Advice wanted: adding new HD, partitions etc

Hi everyone,
Just a quick request for tips rather than a problem - my G5 is working 100% fantastic.
I've just ordered a new internal hard drive (Deskstar 500GB) for high def video and will install it in the 2nd bay to sit alongside the current 150GB disk. Question is, how should I manage the new capacity?
For example, I've currently got my iTunes library (40GB and growing) and a bunch of QT movies (70GB and growing) on an external firewire drive which I'd like to bring in somewhere.
My system disk is right now at 85GB used, 63GB free but is usually more crowded than that.
I've read that it's good to keep the system disk to maximum 80% (?) usage to allow plenty for VM.
So do I clone my current system disk to the new 500GB monster and use the resulting excess space, together with the freed up 150GB as my FCP area? Or do I perhaps make a partition just for the system on one of the discs - if so, which one would be best and how big is big enough?
Any tips gratefully received!
Dual G5 2.5Ghz, Powerbook G4 1.33Ghz, iPod 40GB   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   2GB RAM

Hi Jason;
Let me start by saying that I have usually found that partitioning a drive and then using the partitions for productive work ususally leads to lower performance because the are continually being forced to move back and forth between the partitions.
Personally if it were my system, I would leave your system where it is. If you feel that you need more space on your system disk then you can migrate your music library over to the larger disk later. It will not be necessary to partition to do that.

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    App Pool details will be persisted in the config database.
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Slalom.

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    Edited by: Sachin Thigale on Aug 23, 2010 7:04 PM
    Edited by: Sachin Thigale on Aug 23, 2010 7:05 PM

    Please search. Lot of Threads on this.
    Follow these steps.
    Go to Transaction PM01.
    2) Enter the custom Infotype number which you want to create (Should be a 4 digit number, start with 9).
    3) Select the u2018Employee Infotypeu2019 radio button.
    4) Select the u2018PS Structure Infotypeu2019.
    5) Click on Createu2026 A separate table maintenance window appearsu2026
    6) Create a PS structure with all the fields you want on the Infotype
    7) Save and Activate the PS structure
    8) Go back to the initial screen of PM01.
    9) Click on u2018Allu2019 push button. It takes a few moments.
    10) Click on u2018Technical Characteristicsu2019. Infotype list screen appears
    11) Click on u2018Changeu2019(pencil) button
    12) Select your Infotype and click on u2018Detailu2019 (magnifying glass) button
    13) Give u2018T591Au2019 as subtype table
    14) Give u2018T591Su2019 as subtype txt tab
    15) Give your subtype field as subtype field
    16) Save and come back to PM01 initial screen
    17) Click on u2018Infotype Characteristicsu2019 u2026 Infotype list screen appears
    18) Click on u2018Changeu2019 (pencil) button
    19) Click on u2018New Entriesu2019
    20) Enter your Infotype number and short text
    21) Here we have to set different Infotype Characteristics as per the requirement. (Better open another session with some standard Infotypeu2019s infotype characteristics screen and use as the reference to fill yours)
    22) Save your entries.
    23) Now the Infotype is created and ready to use.
    24) If you want to change the layout of the Infotype as per your requirementu2026
    25) In the PM01 initial screenu2026Select u2018Screenu2019 radio button and give 2000 as the screen name, then click on edit.
    26) In the next screen.. Select u2018Layout Editoru2019 and click u2018Changeu2019.
    27) Screen default layout appearsu2026here you can design/modify the screen..change the attributes of the fields..etc.
    28) Save and activate. (Donu2019t forget to u2018Activate at every level
    i think u have to select CI_INCLUDE while enhanceing the Standrad Infotype
    The above details are from the following link
    Re: How to add fields in custom infotype and update its screens

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    show me projects already created and released.Is there any solution to this

