ADF weblogic Authorization

Dear all,
I experience a problems to establish authorization using weblogic Authentication Provider.
In my environment I have a weblogic server with OBIEE on a board. Authentication into OBIEE
goes through weblogic provider. I have a problem to authenticate my own sample app using auth. provider and then
read user accounts stored in weblogic.
Is there any tutorial how to do it?
I read but in my version of IDeveloper does not have any option
to connect to LDAP.
Is there any other tutorial how to do it?
Best regards.

if you sample application is a web application, just configure container managed security. If OBIEE uses the integrated LDAP in WLS or OID, then you could use the OPSS APIs to check user roles. Maybe if you explain a bit more about your application (is it JSF ?) and what you need to authorize, we can give you more hints.

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    I would like to know if it might be possible to use authenticatication via RDBMS authentication provider of Weblogic App. Server and ADF Security Authorization together in a JDev 11 application?. I am reading documentation and it says that; 'ADF Security relies on the jazn-data.xml file for the policy store whether you are using the XML-based identity store or the LDAP identity store. One could define roles and its access rights in jazn-data.xml and might expect authentication and isUserInRole services coming from the authentication service without defining users (role members) at design time. Is it or will it be possible in future?
    Best Regards.

    I think it is too early and I don't know if they will ever build this. ( because they also have to support other app servers). Is RDBMS authentication provider of Weblogic App. Server a JAAS implementation?
    in TP4 you had a db login module , don't know if this is supported in 11g production.
    <serviceInstance provider="jaas.login.provider" name="testlogin">
    <description>Sample LoginModule</description>
    <property value="" name="loginModuleClassName"/>
    <property value="REQUIRED" name="jaas.login.controlFlag"/>
    <property value="ovs_user" name="table"/>
    <property value="jdbc/OVSDS" name="data_source_name"/>
    <property value="role_name" name="groupMembershipGroupFieldName"/>
    <property value="password" name="passwordField"/>
    <property value="ovs_user_role_view" name="groupMembershipTableName"/>
    <property value="role_name" name="usernameField"/>
    <property value="role_name" name="pw_encoding_class"/>
    <property value="" name="groupMembershipGroupFieldName"/>
    <serviceInstance provider="jaas.login.provider" name="oracledb.loginmodule">
    <property value="true" name="debug"/>
    <property value="true" name="addAllRoles"/>
    <property value="passwd" name="passwordField"/>
    <property value="role_name" name="groupMembershipGroupFieldName"/>
    <property value="jdbc/authschemaDS" name="data_source_name"/>
    <property value="REQUIRED" name="jaas.login.controlFlag"/>
    <property value="application_roles" name="groupMembershipTableName"/>
    <property value="" name="loginModuleClassName"/>
    <property value="FINEST" name="log.level"/>
    <property value="username" name="usernameField"/>
    <property value="application_users" name="table"/>
    <property value="username" name="user_pk_column"/>
    <property value="username" name="roles_fk_column"/>
    <property value="tolower" name="casing"/>
    <property value="" name="pw_encoding_class"/>
    thanks Edwin
    Edited by: biemond on Oct 19, 2008 10:50 AM

  • ADF Security Authorization

    As it's written in Oracle® Application Development Framework Developer’s Guide For Forms/4GL Developers B25947-01 I created file adf-config.xml file like this
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <adf-config xmlns:xsi=""
    xmlns=" "
    xmlns:sec=" ">
    <sec:adf-config-child xmlns=" ">
         jaasProviderClass=" Context" >
    Assigned permissions to my roles in Authorization editior on iterators etc.. But it did get any effect.
    All roles have full access to iterators!
    ADFContext.getCurrent().getSecurityContext().isAuthorizationEnabled() returns false

    here's the adf-config file from my woking app
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
    <adf-config xmlns:xsi=""
    xsi:schemaLocation=" ../../../../../bc4jrt/src/oracle/adf/share/config/schema/config.xsd"
    <sec:adf-config-child xmlns="">
    <JaasSecurityContext initialContextFactoryClass=""
    Note that I don't use debug but run it from JDeveloper and the security settings are enforced. Did you set up the web.xml file - in other words, are you able to authenticate?

