Advice needed on linked lists

I am a college student and I am writing a program for a Data Structures course I am currently taking. The assignment is to write a program that calculates the number of electoral votes each state receives. The program is to read in the name and population of each state from a text file, place it into a linked list, and calculate the number of electoral votes each state gets.
I have started the assignment, but I am unsure of how to proceed on reading the data in from the text file and placing it into a linked list. Also, I am unsure of how to parse the linked list to get the integer value of the population to be used for the calculation.
Anyone out there have any ideas or advice to offer? Any information will be greatly appreciated.

You're basically asking about the entire assignment. I live by the credo "Fish for a man and he'll eat for a day, but teach him how to fish and he'll eat for a lifetime." so let's teach you how to fish.
You're lucky Java has an API on the web where you can look up all these wonderful classes that have already been written for you:
So like I posted before, RTFM.
"But there are soooo many classes! Where do I start?"
Well, lets look at your posting a LinkedList eh? Just so happens java has one of those click on it, look at ALL the methods and fields, see if that works for you.
Repeat this for all the various classes you'll need. This is how programmers get stuff done. A lot of the time when you start out doing something you don't know how to do it, so you research until you find the answer, cause in the real world it isn't always the case that you can ask your TA for help. (But, then again, that's what these forums are for.)
So, just so I leave you with something tangible that will get you started, let me suggest looking at the following Java classes:
You could use all or none of these to do what you want, but using them (properly) will probably get you through your assignment the fastest. And definitely through future assignments faster.
theSparko strikes again!

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  • Help needed in linked lists...

    I have been working on this computer assignment lately but I still don't understand linked lists yet..I did an assignment on array based implementation and now I am supposed to do the same thing in linked list implementation..
    I need help on how to change this into a linked list implementation..any help would be appreciated. Thank you..below is the code for the array based implementation..the only thing that needs change here is after where is says Array-based implementation of the ADT list.
    public class ListArrayBasedDriver {
      public static void main(String [] args) {
        ListArrayBased myGroceryList = new ListArrayBased();
        myGroceryList.add(9,"red beans");
        printList(myGroceryList); //print out original List
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
        System.out.println("adding juice for 5th item...");
        myGroceryList.add (5, (Object) "juice");  //add juice
        System.out.println("item 5 is: " + myGroceryList.get(5)); //get position 5
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
        System.out.println("removing juice...");
        myGroceryList.remove (5); //remove item at position 5
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
      public static void printList(ListArrayBased myList)
            //method prints a list, numbering the values,  e.g, "1.  milk" .... "5.  juice".... etc.
            int i;
            for(i=1; i <= myList.size(); i++)
                String tempString = new String((String)myList.get(i));
                System.out.println(i+" "+ tempString);
    // Array-based implementation of the ADT list.
    class ListArrayBased {
        private static final int MAX_LIST = 50;
        private Object items[];  // an array of list items
        private int numItems;  // number of items in list
        public ListArrayBased()
        // creates an empty list
             items = new Object[MAX_LIST];
             numItems = 0;
        }  // end default constructor
        public boolean isEmpty()
          return (numItems == 0);
        } // end isEmpty
        public int size()
           return numItems;
        }  // end size
        public void removeAll()
          // Creates a new array; marks old array for
          // garbage collection.
          items = new Object[MAX_LIST];
          numItems = 0;
        } // end removeAll
        public void add(int index, Object item) throws  ListIndexOutOfBoundsException
          if (numItems > MAX_LIST)
            throw new ListException("ListException on add");
        }  // end if
          if (index >= 1 && index <= numItems+1)
            // make room for new element by shifting all items at
            // positions >= index toward the end of the
            // list (no shift if index == numItems+1)
            for (int pos = numItems; pos >= index; pos--) {
              items[translate(pos+1)] = items[translate(pos)];
          } // end for
          // insert new item
          items[translate(index)] = item;
          {  // index out of range
            throw new ListIndexOutOfBoundsException(
             "ListIndexOutOfBoundsException on add");
          }  // end if
        } //end add
        public Object get(int index) throws ListIndexOutOfBoundsException
          if (index >= 1 && index <= numItems)
            return items[translate(index)];
          {  // index out of range
            throw new ListIndexOutOfBoundsException(
              "ListIndexOutOfBoundsException on get");
          }  // end if
        } // end get
        public void remove(int index) throws ListIndexOutOfBoundsException
          if (index >= 1 && index <= numItems)
            // delete item by shifting all items at
            // positions > index toward the beginning of the list
            // (no shift if index == size)
                for (int pos = index+1; pos <= size(); pos++) {
                    items[translate(pos-1)] = items[translate(pos)];
          }  // end for
          {  // index out of range
            throw new ListIndexOutOfBoundsException("ListIndexOutOfBoundsException on remove");
          }  // end if
        } // end remove
        private int translate(int position) {
        return position - 1;
       } // end translate
    }  // end ListArrayBased
    class ListException extends RuntimeException
      public ListException(String s)
      }  // end constructor
    }  // end ListException
    class ListIndexOutOfBoundsException
                extends IndexOutOfBoundsException {
      public ListIndexOutOfBoundsException(String s) {
      }  // end constructor
    }  // end ListIndexOutOfBoundsException

