workbook.
    ## ---------- Saving file and Terminating Excel Application ---------- ##
    $xlsFile = "C:\Scripts\Output.xlsx"
    [void] $xlsObj.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs($xlsFile)
    ## - End of Script - ##
    start-sleep 2
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsRng)) {'cleanup xlsRng'}
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsSh)) {'cleanup xlsSh'}
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsWb)) {'cleanup xlsWb'}
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsObj)) {'cleanup xlsObj'}
    [gc]::collect() | Out-Null
    [gc]::WaitForPendingFinalizers() | Out-Null
    }#End Function
    $queries = @()
    $queries += "Query1"
    $queries += "Query2"
    $sheetnames = @('Cert','Prod')
    Run-Query -queries $queries -sheetnames $sheetnames

    Here's what I ended up with that accomplishes my goal.  I learned it's not possible to create a CSV with two worksheets since Excel will allow this but the CSV cannot be saved with the second worksheet.  Instead, I create two CSV files then merge
    them into one Excel workbook, one CSV per worksheet.  In my case, this happens in 5 seconds.  There is one thing which must be mentioned, I've seen this script fail the first time it is run but will successfully run the second time.
    Also note, after much trial and error, this code correctly cleans up the Excel ComObject!!  -Thanks go to JRV.
    $docs = "D:\Scripts\MonthlyReboots.xlsx"
    IF (Test-Path $docs){Remove-Item $docs}
    $csv1 = "D:\Scripts\Cert.csv"
    IF (Test-Path $csv1){Remove-Item $csv1}
    $csv2 = "D:\Scripts\Prod.csv"
    IF (Test-Path $csv2){Remove-Item $csv2}
    Function Run-Query {
    $SQLServer = 'ServerName'
    $Database = 'DataBase'
    $SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
    $SqlConnection.ConnectionString = "Server = $SQLServer; Database = $Database; Integrated Security = True"
    $Excel = New-Object -ComObject Excel.Application
    $Excel.Visible = 0
    $dest = $Excel.Workbooks.Add(1)
    }#End Begin
    For($i = 0; $i -lt $queries.Count; $i++){
    $SqlCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
    $SqlCmd.CommandText = $queries[$i]
    $SqlCmd.Connection = $SqlConnection
    $SqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter
    $SqlAdapter.SelectCommand = $SqlCmd
    $DataSet = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
    $DataSet.Tables[0] | Export-Csv -NoTypeInformation -Path "D:\Scripts\$($sheetnames[$i]).csv" -Force
    }#end for loop.
    }#End Process
    #Excel magic test!
    For($i = 0; $i -lt $queries.Count; $i++){
    $loopy = (Resolve-Path -Path $filenames[$i]).ProviderPath
    $Book = $Excel.Workbooks.Open($loopy)
    $next = $Excel.workbooks.Open($loopy)
    $xlsRng = $dest.ActiveSheet.UsedRange
    $xlsRng.EntireColumn.AutoFit() | Out-Null
    $xlsFile = "D:\Scripts\MonthlyReboots.xlsx"
    [void] $Excel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs($xlsFile)
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($xlsRng)) {'cleanup xlsRng'}
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($next)) {'cleanup xlsSh'}
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Book)) {'cleanup xlsWb'}
    While ([System.Runtime.Interopservices.Marshal]::ReleaseComObject($Excel)) {'cleanup xlsObj'}
    [gc]::collect() | Out-Null
    [gc]::WaitForPendingFinalizers() | Out-Null
    }#End end block.
    }#End function run-query.
    $queries = @()
    $queries += @'
    Select * from table1
    $queries += @'
    Select * from table2
    $sheetnames = @("Cert","Prod")
    $filenames = @("D:\Scripts\Prod.csv","D:\Scripts\Cert.csv")
    Run-Query -queries $queries -sheetnames $sheetnames -filenames $filenames
    Start-Sleep -Milliseconds 50
    Invoke-Item D:\Scripts\MonthlyReboots.xlsx

  • Date Format in Visual Studio Query Result Window

    Most vendor tools let you change the date format to show datetime in its query results window.
    But .NET does not have this.
    The ability to change this should be in located in Tools|Options but its not there.
    Can it be added in the next release?
    .NET and/or ODT over-rides it.

    Why would you expect Microsoft to write stuff for an Oracle plugin?! Why on earth would you want to see anything other than the actual raw data that YOU requested in the results of a query? Surely formating/displaying a datetime is a presentation layer thing not a database layer thing! If you're really that bothered re-write your SQL till you get what you want.

