ADF Bug? SelectOneChoice in af:column becomes null after refresh

I just discovered a serious issue in my code (ADF 7). I was able to reproduce the issue using the following code :
I have a table mapped to a Widget ViewObject listing some widget definitions. On of the column represents the widget type id. I use an af:selectOneChoice and the widgetTypeId is mapped to the WidgetType ViewObject (the category name is displayed)
The page definition :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<pageDefinition xmlns=""
                version="" id="testFramePageDef"
    <variableIterator id="variables"/>
    <iterator Binds="WidgetView1" RangeSize="25"
              DataControl="AppModuleDataControl" id="WidgetView1Iterator"/>
    <iterator Binds="WidgetTypeView1" RangeSize="-1"
              DataControl="AppModuleDataControl" id="WidgetTypeView1Iterator"/>
    <tree IterBinding="WidgetView1Iterator" id="WidgetView1">
      <nodeDefinition DefName="com.test.model.views.dashboard.WidgetView"
          <Item Value="WidgetId"/>
          <Item Value="WidgetTypeId" Binds="WidgetTypeId"/>
          <Item Value="Name"/>
          <Item Value="Reference"/>
          <Item Value="Description"/>
          <Item Value="StrId"/>
    <list IterBinding="WidgetView1Iterator" id="WidgetTypeId"
          DTSupportsMRU="true" StaticList="false"
        <Item Value="WidgetTypeId"/>
        <Item Value="WidgetTypeId"/>
        <Item Value="Name"/>
</pageDefinition>The jsf page displays the widgets name and type, which are both modifiable. I also added previous/next buttons :
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
  < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <af:document id="d1">
      <af:messages id="m1"/>
      <af:form id="f1">
        <af:panelStretchLayout id="ptstc">
          <f:facet name="top">
            <af:panelGroupLayout id="pglact" layout="horizontal">
              <af:commandButton id="cbprv" action="#{userBean.previous}" text="Previous"/>
              <af:commandButton id="cbnxt" action="#{}" text="Next"/>
          <f:facet name="center">
            <af:table value="#{bindings.WidgetView1.collectionModel}" var="row"
                      emptyText="#{bindings.WidgetView1.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
                      rowSelection="single" id="t1">
              <af:column sortProperty="WidgetId" sortable="false"
                <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.WidgetId.inputValue}"
                  <f:validator binding="#{row.bindings.WidgetId.validator}"/>
                  <af:convertNumber groupingUsed="false"
              <af:column sortProperty="WidgetTypeId" sortable="false"
                <af:selectOneChoice value="#{row.bindings.WidgetTypeId.inputValue}"
                  <f:selectItems value="#{row.bindings.WidgetTypeId.items}"
</jsp:root>Here is the code from my backing bean :
    private int widgetId = 1010;
    public void previous(){
      text = "action";
      AppModuleImpl am = (AppModuleImpl)ADFUtils.getApplicationModuleForDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
      ViewObject vo = am.getWidgetView1();
    public void next(){
      text = "action";
      AppModuleImpl am = (AppModuleImpl)ADFUtils.getApplicationModuleForDataControl("AppModuleDataControl");
      ViewObject vo = am.getWidgetView1();
    }Now the issue : if I open the page, the entire widget table is displayed. I click on 'next' and the first record is displayed with correct name and type. If a do a refresh by hitting F5, the action is re-executed and the second row is displayed, also with correct name and type. But if I select 'previous', I come back to the first row but the type is now set to null(0).
Can you tell me if this code is correct and if yes : are you able to reproduce it? / is this an ADF bug?
Thank you
Edited by: drahuks on 9 mai 2011 01:32

