Adobe CS 6 Master Lizenzübertragung an neuen Nutzer möglich?

Ich könnte einen MacPro mit dem Installierten Produkt käuflich erwerben, besteht die Möglichkeit die Lizenz auf meinem Namen inklusive Support weiterlaufen zu lassen? Oder muss ich die Lizenz neu erwerben.

Dafür das die CS6 Master im moment noch für rund 2000€ über den Tisch geht, und der Verkäufer einverstanden war, wurde die Lizenz jetzt übertragen
somit bin rechtmäßiger eigentümer der Lizenz plus einen Älteren MacPro's mit 1024 MB ATI Readon HD , 32 GB ramm und Quad to Duo CPU...
und das für 150 Kröten...
was will man mehr

Similar Messages

  • Vorgehensweise bei Lizenzübertragung

    Hallo liebe Community erstmal.
    Habe gerade die Software Photoshop Elements in der Version 7 gebraucht über den Amazon marketplace gekauft. Die Lizenzübertragungs-pdf hat der Vorbesitzer mit unser beider Namen und Adressen sowie den Mail-Adressen und der Seriennummer der Software versehen unterschrieben per Mail an Adobe geschickt. Zusätzlich hatte ich mich wenige Tage vorher über den Adobe Reader bereits bei Adobe mit Namen registriert, dafür aber bisher keine Bestätigungsmail erhalten (Ist das überhaupt üblich, gerade bei kostenloser Software?).
    Jedenfalls lautet meine Frage, da ich bisher natürlich nach 2 Tagen auch noch keine Bestätigungsmail bezüglich der Lizenzübertragung erhalten habe, kann ich die inzwschen erhaltene Software bereits installieren? Denn grundsätzlich stehen einem ja z.B. auch die Demoversionen für 30 Tage voll zur Verfügung. Und wenn ich sie installiere, soll ich dann trotzdem schon die richtige Seriennummer einngeben während der Installation, oder bekomme ich da Schwierigkeiten (in welcher Form auch immer)? Mit der Registrierung der Software sollte ich sicherlich tatsächlich auf die Mail von Adobe warten, denke ich. Aber wie sollte ich nun im einzelnen vorgehen?
    Vielen Dank im voraus für die hoffentlich kommende(n) Antwort(en).

    Irgendwie reden wir in dem Punkt aneinander vorbei. Mit gleichzeitig nutzen meine ich nicht wirklich gleichzeitiges Nutzen im herkömmlichen Sinn, sondern eben einfach nur, daß die Software gleichzeitig auf meinen beiden Betriebssystemen installiert sein würde, von welchem ich natürlich nur eins jeweils geladen habe. Desweiteren muß ich Dich wohl aufklären, worum es sich bei einem Dual-Boot System handelt, denn zu Überschneidungen kommt es dabei natürlich nicht auf der Festplatte, da jedes System eigene Bereiche nutzt. Zwar kann ich in gewissem Masse von einem Windows in Festplattenbereiche des anderen zugreifen, aber Programme und/oder Spiele haben jeweils für jedes Betriebssystem ihre eigenen Festplatten-Partitionen. Also würde die Software tatsächlich zweimal auf meinem PC installiert werden in jeweils anderen Partitionen. Wenn ich mich also im Startmenü für XP zu laden entscheide, nutze ich eine andere Elements  Installation als wenn ich Windows 7 starte.
    Bei uns werde mit 99%iger Sicherheit nur ich alleine mit Photoshop Elements arbeiten, von daher sind alle anderen theoretischen Möglichkeiten der Softwarenutzung bei mir nicht zutreffend obwohl, sollte meine Frau sie wieder Erwarten doch mal auf unserem PC nutzen wollen, so dürfte dies selbstverständlich legitim sein und ich würde mit Sicherheit keine 2.Lizenz dafür kaufen (müssen). Von allen anderen denkbaren Möglichkeiten wie einer Mehrfach-Installation (also auf mehreren PCs und/oder Labtops gleichzeitig) bin ich weit entfernt, gerade weil mein Labtop zu schwachbrüstig für so ein mächtiges Programm ist. Vielleicht bekomme ich aber zukünftig mal einen potenteren, dann stellt sich die Frage natürlich neu.
    Deshalb will ich nochmals nachharken bezüglich der von Dir genannten 2 Aktivierungen. Was bedeutet dies jetzt genau? Sollte ich beispielsweise irgendwann einen ganz neuen PC kaufen oder mein Betriebssytem neu aufsetzen, wäre damit die 2. Aktivierung abgeschlossen, oder bezieht es sich tatsächlich auf eine weitere Installation auf einem Zweitrechner des Lizenznehmers? Sollte letzteres der Fall sein, dann dürfte die Doppelt-Installation auf meinem PC, nur eben jeweils einmal auf beiden Betriebssystemen unabhängig voneinander kein Problem sein rechtlich gesehen. Und dies ist es, was ich letztlich wirklich wissen möchte.

