[ADF-11.1.2] Link on adf tabel does not select row before navigation

I have a List of Contries displayed in table with a view button on panel collection toolbar. User Select the country row, which makes changes current row of country View Iterator binding on page, and click on view button, which navigates to detail page of selected country. This works fine.
But I want to reduce the number for clicks made by user. So I converted one of column of county table to link with the same action as view button. So now... User Selects the row, click on link button of selected row, navigation works fine. But when user directly clicks on link, without selecting row, it navigates to last selected row (or probabily the first row when user open the table for first time).
I was under impression that when link is there under af|column, adf would internally selects the row before any action happens otherwise what's the use of having link in column ?.
Please correct me, if I am worng.

Ahh sorry... My bad.
I am using firefox 10 which seems not supported yet.
I tried on IE 9 and chrome and it's working fine there.
I will try with firefox 4 and post here in case if I find any issue.

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    In the following code, without <f:verbatim>, it is giving "Duplicate ID in the view" Exception. But with <f:verbatim>, the links generated by commandLink does not work. Please help me to solve this problem.
    Thank you in advance.
    <%-- jsf:pagecode language="java" location="/src/pagecode/eservice/DisplayMoreEServices.java" --%><%-- /jsf:pagecode --%>
    <%@ include file="/includes/g_common_include.jsp" %>
    <%@page import="java.util.Map"%>
    <%@page import="bh.com.cio.egov.EGOVConstants"%>
    <%@page import="javax.portlet.PortletSession"%>
    <%@page language="java"%>
         PortletSession ses = renderRequest.getPortletSession();
         Map eServiceCatMap = (Map) ses.getAttribute(EGOVConstants.REQ_ESERVICE_LIST_BY_CAT);
    <%@page import="bh.com.cio.egov.vo.EServiceVO"%>
         <script type="text/javascript">          
              function blinkThis(id, color, timeout)
                   var idElem = document.getElementById(id);
                        idElem.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.color = color;
                        setTimeout('switchColor(\'' + id + '\', \'#8A7C5B\', ' + timeout + ')', timeout);
              function switchColor(id, color, timeout)
                   var idElem = document.getElementById(id);
                        idElem.getElementsByTagName('span')[0].style.color = color;
                        setTimeout('blinkThis(\'' + id + '\', \'#FF3030\', ' + timeout + ')', timeout);
    <f:loadBundle basename="nls.egovresource" var="nls"/>
    <hx:scriptCollector id="scriptCollector1">
         <h:form id="form2">     
              <div class="header-top">
                   <h:outputText value='#{nls["eservice_label_title"]}'></h:outputText>
              <c:forEach items="${requestScope.REQ_ESERVICE_LIST_BY_CAT}" var="categoryVOs" varStatus="catIndex">
                   <table width="99%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                             <td> </td>
                             <td class="gray1" height="30px">
                                       <c:out value="${categoryVOs.value.category.categoryName}" escapeXml="false"></c:out>
                             <td width="2">
                                  <div align="right">           
                                       <img src='<%= imageRootDir + "dot.png"%>' width="4" height="1" />
                             <td width="100%" >
                                  <table width="99%" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                                       <c:forEach items="${categoryVOs.value.eservice}" var="service" varStatus="serviceIndex">
                                            EServiceVO serviceObj = (EServiceVO) pageContext.getAttribute("service");
                                            String action = null;
                                            int serviceId= -1;
                                                 action = serviceObj.getServiceAction();
                                                 serviceId = serviceObj.getServiceId();
                                            if(action!=null && action.startsWith("$"))
                                       <c:set var="jstl_to_jsf_serviceName" value="${service.serviceName}" scope="request"/>
                                       <c:set var="jstl_to_jsf_url_en" value="${service.serviceAction}" scope="request"/>
                                       <c:set var="jstl_to_jsf_url_ar" value="${service.serviceActionAr}" scope="request"/>
                                            <td height="17">                         
                                                 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">                              
