Adora Template Slider Timing

Hi Guys, I need help finding the right piece of Javascript code to amend in the Adora template to slow the slides down to flip every 5 or 6 seconds (5000 to 6000 milliseconds) as opposed to what I can only assume is currently 3 secs (3000 milliseconds).
I've used the default BizCatalyst file manager to "edit"  line 624 of jquery.anythingslider.js from 3000 milliseconds to 6000 milliseconds with no affect.
What am I missing here? Is this not the right line? Does "editing" via BizCatalyst's File Manager not work? I'll admit it's not the most advanced File Manager around (not by a long shot) but surely it should work as it would suggest when you "edit", amend, and "save"?
I've hunted in these forums and within the other Javascript files and am having no luck.
I'm assuming the Javascript file in question is jquery.anythingslider.js. I've been through the rest of them and they don't appear to have anything to do with the slideshow. jquery.nivo.slider.pack.js might have something to do with it but... MAN... that coding is a mess. What were youu guys thinking using a Script that messy within a template that people are going to want to customise? Lift your game please - you are Adobe, not some rank amateurs. Finding a piece of code in there is like finding a needle in 100 haystacks.
Des McKenzie

Thanks Pat,
There is indeed a jquery.anythingslider.js file within the "JS" folder but I've tried chamging the delay from 3000 to 6000 even to 20000 but it makes no diff. Also it seems to sit for a disproportionate length of time on first load before the first scroll.
Code from jquery.anythingslider.js is:
    AnythingSlider v1.5.7.3
    By Chris Coyier:
    with major improvements by Doug Neiner:
    based on work by Remy Sharp:
    crazy mods by Rob Garrison (aka Mottie):
    To use the navigationFormatter function, you must have a function that
    accepts two paramaters, and returns a string of HTML text.
    index = integer index (1 based);
    panel = jQuery wrapped LI item this tab references
    @return = Must return a string of HTML/Text
    navigationFormatter: function(index, panel){
        return "Panel #" + index; // This would have each tab with the text 'Panel #X' where X = index
(function($) {
    $.anythingSlider = function(el, options) {
        // To avoid scope issues, use 'base' instead of 'this'
        // to reference this class from internal events and functions.
        var base = this;
        // Wraps the ul in the necessary divs and then gives Access to jQuery element
        base.$el = $(el).addClass('anythingBase').wrap('<div class="anythingSlider"><div class="anythingWindow" /></div>');
        // Add a reverse reference to the DOM object
        base.$"AnythingSlider", base);
        base.init = function(){
            base.options = $.extend({}, $.anythingSlider.defaults, options);
            if ($.isFunction(base.options.onBeforeInitialize)) { base.$el.bind('before_initialize', base.options.onBeforeInitialize); }
            base.$el.trigger('before_initialize', base);
            // Cache existing DOM elements for later
            // base.$el = original ul
            // for wrap - get parent() then closest in case the ul has "anythingSlider" class
            base.$wrapper = base.$el.parent().closest('div.anythingSlider').addClass('anythingSlider-' + base.options.theme);
            base.$window = base.$el.closest('div.anythingWindow');
            base.$controls = $('<div class="anythingControls"></div>').appendTo( (base.options.appendControlsTo !== null && $(base.options.appendControlsTo).length) ? $(base.options.appendControlsTo) : base.$wrapper); // change so this works in jQuery 1.3.2
   = window;
            base.$win = $(;
            base.$nav = $('<ul class="thumbNav" />').appendTo(base.$controls);
            // Set up a few defaults & get details
            base.timer   = null;  // slideshow timer (setInterval) container
            base.flag    = false; // event flag to prevent multiple calls (used in control click/focusin)
            base.playing = false; // slideshow state
            base.hovered = false; // actively hovering over the slider
            base.panelSize = [];  // will contain dimensions and left position of each panel
            base.currentPage = base.options.startPanel;
            base.adjustLimit = (base.options.infiniteSlides) ? 0 : 1; // adjust page limits for infinite or limited modes
            if (base.options.playRtl) { base.$wrapper.addClass('rtl'); }
            // save some options
            base.original = [ base.options.autoPlay, base.options.buildNavigation, base.options.buildArrows];
            base.$currentPage = base.$items.eq(base.currentPage);
            base.$lastPage = base.$currentPage;
            // Get index (run time) of this slider on the page
            base.runTimes = $('div.anythingSlider').index(base.$wrapper) + 1;
            base.regex = new RegExp('panel' + base.runTimes + '-(\\d+)', 'i'); // hash tag regex
            // Make sure easing function exists.
            if (!$.isFunction($.easing[base.options.easing])) { base.options.easing = "swing"; }
            // Add theme stylesheet, if it isn't already loaded
            if (base.options.theme !== 'default' && !$('link[href*=' + base.options.theme + ']').length){