  • How to display query result like this

    I got a list of names.
    i want to display
    11.  Peter
    12. Jessica
    32. Leo
    15. Jamie
    36. Edward
    how i get static number infront of my query result.
    static number is not in order.

    Amm85 wrote:
    I got a list of names.
    i want to display
    11.  Peter
    12. Jessica
    32. Leo
    15. Jamie
    36. Edward
    how i get static number infront of my query result.
    static number is not in order.
    You could use the function queryAddColumn to add the numbers as a separate column to the query.
    Let us suppose the name of the query is "myQuery". Then you could proceed as follows
    <!---Define your "static" list of numbers --->
    <cfset staticList = "11,12,32,15,36,13,23,14,33,16,44,31,17,34,18">
    <!--- Create an array from the static list. --->
    <cfset staticNrArray = ArrayNew(1)>
    <cfset staticNrArray = listToArray(staticList)>
    <!--- Add the array as a column to the query. --->
    <cfset nColumnNumber = QueryAddColumn(myQuery, "staticNr", "integer", staticNrArray)>
    <!--- Verify whether it works as expected--->
    <cfdump var="#myQuery#">
    The list I have given here has 15 numbers. This will naturally instruct ColdFusion to add a new column named staticNr, having 15 rows. You might like to know that the queryAddColumn function enables padding.
    Here is how it works. Suppose that the query originally had only 8 rows before you added the column(of 15 rows). Then, in the new query, ColdFusion would pad the last 7 rows of the other columns with null values. If the original query  had 20 rows instead, then Coldfusion would pad the last 5 rows corresponding to the staticNr-column with null values.

  • Error while sending query result

    Hi all,
    I am working on a JDBC-XI-IDoc scenario. In my sending JDBC adapter configuration, i have given the Query SQL statement as <b>SELECT * FROM SAP_PROMOTION</b> and Update SQL statement as: <b><TEST></b>
    But when i go to adapter monitor, i am seeing an error as follws:
    <b>Error:  Sending query result failed with Couldn't retrieve binding for the given channelId: Binding:CID=875514bc047b3557a5b53dfb5ef4babe; - retry
      last retry interval started 10:54:09 2006-05-25
      length 60,000 secs</b>
    Can anybody help me how to solve this problem.

    Am not sure if this is the exact cause for your problem, but would anyways suggest that you take a look at it,
    <i> is not compatible with JDK 1.4.</i>
    From the note : <b>831162</b>
    Oracle JDBC Driver ( / classes12.jar) Deadlocks
    <b>Q: I have deployed the Oracle / classes12.jar JDBC driver as per the instructions in the XI Configuration Guide.
    Unfortunately, I frequently notice hanging database connections. A thread dump taken according to the instructions in note 710154 shows one or more blocking JDBC Sender/Reciver threads and optionally that the JVM has detected a deadlock.
    A: The Oracle / classes12.jar driver is compatible with Java 1.2 and Java 1.3 only, but not with Java 1.4. Please upgrade to a current driver (ojdbc14.jar), which does support the Java 1.4 JVM you are using.
    Please make sure that you remove / classes12.jar from aii_af_jmsproviderlib.sda prior to adding the new driver as per the instructions in the answer to question #1 above as you will get a class name collision otherwise (all JARs from aii_af_jmsproviderlib.sda are loaded into the same class loader and the driver class name of both driver versions is the same).
    Before deploying the updated driver, ensure that the new version is still compatible with your Oracle database server release. For details, please refer to the release notes provided by Oracle.</b>

