Need help regarding Linked List

I'm a beginner who just spent ages working on the following code.. but need help on re-implementing the following using a linked list, i.e. no array is allowed for customer records but you still can use arrays for names, address, etc.. Hopefully I've inserted enough comments..
Help very much appreciated!! Thanks! =]
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Bank
/* Private variables declared so that the data is only accessible to its own
     class, but not to any other class, thus preventing other classes from
     referring to the data directly */
private static Customer[] customerList = new Customer[30];               
     //Array of 30 objects created for storing information of each customer
private static int noOfCustomers;                                                       
     //Integer used to store number of customers in customerList
     public static void main(String[] args)
          Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
     public static void menu()
          char choice;
          String filename;
          int custId,counter=0;
          double interestRate;
Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
          //Displaying of Program Menu for user to choose
     System.out.println("ABC Bank Customer Management System Menu");     
     System.out.println("(1) Input Data from File");
     System.out.println("(2) Display Data");
     System.out.println("(3) Output Data to File");
               System.out.println("(4) Delete Record");
               System.out.println("(5) Update Record");
     System.out.println("(Q) Quit");
               System.out.print("Enter your choice: ");
               String input =;
               choice = input.charAt(0);     
          //switch statement used to assign each 'selection' to its 'operation'               
     case '1': int noOfRecords;
                                   System.out.print("Enter file name: ");
          filename = sc.nextLine();
          noOfRecords = readFile(filename);
System.out.println(+noOfRecords+" records read.");
     case '2': displayRecords();
     case '3': writeFile();
                    case '4': System.out.print("Enter account ID to be deleted: ");
                                   custId = sc.nextInt();
                    case '5': if(counter==0)
          System.out.print("Enter current interest rate for saving account: ");
                                        interestRate = sc.nextDouble();
          System.out.println("Error: Accounts have been updated for the month.");
     }while(choice!='Q' && choice!='q');
/* The method readFile() loads the customer list of a Bank from a specified
     text file fileName into customerList to be stored as array of Customer
     objects in customerList in ascending alphabetical order according to the
     customer names */
public static int readFile(String fileName)
     int custId,i=0;
          String custName,custAddress,custBirthdate,custPhone,custAccType;
          double custBalance,curRate;
          boolean d;
/* Try block to enclose statements that might throw an exception, followed by
     the catch block to handle the exception */
               Scanner sc = new Scanner(new File(fileName));
/* gets rid of "Account", "Id" and "=" */;;;
custId = sc.nextInt();
/* checkDuplicate() is a method created to locate duplicating ids in array */
/* A return value of true indicates duplicating record and the sc.nextLine()
     will get rid of all the following lines to read the next customer's record */
/* A return value of false indicates no duplicating record and the following
     lines containing the information of that customer's record is being read
     in */
/* gets rid of "Name" and "=" and name is changed to upper case*/;;
     custName = sc.nextLine().toUpperCase();
/* sc.nextLine get rids of the following lines to read the next customer's
     record if length of name is more than 20 characters*/
System.out.println("Name of custId "+custId+" is more than 20 characters");
/* gets rid of "Address" and "=" */       ;;
     custAddress = sc.nextLine();
/* sc.nextLine get rids of the following lines to read the next customer's
     record if length of address is more than 80 characters*/                         
System.out.println("Address of custId "+custId+" is more than 80 characters");
/* gets rid of "DOB" and "=" */                          ;;
     custBirthdate = sc.nextLine();
/* sc.nextLine get rids of the following lines to read the next customer's
     record if length of date of birth is more than 10 characters*/                         
System.out.println("D.O.B of custId "+custId+" is more than 10 characters");
/* gets rid of "Phone", "Number" and "=" */                          ;;;
     custPhone = sc.nextLine();
/* sc.nextLine get rids of the following lines to read the next customer's
     record if length of phone number is more than 8 characters*/                         
System.out.println("Phone no. of custId "+custId+" is more than 8 characters");