                $('body').append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + base.options.themeDirectory.replace(/\{themeName\}/g, base.options.theme) + '" type="text/css" />');
            // If pauseOnHover then add hover effects
            if (base.options.pauseOnHover) {
                base.$wrapper.hover(function() {
                    if (base.playing) {
                        base.$el.trigger('slideshow_paused', base);
                }, function() {
                    if (base.playing) {
                        base.$el.trigger('slideshow_unpaused', base);
                        base.startStop(base.playing, true);
            // If a hash can not be used to trigger the plugin, then go to start panel
            var startPanel = (base.options.hashTags) ? base.gotoHash() || base.options.startPanel : base.options.startPanel;
            base.setCurrentPage(startPanel, false); // added to trigger events for FX code
            // Hide/Show navigation & play/stop controls
            base.$wrapper.bind('mouseenter mouseleave', function(e){
                base.hovered = (e.type === "mouseenter") ? true : false;
                base.slideControls( base.hovered, false );
            // Add keyboard navigation
            if (base.options.enableKeyboard) {
                    if (base.$'.activeSlider')) {
                        switch (e.which) {
                            case 39: // right arrow
                            case 37: //left arrow
            // Binds events
            var triggers = "slideshow_paused slideshow_unpaused slide_init slide_begin slideshow_stop slideshow_start initialized swf_completed".split(" ");
            $.each("onShowPause onShowUnpause onSlideInit onSlideBegin onShowStop onShowStart onInitialized onSWFComplete".split(" "), function(i,o){
                if ($.isFunction(base.options[o])){
                    base.$el.bind(triggers[i], base.options[o]);
            if ($.isFunction(base.options.onSlideComplete)){
                // Added setTimeout (zero time) to ensure animation is complete... see this bug report:
                base.$el.bind('slide_complete', function(){
                    setTimeout(function(){ base.options.onSlideComplete(base); }, 0);
            base.$el.trigger('initialized', base);
        // called during initialization & to update the slider if a panel is added or deleted
        base.updateSlider = function(){
            // needed for updating the slider
            base.$items = base.$el.find('> li');
            base.pages = base.$items.length;
            // Set the dimensions of each panel
            if (base.options.resizeContents) {
                if (base.options.width) { base.$wrapper.add(base.$items).css('width', base.options.width); }
                if (base.options.height) { base.$wrapper.add(base.$items).css('height', base.options.height); }
            // Remove navigation & player if there is only one page
            if (base.pages === 1) {
                base.options.autoPlay = false;
                base.options.buildNavigation = false;
                base.options.buildArrows = false;
                if (base.$forward) { base.$forward.add(base.$back).hide(); }
            } else {
                base.options.autoPlay = base.original[0];
                base.options.buildNavigation = base.original[1];
                base.options.buildArrows = base.original[2];
                if (base.$forward) { base.$forward.add(base.$back).show(); }
            // Build navigation tabs
            // If autoPlay functionality is included, then initialize the settings
            if (base.options.autoPlay) {
                base.playing = !base.options.startStopped; // Sets the playing variable to false if startStopped is true
            // Build forwards/backwards buttons
            if (base.options.buildArrows) { base.buildNextBackButtons(); }
            // Top and tail the list with 'visible' number of items, top has the last section, and tail has the first
            // This supports the "infinite" scrolling, also ensures any cloned elements don't duplicate an ID
            base.$el.prepend( (base.options.infiniteSlides) ? base.$items.filter(':last').clone().addClass('cloned').removeAttr('id') : $('<li class="cloned" />') );
            base.$el.append( (base.options.infiniteSlides) ? base.$items.filter(':first').clone().addClass('cloned').removeAttr('id') : $('<li class="cloned" />') );
                // replace <a> with <span> in cloned panels to prevent shifting the panels by tabbing - modified so this will work with jQuery 1.3.2
                $(this).html( $(this).html().replace(/<a/gi, '<span').replace(/\/a>/gi, '/span>') );
            // We just added two items, time to re-cache the list, then get the dimensions of each panel
            base.$items = base.$el.find('> li').addClass('panel');
            if (!base.options.resizeContents) { base.$win.load(function(){ base.setDimensions(); }); } // set dimensions after all images load
            if (base.currentPage > base.pages) {
                base.currentPage = base.pages;
                base.setCurrentPage(base.pages, false);
            base.$nav.find('a').eq(base.currentPage - 1).addClass('cur'); // update current selection
            base.hasEmb = base.$items.find('embed[src*=youtube]').length; // embedded youtube objects exist in the slider
