Adobe Texture Pro

I just istalled PhotoshopCC2014 and now my Adobe Texture Pro doesn't show up and my Window>Extensions is grayed out. What should I do to get Texture Pro to show up? It used to work in PhotoshopC

Download the updated panel -- your older Flash Panels won't work in CC 2014.
The extensions menu will be enabled when you install panels/extensions that work in CC 2014.

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    Where are my Adobe texture pro when I updated to cc 2014 I lost them

    Not really. spent hours with chat and live phone conversation with rep and
    was unable to correct. Deleted 2014 and went back to my old cc.
    On Fri, Sep 5, 2014 at 3:51 PM, John Waller <[email protected]>

  • How do I run/use the Adobe Paper Texture Pro?

    I Am running Photoshop CS6 with Snow Leopard and I am trying to use the new Adobe Paper Texture Pro downloaded via Adobe Exchange.  I upgraded to the Cloud Membership to get this script.  How do I use/access it?  It does not show up as a menu option.  I downloaded an earlier version and had no problem installing and using it.  I tried support but after 40 minutes or so on the phone ( and not getting anywhere) I gave up.  I am sure there is some little thing I haven't done but for the life of me I can't figure out how to resolve it.
    J. Paul

    From the Panel description it seems that this product should be available under the Window > Extensions folder in Photoshop
    Kind regards,

  • Adobe Paper Texture Pro Menu not showing up.

    Installed Adobe Paper Texture Pro and when I click on the "pancake" (upper right of panel) all I get is Close or Close Tab. I do not get the full menu, i.e. Load Textures, etc.
    Please tell me how to get the full menu.
    I understand now that the PS CC 2014 panel does not have a fly out menu. However, it does provide for loading more textures. I loaded more textures and they showed up but the default textures from Fly Paper did not. I closed and reopened PS and the textures I loaded were gone, only the default textures were there.
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Message was edited by: Hugh Adams
    This forum is about the Cloud as a delivery process, not about using individual programs
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  • Adobe Paper Textures Pro | Adobe Exchange | Adobe TV

    Learn about Adobe Paper Textures Pro, a panel for Photoshop CS6 that makes it easy to add special effects to your images. This Pro version of the panel is exclusively for Adobe Creative Cloud paid subscribers. It's our little way of saying thanks! In this video Russell Brown shows you how to make the most of this great free product and get creative with your images.

    Hi Bob,
    Thanks for the feedback. The Pro version is at least currently not all that different from the standard version which is free at this point the main thing is that it adds more textures. We are just about to give away some free textures from Flypaper Textures in fact they are available now from the Adobe Exchange Panel.
    There are lots of new products that have been added for Photoshop and the other 8 Adobe apps we support. We hope you like them and please remember to rate and review the products you download to help other users.
    Jonathan Ferman | Product Manager

  • Adobe Paper Texture Pro in CC

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    It works in that I can import new textures into the extension but it does not appear to have named the File of new Textures.
    In a screen grab of a demo version I have seen the option "Change Folder"
    This is not shown in my Version 2.0.1
    Can you advise?
    This forum is about the Cloud as a delivery process, not about using individual programs
    If you start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says ALL FORUMS) to open the drop down list and scroll

  • Did Russell Brown's Adobe Paper Textures Pro (extension) get removed from Photoshop CC (2014.2)  October release?

    Did Russell Brown's Adobe Paper Textures Pro (extension) get removed from Photoshop CC (2014.2)  October release?

    I was just about to make a comment on the Discussions page.   I believe that the reason I couldn’t get Paper Textures to work in PS CC (2014.2) is because all (2014) versions of PS are HTML based not Flash based.
    Adobe should have called Photoshop CC (2014)     Photoshop CC (HTML)  so we would remember that switch over in their core coding.
    Now I have to got to Russell’s script site and get Paper Textures 3.1.0.
    Thanks for helping.

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    What the other users have said is correct. Premiere captures through FireWire or through SDI/HDMI via a 3rd party solution.
    For your situation I would say the best bet is to connect you camera to your computer via USB or use a card reader and copy the entire directory to your hard drive and ingest into Premiere via Media Browser.
    If you Google 'how to make stop motion in premiere pro' there are tons of great tutorials.
    Peter Garaway
    Premiere Pro

  • Adobe Paper Texture Pro and PSCC2014 and adding textures

    I have the Adobe Paper Texture Pro panel added. I also added some texture folders of my own. However; I have no scroll bar along the side as shown in the video tutorial. The only textures available to use are the ones in the last folder added. Is there a way to uninstall and reinstall. Or is there a fix for this? I am on a Mac.