    Could someone check for me if this will work and if it doesn't what I need to do to make it work..Thanks...
    public class ListArrayBasedDriver {
      public static void main(String [] args) {
        ListArrayBased myGroceryList = new ListArrayBased();
        myGroceryList.add(9,"red beans");
        printList(myGroceryList); //print out original List
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
        System.out.println("adding juice for 5th item...");
        myGroceryList.add (5, (Object) "juice");  //add juice
        System.out.println("item 5 is: " + myGroceryList.get(5)); //get position 5
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
        System.out.println("removing juice...");
        myGroceryList.remove (5); //remove item at position 5
        System.out.print("numItems is now: " + myGroceryList.size() + "\n");
      public static void printList(ListArrayBased myList)
            //method prints a list, numbering the values,  e.g, "1.  milk" .... "5.  juice".... etc.
            int i;
            for(i=1; i <= myList.size(); i++)
                String tempString = new String((String)myList.get(i));
                System.out.println(i+" "+ tempString);
    // Linked List-based implementation of the ADT list.
    class ListNode
         //class to represent one node in a list
         class ListNode
              //package access members; List can access these directly
              Object data;
              ListNode nextNode;
              //contructor creates a ListNode that refers to object
              ListNode( Object object)
                   this( object, null );
              } //end ListNode one-argument constructor
              //constructor creates ListNode that refers to
              // Object and to the next ListNode
              ListNode ( Object object, ListNode node)
                   data = object;
                   nextNode = node;
              // end ListNode two-argument contructor
              //return reference to data in node
              Object getObject()
                   return data; // return Object in this mode
              //return reference to next node in list
              ListNode getNext()
                   return nextNode; // get next node
              } // end method getNext
    } //end class ListNode
    //class List Definition
    public class List
         private ListNode firstNode;
         private ListNode lastNode;
         private String name; // string like " list " used in printing
         //contructor creates empty List with " list " as the name
         public List()
              this(" list ");
         } //end List no-arguement constructor
    //contructor creates an empty list with a name
    public List( String listName )
         name = listname;
         firstNode = lastNode = null;
    } //end List no-arguement contructor
    //insert Object at front of List
    public void insertAtFront ( object insertItem )
         if ( isEmpty() ) //firstNode and lastNode refer to same object
              firstNode = lastNode = newListNode( insertItem );
         else // firstNode refers to new node
              firstNode = new ListNode ( insertItem, firstNode );
    } // end method insertAtFront
    // insert Object at end of List
    public void insert AtBack ( Object insertItem )
         if ( isEmpty() ) //firstNode and lastNode refer to same object
              firstNode = new ListNode ( insertItem );
         else // firstNode refers to new node
         firstNode = new ListNode (insertItem, firstNode );
    } // end method insertAtFront
    // insert Object at end of List
    public void insertAtBack ( Object insertItem )
         if ( isEmpty() ) //firstNode and LastNode refer to same Object
              firstNode = lastNode = new ListNode ( insertItem );
         else // lastNode = lastNode.nextNode = new ListNode ( insertItem );
    } // end method insertAtBack
    //remove first node from List
    public Object removeFromFront() throws EmptyListException
         if( isEmpty() ) //throw exception if list is empty
         throw new EmptyListException( name );
         object removedItem =; //retrieve data being removed
    // update references firstNode and lastNode
    if (firstNode == lastNode )
         firstNode =lastNode = null;
         firstNode = firstNode.nextNode;
         return removedItem; // return removed node data
    } //end method removeFromFront
    //remove last node from List
    Public Object removeFromBack() throws EmptyListException
         If ( isEmpty() ) // throw exception if list is empty
              throw new EmptyListException( name );
         Object removedItem =; // retrieve data being removed
         // update references firstNode and lastNode
         If ( firstNode == lastNode )
              firstNode = lastNode = null;
         else // locate new last node
              ListNode current = firstNode;
              // loop while current node does not refer to lastNode
              while ( current.nextNode != lastNode )
                   current = current.nextNode;
              lastNode = current; // current is new lastNode
              current.nextNode = null;
         } // end else
         return removedItem; // return removed node data
    } // end method removeFromBack
    // determine whether list is empty
    public boolean isEmpty()
         return firstNode == null; // return true if list is empty
    }     // end method isEmpty
    //output List contents
    public void print()
         if (isEmpty() )
              System.out.printf(�Empty %s\n�, name );
         System.out.printf(�The %s is: �, name );
         ListNode current = firstNode;
         //while (current != null )
              System.out,printf(�%s �, );
              current = current.nextNode;
         } //end while
         System.out.println( �\n� );
    } //end method print
    } end class List

  • How do you create a linked list

    i need a linked list to hold data which would be words so that the words can be held by the linked list and appear in alphabetica order?

    public class DoubleLink1
         private NodeData head;
         private NodeData tail;
         public DoubleLink1()
         this.tail = null;
         this.head = null;
         public void add(Contact info)
         NodeData newNode = new NodeData(info);
         if(head != null) = head;
         head.prev = newNode;
         head = newNode;
         head = tail = newNode;
         public Contact retrieve(String name)
         NodeData current = head;
         while(current !=null)
         current =;
         return null;
         public void traverse()
         NodeData current = head;
         while(current !=null)
    //     current.getData());print();
         current =;
         public boolean delPhoneNum(String name)
         NodeData current = head;
         NodeData previous = head.prev;
         NodeData next =;
         boolean found = false;
         if (head == null)
         return false;
         while(current != null)
         found = true;
         return found;
         previous = current;
         current =;
         if (current != null)
         next =;
         if (found)
         if (previous == null)
         head =;
         else if (next == null)
         tail = tail.prev;
         previous =;
         next = current.prev;
         return found;
    so i have this linked can i apply it to my program with the words instead of the numbers and phone contact