/* gets rid of "Account", "Balance" and "=" */                          ;;;
     custBalance = sc.nextDouble();
/* gets rid of "Account", "Type" and "=" */                              
                         custAccType =;
customerList[noOfCustomers] = new Account1(custId,custName,custAddress,custBirthdate,custPhone,custBalance,custAccType);
else if(custAccType.equals("Checking"))
customerList[noOfCustomers] = new Account2(custId,custName,custAddress,custBirthdate,custPhone,custBalance,custAccType);
else if(custAccType.equals("Fixed"));;;;
                                             curRate = sc.nextDouble();
                                             Account3 temp = new Account3(custId,custName,custAddress,custBirthdate,custPhone,custBalance,custAccType,curRate);
                              System.out.println("Account type not defined.");
     System.out.println("The customer list has reached its maximum limit of 30 records!");
     return noOfCustomers;
//Exceptions to be caught
catch (FileNotFoundException e)
System.out.println("Error opening file");
catch (IOException e)
System.out.println("IO error!");
/* Bubblesort method used to sort the array in ascending alphabetical order
     according to customer's name */
          return i;
/* The method displayRecords() displays the data of the customer records on
     screen */
public static void displayRecords()
int k;
/* Displaying text using the printf() method */
     System.out.printf("Name = %s\n", customerList[k].getName());
     System.out.printf("Account Balance = %.2f\n", customerList[k].getBalance());
     System.out.printf("Account Id = %d\n", customerList[k].getId());
System.out.printf("Address = %s\n", customerList[k].getAddress());
System.out.printf("DOB = %s\n", customerList[k].getBirthdate());
System.out.printf("Phone Number = %s\n", customerList[k].getPhone());
     String type = customerList[k].getAccType();
     System.out.println("Account Type = " +type);
     System.out.println("Fixed daily interest = "+((Account3)customerList[k]).getFixed());
/* The method writeFile() saves the content from customerList into a
     specified text file. Data is printed on the screen at the same time */
public static void writeFile()
/* Try block to enclose statements that might throw an exception, followed by
the catch block to handle the exception */
int i;
          int n=0;
//PrintWriter class used to write contents of studentList to specified file
          FileWriter fwStream = new FileWriter("newCustomers.txt");
          BufferedWriter bwStream = new BufferedWriter(fwStream);
          PrintWriter pwStream = new PrintWriter(bwStream);     
     pwStream.println("Account Id = "+customerList.getId());
          pwStream.println("Name = "+customerList[i].getName());
pwStream.println("Address = "+customerList[i].getAddress());
pwStream.println("DOB = "+customerList[i].getBirthdate());
pwStream.println("Phone Number = "+customerList[i].getPhone());
          pwStream.printf("Account Balance = %.2f\n", customerList[i].getBalance());
          pwStream.println("Account Type = "+customerList[i].getAccType());
                    pwStream.println("Fixed Daily Interest = "+((Account3)customerList[i]).getFixed());
//Closure of stream
          System.out.println(+n+" records written.");
catch(IOException e)
System.out.println("IO error!");     
     //Deletes specified record from list
public static void deleteRecord(int id)
int i;
//checking if account to be deleted does not exist
System.out.println("Error: no account with the id of "+id+" found!");
          //if account exists
                         customerList[i] = customerList[i+1];
                    System.out.println("Account Id: "+id+" has been deleted");
     //Updates the accounts
public static void update(double interest)
int i,j,k;
          double custBalance,addition=0;
                    if(customerList[i] instanceof Account1)
                    else if(customerList[i] instanceof Account2)
                    else if(customerList[i] instanceof Account3)
                         System.out.println("Account type not defined");
          System.out.println("The updated balances are: \n");
System.out.printf("Name = %s\n", customerList[k].getName());
System.out.printf("Account Balance = %.2f\n", customerList[k].getBalance());
/* ================== Additional methods ==================== */     
/* Bubblesort method to sort the customerList in ascending alphabetical
     order according to customer's name */
public static void bubbleSort(Customer[] x)
int pass, index;
Customer tempValue;      
for(pass=0; pass<noOfCustomers-1; pass++)          
for(index=0; index<noOfCustomers-1; index++)
if(customerList[index].getName().compareToIgnoreCase(customerList[index+1].getName()) > 0)
tempValue = x[index];
x[index] = x[index+1];
x[index+1]= tempValue;
/* Method used to check for duplicated ids in array */     
     public static boolean checkDuplicate(int id)
          int i;
               if(id == customerList[i].getId())