  • Oracle reports 11g with ADF weblogic

    hi every body,
    on our organization we have already weblogic with ADF support
    we want to install oracle reports to our reporting issues
    what you think using our already version of weblogic or using fresh weblogic is good
    I want to figure which is the best choice so please help me

    Yes Oracle forms and reports 11g needs weblogic to be installed first which creates a Middleware home .
    Under that Middleware home you have to create a Forms & Reports home where in the respective binaries are installed.

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    Is there anything specific and working out of the box with Weblogic?

    hi, this will be a late response, but anyway...
    we set up continuous integration environment for our adf projects with Hudson v1.395(version before Jenkins fork). there is no need to patch hudson for weblogic deployments.
    system basically works like this; when a developer commits changes, hudson loops svn every minute. then it creates ADF Library jar file. we have 15 modules deployed as ADF Library. in every 2 hours, another hudson job deploys main application to weblogic dev and test environments.

  • ADF Security Authorization question

    For whatever reason, it seems to be not working for me. Well, I will try to test it a non_SRDemo environment.
    By the way, what is the connects what is set in dialog permisssions and the updateable value? Isn't there something in the code that I can check?

    there is no connection in code. An attribute that has a read-only permission is set to updateable = false, which then is accessible via EL.
    Just go for the non SRDemo testcase. It will give either you a solution or me a workspace to reproduce the non-working case