  • Need help regarding Linked List

    I'm a beginner who just spent ages working on the following code.. but need help on re-implementing the following using a linked list, i.e. no array is allowed for customer records but you still can use arrays for names, address, etc.. Hopefully I've inserted enough comments..
    Help very much appreciated!! Thanks! =]
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Bank
    /* Private variables declared so that the data is only accessible to its own
         class, but not to any other class, thus preventing other classes from
         referring to the data directly */
    private static Customer[] customerList = new Customer[30];               
         //Array of 30 objects created for storing information of each customer
    private static int noOfCustomers;                                                       
         //Integer used to store number of customers in customerList
         public static void main(String[] args)
              Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
         public static void menu()
              char choice;
              String filename;
              int custId,counter=0;
              double interestRate;
    Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
              //Displaying of Program Menu for user to choose
         System.out.println("ABC Bank Customer Management System Menu");     
         System.out.println("(1) Input Data from File");
         System.out.println("(2) Display Data");
         System.out.println("(3) Output Data to File");
                   System.out.println("(4) Delete Record");
                   System.out.println("(5) Update Record");
         System.out.println("(Q) Quit");
                   System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");
                   String input =;
                   choice = input.charAt(0);     
              //switch statement used to assign each 'selection' to its 'operation'               
         case '1': int noOfRecords;
                                       System.out.print("Enter file name: ");
              filename = sc.nextLine();
              noOfRecords = readFile(filename);
    System.out.println(+noOfRecords+" records read.");
         case '2': displayRecords();
         case '3': writeFile();
                        case '4': System.out.print("Enter account ID to be deleted: ");
                                       custId = sc.nextInt();
                        case '5': if(counter==0)
              System.out.print("Enter current interest rate for saving account: ");
                                            interestRate = sc.nextDouble();
              System.out.println("Error: Accounts have been updated for the month.");
         }while(choice!='Q' && choice!='q');
    /* The method readFile() loads the customer list of a Bank from a specified
         text file fileName into customerList to be stored as array of Customer
         objects in customerList in ascending alphabetical order according to the
         customer names */
    public static int readFile(String fileName)
         int custId,i=0;
              String custName,custAddress,custBirthdate,custPhone,custAccType;
              double custBalance,curRate;
              boolean d;
    /* Try block to enclose statements that might throw an exception, followed by
         the catch block to handle the exception */
                   Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File(fileName));
    /* gets rid of "Account", "Id" and "=" */;;;
    custId = sc.nextInt();
    /* checkDuplicate() is a method created to locate duplicating ids in array */
    /* A return value of true indicates duplicating record and the sc.nextLine()
         will get rid of all the following lines to read the next customer's record */
    /* A return value of false indicates no duplicating record and the following
         lines containing the information of that customer's record is being read
         in */
    /* gets rid of "Name" and "=" and name is changed to upper case*/;;
         custName = sc.nextLine().toUpperCase();
    /* sc.nextLine get rids of the following lines to read the next customer's
         record if length of name is more than 20 characters*/
    System.out.println("Name of custId "+custId+" is more than 20 characters");
    /* gets rid of "Address" and "=" */           ;;
         custAddress = sc.nextLine();
    /* sc.nextLine get rids of the following lines to read the next customer's
         record if length of address is more than 80 characters*/                         
    System.out.println("Address of custId "+custId+" is more than 80 characters");
    /* gets rid of "DOB" and "=" */                              ;;
         custBirthdate = sc.nextLine();
    /* sc.nextLine get rids of the following lines to read the next customer's
         record if length of date of birth is more than 10 characters*/                         
    System.out.println("D.O.B of custId "+custId+" is more than 10 characters");
    /* gets rid of "Phone", "Number" and "=" */                              ;;;
         custPhone = sc.nextLine();
    /* sc.nextLine get rids of the following lines to read the next customer's
         record if length of phone number is more than 8 characters*/                         
    System.out.println("Phone no. of custId "+custId+" is more than 8 characters");
    /* gets rid of "Account", "Balance" and "=" */                              ;;;
         custBalance = sc.nextDouble();
    /* gets rid of "Account", "Type" and "=" */                              
                             custAccType =;
    customerList[noOfCustomers] = new Account1(custId,custName,custAddress,custBirthdate,custPhone,custBalance,custAccType);
    else if(custAccType.equals("Checking"))
    customerList[noOfCustomers] = new Account2(custId,custName,custAddress,custBirthdate,custPhone,custBalance,custAccType);
    else if(custAccType.equals("Fixed"));;;;
                                                 curRate = sc.nextDouble();
                                                 Account3 temp = new Account3(custId,custName,custAddress,custBirthdate,custPhone,custBalance,custAccType,curRate);
                                  System.out.println("Account type not defined.");
         System.out.println("The customer list has reached its maximum limit of 30 records!");
         return noOfCustomers;
    //Exceptions to be caught
    catch (FileNotFoundException e)
    System.out.println("Error opening file");
    catch (IOException e)
    System.out.println("IO error!");
    /* Bubblesort method used to sort the array in ascending alphabetical order
         according to customer's name */
              return i;
    /* The method displayRecords() displays the data of the customer records on
         screen */
    public static void displayRecords()
    int k;
    /* Displaying text using the printf() method */
         System.out.printf("Name = %s\n", customerList[k].getName());
         System.out.printf("Account Balance = %.2f\n", customerList[k].getBalance());
         System.out.printf("Account Id = %d\n", customerList[k].getId());
    System.out.printf("Address = %s\n", customerList[k].getAddress());
    System.out.printf("DOB = %s\n", customerList[k].getBirthdate());
    System.out.printf("Phone Number = %s\n", customerList[k].getPhone());
         String type = customerList[k].getAccType();
         System.out.println("Account Type = " +type);
         System.out.println("Fixed daily interest = "+((Account3)customerList[k]).getFixed());
    /* The method writeFile() saves the content from customerList into a
         specified text file. Data is printed on the screen at the same time */
    public static void writeFile()
    /* Try block to enclose statements that might throw an exception, followed by
    the catch block to handle the exception */
    int i;
              int n=0;
    //PrintWriter class used to write contents of studentList to specified file
              FileWriter fwStream = new FileWriter("newCustomers.txt");
              BufferedWriter bwStream = new BufferedWriter(fwStream);