System.out.println("Account Id = "+id+" already exists");
return true;
          }return false;
/* Method to seach for account id in array */
     public static int locate(int id)
          int j;
                    return j;
          return j;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class Customer
/* The following private variables are declared so that the data is only
     accessible to its own class,but not to any other class, thus preventing
     other classes from referring to the data directly */
     protected int id;               
     protected String name,address,birthdate,phone,accType;                              
     protected double balance;               
// Null constructor of Customer
     public Customer()
          id = 0;
          name = null;
          address = null;
          birthdate = null;
          phone = null;
          balance = 0;
          accType = null;
/* The following statements with the keyword this activates the Customer
     (int id, String name String address, String birthdate, String phone, double
     balance) constructor that has six parameters of account id, name, address,
     date of birth, phone number, account balance and assign the values of the
     parameters to the instance variables of the object */     
     public Customer(int id, String name, String address, String birthdate, String phone, double balance, String accType)
//this is the object reference that stores the receiver object     
 = id;
 = name;                         
          this.address = address;
          this.birthdate = birthdate;
 = phone;
          this.balance = balance;
          this.accType = accType;
/* The following get methods getId(), getName(), getAddress(), getBirthdate(),
     getPhone(), getBalance() return the values of the corresponding instance
     properties */     
     public int getId()
          return id;
     public String getName()
          return name;
     public String getAddress()
          return address;
     public String getBirthdate()
          return birthdate;
     public String getPhone()
          return phone;
     public double getBalance()
          return balance;
     public String getAccType()
          return accType;
/* The following set methods setId(), setName(), setAddress(), setBirthdate(),
     setPhone and setBalance() set the values of the corresponding instance
     properties */
     public void setId (int custId)
          id = custId;
     public void setName(String custName)
          name = custName;
     public void setAddress (String custAddress)
          address = custAddress;
     public void setBirthdate (String custBirthdate)
          birthdate = custBirthdate;
     public void setPhone (String custPhone)
          phone = custPhone;
     public void setBalance (double custBalance)
          balance = custBalance;
     public void setAccType (String custAccType)
          accType = custAccType;
class Account1 extends Customer
     public Account1(int id, String name, String address, String birthdate, String phone, double balance, String accType)
 = id;
 = name;                         
          this.address = address;
          this.birthdate = birthdate;
 = phone;
          this.balance = balance;
          this.accType = accType;
class Account2 extends Customer
     public Account2(int id, String name, String address, String birthdate, String phone, double balance, String accType)
 = id;
 = name;                         
          this.address = address;
          this.birthdate = birthdate;
 = phone;
          this.balance = balance;
          this.accType = accType;
class Account3 extends Customer
     protected double fixed=0;
     public Account3(int id, String name, String address, String birthdate, String phone, double balance, String accType, double fixed)
 = id;
 = name;                         
          this.address = address;
          this.birthdate = birthdate;
 = phone;
          this.balance = balance;
          this.accType = accType;
          this.fixed = fixed;
     public double getFixed()
          return fixed;
Example of a customers.txt
Account Id = 123
Name = Matt Damon
Address = 465 Ripley Boulevard, Oscar Mansion, Singapore 7666322
DOB = 10-10-1970
Phone Number = 790-3233
Account Balance = 405600.00
Account Type = Fixed
Fixed Daily Interest = 0.05
Account Id = 126
Name = Ben Affleck
Address = 200 Hunting Street, Singapore 784563
DOB = 25-10-1968
Phone Number = 432-4579
Account Balance = 530045.00
Account Type = Saving
Account Id = 65
Name = Salma Hayek
Address = 45 Mexican Boulevard, Hotel California, Singapore 467822
DOB = 06-04-73
Phone Number = 790-0000
Account Balance = 2345.00
Account Type = Checking
Account Id = 78
Name = Phua Chu Kang
Address = 50 PCK Avenue, Singapore 639798
DOB = 11-08-64
Phone Number = 345-6780
Account Balance = 0.00
Account Type = Checking
Account Id = 234
Name = Zoe Tay
Address = 100 Blue Eyed St, Singapore 456872
DOB = 15-02-68
Phone Number = 456-1234
Account Balance = 600.00
Account Type = Saving