            base.hasSwfo = (typeof(swfobject) !== 'undefined' && swfobject.hasOwnProperty('embedSWF') && $.isFunction(swfobject.embedSWF)) ? true : false; // is swfobject loaded?
            // Initialize YouTube javascript api, if YouTube video is present
            if (base.hasEmb && base.hasSwfo) {
                    // Older IE doesn't have an object - just make sure we are wrapping the correct element
                    var $tar = ($(this).parent()[0].tagName === "OBJECT") ? $(this).parent() : $(this);
                    $tar.wrap('<div id="ytvideo' + i + '"></div>');
                    // use SWFObject if it exists, it replaces the wrapper with the object/embed
                    swfobject.embedSWF($(this).attr('src') + '&enablejsapi=1&version=3&playerapiid=ytvideo' + i, 'ytvideo' + i,
                        $tar.attr('width'), $tar.attr('height'), '10', null, null,
                        { allowScriptAccess: "always", wmode : base.options.addWmodeToObject, allowfullscreen : true },
                        { 'class' : $tar.attr('class'), 'style' : $tar.attr('style') },
                        function(){ if (i >= base.hasEmb - 1) { base.$el.trigger('swf_completed', base); } } // swf callback
            // Fix tabbing through the page
            base.$items.find('a').unbind('focus').bind('focus', function(e){
                var panel = $(this).closest('.panel');
                if (!'.activePage')) {
        // Creates the numbered navigation links
        base.buildNavigation = function() {
            if (base.options.buildNavigation && (base.pages > 1)) {
                base.$items.filter(':not(.cloned)').each(function(i,el) {
                    var index = i + 1,
                        klass = ((index === 1) ? 'first' : '') + ((index === base.pages) ? 'last' : ''),
                        $a = $('<a href="#"></a>').addClass('panel' + index).wrap('<li class=" + klass + " />');
                    base.$nav.append($a.parent()); // use $a.parent() so IE will add <li> instead of only the <a> to the <ul>
                    // If a formatter function is present, use it
                    if ($.isFunction(base.options.navigationFormatter)) {
                        var tmp = base.options.navigationFormatter(index, $(this));
                        // Add formatting to title attribute if text is hidden
                        if (parseInt($a.css('text-indent'),10) < 0) { $a.addClass(base.options.tooltipClass).attr('title', tmp); }
                    } else {
                    $a.bind(base.options.clickControls, function(e) {
                        if (!base.flag && base.options.enableNavigation) {
                            // prevent running functions twice (once for click, second time for focusin)
                            base.flag = true; setTimeout(function(){ base.flag = false; }, 100);
                            if (base.options.hashTags) { base.setHash(index); }
        // Creates the Forward/Backward buttons
        base.buildNextBackButtons = function() {
            if (base.$forward) { return; }
            base.$forward = $('<span class="arrow forward"><a href="#">' + base.options.forwardText + '</a></span>');
            base.$back = $('<span class="arrow back"><a href="#">' + base.options.backText + '</a></span>');
            // Bind to the forward and back buttons
            base.$back.bind(base.options.clickArrows, function(e) {
            base.$forward.bind(base.options.clickArrows, function(e) {
            // using tab to get to arrow links will show they have focus (outline is disabled in css)
            base.$back.add(base.$forward).find('a').bind('focusin focusout',function(){
            // Append elements to page
            base.$arrowWidth = base.$forward.width();
        // Creates the Start/Stop button
        base.buildAutoPlay = function(){
            if (base.$startStop) { return; }
            base.$startStop = $("<a href='#' class='start-stop'></a>").html(base.playing ? base.options.stopText : base.options.startText);
                .bind(base.options.clickSlideshow, function(e) {
                    if (base.options.enablePlay) {
                        if (base.playing) {
                            if (base.options.playRtl) {
                            } else {
                // show button has focus while tabbing
                .bind('focusin focusout',function(){
            // Use the same setting, but trigger the start;
        // Set panel dimensions to either resize content or adjust panel to content
        base.setDimensions = function(){
            var w, h, c, cw, dw, leftEdge = 0, bww = base.$window.width(), winw = base.$win.width();
                c = $(this).children('*');
                if (base.options.resizeContents){
                    // get viewport width & height from options (if set), or css
                    w = parseInt(base.options.width,10) || bww;
                    h = parseInt(base.options.height,10) || base.$window.height();
                    // resize panel
                    $(this).css({ width: w, height: h });
                    // resize panel contents, if solitary (wrapped content or solitary image)
                    if (c.length === 1){
                        c.css({ width: '100%', height: '100%' });
                        if (c[0].tagName === "OBJECT") { c.find('embed').andSelf().attr({ width: '100%', height: '100%' }); }
                } else {
                    // get panel width & height and save it
