Adobe Bilder und Mac Schriftarten nach Linux

Ich schreibe gerade ein Tool in PHP in dem Seiten als PDF für Kataloge erstellt werden.
Das einzige Problem, das ich noch habe sind die Bild- und Schriftformate, die ich bekomme.
Die Designer arbeiten auf einem Mac und liefern mir meist Bilder, die vom Adobe Illustrator oder Photoshop erstellt wurden. Leider kann ich die Dateien auf meinem Linux Server (auf dem das PHP läuft) nicht verarbeiten. Wenn ich die Bilder auf dem Mac vorher in Tif's umwandle, verlieren sie aber an Qualität.
Ein ähnliches Problem habe ich mit Schriftarten.
Die Kunden haben oft ihre eigennen Schriftarten im Logo. Leider komme ich nicht daran vor bei, auch die verarbeiten zu können.
Hat jemand eine Idee, wie ich die Bilder und Schriftarten umwandeln kann, so das ich sie auf einem Linuxserver weiter verarbeiten kann?
Gruß Sascha Burchert

Das müste ich mal ausbrobieren.
Es geht um Katalogseiten für Hotels.
Wenn ich die Bilder ins PDF-Format umwandle, müste ich sie hinterher weiter verarbeiten können.
Da ich einen großen Teil der Texte aus einer Datenbank hole, kann ich leider nicht die die komplette Production auslagern.
Aber da ich das "Sonderschriften"-Problem nur mit den par Zeilen ums Logo habe, könnte es klappen.
Danke für dn Tip.

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    What version of Premiere Elements are you using and on what computer operating system is it running? I am guessing either version 11 or 12.
    Adobe Chat is not likely to assist you in troubleshooting this issue if you are working with version 11 which is not the current version.
    Whatever the case, the following may help you.
    Please review and consider the detailed troubleshooting in the blog post on this type of issue, and then let us know if any of that worked for you.
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    Diego Wegner

    It’s cool! I will test it when I have a macbook :-)

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    Sehr geehrter Herr Alheit,
    recht herzlichen Dank für Ihre Mail.
    Es war die Lösung meines Problems.
    Nochmals lieben Dank und freundliche Grüße
    Hans Simeaner
    Am 16.10.2014 16:50, schrieb Bernd Alheit:
          Adobe Registerkarte wird in Word2007 nach Installation von Adobe
          Acrobat XI Pro nicht erstellt!
    created by Bernd Alheit <>
    in /Deutsche Foren/ - View the full discussion

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    hier mal nen Code-Schipsel wie ich das MC eingebetet habe:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,19,0','wid th','800','height','600','align','middle','wmode','transparent','src','header','quality',' high','pluginspage','','movie','flash/header'
    ); //end AC code
    classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase=",0,0,0"
    width="800" height="600" align="middle">
    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
    <param name="movie" value="flash/header.swf" />
    <param name="quality" value="high" />
    <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
    <embed src="flash/header.swf" width="800" height="600"
    align="middle" quality="high" wmode="transparent"
    allowScriptAccess="sameDomain" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"
    und nochmal Danke für euer Interes.
    und schönes Wochenende

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    Vielen Dank

    Hallo Willi,
    Danke für die Tipps. Leider ist mir gerade die Testlizenz abgelaufen, aber vielleicht kann ich ja noch einmal eine neue beantragen.
    Ich nutze Windows 7Ultimate-64 SP1, MS Word 2003 SP3 und hatte getestet Adobe XI Pro.
    Ein Screenshot mit meinen Testeinstellungen, die leider nicht zu PDFs ohne Bildstörungen geführt haben.
    Hier meine Testdatei, falls Du es ausprobieren kannst:
    (Screenshots jeweils in 100% eingefügt 1=copy&paste, 2=Einfügen/Grafik/Aus Datei)

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    How to update Camera Raw

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    First off, you CANNOT set recent documents to zero. The absolute minimum it will accept is 1. And on my MacMini, (I just checked it to be 100% sure) I opened seven documents with Recent Docs set to 10 - they were ALL listed. I set it to 1 and all but the most recent cleared. I then closed Reader and reopened it. The list was 1 item. I reset Recent Docs to 10 and there was still only 1 item in the list.

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    Thanks so much for your time.

    I think Shane tried to say, that it is on the Mac OS X installation DVD, NOT the LabVIEW for Mac OS X installation medium. And that could very well have changed in recent Mac OS X versions as well. They used to have Xcode on it too, but that seems gone as well.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Problems with BBC iPlayer Desktop and Adobe Air for Mac

    I would be grateful for anyone who can help me with a problem I have on my Laptop running Mac OS X Lion 10.7.3.I am having difficulty running BBC iPlayer Desktop and I suspect it is caused by Adobe Air.
    Recently I was prompted to update Adobe Air to the latest version (as of February 2012) and after I successfully updated the program, this began to cause problems when I used BBC iPlayer desktop.
    The first problem I noticed was that I was unable to play any downloaded programmes in full screen - only the sound played, not the video.
    Secondly, a few weeks after this problem began, all my TV programmes mysteriously disappeared.
    My final problem is that everytime I launch BBC iPlayer it is unable to download new programmes - when I am connected to the internet, the application still says it is "offline".
    I have tried to resolve the problem by restarting my computer, uninstalling and reinstalling BBC iPlayer, disabling and re-enabling my firewall, connecting to the internet in different locations but this has not resolved the problem.
    I tried to uninstall Adobe Air, but the installation package tells me it is 'corrupt'. So I tried to download and reinstall the application from the adobe website, but the computer already recognises that the app is installed. i.e. - I can't uninstall or reinstall Adobe Air.
    I contacted BBC iPlayer support and they were unable to help - directing me to your website. I have read several other discussion topics posted on this website but not found the solution I am looking for.
    Please can some help me to solve this problem, by helping me uninstall and reinstall Adobe Air for Mac?
    I am not very technical minded - for example - I don't know what log files are or how to find them - so please explain it as simply as possible.
    Thank you in advance for your help!

    Just had the same thing happen AGAIN. Suddenly - a blank iPlayer Desktop which failed to download new programmes. All previous programmes were still in the repository folder. This time the sequence I outlined previously didn't work.
    What eventually got things working this time was to reinstall Adobe Air as part of the BBC iPlayer Desktop installation process - and not separately.
    a) Move iPlayer to trash.
    b) Find and delete the following folder: Users/Yourname/Library/Preferences/BBCiPlayerDesktop.61DB7A798358575D6A969CCD73DDBBD 723A6DA9D.1
    c) Find and delete the following folder:
    Users/Yourname/Library/Application Support/Adobe/AIR/ELS/BBCiPlayerDesktop.61DB7A798358575D6A969CCD73DDB BD723A6DA9D.1
    d) Find and delete the following folder:
    Users/Yourname/Movies/BBC iPlayer/repository/cache
    e) Find and run: Applications/Utilities/Adobe AIR Uninstaller
    f) Empty the Trash. I found that bits and pieces of BBC iPlayer were still running despite having been quit and dumped in the trash - and so it wouldn't allow me to complete this part. Restarted the computer, then empty the trash.
    g) Find the folder: Users/Yourname/Movies/BBC iPlayer/repository and rename it repository2
    h) Reinstall iPlayer. It will tell you that you have no programmes to view. Quit the programme.
    i) Find and delete the folder: Users/Yourname/Movies/BBC iPlayer/repository
    j) Find the folder: Users/Yourname/Movies/BBC iPlayer/repository2 and rename it to repository.
    k) Relaunch iPlayer
    It would be terribly nice if the BBC or Adobe stopped buggering about with this . . .

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