1) When you post code, please use[code] and [/code] tags as described in Formatting tips on the message entry page. It makes it much easier to read.
2) Don't just post a huge pile of code and ask, "How do I make this work?" Ask a specific question, and post just enough code to demonstrate the problem you're having.
3) Don't just write a huge pile of code and then test it. Write a tiny piece, test it. Then write the piece that will work with or use the first piece. Test that by itself--without the first piece. Then put the two together and test that. Only move on to the next step after the current step produces the correct results. Continue this process until you have a complete, working program.

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    Skruf wrote:
    I know it doesn't matter what the objects represent, I just needed a way to explain.
    But a linked list is basically just a redirect to the next in the list, right?No, a linked list is a particular implementation of a list.
    Then I can't see how it's possible to make individual friend lists.No clue what problem you're having.
    People with links
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    hope this will help
    additionally you can look at this sample
    .....SAP\SAP Business One SDK\Samples\COM UI\VB.NET\06.MatrixAndDataSources

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    Here is a good link that indicate that JavaBean is not only for applets
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    Hi Shamish
    Actually you were on the right track, i think you just have to increase PSAPTEMP a bit and you will be fine. 358 MB seems just too small, i suggest you increase it to at least 2GB.
    1. what will be the difference in use of PSAPUNDO and PSAPTEMP while copy is running. ( i.e. what will be entered in PSAPUNDO and what will be filled in PSAPTEMP.)
    PSAPTEMP: is needed for large sort operations, as mentioned when you have a select with an ORDER BY clause, or if you do join two tables. During the client copy some sorting might be needed for special tables (cluster tables) where data is stored sorted.
    PSAPUNDO: undo space is only needed for DML (data manipulation), if data is changed undo is generated. This obviously is heavily the case during a client copy.
    2. the target client already has a copy taken 1 month before. so I think while importing it first delete existing data and then copies the new one.
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    Deleting the client first might help for the undo problem, but you already solved that. I cannot imagine, it will help for the PSAPTEMP issue. As i said i would just increase PSAPTEMP and restart the copy.
    One more add: if you are doing the client copy with parallel processes, this will influence your requirements on temp and undo space, because of the concurrently running processes.
    Best regards

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    " SAPinst is getting started.
    Please be patient ...
    starting gui server process:
      sapinstport: 21200
      guiport    : 21212
      guistart   : true
      command    : "C:\j2sdk1.4.2_09/bin\javaw.exe" -cp "C:/DOCUME1/ADMINI1/LOCALS1/Temp/sapinst_exe.6496.1162659801\jar\instgui.jar;C:/DOCUME1/ADMINI1/LOCALS1/Temp/sapinst_exe.6496.1162659801\jar\inqmyxml.jar" -Xmx256M -Dsun.java2d.noddraw=true SDTServer config=jar:sdtserver.xml guiport=21212 sapinsthost=localhost sapinstport=21200 guistart=true
    load resource pool G:\SAP\Softwares\IDES mySAP2005\51031898\IM_WINDOWS_I386\resourcepool.xml
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    guiengine: login in process...............................
    guiengine: login timeout; the client was unable to establish a valid connection
    Exit status of child: 1"
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    Run the sapinst.exe with the port 21212.This port 21212 is the default port used during the installation of netweaver.