                    w = $(this).width(); // if not defined, it will return the width of the ul parent
                    dw = (w >= winw) ? true : false; // width defined from css?
                    if (c.length === 1 && dw){
                        cw = (c.width() >= winw) ? bww : c.width(); // get width of solitary child
                        $(this).css('width', cw); // set width of panel
                        c.css('max-width', cw);   // set max width for all children
                        w = cw;
                    w = (dw) ? base.options.width || bww : w;
                    $(this).css('width', w);
                    h = $(this).outerHeight(); // get height after setting width
                    $(this).css('height', h);
                base.panelSize[i] = [w,h,leftEdge];
                leftEdge += w;
            // Set total width of slider, but don't go beyond the set max overall width (limited by Opera)
            base.$el.css('width', (leftEdge < base.options.maxOverallWidth) ? leftEdge : base.options.maxOverallWidth);
        base.gotoPage = function(page, autoplay, callback) {
            if (base.pages === 1) { return; }
            base.$lastPage = base.$items.eq(base.currentPage);
            if (typeof(page) !== "number") {
                page = base.options.startPage;
            // pause YouTube videos before scrolling or prevent change if playing
            if (base.hasEmb && base.checkVideo(base.playing)) { return; }
            if (page > base.pages + 1 - base.adjustLimit) { page = (!base.options.infiniteSlides && !base.options.stopAtEnd) ? 1 : base.pages; }
            if (page < base.adjustLimit ) { page = (!base.options.infiniteSlides && !base.options.stopAtEnd) ? base.pages : 1; }
            base.$currentPage = base.$items.eq(page);
            base.currentPage = page; // ensure that event has correct target page
            base.$el.trigger('slide_init', base);
            base.slideControls(true, false);
            // When autoplay isn't passed, we stop the timer
            if (autoplay !== true) { autoplay = false; }
            // Stop the slider when we reach the last page, if the option stopAtEnd is set to true
            if (!autoplay || (base.options.stopAtEnd && page === base.pages)) { base.startStop(false); }
            base.$el.trigger('slide_begin', base);
            // resize slider if content size varies
            if (!base.options.resizeContents) {
                // animating the wrapper resize before the window prevents flickering in Firefox
                    { width: base.panelSize[page][0], height: base.panelSize[page][1] },
                    { queue: false, duration: base.options.animationTime, easing: base.options.easing }
            // Animate Slider
                { scrollLeft : base.panelSize[page][2] },
                { queue: false, duration: base.options.animationTime, easing: base.options.easing, complete: function(){ base.endAnimation(page, callback); } }
        base.endAnimation = function(page, callback){
            if (page === 0) {
                page = base.pages;
            } else if (page > base.pages) {
                // reset back to start position
                page = 1;
            base.setCurrentPage(page, false);
            // Add active panel class
            if (!base.hovered) { base.slideControls(false); }
            // continue YouTube video if in current panel
            if (base.hasEmb){
                var emb = base.$currentPage.find('object[id*=ytvideo], embed[id*=ytvideo]');
                // player states: unstarted (-1), ended (0), playing (1), paused (2), buffering (3), video cued (5).
                if (emb.length && $.isFunction(emb[0].getPlayerState) && emb[0].getPlayerState() > 0 && emb[0].getPlayerState() !== 5) {
            base.$el.trigger('slide_complete', base);
            // callback from external slide control: $('#slider').anythingSlider(4, function(slider){ })
            if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(base); }
            // Continue slideshow after a delay
            if (base.options.autoPlayLocked && !base.playing) {
                // subtract out slide delay as the slideshow waits that additional time.
                }, base.options.resumeDelay - base.options.delay);
        base.setCurrentPage = function(page, move) {
            if (page > base.pages + 1 - base.adjustLimit) { page = base.pages - base.adjustLimit; }
            if (page < base.adjustLimit ) { page = 1; }
            // Set visual
            if (base.options.buildNavigation){
                base.$nav.find('a').eq(page - 1).addClass('cur');
            // hide/show arrows based on infinite scroll mode
            if (!base.options.infiniteSlides && base.options.stopAtEnd){
                base.$wrapper.find('span.forward')[ page === base.pages ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('disabled');
                base.$wrapper.find('span.back')[ page === 1 ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass']('disabled');
                if (page === base.pages && base.playing) { base.startStop(); }
            // Only change left if move does not equal false
            if (!move) {
                    width: base.panelSize[page][0],
                    height: base.panelSize[page][1]
                base.$wrapper.scrollLeft(0); // reset in case tabbing changed this scrollLeft
