[ADOBE] Locale settings: country different than language

Hello ABAPers.
I'm getting started with Adobe forms and I have encountered an issue with locale settings.
I support multilingual and international system. This means I have to respect both formats of figures. One thousand may look as follow:
1,000.00 or 1000.00 (English formatting used by Japan, UK, USA, etc.)
1.000,00 or 1000,00 (European formatting used by rest of the world)
When printing Adobe form, I pass structure of type sfpdocparams. In thi structure I have 2 important fields:
- LANGU -> it impacts on texts language
- COUNTRY -> it should impact on locale, which means formatting of figures and dates.
If I pass LANGU='E' and COUNTRY='EN' it behaves properly
If I pass LANGU='D' and COUNTRY='DE' it behaves properly (I get European formatting)
If I pass LANGU='L' and COUNTRY='PL' it behaves properly (I get European formatting)
If I pass LANGU='E' and COUNTRY='PL' I get a problem. I have then English language (correct) and English formatting (error!)
If I pass LANGU='L' and COUNTRY='DE' I also have a problem. Language is determined correctly (Polish), but formatting is English even though both Germany and Poland use European formatting.
I have tested all possible combinations of langu/country. Above are just examples. The conclusion is as follow:
If language is not in line with country, Adobe takes locale en_US or en_GB. I've checked file trace.txt from PDF generation. I've found something like this: "System locale: en_GB".
I have saved my XFD.xml file from printout with settings LANGU='E' and COUNTRY='PL'. Printout was broken, but when using this XFD for preview in designer, I get correct formatting.
Originally form's locale was English (it's a copy from standard form SD_SDOC_FORM01), but I have changed it to Polish (European formatting) - it didn't help.
I have checked also that print program uses a statement SET COUNTRY.
Only Idea I have now is to control formatting using scripting in FormCalc or JavaScript. FormCalc delivers function to control locale of date fields:
$.format.picture = DateFmt(1, $.locale);
but I couldn't find any of such functions to control figure's formatting.
Or maybe it's some server setting? If so, then how to manage it?
Please advise,

Hi guys.
I've found a workaround. I can use scripting:
$.locale = "pl_PL" (or any other European)
with some logical restrictions naturally. I will have to check variable COUNTRY first.
Yet it's not a nice solution. I have to enter this script into each numeric field in the form, so if anyone knows the proper solution (SAPnote, ot print server settings), please share.

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    Tom Gewecke wrote:
    To be more precise:
    After installing OS, the Formats had "Finland (English)".
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    modifying anything in /etc/ to that intent would just negate the effect of your current hebrew locale everywhere.
    so, he meant, just start apps with
    LANG=whatever your_command
    in console.
    if you want, write a wrapper script per app to do just that: e.g I set my PATH (in e.g /etc/profile) to have /usr/local/bin before everything else, and if I want 'man' command to be overriden with specific locale i create  /usr/local/bin/man with content
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    1tb 7200rmp hard drive
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    windows 7 ultimate 64
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    I don't think AVCHD is the correct preset... but I use CS5 so not 100% sure
    Flip or GoPro video http://forums.adobe.com/thread/437535?tstart=0
    - And http://forums.adobe.com/thread/668369?tstart=0
    - And http://blogs.adobe.com/VideoRoad/2009/12/using_a_flip_minohd_camera_wit.html
    - Says to use the XDCAM EX 720p 30p (or 60p?) setting for Flip (maybe GoPro?)

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    Hello nmohamm,
    To examine the conversion settings in Acrobat, do the following:
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    2. In the preferences dialog, select the "Convert From PDF" category.
    3. In the "Converting From PDF" list, select "Excel workbook".
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    Follow this procedure:
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    5. Go to Country/Region in the popup window to change to the desired store.
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    Thank you,
    Nancie Bolduc