The backing bean is session scoped.
I tried a second solution using af:iterator and af:selectItem instead of af:selectItems :
pageDef :
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<pageDefinition xmlns=""
                version="" id="testFramePageDef"
    <variableIterator id="variables"/>
    <iterator Binds="WidgetView1" RangeSize="25"
              DataControl="AppModuleDataControl" id="WidgetView1Iterator"/>
    <iterator Binds="WidgetTypeView1" RangeSize="-1"
              DataControl="AppModuleDataControl" id="WidgetTypeView1Iterator"/>
    <tree IterBinding="WidgetView1Iterator" id="WidgetView1">
      <nodeDefinition DefName="com.test.model.views.dashboard.WidgetView">
          <Item Value="Name"/>
          <Item Value="WidgetTypeId"/>
    <table IterBinding="WidgetTypeView1Iterator" id="WidgetTypeLov">
        <Item Value="Name"/>
        <Item Value="WidgetTypeId"/>
</pageDefinition>jspx :
<af:selectOneChoice value="#{row.WidgetTypeId}"
                  <af:forEach var="typeNode"
                    <af:selectItem id="sit" value="#{typeNode.WidgetTypeId}"
                  <!--<f:selectItems value="#{row.bindings.WidgetTypeId.items}"
                </af:selectOneChoice>Still get an issue : when hitting F5 I get a nullpointer exception. Here is the debug :
<ADFLogger> <begin> Execute query
<ViewObjectImpl> <buildQuery> [1960] _LOCAL_VIEW_USAGE_com_test_model_views_dashboard_WidgetView_WidgetTypeView1>#q computed SQLStmtBufLen: 112, actual=85, storing=115
<ViewObjectImpl> <buildQuery> [1961] SELECT WidgetType.WIDGET_TYPE_ID,         WidgetType.NAME FROM WIDGET_TYPE WidgetType
<ViewObjectImpl> <getPreparedStatement> [1962] ViewObject: [com.test.model.views.WidgetTypeView]AppModule._LOCAL_VIEW_USAGE_com_test_model_views_dashboard_WidgetView_WidgetTypeView1 Created new QUERY statement
<ViewObjectImpl> <bindParametersForCollection> [1963] Bind params for ViewObject: [com.test.model.views.WidgetTypeView]AppModule._LOCAL_VIEW_USAGE_com_test_model_views_dashboard_WidgetView_WidgetTypeView1
<ViewObjectImpl> <bindParametersForCollection> [1964] For RowSet : _LOCAL_VIEW_USAGE_com_test_model_views_dashboard_WidgetView_WidgetTypeView1_0
<ADFLogger> <addContextData> Execute query
<ADFLogger> <addContextData> Execute query
<ADFLogger> <addContextData> Get LOV list
<MessageFactory> <getMessage>
     at oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlListBinding.processNewInputValue(
     at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.HierNodeBindingELResolver.setValue(
     at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.model.AdfELResolver.setValue(
     at javax.el.CompositeELResolver.setValue(
     at com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver._setValue(
     at com.sun.faces.el.DemuxCompositeELResolver.setValue(
     at com.sun.el.parser.AstValue.setValue(Unknown Source)
     at com.sun.el.ValueExpressionImpl.setValue(Unknown Source)
     at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXEditableValue.updateModel(
     at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.component.UIXEditableValue.processUpdates(
Edited by: drahuks on 10 mai 2011 04:09

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    Hello All,
    I have wierd problem ,
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    VERSION:Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production

    Is the MV part of a refresh group?
    Post the command and parameters used by the scheduled job to do the refresh as well as the parameters you use when you do it manually.

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    It is what I see:
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    2. Hence, in order to search out "2014-06-18 00:00:00"  item I have to input "2014-06-17" in search query! (in SP2013 the time part are ignored)
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    I hope it is actually not a bug. Please let me know if my setting is wrong. Thank you!

    Hi Mark,
    According to your description, my understanding is that the Article Date column displayed with the value based on GMT0 in the Refinement web part.
    Microsoft SharePoint stores date and time values in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC, but also named GMT or Zulu) format, and almost all date and time values that are returned by members of the object model are in UTC format. So the value
    of the Article Date column stores the date and time in UTC format in the database, and the search indexes the UTC value of the Article Date column after crawling the database so that it displays the UTC value in Refinement web part.
    The list column values displayed in the lists that are obtained through the indexer for the SPListItem class are already formatted in the local time for the site so if you’re working on current context list item and fetch a datetime field
    like so SPContext.Current.ListItem["Your-DateTime-Field"] you’ll retrieve a DateTime object according the specified time zone in the regional settings.
    More references:
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Bindings are becoming null

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    What is the solution for this?
    Pls help me.

    as stated in the developer guide, the binding content is not available between requests, which means that you wont have it available e.g. in a restore view phase

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    I would think you could add an IF statement to verify if the text is null. So...
    =IF(ISNULL(TEXT(Anniversary, "m/d")), What we do when null, TEXT(Anniversary,"m/d"))
    Andy Wessendorf SharePoint Developer II | Rackspace [email protected]