                base.$window.scrollLeft( base.panelSize[page][2] );
            // Update local variable
            base.currentPage = page;
            // Set current slider as active so keyboard navigation works properly
            if (!base.$'.activeSlider')){
        base.goForward = function(autoplay) {
            if (autoplay !== true) { autoplay = false; base.startStop(false); }
            base.gotoPage(base.currentPage + 1, autoplay);
        base.goBack = function(autoplay) {
            if (autoplay !== true) { autoplay = false; base.startStop(false); }
            base.gotoPage(base.currentPage - 1, autoplay);
        // This method tries to find a hash that matches panel-X
        // If found, it tries to find a matching item
        // If that is found as well, then that item starts visible
        base.gotoHash = function(){
            var n =;
            return (n===null) ? '' : parseInt(n[1],10);
        base.setHash = function(n){
            var s = 'panel' + base.runTimes + '-',
                h =;
            if ( typeof h !== 'undefined' ) {
       = (h.indexOf(s) > 0) ? h.replace(base.regex, s + n) : h + "&" + s + n;
        // Slide controls (nav and play/stop button up or down)
        base.slideControls = function(toggle, playing){
            var dir = (toggle) ? 'slideDown' : 'slideUp',
                t1 = (toggle) ? 0 : base.options.animationTime,
                t2 = (toggle) ? base.options.animationTime: 0,
                sign = (toggle) ? 0 : 1; // 0 = visible, 1 = hidden
            if (base.options.toggleControls) {
            if (base.options.buildArrows && base.options.toggleArrows) {
                if (!base.hovered && base.playing) { sign = 1; t2 = 0; } // don't animate arrows during slideshow
                base.$forward.stop(true,true).delay(t1).animate({ right: sign * base.$arrowWidth, opacity: t2 }, base.options.animationTime/2);
                base.$back.stop(true,true).delay(t1).animate({ left: sign * base.$arrowWidth, opacity: t2 }, base.options.animationTime/2);
        base.clearTimer = function(paused){
            // Clear the timer only if it is set
            if (base.timer) {
                if (!paused) {
                    base.$el.trigger('slideshow_stop', base);
        // Handles stopping and playing the slideshow
        // Pass startStop(false) to stop and startStop(true) to play
        base.startStop = function(playing, paused) {
            if (playing !== true) { playing = false; } // Default if not supplied is false
            if (playing && !paused) {
                base.$el.trigger('slideshow_start', base);
            // Update variable
            base.playing = playing;
            // Toggle playing and text
            if (base.options.autoPlay) {
                base.$startStop.toggleClass('playing', playing).html( playing ? base.options.stopText : base.options.startText );
                // add button text to title attribute if it is hidden by text-indent
                if (parseInt(base.$startStop.css('text-indent'),10) < 0) {
                    base.$startStop.addClass(base.options.tooltipClass).attr('title', playing ? 'Stop' : 'Start');
            if (playing){
                base.clearTimer(true); // Just in case this was triggered twice in a row
                base.timer = {
                    // prevent autoplay if video is playing
                    if (!(base.hasEmb && base.checkVideo(playing))) {
                        if (base.options.playRtl) {
                        } else {
                }, base.options.delay);
            } else {
        base.checkVideo = function(playing){
            // pause YouTube videos before scrolling?
            var emb, ps, stopAdvance = false;
            base.$items.find('object[id*=ytvideo], embed[id*=ytvideo]').each(function(){ // include embed for IE; if not using SWFObject, old detach/append code needs "object embed" here
                emb = $(this);
                if (emb.length && $.isFunction(emb[0].getPlayerState)) {
                    // player states: unstarted (-1), ended (0), playing (1), paused (2), buffering (3), video cued (5).
                    ps = emb[0].getPlayerState();
                    // if autoplay, video playing, video is in current panel and resume option are true, then don't advance
                    if (playing && (ps === 1 || ps > 2) && base.$items.index(emb.closest('li.panel')) === base.currentPage && base.options.resumeOnVideoEnd) {
                        stopAdvance = true;
                    } else {
                        // pause video if not autoplaying (if already initialized)
                        if (ps > 0) { emb[0].pauseVideo(); }
            return stopAdvance;
        // Trigger the initialization
    $.anythingSlider.defaults = {
        // Appearance
        width               : null,      // Override the default CSS width
        height              : null,      // Override the default CSS height
        resizeContents      : true,      // If true, solitary images/objects in the panel will expand to fit the viewport
        tooltipClass        : 'tooltip', // Class added to navigation & start/stop button (text copied to title if it is hidden by a negative text indent)
        theme               : 'default', // Theme name