  • Iterate query result - put specific rows in a collection and do output

    Oracle Lite:
    Browser: IE 7
    please help me in working on following requirement:
    1. Iterate the View Object Query Result
    2. Do some calculation on the Rows, lets say:
    Concatination of column1 and column2 and place it in a non database Attribute "column3"
    3. How to handle/place the non database attribute?
    4. Fetch specific rows from the query result; there should be a comparison, like checking master and detail hierachy struktur:
    Take Column1_ID (Master) check in columns2_ID (Detail), when found detail take this Row and place it in a buffer (Maybe ArrayList, or something like that)
    5. Show the Chace(ArrayList) to user, in a form of View Object, with standard functions like sorting and filtering
    Till now my process of solving the above requiremnts are:
    To Point 1:
    Created a service method in Application Implementation Class
       public void iterateEmp(){
         EmployeesVOImpl vo = getEmployeesVO1();
         while (vo.hasNext()){
          EmployeesVORowImpl row = (EmployeesVORowImpl);
          System.out.println(row.getEmployeeId() + " | " + row.getFirstName() + " | " + row.getLastName() + " | " +  row.getEmail());   
          //row.setCalcCol(row.getFirstName() + "," + row.getLastName());
         }To point 2:
    Added an attribute to the View Object, with updateable and Queryable options. Place it on the JSPX Page.
    With setter method, filled with values, for example (non Database Attributes Name is CalcCol):
    //see above code
    row.setCalcCol(row.getFirstName() + "," + row.getLastName());When doing so, on initial Call the values will be representated, but when sorting o filtering will be done, the values then will be erased.
    3. Added an Attribute in View Object "Attributes Panel".
    Here the XML Code of the View Object:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <!DOCTYPE ViewObject SYSTEM "jbo_03_01.dtd">
        <Attr Name="_codeGenFlag2" Value="Access|Coll|VarAccess"/>
        <Attr Name="_isExpertMode" Value="true"/>
        <Attr Name="_isCodegen" Value="true"/>
        <![CDATA[select employee_id, first_name, last_name, email from employees]]>
          <Attr Name="_DisplaySize" Value="22"/>
          <Attr Name="_DisplaySize" Value="20"/>
          <Attr Name="_DisplaySize" Value="25"/>
          <Attr Name="_DisplaySize" Value="25"/>
      <AttrArray Name="KeyAttributes">
        <Item Value="EmployeeId"/>
    </ViewObject>To Point 4:
    There should be a specific sort order, which i have to code in ADF.
    Just to give an overview:
    Colum1 and Column2 (nothing to do with the emp table) have relationship. Several hierachies are existing in the Query Result.
    For identifying the start point of any of these hierachies, i have to iterate through the Query Result and fetch these start point
    and buffer it in an array or something like that.So in the end i have to get the same query Result but with different Sort Order.
    How to buffer theses Rows (Array?) and show in a View Object?
    Can we use the same view Object for solving that, or should we use another View Object which catches the new Result Set?
    To Point 5:
    The Result should be, as mentioned above, a View Object including new Result Set, which can provide standard behavior (sort, filter)
    I hope the requirement is defined clearly enough, so maybe you can make some suggestions on that.
    Thank you for replies.
    Edited by: user9198377 on 13.07.2011 02:52

    Hi.. You can do this without DB View. Have CalcCol transient attribute in VO. Instead of iterating VO rows and setting CalcCol attr, generate View Row Impl class. Inside getCalcCol(), write your logic. This will be called during each and every request so that transient attr data won't become null during sorting and filtering. If your VO is entity driven, do the same in Entity impl class
    Edited by: Raguraman on Sep 5, 2011 9:48 AM

  • How can I export the query result into access(*.mdb) file?

    Dear all:
    I want to export the query result displayed in jsp into excel file
    and access file. And I have exported the result into excel format successfully, only one line should be added in the head of Jsp:
    <%@ page contentType="application/; charset=gb2312" %>
    But how can I export it in access(*.mdb) file? I have replaced "excel"
    with "access". But it can't achive my goal.
    What should I do to achieve my goal?

    The only reason your Excel export works is that Excel knows how to interpret comma separated values as an input file format. Access has no such beast.
    If you absolutely must provide info in an mdb, one solution would be to create an ODBC datasource pointing to an empty mdb, then push data into it using the jdbc:odbc bridge, then make a copy of the file and stream it down to the browser. You may run into some ugly file locking items here - set the ODBC connection so it is not shared, and that might help.
    This one is going to be ugly.
    I suppose another approach would be to write a simple VB applicatin that uses automation to create an MDB, then stream that file down to the browser from your servlet. That would almost certainly be faster than the ODBC approach.
    - K

  • Getting query results from a PL/SQL procedure

    Hi! So, I’m a little stumped and I can’t seem to find the answer to what I believe is probably a simple question…
    So, here goes… I have a big ol’ union query that I use to create a report on a page, it’s about 25k – not over the 32k limit, but fails to be able to compile every time (I always get a 400 – Bad Request error). I’m not sure why this is happening, but I can remove a union statement and it compiles just fine – so it has something to do with the size of the query. ANYWAY – I’ve resolved that I should put this bad boy into the database as a stored procedure and just call it from Apex, my problem is I can’t figure out quite how to do this with variables, etc.…
    Instead of giving you my whole big query, I’ll use the emp table as the concept is the same:
    Say we have a query that creates a report on a page:
    select empno, ename, job, mgr, hiredate, sal, comm, deptno
    from emp
    where job = :P_JOB
    and hiredate >= :P_HIREDATE;
    How would I take this query, create it as a stored procedure on the db, pass the variables from Apex and return the query result set from the stored proc as a report?
    I really appreciate any help on this!