    Yes! 10 of the textures begin with Fly_Edges and that helped me find them all. Thank you. So now it looks like, if additional textures are to be added, a workaround is still needed though. Playing around with this extension for a few minutes, I found that, if you add a texture to the folder that had already been processed, and a thumbnails subfolder exists, the extension will not re-process. It will simply use the thumbnails already there and won't look for any new textures. To work around this (and maybe there's an easier way), I had to delete the thumbnails subfolder. That way, it reprocessed the textures folder and found the new texture(s). However, the re-processing can take some time (about 40 seconds on my computer for 58 textures; hundreds or thousands can take a considerable amount of time although I'm not sure if there is a limit on the number of textures it can handle). You can also place the new textures in a separate folder and have the extension "add" those. It will replace the current textures with the new ones but create a thumbnail for the new textures as well. Then you can copy the new textures to the old textures folder and the new thumbnails to the old textures subfolder and then have the extension add the old textures folder back. That way the Thumbnails do not have to be re-created. Or, you can set up an action in PS that will reduce the new texture to 35 pixels square (the size of the thumbnails), save that to the Thumbnails subfolder the extension is using and move the new textures to the textures folder that the extension is using as well. The new textures will appear there the next time you open the extension. All these will work but none of them is particularly easy. You would think that a company like Adobe would simply just get it right.

  • Adobe Paper Texture Pro and PSCC2014

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    All-in-all this is pretty disappointing. If the Adobe-folks cannot figure -out how to get this right, then how much hope is there for independent developers with ambitions ...?
    As it happens I was able to install the Adobe Paper Textures Pro Add-on earlier today. Had - on an iMac running Mavericks - the usual problem with Administrative Rights (so had to Acquire/Install, Remove, Reinstall in the now familiar but awkward sequence). What I have - successfully active now in both Photoshop CC and CC 2014 - is v.3.0.1 per the Add-ons site listing, but states itself to be 3.0.0 at the bottom of the Extension Panel itself.
    In the meantime, v.3.0.1 still remains available from Adobe - it is really straightforward to retract the Add-ons which are already authored and published (all of us who've done this know that routine - unfortunately).
    Finally, the way I read the instructions provided here today, any remnants of previous installations can be problematic. Let me add, that any leftovers from earlier versions of the Extension Manger can also be a real headache in using new Add-ons - see this thread, from the Add-ons community:

  • Accessing Paper Texture Pro plug-in

    I've downloaded paper texture pro for CC 2014 for Mac. It's folder is in Adobe/Plug ins/Panels. Extensions under the Windows menu is grayed out. How do I access the plug in?

    Ted, I loaded Paper Texture Pro and I do not get the menu on the upper right of the panel. I just get close and close tab. According to Russell Browns video I should get a menu showing load textures, etc.
    Do you have this issue?
    Hugh Adams

  • Error Message:  Sorry, a serious error has occurred that requires Adobe Premier Pro to shut down.

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    Sorry, a serious error has occurred that requires Adobe Premier Pro to shut down. We will attempt to save your current project. Then the system shuts down.
    Not only can I not open the project I was working on, I cannot open any of my prior projects without receiving the same error.
    Does anyone have any idea what may be causing this issue and how to resolve it?
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
    By the way, is everyone else having the same amount of problems with this software? I've never had any software that has had so many problems from the beginning. My opinion of this software and Adobe in general has gone down substantially.

    Not enough information for anyone to even make a guess
    Work through all of the steps (ideas) listed at
    If your problem isn't fixed after you follow all of the steps, report back with ALL OF THE DETAILS asked for in the FINALLY section, the questions at the end of the troubleshooting link

  • Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 Crashing very often! Please Help!

    I am currently editing my first feature on Adobe Premiere Pro CC 2014 and it is currently up to date.
    I am editing on a iMac 27in, late 2013 brand new computer.
    Processor: 3.5 GHz Intel Core i7
    Memory 32GB 1600 MHz DDR3
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M 4096MB
    System: OSX Yosemite V 10.10.1
    The project is located on a 8TB G Drive
    7200 RPM
    High Performance ThunderBolt drive.
    Details of the project:
    I am currently working on a fine cut of 5K Red Footage that is being cut in the RAW.
    I work at 1/2 quality settings and have no lag.
    The timeline includes limited stacked video files and various mp3 audio files.
    The Problem:
    Lately, the program will randomly quit or freeze up 4-5 times during an 5-6 hour edit session.
    Many times it is random, however, it seems to happen often if I accidentally click on the end of a clip on the timeline and it goes to switch into trimming mode. 
    Also, it will randomly go into the "pinwheel of death" out of nowhere followed by "Adobe CC is not responding."
    My project file is just about 15MB now.
    What is causing this reoccurring problem?
    How can I make it happen less?  I have scoured the forums and found similar articles but no helpful solutions.
    I have recently turned auto save on to save every 2 minutes because there have been more than one occasion where I lost A LOT of work because of this issue.
    I am about two weeks out from picture lock delivery and this issue is driving me crazy and loosing me a ton of time.
    Please help or let me know if any more additional information can help solve the issue.
    I have sent in well over 25 error reports already.

    I think I may have found the solution...
    I completely removed the Premiere Pro folder under User > Documents > Adobe and so far it seems to have solved the problem.
    I of course backed up my projects and than deleted this folder. So far it seems it worked.
    I'll know for sure in a day or two, but after constantly crashing, Premiere hasn't crashed for the last 4-5 hours of work.

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