Af:table: copy values of currently selected row to other attribute bindings

I'm using JDev 11g.
Copying a value from one attribute value binding to another one is easy when you are clicking a button, with a setActionListener:
<af:setActionListener from="#{bindings.SourceField.inputValue}" to="#{bindings.DestinationField.inputValue}"/>What I want to do is the same behaviour, but instead of clicking a button, the triggering event should be the selection of a row on an af:table. The source field is a column of the currently selected row. The destination is another attribute value binding outside of the table.
<af:table value="#{bindings.EmployeesView1.collectionModel}" var="row">
  <af:column ... >
    <af:inputText value="#{row.bindings.SourceField.inputValue}" ... />
<af:inputText ... value="#{bindings.DestinationField.inputValue}" />
...Page Def:
  <tree IterBinding="EmployeesView1Iterator" id="EmployeesView1">
    <nodeDefinition ... >
        <Item Value="SourceField"/>
  <attributeValues IterBinding="EmployeesView1Iterator" id="SourceField">
      <Item Value="SourceField"/>
  <attributeValues IterBinding="SomeOtherIterator" id="DestinationField">
      <Item Value="DestinationField"/>
</bindings>What needs to happen in this simplified case is everytime a row is selected in the table, the value of the SourceField column (that also has an attribute value binding) should be copied to the DestinationField of some other iterator. Analogous to the setActionListener, but without a button. And in the real case, there are more columns of the selected row that need to be copied to more fields.
How can this be done? I already created a custom selectionListener for the table in a backing bean. In this selectionListener, the first thing I do is call the default "#{bindings.EmployeesView1.collectionModel.makeCurrent}". Then I fetch the current row, which is also no problem. So I now have access to the value of SourceField in my selectionListener in the backing bean. The only thing that is left now is copying this value to the "#{bindings.DestinationField.inputValue}" in Java, and that's where I'm stuck. :-)
Or even better ofcourse, is there a declarative way to do this without Java code?
Help would be greatly appreciated!

Hi Chris,
You should be able to use this utility method from JSFUtils class (part of FOD)
    public static void setExpressionValue(String expression, Object newValue) {
        FacesContext facesContext = getFacesContext();
        Application app = facesContext.getApplication();
        ExpressionFactory elFactory = app.getExpressionFactory();
        ELContext elContext = facesContext.getELContext();
        ValueExpression valueExp =
            elFactory.createValueExpression(elContext, expression,
        //Check that the input newValue can be cast to the property type
        //expected by the managed bean.
        //If the managed Bean expects a primitive we rely on Auto-Unboxing
        Class bindClass = valueExp.getType(elContext);
        if (bindClass.isPrimitive() || bindClass.isInstance(newValue)) {
            valueExp.setValue(elContext, newValue);
    }edit... just realized you need this too
    public static FacesContext getFacesContext() {
        return FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

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    It's relatively simple to achieve this&mdash;without JavaScript&mdash;using a named column report template and CSS:
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      <td class="t17data">#4#</td>
      <td class="t17data">#2#</td>
      <td class="t17data">#3#</td>
    </tr>We then just need to use the selected P27_DEPTNO value via substitution in a page HTML Header to create a descendant selector that will apply a highlight to the cells in the currently selected row (along with some others to make it easier to select the row):
    <style type="text/css">
    /* Make the whole table cell a link target */
    #department td {
      padding: 0;
    #department td a:link {
      display: block;
      padding: 2px 8px;
    /* Universal Selector sucks */
      font-size: 9pt;
    /* Highlight the selected row */
    #department tr#dept-&P27_DEPTNO. td {
      background-color: #eee;

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                   controlRendering = "SAP" >
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                             table          = "<%= pa_tab_scarr %>"
                             headerText     = "Table SCARR"
                             headerVisible  = "TRUE"
                             width          = "100%"
                             selectionMode  = "SINGLESELECT"
                             onRowSelection = "select" >
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                          text    = "Go"
                          onClick = "button_go" />
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    IF event_id = 'htmlb'.
      event = cl_htmlb_manager=>get_event( runtime->server->request ).
      CASE event->server_event.
        WHEN 'button_go'.
          tv ?= cl_htmlb_manager=>get_data( request = request
                                            name    = 'tableView'
                                            id      = 'tableview_scarr' ).
          IF tv IS NOT INITIAL.
            table_event = tv->data.
            selected_row_index = table_event->selectedrowindex.
            cell_value = table_event->get_cell_value(
                row_index    = selected_row_index
                column_index = 1 ).
    What is wrong and what is the best way to get the selected data at this moment?