    Hi Gilcrest,
    You should create the query as a View and use the view name and the WHERE clause in the report's sql source.

  • Sending email using PL/SQL based on a query result

    Hello all,
    I want to create a procedure using PL/SQL, based on a query result.Here is the scenario:
    I have multiple tables in Target and Source databases that I want to compare(not the whole table but queries on these tables) and if they differ, I want to shoot an email. I have some ideas how to implement this but not sure whether it is the best approach.
    select Acct_id, total from SourceTableA
    select Acct_id, total from TargetTableA
    select Acct_id, sum from SourceTableB
    select Acct_id, sum from TargetTableB
    If the result of any of above queries > 0 then I want to shoot an email and want to repeat this procedure in the morning every day.
    I know how to implement send_mail procedure using UTL_SMTP package and how to schedule tha job by dbms_job package. But I am not sure how to implement the result of minus query. In case if minus > 0 then I also want to send the name of tables in the email message where source and target tables are not same. Should i use cursor, variable or insert the result in a new table? any help would be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Actually these queries are the part of our daily testing that we run everyday manually(after the scheduled ETL load) to see if there are any discrepencies between our datawarehouse tables and source tables. So instead of running these queries manually everyday we want to schedula a procedure that will shoot an email in case of any discrepency and indicate which tables have problems.

  • How can I get Numbers to return the first row in a group of VLOOKUP query results instead of last one?

    I'm trying to query from one table (call it Table1) a batch of rows in another table (Table2) using VLOOKUP on a date specified in the first table (Table1). My problem is it's returning the last incident in Table2 of the requested date instead of the first incident. This really breaks the OFFSET scheme I'd like to use to collect the rest of the items for that date. Is there some way to compel VLOOKUP to return the first row of query results, not the last?
    NOTE: I see I've asked this before, but forgot to go back and look at responses given. It's been a while and I've limped along until now with the way things were. I'm actually trying to delete this questions, so if you see it, ignore it. I suppose if someone can tell me real quick how to delete a stupid question, that might be helpful.

    you cannot delete a post yourself.  You can flag the post an request a moderator remove.

  • Warning Message in query result as 'Notification Number DBMAN 345'

    Hi ,
    I have a warning message while executing the query
    Currently, it cannot be guaranteed that SIDs and master data exists for all characteristic attributes for the DataStore object to be read.
    There is a restriction on a navigation attribute of the listed characteristic in the query. This filters all characteristic values of the master-data bearing characteristic for which there is not yet master data out of the result.
    For performance reasons, this filtering is unavoidable.
    System Response
    In case of doubt, find other restirctions directly on the characteristic values of the characteristics contained in the DataStore object.
    Procedure for System Administration
      Notification Number DBMAN 345  '
    'i am getting this error because of cutomer exit variables  on navigatioanl attributes of  Omaterial'
    I tried supressing it in  RSRT.. but unable to find the message.
    I tried  debugging and assigning enhancement points in  FM  BAL_LOG_MSG_READ.. As it is standard function module its not suggestable to do..
    can we creat custom FM ?? will it be called if we  write code to supress warning message??
    Please let me know how to use  BADI'S  in order to supress the error message that appearing in query result?
    Thanks All.

    The warning is raised due to the following reasons:
      - you have a selection in the filter of a navigation attribute
      - in your DSO you do not use the option "SIDs Generation upon Activation"
    If the option "SIDs Generation upon Activation" is not flagged,
    you may get char.values for an Infoobject in the system not
    having any SIDs. As a result you may see in the report less data as
    For example we have Infoobject A with its Nav.attribute B
      Infoobject A   Nav.attribute B
      12             13   ->> has a SID in the X-table
      11             10
      9              13   ->> has no SID in the X-table
    If you define a selection on B =13 in the query, you only get infoobject
    A with key 12 displayed in the result, since only B =13 has a SID
    in the relevant X-table.
    The warning refers to this behaviour and cannot be avoided unless you:
       - flag the option in the ODS-settings
       - or remove the filter defined on 0MATERIAL__xxxx