  • Lizenzübertragung lightroom 4

    Ich habe LR4 auf den Notebook und Desktop PC installiert ,Aktiviert aber nicht Registriert.
    Da ich eine neue Kamera habe, deren RAW Dateien nicht mehr unter LR4 erkannt werden, habe ich nun LR5 .
    Ich möchte die alte 4er Version verkaufen und deswegen die Lizenzübertragung nutzen.
    KANN ICH DAS AUCH OHNE VORHERIGER REGISTRIERUNG BEI ADOBE? oder muss ich die 4er version erst Registrieren?

    Hast du die Vollversion von LR5 gekauft? Dann darfst Du es abmelden und weitergeben. Adobe würde ich trotzdem eine Lizenzübertragung melden.
    Wenn Du jedoch ein Upgrade gekauft hast, dann hängt die Upgrade-Lizen an der alten Lizenz und Du darfst diese nicht weitergeben, da Du ja weiterhin diese Lizenz benutzt.

  • Lizenzübertragung Passus

    ich möchte gerne die Software "Adobe Premiere CS5" Upgrade verkaufen und dachte eigentlich, dass das ganz einfach ist - auch mit der Lizenzübertragung.
    So, nun bin ich aber auf folgende Info gestoßen:
    „Die Übertragung einer Lizenz bezieht auch alle zuvor im Besitz des Kunden befindlichen Versionen dieses Produkts mit ein. Wenn Sie eine registrierte Version einer Einzellizenz für ein Adobe- oder Macromedia-Produkt verkaufen oder verschenken, übertragen Sie damit auch die Rechte an sämtlichen früheren Versionen dieser Lizenz.“
    Hätte ja nie gedacht, dass es so eine Einschränkung gibt, deshalb frage ich lieber nochmal ganz konkret nach, ob das nun auch mein Upgrade von Premiere CS5 auf CS5.5 betrifft.

    Ja, tut es. Dafür kriegst du ja den Upgradepreis. Umgekehrt nützt auch niemandem eine Upgradeversion ohne das Vorprodukt - es wird ja auch dessen Seriennummer abgefragt oder vorausgesetzt, dass es schon installiert ist, je nachdem. Also perfekte kausale Schleife und das eine geht ohne das andere nicht. Natürlich kannst du aber ein ungeöffnetes/ ungenutztes Upgrade-Package an jemanden verkaufen, der auch CS5 mit einer dazu passenden Seriennummer hat. Sofern du die Seriennummer des Upgrades nicht bei Adobe registriert hast, ist da ja noch nix passiert, was dem im Wege stehen würde...