              PrintWriter pwStream = new PrintWriter(bwStream);     
         pwStream.println("Account Id = "+customerList.getId());
              pwStream.println("Name = "+customerList[i].getName());
    pwStream.println("Address = "+customerList[i].getAddress());
    pwStream.println("DOB = "+customerList[i].getBirthdate());
    pwStream.println("Phone Number = "+customerList[i].getPhone());
              pwStream.printf("Account Balance = %.2f\n", customerList[i].getBalance());
              pwStream.println("Account Type = "+customerList[i].getAccType());
                        pwStream.println("Fixed Daily Interest = "+((Account3)customerList[i]).getFixed());
    //Closure of stream
              System.out.println(+n+" records written.");
    catch(IOException e)
    System.out.println("IO error!");     
         //Deletes specified record from list
    public static void deleteRecord(int id)
    int i;
    //checking if account to be deleted does not exist
    System.out.println("Error: no account with the id of "+id+" found!");
              //if account exists
                             customerList[i] = customerList[i+1];
                        System.out.println("Account Id: "+id+" has been deleted");
         //Updates the accounts
    public static void update(double interest)
    int i,j,k;
              double custBalance,addition=0;
                        if(customerList[i] instanceof Account1)
                        else if(customerList[i] instanceof Account2)
                        else if(customerList[i] instanceof Account3)
                             System.out.println("Account type not defined");
              System.out.println("The updated balances are: \n");
    System.out.printf("Name = %s\n", customerList[k].getName());
    System.out.printf("Account Balance = %.2f\n", customerList[k].getBalance());
    /* ================== Additional methods ==================== */     
    /* Bubblesort method to sort the customerList in ascending alphabetical
         order according to customer's name */
    public static void bubbleSort(Customer[] x)
    int pass, index;
    Customer tempValue;      
    for(pass=0; pass<noOfCustomers-1; pass++)          
    for(index=0; index<noOfCustomers-1; index++)
    if(customerList[index].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(customerList[index+1].getName()) > 0)
    tempValue = x[index];
    x[index] = x[index+1];
    x[index+1]= tempValue;
    /* Method used to check for duplicated ids in array */     
         public static boolean checkDuplicate(int id)
              int i;
                   if(id == customerList[i].getId())
    System.out.println("Account Id = "+id+" already exists");
    return true;
              }return false;
    /* Method to seach for account id in array */
         public static int locate(int id)
              int j;
                        return j;
              return j;
    import java.util.Scanner;
    public class Customer
    /* The following private variables are declared so that the data is only
         accessible to its own class,but not to any other class, thus preventing
         other classes from referring to the data directly */
         protected int id;               
         protected String name,address,birthdate,phone,accType;                              
         protected double balance;               
    // Null constructor of Customer
         public Customer()
              id = 0;
              name = null;
              address = null;
              birthdate = null;
              phone = null;
              balance = 0;
              accType = null;
    /* The following statements with the keyword this activates the Customer
         (int id, String name String address, String birthdate, String phone, double
         balance) constructor that has six parameters of account id, name, address,
         date of birth, phone number, account balance and assign the values of the
         parameters to the instance variables of the object */     
         public Customer(int id, String name, String address, String birthdate, String phone, double balance, String accType)
    //this is the object reference that stores the receiver object     
     = id;
     = name;                         
              this.address = address;
              this.birthdate = birthdate;
     = phone;
              this.balance = balance;
              this.accType = accType;
    /* The following get methods getId(), getName(), getAddress(), getBirthdate(),
         getPhone(), getBalance() return the values of the corresponding instance
         properties */     
         public int getId()
              return id;
         public String getName()
              return name;
         public String getAddress()
              return address;
         public String getBirthdate()
              return birthdate;
         public String getPhone()
              return phone;
         public double getBalance()
              return balance;
         public String getAccType()
              return accType;
    /* The following set methods setId(), setName(), setAddress(), setBirthdate(),
         setPhone and setBalance() set the values of the corresponding instance
         properties */
         public void setId (int custId)
              id = custId;
         public void setName(String custName)
              name = custName;
         public void setAddress (String custAddress)
              address = custAddress;
         public void setBirthdate (String custBirthdate)
              birthdate = custBirthdate;
         public void setPhone (String custPhone)
              phone = custPhone;
         public void setBalance (double custBalance)
              balance = custBalance;
         public void setAccType (String custAccType)
              accType = custAccType;
    class Account1 extends Customer
         public Account1(int id, String name, String address, String birthdate, String phone, double balance, String accType)
     = id;
     = name;                         
              this.address = address;
              this.birthdate = birthdate;
     = phone;
              this.balance = balance;
              this.accType = accType;
    class Account2 extends Customer
         public Account2(int id, String name, String address, String birthdate, String phone, double balance, String accType)
     = id;
     = name;                         
              this.address = address;
              this.birthdate = birthdate;
     = phone;
              this.balance = balance;
              this.accType = accType;
    class Account3 extends Customer
         protected double fixed=0;
         public Account3(int id, String name, String address, String birthdate, String phone, double balance, String accType, double fixed)
     = id;
     = name;                         
              this.address = address;
              this.birthdate = birthdate;
     = phone;
              this.balance = balance;
              this.accType = accType;
              this.fixed = fixed;
         public double getFixed()
              return fixed;
    Example of a customers.txt
    Account Id = 123
    Name = Matt Damon
    Address = 465 Ripley Boulevard, Oscar Mansion, Singapore 7666322
    DOB = 10-10-1970
    Phone Number = 790-3233
    Account Balance = 405600.00
    Account Type = Fixed
    Fixed Daily Interest = 0.05
    Account Id = 126
    Name = Ben Affleck
    Address = 200 Hunting Street, Singapore 784563
    DOB = 25-10-1968
    Phone Number = 432-4579
    Account Balance = 530045.00
    Account Type = Saving
    Account Id = 65
    Name = Salma Hayek
    Address = 45 Mexican Boulevard, Hotel California, Singapore 467822
    DOB = 06-04-73
    Phone Number = 790-0000
    Account Balance = 2345.00
    Account Type = Checking
    Account Id = 78
    Name = Phua Chu Kang
    Address = 50 PCK Avenue, Singapore 639798
    DOB = 11-08-64
    Phone Number = 345-6780
    Account Balance = 0.00
    Account Type = Checking
    Account Id = 234
    Name = Zoe Tay
    Address = 100 Blue Eyed St, Singapore 456872
    DOB = 15-02-68
    Phone Number = 456-1234
    Account Balance = 600.00
    Account Type = Saving

