Adobe Style Layer (ASL) file structure

Hello. I'm curious if there a way to get the description of ASL-file. I would like to know it's structure: file-header, data-types...
ASL-files are for layer styling. You can add bevel, shadow, glow, stroke, etc. to the layer and save the settings as a style preset, which then can be stored on a hard-drive as a ASL-file.
Is there any documentation on this topic?

It's a descriptor list, similar to actions files.
The actions format is described in the SDK, but it's a non-trivial format.

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    Hi Gwena,<br /><br />In case of layer styles (unlike brushes) you need to add metadata corresponding to the .asl file you are trying to add.<br /><br />Close PSE6 if opened.<br />Now add your .asl file for style in <system>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Photoshop Elements/6.0/Locale/en_US/Photo Creations/Layer Styles/<br /><br />Now you need to add metadata for the asl file you just added. For this, you need to goto <system>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Photoshop Elements/6.0/Locale/en_US/Photo Creations Metadata/Layer Styles/<br />Copy paste an existing xml file there(say 'Bevels.xml'). Now open the xml file you just created using Notepad. You will see two places where layer stle name is listed: 'CatBevels' and 'Bevels'. Replace 'Bevels' with the name of your style using exactly the same word structure. For example : 'CatNewStyle' and 'New Style'<br />Save the changes.<br /><br />Now you need to rebuild the MediaDatabase. To do so, goto <system>/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Photoshop Elements/6.0/Locale/en_US and rename MediaDatabase.db3 to MediaDatabaseOLD.db3<br />Restart PSE6. It will take some time to open as it builds new Contents and Effects.<br /><br />You can find the new style listed with the PSE's default style in Effect pallet now.

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        <p><span id="msgbox" style="display:none"></span></p>

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    William Boyd, Jr. wrote:
    Does Disk Utility report any problems?
    I made the disk utility verify macintosh HD (if that was what you were asking me to), and it says everything looks to be okay.
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    With the error: "File corrupted-may not load properly"
    Another one is:
    /Users/Me/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Dreamweaver CS4/en_US/Configuration/Menus/Cache/Accelerators/DWTableContext.xml
    With the error: "XML file has unbalanced brackets"
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    /Applications/Adobe Dreamweaver CS4/configuration/Menus/Adaptive Sets/fr-ca.xml
    Error: "XML parser couldn't parse file"
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    Best regards,

    Pages v5.5.2 is not based on the Pages '09 code pool, and is missing over 100+ features found in the older Pages application. If anything, it is a sad downgrade for those that expect competent software from Apple. Read this Apple Support document: Creating ePub files with Pages — there is a link in there to a Pages v5 compatible ePub Best Practices template that has many paragraph styles essential to proper ePub creation.
    I would recommend you continue to use Pages '09 v4.3 if you have it, and you may, in /Applications/iWork '09.

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    You're making life harder than it has to be. Go to the Effects panel and click the Styles tab to be sure it's active, then click the four-lined square on the right and choose Load Styles.

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    If the reboot doesn't do it, try deleting the file MediaDatabase.d3.
    In Windows 7/Vista, go to C:\ProgramData\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\10.0\Locale\en_US (this path is different if you aren’t in the United States), and delete MediaDatabase.db3 to refresh the list of presets. In XP, it’s in C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Adobe\Photoshop Elements\10.0\ Locale\en_us (or your location). In Mac OS X, it’s [your hard drive]>Library>Application Support>Adobe>Photoshop Elements>10.0 >Locale> en_US (or your location). The next time you start the editor don't do anything till the thumbnails reappear in the panels.

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    Any chance that I can get this back!?

    Thanks for that!
    Thats a bit anoying! I liked to add shortcuts to various folders, can't do that with the normal explorer!

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