  • Getting Error while installing Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection

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    Exit Code: 24
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 10 fatal error(s), 45 error(s), 21 warning(s)
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {A8798E04-96FF-4564-9157-0D4C89CB794C} DynamiclinkSupport is already installed and the session payload {1A1E5FF9-D0FD-42A3-8E18-E5E7E95E1AB4} DynamiclinkSupport has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {D5CC77BE-BC5B-424E-8E45-DF60AFF7BE9C} Pixel Bender Toolkit is already installed and the session payload {2EE4F060-CEE6-4002-AA8B-91B791541767} Pixel Bender Toolkit has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {66173EC7-974E-4652-9468-4A93D2481BF0} CSXS Story Extension is already installed and the session payload {3450d4c5-a82b-4428-a512-842ee1555a14} CSXS Story Extension has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {40F95A03-885A-45fb-9A14-486BEFEDDF34} Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin is already installed and the session payload {43A1C48E-3E50-410e-951C-E17A66BBF824} Adobe Flash Player 10 Plugin has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {78A53622-CDBA-49D1-A3D0-D563FB398D0C} AdobeColorCommonSetRGB is already installed and the session payload {45063C56-A2A2-4FD1-A56A-A964723EEE1E} AdobeColorCommonSetRGB has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {39CB2E53-5326-4939-8B5A-0402C6EFBFE3} AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK is already installed and the session payload {54D89F03-8EED-4FF9-BCDF-3B2E11D448A6} AdobeColorCommonSetCMYK has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {7E5AA19B-0B85-4f44-BA26-728851489200} Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX is already installed and the session payload {7202D4A7-F7E6-4e7a-B77D-7B1C4E8B5CA6} Adobe Flash Player 10 ActiveX has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {3BF96AC2-0CA1-11DF-B07B-459956D89593} AdobeHelp is already installed and the session payload {7EABC54B-02C3-4DA1-9EB4-974CE7414066} AdobeHelp has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    WARNING: DS013: Payload {925ED7E4-E1B6-4544-8141-1C98A18D2E2E} AdobeOutputModule is already installed and the session payload {AC003BC0-704F-4F02-A72E-AC8B7044DE24} AdobeOutputModule has no upgrade/conflict relationship with it.
    ERROR: DS013: Verifying payload integrity : Failed with code 1
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{2EBE92C3-F9D8-48B5-A32B-04FA5D1709FA} Adobe XMP Panels CS5 has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {42774483-D33C-46F7-8B20-FD0B1A3DAC25} Adobe XMP Panels CS5_3.1_AdobeXMPPanelsAll will be uninstalled now.
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {A189C479-C7CD-4E08-8CCF-D999B68C0C71} Camera Profiles Installer_6.3_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{37AB3C65-E02C-4DCF-B0E0-4C2E253D8FA3} Photoshop Camera Raw has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FD58D99B-9927-4226-8E00-959A4F76BD89} Photoshop Camera Raw_6.3_AdobeCameraRaw6.0All will be uninstalled now.
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{2EBE92C3-F9D8-48B5-A32B-04FA5D1709FA} Adobe XMP Panels CS5 has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {42774483-D33C-46F7-8B20-FD0B1A3DAC25} Adobe XMP Panels CS5_3.1_AdobeXMPPanelsAll will be uninstalled now.
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D} Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {A189C479-C7CD-4E08-8CCF-D999B68C0C71} Camera Profiles Installer_6.3_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.
    WARNING: DW031: Payload:{37AB3C65-E02C-4DCF-B0E0-4C2E253D8FA3} Photoshop Camera Raw has been updated and has been selected for repair. The patch {FD58D99B-9927-4226-8E00-959A4F76BD89} Photoshop Camera Raw_6.3_AdobeCameraRaw6.0All will be uninstalled now.
    ----------- Payload: {D1B83970-7269-48BE-8B0E-5120D9327E52} Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1 -----------
    FATAL: DB005: sqlite prepare: 'SELECT * FROM Property WHERE propertyName='TotalSize'' (26) file is encrypted or is not a database
    WARNING: DS007: TotalSize property not set in data base
    FATAL: DB005: sqlite prepare: 'SELECT * FROM Assets' (26) file is encrypted or is not a database
    ERROR: DB008: Cannot fetch entries from Assets table
    FATAL: DB005: sqlite prepare: 'SELECT * FROM Assets' (26) file is encrypted or is not a database
    FATAL: DB005: sqlite prepare: 'SELECT * FROM Property WHERE propertyName='TotalSize'' (26) file is encrypted or is not a database
    WARNING: DS007: TotalSize property not set in data base
    FATAL: DB005: sqlite prepare: 'SELECT * FROM Assets' (26) file is encrypted or is not a database
    ERROR: DB008: Cannot fetch entries from Assets table
    ----------- Payload: {71BC8278-815D-4F8C-8FA5-C6F782C73892} Adobe CSXS Infrastructure CS5.5 -----------