                                                           <td width="95%" id="extMoreCell_${catIndex.index}_${serviceIndex.index}">                                                                      
                                                                <img src='<%= imageRootDir +"arrow1.png"%>' width="15" height="16" border="0"/>
                                                                <h:commandLink styleClass="links menu-txt" action="#{pc_EServiceView.doExternalLinkAction}">
                                            <h:outputText value="#{jstl_to_jsf_serviceName}" styleClass="menu-txt"/>
                                                 <f:param name="PARAM_ESERVICE_URL_EN" value="#{jstl_to_jsf_url_en}"></f:param>
                                                 <f:param name="PARAM_ESERVICE_URL_AR" value="#{jstl_to_jsf_url_ar}"></f:param>
                                                 <f:param name="JSP_ACTION" value="ACT_EXTERNAL_ESERVICE"></f:param>
                                                 <script type="text/javascript">
                                                      <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '53'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_7_3', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                      <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '54'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_7_4', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                      <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '55'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_7_5', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                      <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '56'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_0_8', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                      <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '57'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_8_8', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                      <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '59'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_1_8', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                      <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '58'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_5_6', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                           <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '28'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_1_4', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                           <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '20'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_5_3', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                                           <c:if test="${service.serviceId eq '60'}">
                                                           blinkThis('extMoreCell_7_6', '#FF3030', 1000);
                                            <td bgcolor="#FAF9FA" background='<%= imageRootDir + "line-bg-eservices.png"%>'><img src='<%= imageRootDir +"line-bg-eservices.png"%>' width="2" height="1" border="0"/></td>
                                       else if(action!=null)
                                       <c:set var="jstl_to_jsf_serviceName" value="${service.serviceName}" scope="request"/>
                                       <wps:urlGeneration contentNode="${service.serviceAction}" allowRelativeURL="false" keepNavigationalState="true">
                                       //String urlC = "http://"+renderRequest.getServerName()+":"+renderRequest.getServerPort()+wpsURL;
                                       String urlC = "" + wpsURL;
                                       <c:set var="url" value="<%=urlC%>" scope="request"/>
                                            <td height="17">                         
                                                 <table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
                                                           <td id="intMoreCell_${catIndex.index}_${serviceIndex.index}">
                                                           <img src='<%= imageRootDir +"arrow1.png"%>' width="15" height="16" border="0"/>     
                                                           <hx:outputLinkEx styleClass="links menu-txt" value="#{url}">
                                                                <h:outputText value="#{jstl_to_jsf_serviceName}" styleClass="menu-txt"></h:outputText>
                                            <td bgcolor="#FAF9FA" background='<%= imageRootDir + "line-bg-eservices.png"%>' ><img src='<%= imageRootDir +"line-bg-eservices.png"%>' width="2" height="1" border="0"/></td>
              <h:messages styleClass="messages" id="messages1"></h:messages>