    In your code....
         <htmlb:button id      = "button_go"
                          text    = "Go"
                          onClick = "button_go" />
         <htmlb:button id      = "button_go"
                          text    = "Go"
                          onClick = "onInputProcessing" />
    Also you are not getting the <b>selectedRowIndextable</b>.That might also be the problem...
    <b><i>Do reward each useful answer..!</i></b>

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    check this code
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              lv_index type i.
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    Say your analysis item has 0material as one of the characteristics and say you can bind the material value on the selected line item to variable 'ZMAT' when the user clicks on a button. In the data binding section of the comand you want to perform when button is clicked you will make the fillowing settings:
    Variable - ZMAT
    Variable Type - 'SELECTION_BINDING
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    just get this code empTable is the table binding
                    RowKeySet rks = new RowKeySetImpl(); 
                    CollectionModel model = (CollectionModel)empTable.getValue(); 
          RowKeySet selectedRowKeys = empTable.getSelectedRowKeys();
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    AFAIK, dataProvider is not supported on ADF BC, hence the error.
    If you have created ADF Read only table and form from the same data control you just need to refresh the form based on table selection to show up the selected record, to do which you just need to add partialTriggers property to the panelFormLayout and set its value to the id of table

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    processComponentEvents(DataActionContext actionContext);
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    Good Morning Jeffery,
    First off thanks for your clear explanation. I have a few related questions as noted from your response:
    There are two ways to communicate the desired model row between the UIX view and the struts controller. One way is to use the singleSelection component in your table and put your buttons in the singleSelection's contents.
    When the user selects the radio button for a particular row and then clicks on one the buttons, a built in event handler in UIX will set the current row in the model to be the user selected row. Therefore, your Struts action can operate on the currently selected model row.
    When you drop a UIX table from the data control palette it is automatically set up in this way (with a single selection).
    Ok, Lets say that i've set everything up as you described. Not lets say that the button was pressed and I hit the overriddenprotected void processComponentEvents(DataActionContext actionContext) throws IOException, ServletException ;
    When I look at the request object, I do not see the values. How do I get access to the rowkey at this point?
    Some people, however, want to actually render buttons in their table rows, and have those buttons initiate an action on their row. If you are doing this, then you need to pass the row id to your struts action as a parameter, which means that you need to know the row id when you are rendering a button for a given row. There is an EL expression that will return the row-id for the current row, it is:
    which is not so obvious or well documented in the preview release (sorry) but should be for the production release.
    A generic code snippet would go a long way to shedding some light on that. I guess I am use to using JDeveloper 9.0.3. It seems,"to me", that JDev 9.0.5 has put a completely new twist on things. I find myself wondering when I can use the 9.0.3 syntax and when
    should not. If your team has any short source toys around which demonstrated using rowkeys, or accessing the internal parts of the
    struts controller, I would find that invaluable. It dose not matter if this information is documented.
    Thank you

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    My goal:  to extract the data from 4 fields in a datasheet row and place them in another form.
    My problem:  I can only get the field values from the first row of the datasheet.
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    Thank you.
    Marj Weir

    It's generally considered good forum etiquette to post back a description of the solution which you've reached.
    The normal control for a multi-valued field is a combo box rather than a text box, but unless it is necessary for you to use a  multi-valued field, i.e. your database is interfacing with SharePoint in the very limited context in which this feature is necessary,
    I'd advise that you model the many-to-many relationship type in the time-honoured way by means of a table which resolves the relationship type into two one-to-many relationship types, and use a subform to show the data.  You can alternatively use a multi-select
    list box or a text box which shows a value list.  You'll find examples of all three methods in in my public databases folder at:!169
    If you have difficulty opening the link copy its text (NB, not the link location) and paste it into your browser's address bar.
    Ken Sheridan, Stafford, England

  • How to get column value of a selected row of ALV

    Hello ,
    I have application POWL POWL_UI_COMP uses  another component  POWL_TABLE_COMP.
    I want to select value of ORDER id and it need to be passed whenever user selects a display order button(Which is self defined function generated in POWL_TABLE_COMP) . I am calling a display order on action of this display button(
    ORDERID is one column value of selected row of ALV table.
    So please can you suggest , how to read ORDERID and pass it to the self defined function..
    thanks in advance,

    I have plcaed this code in event handler of  on_lead_select.
    Its giving error  the element doesnt exist. 
    static_attributes should give me row data but it's giving short dump saying
    Pl can you suggest.
    data:   set_of_element type WDR_CONTEXT_ELEMENT_SET,
            element1 type ref to IF_WD_CONTEXT_ELEMENT,
            result type POWL_CRESULT_STY,
            table_helper type ref to CL_POWL_TABLE_HELPER,
          context_node type ref to IF_WD_CONTEXT_NODE,
           lt_selected_elements TYPE wdr_context_element_set,
           static_attributes type ref to data.
      table_helper = wd_comp_controller->mr_table_helper.
      context_node = table_helper->get_data_node( ).
      context_node = wd_comp_controller->mr_table_helper->get_data_node( ).
      context_node->get_static_attributes( exporting index = r_param->index
                                          importing static_attributes = static_attributes ).

  • How can I get the values of the selected row in the report?