  • Saving query results to a flat file

    Hello Experts!
    We have a very specific issue on our current project and I would like to know if any of you have ever done something similar. We are taking query results from BW (after complex calculations, some based on SY-DATE) and saving them to flat files to transfer to a SQL database structure on the Enterprise Portal. From here, the portal team renders the information into more "static" dashboards that include mouse over features and even limited drilldown (i.e. no matter where a user clicks the report always drills down on profit center)
    There are many reasons why the model is set up as such (mostly training of executive level end users), and even though it doesn't mesh with the idea that BW could do this work on its own, we have to work with what we have.
    We have come up with 3 possible ways to save this data to flat files and hopefully someone can tell us which might be the most effective.
    1.) Information Broadcasting. If we broadcast XML files to the portal, will the portals team be able to read that data into a SQL database? Is there another way to use broadcasting to create and send a flat file to specific location?
    2.) RSCRM_BAPI. This transaction seems to not support texts.
    3.) Open Hub. In order to get the open hub to work, we first have to save all of our query results to direct write data store objects using APD. (calculations based on current date, for example, would require daily full loads to the underlying data providers otherwise.)
    What is the best way to accomplish this? Is information broadcasting capable of doing this?

    Hi Adam,
    Do you have to use flat files to load the information to a SQL database? (if so maybe someone else has a suggestion on which way would be the best).
    I try to stay away from flat file uploads as there is a lot of manual work involved. May I suggest setting up a connection to your SQL table in the DBCON table and then writing a small abap program to push data into the SQL database (which you can automate).
    1) Use APD to push data into a table within BW.
    2) Go to transaction SM30 > table DBCON and setup a new entry specifying the conncection parameters to your SQL database.
    3) In SE38 Write an ABAP program along the folloing lines (assuming the connection you set in DBCON is named conn1:
    data: con_name like dbcon-con_name
    con_name = 'conn1'.
    exec sql.
      set connection :con_name
    ****have a select statement which reads data from your table which the data is saved from the APD into an internal table**********
    ****loop on the internal table and have a SQL insert statement to insert the records into the SQL table as below******
    exec sql.
    insert into <SQL TABLE> (column names seperated by ,)
    values (column names of the internal table seperated by ,)  if the internal table is named itab the columns have to be specified as :itab-column1
    If you decide to take this approach you may find more info on DBCON and the process in sdn. Good Luck!

  • Large query result set

    Hi all,
    At the moment we have some java classes (not ejb - cmp/bmp) for search in
    our ejb application.
    Now we have a problem i.e. records have grown too high( millions ) and
    sometimes query results in retrieval of millions of records. It results in
    too much memory consumtion in our ejb application. What is the best way to
    address this issue.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks & regards,

    you can think of following options
    1) paging: read only few thousands at a time and maintain a index to page
    through complete dataset
    2) caching!
    a) you can create a serialized data file in server to cache the result set
    and can use that to browse through. you may do on the fly
    compression/uncompression while sending data to client.
    b) applet based solution where caching could be in client side. Look in
    "chauhan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Thanks Slava Imeshev,
    We already have search criteria and a limit. When records exceeds thatlimit
    then we prompt user that it may take sometime, do you want to proceed? If
    he clicks yes then we retrieve those records. This results in lot ofmemory
    I was thinking if there is some way that from database I can retrieve some
    block of records at a time rather the all records of a query. I wander how
    internet search sites work, where thousnds of sites/pages match criteriaand
    client can move back & front on any page.
    "Slava Imeshev" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi chauhan,
    You may want to narrow search criteria along with processing a
    limited number of resulting records. I.e. if the size of the result
    is bigger than a limit, you stop fetching results and notify the client
    that search criteria should be narrowed.
    Slava Imeshev
    "chauhan" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    Hi all,
    At the moment we have some java classes (not ejb - cmp/bmp) for
    our ejb application.
    Now we have a problem i.e. records have grown too high( millions ) and
    sometimes query results in retrieval of millions of records. It
    too much memory consumtion in our ejb application. What is the best
    address this issue.
    Any help will be highly appreciated.
    Thanks & regards,

  • How to get Query Results based on Analysis Authorization Ranges????