    1) Throw your code away and use h:dataTable instead of c:forEach to render a table of dynamic size.
    2) Hand-assign every UIInput and UICommand element inside the loop an unique ID. E.g. "commandLinkId" + loopIndex

  • ADF panelGroup component's background image in CSS does not render

    I have an issue with the panelGroup component, where a background-image specified in the styleClass DOES NOT RENDER when deployed on the OAS. It works fine when I run the page on my local OC4J.
    I've verified that the image I use is deployed correctly on the server.
    We are using :
    JDeveloper Studio Edition: (Build JDEVADF_10.
    Oracle Application Server: running on RHEL 5.
    I'm customizing pages of an ADF application to change the branding and skinning. The page header region used in the application uses a 'panelPageHeader' and the image I need to introduce is part of branding and must be rendered above the application menus (2 levels: 1->MenuTabs, 2-MenuBar).
    If it would help to see how my page renders locally, here's the link: http://tech-nik-alley.blogspot.com/2010/09/adf-panelgroups-background-image.html
    (The brightly colored bar above the menus is newly introduced, ABC_Lightbar.jpg).
    Using an objectImage with my light_bar image as source, directly in the facet menu2, causes the alignment of all pages to get disrupted. Hence the work-around of using the image as a background.
    A copy of my pageHeader region is below, with comments. The panelGroup component newly introduced is in the facet "menu2". I've added the CSS definitions in the page as comments as appropriate.
    Any pointers on how to debug further, work-arounds etc. are appreciated.
    TIA and regards
    <af:regionDef var="attr">
    <af:panelPageHeader styleClass="ss0" > <!—ss0 is "padding:0px;margin-left:14%;margin-right:14%;margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;display:block;background-color:transparent;" -->
    <f:facet name="branding">     
    <af:panelGroup styleClass="ss_brand"> <!--ss_brand is "display:block;margin-bottom:12px" -->
    <af:objectImage shortDesc="#{imageBean['SS_COMPANY_LOGO'].description}"
    <f:facet name="menuGlobal" >
    <af:panelGroup layout="horizontal" styleClass="ss00" rendered="#{attr.globalMenuShown}">     <!—ss00 is "margin-right:10px;" -->
    <f:facet name="separator">
    <af:objectImage source="#{imageBean['SS_GLOBAL_SEPARATOR'].physicalName}" shortDesc=""/>
    <af:goMenuItem text="#{sessionBean.authenticated?pageHeaderBean.loggedInUserInfo:messageBean.SS_GEN_GUEST}"/>
    <af:menuButtons startDepth="0" var="menuGlobal" value="#{menuModel.model}">
    <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
    <af:goMenuItem text="#{menuGlobal.label}"
    rendered="#{menuGlobal.type=='global' &amp;&amp; menuGlobal.rendered}"
    <f:facet name="menu1" >
    <f:facet name="menu2" >     <!-- facet menu2 originally has a 'menuTabs' (level 1 menu) on top of a 'menuBar' (level 2 menu) -->
                        <!-- Change required: introduce a light_bar image above level 1 menu (menuTabs). The image spans the page -->
    <af:panelGroup rendered="#{skinFamily.menuLayout=='horizontal' and attr.otherMenuShown}">
         <!--Change: new panelGroup introduced, with a background image in the styleClass -->
    <af:panelGroup layout="vertical" styleClass="pageHeaderLightBar"> <!-- pageHeaderLightBar is "background-image:url(/ss/skin/ABC/images/ABC_lightbar.jpg); " -->
    <!--<af:objectImage source="/ss/skin/ABC/images/ABC_lightbar.jpg"/>-->     <!--Specifying the image directly, disrupts the all other OOTB pages-->
    <af:objectSpacer width="22px"/>
    <af:panelGroup styleClass="pageHeaderMenuLevelOne"> <!-- Another place where a back-ground image is used for a panelGroup using the styleclass -->
    <af:menuTabs startDepth="0" var="menuTab" value="#{menuModel.model}">     <!-- The level 2 menu using menuTabs -->
    <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
    <af:goMenuItem text="#{menuTab.label}"
    rendered="#{menuTab.rendered and menuTab.type!='global'}"/>
    <af:menuBar startDepth="1" var="menuBar" value="#{menuModel.model}">     <!--The level 2 menu using a menuBar -->
    <f:facet name="nodeStamp">
    <af:goMenuItem text="#{menuBar.label}"
    rendered="#{menuBar.rendered}" />

    'background-image:url("../image/Sunset.jpg")' is a relative URL... relative to the final generated markup. It should be wrong like 99% of the times. You should rather use a styleClass and deal with the background-image with skinning as the skinning engines knows how to deal with such urls. Note that you'll most likely have to define a new resource loader and servlet mapping for the ResourceServlet. I know someone made a blog entry about that, was it Frank or Shay? Hmmm cannot remember... Maybe John as well. Anyway a Google search should yield good results for adf resource loader I think.
    ~ Simon

  • Linking to a website does not work

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    When I publish the project, the link works when I am in the published PDF file but it does not work when I am in the published SWF or HTM file. Can someone give me some advice on what I may be doing wrong? IF this has been addresssed elsewhere, I am sorry for the duplication. I have searched and could not find anything.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi there
    "Whitelisting" is a process that is used to identify something as being a "safe" or "trusted" source. I believe what is meant in this context is that you need to add the location to the trusted locations list in the Flash Player as described in the link below:
    Click here to view
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    Captivate Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
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    Captivate eBooks

  • Link in pdf-file does not work on Ipad

    With my site www.bartkuijer.nl I offer visitors the free possibility to see (and download) sheetmusic, from music written by me. These are pdf-files. But they can not only SEE the sheetmusic; the music on that pdf-files can also be PLAYED. That's done bij clicking on a link in that pdf-file to a mp3-file of the music on my site.
    This works fine on a pc. When I try this on the Ipad of my wife it DOES NOT WORK!
    So my question is: how come? And what to do to make this work also fine on an Ipad.
    This is important for me, because I want this sheetmusic to place as Ipad-apps for free.