    You are welcome. Glad my good fortune was helpful to you.
    Time Keeper

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    $ ls -l /usr/bin/alopex
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 48280 Feb 13 14:21 /usr/bin/alopex
    $ file /usr/bin/alopex
    /usr/bin/alopex: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=03e8e16e7208d6c97bce6bd545f45d20c7a7606a, stripped
    $ ls -l ~/code/alopex/alopex
    -rwxr-xr-x 1 jmcclure users 54760 Feb 13 14:30 /home/jmcclure/code/alopex/alopex
    $ file ~/code/alopex/alopex
    /home/jmcclure/code/alopex/alopex: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.32, BuildID[sha1]=0659354ed5a904fe93894f14d6bd413ea278396e, stripped
    I can't figure out why the binaries are difference sizes and have different checksums.  I suspect there is an error in my code that is only exposed when built with makepkg - but this is hard to track down without knowing what makepkg is doing differently than my local build.  To be sure relative paths couldn't be relevant, I also moved the locally built binary to /usr/bin/ (overwriting the makepkg/pacman one) and it executed just fine.
    So - my main question is, in addition to stripping a binary and using the makepkg.conf flags, what else is different about the makepkg build and my local build?  I'm guessing it might have to do with makepkg using a clean chroot build environment (right?), but namcap doesn't detect any missing dependencies or any other issues.
    Below are many details that may or may not be relevant
    EDIT: in case it's relevant, here is the `env` output for the local build with only the PS1/PS2 and LS_COLORS removed as they are long and I can't imagine relevant.
    _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on -Dswing.aatext=true -Dswing.defaultlaf=com.sun.java.swing.plaf.gtk.GTKLookAndFeel
    LESS= -RXx4
    LESSOPEN=|/usr/bin/src-hilite-lesspipe.sh %s
    As a temporary work-around, I found that the following produces a working binary and somehow avoids the step that is leading to the crashes
    cd src/alopex
    make clean
    cd ../..
    makepkg -efi
    I've been tinkering with readelf to see what differences I can pinpoint.  I really don't know what I'm doing, but it seemed the symbols (-s) and dynamic links (-d) were all the same between the two version except for the addressess/offsets/hex-number-column.  So I tried checking the readelf -h output and I get a couple differences there - in this output, the /usr/bin/alopex version is the working one:
    diff <(readelf -h /tmp/alopex/pkg/alopex-git/usr/bin/alopex) <(readelf -h /usr/bin/alopex)
    < Entry point address: 0x4030d8
    > Entry point address: 0x403020
    < Start of section headers: 46488 (bytes into file)
    > Start of section headers: 52968 (bytes into file)
    < Number of program headers: 9
    > Number of program headers: 8
    I'm not sure what these differences mean, but they are consistent with every working and non-working build.
    Readelf -l output indicates that the extra program header in the nonworking version includes the following:
    08 .init_array .fini_array .jcr .dynamic .got
    Each of these symbols exist in the working binary as well, but they are duplicated in the non-working version (still no idea what this actually means, but in case someone else can decode this ...)
    Last edited by Trilby (2014-02-13 20:38:13)

    Crap - you are, of course, right.  It seems my Makefile is not doing what I thought it was.  I define makefile variables for flags with += operators, which I thought picked up the current value from the environment.  But it seems not to do this.
    I plan to fix the crashes, but I was stumped, and I wanted to know why it worked in some builds and not others - I'm hoping this information will help narrow down what my coding error is.
    EDIT: a local build with `CFLAGS="$CFLAGS" LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS" make` reproduces the error.
    Thanks for the help - now I know which flags expose my error, so I may be able to narrow it down.
    FOLLOW-UP: Thanks again - while I have no doubt that my troubleshooting steps are unconventional (as I have no 'conventional' training in programming) this did allow me to track down a bug in my code which I had been missing.
    Last edited by Trilby (2014-02-13 23:03:54)

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    Hi – I’m resending you the instructions I got from Adobe-Sarah below again.
    Sarahktrapp at Adobe sent me instructions on how to access my original account on behance. Please read all of this because it did not work completely the way she told me.
    Phase 1:
    Sarah’s from Adobe Instructions:
    Thanks for getting in touch. Your Behance account (be.net/yourname) is connected to the Adobe ID ( your original behance email address), so this is what you'll need to use to login.
    Please click login, click the Adobe ID button, and enter ( your original behance email address) and your Adobe ID password.
    If you'd like to link your Behance account with a different Adobe ID, after you're into your account, you can visit this page and choose "link to a different Adobe ID:" https://www.behance.net/portfolio/promote
    Phase 2:
    My results and what I reported back to Sarah at Adobe:
    I followed your instructions, but it did not work for me. I clicked login, and then clicked the Adobe ID, I entered ( my original behance email address) and my Adobe ID password. When I clicked Sign In a message says “The Adobe ID and password do not match. Please try again.” I then tried logging in by clicking the Adobe ID, added the (my original behance email address) with my password I used on the original Behance account. The Adobe ID asked my birthdate and it seemed to work. Not sure how it worked, but thanks.
    I hope this helps you.