    Hi All:
    I have a dynamic query(lexical parameters)that columns are selected at the run time. And depend on the values, I'd like to do another query just for certain row. For example, when I double click on the fifth column of the fifth row. I'd like to collect all the column values of this fifth row. I think It likes drill-down report, but I don't need a detail report. I just want a string of the combination column's values. Would you please help?
    Thanks, in advances, for your help.

    I got it.

  • Value of currently selected tree node

    Hi there,
    I'm new to Apex(4.1.1) and i'm having a little problem.
    I got 2 Pages. The frist one consists of a treeregion and a submit button.
    The Second one is a Report.
    I want to create a workflow, that the user selects a treenode and presses submit. Then he'll be redirected to the reportspage,
    wich will show him a report depending on the treenode he selected on the first Page.
    I have no idea how i can read the value of the selected treenode.
    I hope you can help me.

    Hi Frederic,
    To obtain the value of the selected tree node, you can make use of the "Selected Page Node Item" attribute on the Tree Attributes page. Just create an item on your page, and set the "Selected Page Node Item" to that new page item. Then populate that item via the LINK parameter of your tree query. For an example, take a look at the following: , where I'm setting my page item P6_SELECTED_NODE to the value of the node selected on the first tree i.e. empno. Your report query would need to reference the "Selected Page Node Item", to ensure that it displays information related to the selected tree node.
    I hope this helps.

  • Copy values from one Parent node to other Parent Node

    Hi all,
    I have a 2 Parent node each having 3 child nodes. I want to copy the values of all the attributes of all the child nodes of one Parent Node to corresponding other node.
    Both the Parent Nodes as well as their Child Nodes have different name but their attributes have same name.For ex:
    Parent Node -A
    Child Nodes - a, b,c
    Child Node "a" has attributes "x" and "y"
    Parent Node -B
    Child Nodes - d,e,f
    Child Node "d" has attributes "x" and "y" .
    Now I want to copy the values od attributes "x" and "y" from one Parent Node to other Parent node.
    Please help me out.
    Helpful answers will be rewarded.
    Thanxs in advance...

    Hi Jin,
    To use copy service API, u need to satisfy 2 condition for the attributes of source node and target node:
    1. The name of the attribute should be same (including the case of the name)- Abc is different from ABC
    2. Type of the attribute should also be the same.
    copy elements works for copying values from Model node to context and does not work vice-versa. To enable the copying of context node to model node, use copycorresponding API.
    int contextNodeSize = wdContext().node<contextNodeName>().size();
    for(int i = 0; i < contextNodeSize; i++)
         <modelNodeName> modelObject = new <modelNodeName>();
         <contextNodeName>Element contextObject = wdContext().node<contextNodeName>().get<contextNodeName>ElementAt(i);
         WDCopyService.copyCorresponding(contextObject, modelObject);
    This will copy the values from Context Node to Model Node.
    Hope this helps you.
    Poojith MV

  • Get the value from a selected row in a table

    Hi all,
    My table contains a tree structure.
    When I select a single row, I need to get the value of a particular column.
    I created an action on the leadSelect of the table and gave the following code:
    public void onActionleadValue( wdEvent )
        //@@begin onActionleadValue(ServerEvent)
        String strLeadValue = wdContext.nodeAttribute_View_Out().currentAttribute_View_OutElement().getAttributeAsText("<MyModelAttributename>");
        wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportSuccess("selected lead value "+strLeadValue);
    My Bapi returns me 6 records. and when I click on any row its always pointing to the last record value.
    What could be the problem?

    Hi Anjana,
    Try this.
         IWDMessageManager msg = wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager();
         int leadselect = wdContext.nodeSChild1().getLeadSelection();
          for(int i=0;i<wdContext.nodeSChild1().size();i++)
              if(leadselect == i)
              //Displaying output in diff table
    //           IPublicTestComp.ITableNodeElement tabelm = wdContext.createTableNodeElement();
    //           tabelm.setAttribute1(wdContext.nodeSChild1().getSChild1ElementAt(i).getAttribute1());
    //           tabelm.setAttribute2(wdContext.nodeSChild1().getSChild1ElementAt(i).getAttribute2());
    //           tabelm.setAttribute3(wdContext.nodeSChild1().getSChild1ElementAt(i).getAttribute3());
    //           wdContext.nodeTableNode().addElement(tabelm);
              String att1 = wdContext.nodeSChild1().getSChild1ElementAt(i).getAttribute1();
              String att2 = wdContext.nodeSChild1().getSChild1ElementAt(i).getAttribute2();
              String att3 = wdContext.nodeSChild1().getSChild1ElementAt(i).getAttribute3();
                     msg.reportSuccess("Row ("i") : "att1"====="att2"======"+att3);
    } catch (WDDynamicRFCExecuteException e) {
         wdComponentAPI.getMessageManager().reportException("Message : "+ e.getMessage(),true);

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