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {CE75F5DB-8CA3-4E84-A30E-AF9160006105} Adobe Player for Embedding x64 3.1 -----------
    FATAL: DB005: sqlite prepare: 'SELECT * FROM Property WHERE propertyName='TotalSize'' (26) file is encrypted or is not a database
    WARNING: DS007: TotalSize property not set in data base
    FATAL: DB005: sqlite prepare: 'SELECT * FROM Assets' (26) file is encrypted or is not a database
    ERROR: DB008: Cannot fetch entries from Assets table
    FATAL: DB005: sqlite prepare: 'SELECT * FROM Assets' (26) file is encrypted or is not a database
    FATAL: DB005: sqlite prepare: 'SELECT * FROM Property WHERE propertyName='TotalSize'' (26) file is encrypted or is not a database
    WARNING: DS007: TotalSize property not set in data base
    FATAL: DB005: sqlite prepare: 'SELECT * FROM Assets' (26) file is encrypted or is not a database
    ERROR: DB008: Cannot fetch entries from Assets table
    ----------- Payload: {EF45880C-DD84-46C3-A054-0BC5F76A6BBE} Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Support -----------
    WARNING: DW036: Payload cannot be installed due to dependent operation failure
    ----------- Payload: {941E2A8F-345E-11E0-9215-0024E8692489} Adobe Device Central CS5.5_DeviceCentral3.5LP-en_GB -----------
    ERROR: DW001: Set payload cancelled status
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {0215A652-E081-4B09-9333-DC85AAB67FFA} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {0669F23C-1B69-41B4-A3ED-4F54A5986D66} has an action "repair" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {08EF22BC-43B2-4B4E-BA12-52B18F418F38} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {10355145-8A4C-47F3-994B-B9B81B4DABF5} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {11C0657F-2BD4-4CBC-87F3-9455DC91886E} has an action "repair" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {1FEB691B-39ED-4343-99D6-CACDAD879D8C} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {23767F5D-A80C-4264-B8EA-ED4085FC332A} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {24586955-A50A-4E76-AF2C-7F8EB833FBB1} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {2EA9B52E-8613-41A0-9EEF-FF54AD4CC810} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {32841ECE-EC28-42CD-A4DD-6CE832A7EA8D} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {3450d4c5-a82b-4428-a512-842ee1555a14} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {35ED8892-98E5-488A-A23C-6DB842A46EA5} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {43A1C48E-3E50-410e-951C-E17A66BBF824} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {4603E0C5-6880-4A4F-BCF8-DF1F6AE0E317} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {4A8546D0-CEDF-48C1-9BA1-DD5B4ADFC154} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {50D2A553-2839-469E-B87D-86DC8C104745} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {61A3D10A-AA4D-4E4C-B9DB-6A08D318EA41} has an action "repair" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {6C7D437A-D2E9-4FE9-A4D9-A6329860835C} has an action "repair" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {6D96660C-1444-410E-9A84-681C0AFB8937} has an action "repair" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {7202D4A7-F7E6-4e7a-B77D-7B1C4E8B5CA6} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {970C9F3A-39C5-480B-BE51-7C70AB9F84DB} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {B55FDCCB-8A45-4943-8D90-585C3490A032} has an action "repair" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {CBBBB5DB-8EF3-40D7-A9FE-5A69100C1EED} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {CBDD7465-CE11-4A58-9497-C370B65923F1} has an action "repair" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {D0C50427-0E90-4821-91F3-D9476235901F} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {D57FC112-312E-4D70-860F-2DB8FB6858F0} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {D97AF04B-B70A-4862-BC25-31E6D9C4A529} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {DD18D60C-87B1-47D9-8312-67508B402FB9} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {E348E466-429A-4FB0-AFCF-8306C16BBFF1} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {E39A5ABD-516B-46F9-A042-694BBA6A4E08} has an action "repair" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {EB186BF2-0A84-40A2-B794-0326D3DF9973} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW049: Payload {F37EA9EC-638F-4E61-BED4-BDB10461D73B} has an action "install" but no resultState
    ERROR: DW050: The following payload errors were found during install:
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe ExtendScript Toolkit CS5.5: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Pixel Bender Toolkit: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Player for Embedding x64 3.1: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Player for Embedding 3.1: Install failed
    ERROR: DW050:  - Adobe Bridge CS5.1: User cancelled installation
    ERROR: DW001: User cancelled the operation