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    create table PropertyOwners (
    [Key] int not null primary key,
    PropertyKey int not null,    
    BoughtDate DateTime,    
    OwnerKey int null,    
    GroupKey int null   
    [Key] is primary key and combination of PropertyKey, BoughtDate, OwnerKey and GroupKey is unique.
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    CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [IX_PropertyOwners] ON [dbo].[PropertyOwners]    
    [PropertyKey] ASC,   
    [BoughtDate] DESC,   
    [OwnerKey] DESC,   
    [GroupKey] DESC   
    Description of the case:
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    following query for the OwnerKey. If there are same property rows for owners and group at the same time than the rows having OwnerKey with be preferred, that is why I am using "OwnerKey desc" in Rank function.
    declare @ownerKey int = 40000   
    select PropertyKey, BoughtDate, OwnerKey, GroupKey   
    from (    
    select PropertyKey, BoughtDate, OwnerKey, GroupKey,       
    RANK() over (partition by PropertyKey order by BoughtDate desc, OwnerKey desc, GroupKey desc) as [Rank]   
    from PropertyOwners   
    ) as result   
    where result.[Rank]=1 and result.[OwnerKey]=@ownerKey
    It is taking 2-3 seconds to get the records which is too slow, similar time it is taking as I try to get the records using the GroupKey. But when I tried to get the records for the PropertyKey with the same query, it is executing in 10 milliseconds.
    May be the slowness is due to as OwnerKey/GroupKey in the table  can be null and sql server in unable to index it. I have also tried to use the Indexed view to pre ranked them but I can't use it in my query as Rank function is not supported in indexed
    Please note this table is updated once a day and using Sql Server 2008 R2. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    create table #result (PropertyKey int not null, BoughtDate datetime, OwnerKey int null, GroupKey int null, [Rank] int not null)Create index idx ON #result(OwnerKey ,rnk)
    insert into #result(PropertyKey, BoughtDate, OwnerKey, GroupKey, [Rank])
    select PropertyKey, BoughtDate, OwnerKey, GroupKey,
    RANK() over (partition by PropertyKey order by BoughtDate desc, OwnerKey desc, GroupKey desc) as [Rank]
    from PropertyOwners
    declare @ownerKey int = 1
    select PropertyKey, BoughtDate, OwnerKey, GroupKey
    from #result as result
    where result.[Rank]=1
    and result.[OwnerKey]=@ownerKey
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • Data automatically become null in Oracle 11g DB

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    Any ideas/thoughts will be appreciated greatly ....
    Edited by: 959598 on Apr 18, 2013 2:03 AM

    Oracle wouldn't change a value to a NULL unless it is told to do so.
    It could have been a user , a developer, a power user / super user.
    It could have been application code.
    It could have been a trigger.
    It could have been a mistakenly-written update.
    It could have been a scheduled job or a one-off job.
    Hemant K Chitale

  • Existing session is becoming null when returning from jsp

    Hi Guys !
    I have an urgent requirement to meet in few days from now and got stuck with session problem in servlet.
    Scenario :-
    For the first time when i call a servlet a new sessoin is created and after some validations i forward to a jsp which has some links.
    I have printed sessoin ids from both the servlet and jsp and they are same.
    Now when i clicked on the link in jsp , the servlet is called but session is lost its becoming null.
    Servlet Code :
    HttpSession session = request.getSession(false);
    if(session ==null){
    // create session code ....using getSession(true)
    RequestDispatcher r = servletcontext.getRequestDispatcher(resp.encodeURL("/user.jsp"));
    jsp code:-
    <a href="<%=response.encodeURL(/application/servlet/ViewUser") %">" > View User </a>
    Thanks in advance !

    Session Create Code in Login file
    HttpSession hs = req.getSession( true );
    hs.setAttribute( "user", lb.getUsername() ); // username() is ur unique id
    Session Tracking code in all file
                   HttpSession hs=request.getSession();
                   if ( hs == null || hs.getAttribute( "user" ) == null )
                        response.sendRedirect ( "./index.jsp" );
    Logout code
    HttpSession hs=req.getSession(false);
                   hs.setAttribute( "user", null );
                   res.sendRedirect ( "./index.jsp" );
    // I hope this snippet will help u..

  • Firefox tabs close when I click on a tab and windows become unresponsive after I launch a site. Using latest version for MacOSX. How do I fix this bug? Have already tried a bunch of things.