        themeDirectory      : 'css/theme-{themeName}.css', // Theme directory & filename {themeName} is replaced by the theme value above
        // Navigation
        startPanel          : 1,         // This sets the initial panel
        hashTags            : true,      // Should links change the hashtag in the URL?
        infiniteSlides      : true,      // if false, the slider will not wrap
        enableKeyboard      : true,      // if false, keyboard arrow keys will not work for the current panel.
        buildArrows         : true,      // If true, builds the forwards and backwards buttons
        toggleArrows        : false,     // If true, side navigation arrows will slide out on hovering & hide @ other times
        buildNavigation     : true,      // If true, builds a list of anchor links to link to each panel
        enableNavigation    : true,      // if false, navigation links will still be visible, but not clickable.
        toggleControls      : false,     // if true, slide in controls (navigation + play/stop button) on hover and slide change, hide @ other times
        appendControlsTo    : null,      // A HTML element (jQuery Object, selector or HTMLNode) to which the controls will be appended if not null
        navigationFormatter : null,      // Details at the top of the file on this use (advanced use)
        forwardText         : "&raquo;", // Link text used to move the slider forward (hidden by CSS, replaced with arrow image)
        backText            : "&laquo;", // Link text used to move the slider back (hidden by CSS, replace with arrow image)
        // Slideshow options
        enablePlay          : true,      // if false, the play/stop button will still be visible, but not clickable.
        autoPlay            : true,      // This turns off the entire slideshow FUNCTIONALY, not just if it starts running or not
        autoPlayLocked      : false,     // If true, user changing slides will not stop the slideshow
        startStopped        : false,     // If autoPlay is on, this can force it to start stopped
        pauseOnHover        : true,      // If true & the slideshow is active, the slideshow will pause on hover
        resumeOnVideoEnd    : true,      // If true & the slideshow is active & a youtube video is playing, it will pause the autoplay until the video is complete
        stopAtEnd           : false,     // If true & the slideshow is active, the slideshow will stop on the last page. This also stops the rewind effect when infiniteSlides is false.
        playRtl             : false,     // If true, the slideshow will move right-to-left
        startText           : "Start",   // Start button text
        stopText            : "Stop",    // Stop button text
        delay               : 6000,      // How long between slideshow transitions in AutoPlay mode (in milliseconds)
        resumeDelay         : 15000,     // Resume slideshow after user interaction, only if autoplayLocked is true (in milliseconds).
        animationTime       : 600,       // How long the slideshow transition takes (in milliseconds)
        easing              : "swing",   // Anything other than "linear" or "swing" requires the easing plugin
        // Callbacks - removed from options to reduce size - they still work
        // Interactivity
        clickArrows         : "click",         // Event used to activate arrow functionality (e.g. "click" or "mouseenter")
        clickControls       : "click focusin", // Events used to activate navigation control functionality
        clickSlideshow      : "click",         // Event used to activate slideshow play/stop button
        // Misc options
        addWmodeToObject    : "opaque", // If your slider has an embedded object, the script will automatically add a wmode parameter with this setting
        maxOverallWidth     : 32766     // Max width (in pixels) of combined sliders (side-to-side); set to 32766 to prevent problems with Opera
    $.fn.anythingSlider = function(options, callback) {
        return this.each(function(i){
            var anySlide = $(this).data('AnythingSlider');
            // initialize the slider but prevent multiple initializations
            if ((typeof(options)).match('object|undefined')){
                if (!anySlide) {
                    (new $.anythingSlider(this, options));
                } else {
            // If options is a number, process as an external link to page #: $(element).anythingSlider(#)
            } else if (/\d/.test(options) && !isNaN(options) && anySlide) {
                var page = (typeof(options) === "number") ? options : parseInt($.trim(options),10); // accepts "  2  "
                // ignore out of bound pages
                if ( page >= 1 && page <= anySlide.pages ) {
                    anySlide.gotoPage(page, false, callback); // page #, autoplay, one time callback
/* AnythingSlider works with works with jQuery 1.4+, but you can uncomment the code below to make it
   work with jQuery 1.3.2. You'll have to manually add the code below to the minified copy if needed */
// Copied from jQuery 1.4.4 to make AnythingSlider backwards compatible to jQuery 1.3.2
if (typeof jQuery.fn.delay === 'undefined') {
   delay: function( time, type ) {
    time = jQuery.fx ? jQuery.fx.speeds[time] || time : time; type = type || "fx";
    return this.queue( type, function() { var elem = this; setTimeout(function() { jQuery.dequeue( elem, type ); }, time ); });

