AdvancedDatagrid grouping

I would lik to give the grouping field in the advanceddatagrid a custom predefined  order.
For instance , assume that i am grouping the data based on the department which could have "Management, Finance and sales", the group by default sorts in the alphabetical order having the data of finance group displayed first and then Manangement and then sales ..But i would like to give a custom order in which Management group is displayed first and then Finance and then sales..Any ides as how to do it?

"Stef_Dev" <[email protected]> wrote in
news:g9giii$2ss$[email protected]..
>I have troubles understanding how to use the grouping
feature of an
> advancedDatagrid.
> How do you group on field1 BUT display field2 as the
label of the group ?
> Here's my code :
> var grpField:GroupingField = new GroupingField;
> = "field1"; // group on field1
> grpField.groupingFunction = groupFunc;
> private function groupFunc(item:Object,
> {
> // display field2 as the label of the group
> return item.field2;
> }
> Result : He actually groups on field2, ignoring totally
> the documentation says that groupingFunction is "A
function that
> determines the label for this group", and not a function
who is
> supposed to influence the grouping.
> Help me, I'm kind of lost :)
I think that for purposes of grouping, the label of the group
determines the
grouping. You can probably display a different label with a
separate label

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                    var grpLabelProperty:String = grp.grouping.label;
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    Panda - I think I know what you are meaning but having the lastname in the group header will provide the formatting for the report we require. We really want to show the format as follows
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    Steven                Black                        10
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    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <!-- dpcontrols/adg/SummaryGroupADGCustomSummary.mxml -->
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="">
                import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
                import mx.controls.advancedDataGridClasses.AdvancedDataGridColumn;
                import mx.collections.IViewCursor;   
                import mx.collections.SummaryObject;
    private var dpFlat:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection([
      {Region:"Southwest", Territory:"Arizona",
          Territory_Rep:"Barbara Jennings", Actual:38865, Estimate:40000},
      {Region:"Southwest", Territory:"Arizona",
          Territory_Rep:"Dana Binn", Actual:29885, Estimate:30000},
      {Region:"Southwest", Territory:"Central California",
          Territory_Rep:"Joe Smith", Actual:29134, Estimate:30000},
      {Region:"Southwest", Territory:"Nevada",
          Territory_Rep:"Bethany Pittman", Actual:52888, Estimate:45000},
      {Region:"Southwest", Territory:"Northern California",
          Territory_Rep:"Lauren Ipsum", Actual:38805, Estimate:40000},
      {Region:"Southwest", Territory:"Northern California",
          Territory_Rep:"T.R. Smith", Actual:55498, Estimate:40000},
      {Region:"Southwest", Territory:"Southern California",
          Territory_Rep:"Alice Treu", Actual:44985, Estimate:45000},
      {Region:"Southwest", Territory:"Southern California",
          Territory_Rep:"Jane Grove", Actual:44913, Estimate:45000}
                // Callback function to create
                // the SummaryObject used to hold the summary data.
                private function summObjFunc():SummaryObject {
                    // Define the object containing the summary data.
                    var obj:SummaryObject = new SummaryObject();
                    // Add a field containing a value for the Territory_Rep column.
                    obj.Territory_Rep = "Alternating Reps";
                    return obj;
                // Callback function to summarizes
                // every other row of the Actual sales revenue for the territory.
                private function summFunc(cursor:IViewCursor, dataField:String,
                    operation:String):Number {
                    var oddCount:Number = 0;
                    var count:int = 1;
                    while (!cursor.afterLast)
                        if (count % 2 != 0)
                            oddCount += cursor.current["Actual"];
                    return oddCount;
        <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="myADG"
            width="100%" height="100%"
                <mx:GroupingCollection id="gc" source="{dpFlat}">
                       <mx:GroupingField name="Region"/>
                       <mx:GroupingField name="Territory">
                             <mx:SummaryRow summaryObjectFunction="summObjFunc"
                                   <mx:SummaryField dataField="Actual" summaryFunction="summFunc"/>
                <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Region"/>
                <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Territory_Rep"
                    headerText="Territory Rep"/>
                <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Actual" dataField="Actual"
                <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Estimate"/>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:ComboBox xmlns:mx=""
    creationComplete="OnInit()" >
    <!-- This is the content of the ComboBox.
    <mx:Object label="Cog" />
    <mx:Object label="Sproket" />
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            public var cards:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection(
                [ {label:"38865", data:1},
                  {label:"29885", data:2},
                  {label:"29134", data:3},
                  {label:"52888", data:4},
                  {label:"38805", data:5},
                  {label:"55498", data:6},
                  {label:"44985", data:7},
                  {label:"44913", data:8}]);
    private function OnInit():void
    dataProvider = cards;
    * This override of set data compares the data.label against the label property
    * of each item in the dataProvider (above). This code is written a bit more
    * generically than necessary, but it would allow you to have a long list
    * in the dataProvider and not have to change this code.
    override public function set data(value:Object):void = value;
    var list:ArrayCollection = dataProvider as ArrayCollection;
    for(var i:int=0; i < list.length; i++)
    if( String(value.statusName) == list[i].label ) {
    selectedIndex = i;
    * This getter is the one identified as the editorDataField in the list for
    * the itemEditor.
    public function get type() : String
    if( selectedItem ) {
    return selectedItem.label;
    else {
    return null;