    1) When you post code, please use[code] and [/code] tags as described in Formatting tips on the message entry page. It makes it much easier to read.
    2) Don't just post a huge pile of code and ask, "How do I make this work?" Ask a specific question, and post just enough code to demonstrate the problem you're having.
    3) Don't just write a huge pile of code and then test it. Write a tiny piece, test it. Then write the piece that will work with or use the first piece. Test that by itself--without the first piece. Then put the two together and test that. Only move on to the next step after the current step produces the correct results. Continue this process until you have a complete, working program.

  • Linked lists problem -- help needed

    Hello again. I've got yet another problem in my C++ course that stems from my use of a Mac instead of Windows. I'm going to install Parallels so I can get Windows on my MacBook and install Visual Studio this week so that I don't have to deal with these discrepancies anymore, but in the meanwhile, I'm having a problem here that I don't know how to resolve. To be clear, I've spent a lot of time trying to work this out myself, so I'm not just throwing this up here to have you guys do the work for me -- I'm really stuck here, and am coming here as a last resort, so I'll be very, very appreciative for any help that anyone can offer.
    In my C++ course, we are on a chapter about linked lists, and the professor has given us a template to make the linked lists work. It comes in three files (a header, a source file, and a main source file). I've made some adjustments -- the original files the professor provided brought up 36 errors and a handful of warnings, but I altered the #include directives and got it down to 2 errors. The problematic part of the code (the part that contains the two errors) is in one of the function definitions, print_list(), in the source file. That function definition is shown below, and I've marked the two statements that have the errors using comments that say exactly what the errors say in my Xcode window under those two statements. If you want to see the entire template, I've pasted the full code from all three files at the bottom of this post, but for now, here is the function definition (in the source file) that contains the part of the code with the errors:
    void LinkedList::printlist( )
    // good for only a few nodes in a list
    if(isEmpty() == 1)
    cout << "No nodes to display" << endl;
    for(CURSOR = FRONT_ptr; CURSOR; CURSOR = CURSOR-> link)
    { cout << setw(8) << CURSOR->name; } cout << endl; // error: 'setw' was not declared in this scope
    for(CURSOR = FRONT_ptr; CURSOR; CURSOR = CURSOR-> link)
    { cout << setw(8) << CURSOR->test_grade; } cout << endl; // error: 'setw' was not declared in this scope
    As you can see, the problem is with the two statements that contain the 'setw' function. Can anyone help me figure out how to get this template working and get by these two errors? I don't know enough about linked lists to know what I can and can't mess with here to get it working. The professor recommended that I try using 'printf' instead of 'cout' for those two statements, but I don't know how to achieve the same effect (how to do whatever 'setw' does) using 'printf'. Can anyone please help me get this template working? Thank you very, very much.
    For reference, here is the full code from all three files that make up the template:
    linkedlist.h (header file):
    #ifndef LINKED_LINKED_H
    #define LINKED_LINKED_H
    struct NODE
    string name;
    int test_grade;
    NODE * link;
    class Linked_List
    void insert(string n, int score);
    void remove(string target);
    void print_list();
    bool isEmpty();
    linkedlist.cpp (source file):
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace std;
    #include "linkedlist.h"
    FRONT_ptr = NULL;
    REAR_ptr = NULL;
    PREVIOUS_ptr = NULL;
    void Linked_List::insert(string n, int score)
    INSERT = new NODE;
    if(isEmpty()) // first item in List
    // collect information into INSERT NODE
    INSERT-> name = n;
    // must use strcpy to assign strings
    INSERT -> test_grade = score;
    INSERT -> link = NULL;
    FRONT_ptr = INSERT;
    REAR_ptr = INSERT;
    else // else what?? When would this happen??
    // collect information into INSERT NODE
    INSERT-> name = n; // must use strcpy to assign strings
    INSERT -> test_grade = score;
    REAR_ptr -> link = INSERT;
    INSERT -> link = NULL;
    REAR_ptr = INSERT;
    void LinkedList::printlist( )
    // good for only a few nodes in a list
    if(isEmpty() == 1)
    cout << "No nodes to display" << endl;
    for(CURSOR = FRONT_ptr; CURSOR; CURSOR = CURSOR-> link)
    { cout << setw(8) << CURSOR->name; } cout << endl; // error: 'setw' was not declared in this scope
    for(CURSOR = FRONT_ptr; CURSOR; CURSOR = CURSOR-> link)
    { cout << setw(8) << CURSOR->test_grade; } cout << endl; // error: 'setw' was not declared in this scope
    void Linked_List::remove(string target)
    // 3 possible places that NODES can be removed from in the Linked List
    // FRONT
    // MIDDLE
    // REAR
    // all 3 condition need to be covered and coded
    // use Trasversing to find TARGET
    PREVIOUS_ptr = NULL;
    for(CURSOR = FRONT_ptr; CURSOR; CURSOR = CURSOR-> link)
    if(CURSOR->name == target) // match
    { break; } // function will still continue, CURSOR will
    // mark NODE to be removed
    { PREVIOUS_ptr = CURSOR; } // PREVIOUS marks what NODE CURSOR is marking
    // JUST before CURSOR is about to move to the next NODE
    if(CURSOR == NULL) // never found a match
    { return; }
    // check each condition FRONT, REAR and MIDDLE
    if(CURSOR == FRONT_ptr)
    // TARGET node was the first in the list
    FRONT_ptr = FRONT_ptr -> link; // moves FRONT_ptr up one node
    delete CURSOR; // deletes and return NODE back to free memory!!!
    }// why no need for PREVIOUS??
    else if (CURSOR == REAR_ptr) // TARGET node was the last in the list
    { // will need PREVIOUS for this one
    PREVIOUS_ptr -> link = NULL; // since this node will become the last in the list
    REAR_ptr = PREVIOUS_ptr; // = REAR_ptr; // moves REAR_ptr into correct position in list
    delete CURSOR; // deletes and return NODE back to free memory!!!
    else // TARGET node was the middle of the list
    { // will need PREVIOUS also for this one
    PREVIOUS_ptr -> link = CURSOR-> link; // moves PREV nodes' link to point where CURSOR nodes' points
    delete CURSOR; // deletes and return NODE back to free memory!!!
    bool Linked_List::isEmpty()
    if ((FRONT_ptr == NULL) && (REAR_ptr == NULL))
    { return true; }
    { return false;}
    llmain.cpp (main source file):
    #include <iostream>
    #include <string>
    #include <iomanip>
    using namespace std;
    #include "linkedlist.h"
    int main()
    Linked_List one;
    one.insert("Angela", 261);
    one.insert("Jack", 20);
    one.insert("Peter", 120);
    one.insert("Chris", 270);
    return 0;