    Hi Ranjit,
    You did not specify exactly what type of new mask you are adding.  For example, maybe you simply need to modify an existing code.  You can make two changes to existing codes that have projects created.
    1.  You can extend the length of the mask to the complete 24 characters, if not already 24 characters.
    2.  You can change any 0 (numeric only) character in the mask to an X (allows alphanumeric).
    The best means to see what project codes are already in use, you should run SE16 for table PROJ and PRPS.  You want to view the fields in PROJ-PSPNR and/or PROJ-PSPID as well as PRPS-PSPNR and PRPS-POSID.  So, any project code beginning values (A, B, C, etc; 1, 2, 3, etc) displayed cannot be setup as new project codes.
    Yes, you could delete the old project codes after archiving the structures, but you also have to (or should) archive any associated financial documents.  As the previous responder stated, this is not a trivial task.
    Points appreciated....
    Kent Bettisworth

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    a new system partition blah blah blah.  I did a lot of searching around for an answer, wondering if 1TB was too big of a hard drive to do a fresh install on, whether it was formated correctly, etc...
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    couple of reboots the boot priority most likely automatically updated to reflect which hard drives were actually connected.
    Anyway, I had a hard time finding this answer, it was frustrating beyond all belief, and I wanted to make it easily available in case it helps anybody else out in the future.
    Andy Mykrantz

    Thanks for sharing the information here.
    Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread. ”

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    My question is, can server virtual machines be "hot added" to the pool group while guests are running?
    Thanks and regards,