  • How to get ADF authentication and authorization working on server

    I am having an issue with deployment & ADF authentication and authorization.
    From the below testing results, you can see that I am unable to log in when I have deployed my app to my standalone server with both ADF security authentication and authorization turned on. I have included web.xml, jazn-data.xml and the page/server error I am receiving.
    When making an attempt to log in I get the following results:
    Running Locally with ADF Authentication:                                           Works Fine
    Running Locally with ADF Authentication & Authorization:         Works Fine
    Deployed to server with ADF Authentication:                                    Works Fine
    Deployed to server with ADF Authentication & Authorization:  Doesn’t Work
    What I have already tried: Removed all anonymous grants, using the same database credentials as the app user, deploying app twice (on the redeploy not including the login credentials & app policies at the application properties). Various modifications to web.xml e.g. welcomefilelist etc
    JDeveloper Version:
    Server Web Logic: 10.3.6
    Server ADF:
    Page Error when trying to log in:
    Error 401--Unauthorized
    From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
    10.4.2 401 Unauthorized
    The request requires user authentication. The response MUST include a WWW-Authenticate header field (section 14.46) containing a challenge applicable to the requested resource. The client MAY repeat the request with a suitable Authorization header field (section 14.8). If the request already included Authorization credentials, then the 401 response indicates that authorization has been refused for those credentials. If the 401 response contains the same challenge as the prior response, and the user agent has already attempted authentication at least once, then the user SHOULD be presented the entity that was given in the response, since that entity MAY include relevant diagnostic information. HTTP access authentication is explained in section 11.
    Server error when trying to log in:
    Servlet failed with Exception ADFC-0619: Authorization check failed: 'wpd.mobility.view.pageDefs.homePagePageDef' 'VIEW'.
            at oracle.adfinternal.controller.state.ControllerState.checkPermission(
            at oracle.adfinternal.controller.state.ControllerState.initializeUrl(
            at oracle.adfinternal.controller.state.ControllerState.synchronizeStatePart2(
            at oracle.adfinternal.controller.application.SyncNavigationStateListener.afterPhase(
            at oracle.adfinternal.controller.lifecycle.ADFLifecycleImpl$PagePhaseListenerWrapper.afterPhase(
            at oracle.adfinternal.controller.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.internalDispatchAfterEvent(
            at oracle.adfinternal.controller.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.dispatchAfterPagePhaseEvent(
            at oracle.adfinternal.controller.faces.lifecycle.ADFPhaseListener$PhaseInvokerImpl.dispatchAfterPagePhaseEvent(
            at oracle.adfinternal.controller.faces.lifecycle.ADFPhaseListener.afterPhase(
            at oracle.adfinternal.controller.faces.lifecycle.ADFLifecyclePhaseListener.afterPhase(
            at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl._executePhase(
            at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.lifecycle.LifecycleImpl.execute(
            at javax.faces.webapp.FacesServlet.service(
            at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
            at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(
            at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(
            at weblogic.servlet.internal.TailFilter.doFilter(
            at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
            at oracle.adf.model.servlet.ADFBindingFilter.doFilter(
            at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
            at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$FilterListChain.doFilter(
            at oracle.adfinternal.view.faces.activedata.AdsFilter.doFilter(
            at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl$FilterListChain.doFilter(
            at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl._doFilterImpl(
            at org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.webapp.TrinidadFilterImpl.doFilter(
            at org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.webapp.TrinidadFilter.doFilter(
            at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
            at Method)
            at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
            at weblogic.servlet.internal.RequestEventsFilter.doFilter(
            at weblogic.servlet.internal.FilterChainImpl.doFilter(
            at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationAction.wrapRun(
            at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
            at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(
            at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'windows-1252'?>
    <web-app xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
        <description>If this parameter is true, there will be an automatic check of the modification date of your JSPs, and saved state will be discarded when JSP's change. It will also automatically check if your skinning css files have changed without you having to restart the server. This makes development easier, but adds overhead. For this reason this parameter should be set to false when your application is deployed.</description>
        <description>Whether the 'Generated by...' comment at the bottom of ADF Faces HTML pages should contain version number information.</description>
        <description>Security precaution to prevent clickjacking: bust frames if the ancestor window domain(protocol, host, and port) and the frame domain are different. Another options for this parameter are always and never.</description>
        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
        <servlet-name>Faces Servlet</servlet-name>
    <?xml version = '1.0' encoding = 'UTF-8' standalone = 'yes'?>
    <jazn-data xmlns:xsi=""
      <jazn-realm default="">
            <name> myapp </name>
                <description>support role</description>
                    <name> myapp.view.pageDefs.*</name>
                    <name> myapp.view.pageDefs.addapplicationPageDef</name>
                    <name> myapp.view.pageDefs.homePagePageDef</name>
                    <name> myapp.view.pageDefs.loggingSearchPageDef</name>

    Read Frank's article
    Then you have to check if the user use use to login are defined in the stand alone server. If you server is running in production mode there is no automatic user or role migration. You have to to this by yourself.
    Once you have check that the users are present, you have to check if the enterprise roles are mapped to the corresponding application roles.

  • How to run ADF command-line test-client on standalone weblogic host

    I have followed the steps to create a test client for the ADF application. In used the following link:
    The above link does not talk about how to setup the environment where the standalone weblogic is installed to be able to run the test client.
    I can run it in the jdeveloper environment.
    I can also run from the command line on the development host, by cut-paste the command from the jdeveloper output log tab.
    I am trying to run this client on the machine where we have a weblogic installed (standalone) for testing. We can run our ADF application from the browser with no issues. We want to automate and run some testing related to the ADF model (non-viewcontroller part) from the command line on this test stage.
    Which/Where are the ADF libraries?
    How can I add our application jar deployed on the weblogic (ear file) to the CLASSPATH?
    What other libraries ADF/Weblogic do I need for the command line test client?
    What am I missing?
    Thanks for any help.
    Edited by: mmunawar on Jul 2, 2011 1:03 PM
    Edited by: mmunawar on Jul 2, 2011 1:04 PM

    create weblogic application server connection from jdeveloper and then Deploy that application through jdeveloper in the weblogic application server and then run it from jdeveloper and see if its working.