    Abhishek.subhikhi I would recommend following the steps listed in Install log error "Exit Code: 19" | Creative Suite 5, CS5.5.  Please respond to this thread if you have any questions about the listed steps.

  • Error al intentar instalar Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection - Windows 7 64 bits

    Hola a todos,
    al intentar instalar Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection obtengo el siguiente log. Mi sistema operativo es Windows 7 de 64 bits. He probado a borrarlo y a pasar el limpiador de Adobe Clean Suite, pero nada... ¿Alguien me puede ayudar?
    Muchísimas gracias de antemano y un saludo!
    El log:
    Exit Code: 7
    -------- Summary -------------------------------------- 
    - 1 fatal error(s), 2 error(s), 4 warning(s) 
     WARNING: DW031: Payload:{61A3D10A-AA4D-4E4C-B9DB-6A08D318EA41}  Photoshop Camera Raw (64 bit) has been updated and has been  selected for repair. The patch {32841ECE-EC28-42CD-A4DD-6CE832A7EA8D} Photoshop Camera Raw (64 bit)_6.3_AdobeCameraRaw6.0All-x64 will be uninstalled now.
     WARNING: DW031: Payload:{2EBE92C3-F9D8-48B5-A32B-04FA5D1709FA}  Adobe XMP Panels CS5 has been updated and has been selected for  repair. The patch {42774483-D33C-46F7-8B20-FD0B1A3DAC25} Adobe XMP Panels CS5_3.1_AdobeXMPPanelsAll will be uninstalled now.
     WARNING: DW031: Payload:{3F023875-4A52-4605-9DB6-A88D4A813E8D}  Camera Profiles Installer has been updated and has been  selected for repair. The patch {A189C479-C7CD-4E08-8CCF-D999B68C0C71} Camera Profiles Installer_6.3_AdobeCameraRawProfile6.0All will be uninstalled now.
     WARNING: DW031: Payload:{37AB3C65-E02C-4DCF-B0E0-4C2E253D8FA3}  Photoshop Camera Raw has been updated and has been selected for  repair. The patch {FD58D99B-9927-4226-8E00-959A4F76BD89} Photoshop Camera Raw_6.3_AdobeCameraRaw6.0All will be uninstalled now.
     ERROR: DW020: Found payload conflicts and errors: 
    ERROR: DW020:  - Adobe InDesign CS5.5 Application Base Files depends on Adobe InDesign CS5.5 Icon Handler x64 to be installed. 
    FATAL: DW020: Conflicts were found in the selected payloads. Halting installation.

    Puedes consultar este documento de ayuda:
    y los enlaces alternativos que proporciona.
    No indicas si tenías versiones de prueba de alguna aplicación o de la Suite instaladas y cómo las has desinstalado, o si tienes activo algun antivirus u otras utilidades.
    Lo más práctico sería que contactes con el Soporte Técnico de Adobe, un servicio gratuito para productos licenciados.

  • Where did photoshop disappeared in my Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection?

    Hey there!
    My Macbookpro wanted to taste Photoshop! So i deactivated my serials on my old pro and wanted to install all the great programs from my Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection on my new baby.
    Well ,unfortunately photoshop is missing in the list! WTH?…and as well the menu does look different…whats wrong?…im sick and im tired…:(
    please someone help me!