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    Dear gurus.
    I need help regarding formatting of a text.
    I want to format a employee sub group text.
    im getting a text workers (7) from a table t503t having field ptext.
    i want to show only (7) in the output not the whole text how can i do this ?
    Please help

    DATA: BEGIN OF itab_odoe OCCURS 0,
      department_text LIKE t527x-orgtx,"Holds the short text for department
      department_no LIKE pernr-orgeh,
      pernr LIKE pernr-pernr,
      ename LIKE pernr-ename,
      grade like t503t-ptext,   "THIS AREA GET ME TEXT OF EMPLOYEE SUBGROUP"
    *  department_text LIKE t527x-orgtx,"Holds the short text for department
      current_year LIKE sy-datum,
      wt0001 LIKE q0008-betrg,"Basic Pay
      wt1101 LIKE q0008-betrg," COLA
      wt3002 LIKE p0015-betrg,"Overtime
      per_basic type p DECIMALS 2,"Overtime percentage on basic
      per_basic_sum type p decimals 2,"Overtime Sum Division
      overtime_sum LIKE p0015-betrg,"holds sum of overtime
      basic_sum like q0008-betrg,"holds sum of basic
    END OF itab_odoe.
    Im using the select statement to get the employee subgroup from the table
    select single ptext
        from t503t
        into itab_odoe-grade
        where persk eq pernr-persk
        AND SPRSL eq 'EN'.
    now in itab_odoe-grade the values comes is Workers (7) , Snr Mgt (M3)
    i want to show only the text in Brackets.

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    Hi Andy,
      Thanx for responding.  The input is from a text file. SDNN, SDANN,etc are  the timedomain parameters of heart rate variability.
     SDNN: the standard deviation of the NN or RR interval  i.e. the square root of variance.
    SDANN:the standard deviation of the averageNN interval calculated over short periods, usually 5 min,which is an estimate of the changes in heart rate due tocycles longer than 5 min
    SDNN index, the meanof the 5-min standard deviation of the NN intervalcalculated over 24 h,
     RMSSD: the square root ofthe mean squared differences of successive NN intervals
    NN50: the number of interval differences of successiveNN intervals greater than 50 ms, and
    pNN50 the proportionderived by dividing NN50 by the total numberof NN intervals.
    The problem is dat I am a fresher to the world of Labview. I have jus recently started working on it. Can u please suggest me some some idea as soon as possible.
      As i said  I have the ECG data in the form of text files..I need to create sort of GUI to calculate the time domain parmeters....I need help urgently. Plzzz help me if u can. If u have and .vi example to calculate the RR interval plzz send it to me ASAP.

  • Need Help Regarding  ibook

    em user of   iphone  3gs  os 6.1.6
    Yesterday  i restore ma  iphone
    after that  em  Unable  to   install    ibook in  ma iphone  its  say me that u  need  os 7 ...
    need help regarding this issue....   what i do  is there any alternative app  ...?

    Hey Seungly,
    I've realized that my computer runs fine UNLESS I turn the AirPort on to connect to the Internet. The moment I click "Turn AirPort On," the "You need to restart your computer" screen immediately pops up. Is there any connection between AirPort and my problem?
    That could very easily be the case, a bad Airport card. Look at this recent post:
    John diagnosed it from the panic log.
    Does yours say something similar?

  • Need help regarding image scanning from scanner and resizing it...

    I need help regarding scanning of image directly from scanner. Here is the scenario when the person clicks scan button on the webpage should scan the image and resize it and store it in some temp location. Is there any way i can do this. Any Help regarding this would be great!!!
    Edited by: Kalakonda on Jul 24, 2009 8:08 AM

    Kalakonda wrote:
    I need help regarding scanning of image directly from scanner. Here is the scenario when the person clicks scan button on the webpage should scan the image and resize it and store it in some temp location. Is there any way i can do this. Any Help regarding this would be great!!!So what you are doing is you have a Scanner (hardware: like an HP flatbed scanner) attached to a server that you want to use as a scanning station? Is this the senario that you are talking about?

  • Need help regarding may ipad, i cant access my ipad, need help regarding may ipad, i cant access my ipad

    need help regarding may ipad, i cant access my ipad, need help regarding may ipad, i cant access my ipad

    Can you be little more specific?

  • Hey guys need help regarding iTunes U. My school is moving for iOS and Mac in the classroom and I have been appointed Junior Administrator for the schools technical department and integrating these devices into the classroom.

    Hey guys need help regarding iTunes U. My school is moving for iOS and Mac in the classroom and I have been appointed Junior Administrator for the schools technical department and integrating these devices into the classroom.
    I have an appointment with a director on Tuesday. I want to demo iTunes U. Problem is I have never used it before and have no idea how to set it up and even if I should sign up.
    Please help any ideas regarding iTunes U and how I should direct the meeting tomorrow.
    Please please post here.

