Adobe keeps wanting me to upgrade frequently (every 2 weeks) is it necessary?

Adobe keeps wanting me to upgrade frequently (every 2 weeks) is it really necessary?

No.  Only upgrade directly from and turn off the automatic update checkbox in Apple menu -> System preferences for your Adobe software.

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    No, not OK! There are big security holes in the last couple of versions. My favorite place to get the latest without the extra bullyware adobe tries to stick you with is Filehippo. Install both so IE is not vulnerable too.
    For firefox
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    Weird problem.  When you say re-install, did you first de-activate the software (Help --> Deactivate), then run the Clean Tool ( ) and then re-install?  Or did you just re-install without those steps?
    Also if this problem persists, try creating a new user account on the machine because it is not uncommon to have a corrupt user account where some system files/folders that Adobe uses becomes unwritable or unusable thus putting the program back into that state, although the trial usually has more to do with the registry on the Windows side if I'm not mistaken.

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    I just tried the link and it is just fine. If the GateKeeper pops up then open Security & Privacy preferences, click on the General tab, set the last radio button to Anywhere.

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    Back up all data before making any changes. Please take each of the following steps until the problem is resolved.
    Step 1
    If Adobe Reader or Acrobat is installed, and the problem is just that you can't print or save PDF's displayed in Safari, you may be able to do so by moving the cursor to the the bottom edge of the page, somewhere near the middle. A black toolbar should appear under the cursor. Click the printer or disk icon.
    Step 2
    There should be a setting in its preferences of the Adobe application such as Display PDF in Browser. I don't use those applications myself, so I can't be more precise. Deselect that setting, if it's selected.
    Step 3
    If you get a message such as ""Adobe Reader blocked for this website," then from the Safari menu bar, select
              Safari ▹ Preferences... ▹ Security
    and check the box marked
              Allow Plug-ins
    Then click
              Manage Website Settings...
    and make any required changes to the security settings for the Adobe PDF plugin.
    Step 4
    Triple-click anywhere in the line of text below on this page to select it, the copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C:
    /Library/Internet Plug-ins
    In the Finder, select
              Go ▹ Go to Folder
    from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-G. Paste into the text box that opens by pressing command-V, then press return.
    From the folder that opens, move to the Trash any items that have "Adobe" or “PDF” in the name. You may be prompted for your login password. Then quit and relaunch Safari.
    Step 5
    The "Silverlight" web plugin distributed by Microsoft can interfere with PDF display in Safari, so you may need to remove it, if it's present. The same goes for a plugin called "iGetter," and perhaps others—I don't have a complete list. Don't remove Silverlight if you use the "Netflix" video-streaming service.
    Step 6
    Do as in Step 4 with this line:
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-ins
    If you don’t like the results of this procedure, restore the items from the backup you made before you started. Relaunch Safari.

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    You need to upgrade to Snow Leopard, but don't need to go past 10.6.8 to run the current version of Flash.

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    YouTube does not use Adobe Reader. Videos do not use Adobe Reader.
    Adobe Reader is used only to show files in a special format called "PDF".
    What you are having problems with is probably Adobe Flash Player.
    So, if you are trying to solve problems with Adobe Flash Player by downloading Adobe Reader, or even Adobe Acrobat, it isn't going to help you in the end. Is that what is happening (we can't really tell without screen pictures, but it seems a likely guess).

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    Sorry that you got such a hassle. Try this. I don't have Acrobat 9 per se, but I have the TCS2 and found the following.
    Run Regedit (all the serious warning apply here. Look but don't touch).
    Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHNINE->SOFTWARE->Adobe->Repair->Adobe Acrobat->9.0->IOD Look under the entry under SERIAL.
    Maybe it works maybe it doesn't. But it might help.
    Message was edited by: MichaelKazlow

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    What does happen when you try to synch the Library ?
    The Library has a Sub folder for Preferences.
    It hold amoungst other things the iChat .plists Removing all of these will get iChat to Redo the Start Up Screens.
    8:17 PM Saturday; April 19, 2008

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    The first question is have you used this version on this computer with the operating system you have now. The issue might be (if you are on a Mac) that CS2 was a Power PC application and you have upgraded to a new computer with an Intel processor. CS2 will not work on an Intel processor with system (I think) OSX.6 or greater.
    If you have used this release on this computer with the same OS, than try deleting the preferences by holding down the Comand/Control-Option-Shift keys when starting the application. You will get a message asking if you want to delete the preferences, say yes.
    Let me know if any of these work.