    Missing in what list?
    Are you talking about the suite installer?  If so, it can't change - it's just a DVD or disk image with fixed content.

  • I downloaded Adobe CS5.5 Master Suite: Missing Setup File

    I don't know what to do. My school issued free issue (legally) of Adobe CS5.5 Master collection. I downloaded the whole thing through my Adobe Downloader, but now it is saying that I am missing the setup file. What can I do?

    It seems that the package might be corrupt due to which you are getting the missing file error.
    Consider re-downloading the package.
    You can download from the direct download links available at :
    But make sure you follow the important steps mentioned on the page before initiating the download.

  • VRAM for Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection

    What will be the difference if I load Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection on to an imac that only has 128MB of VRAM? All the other system requirements are good.

    I am try to install Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium and I can't do it Message said I need the "Adobe Support Advisor Tool"

  • Adobe CS5.5 Master collection not installing

    Adobe CS5.5 Master collection not installing

    I am try to install Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 Production Premium and I can't do it Message said I need the "Adobe Support Advisor Tool"

  • Приобретённый продукт Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection CS5 - не активировался!

    На мой День Рождения,31.12.2013, мне подарили продукт Вашей компании - Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection CS5.Сообщаю сведения о покупке,указанные на коробке продукта: серийный номер
    [ private information removed - see ]
    С 01.01.2014 по настоящее время - 04.01.2014 я мучаясь пытался установить этот продукт Вашей компании,но, к великому моему сожалению - безрезультатно! Продукт устанавливается только в пробной версии на срок 30-дней!
       Естественно,был испорчен не только День Рождения,но и праздник - Новый Год!
    Считаю нужным высказать свои претензии подобным образом,со всеми подробностями,указанными на коробке с продуктом Adobe, администрации Вашей весьма известной компаниию
      Кроме того,безусловно надеюсь на Ваше понимание моих претензий и корректность решения,которое будет принято Вами,по решению этой проблеммы!
    Так как перечисленные мною файлы имеют большой размер, попытаюсь выслать их Вам с помощью Google Drive.
      On my birthday , I was presented with the product of your company - Adobe Creative Suite Master Collection CS5.Soobschayu purchase information noted on the product
    [ private information removed - see ]
    From 01.01.2014 till now - 01/04/2014 I tormented tried to install the product of your company , but to my great regret - to no avail ! The product is installed only in the trial version for a period of 30 days!   Naturally, there was not only spoiled birthday, but also holiday - New Year !Consider it necessary to express their grievances in this way, with all the details specified on the product box Adobe, your administration is very famous companyAbout  In addition, certainly hope for your understanding of my claims and correct decisions to be taken by you to solve this problem! Also , I would like to know your e-mail address where I could send ALL AVAILABLE THIS PROGRAM FILES (ADOBE CREATIVE SUITE MASTER COLLECTION CS5) and 4 PROGRAMS ADOBE, from my computer. Since I listed the files are large , try to send them to you via Google Drive.

    Sign in or activation errors
    For anything more, contact serial and activation support by phone or web chat.

  • Adobe Creative Suite Master 4 Original

    i Have a Adobe Creative Suite Master 4 With Valid Serial Key one 1 User only,you can install the Software only in 2 Computers,if you have any question you can Call Adobe with Reques Number they already verify my serial.Asking $450+ Free Shpping
    4 installation disk,1 lynda trainig system,2 serial keys finnesse & master
    This is Full Version not academic

    No especificas qué ordenador es, la cantidad de memoria y otros datos técnicos para saber si cumple los requisitos de hardware necesarios.
    Has instalado versiones de prueba anteriormente? Tienes activado algún antivirus en el Mac?
    Por otro lado este tipo de preguntas deberían dirigirse primero a Soporte Técnico, algo más propio que un foro de intercambio de dudas y comentarios.

  • My mac won't read my adobe creative suite master collection disc 1 what do I do?!

    My mac won't read my adobe creative suite master collection disc 1 what do I do?!