    hosts file seems to be correct.
    Messages logs during the crash time are the following:
    Node vmserver15 = Server Pool Master, Utility Master and Server Virtual Machine
    Dec 10 12:40:02 vmserver15 kernel: vlan500: port 3(vif6.0) entering disabled state
    Dec 10 12:40:02 vmserver15 kernel: device vif6.0 left promiscuous mode
    Dec 10 12:40:02 vmserver15 kernel: type=1700 audit(1260445202.434:16): dev=vif6.0 prom=0 old_prom=256 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295
    Dec 10 12:40:02 vmserver15 kernel: vlan500: port 3(vif6.0) entering disabled state
    Dec 10 12:40:02 vmserver15 kernel: loop10: dropped 10114 extents
    Dec 10 12:40:03 vmserver15 udhcpc: udhcp client (v0.9.8) started
    Dec 10 12:40:03 vmserver15 udhcpc: Lease of obtained, lease time 172800
    Dec 10 12:40:04 vmserver15 kernel: device vif7.0 entered promiscuous mode
    Dec 10 12:40:04 vmserver15 kernel: type=1700 audit(1260445204.774:17): dev=vif7.0 prom=256 old_prom=0 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295
    Dec 10 12:40:04 vmserver15 kernel: vlan500: topology change detected, propagating
    Dec 10 12:40:04 vmserver15 kernel: vlan500: port 3(vif7.0) entering forwarding state
    Dec 10 12:40:05 vmserver15 kernel: loop10: fast redirect
    Dec 10 12:40:06 vmserver15 kernel: blkback: ring-ref 770, event-channel 9, protocol 1 (x86_32-abi)
    Dec 10 12:53:35 vmserver15 kernel: o2net: no longer connected to node (num 1) at
    Dec 10 12:53:36 vmserver15 kernel: (4989,0):o2hb_do_disk_heartbeat:776 ERROR: Device "sdb1": another node is heartbeating in our slot!
    Dec 10 12:53:37 vmserver15 kernel: o2net: accepted connection from node (num 1) at
    Dec 10 12:53:38 vmserver15 kernel: (4989,0):o2hb_do_disk_heartbeat:776 ERROR: Device "sdb1": another node is heartbeating in our slot!
    Dec 10 12:53:50 vmserver15 last message repeated 6 times
    Dec 10 12:53:51 vmserver15 kernel: o2net: no longer connected to node (num 1) at
    Dec 10 12:53:52 vmserver15 kernel: (4989,0):o2hb_do_disk_heartbeat:776 ERROR: Device "sdb1": another node is heartbeating in our slot!
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver15 kernel: o2net: accepted connection from node (num 1) at
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,0):dlm_send_remote_convert_request:393 ERROR: dlm status = DLM_IVLOCKID+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,0):dlmconvert_remote:327 ERROR: dlm status = DLM_IVLOCKID+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,0):ocfs2_cluster_lock:1206 ERROR: DLM error DLM_IVLOCKID while calling dlmlock on resource M000000000000000001050c00000000: bad lockid+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,0):ocfs2_inode_lock_full:2064 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,0):ocfs2_inode_lock_atime:2193 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,0):__ocfs2_file_aio_read:2434 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,0):dlm_send_remote_convert_request:393 ERROR: dlm status = DLM_IVLOCKID+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,0):dlmconvert_remote:327 ERROR: dlm status = DLM_IVLOCKID+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,0):ocfs2_cluster_lock:1206 ERROR: DLM error DLM_IVLOCKID while calling dlmlock on resource M000000000000000001050c00000000: bad lockid+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,0):ocfs2_inode_lock_full:2064 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,0):ocfs2_write_begin:1845 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,0):ocfs2_file_buffered_write:2016 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,0):__ocfs2_file_aio_write:2173 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):dlm_send_remote_convert_request:393 ERROR: dlm status = DLM_IVLOCKID+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):dlmconvert_remote:327 ERROR: dlm status = DLM_IVLOCKID+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):ocfs2_cluster_lock:1206 ERROR: DLM error DLM_IVLOCKID while calling dlmlock on resource M000000000000000000020744c1370e: bad lockid+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):ocfs2_inode_lock_full:2064 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):ocfs2_reserve_suballoc_bits:449 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):ocfs2_reserve_cluster_bitmap_bits:682 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):ocfs2_local_alloc_reserve_for_window:930 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):ocfs2_local_alloc_slide_window:1063 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):ocfs2_reserve_local_alloc_bits:537 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):__ocfs2_reserve_clusters:725 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):ocfs2_lock_allocators:677 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):ocfs2_write_begin_nolock:1751 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):ocfs2_write_begin:1861 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):ocfs2_file_buffered_write:2016 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: (7923,0):__ocfs2_file_aio_write:2173 ERROR: status = -22+