Similar Messages

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    How can I disable the links in the images in the anything slider in the adora template or better yet, put my own links in? When I click on an image in the anything slider, it goes to a generated page. How can I put my own links to the images? An example is an online shop. Suupose I want to show products images in the slider and have each sliding image link to certain products, how can I do that? I noticed in the web app settings, the url can't be changed to an already used one. Any solutions? Thanks.

    It is just around the outer edge.
    Here is a look at the textures I downloaded: ly-old-book/
    (Someone made great copies of a old book.)
    Thanks for your help ThatChineesYouth.

  • Set default slide timing to .5 second

    Can anyone tell me how to set the default slide timing to 1
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    always determined by how long it takes me to click on the next
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    then have the timing of the objects I add determined slide length.
    Thanks for your help,

    Hi Julie and happy HannuChristmaKwanzaYule to you!
    There is only one place I'm aware of that any slide timing
    default may be set. In Captivate 2, you look at Project >
    Preferences... > Defaults tab.
    In Captivate 3, you look at Edit > Preferences... >
    Project node.
    In both places you will find a place to configure the default
    slide time. This has no effect on any existing slides and I don't
    believe it will factor into the mix when recording. Also it would
    appear the minimum limit is one second. The only places this seems
    to take effect are when inserting Blank slides and when creating a
    Blank project.
    Hopefully this helps a smidge! Rick

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    Can anyone point me to the location of where the color is being set in the stylesheet? I've done a lot of trial and error with no results. Another thread said the color was set in the spry assets, but I don't see that in my File Browser.

    I have changed the background color in the css stylesheet, lines 1558 and 1562
    #navigation {
              background-color: #Your color !important;
    .sf-navbar li ul, .sf-navbar ul ul li {
              background-color: #Your color !important;
    Hope it helps and it is not too late

  • Slider timing is not updating on my site

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    Try to sign out of your account "Settings > iTunes & App Stores" then sign back in and activate automatic downloads again as well as iTunes Match (if you are a subscriber)

  • Bc adora template navigation sub - submenu

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    And, I can't figure out where to fix it in the css
    I am using the adora template in business catalyst
    see example here -
    roll over porta alchemica and then sound - see that calming and centering looks fixed to the right in the browser window - around 1000px

    Please check my other post:
    Login to site admin panel > click on develop > Go to css/style.css file and at line 935 change the 940 px to 240 px and this should take care of the issue.
    Gaurav Aggarwal

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    That option is only available for some themes and not others.
    Ken Burns
    The others themes don't have this feature.
    Alternatives to iPhoto's slideshow include:
    iMovie, on every Mac sold, as is iDVD.
    Others, in order of price:
    PhotoPresenter $29
    PhotoToMovie $49.95
    PulpMotion $129
    FotoMagico $29 (Home version) ($149 Pro version, which includes PhotoPresenter)
    Final Cut Express $199
    It's difficult to compare these apps. They have differences in capability - some are driven off templates. some aren't. Some have a wider variety of transitions. Others will have excellent audio controls. It's worth checking them out to see what meets your needs.
    However, there is no doubt that Final Cut Express is the most capable app of them all. You get what you pay for.

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    Hi there,
    i have an XML publisher report based on an XML data template that i've written. The report is working fine except when there is huge data that is supposed to come out, its timing out. Ive set the db_fetch_size parameter to 20 and scalable_mode to on but its still timing out.
    If anyone has a solutiom or a thought it would be much appreciated.

    Thanks for the reply.
    Well when i'm opening the report , i wait for about 15 seconds then 'Page Cannot be Displayed' appears on my browser. I'm having this case only when i'm expecting huge data. By huge data i mean that the report gets informations about a deal, when the deal has 10 categories the report runs fine, but when i add all catgories, about 1000, it gives me the 'Page cannot be displayed' error. I'm guessing its a time out issue since i've set the scalable_mode parameter to on. Any thoughts ???

  • Slide Timing / Advancing Question

    Hi All,
    I'm relatively new to Captivate (using version 6) and I've been looking all over to find an answer to this question. Basically, I am creating an interactive user guide, and I have certain slides with clickable buttons that display text captions when clicked. I am worried that the timing requirement for each slide is going to make my guide not work the way it should. For example, the person viewing the guide should be able to stay on one slide AND click on the buttons to display the text at his/her own pace. However, once time runs out on the slide, if all of the buttons haven't been clicked, then all of the captions haven't been displayed, and the user then has to replay the slide.
    My question there any way to allow the user to spend as much time as they need on a slide, clicking different buttons to display text captions and ONLY have the slide advance when they click the "Next" button that I have created?
    Hope I'm making sense here. Any help is greatly appreciated.

    Hello and welcome,
    Have a look at:
    Or if you prefer a video: Simple vs Standard action in Captivate

  • Manuel slide timing with an audio track

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    I believe you would have to break up the audio and place a clip on each slide. You can have one audio file for the whole keynote presentation, but if the timings change it would be better to use just the sound clip you need for each slide. You could do this in garage band and import them through the media pallet.
    Hope that helps.

  • BC Gurus responsive template slider

    I have installed one of BC Gurus' responsive templates for a new site and have somehow managed to mess up the home page slider.
    All I did was open the Home template, delete a couple lines of code to remove a row, and the slider now displays stacked.
    When I restored the code I had deleted, and even when I rolled the page back, the slide ris still not repaired.
    Can someone PLEASE help me???
    Here is the page: Home Page
    Thank you!

    Hi, this occurs if you open the homepage template live on the site via the page template.
    The editor within the admin console will wipe out this code "data-orbit" once you save the template.
    <ul data-orbit>  (about line 28) on the homepage template.
    It looks to be the way the editor is trying to keep the code clean - it does not recognise this as valid code so cleans it out. 
    Suggest if you can, to open the template using DEVELOP mode if accessible (this works) to you or edit it offline then upload.