    Which version?
    You could download the installer file from Adobe and install from that instead but it's a big file (6+ GB).
    Download and Installation Help

  • Muss ich mein iPhone 5 auf einen neuen Nutzer registrieren lassen wenn ich es gebraucht gekauft habe?

    Muss ich mein iPhone 5 auf einen neuen Nutzer registrieren lassen wenn ich es gebraucht gekauft habe?

    Die grundlegende Schritte sind:
    Starten Sie ... Reset ... Aus Backup wiederherstellen ... Wiederherstellen als Neu ...
    Wenn Sie versuchen, alle diese Schritte und Sie noch Fragen haben ... Dann ein Besuch in einem Apple Store oder AASP (Authorized Apple Service Provider) ist der nächste Schritt ...
    Achten Sie darauf, vorher einen Termin zu machen ...

  • Adobe CS5.5 Master Collection not installing and @AdobeCare don't help!

    This is WHY Adobe is the biggest RIP OFF ever.
    I bought a copy of CS5.5 Master Collection at an auction (Bought for just over 2k) everything sealed and fine, got it home installed it on my iMac and everything was gravy.
    Used for around year and half, then I moved from Alberta to Ontario, so everything was packed and then unpacked and reset up, as I did a clean of my Mac when I got here and went to install all my software and applications again, and sure enough BAM!!! That's when it happened.
    It would not install.
    Now I have contacted Adobe "Don't" Care about a previous issue I had with another piece of software that they messed me around on that software was only $200 and after becoming very pissed of at them for giving me the run around having to go on live chat 4 times and then resulting to twitting the sh*t out them stating how crappy they were I all of a sudden had someone contact me and finally contact me assisted on getting that software working again.
    However this more expensive piece of software they haven't give two craps about.
    I would love any so called "smart" Adobe worker fill me in on this.
    If something works perfect for a year and half or 3 months because you guys are "so" on top of things right is shouldn't matter about the time frame, when you get either a system crash, reinstall, new computer or sell the system and when loading the software back on the somputer and it's  not working...ready simple question WHY NOT!
    Clearly people have stated that bootleg copies of the serials are out on the internet for anyone to get right, but when a person has spent a F load of cash on a NON Stolen or Copied version with proof of purchase with pictures of receipt and evidence that they have been using the same F'ing serial this whole time, how can you not HELP!
    Oh wait I think I know and by my sarcasm you guessed it, it's cause you already got my cash right!
    So when do I get compensation for being messed around by Adobe? because the run around I have had by Adobe staff, for a product that is legit and been in use for a year and half and then flat out not working..will Adobe care? NO Adobe doesn't give a flying F about no one and especially it's customers.
    Am I pissed yes!
    Am I frustrated yes!
    Will adobe fix the crap and give 100% customer service NO!
    For all the readers out there THIS is the reason Adobe try to get people to do their $50 a month crap for everything.... @AdobeCare you SUCK!
    In a market where there is so many more choices I will always refer people to those, like Sony Vegas Pro, Coral ect.

    ranting is all people are left to do Ned, because getting help from Adobe clearly takes so much effort. Are you an Adobe worker? Are you a specialist? because that is why its a rant because after explaining my problem so many times to so many people via different methods THAT IS WHY IT IS A RANT! because all that is asked is can you please let us know your problem, then that person who clearly doesn't make notes decides to put you on hold via Live chat and then the chat goes dead you have to explain it ALL OVER AGAIN!!!
    So I will explain it in simple terms for you.
    1) That disc is what was bought
    2) When I went to reinstall the product when I moved and after doing a clean up of my Mac it asks for the serial
    3) I entered the serial
    4) The serial worked fine (You know the green tick)
    5) After the hour or so wait to finalize I waited and opened Photoshop
    6) That was the message you see that I got
    7) I the tested another app and I got the same thing.
    After this I contacted Adobe and was on a chat case number 0214839318 which may I ad HAS ALL OF THIS IN DETAIL.
    this of course was NOT the end, I was asked to show proof which is what you can see!
    Oh and Ned guess what....NO HELP!
    There in detail!

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