    Dec 10 12:53:58 vmserver15 kernel: loop: Write error at byte offset 37644512256, length 4096.+
    . <the above bold and cursive text is repetead few times>
    Dec 10 12:58:29 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,3):dlmconvert_remote:327 ERROR: dlm status = DLM_IVLOCKID
    Dec 10 12:58:29 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,3):ocfs2_cluster_lock:1206 ERROR: DLM error DLM_IVLOCKID while calling dlmlock on resource M000000000000000001050c00000000: bad lockid
    Dec 10 12:58:29 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,3):ocfs2_inode_lock_full:2064 ERROR: status = -22
    Dec 10 12:58:29 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,3):ocfs2_write_begin:1845 ERROR: status = -22
    Dec 10 12:58:29 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,3):ocfs2_file_buffered_write:2016 ERROR: status = -22
    Dec 10 12:58:29 vmserver15 kernel: (5638,3):__ocfs2_file_aio_write:2173 ERROR: status = -22
    Dec 10 13:01:16 vmserver15 syslogd 1.4.1: restart.
    Node vmserver10: Virtual Server Machine
    Dec 10 12:53:35 vmserver10 kernel: o2net: no longer connected to node (num 0) at
    Dec 10 12:53:35 vmserver10 kernel: (5029,0):ocfs2_dlm_eviction_cb:98 device (8,17): dlm has evicted node 0
    Dec 10 12:53:35 vmserver10 kernel: (20996,0):dlm_get_lock_resource:844 E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B:M000000000000000000022044c1370e: at least one node (0) to recover before lock mastery can begin
    Dec 10 12:53:36 vmserver10 kernel: (5344,4):dlm_get_lock_resource:844 E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B:$RECOVERY: at least one node (0) to recover before lock mastery can begin
    Dec 10 12:53:36 vmserver10 kernel: (5344,4):dlm_get_lock_resource:878 E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B: recovery map is not empty, but must master $RECOVERY lock now
    Dec 10 12:53:36 vmserver10 kernel: (5344,4):dlm_do_recovery:524 (5344) Node 1 is the Recovery Master for the Dead Node 0 for Domain E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B
    Dec 10 12:53:36 vmserver10 kernel: (20996,0):ocfs2_replay_journal:1183 Recovering node 0 from slot 0 on device (8,17)
    Dec 10 12:53:37 vmserver10 kernel: o2net: connected to node (num 0) at
    Dec 10 12:53:38 vmserver10 kernel: (8672,1):dlm_get_lock_resource:844 ovm:$RECOVERY: at least one node (0) to recover before lock mastery can begin
    Dec 10 12:53:38 vmserver10 kernel: (8672,1):dlm_get_lock_resource:878 ovm: recovery map is not empty, but must master $RECOVERY lock now
    Dec 10 12:53:38 vmserver10 kernel: (8672,1):dlm_do_recovery:524 (8672) Node 1 is the Recovery Master for the Dead Node 0 for Domain ovm
    Dec 10 12:53:40 vmserver10 kernel: kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
    Dec 10 12:53:51 vmserver10 kernel: o2net: no longer connected to node (num 0) at
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver10 kernel: o2net: connected to node (num 0) at
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver10 kernel: (3761,0):dlm_convert_lock_handler:489 ERROR: did not find lock to convert on grant queue! cookie=0:92+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver10 kernel: lockres: M000000000000000001050c0000000, owner=1, state=0+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver10 kernel:   last used: 0, refcnt: 3, on purge list: no+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver10 kernel:   on dirty list: no, on reco list: no, migrating pending: no+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver10 kernel:   inflight locks: 0, asts reserved: 0+
    *Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver10 kernel:   refmap nodes: [ ], inflight=0*+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver10 kernel:   granted queue:+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver10 kernel:     type=5, conv=-1, node=1, cookie=1:243, ref=2, ast=(empty=y,pend=n), bast=(empty=y,pend=n), pending=(conv=n,lock=n,cancel=n,unlock=n)+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver10 kernel:   converting queue:+
    Dec 10 12:53:53 vmserver10 kernel:   blocked queue:+
    . <the above bold and cursive text is repetead few times>
    Dec 10 12:57:18 vmserver10 modprobe: FATAL: Module ocfs2_stackglue not found.
    Dec 10 12:57:18 vmserver10 kernel: (3761,0):dlm_convert_lock_handler:489 ERROR: did not find lock to convert on grant queue! cookie=0:92+
    Dec 10 12:57:18 vmserver10 kernel: lockres: M000000000000000001050c0000000, owner=1, state=0+
    Dec 10 12:57:18 vmserver10 kernel:   last used: 0, refcnt: 3, on purge list: no+
    Dec 10 12:57:18 vmserver10 kernel:   on dirty list: no, on reco list: no, migrating pending: no+
    Dec 10 12:57:18 vmserver10 kernel:   inflight locks: 0, asts reserved: 0+