    It works!
    But not with a pdf-file. The Ipad does not recognize links in a pdf-file.
    Te solution is found by making a htm-file with emdedding a quicktime-player and images of the music. This is my first Ipad product. On a pc the player starts immediately; on the Ipad it has to be started.
    Now I have to work on a solution to change this to an app

  • Sharepoint 2013 Discussion Board Web Part, Subject line link on Home Page does not link to the list view

    I am by no means a SharePoint developer, but I really wanted to customize the discussion board for my site - so I found this link: http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/733164/How-to-create-HelpDesk-on-SharePoint-Online
    I added the columns, like the article said, and then completed the section "Modification of the discussion board views".  I skipped the workflow stuff because while I think it would be useful I wanted to make sure I could get
    the actual customization of the discussion board to work first. 
    My Problem (Just to preface - I followed the above instructions, including disabling the Minimal Download Strategy):
    When I clicked into my discussion board list, I was able to get it to look and function as described for both the subject and flat views. However, when I click on the Subject, from the Discussion Board Web Part on my Home Page, it does not redirect into the
    Discussion Board List Flat View.  Instead, it tries to open the root folder from the Home Page while still using the subject view.  The outcome being an empty discussion board on the Home Page.
    So I decided to create a whole new discussion board to see if that one would work, when I inserted a new Discussion Board Web Part into the Home Page, newly created from the app menu, it used the same custom JS file(plumTickets), even though I never linked
    the discussion board to the JS file. Of course when I went into the newly created Discussion Board list it opened as it does OOTB.
    I am so close it having this work like I have been envisioning.  I just need users to be able to click on a discussion subject from the Home Page and be redirected to the list view of the parent folder (I think that is the correct terminology,
    but it may not be) so they would be able to see any replies and be able to reply.  Please Help Me!!!
    I truly appreciate any help you are able to provide, thank you!

    I figured it out. I was using ?FilterField1=fieldname&FilterValue1=value on the URL to the page to pick out one project number. The web part I was trying to add was for a list that did not have that particular fieldname. I didn't realize that would matter
    since I was using the Connections -> Get Filter Values From to get my filter values from the main web part, which does have that fieldname.
    I added a field with that fieldname to the other list and set a workflow to copy the lookup value of the project number lookup field into the new field. Now all is working fine.  Sorry for the wild geese in my original question.

  • Link posted on Facebook does not import Photo from the site

    When I paste a link to a status line on Facebook, it imports the title and annotation of the page correctly. However, the Facebook does not show any photo from the page (as it does with other websites).
    Is there a way to force Facebook to show a photo alongside the title etc?
    I am trying to post for instance this: http://www.cykasy.cz/Atlas/Cycas_xipholepis.html
    and would like to show some of the pictures on Facebook too.

    It seems that the only solution is to write a piece of code into the header of the page and that will tell facebook where to pull the title, description and the photo from. The code that needs to be inserted is below.
    THE PROBLEM - this solution doesn't work if you have built your site using iweb. Everyone that has iweb has responded to the solution (everywhere this is written about) has said this.
    Does anyone know another work around?
    The solution for anyone without iweb:
    <meta name="title" content="INSERT CONTENT HERE" />
    <meta name="description" content="INSERT CONTENT HERE" />
    <link rel="image_src" href="INSERT LOCATION OF PHOTO WEB ADDRESS HERE" />

  • HT201272 my quick link to previously purchased does not show movies. Why? I am trying to relocate a movie I have "lost"

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    Subsequent movie downloads are currently only available in the USA and only some of those are (depending upon studio).
    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store - http://support.apple.com/kb/ht2519 - enabled with iTunes 10.3 and newer; not available in all countries; apps, books (not audiobooks), music, t.v. shows, and movies (some - not all studios have permitted this). Movies currently available in the USA only. Downloading previously purchased movies and TV shows requires iTunes 10.6 or later.  Discontinued items not available. For items not included in the iCloud list (e.g., ringtones), or locations or computer systems where iCloud is not (yet?) available, you only get one download per fee paid.  Apple notes it is your responsibility to back up your purchases.
    Select the store on the left side of iTunes.
    Click on Purchased on the right side under Quick Links.
    You can re-download your available previous purchases.

  • Download link to upgrade AppWorld does not work on BB9900

    I just got a new BB9900. When I opened AppWorld I got the message that I needed to upgrade to a newer version of AppWorld. 
    I clicked the link to open the BB site in my browser, and clicked through on 'update today', I then end up at download site, but I can't click any buttons to start the download. Seems like a bug to me...
    Please let me know how I can upgrade AppWorld when the download site does not seem to work.
    Upgrading via the desktop software is no option. As I cannot install any software on my business laptop.
    Thanks in advance for your suggestions! 