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    Go to Acrobat>Preferences; on the left is a menu list, the last thing is Updater. Click on the bottom button.

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    Thanks for your help Jeff. When I put serial# in, it won't except it.... I think it wants to see a previous version in my pc because my serial is for an upgrade, but when it put in a serial# for version cs5 it still wont except. Do you think i have to install cs5 first (which is also an upgrade).. which will require that I put in version cs4 etc,.etc., etc.
    Do you know how I can get into an chat with Adobe.Thats what i had to do last time I installed CS6 in my desktop PC.
    Thanks / Ron

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    Sounds like you need to uninstall 8 and re-install 9.

  • Hello, my name is Karan Taneja and i have been a loyal Apple customer. I have been using Apple since it introduced iphone 4 and have been upgrading/buying every new phone Apple introduces after that. I was always happy and surprized to see Apple doing so

    Hello, my name is Karan Taneja and i have been a loyal Apple customer.
    I have been using Apple since it introduced iphone 4 and have been upgrading/buying every new phone Apple introduces after that.
    I was always happy and surprized to see Apple doing so good to its customers.
    Unfortunately, i experienced some thing really unprofessional and different this time.
    It begun suddenly one day when i tried to charge my phone, the phone was on silent mode and as usual the phone vibrated when i kept it for charge.
    After a few seconds the phone vibrated twice or thrice again when i re-inserted the cable thinking it might be loose.
    It continued to charge well when i left the room for 2 hours and finally when i returned i could see a damaged i phone 5
    lying on the floor and the phone vibrating continuously and i figured out there was a fault with the cable and the
    current wasnt flowing continuously due to which the phone continued to vibrate and fell off the shelf.
    Next day i took the iphone to Apple service centre at Saket which was closed.
    Thinking its August 15 and so the store might be closed i went back to home and waited for the next day but unfortunately could not turn up since
    i had to go to work on odd timings.
    I again went to the same service centre on 17th August 2013 and saw the service centre closed again when i tried to contact
    the other service centre and was informed about Saket's service centre already been shut down.
    There was no hoarding/ banner any kind of intimation for the customers.
    Since 18th August was Sunday and i was occupied on 19th August i went to service centre at Ansal Plaza Khel Gaon Marg on
    20th August 2013 to complaint about the Faulty Cable and the damaged caused to my iphone 5 due to the same.
    I very well explained the same to one of the person at the receiving desk at the service centre who accepted the cable
    but explained me that he doesnt have the authority to accept my iphone without permission from the technical support people
    who will be able to help me in that case and gave me the toll free number.
    i Tried to reach the toll free number and finally managed to get online with a technical support executives who too all my details and
    summary of the problem i experienced and finally kept me on hold for almost 10 minutes ormore after which he said he said that my
    case cannot be considered and while the discussion was on, the call was disconnected and i was left frustrated as i still was at the service centre
    but finally i left with no hope from Apple .
    I tried to reach again at the toll free number, and finally managed to talk to a well behaved person who assured me of considering my case and suggested
    me to go back to the service centre and advice the the person at the recieving end there to get me connected to the technical support team when i reach so that i could
    submit my phone but, since, it was already around 4:30 and the service centre was about to shut and due to traffic
    conditions all around i thought of visiting the service centre next day.
    On 21st August 2013, i went back to the service centre and spoke to the one of the store person who adviced the case to the manager Mr. Alok ( as i remember )
    who was really rude to tell me that i will have to call the technical support team on my own and then he will connect and that its not his work and all that .
    I finally connected to one of the senior technical support executives Mr.Mohamed Azharuddin K who understood my concern and spoke to the manager of the store to accept
    my iphone.
    My iphone was finally collected and i was assured i would get a call back next day from the service centre about the update.
    It was now 22nd August 2013, no update was given,no call was received, i tried to call the service centre at 12:30, they were unaware about my case and knew only about the cable and said will call me
    back very shortly.
    I called back at 2:30, still no update, at 4:30 i called back again when i was told that my case cannot be considered and i can collect my phone.
    Similar discussion was held with Mr.Mohamed Azharuddin K.
    I knew by the time i will reach the service centre would again close.
    He told me that my case cannot be considered since the cable was recieved in the dead condition and wasnt working at all unlike what i told him about the cable.
    On 23th August 2013, i went back to the service centre and collected my phone. When i asked about my old cable and told them that it was working and i wanted the technician
    to check it properly when i handed it over, they had no answer but to say its already shipped. I spoke to the manager who said that he never told any body that the cable
    was received in dead condition and he only conveyed to other authorities that the cable had fault .
    I finally dont know what to do and came back with the new cable.
    I just visited my time, petrol and parking charges in getting the cable replaced.
    If i calculated i have spent around 16 hours and 2000 worth of money in just getting the cable replaced and have a broken phone in hand.
    More than a weeks torture.
    Is that the way apple compensates for its fault ????????????????
    I will make sure that i never buy any thing from Apple and advice all the people i know to not trust Apple blindly.