    Firefox tabs close when I simply click on a tab and windows become unresponsive after I launch a site. I am using the latest version for MacOSX but this happened a couple days ago with an older version of Firefox as well. Is this some kind of bug? How do I fix this bug? Have already tried a bunch of things like clearing/reinstalling etc. This does not help.
    == User Agent ==
    Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.22.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7

    You can middle click a link to open that link in a new tab.
    *Open Link in New Tab:
    *Tab Utilities Lite:

  • Highlight complete row if one column is null

    i want to highlight a complete row in my publisher report if a certain column of the
    row is empty (no value at all). I already tried to get forward using the examples in the
    XML Publisher developer guide (i checked the samples installed by xml publisher desktop
    as well) but none of them delivered the desired result.
    Any hints are welcome.

    You can write the following code to highlight a row if a certain column is null:
    <?if@row:COLUMN-NAME=''?><xsl:attribute name="background-color" xdofo:ctx="incontext">red</xsl:attribute><?end if?>
    You can place this code in a text form field and place in the first column after the for-each statement.
    Hope this helps.

  • Session becoming NULL

    I am working on struts application.
    When we restart Tomcat, it's working fine.
    After few days, session becoming null in particular area of the application. Otherthan that area, application is working fine. If we restart Tomcat, then it's works fine.
    There is no problem with database (MySQL). Previously, we started db with max_allowed_packets=50M as default.
    struts-config.xml contains the following content:
          <data-source key = "jdbc/RFS">
             <set-property property = "password" value = "rfs" />
             <set-property property = "minCount" value = "1" />
             <set-property property = "maxCount" value = "50" />
             <set-property property = "user" value = "rfs" />
             <set-property property = "driverClass" value = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" />
             <set-property property = "description" value = "" />
             <set-property property = "url" value = "jdbc:mysql://" />
             <set-property property = "readOnly" value = "false" />
             <set-property property = "autoCommit" value = "true" />
             <set-property property = "loginTimeout" value = "" />
          </data-sources>Please let me know the usage of loginTimeout.

    Session Create Code in Login file
    HttpSession hs = req.getSession( true );
    hs.setAttribute( "user", lb.getUsername() ); // username() is ur unique id
    Session Tracking code in all file
                   HttpSession hs=request.getSession();
                   if ( hs == null || hs.getAttribute( "user" ) == null )
                        response.sendRedirect ( "./index.jsp" );
    Logout code
    HttpSession hs=req.getSession(false);
                   hs.setAttribute( "user", null );
                   res.sendRedirect ( "./index.jsp" );
    // I hope this snippet will help u..

  • How to take the Average of a DATEDIFF column with NULL values?

    I am building an SSRS report that can display the average of a calculated datediff column in dd/hh/mm format with the following formula:
    =Avg(IIF(Fields!LastCorrectedDate.Value is nothing,0, DATEDIFF("n",cdate(Fields!LastCorrectedDate.Value),cdate(Fields!
    LastSignDate.Value)) \(60*24) & ":" & DATEDIFF("n",cdate(Fields!LastCorrectedDate.Value),cdate(Fields!
    LastSignDate.Value)) mod (60*24)\60  & ":" & DATEDIFF("n",cdate(Fields!LastCorrectedDate.Value),cdate(Fields!
    LastSignDate.Value)) mod (60*24) - (((DATEDIFF("n",cdate(Fields!LastCorrectedDate.Value),cdate(Fields!
    LastSignDate.Value)) mod (60*24))\60)*60) ))
    SSRS does not raise any errors with the formula and I have used the same formula for other columns without issue. I have noticed that this column includes null values which I think may be the problem. When the reports runs, it returns #ERROR on the column
    but does not give a reason why.  I am using SSRS report builder with visual basic logic as opposed to embedding SQL. Any help or feedback would be greatly appreciated.

    Hi No Ragrets,
    According to your description, you want to calculate the average for the date time difference. Right?
    In Reporting Services, Avg() function is only available for numeric values. In this scenario, the DateDiff() function to calculate the minutes difference will return a number. So we can do average calculation based on the return values first. Then we format
    it as a time. We have tested this case in our local environment. Please try the following expression:
    =floor(avg(DateDiff("n",Fields!StartDate.Value,Fields!EndDate.Value))) \(24*60) &":"&
    floor(avg(DateDiff("n",Fields!StartDate.Value,Fields!EndDate.Value))/60 mod 24 )&":"&
    floor(avg(DateDiff("n",Fields!StartDate.Value,Fields!EndDate.Value))) mod 60
    The result looks like below:
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

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