  • Captivate 8 - Slide timing & interaction questions

    I used to work somewhat with Captivate 3 & 4, and now just got access to Captivate 8 and am currently in the process of evaluating it.  I am hoping someone in the community could help me with the following questions:
    1. Is there a way to add more than 1 action to an interaction?  In other words, I have a button which, when clicked, changes a graphic on the slide using the "Show" action on success.  However, I want to repeat that action to also show a video.  Is this possible?
    2. On the same slide above, I have a total of 5 buttons.  4 of the buttons do what I mentioned in #1, but the fifth button acts more as a navigation button to move to the next slide.  I have a click box inserted for this 5th button with the option "Pause project until user clicks".  However, if any of the 5 buttons are clicked, the slide advances.  Any advice?
    3. I've noticed that "Allow Mouse Click" is greyed out on all actions I've reviewed.  How can I enable this option?

    Thank you, Lilybiri!  Regarding #1, the actions should execute at the same time, rather than in a timed sequence.
    Regarding my question 3, I figured it out.  I just have to click into the text field and then hit the key I want on my keyboard (the "Allow Mouse Click" option is no longer greyed out following that).
    I see what you mean regarding executing more than one action under Advanced Actions, but I'm having a slight issue.  When I select "Show" for my action and then go to choose what I want to display, I am not seeing the images I want as options (the images are both in the Library and currently on the slide, themselves).  Alternatively, perhaps I am seeing them, but I see options like "Image_15", "Image_16", etc... but I'm not finding those image names anywhere else, including the library.
    Am I missing something?

  • Interior Design Template slider problem

    Can anyone help me with the Interior design template? I edited the title tag and suddenly the sliders decided to stack on top of each other. I figured that the home page template must be screwed up so I created a new site with the template. I copied and pasted the Home page code into a new Page Template on the site and changed the module numbers. But the sliders are still stacking on each other.
    Here's the page:
    I need  help FAST if anyone can help.

    Problem solved thanks to Curtiss Prickett. See his message to me below to solve the issue. Thanks Curtiss!!
    What I think may have happened is that the BC default editor may have stripped a critical piece of data from the UL that is required for the orbit slider. The only way to fix it would be to upload the fixed template file and upload via Dreamweaver, or you can open the "Develop" tab and open the "Home Page.html" file in the template folder. The slider code should look like the code below paying attention to the "data-orbit" on the UL:
    <div class="slideshow-wrapper touch" id="hero">
        <div class="preloader"></div>
        <ul data-orbit>
            {module_webapps,....,a} <---- (your module number)
    Hope this works for you. - Curtiss

  • Audio/Slide Timing Issue in Captivate 4

    I have created the following:
    A master file in Captivate 4.
    Each slide in the master file contains an audio file and a .swf file (also published in Captivate 4).
    The master file contains all highlight boxes and audio files.
    I have four highlight boxes on a slide in the master file. The corresponding .swf file contains five slides.
    Two of the highlight boxes must appear on the first slide of the external .swf.
    The next highlight box must appear on the third slide of the external .swf.
    The last highlight box must appear on the fourth slide of the external .swf.
    When I preview the external .swf project (the five slides) from itself, everything works fine. The audio syncs properly when the highlight boxes appear and the slides change according to their own timing.
    However, when I import the .swf into the master file, and run it from there, here is what happens:
    The slides in the external .swf do not even all appear. The last one is nowhere to be found. The highlight boxes, of course, appear and disappear according to their properties. But the external slides will not cooperate.
    So basically, what I have is audio synced up with the highlight boxes in the master file, but no way to coordinate the syncing of the slides in the external .swf with the audio and highlight boxes in the master file.
    Can anyone help?

    First thing to check is the frame rate of your master file and external files.  They should match otherwise they will be playing at different speeds.
    But quite frankly, even if the frame rates DO match, I think you're strategy of having Captivate SWFs playing inside another Captivate movie and expecting everything to sync up properly is doomed to frustration.  SWFs inserted into a Captivate movie don't necessarily play as you would expect.  The longer the duration of the SWF, the more chance it will be out of sync with the main project.
    My honest suggestion is to build all of your slides in the one project.  Insert SWFs only for small animations.

  • Changing module/slide timing

    I went through my slides and changed the timing to make them accurate and when i did that i noticed that it increased the timing on all effects. is there anyway to change the timing with out screwing up the timing on everything else?

    Hmmm, so you are not yet using Captivate 8? Finally this has changed: now the timing of an Effect is absolute, no longer relative to the duration of the object it is attached to. Sorry, cannot help you. Add Effects only after the timing is correct for the objects, or upgrade to 8.

Maybe you are looking for