    Hey dneirv,
    Welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    Thanks for the question.
    I would suggest going to www.blackberry.com/appworld/download and then download the file and restart the BlackBerry smartphone and then you should have the most up to date version.
    Let me know if you still have problems with the update.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Click  Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Crystal 8 link options index list does not exists in Crystal XI Release 2

    Crystal 8.0
    Database -- Visual Linking Expert -- Highlight a link line from File A to File B -- right mouse click -- Optionsu2026..you will see multiple indexes listed
    I was then able to select the index
    This does not exist in Crystal XI Release 2
    Database : Pervasive Btrieve native driver using DDFs
    Is there a setting somewhere to turn this on or is it no longer available

    Hi Clair,
    As of Cr 9 we completely re-wrote the database drivers so that option is no longer available. I believe a way to get around this is to is to copy in the index.ddf into the same folder as the data files, as well as the other ddf's. If you want to use a different index.ddf then delete the file and copy in the one you want to use.
    It's been a while since I've tried this.
    You may also want to look at adding all of your indexing into one file.
    Thank you

  • Download link for PS CC does not work

    I am in the CC area, click on PS to download and the link does not work. Here is the link. Any ideas? Working on a Mac; browser is FireFox.
    Same issue occurs when trying to download AI from CC.
    aam://SAPCode=PHSP?productVersion=14.0?passPhrase=Qrm0F9IdGKvpaqBy+4xfM5lOVjrbpmIweKyRgE7A +BqIFujuZhd6TPbicQ26g2ENYDvavIaSUbhb9BXZi83+Angu3EOQc+ntLN6A+aQp/ewWvbhau5iP8ohOSLKpfNJlYT 4bEoGiRkVT1a3siLb7QGha/SK/mjCUPNQIynZDH7M=

    Hi maurak,
    Please use Creative cloud desktop app to download all CC Apps. You can download the CC desktop app from this link.

  • Email linEmail link to Yahoo Mail does not work in in FF26.0 Windows 7, 64 bit computer?

    as above

    Do you mean, for example, that if you click a link like this:
    [email protected]
    Firefox does not start a new message in Yahoo! mail?
    I think you will need to set Firefox to use Yahoo! mail using the Options dialog. Please see this article for the steps: [[Change the program used to open email links]].
    Does that work?
    Or if you can't open Yahoo! mail at all, try going in through one of these addresses:
    * Yahoo home page: https://www.yahoo.com/
    * My Yahoo page: https://my.yahoo.com/
    * General mail redirect: https://mail.yahoo.com/
    Note that many users have discovered problems with bookmarks they saved for the "old" Yahoo mail and need to update them to work with the "new" (neo) Yahoo mail.

  • The links in the sidebar does not show

    Hi all,
    I have created a menu structure according to the requirements
    and it is as followed:
    Responsibility Menu
    Home Page (attached to Responsibility Menu)
    HTML Tab (attached to Home Page, with prompt)
    HTML Sub Tab (attached to HTML Tab, with prompt)
    HTML SideBar(attached to HTML Sub Tab)
    Function (attached to HTML SideBar, prompt given for function Test Sidebar)
    After creating the above menu structure the link in the sidebar is not shown.
    (the sidebar is not shown at all)
    (the tab with the horizontal navigation is shown and the test side is shown)
    (I have also bounced apache, but it does not help)
    Does anyone have any ideas of how I can get this working?
    (we use 11.5.10)
    Henrik Brokvist

    Here's a tutorial about doing exactly what you want:
    Take care,

  • Custom defined links on confirmation page does not work.

    I am trying a define a custom link for the leave request confirmation page in the ESS module of the portal. I am able to see the url link, but when I click on it, it does not navigate to the new page. Here are the steps I completed.
    - created a custom webdynpro application.
    - created an iview and a page for the custom web dynpro application.
    - created test role and workset, tested the iview successfully in the
        portal from the menu.
    -  Defined a custom resource for the iview, put the url of the PCD page in
        the  "URL of PCD Page" field.
    - Defined a custom webdynpro service for the above resource.
    - Defined a custom link on the confirmation page using the above service.
    I would appreciate if anyone can provide any guidance, tips or ideas on missing steps...
    Thanks in advance,

    Hi for X in range,
    You may take a try to contact Microsoft local license support team:
    Best regards
    Michael Shao
    TechNet Community Support

  • ADF appl link to SQL database does not save the change

    I use SQLJDBC 4 to connect to MS 2008 database. Then I create an simple ADF application with one model and business component that connect to one table. When I run the app. The grid and the detail come up nicely. I can insert new row and modified existing row without error with submit-commit operation. The grid updated with the change. But it did not update the database when I check the data from studio manager. Is there any configuration I am missing so the data are not updated.

    Please give us your jdev version...
    What exactly do you mean by submit-commit operation?
    Have you run the application with jbo.debugoutput=console to see what its send to the server?

Maybe you are looking for

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