    setw is the equivalent of the field width value in printf. In your code, the printf version would look like:
    printf("%8s", CURSOR->name.c_str());
    I much prefer printf over any I/O formatting in C++. See the printf man page for more information. I recommend using Bwana:
    I do think it is a good idea to verify your code on the platform it will be tested against. That means Visual Studio. However, you don't want to use Visual Studio. As you have found out, it gets people into too many bad habits. Linux is much the same way. Both development platforms are designed to build anything, whether or not it is syntactically correct. Both GNU and Microsoft have a long history of changing the language standards just to suit themselves.
    I don't know what level you are in the class, but I have a few tips for you. I'll phrase them so that they answers are a good exercise for the student
    * Look into const-correctness.
    * You don't need to compare a bool to 1. You can just use bool. Plus, any integer or pointer type has an implicit cast to bool.
    * Don't reuse your CURSOR pointer as a temporary index. Create a new pointer inside the for loop.
    * In C++, a struct is the same thing as a class, with all of its members public by default. You can create constructors and member functions in a struct.
    * Optimize your function arguments. Pass by const reference instead of by copy. You will need to use pass by copy at a later date, but don't worry about that now.
    * Look into initializer lists.
    * In C++ NULL and 0 are always the same.
    * Return the result of an expression instead of true or false. Technically this isn't officially Return Value Optimization, but it is a good habit.
    Of course, get it running first, then make it fancy.

  • Help needed creating a linked list program

    I have been trying to create a linked list program that takes in a word and its definition and adds the word to a link list followed by the definition. i.e. java - a simple platform-independent object-oriented programming language.
    the thing is that of course words must be added and removed from the list. so i am going to use the compareTo method. Basically there a 2 problems
    1: some syntax problem which is causing my add and remove method not to be seen from the WordList class
    2: Do I HAVE to use the iterator class to go thru the list? I understand how the iterator works but i see no need for it.
    I just need to be pointed in the right direction im a little lost.................
    your help would be greatly appreciated i've been working on this over a week i dont like linked list..........
    Here are my 4 classes of code........
    * Created on November 4, 2007, 10:53 PM
    * A class Dictionary that implements the other classes.
    * @author Denis
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    * Created on November 10, 2007, 11:50 AM
    * @author Denis
    public class Dictionary {
        /** Creates a new instance of testWordList */
        public Dictionary() {
            boolean done=false;
    String in="";
    in = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type 1 to add to Dictionary, 2 to remove from Dictionary, 3 to Print Dictionary, and 4 to Quit");
    int num = Integer.parseInt(in);
    switch (num){
    case 1:
    String toAdd = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please Key in the Word a dash and the definition.");
    case 2:
    String toDelete = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What would you like to remove?");
    case 3:
    for(Word e: list)
    case 4:
    System.out.println("Transaction complete.");
    done = true;
    done = true;
       }//end switch
      }//end while
    }//end Dictionary
    }//end main
    import java.util.Iterator;
    * Created on November 4, 2007, 10:40 PM
    *A class WordList that creates and maintains a linked list of words and their meanings in lexicographical order.
    * @author Denis*/
    public class WordList{
        WordNode list;
        //Iterator<WordList> i = list.iterator();
        /*public void main(String [] args)
        WordNode w =;
        String s = w.word.getWord();
        void WordList() {
          list = null;
        void add(Word b)
            WordNode temp = new WordNode(b);
            WordNode current,previous = null;
            boolean found = false;
            if(list == null)
                current = list;
                while(current != null && !found)
                        found = true;
                }//end else
            }//end try
            catch (NullPointerException e)
                System.out.println("Catch at line 46");
        }//end add
    * Created on November 4, 2007, 10:40 PM
    *A class WordNode that contains a Word object of information and a link field that will contain the address of the next WordNode.
    * @author Denis
    public class WordNode {
        Word object;//Word object of information
        WordNode next;//link field that will contain the address of the next WordNode.
        WordNode object2;
        public WordNode (WordNode wrd)
             object2 = wrd;
             next = null;
        WordNode(Word x)
            object = x;
            next = null;
        WordNode list = null;
        //WordNode list = new WordNode("z");
        Word getWord()
            return object;
        WordNode getNode()
            return next;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    * Created on November 4, 2007, 10:39 PM
    * A class Word that holds the name of a word and its meaning.
    * @author Denis
    public class Word {
        private String word = " ";
        /** Creates a new instance of Word with the definition*/
        public Word(String w) {
            word = w;
        String getWord(){
            return word;

    zoemayne wrote:
    java:26: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method add(java.lang.String)
    location: class Dictionary
    add(toAdd);this is in the dictionary class
    generic messageThat's because there is no add(...) method in your Dictionary class: the add(...) method is in your WordList class.
    To answer your next question "+how do I add things to my list then?+": Well, you need to create an instance of your WordList class and call the add(...) method on that instance.
    Here's an example of instantiating an object and invoking a method on that instance:
    Integer i = new Integer(6); // create an instance of Integer
    System.out.println(i.toString()); // call it's toString() method and display it on the "stdout"

  • Need help with linked lists.