    Hi Experts,
    I have gone through the lot of SDN Links, however not able to find the answer to my question.
    I have an Authorization Issue, “NO Authorization “
    Error : EYE 007 ( Insufficient Authorizations )
    <b>Here is the issue:</b>
    Need to see the complete query result when I gave the range in Analysis Authorization for Controlling Area 001-005. Controlling Area is auth relevant and right now a variable is inserted in the query for it. If I select Controlling Area 001, the result for Controlling Area 001 is displayed in query. If 002 then also displayed. If I do not enter anything, then I get the <b>Eye 007 error message</b>.
    I am not sure how do I display/authorize the entire result in the query for all the Controlling Areas, I have authorized user to see??
    <b>Its really urgent, please help..!</b>
    Here are the logs:
    Authorization Check Log
    Date and Execution Time (Local Server)
    Execution Date: 06.09.2007
    Execution Time: 14:48:41
    Executed Query: 0CCA_C11/GBCCA_MP01_Q0002_AP
    Executed by User ZBI_TEST_001
    Executed with Analysis Authorizations of Another User ZBI_TEST_001
      InfoProvider Check  
    Building the Buffer...
    ...Buffer Built
    Are there authorizations for accessing InfoProvider 0CCA_C11 with activity 03?
    Authorization exists for general access to InfoProvider 0CCA_C11 with activity 03 
      InfoProvider Check  
    Authorization exists for general access to InfoProvider 0CCA_C11 with activity 03 
      Relevant Characteristics for Detailed Authorization Check  
    (Characteristics with Full Authorization Are Not Listed!)
      List of Effective Authorization-Relevant Characteristics for InfoProvider 0CCA_C11:  
      Relevant Characteristics for Detailed Authorization Check  
    (Characteristics with Full Authorization Are Not Listed!)
      List of Effective Authorization-Relevant Characteristics for InfoProvider :  
    List Is Empty:
      There Are No Characteristics That Have to Be Checked in Detail  
      Authorization Check  
      Detail Check for InfoProvider 0CCA_C11  
    Selection Checked for Consistency, Preprocessed and Supplemented As Needed
    Subselection (Technical SUBNR) 1
    Check Node Definitions and Value Authorizations...
    Node- and Value Authorizations Are OK
    End of Preprocessing
    Filling the Buffer...
    ...Buffer Filled
      Main Check:  
      Subselection (Technical SUBNR) 1  
    Supplementation of Selection for Aggregated Characteristics
      No Check for Aggregation Authorization Required  
    Following Set Is Checked  Comparison with Following Authorized Set  Result  Remaining Set 
    Characteristic  Contents 
    SQL Format:
    CO_AREA = '0003'
    AND TCAACTVT = '03'
    Characteristic  Contents 
    0CO_AREA  I BT 0001 0005
    0TCAACTVT  I EQ 03
    I EQ 16
      Subselection (SUBNR) Is Authorized  
      Authorization Check Complete  
      Authorization Check  
      Detail Check for InfoProvider 0CCA_C11  
    Selection Checked for Consistency, Preprocessed and Supplemented As Needed
    Subselection (Technical SUBNR) 1
    Check Node Definitions and Value Authorizations...
    Node- and Value Authorizations Are OK
    End of Preprocessing
    Filling the Buffer...
    ...Buffer Filled
      Main Check:  
      Subselection (Technical SUBNR) 1  
    Supplementation of Selection for Aggregated Characteristics
      No Check for Aggregation Authorization Required  
    Following Set Is Checked  Comparison with Following Authorized Set  Result  Remaining Set 
    Characteristic  Contents 
    SQL Format:
    TCAACTVT = '03'
    Characteristic  Contents 
    0CO_AREA  I BT 0001 0005
    0TCAACTVT  I EQ 03
    I EQ 16
    Partially or Fully Authorized (Intersection)   Characteristic  Contents 
    SQL Format:
    ( CO_AREA < '0001'
    OR CO_AREA > '0005' )
    AND TCAACTVT = '03'
    Value selection partially authorized. Check of remainder at end
    Following Set Is Checked  Comparison with Following Authorized Set  Result  Remaining Set 
    Characteristic  Contents 
    SQL Format:
    ( CO_AREA < '0001'
    OR CO_AREA > '0005' )
    AND TCAACTVT = '03'
    Characteristic  Contents 
    0CO_AREA  I BT 0001 0005
    0TCAACTVT  I EQ 03
    I EQ 16
    Not Authorized   
    All Authorizations Tested
      Message EYE007: You do not have sufficient authorization  
      No Sufficient Authorization for This Subselection (SUBNR)  
    Following CHANMIDs Are Affected:
    184 ( 0CO_AREA )
      Authorization Check Complete  

        Have you defined the vaule for 0CO_AREA as BT 001-005 in you Authorization for 0CO_AREA.Also how have you defined your Authorization Variable on the query? Have you define as select options or interval? I thing you need to define it as interval or select options.
    Hope it helps,

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