    *Dec 10 12:57:18 vmserver10 kernel:   refmap nodes: [ ], inflight=0*+
    Dec 10 12:57:18 vmserver10 kernel:   granted queue:+
    Dec 10 12:57:18 vmserver10 kernel:     type=5, conv=-1, node=1, cookie=1:243, ref=2, ast=(empty=y,pend=n), bast=(empty=y,pend=n), pending=(conv=n,lock=n,cancel=n,unlock=n)+
    Dec 10 12:57:18 vmserver10 kernel:   converting queue:+
    Dec 10 12:57:18 vmserver10 kernel:   blocked queue:+
    . <the above bold and cursive text is repetead few times>
    Dec 10 12:58:32 vmserver10 kernel: (3761,0):dlm_unlock_lock_handler:511 ERROR: failed to find lock to unlock! cookie=0:1849
    Dec 10 12:58:33 vmserver10 modprobe: FATAL: Module ocfs2_stackglue not found.
    Dec 10 12:59:02 vmserver10 kernel: o2net: connection to node (num 0) at has been idle for 30.0 seconds, shutting it down.
    Dec 10 12:59:02 vmserver10 kernel: (0,0):o2net_idle_timer:1503 here are some times that might help debug the situation: (tmr 1260446312.830107 now 1260446342.828243 dr 1260446312.830066 adv 1260446312.830319:1260446312.830320 func (b9f5fd13:506) 1260446312.830109:1260446312.830303)
    Dec 10 12:59:02 vmserver10 kernel: o2net: no longer connected to node (num 0) at
    Dec 10 12:59:32 vmserver10 kernel: (3761,0):o2net_connect_expired:1664 ERROR: no connection established with node 0 after 30.0 seconds, giving up and returning errors.
    Dec 10 13:01:42 vmserver10 kernel: o2net: connected to node (num 0) at
    Dec 10 13:01:45 vmserver10 kernel: ocfs2_dlm: Node 0 joins domain E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B
    Dec 10 13:01:45 vmserver10 kernel: ocfs2_dlm: Nodes in domain ("E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B"): 0 1
    Dec 10 13:01:51 vmserver10 kernel: o2net: accepted connection from node (num 2) at
    Dec 10 13:01:56 vmserver10 kernel: ocfs2_dlm: Node 2 joins domain E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B
    Dec 10 13:01:56 vmserver10 kernel: ocfs2_dlm: Nodes in domain ("E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B"): 0 1 2
    Dec 10 13:09:05 vmserver10 modprobe: FATAL: Module ocfs2_stackglue not found.
    Dec 10 13:16:45 vmserver10 kernel: o2net: connection to node (num 2) at has been idle for 30.0 seconds, shutting it down.
    Dec 10 13:16:45 vmserver10 kernel: (0,0):o2net_idle_timer:1503 here are some times that might help debug the situation: (tmr 1260447375.655426 now 1260447405.655712 dr 1260447375.655413 adv 1260447375.655427:1260447375.655427 func (b9f5fd13:503) 1260446516.75600:1260446516.75608)
    Dec 10 13:16:45 vmserver10 kernel: o2net: no longer connected to node (num 2) at
    Dec 10 13:17:15 vmserver10 kernel: (3761,0):o2net_connect_expired:1664 ERROR: no connection established with node 2 after 30.0 seconds, giving up and returning errors.
    Dec 10 13:17:19 vmserver10 kernel: (5029,0):ocfs2_dlm_eviction_cb:98 device (8,17): dlm has evicted node 2
    Dec 10 13:17:20 vmserver10 kernel: (3761,0):ocfs2_dlm_eviction_cb:98 device (8,17): dlm has evicted node 2
    Dec 10 13:29:05 vmserver10 kernel: o2net: no longer connected to node (num 0) at
    Dec 10 13:29:05 vmserver10 kernel: (5029,0):ocfs2_dlm_eviction_cb:98 device (8,17): dlm has evicted node 0
    Dec 10 13:29:06 vmserver10 kernel: (5344,4):dlm_get_lock_resource:844 E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B:$RECOVERY: at least one node (0) to recover before lock mastery can begin
    Dec 10 13:29:06 vmserver10 kernel: (5344,4):dlm_get_lock_resource:878 E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B: recovery map is not empty, but must master $RECOVERY lock now
    Dec 10 13:29:06 vmserver10 kernel: (5344,4):dlm_do_recovery:524 (5344) Node 1 is the Recovery Master for the Dead Node 0 for Domain E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B
    Dec 10 13:29:06 vmserver10 kernel: (28412,0):ocfs2_replay_journal:1183 Recovering node 0 from slot 0 on device (8,17)
    Dec 10 13:29:09 vmserver10 kernel: kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
    Dec 10 13:29:16 vmserver10 kernel: o2net: accepted connection from node (num 2) at
    Dec 10 13:29:20 vmserver10 kernel: ocfs2_dlm: Node 2 joins domain E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B
    Dec 10 13:29:20 vmserver10 kernel: ocfs2_dlm: Nodes in domain ("E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B"): 1 2
    Dec 10 13:32:08 vmserver10 kernel: o2net: connected to node (num 0) at
    Dec 10 13:32:11 vmserver10 kernel: ocfs2_dlm: Node 0 joins domain E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B
    Dec 10 13:32:11 vmserver10 kernel: ocfs2_dlm: Nodes in domain ("E3FE9E5767CA457FA697980EB637E93B"): 0 1 2
    Dec 10 13:36:10 vmserver10 shutdown[28681]: shutting down for system reboot+
    I will investigate what seems to be going on and post it here.
    Thanks for your help.
    Edited by: Marc Caubet on 11-Dec-2009 02:05
    Edited by: Marc Caubet on 11-Dec-2009 02:07