    Greetings fcit@!A,
    After reviewing your post, it sounds like you are not able to select none as your payment type. I would recommend that you read this article, it may be able to help the issue.
    Why can’t I select None when I edit my Apple ID payment information? - Apple Support
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Take care,

  • Help needed creating a linked list program

    I have been trying to create a linked list program that takes in a word and its definition and adds the word to a link list followed by the definition. i.e. java - a simple platform-independent object-oriented programming language.
    the thing is that of course words must be added and removed from the list. so i am going to use the compareTo method. Basically there a 2 problems
    1: some syntax problem which is causing my add and remove method not to be seen from the WordList class
    2: Do I HAVE to use the iterator class to go thru the list? I understand how the iterator works but i see no need for it.
    I just need to be pointed in the right direction im a little lost.................
    your help would be greatly appreciated i've been working on this over a week i dont like linked list..........
    Here are my 4 classes of code........
    * Created on November 4, 2007, 10:53 PM
    * A class Dictionary that implements the other classes.
    * @author Denis
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    * Created on November 10, 2007, 11:50 AM
    * @author Denis
    public class Dictionary {
        /** Creates a new instance of testWordList */
        public Dictionary() {
            boolean done=false;
    String in="";
    in = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Type 1 to add to Dictionary, 2 to remove from Dictionary, 3 to Print Dictionary, and 4 to Quit");
    int num = Integer.parseInt(in);
    switch (num){
    case 1:
    String toAdd = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Please Key in the Word a dash and the definition.");
    case 2:
    String toDelete = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("What would you like to remove?");
    case 3:
    for(Word e: list)
    case 4:
    System.out.println("Transaction complete.");
    done = true;
    done = true;
       }//end switch
      }//end while
    }//end Dictionary
    }//end main
    import java.util.Iterator;
    * Created on November 4, 2007, 10:40 PM
    *A class WordList that creates and maintains a linked list of words and their meanings in lexicographical order.
    * @author Denis*/
    public class WordList{
        WordNode list;
        //Iterator<WordList> i = list.iterator();
        /*public void main(String [] args)
        WordNode w =;
        String s = w.word.getWord();
        void WordList() {
          list = null;
        void add(Word b)
            WordNode temp = new WordNode(b);
            WordNode current,previous = null;
            boolean found = false;
            if(list == null)
                current = list;
                while(current != null && !found)
                        found = true;
                }//end else
            }//end try
            catch (NullPointerException e)
                System.out.println("Catch at line 46");
        }//end add
    * Created on November 4, 2007, 10:40 PM
    *A class WordNode that contains a Word object of information and a link field that will contain the address of the next WordNode.
    * @author Denis
    public class WordNode {
        Word object;//Word object of information
        WordNode next;//link field that will contain the address of the next WordNode.
        WordNode object2;
        public WordNode (WordNode wrd)
             object2 = wrd;
             next = null;
        WordNode(Word x)
            object = x;
            next = null;
        WordNode list = null;
        //WordNode list = new WordNode("z");
        Word getWord()
            return object;
        WordNode getNode()
            return next;
    import javax.swing.JOptionPane;
    * Created on November 4, 2007, 10:39 PM
    * A class Word that holds the name of a word and its meaning.
    * @author Denis
    public class Word {
        private String word = " ";
        /** Creates a new instance of Word with the definition*/
        public Word(String w) {
            word = w;
        String getWord(){
            return word;

    zoemayne wrote:
    java:26: cannot find symbol
    symbol  : method add(java.lang.String)
    location: class Dictionary
    add(toAdd);this is in the dictionary class
    generic messageThat's because there is no add(...) method in your Dictionary class: the add(...) method is in your WordList class.
    To answer your next question "+how do I add things to my list then?+": Well, you need to create an instance of your WordList class and call the add(...) method on that instance.
    Here's an example of instantiating an object and invoking a method on that instance:
    Integer i = new Integer(6); // create an instance of Integer
    System.out.println(i.toString()); // call it's toString() method and display it on the "stdout"

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