    I have a school assignment to make a linked list with a linked list.
    The first basic is to make a list of people, and link them together in a linked list. So far, so good.
    The problem comes when I'm going to make linked lists in each of these objects that include the relationships between the people in it.
    So If I have 10 peolpe in a list, person 1 might know person 3, 4 and 8. They will all know person 1 back of course. My problem is that it isn't just one group of friends, person 3 might not know person 4 and 8, but maybe he knows person 10. So all need "their own" list.
    Therefor I can't see how I'm supposed to use linked lists for them, as I can't just link them togeter with e.g. "Person nextFriend;" The text says specifically to use linked lists. Well, I'm stuck.
    Edited by: Skruf on Jan 27, 2009 3:22 PM

    Skruf wrote:
    I know it doesn't matter what the objects represent, I just needed a way to explain.
    But a linked list is basically just a redirect to the next in the list, right?No, a linked list is a particular implementation of a list.
    Then I can't see how it's possible to make individual friend lists.No clue what problem you're having.
    People with links
    null - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - nullThat means nothing.
    I can't see how that can be used to make independent links. Do they mean that I'm support to stort it in arrays or something then?
    The person list, is (as you can see in my "illustration") only a "next" and "previous" person, so I can't use that way to link the friends together. nextFriend and lastFriend obviously doesn't work.
    That's my problemLike I said: A Person object contains a linked list. In that linked list you put references to that Person's friends.

  • Need help with creating a linked list

    I need to create a linked list that i can put numbers or an operator into
    class Number_or_op
    boolean flag;
    double number;
    char operator;
    Number_or_op(boolean flag1,double number1,char operator1)
    flag = flag1;
    number = number1;
    operator = operator1;
    class Expr {
    Number_or_op first;
    Expr rest;
    Expr(Number_or_op first1,Expr rest1)
    first = first1;
    rest = rest1;
    how do i make a linked list out of this? im trying
    Expr list1 = new Expr(3, new Expr('*' , new Expr(4 , null)));
    but keep getting an error D:\Documentation\ internal error; cannot instantiate Expr.<init> at Expr to ()
    how do i fix the number_or_op so it can make it into a list?

    Let me reitterate my problem because i am so lost...
    I am used to making linked list using an integers only.. and now my teacher wants me to use both integers and chars, the chars being operators..
    I have no idea how to do that using hte code he provided because it makes no sense at all to me
    class Number_or_op
    boolean flag;
    double number;
    char operator;
    Number_or_op(boolean flag1,double number1,char operator1)
    flag = flag1;
    number = number1;
    operator = operator1;
    class Expr {
    Number_or_op first;
    Expr rest;
    Expr(Number_or_op first1,Expr rest1)
    first = first1;
    rest = rest1;
    I need to make a list that looks like 1 + 3 / 4 each operator or number needs a different node.. i just cant think of how to do it and keep getting an error message everytime i do saying:
    File: D:\Documentation\ [line: 14]
    Error: D:\Documentation\ internal error; cannot instantiate Expr.<init> at Expr to ()
    I just dont know what to do

  • I need help with circular linked list

    I need help with my code. when I run it I only get the 3 showing and this is what Im supposed to ouput
    -> 9 -> 3 -> 7
    empty false
    empty false
    -> 7
    empty false
    Can someone take a look at it and tell me what I'm doing wrong. I could nto figure it out.
    Thanks.This is my code
    / A circular linked list class with a dummy tail
    public class CLL{
         CLLNode tail;
         public CLL( ){
              tail = new CLLNode(0,null); // node to be dummy tail
     = tail;
         public String toString( ){
         // fill this in. It should print in a format like
         // -> 3 -> 5 -> 7
    if(tail==null)return "( )";
    CLLNode temp =;
    String retval = "-> ";
         for(int i = 0; i < -999; i++)
    retval = (retval + temp.toString() + " ");
    temp =;
    retval+= "";}
    return retval;
         public boolean isEmpty( ){
         // fill in here
         if( == null)
              return true;
         return false;
         // insert Token tok at end of list. Old dummy becomes last real node
         // and new dummy created
         public void addAtTail(int num){
         // fill in here
         if (tail == null)
          = num;
                   CLLNode n = new CLLNode(num, null);
          = n;
                   tail = n;
         public void addAtHead(int num){
         // fill in here
         if(tail == null)
              CLLNode l = new CLLNode(num, null);
     = tail;
              tail =l;
              CLLNode l = new CLLNode(num, null);
     = l;
     = tail;
              tail = l;
         public int removeHead( ){
         // fill in here
         int num;
         if(!= null)
              tail =;
         public static void main(String args[ ]){
              CLL cll = new CLL ( );
              System.out.println("empty " + cll.isEmpty( ));
              System.out.println(cll.removeHead( ));          
              System.out.println("empty " + cll.isEmpty( ));
              System.out.println(cll.removeHead( ));          
              System.out.println("empty " + cll.isEmpty( ));
    class CLLNode{
         int data;
         CLLNode next;
         public CLLNode(int dta, CLLNode nxt){
              data = dta;
              next = nxt;

    I'm not going thru all the code to just "fix it for you". But I do see one glaringly obvious mistake:
    for(int i = 0; i < -999; i++)That says:
    1) Initialize i to 0
    2) while i is less than -999, do something
    Since it is initially 0, it will never enter that loop body.

  • Please help me :'( , I really need help in Linked List & Recursion program.