  • GParted - Resizing boot partition etc.

    This is what my partitions currently look like:
    I'm aiming to have my 'Archroot' partition resized to soak up the ~25GB before it and to have my Archhome partition soak up the 26GB after the swap parition.
    The first problem I'm having is that when I went to resize/move the Archroot partition into that space the Gparted gave me warning about me possibly losing data/losing the ability to boot since this partition contains my grub stuff.
    The second problem is the fact that my Archhome resize would have to involve removing the swap partition and replacing it again at the end of then newly resized Archhome position. Is it okay to do this?
    Also note that the Archroot and Archhome partitions have reasonably important work on them and I don't want to lose any of it.
    Thanks in advance,

    hugecannon wrote:The first problem I'm having is that when I went to resize/move the Archroot partition into that space the Gparted gave me warning about me possibly losing data/losing the ability to boot since this partition contains my grub stuff.
    Gparted always pops up warnings like that before it resizes stuff. Personally, I have never lost anything from resizing, but there is always a chance of that happening. I strongly suggest backing up important directories (like /etc and /home) before you do this, just because everyone should back up stuff. You'll thank me later when your disk drives crash.
    hugecannon wrote:The second problem is the fact that my Archhome resize would have to involve removing the swap partition and replacing it again at the end of then newly resized Archhome position. Is it okay to do this?
    Deleting swap and making it again later is totally fine, but you will have to do two things: first, type
    swapoff -a
    This will turn off your swap partition to make sure you aren't using it before you delete it. When you are done making the new swap partition, you will need to edit your /etc/fstab for the swap partition's new location ( /dev/sdbn ). Then just type
    swapon -a
    and you'll be good to go.

  • Would love some advice on a new purchase . . .

    I want to buy a new laptop. I currently have a 2001 PowerPC G4. 500MHz with 640 RAM. I'd love some advice on a new purchase. Sorry if this gets long-winded.
    These are my desires:
    (1) A serious upgrade in speed, into the Giga world. I work for a law firm, and I do a lot of research. Lexis-nexis seems to put a serious strain on my G4. I see some of the new models are over 2 gigs. I've read that 2 gigs is not 4x faster than 500Mhz, in the linear sense. Will going from 500 to 2 gigs nevertheless be substantially noticeable.
    (2) More memory. In the near future, my employer is going to give its attorneys outside access to our email system and hard drive files. It would seem to me that I'll need to clear as much memory to make room for that. It look like most of the new models have a max space of 2 Ghz. That's more than 3 times the space i currently have. I'd like to think more memory will make my OS run more smoothly. If that's true, I wouldn't mind spending more money to get the biggest memory chip.
    (3) I do a lot of word processing. I grew up on Macs (California girl), but I gave up on AppleWorks a couple years ago. I hated it. I purchased Word:Mac and have been very happy with it. Nevertheless, Word:Mac slows me down. Again, that seems to be consistent with the whole need for more speed and memory.
    (4) I want wireless connectivity. I assume new Macs come with this capability (Airport?), but I'm not sure if I'll need an upgrade during the buying process. And I really have no idea how buying the airport hardware/software impacts my need what I have to but from my ISP (my cable company).
    (5) The 15 inch seems like a nicer upgrade; 17 would be nicer, but I don't need it.
    (6) I really don't want to spend more than $2500.00. But I'll spend a little more if it makes sense.
    (7) Protection. I've read that Tiger is substantially safer than other OS's. That said, if someone could infect/corrupt/whatever my files (or access client files), that would be a disaster. I've read that Norton slows your down and is unecessary with Tiger.
    There's a lot of pretty cool things Mac offers that I DON'T use. Like making movies or the isight stuff. I'm mainly a girl who is either writing, researching, emailing, or reading stuff online.
    I'd love some advice. Some of the stuff I've read online has left me with too many questions.