    Solved this issue by using mx:rendererProviders element for my AdvancedGrid. Using the depth parameter gives me the ability to hide the itemRenderer for the Grouped rows.
        <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="myADG"
            width="100%" height="100%"
                <mx:GroupingCollection id="gc" source="{dpFlat}">
                       <mx:GroupingField name="Region"/>
                       <mx:GroupingField name="Territory">
                             <mx:SummaryRow summaryObjectFunction="summObjFunc"
                                   <mx:SummaryField dataField="Actual" summaryFunction="summFunc"/>
                <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Region"/>
                <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Territory_Rep"
                    headerText="Territory Rep"/>
                <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Actual" dataField="Actual"
                <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Estimate"/>

  • How to change the order of groups in AdvancedDataGrid

    I have a dataset similar to the following:
    Region   Sales
    ======   ======
    North     10
    North     15
    South     5
    East      20
    West      5
    West      4
    West      3
    I'd like to group by Region and sort the groups by the Sales subtotal for each group. I already have the data grouped correctly using GroupingCollection2. How can I sort the groups by the sales subtotal (it sorts by region name by default)? I've seen some posts that talk about creating a custom groupingObjectFunction and applying a group sort. But I'm still confused. Can someone give me some pointers on how to achieve this?
    So ideally, the AdvancedDataGrid would end up looking like this with the regions sorted by sales subtotal;
    Region    Sales
    ======    ======
    subtotal 45
    subtotal 20
    subtotal 12
    subtotal 5

    Thanks, I looked at that earlier but it doesn't contain the solution I was hoping to find.
    I ended up not using GroupingCollection. I think GroupingCollection is cool, but it isn't really customizable to the extent I need.
    I just ended up transforming my data into a hierarchical form that could be used directly by AdvancedDataGrid. At the top level of my hierarchy, I have the detail txn groups, subtotal groups, and grand total groups. To sort the groups, I use custom SortFields. So, for example, if I want to sort by group name, I add a SortField for the groupName attribute. Both the Detail Group and the Subtotal Group share the same group name. Then I add a SortField for a summaryRow attribute. Only the subtotal group has that attribute. This ensures that the Detail Group is always followed by the associated Subtotal Group after sorting. I store my groups in an XMLListCollection and then set the sort attribute, then call refresh().
    Not ideal, but it works. If my requirements were more complex, perhaps my approach wouldn't have worked as well. But as it stands it works well and has good performance.
    I was hoping that ADG could handle this kind of sorting for me, but after looking at the source code, it seems like this is not possible without implementing my own custom GroupingCollection class and possibly other supporting classes.
    One key thing to note is that clicking the column header to sort within groups works fine. However, if you then attempt to sort at the group level, ADG hangs while trying to refresh itself. The trick is to assign the dataProvider.sort attribute to a temporary variable, then set it to null (this sort variable contains the ADG column sorts that the user clicked). Apply your group level sort and then reapply the dataProvider.sort attribute.

  • How to add a button to the grouped data in an AdvancedDataGrid?

    Can anyone please suggest how to add a button to the grouped data in the AdvancedDataGrid?
    I have tried extending the AdvancedDataGridGroupItemRenderer and using it as the groupItemRenderer but its not reflecting.
    For the leaf node the itemRenderer property works just fine.
    Please help!

    HI ,
    I want to add a push button on the ALV list out put which is comming as a pop up and I want this using classes and methods.
    I have got a method IF_SREL_BROWSER_COMMANDS~ADD_BUTTONS from class cl_gos_attachment_list  but still I am unable to get any additional button on the output ALV popup.
    Please help.

  • Flash Islands, AdvancedDataGrid, problem with grouping

    I am trying to show a table from SAP into an AdvancedDataGrid:
         <mx:AdvancedDataGrid dataProvider="" width="100%" rowCount="13" >
                 <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField=""
                  headerText="Monat" />
    This works very well. Now I am trying to build a tree with grouping in the same grid:
    <mx:AdvancedDataGrid width="100%"      rowCount="13">
              <mx:GroupingCollection source=""/>
                   <mx:GroupingField name=""/>
                   <mx:GroupingField name=""/>
              <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="" headerText="Monat"/>
    Unfortunatly I get an empty table. Does anybody know my mistake?