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    when I try to update applications I get a msg showing the country of purchase different than my country, sometime it shows Canada, sometime USA sometime Egypt sometime Lebanon.
    not allowing to update applications
    This problem started showing since the last iOS update of phone ( iOS 6.1 )

    If you have problems with updating or with the permissions then easiest is to download the full version and trash the currently installed version to do a clean install of the new version.
    Download a new copy of the Firefox program and save the DMG file to the desktop
    * Firefox 4.0.x: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all.html
    * Firefox 3.6.x: http://www.mozilla.com/en-US/firefox/all-older.html
    * Trash the current Firefox application to do a clean (re-)install
    * Install the new version that you have downloaded
    Your profile data is stored elsewhere in the [http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_folder_-_Firefox Firefox Profile Folder], so you won't lose your bookmarks and other personal data.

  • JVM bug with Turkish locale settings (windows)

    There is a serious bug in all versions of java virtual machine. When you set your locale settings to Turkish language, you can not install & use database driven java applications (that needs to create a database). For example; you can't install oracle 9i or 10g, ORA-12560 arises in database creation phase; and you can't install Readerware (a book cataloger), it locks-up in database creation phase, too. Ofcourse when you change your language to English or another language the problem goes away.
    I found that the source of the problem is JVM's wrong character mapping. It fails to convert Turkish and English "i" and "I" characters correctly (they're different in Turkish).
    Is there anybody to fix this issue in the next release ?

    I logged a bug about Java's Turkish Collator implementation: http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4688797.
    I'm not sure if your issue would fall into the same category. It looks like a separate bug to me, although closely related.
    Try logging that bug, or adding this to the bug above.

  • [svn] 4793: Fix bug SDK-17734 Path with width and height set different than path data has incorrect bounds

    Revision: 4793
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2009-02-02 11:20:06 -0800 (Mon, 02 Feb 2009)
    Log Message:
    Fix bug SDK-17734 Path with width and height set different than path data has incorrect bounds
    Fix: When calculating the bounds position we should take into account the implicit scaling factor actualSize/naturalSize. Also did some refactoring, getting rid of the protected method calculateTopLeft.
    QE Notes: None
    Doc Notes: None
    Bugs: SDK-17734
    Reviewer: Ryan
    tests: mustella gumbo/layout/GraphicElement
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:
    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/flex4/src/mx/graphics/graphicsClasses/GraphicElement.a s

    Thank you so much for replying.
    Yes I have removed and reinstalled WMP.
    I had good results with the PD6 application installed on the default path onto the C: drive with the one exception that if the application was launched by accident and the user data path was not available, the PD6 application would blow away my custom user path registry settings. Now that I know what they are I have made a .reg file to repair my registry to my desired user data paths.
    Installing the application on the removable drive appeared to help prevent me from launching the application by accident and overwriting my registry with default user paths.
    So which is the less of the two evils?
    If the application directory is not available, windows media player still tries to launch the .msi for installing PD6.
    If I install the application to the C: drive but the user data to the removable drive, launching the PD6 application without the user data drive will still corrupt my registry settings for a user data path.
    Both these issues seem like a logical (if not easy) fix that should be done in the PD6 application and installation package. I mean really, cannot anyone tell me why windows media player is checking the PD6 application directory? Why in PD4 did we have an option control for setting the user data path from the PD4 application? Why is this option not in the PD6 application, just the installer?
    I am given a choice during installation to move the user data to another non default location. Why else would this be provided if not to accommodate my kind of request to store the user data into an alternate location other than “My Document”. Certainly Palm is not trying to force the users on how to protect and store their personal data?
    Post relates to: Centro (Verizon)

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    I am the local systems administrator so I don't understand why am not allowed to add the pdf settings I've created to the list available for use in Distiller. Can anyone provide suggestions for a fix?
    Thank you in advance.

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    System Profile of en1:
    Card Type: AirPort Extreme (0x14E4, 0x88)
    Firmware Version: Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
    Locale: RoW
    Country Code: X2
    Supported PHY Modes: 802.11 a/b/g/n

    AirPort-Guy wrote:
    The Locale is programmed into the card. If you bought your Mac Pro in a country other than where you are currently living, and you are using the card that came with it, you could be violating your country's wireless regulations.
    Actually this is not entirely correct.
    Rather the Mac sets its AirPort country code based upon the first beacon packet containing regulatory domain information received when the Mac starts passively listening to incoming packets after the AirPort interface is enabled.
    RoW does stand for "rest of world" and the "X" domains are temporary used ones when searching for regulatory domain information.
    So if you're seeing your Mac's AirPort card programmed to a different country code regulatory domain than it should be, it's because someone near you is using an illegal wireless access point/router.

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