  • ADF app hangs when accessing through browser

    Hello ADF/Weblogic friends,
    When I try to access the ADF app, it says loading... for ever, which was deployed successfully in WebLogic. I do not see any visible errors in the log. Verified the DB connection which was deployed is working. Also created the datasource for the same db/jndi name in the server level.
    The same app works through JDeveloper(
    Configuration details are "WebLogic Server Version:", "Oracle Enterprise Manager - Fusion Middleware Control".
    Would be helpful if somebody sheds light on this issue.

    Thank you for your reply... sorry for not replying earlier... i had given up hopes : )
    You are right about psadmin binary not being in psconsole.war.. maybe since it is portal server 6, it is some other executable.
    When i asked the person who had given me the setup about psconsole not being available, he said that psconsole was working on his machine. He is not a technical guy and had not installed SJS 6 by himself. So he could not help me with this problem. It could be that the the psconsole.war file was missing from the installation.
    I searched for the war files in both the installed directory as well as in the setup files and could not find it. : (
    Anyway, i un-installed SJS 6 2004Q2 using the setup.exe (in windows) and while uninstalling it showed a window saying "psonsole was not found while accessing through the browser. Retry| Ignore| Exit". Also, the un-installation successfully removed all the services required for starting components like directory server, web server, calender server, (cacao also), etc...
    I've downloaded Portal server 7.2. Let's see how that turns out... Thanks anyways...

  • Error during installation of JDeveloper 11g (which is bundled with WebLogic

    I just downloaded Oracle JDeveloper 11g (Build 5188). During installation I'm beeing asked what to install and then I choose a complete installation which includes:
    -JDeveloper and ADF
    -WebLogic Server
    When the installation reaches 42% I get a popup window with the following error message:
    Fatal error encountered during file installation. The installer will now cleanup and exit!
    (Access denied)
    I am beeing loged on as the Administrator.
    OS beeing used is Windows XP
    Any idea?

    Did you find a sollution to your problem??
    I just got same error message and have no clue what to do....

  • How to implement Distributed Transactions in ADF?

    when selected rows and submitted action from UI, following happens
    1) For the selected rows, information will get fetched from database and a message will get formed and will get posted in JMS queue
    2) once step1 is successful, corresponding record will get logically deleted
    Implementation details:
    Environment: Oracle ADF , Weblogic server
    Step1: Created UI with Multi selection
    Step2: getting selected row key information and calling a custom AM method (exposed as client interface) from managed bean passing selected row key info
    step3: implementing following logic in AM method
    1) getting View object for the given key and populating message
    2) Posting the mesage in JMS queue configured in weblogic using JMS Helper classes written
    3) updating the delete flag in VO
    Problem statement:
    In Step3 after sub step 2 executed, suppose if database is down substep3 will not get executed
    because of which a record will get displayed again back in UI and when selected again a duplicated message will be sent to the concerned external system
    I'm very new to ADF. Can anyone please help me on how to achieve this using ADF?
    Much Appreciated,

    Thanks Vinod for your reply
    at substep 2 getting record from database and populating message and posting it to jms queue
    at substep 3 if post is successful the updating database indiacting this message has been sent by updating delete flag
    if i update database first and then if send message, In case of JMS exception(Can be Queue failures) my record will get updated and i cannot see record back in UI
    So both these opertions has to be happened in in single Transaction.Either both has to be happened or both has to be rolled back
    database and JMS are different resources. How ADF handles these XA transactions?

  • ADF applicaiton enabling the URL rewriting - configure OHS

    Hi Experts,
    I am new to OHS and i have the following question about enabling the URL rewriting.
    We are planning to deploy the ADF fusion web application into the weblogic and place the OHS infront of the weblogic as the standard deployment architecture. In the web application the URL rewriting is enabled. Do we need to configure anything at the OHS side to work this URL rewriting? Or will the OHS supports this by default?