    Thx for reply. I understand what you mean. I was a littlebit to hasty. I should have waited until finishing everything. Point 3.c in the chapter mentioned above states it clearly.
    Sorry 4 that.

  • Showing Grouped Data /Hierarical in AdvancedDataGrid.

    Hi ,
    I am using AdvancedDataGrid, I want to show only two columns as grouped data.
    Say, I have Grid having columns for Employees Details.
    My Coulmns are: Employee Id,Employee Name, Department ,Project Name & Project Description.
    and one Employee could be working in different projects.
    I want to show data on my grid with deatils of employee hierarically in one row & all the details of projects he/she is working in.
    How could I do that?

    Hi ,
    I am using AdvancedDataGrid, I want to show only two columns as grouped data.
    Say, I have Grid having columns for Employees Details.
    My Coulmns are: Employee Id,Employee Name, Department ,Project Name & Project Description.
    and one Employee could be working in different projects.
    I want to show data on my grid with deatils of employee hierarically in one row & all the details of projects he/she is working in.
    How could I do that?

  • Refresh Grouped AdvancedDataGrid

    I've been fiddling with the new AdvancedDataGrid for Flex 3
    and it does wonders. One of its features most beneficial to me is
    the ability to group rows of data based on some field (column)
    value. If you don't understand what I'm talking about check out the
    example at:
    The problem is that if you update the field value for any of
    the records and try to do a refresh so that the record with the new
    field value gets moved to the correct group, you get an error or
    the record does not get regrouped. In simple terms, how do you
    refresh the grouping on an AdvancedDataGrid when some of the
    grouping field values have changed?

    Can you please log a bug at
    with the steps and sample data to reproduce it? Thanks.

  • AdvancedDataGrid.styleFunction not applies for hierarchical group label

    I have hierarchical data in advanced data grid.
    I am using AdvancedDataGrid.styleFunction to set font style to the rows.
    The style is getting applied only to the child rows.
    Its not getting applied to group label.
    Please help me to style group labels.

    AdvancedDataGrid.styleFunction itself working for group label also.
    Problem was with my if conditions inside the styleFunction.
    Thanks Sathyamoorthi. But I didnt tried rendererProvider.

  • AdvancedDatagrid and Grouped Columns scroller issue.

    Dear Friends,
    I have one issue. when use the AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup in AdvancedDataGrid.
    In the AdvancedDataGridColumnGroup created renderer with (+/-) icon. when clicking the icon hide/show the columns in the group column. function code
    * This function shows/hides the child columns
    * @param event:MouseEvent
    private function showHideColumn(event:MouseEvent):void
    var index:int;
    for (index=1; index < this._columnGroup.children.length; index++)
    if (this._columnGroup.children[index])
    imgShowHideColumn.source=this._hideFlag ? collapseColumn : expandColumn;
    catch (err:Error) + "\n" + err.getStackTrace());
    I have 25 columns, but only 8 columns visible, other hidden with the scrollbar. when click the (+/-) icon in the group column to hide/show the child columns then throws error in the
    I think this issue is because of invisible columns. if i removed invisible columns and click (+/-) then it work well. hide the sub columns and show.
    can you give any suggestions for this issue.

    any help ????????? I found OLAPDataGrid .....   I was thinking to send all the data into a bidimensional Array , then pass the data of my bidimensionalArray to  OLAPDataGrid ...  but I'n not sure if Flex is able to do it  .... 
    the really serious problem is the special ROW I must use ...

  • How to add an item object as a child for a specified parent node in AdvancedDataGrid in Flex?

    Hi all,
              This is the code, to add a object as a child into a specified parent node in AdvancedDataGrid in flex.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><mx:Application
    xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute" creationComplete="onCreationComplete()" width="100%" height="100%">
    importmx.collections.ArrayCollection; [
    Bindable]private var objectAC:ArrayCollection = newArrayCollection(); 
    //This method is used to construct the ArrayCollection 'flatData' 
    private function onCreationComplete():void{
    var objOne:Object = newObject(); =
    "Rani"; =
    var objTwo:Object = newObject(); =
    "Rani" =
    var objThree:Object = newObject(); =
    "Raja"; =
    //This method is used to add one object as a child item for the parent node 'Rani' 
    private function addChildItem():void{
    var dp:IHierarchicalCollectionView = groupedADG.dataProvider asIHierarchicalCollectionView;  
    varcurent:IHierarchicalCollectionViewCursor = groupedADG.dataProvider.createCursor();  
    var dummyParentNode:Object = {name:"Rani", city:"New Delhi"};  
    var obj:Object = null; 
    // To get the current node objectobj = curent.current;
    // Add Child item, when depth = 1 and Node name should be "Rani" 
    if (curent.currentDepth == 1 && obj["GroupLabel"] == "Rani"){
    dp.addChild(curent.current, dummyParentNode);
    groupedADG.dataProvider = dp;
    <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="groupedADG" x="10" y="15" designViewDataType="tree" defaultLeafIcon="{null}" sortExpertMode="true" width="305" > 
    <mx:GroupingCollection id="gc" source="{objectAC}"> 
    <mx:GroupingField name="name"/> 
    <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Name" dataField="name"/> 
    <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="City" dataField="city"/> 
    <mx:Button x="10" y="179" label="Open the folder 'Rani'. Then Click this Button" width="305" click="addChildItem()" /> 