    (1) Comparing clock speeds isn't a good way to compare processors. That said, because of various architecture changes, the MBP is probably a solid 8-10 times faster than your G4 system.
    (2) Definately max out the RAM. My advice is to get the stock, single 1GB stick from Apple, and then head over to Crucial and buy yourself another stick. It's fairly easy to install, and Apple gives you a step by step guide on the MBP manual. You could have Apple pop in another stick, but it'll cost you more than double what you'll pay by going with Crucial ($300 vs. $135)
    (3) Office:Mac will work just fine on your MBP. It might be a little slow to open when you first boot up (6, 7, 8 bounces on the dock), but after that everything starts right up. It should make too much of a difference, but since Office is running through emulation the 2GB will help.
    (4) The wirless in an MBP is the same as in every other computer: 802.11B/G compatible. It'll work with any router out there; no need to go out and buy an AirPort router from Apple if you already have one. Then again, at $200, I don't know that I'd ever buy an AirPort. A plain old Linksys for $50 should work just fine...assuming you even need a router.
    (5) You said it. The 15" is nice, but the 17" is nicer. The 17" has a few other goodies (a few extra USB ports, a FireWire800 port, an extra FireWire400 port), but unless you have a ton of devices you're plugging in, or an external hard drive you're constantly reading from/writing to, they're a non-factor. If you wanna save some money, go with the 15"; if you wanna live a little, the 17".
    (6) On the laptop itself, that shouldn't be a problem. You can get yourself a nice 15" with AppleCare for right around what you're looking to spend. Of course, depending on what addons and software you get (MS Office, a bag, mouse, etc.), you're probably looking at closer to $3000.
    (7) You hit it right on the head. There's really not much you need to do. Turn on the firewall built into OS X; make sure your router is secure (MAC address filtering, strong pass code, WPA2 encryption); and make sure you change your passwords every so often (every month or two should be more than sufficient). While it's not entirely necessary, based on your line of work it, it would probably be wise to get yourself an external hard drive (HDD) onto which you can backup your files. A MyBook from Western Digital wouldn't be a bad idea. If you go with the 17", get the Pro edition for higher speeds with FireWire 800. If you go with the 15", get the Premium. And, to save some money, buy through
    Some suggestions on what you should get to compliment your MBP:
    The first is a nice bag to carry it in. I personally like Marware's black italian leather CEO Milano. But if you're not into leather or don't want to spend that kind of money (why money would be a problem when buying a $3000 computer, I don't know...), then check out Brenthaven. They have some quality bags with plenty of storage for all your gadgets and whatnot.
    The second thing you needs is AppleCare. While I personally find it ridiculous that a person who just bought a $3000 computer doesn't get at least a years worth of tech support, AppleCare is well worth the money. It extends your tech over the phone tech support from 90 days to 3 years and your warranty from 1 year to 3.
    Apple's tech support is second to none (and they actually speak english ), and the extended warranty is a must. The best part of all is being able to take your computer to the Genius Bar in an Apple store. There's nothing quite like being able to walk into a store and have a living, breathing person help you. No crappy music while your put on hold, no having follow directions over a phone... you just give your Mac to a genius and let them do all the work.
    If for whatever reason you're unsure about getting AppleCare, you don't have to buy it right now. So long as you buy it and register your MBP within the initial warranty period (1 year), you're all set. So, feel free to try out AppleCare under your current warranty before you drop $300 or so on the extended AppleCare.
    The final thing that I recommend you buy, especially if you plan on having this baby on your lap, is a cooler. That is, a laptop tray with fans to provide some extra cooling capacity. Your MBP (or any other laptop/portable, for that matter) sits on top of, or attaches to, the cooler and provides power to the fans via USB cable. I don't know that you'll be getting any burns if you use this thing on your lap without a cooler (or any kind of tray, for that matter), but it certainly isn't comfortable.
    As for particular brands/models, I can't really give you one. These things are put out by a lot of smaller companies, and come in so many different variations that it's hard to keep track of. For example, the website I bought mine from no longer exists and I've yet to see anything else that quite resembles what I have. That's not to say these things aren't quality, but don't go looking for something from a name brand company. All I can say to do is search on Google or Froogle for laptop cooler. On the bright side, you'll find plenty of coolers to choose from and you'll have something totally unique.
    Well, that covers the three musts. There other various things that you may or may not like...maybe a Marware protection pack or a mouse...but it's really a matter of preference from here on out. Personally, the only other thing I'm getting is a mouse. I've never been a fan of trackpads. I much prefer using a mouse, especially if I'm at a desk writing a paper or doing research. But that's just me...
    Anyway, I hope this helps. Good luck, and enjoy your MBP!
    MBP: 17" Matte; 7200rpm 100GB HDD; 2gig RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

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