    Weblogic has a module for OHS which takes care of simple requirements of forwarding.
    Entry in httpd.conf is something like this (i am using cluster):
    <IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
         MatchExpression /console
    mod_rewrite will be no different from normal. As in nothing special for ADF/Weblogic app server.

  • JDiff API Diff Report of ADF BC versus BC4J 9.0.4

    I've posted a JDiff report of the differences between the ADF Business Components API in (build 1605, production) and the BC4J 9.0.4 (build 1419, production) on OTN in my tips directory.
    There's a link to it in this "Dive into BC4J and ADF" weblog mini-article:


  • ADF application - URL rewriting

    Hello All,
    Has anyone configured URL rewriting in OHS using Apache mod_rewrite ? One of the business requirement for the ADF application we're building is to have user friend URLs like http://hostname/portal/q/ instead of default URLs like http://hostname:7777/portal/faces/quote/myquotes.jspx. It would be of great help if you've any useful suggestions. Please let me know.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Weblogic has a module for OHS which takes care of simple requirements of forwarding.
    Entry in httpd.conf is something like this (i am using cluster):
    <IfModule mod_weblogic.c>
         MatchExpression /console
    mod_rewrite will be no different from normal. As in nothing special for ADF/Weblogic app server.

  • BPM Community Newsletter September 2013

    Dear SOA & BPM Partner Community member,
    Are you ready for Oracle Open World 2013? Make sure you book your SOA & BPM sessions, visit the demo points and hands on session. All details are posted in the SOA OOW agenda & BPM OOW agenda. Our OOW 2013 Community Reception is almost booked out, if you want to attend, register today.
    Did you miss the super successful OFM Summer Camps III? Thanks to the community for all the feedback & tweets #OFMSummercamp. We posted the SOA Governance and b2b & adapters training material at our SOA Community Workspace (SOA Community membership required).
    In addition to this we offer different middleware training roadshows for BPM & ADF & WebLogic across Europe make sure you sign-up for: ADF & ADF Mobile or BPM Suite or WebLogic Suite.
    Why is Specialization important for Oracle middleware customer? And how can you benefit as a partner from Specialization? As a Specialized partner you proofed your middleware skills and success, therefore we are very interested to duplicate this success. Make sure that you make use of our join marketing kits like the new Fast Data Executive Round Table event kit. As part of the sales process, as a Specialized partner, you can also use the Oracle demo system.
    We continue our Industrial SOA series with an article about Understanding Service Compensation. On the SOA side our product managed published a best practice deployment white paper and our partner C2B2 host a Performance & Scalability Webcast on September 19th. Within SOA cloud integration continues to raise, make sure you watch the cloud integration samples from Rajesh Raheja.
    Thanks to the community for the MDS, OSB JMS Deployments Utility, BAM Deep Dive and SOA Governance Resource articles and materials.
    In our BPM & ACRM section we continue to highlight the importance of process Process Accelerators to demo and jump start a BPM project. Thanks to Jan Zoggel for the blog posts about Force dehydration in BPM (do you remember from SOA?) and Debugging BPM. If you work on an BPM project, make sure you read these Oracle BPM 11g books. Let us know if you write one, feel free to add yours to our publications wiki!
    What is Adaptive Case Management (ACM)? Watch the webcast with Bruce Silver on-demand. Please feel free to let us know if you work on an ACM opportunity, we will make sure that you get product management support.
    All partners who work on Oracle Applications, make sure you participate in the AppAdvantage IT Leader Program. Fusion Middleware is the base for Oracle Fusion Applications – therefore it is key that you become trained in Fusion Middleware to customize, extend, integrate Oracle Applications.
    See you in San Francisco at our Community Reception.
    Jürgen Kress
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    Changed some things up since my last screenshot share ages ago. Mainly the color but eh, when something works for you, why change it?
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