    It's not possible to 'append' a StringItem or a TextField (or any other lcdui.Item object) to a Canvas or GameCanvas. You can only draw lines, draw images, draw text, etc etc, on a Canvas screen. So, you can only 'simulate' the look and feel of a TextField (on a Canvas) by painting it and adding source code for command handling (like key presses). However, this will be quite some work!!
    lcdui.Item objects can only be 'appended' to a Form-like Displayable.
    Cheers for now,

  • Editable AdvancedDataGrid / Read-only SummaryRow

    tl;dr - How do I have read-only SummaryFields for an editable column in the AdvancedDataGrid?
    I have an AdvancedDataGrid based on flat data in a GroupingCollection that groups on one field (named "day"). There are 2 known read-only columns, and N additional columns (N is equal for all rows in the grid). My goal is to have the N additional columns editable (numeric) with a read-only SummaryRow at the group level for those columns.
    I can display everything properly, but I cannot figure out how to make the SummaryRow read-only.
    AdvancedDataGrid and AdvancedDataGridColumn seems to the be only classes that allow you to toggle an "editable" flag.
    When I use an AdvancedDataGridRendererProvider, my custom Label-based renderer is called, but I do not know which column it is being called for, so even though I have access to the child data, I do not know which fields in the children to summarize and display in the text field of the label.
    Data is in an ArrayCollection where each item (row) has the following format:
         "day": 1,
         "hour": "Shift 1",
         "Skill0": 4,
         "Skill1": 8,
         "Skill2": 15,
         "Skill3": 16,
         "Skill4": 23,
         "Skill5": 42
    where "day" is the column the grouping occurs on, "day" and "hour" are displayed as read-only fixed columns, and the "SkillN" fields are displayed as editable columns.
    I hope I am missing some simple bit of information here. I have spent many hours on this!
    Am I approaching the solution wrong? Hints and advice are appreciated!

    Thank you so much, Sameer. Unfortunately, I have not been able to get this working. I am using SDK 3.5 in Flex Builder 3.
    Below is a sample app that shows the "editable" property not working properly. Here is a screenshot of the result showing that the summary row is editable:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
      <mx:AdvancedDataGrid initialize="gc.refresh()" editable="item">
          <mx:GroupingCollection id="gc">
                <mx:Object day="1" hour="1" Skill0="1"/>
                <mx:Object day="1" hour="2" Skill0="1.5"/>
                <mx:Object day="1" hour="3" Skill0=".25"/>
                <mx:GroupingField name="day">
                    <mx:SummaryRow summaryPlacement="group">
                        <mx:SummaryField dataField="Skill0"/>
          <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="day"/>
          <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="hour"/>
          <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn dataField="Skill0"/>

  • Could not resolve mx:AdvancedDataGrid to a component implimentation

       im trying to get this facebook application to work but i keep getting this error
    when i run the application: could not resolve <mx:AdvancedDataGrid> to a component implimentation
    it seems the namespaces are correct, what does this mean?
    <s:Group xmlns:fx=""
             xmlns:mx="library://" width="100%"
             height="100%" currentState="CONNECTING">
    <mx:AdvancedDataGrid id="adgFriends" dataProvider="{userFriends}"
                             designViewDataType="flat" horizontalCenter="0"
                             verticalCenter="19" includeIn="CONNECTED">
                <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Name"
                <mx:AdvancedDataGridColumn headerText="Last Name"

    if i change the  xmlns:mx="library://" namespace to
    xmlns:mx="library://" i get 2 sets of these errors
    "access of undefined property AIR" and
    "access of undefined property FLEX" referring to these pieces of code.
    i am referencing the Facebook_library_with_AIRConnect_v3.4_flex.swc
                    // DesktopSessionHelper import required for AIR and Facebook Connect
                    import com.facebook.utils.DesktopSessionHelper;
                    import com.facebook.session.DesktopSession;
                    // Session variable when running as AIR app
                    protected var session:DesktopSessionHelper;
                    // FacebookSessionUtil import required for Flex (browser) app
                    import com.facebook.utils.FacebookSessionUtil;
                    // Session variable when running as Flex (browser) app
                    protected var session:FacebookSessionUtil;

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