    Hi everybody..
    I hope all of you are ok..
    I'm new member in this forum and I hope anyone can help me in Linked List $ Recursion issue..
    I should write a Java program that implements a linked list of objects. This program / class will have the following methods:
    1- //print each node starting from startNode upto the end node in the list
    void writeList(Node startNode)
    2- //insert a new element to the end of the list
    void insertEnd(Object element)
    3- //Print each element statring from first element in list to the last element then start //printing each element from the last element to the first element
    void writeMirror()
    4- //delete the last node.
    void deleteEnd()
    5- //returns the number of the nodes in the list.
    int lengthList(ListNode x)
    Implement the above methods using the following restrictions:
    1- All above methods must be implemented as a recursive method.
    2- For the given linked list class, there is only a head reference
    variable, pointing the beginning of the list. Thus there is no last or
    end reference variable.
    I don't know how to write this program :'( ..
    I need your help guys and I will be so happy if anyone can do it for me ..
    The sad girl
    MaRia :(

    Any body can give me any idea any hint that may help
    me ??Hint that will help you: get a personal tutor. This is the wrong place to learn how to program. And you definitely won't learn by having your homework done for you.
    Oh, and I don't care at all that your hamster has diarrhea, your boyfriend broke up with you, both of your parents are dead and unemployed, that you have to look after your 231 siblings all by yourself and that you're forced to take this class and rather want to do something completely different.
    Heard it all before.

  • Need help on creating a linked list with array...

    I want to create a linked listed using array method. Any suggestion on how would I start it.

    That means I want to implement linked list using an
    array.I believe you mean you want to implement list using an array. Linked list is a very different implementation of a list, which can be combined with arrays for a niche implementation of list, but I don't think this is what you're talking about.
    Do you mind if we ask why you don't want to use ArrayList? It does exactly what you specify, plus it will increase the size of the internal array as necessary to ensure it can store the required elements.
    If you really want to make your own, have a look at the source for ArrayList (in src.jar in your JDK installation folder) - it will answer any questions you have. If you don't understand any of the code, feel free to post the relevant code here and ask for clarification.

  • Hi i need help with my linked list

    im having trouble with my list
    this is where i create the studentlinked list. within my constructor for my college.
    public class MyCollege {
         private int capacity;
         public MyCollege(){
              StudentLinkedList studentList = new StudentLinkedList();
         }now my problem is in my add student method
    here it is.
    at the end of the method where i add the student to the linked list (studentList.add(aStudent);)is my problem. it says that studentList cannot be resolved.
    i understand that it cant find studentList. but i am creating it.
    why isnt it working???????????????????
    public static void main(String[] args) {
              MyCollege mc1 = new MyCollege();
         public void addStudent(int i){
                   Student aStudent = new Student();
                   String name,studentNumber, programmeCode;
                   int yearBegan;
                   if(i < capacity){
                        // this defines the buffer that will hold the data to be input
                        BufferedReader theDataStream;
                        theDataStream = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
                        //enter the details of the student
                        System.out.println("Enter in the name of the student followed by their student number");
                        System.out.println("followed by the year they began in the college a and then the course code");
                        System.out.println(" hit enter after each one");
                        name = theDataStream.readLine();
                        studentNumber = theDataStream.readLine();
                        yearBegan = Integer.parseInt(theDataStream.readLine());
                        programmeCode = theDataStream.readLine();
                   }//end if
              }//end try
              catch(IOException e) {

    cheers got it striaght away
         private int capacity;
         private StudentLinkedList studentList;

  • Appending a singly linked list

    I need to append a linkList ie- add another node onto the end of a linked list. I am rather new at this and would appreciate the help, thnaks.

    Refer to java docs java.util.LinkedList class.
    If you dont have the java docs download it from the site.
    Advice: You should always have java docs at hand

  • How do I find the smallest element of a doubly linked list?

    I currently have a doubly link list, each node contains two datafields df1 and df2. I need to find the smallest of df2 contained in the list and swap it with index one - until the list is sorted.
    Any ideas on how to search a doubly linked list for the smallest element would be greatly appreciated, thanks for your help.
    ps: I have found methods for find an element in a list and tried to alter it to find smallest, but my dfs are objects and I am having difficulty with the comparison.
    thanks so much for your time.

    I have given some comments in your other thread and instead of finding the minimum in each scan, you can do "neighbour-swaps". This will sort the list in fewer scans.

  • Errors executing bulk query when updating a Sharepoint Linked List from Access

    Hi all,
    I have a Sharepoint list that is a Linked List with MS Access. It has just under 5,000 items (4,864), thus meaning it avoids the reduction in functionality lists of greater than 5,000 items have.
    Among the list are five calculated columns. These take the information from another column (different employee numbers), and by using a formula produce a clickable link to my company's Directory page, where that particular employee's info is displayed. I'm
    not sure if these five columns are relevant to my query, but I'm mentioning them in case.
    My problem is this: Frequently when I run any query on the list that updates the list, I get this error: "There were errors executing the bulk query or sending the data to the server. Reconnect the tables to resolve the
    conflicts or discard the pending changes".
    When I review the errors, it says they conflict with errors a previous user made (with that previous user being me). It frequently highlights several columns, despite the info in them being identical, and the calculated columns (with the original showing
    the value they contained and the new showing #VALUE! (as Access can't display the formulas).
    However, if I click Retry All Changes, all the update stick and everything seems fine. Why is this happening? It's proving very annoying and is really stopping the automation of my large number of queries. A list of 5000 items isn't particular big (and they've
    got roughly 100 columns, although I didn't think that was too large either, given Excel's 200+ column limit).
    Is this due to poor query design and SQL? Is this due to connectivity issues (which I doubt, as my line seems perfect)? Is this due to Access tripping over itself and not executing the update on each row in the table, but rather executing them concurrently
    and locking itself up? I'm at wit's end about it and really need to get this sorted.
    Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

    Hi amartin903,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you got an error when you used a linked list from Access.
    The table that you are updating is a linked table that does not have a primary key or a unique index. Or, the query or the form is based on a linked table that does not have a primary key or a unique index. Please add the primary key or a unique index.
    Here is a similar post, please take a look at:
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

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