Adobe pdf reader link

Hi guys,
I'm looking at putting a few pdf's on my website and I've seen other sites with a link to pdf download to help people download it. Is there an official place to get this or if not will I have to make one?
Thanks for your help,

Hello Nathan,
in this cases I prefer to insert small photos from the several first pages as a thumbnail (you can use a gallery too). From there you should link to your different pdf-files.
Very good "little helpers" to creat the first page you will find in Photoshop, Fireworks, Microsoft Office Picture Manager, MS Photo Editor aso. Perhaps you work with all of them already or you know them at least, so the application should be no problem.
Good luck!

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    Hi geoffubazi,
    The 'Adobe PDF Reader' Addon should install even if you run the .msi file.
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    I have removed the "Assumed Answered" status.
    But unfortunately I don't know what the cause of your problem could be.

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    Best regards,

    Short answer reading into your question which has no specifics, yes it does but I am guessing there is more to what you are asking so if you could please expand your question that would be great.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help, this will help others who are looking for solutions to the same or similar problem.

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    var hereIsmypdf = ReturnPDFDoc();
    public BrowserWindow ReturnPDFDoc()
    var myPdFdoc = GlobalVariables.Browser;
    return myPdFdoc;

    Hi skinny_Will,
    <<"{"COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used." System.Exception {System.Runtime.InteropServices.InvalidComObjectException
    According this exception error message, I did some research about it. I know that this exception error is occurred in
    COM object which was disposed if you are using the COM objects in a same static class or variables which ware shared between tests.
    So please you refer the following blog to use ExecutionThread element to instruct the test to use the MTA threading model. This way, the static instance of "store" can be shared across tests.
    Note: if you are using the VS2013 to create the coded UI test, you will need to add a test setting file to add this
    In addition, ad you said that when you playback the browser window that contains an embedded Adobe PDF reader and then it could not work.
    I suggest you could try to add more searchproperties to find this target control and then check this issue.
    I find a similar thread about your issue, please refer the Steve's code to check your issue.
    Best Regards,
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    The steps to enable the Adobe PDF plug-in vary depending on your version of Internet Explorer.
         Select Tools > Manage Add-ons. (Or choose Tools > Internet Options, click the Programs tab, then click Manage Add-ons.)  
         In the Show pop-up menu, select All Add-ons. (In some versions the option is Add-ons That Have Been Used by Internet Explorer.)  
         Scroll to the section of add-ons for Adobe Systems, and select Adobe PDF Reader.  
         If the status of Adobe PDF Reader is set to Disabled, click the Enable button.  

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    In Love With My C6-01:Now running on Nokia Belle!

    timkamat wrote:
    I have already raised a support ticket. But still awaiting their reply.
    I have a unsigned full version of Adobe Reader LE 2.5, from my good friend and genius coder known as r@me$h.
    I signed it using my cert and key and installed it over the default Adobe Reader in my mobile(c6-01) and the installation was successful and with a reboot I was using the LE 2.5..!!!!
    The trial version quickoffice didnt work for me either...!!! 
    Proud owner of Nokia's C6-01, N8, 701, Lumia 800 and Google Nexus Prime..!!!
    Patience is a virtue, reaping fruits of Wisdom..!!!
    Arjun Paliath,

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