    Wow, Karan Taneja, you've just embarrassed yourself on a worldwide support forum.  Not only is your post ridiculous and completely inappropriate for a technical support forum, but it also shows your ignorance as to whom you think the audience is.  Apple is not here.  It's users, like you. 
    If you would have spent half the time actually reading the Terms of Use of this forum that YOU agreed to by signing up to post, as you did composing that usesless, inappropriate post, you (and the rest of us on this forum) would have been much better off.

  • USB device keeps disconnecting/connecting after upgrading to Windows 8.1

    I have a device(Pedal for Sim Racing) connected via USB, everything is working fine in Windows 7 and 8 but after upgrading my machine to Windows 8.1 the device keeps disconnecting and connecting for like every 2 seconds. But after I open the Property Sheet
    in Game Controllers panel the disconnection issue was gone, if I reconnect the device the issue persist. Other people who have similar device also encounters the same issue after upgrading to windows 8.1. The issue persist with or without the device driver
    Any idea, what might cause this? 
    Best regards

    I'v got this exact same problem with my Win 7 desktop.  I've also got pedals and wheel but don't see it as different than all the other USB devices.  I'm using a bunch of USB, but no hubs, including 3 external storage hard drives. But the momentary
    disconnect appears in all devices as best as i can see..even my long time trouble free head phones..keyboard..and all.  Sometimes the sound goes away and if I unplug and replug them the sound comes back, and other times I have to exit and re enter the
    game. I also get video crashes ..maybe not related.IDK..and have to restart all, because I've got three black screens in Eyefinity. For years my system was trouble free and its just slowly started getting worse. I've thought it had to do with system "sleep"
    etc but long ago went to never sleep max performance etc..Makes no difference. Keep thinking its my hardware or my house wiring etc..But can't seem to solve it. I replaced my Mobo/chip/ram maybe 6 months ago and that appears to have not helped.  It seems
    to be getting worse. I hate to start replacing parts piece by piece..cost a lot of money and sometimes doesn't help.
    When I'm playing a game I can often hear "faint" sound of USB connect disconnect happening with regularity..that little bing/boink sound etc..So it must just be constantly happening...Seems weird. Didn't have anything like this happening years
    ago with pretty much the same hardware and same Win7 with the continuing updates etc.
    What can be causing this common problem?

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